Leonid Slutsky coach biography. Who will Leonid Slutsky work after CSKA

Where football is truly loved and able to take care of it. This is so, without any hints. During the contract with CSKA Slutsky communicated with dozens of foreigners - from Brazilians to Ivorians. Naturally, Leonid Viktorovich also found a common language with the Europeans without any problems. So Slutsky should not have any particular difficulties in Europe - he is a contact person, of a European mindset and always ready to learn.

Apparently, the owner of the Dutch "Vitesse" thinks the same way - a citizen of the Russian Federation Alexander Chigirinsky. The interest of this team in Slutsky is actively discussed Russian media last time. An average club in a quality championship, where passivity in attack is equated with a mortal sin. Why not start a European career in relatively calm conditions?

Championship Team Head Coach

This is the first English league in case someone doesn't know. “It would be extremely interesting for me to try my hand at a foreign club if someone needs me. But here's the thing: the leading clubs, of course, are not interested in me. And lower-level teams won't even apply, because CSKA is constantly playing in the Champions League and his coach seems out of reach for them. But, in general, I am ready for the English Championship, ”Slutsky’s words are dated last summer.

Now there is also information that some Championship clubs are interested in Leonid Viktorovich. And it doesn't matter which team. In no case should you be ashamed of the first English division - in terms of level it is not much inferior to the Russian one, but only one good year, and you are a participant best league peace. APL.

Not just in the Championship works, say, the winner of the Champions League Rafael Benitez. If he himself, then why not Slutsky show up in the Championship?

Slutsky does not need to be ashamed of the first English division.

Premier League head coach

And why, in fact, not. No one says that tomorrow, at the same time, Chelsea and Manchester City will be kicked out to hell Conte With Guardiola to argue for Slutsky. It is clear that English top clubs do not need a Russian coach. Except for internships.

However, teams from the bottom of the table may pay attention to Slutsky. In Europe, he is quite famous - no matter how sarcastically some fans talk about the game of CSKA in the Champions League, Slutsky, for example, beat Manchester City away in it. And almost beat Manchester United at Old Trafford.

Such things English functionaries remember and never forget. Of course, the appointment of Slutsky in the conditional "Watford" or "Middlesroe" will be a sensation. But there is nothing impossible in this - after all, the Premier League is now booming for coaches from all over the planet. And, by the way, the same "Middlesbrough" held a training camp in ... Marbella in the winter. Playing on the same fields as CSKA. If other representatives of Middlesbrough, what prevented Slutsky from establishing contact?

The Russian national team is an average team, you need to understand this a long time ago.

Team head coach

Not Russia. Slutsky is also an exceptionally ambitious person. And the wound left after Euro 2016 will surely bother him more than once. This just like that, for six months, is not forgotten. Slutsky himself said that he was a club coach, and work with the Russian national team partly proved this. Plus, Leonid Viktorovich admitted that some things that had an effect in CSKA did not bring success in the national team.

I can’t believe that Slutsky is not at all interested in proving to himself: “I can coach the national team. Train successfully." The Russian national team is an average team, you need to understand this a long time ago. Therefore, the options, say, with Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Armenia are no worse than the domestic one. And much better. Especially if Slutsky is offered a calm, systematic work with the national team. The whole cycle, a few years, and not an urgent rescue operation for Russia Euro 2016.

KVN team captain

Leonid Viktorovich is a multifaceted person. He loves football, but he is by no means only interested in how to deliver the ball to the goal. But also many other things in life. For example, he loves KVN - he watched it hundreds of times (including live), sat on the jury and himself showed his humorous skills a little.

After working as a head coach, Slutsky will not be able to just be a KVN player.

Now there will be time to do it not only episodically. And quite complete. Well, what, Slutsky knows how to speak, knows how to joke, knows how to make sure that he is listened to. Hardly stage fright. Therefore, Leonid Viktorovich has all the skills to participate in KVN. But after working as a head coach, he is unlikely to be just a team player. But to reflect on the tactics of speeches and fast transition from home to stage - Slutsky's vocation.

Leonid Slutsky is the main coach of the CSKA club, part-time coach of the Russian national football team. The athlete has many sports awards and the title of Honored Coach. In 2016, under his leadership, FC CSKA won the national championship (as well as in 2014 and 2013), twice the "soldiers" became the winners of the Cup (2013, 2011) and the Russian Super Cup (2014, 2013).

In his youth, Leonid was a promising goalkeeper, but his career was cut short due to an accident, but now the country has an equally worthy coach.

Childhood and youth of Leonid Slutsky. Injury

Leonid Viktorovich was born in May 1971 in one of the maternity hospitals in Volgograd. At the age of six, a misfortune happened in the family - his father, Victor, a master of sports in boxing, died. Little Lenya was raised by a mother who worked in kindergarten.

As a child, Leonid attended football section"Spartacus", participated in local amateur performances. After school, which he graduated with a gold medal, Slutsky entered the institute physical education hometown. The young man perfectly combined his studies with playing football, playing for youth team"Star" (Gorodishche) as a goalkeeper, and graduated from high school with honors.

A young and promising player showed great promise. But his kindness and responsiveness played a cruel joke on him: one autumn evening, while helping to get a neighbor's house cat from a poplar, Leonid could not stay on a branch and fell to the ground from a decent height. Numerous fractures and a concussion put an end to the career of a promising football player. He spent a year in the hospital, trying in vain to rehabilitate himself.

Coaching career of Leonid Slutsky

In 1993, a 22-year-old football player assembled his team of 12-year-old boys who dreamed of football - Olimpia. In parallel, he studied at the graduate school of his native university. Many of his first "pets" later grew into professional football players. In 1999, his team won the Russian Cup among amateurs and received the right to move to the second division.

From 2001 to 2003, Leonid Slutsky coached players from Uralan's double, and under his leadership, the "replacement" team in 2002 took a silver place in the doubles championship. After the relegation of FC from the Higher Division, Slutsky took the place of the head coach, but soon, due to lack of funding, the club was deprived of a license.

After the collapse of Uralan, the coach received an offer from FC Moskva and coached doubles until 2005, when he was appointed mentor of the main team, and the first match with the new coach ended with the victory of the garnet-blacks at Spartak with a score of 3: 1. In 2007, under the leadership of Slutsky, Moskva took 4th place in the Russian Cup and got the opportunity to participate in the UEFA Cup. However, despite the tangible fruits of Slutsky's activities, the club terminated the contract with him without waiting for the expiration.

“Love the footballer! Leonid Slutsky"

However, the proven coach did not remain without work, in November of the same 2007 he signed a three-year contract with the Samara Wings of the Soviets. The first season under his mentorship brought the team 6th place in the Russian championship. For two years Samarans confidently went forward, until the match with Terek, which ended in the defeat of Krylia with a score of 3:2. There were rumors that the match was fixed; there was discord in the team, the results of the game dropped noticeably, and in October 2009 Leonid Viktorovich filed a letter of resignation to the president of the football club.

Leonid Slutsky in CSKA

In 2009, Leonid Slutsky headed the CSKA professional team. The debut match of the coach Slutsky in the new team was the match with Terek Grozny - the victory of CSKA with a score of 1:0. On next match CSKA played a draw (3:3) with Manchester United on home stadium English. At the end of the season, the players for the first time in the history of the club were able to reach the playoffs of the Champions League.

In the one-eighth final of the Champions League, Slutsky's team beat a serious opponent, the Spanish Sevilla, with a score of 2: 1 on the road, after which they reached the quarterfinals, where they met Inter Milan twice and lost twice with a score of 0: 1. Despite the defeat, this game is a historic moment for the Moscow club and the domestic football sport in general.

In 2011, the football club once again received an honorary trophy - the Cup of Russia, Slutsky's first award. However, in the spring of the '11/12 season, the results of the team were not so rosy: 3 wins in 11 matches. CSKA took third place in the national championship, and Slutsky resigned, but the team's management decided to keep him as a coach until the end of the contract in 2012.

In November 2012, the contract with Slutsky was extended for another two years according to the original 3 + 2 scheme. In the new season, the team flew out of the Europa League, but was able to concentrate on the internal game. CSKA defeated Anzhi Makhachkala in the final match, and at the end of the season, Leonid Viktorovich was recognized as the best coach according to the RFU.

In the summer of 2013, in the fight for the Russian Super Cup, CSKA beat St. Petersburg Zenit with a crushing score of 3: 0. After that, Slutsky became one of the five RPL coaches who collected all domestic football trophies, standing on a par with Yuri Semin, Valery Gazaev, Luciano Spalletti and Kurban Berdyev.

CSKA demonstrates inconstancy in the game - there are ups and downs. For example, in the summer of 2015, CSKA demonstrated an unbeaten streak of 14 matches and placed on the first line of the Russian Championship table, showed success in the first stages of the Russian Cup, but subsequently the club lost ground and also failed in the Champions League.

At the 2016 Russian Championship, CSKA became the winner for the sixth time in the history of the club. winning goal Alan Dzagoev scored against Rubin. Three weeks earlier, CSKA had been defeated in the final of the Russian Cup, losing to Zenit with a score of 4:1.

Personal life of Leonid Slutsky

Although the childhood of the future coach passed without a father, this did not stop Leonid from becoming a real man who truly knows how to love and openly demonstrate his feelings. Leonid is married to Irina, the couple has a son, Dmitry, who was born in 2005. The coach's wife is far from sports, her professional field is philosophy, but she supports Leonid Viktorovich and cheers for his wards. in the Russian national football team in connection with the resignation Italian coach. It was no coincidence that the choice fell on the mentor of the “army men”, since he managed to “grow” several successful football players and bring your football club to noticeable results. Together with him, the Russian national football team went to Euro 2016.

The first match (against a strong opponent - England) ended in a draw with a score of 1:1. The winning goal during extra time was scored by Vasily Berezutsky. However, the next game against the Slovakian team ended in a defeat for Russia (1:2), despite a goal scored by Denis Glushakov. Slutsky commented on the situation, noting that the team lost due to an urgent change in strategy due to a missed goal.

The match between Russia and Wales ended in an absolute defeat of the Slutsky team - 0:3. As a result, Russia finished fourth in the group and failed to qualify for the playoffs. After returning to Russia, Slutsky announced that he would leave the position of coach of the national team and focus on training with CSKA. The post of coach of the Russian national team was transferred to

Last updated: 11/29/2016


Leonid Viktorovich Slutsky was born in 1971 in Volgograd. His father died when Slutsky was only six years old. Mom worked as a kindergarten teacher, and later as its head.

Slutsky began playing football from the third grade, studying at the Spartak football school. He played as a goalkeeper in the Zvezda team. However, the "field" career of the budding goalkeeper was short-lived. Slutsky climbed up to remove the neighbor's kitten from the tree and fell, crushing knee-joint. Since the young man could no longer play after the injury, he decided to become a football coach.

coaching career

After graduating from the Volgograd State Institute of Physical Culture with honors, Slutsky in 1993 entered graduate school. At the same time, he began coaching career, working with a group of 12-year-old football players at the Volgograd "Olympia". In this team, he raised such famous football players, How Roman Adamov, Denis Kolodin, Vitaly Kazantsev, Andrey Bochkov And Maxim Burchenko. In 1999, the club took first place in the "South" zone of the Amateur football league and won the Cup of Russia among the Collectives of Physical Culture (KFK). Olimpia won the right to play in the second division of Russia in football.

In 2001, the then Main coach Elista "Uralan" Sergey Pavlov invited Slutsky to lead the backup team. In 2002 he took 2nd place in the championship among doubles. In 2003, after the relegation of Uralan from the Higher Division, Slutsky was replaced as the head coach of the club Igor Shalimov. After the disbandment of Uralan, Slutsky was offered a position as coach of the Moscow double.

In July 2005, he replaced as a coach of the main team of FC Moscow Valeria Petrakov. Under Slutsky, in the first match, the team beat Spartak - 3: 1. In the 2007 season the club last round claimed the first championship medals in its history and reached the final of the Cup of the country. At the end of the season management football club decided to dismiss Slutsky from the post of head coach. The media did not report the reasons for terminating the contract.

In November 2007, Slutsky became the new head coach of the team, replacing Alexandra Tarkhanova. On December 21, he signed a three-year contract with the Wings. In the very first season, he achieved the 6th place with the team in the Russian championship, and at the same time brought the Volzhans to European competitions.

On October 9, 2009, Slutsky wrote a letter of resignation from the Wings of his own free will. It was accepted by the president of the club Igor Zavyalov.


On October 26, 2009, Slutsky was appointed head coach of CSKA, the contract was signed according to the 3 + 2 year scheme.

In 2010, CSKA, under the leadership of Slutsky, reached the quarterfinals in the Champions League, but dropped out of the tournament, losing on aggregate to Italian Inter. In the 2010 Russian Championship, the club took second place.

In May 2011, CSKA, under the leadership of Slutsky, won the Russian Football Cup for the sixth time, beating Alania Vladikavkaz with a score of 2: 1.

On July 13, 2013, CSKA beat Zenit 3-0 in the Super Cup match. After this victory, Slutsky became the fifth coach in history Russian prime minister league (RPL), which managed to win all the national trophies (before this, a similar result was achieved Yuri Semin, Valery Gazzaev, Luciano Spalletti And Kurban Berdyev).

From August 7, 2015 to June 30, 2016, he was the head coach of the Russian national football team. He replaced in this post Fabio Capello.

How much did Capello cost Russia?

A television

In his youth, Slutsky participated in KVN and played for the Third Sons team from Volgograd: in one of his performances, he sang a song, imitating the Detective from the cartoon In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians.

In 2006, he took part in the comedy show Good Jokes.

In the 2013 KVN Premier League final, he helped the MFUA team (Volgograd / Moscow) win by performing an extravagant dance on stage.

In the semi-finals of the Major League of KVN in 2014, he took part in the "STEM with a Star", where he played the role of an amateur club coach from Dolgoprudny in the performance of the "Phystech Team".


Wife Irina, son Dmitriy.



  • Finalist of the Cup of Russia: 2006/07.
  • Flag of Russia CSKA.
  • Champion of Russia (2): 2012/13, 2013/14.
  • Russian Cup Winner (2): 2010/11, 2012/13.
  • Winner of the Russian Super Cup (2): 2013, 2014.
  • Silver medalist of the Russian Championship (2): 2010, 2014/15.
  • Bronze medalist championship of Russia: 2011/2012.


  • Honored Coach of Russia.
  • Best Coach of the year according to the RFU (2): 2012/13, 2013/14.

It doesn't seem to me important who manages Hull, what plans they had for the season, what place was given to these plans. Leonid Slutsky and what mistakes were made along the way. In the same way, it is not important, in my opinion, to what extent Slutsky's regalia and his achievements in the Russian championship (absolute), or in the Champions League (comparative) can be called into question by his, so to speak, challic practice.

It does not matter, because the first did not interest me before, and will not interest me after. And for the second, I know the exact answer, which I will return to later. Let me say first about what is essential, important and beautiful in its own way.

"He can be great, but not with these idiots." Fans about the departure of Slutsky

Hull fans are sincerely sorry to part with the Russian coach.

Look, a year ago, Slutsky left CSKA after the last match in the group with Tottenham, and it looked dramatic. He went nowhere. big Russian clubs a coach was not required, CSKA seemed to be a dry mine, where once it was possible to dig up a lot of beauty, but everything in the past, in the year of leaving, was still a failure at the Euro.

No failure at the devil's horns in England can compare with this in terms of drama and negativity of the background. Well, yes, it was a well-fed, prosperous, well-known devil. But who cared about this "Hull"?

To be Russian and at the same time to buy Pogrebnyak to strengthen the composition means to be either a fool or a general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Championship is not worried about this at all. He excites when they break out of it and make noise there, like Bournemouth. Or just surprise like Huddersfield. Or when it's "Reading", which had a nice young Russian owner - do you remember his name? I remember. To be Russian and at the same time buy to strengthen the composition precisely Pogrebnyak- means to be either a fool or a general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As far as there is a wide spread in concepts, judge for yourself.

In general, this is the scheme by which we know the Championship. This is a place that is interesting to us, our public, mainly as a metaphor for such a dark basement, or an incredible hinterland, or almost a cesspool. When they get out of there into the light of day and turn out to be capable, it surprises us.

That same Huddersfield, right?

But this is a club with a history that goes beyond 100 years. And the story that the most inquisitive Russian journalists are now learning about is exactly how a relatively young German coach ended up there, how they made it through the playoffs, a wonderful story with season tickets that are sold at a loss of 100 pounds, because the owner promised it , playing a few more divisions below…

We will know all this now, but how? We're just translating it. And in England it was interesting at every stage of Huddersfield's life. Both documented and told. This is about the same as being surprised by the information from a physics textbook for the seventh grade, which is actually surprising only because it has not fallen into our hands before.

That is the price of absolutely any analysis of Slutsky's stay in Hull, made from Russia. This is a world (or little world), which we not only do not know, but which is completely alien to us. This is a curiosity and will remain so. For us "Hull", for the British Slutsky in it.

Leonid Viktorovich and I have quite different fields, but nevertheless, here I am as a commentator last year spent commenting on the Championship. Does this add anything to your knowledge of my career, its development or decline? No. I just disappeared. What is the experience I got there? Yes, I find it difficult to define myself. He definitely was, immersion in terra incognita will certainly carry him in himself. But what to talk about it, he is closed in himself. Like a callus: it is there - and if so, you definitely worked. Are you looking at calluses? Do you discuss with friends?

Don't be the quiet girlfriends of a dashing high school girl. Be sure she liked it. She was perfectly fine!

Incidentally, the British are interested in Slutsky to the same extent. All the same, in the most memorable way in its history, "Hull" was celebrated by a great writer Nick Hornby, but not even in the football book, by the way. How? Oh, you don't know that either?

But what am I getting at?

A year ago, Slutsky left CSKA even worse than nowhere. He went on vacation. In voluntary unclaimedness. This is a nightmare of any coach, of course.

Now Slutsky can choose. If we talk about Russia - anything but CSKA (and he already left there) and Spartak (and he would never have come there, a year ago for sure). "Locomotive" is also not required, but oh well; but Krasnodar, Zenit, Rubin… they just can't stop thinking about it. What exactly their interest is is a technical question.

In our football, for the twentieth or more season, Semin, Tarkhanov, Gadzhiev. Well, they are great, what can I say. But the place has been vacated, but there are no new coaches. That's what's important! Simply no. Neither Karpin, nor Grishina, nor Alenicheva(League 1, a great playground at 45) - and this is not about losers either, it's just about our football.

Question of the day. Is Slutsky's English career over?

What reputation did he manage to earn and will he be able to find a job in a European club in the future? Answered by experts and readers.

Slutsky, understand, did not take risks. Even in the word “decided” there is a lot of pathos, because there are at most one and a half more people who could be offered such a job. It wouldn't have occurred to me.

Slutsky did not take risks, because he did not lose anything.

Is it a failure? Certainly.

That's just in vain you say: "He at least tried." Don't be the quiet girlfriends of a dashing high school girl. Be sure she liked it. She was perfectly fine! As that memorable anecdote said: "Sarah liked it too, and then she nursed seven gangsters, not counting the girls."

The question is different. Will Slutsky go to the conditional Zenit now? Or will it wait?

In fact, they can still call him to lead some team. And what, the championship in Russia, a Russian coach, with experience in big tournaments, and in European competitions, and in England. Any free team will think about it, except Saudi Arabia, but they are already fighting prejudice, judging by the princes.

A year ago, Slutsky left, putting freedom of choice above all of all values. A year later, his choice is much wider and more diverse.

Yes, Hull was a failure. Unconditional. Unconditional.

But a year ago, Slutsky left, putting freedom of choice above all of all values. A year later, his choice is much wider and more diverse.

You are for Leonid Viktorovich, in general, do not worry. He is with us for a long time, and it will be an interesting story.

Where will Slutsky be taken after Hull: 7 options

Leonid Slutsky left Hull City. He is now unemployed and open to offers. Where can a 46-year-old coach continue his career?

CSKA Moscow head coach

Russian football coach, head coach of the Moscow football club CSKA since October 2009. Previously - head coach of FC Krylya Sovetov (2007-2009), head coach of FC Moscow (2005-2007).

His father, a master of sports in boxing, died when Leonid was six years old. According to the stories of Slutsky himself, his mother raised him - a teacher, and later - the head of a kindergarten, an honored worker of public education. “Mom invested in me everything that made me work so well with young people,” the coach later noted,,,.

Slutsky from childhood was interested in sports, in particular football, and in the third grade he enrolled in football school at the Spartak stadium in Volgograd. He graduated from high school with a gold medal, after which he entered the Volgograd State Institute of Physical Culture. At the same time, the athlete became a goalkeeper in the Zvezda team (Gorodishche, Volgograd region). However, his career as a footballer was quickly interrupted as a result of a domestic injury: when falling from a tree ("it was useful to shoot a neighbor's cat"), Slutsky crushed his knee joint. As part of the team, he spent only 13 matches,,.

The athlete graduated from the Institute with honors in 1993. Then he entered graduate school and was invited to the position children's trainer Volgograd football club "Olympia". Subsequently, among the pupils of Slutsk, the press named Roman Adamov, Denis Kolodin, Andrey Bochkov and Maxim Burchenko - football players who played in the teams of the Russian football premier league. "Olympia" under the leadership of Slutsky has repeatedly become the winner of tournaments at various levels, including the Russian Cup among non-professional physical culture teams (1999). The media talked about the KVN team "Third Son" created by Slutsky at Olympia: the coach, who "always resented that many consider athletes limited," not only took part in the creation of the first productions for the team's performances, but also sang and danced on stage. , , .

In 2001, Slutsky headed the backup team of the Uralan club (Elista, Republic of Kalmykia). In the doubles tournament in 2001, his wards took fourth place, and a year later they took second. After Uralan dropped out of the Premier League in 2003 and returned to the first division, Slutsky received an offer to take the position of head coach of the first team. However, as a result of the financial crisis, the team broke up,,,.

In 2004, Slutsky headed the backup team of the Moscow football club. After the team's victory in the Premier League doubles tournament, Slutsky became the head coach of FC Moskva in July 2005. Under his leadership, the club in the same year took fifth place in the Russian championship and sixth in 2006. In 2007, FC Moskva reached the final of the Russian Cup, but lost to Lokomotiv in extra time, and the club took fourth place in the Premier League. At the end of the season, the leadership of the football club decided to dismiss Slutsky from the post of head coach,,,,. The media wrote that the owner of Moscow, businessman Mikhail Prokhorov, was dissatisfied with the team's game.

In the same year, Slutsky signed a contract with the Wings of the Soviets (Samara). Under his leadership, the club in 2008 took sixth place in Russian Premier League, but by the beginning of October 2009 it dropped to standings in tenth place. In the same month, the head coach of "Wings of the Soviets" filed a letter of resignation of his own free will,. A few days later, on October 26, 2009, Slutsky was appointed head coach of the CSKA football club,,,.

In 2010, CSKA, under the leadership of Slutsky, reached the quarterfinals in the Champions League, but dropped out of the tournament, losing on aggregate to the Italian Inter,. The club finished second in the 2010 Russian Championship. In May 2011, CSKA, under the leadership of Slutsky, won the Russian Football Cup for the sixth time, beating Alania Vladikavkaz with a score of 2: 1.

According to Slutsky's colleagues, the coach is fanatically in love with football. It was noted that he is a “very simple and sociable person”, soft in life, and yet, he is strict and demanding on the field and “knows how to keep his distance with the players”,. In his free time, he loves to read (Slutsky himself named Rudyard Kipling, Paolo Coelho and Sidney Sheldon among his favorite writers) and watch theatrical performances.

Leonid Slutsky is married, he and his wife Irina, a philosopher by education, have a son, Dmitry, born in 2005 [