Thierry Henry is one of the most successful French footballers. Biography of Thierry Henry now

Thierry Henry is called a football miracle: French, English, Spanish. And even American, although in the US football is not as popular as in Europe. The list of titles of a football player pulls more than a dozen points. Henri owns a lot of records and prizes. The only thing that can upset an athlete is the lack of a Golden Ball.

Thierry Daniel was born near Paris, in the town of Les Ulis, in August 1977. By nationality, Henri Antilec: father Antoine is from Guadeloupe, mother Maris is from Martinique. Becoming sports biography Thierry was promoted by his father, who in every possible way supported his son's passion, followed the regime and arranged him for various clubs. Neither the birth defect of the boy's foot, nor the divorce of his parents that happened in 1985, nor the ridicule of Willy's older brother did not interfere with the movement forward.

Once Antoine lost his job due to being late, because he took Thierry to training. According to the first coach, Claude Chezel, the boy's shortcomings faded before the ambitions and perseverance of Henri Sr. The man quarreled with the judges, the parents of other children, if he believed that his pet was being offended.

Among the first teams young football player the youth teams of Les Jules, Palaiseau and Viry-Chatillon were listed. In the end, Thierry ended up in an elite football center in Clairefontaine. At one of the matches, the student who scored 6 goals was noticed by Arnold Catalano, the manager of the Monaco club, and invited him to the backup team.


Thierry joined Monaco at the age of 17. The mentor of the "red-whites" is the main character in the development of Henry's career. The coach determined the position of the player on the field, moving from midfielders to forwards. As part of the Monegasques, the footballer spent 5 seasons, led the team to victory in the national championship and won the French Cup, reached the Champions League semi-finals without missing Manchester United, led by.

In 1997, bypassing the club, Henry managed to sign a contract with Real Madrid. The Madrid team promised a monthly salary of $40,000 and another million for the first time. However, Antoine kept silent that the agreement with Monaco expires only after a year.

Of course, the deal was canceled, and FIFA also fined the daredevil. Thierry spent one season at Juventus. However, things did not work out in the "old lady" as Marcelo Lippi returned Henry to the role of midfielder, in which the Frenchman felt uncomfortable - only 3 goals in 19 matches. The unpromising, as it seemed to them, football player, the Italians with a light heart were released to Arsenal for £ 10 million, to which Wenger had transferred at that time.

Before leaving for foggy Albion, Thierry managed to receive the Order of the Legion of Honor for winning the home world championship and becoming the first in the national team in terms of the number of goals scored.

London's Arsenal have flourished professional career Henri. Thanks to Wenger, the player turned into a key figure in the team, for whom everyone else worked. Thierry scored 226 goals for the club, becoming top scorer in his history. The team that played in the 2003/2004 season without a single defeat was recognized as the best in English Premier League since its foundation. In recognition of the striker's contribution to the success of Arsenal, a monument to Henri was erected near home stadium and gave him the nickname "King". The size of the bronze statue is almost twice the "original" in height, not to mention the weight (the attacker's parameters are 188 cm and 83 kg).

Best Goals Thierry Henry in Arsenal

The decision to part with the Gunners, as Thierry admitted in an interview, was the most difficult in life and a significant loss. Arsenal will always be in my heart, in my mind, in my blood." The departure of David Dane, the coach's hesitation and uncertainty about the future prompted the footballer to take this step. There were also those who suggested that Henri went to Spain for new trophies.

In part, this version was justified. The player more than earned the €24 million laid out for him. In his three seasons at Barcelona, achievement list Thierry was replenished with two titles of the national champion, the winner of the UEFA Champions League, and the Spanish Cup and Super Cup appeared in the treasury of awards. In the meantime, Henry added a victory in the European Championship and the silver medal of the 2006 World Cup, in which he lost the Ballon d'Or, to the French team.

During qualifying match for the 2010 World Cup, Thierry gained "fame", which was illuminated by "divine blessing" at the 1986 tournament. Henry played a hand in the meeting with Ireland, allowing France to reach the final stage.

One of the best football players of our time overseas. From 2010 to 2014 Henry played in the US and Canadian top flight with the New York Red Bulls. In America, the striker retained the 14th game number, under which he played in Europe.

Thierry Henry with New York Red Bulls

The King returned to London twice more: in 2012 - on a short-term loan, in 2015 - as a coach of the Arsenal youth team.

Personal life

Thierry is the father of two children. The mother of the eldest daughter Tia is the ex-wife of a football player, model Nicole (Claire) Merry. Henri divorced his wife in 2007. According to rumors, the reason for the breakup was the striker's excessive love for revelry in the company of girls. At the trial, the interests of the woman were represented by a lawyer, the athlete turned for help to the office that defended.

In October 2008, in Spain, Henri met another girl of model appearance - Andrea Rajacic. After 4 years, a son, Tristan, was born in a family not bound by official ties. In memory of this event, Thierry got a tattoo. personal life Henri carefully guards: “ Instagram" and "Facebook" celebrities are dedicated exclusively to football.

The former football player loves music. She helped Henri tune in to the game and relaxed in her free time. Favorite performers -, and. In America, Thierry became addicted to basketball, became friends with the defender of the San Antonio Spurs, Tony Parker. The place of stay in the States for Henri was the house in which they lived, and.

In 2006, Islam became the main religion for Thierry. The athlete said that he changed his faith under the influence of teammates and Eric Abidal.

famous french sports columnist, writing for France Football, Philippe Auclair, even when Henri was a Barcelona player, began to write a book about him. An essay titled “Thierry Henry. Loneliness at the top” is not only a story about the life and development of a great football player. The author reflected on what became the motive for committing certain acts of both the athlete and his entourage.

Thierry Henry now

A talent like Thierry Henry will not go to waste. Even before the end of his career with the New York Red Bulls, the Frenchman received a tempting offer from the Sky Sports group of sports television channels. Former football player it was proposed to be an expert of the company for 6 years and receive for this the highest salary in the world for such a role - £ 4 million.

In addition, Henry received a special license and, at the invitation of Arsene Wenger, joined the Arsenal coaching staff. But soon Wenger put his colleague before a choice - football or television. Thierry chose the latter. And Roberto Martinez from the Belgian national team did not put forward any ultimatums. Henri donates € 50 thousand a year in the national team to the fight against AIDS and genetic diseases.

After Wenger quit at the end of the 2017/2018 season, Arsenal considered the candidacy former player to the post of head coach along with Patrick Vieira and Massimiliano Allegri. A year earlier, Henry had been considered for the role of Wales coach. But in both cases, the owners decided not in favor of the Frenchman.

The director of the blockbuster "Cards, Money, Two Smoking Barrels" shot an entertaining video for the 2018 World Cup. In it, in addition to Thierry, and are involved.


  • 1997 - Winner of the French Cup
  • 1998 - World Cup Champion
  • 2000 - European champion
  • 2002, 2004 - English champion, FA Super Cup winner
  • 2009 - Spanish Cup and Super Cup winner, UEFA Super Cup winner, Club World Cup and Champions League winner
  • 2009, 2010 - Champion of Spain
  • 2010, 2013 - winner of the Eastern Conference of professional football league USA and Canada

Thierry Daniel Henri was born and raised in the suburbs of Paris. His family was not rich and by the time our hero was born - August 17, 1977 - already had one son. IN kindergarten Thierry did not walk and therefore had a lot of time for football. From morning to evening, the boy tirelessly rushed around the field with his peers, which his father did not like very much. Thierry had to get scolded for tattered sneakers and a torn T-shirt. The older brother did not stand aside in this situation, seeing that at the sight of the ball or the mention of the word "football" on television, his younger brother's eyes lit up. Secretly from his father, Henri continued to play, and when it was time to return home, his brother met him. On tiptoe, they made their way inside the house, where Thierry could then wash himself, while his brother sewed up his clothes. It should be said that the latter was the only person who believed that Henry could become an outstanding football player.

Thierry Henry in New York Red Bulls uniform. Photo ©AFP

Once, making their way home, the brothers had the imprudence to get caught by their father. From the wrath of his father, Thierry saved his mother, although she also liked her son's secret football lessons. A week later, his father entered his room and expressed a desire to see with his own eyes how he plays. Henri's joy knew no bounds. The boy gladly accepted the offer, as if his whole life depended on this match. Actually, that's what happened. In the evening, the whole family gathered for dinner, during which the decision was ripe: family savings will go to pay for Thierry's studies at the French national youth football academy. The father let his son go with mixed feelings. On the one hand, there was hope that Henry would be able to achieve great heights in football. At the same time, there was a danger that it might not work out. As always in such situations, there was no guarantee.

At first, Thierry had an unusual time at school: living away from his family was a curiosity. But his adult life began, and along with football classes, he was taught subjects studied by peers in ordinary educational institutions. Soon, Henry began to play better and better, which attracted the attention of coaches. Brilliant specialists worked with young people in France at that time. To be convinced of their fruitfulness, it is enough to recall David Trezeguet and Nicolas Anelka. With the latter, by the way, Thierry studied in the same group, and they quickly got along. And to this day, Anelka and Henri are the closest friends. Thierry's success at the youth level was not long in coming. This seemingly frail teenager soon drew the attention of Arsene Wenger, who at that time headed Monaco. Now Henri declares that if this mentor did not notice him then, his career would hardly have been as successful.

Thierry Henry during the match "Swansea" - "Arsenal". Photo ©AFP

Henry's debut in the adult "Monaco" took place in 1994. Prior to that, he played for the youth team, and in one of the fights, which ended with a score of 6:0, he scored ... all six goals. In his first season at the professional level, Henry took part in 8 matches, in which he scored three times. During the years of his stay in the Monegasque camp, he became a real idol for the fans, having scored 20 goals in 105 meetings between 94 and 99. In 1996, he was recognized as the best young football player in France, and in the 96/97 season, Thierry, as part of Monaco, won the national title. Perhaps in the early years, Henry's game at the club was not so effective. However, the trust of the coach helped him become a true professional. It is worth noting that when Thierry was 19, real Madrid expressed great interest in his services. But Wenger flatly refused to sell his pupil, arguing that, having got into such a stellar ensemble, Thierry could simply “burn out”, as often happens with young talents.

But in the national team from the very beginning, Henry's affairs were successful. First of all, the youth coaches turned their attention to him, where Thierry scored a goal in the first match. In most fights, Henry's attacking partner was none other than Anelka. At the same time, there was a shortage of sharp forwards in the main French team. In the end, Aimé Jacquet, who at that time was in charge of the "tricolors", decided, along with Christophe Dugarry and Stéphane Givarsh, to include young Trezeguet and Henry in the application for the World Cup final. In front of the eyes of the whole world, Thierry did not hit the face in the dirt, in the starting fights group stage- against the teams of South Africa and Saudi Arabia - without leaving the field without a goal, and according to the results of the tournament, he became the best sniper of the French team with 3 goals. But in the decisive games, Jacquet preferred to bet on the more experienced Givarsh. And the decisive battle against the Brazilians, won by the "tricolor" with a score of 3:0, Thierry watched from the bench. However, his finest hour was ahead.

In 1999, due to disagreements with the management of Monaco, Jean Tigana, who also played a very important role in the development of Henry, left the post of head coach of the club. Following this, Thierry is sold. He himself did not interfere with the transition to Juventus, since it was tempting to try his hand in Italy. But in Turin, he did not work out. The mentors of the “old lady” did not reveal his true confession - to be a striker, having sent midfield to the left flank. The experience failed: having played in 16 matches, he scored 3 goals. Further, Henri considered it wise to change the situation. Arsene Wenger was, of course, the initiator of his move to London's Arsenal. This most interesting specialist, having left Monaco at the beginning of the 94/95 season, worked for two years in Japan - with Nagoya Grampus, with whom he won the J-League twice. After that, he decides to return to Europe, concluding a contract with Arsenal.

One after another, Wenger invites several players from Monaco to the team at once, in particular, Emmanuel Petit and Gilles Grimandi. After the first exploration season, which left to study the specifics of football in Britain, Arsene manages an impressive double - in 1998, the Gunners celebrate winning both the Premier League and the FA Cup. In the future, everything does not turn out so well. In addition, at the end of the 98/99 championship, Anelka becomes infected with the so-called star disease. Wenger acted extremely wisely in this situation. Since, having made a big name, Nicolas raised his quote to unimaginable heights, the mentor finds an exhaustive way out of the situation. Anelka is sold to Real Madrid, and Arsenal earn £22m from the deal, plus Croatian striker Davor Šuker to boot. However, the best sniper of the World Cup in France arrives on the islands not in the best functional readiness.

The place of the leader of the attack, therefore, remains vacant. Tell me, who better Henri fit for the vacant vacancy? Yes, a more suitable candidate simply did not exist. Besides, I had to fork out only 10 million pounds - not such a huge amount in today's times. From this moment on, a new stage begins in the biography of Henri. Of course, it took him several months to adapt in England. However, in the middle of the season, Thierry played out and by the beginning of Euro 2000 he had reserved the hypostasis of the impact tip of the French team. Already at the age of 23, Henry had not only the title of the World Cup holder, but also the title of European champion. Could his father have dreamed about this by sending him to a football school?

Best of the day

Thierry recently stated: "I am very grateful to Arsene for what he has done for me. I will try to repay him with my goals for Arsenal, which I love very much." Well, Henri keeps his word regularly. So what makes Thierry different from other strikers? First of all, good technique, developed reaction and high speed. Another trump card Henri - natural data If in his youth Thierry watched the battles on the French fields with admiration, now everyone admires him. And we just have to exclaim: "Bravo, Henri!"

Arsenal striker Thierry Henry's agent denied a newspaper report that the Frenchman had already agreed a three-year contract with the Catalan club.

Earlier, France Football magazine reported that the French international met with representatives of the Spanish club last week.

"There was no meeting. This is complete nonsense," said Jeff Weston, who represents Henri's rights. “There is no doubt that he will spend his next season at Arsenal.

The 29-year-old forward signed a four-year deal last year, but his future has been the subject of speculation after Henry said he was flattered by the interest from AC Milan.

France Football claimed that Henry's agent had agreed to a three-year, £6.8m-a-year contract with an option to extend for another season.

"It's all media speculation, that's how it was last year and the year before," Weston added.

Thierry Henry (football player for the American New York Red Bulls team) was born on August 17, 1977 in the small town of Les Ulis, which is a suburb of the French capital. The childhood of the future world star took place in the slums. His mother believed that the main goal of his son was to get a good education, but his father was of a different opinion and dreamed that he would sports career. At the age of seven, the boy showed a pretty good level of play, so dad easily got him into a local football school.

First football steps

Thierry Henry's biography of the football player began with the Palaiseau team, where he moved in 1989. A year later, he moved to Vitry-Châtillon, in which he performed quite successfully for three years. Thanks to his game, Henry interested the scouts of the eminent Monaco club. In 1992, he began to take part in matches for the team's backup team and eventually signed a full contract with this club. In 1994, the striker made his debut in games in the top French division. That season, he appeared on the field in 18 matches, in which he was able to score three goals.

Henri's rise as a footballer

Three years later, Thierry Henry, as part of Monaco, became the champion of the country. Moreover, he was recognized as the best young player in France, with whom Real Madrid subsequently signed a contract. Later, this deal was canceled due to the recognition of its illegality, because the rights to Henry were wholly owned by Monaco. A year later, he made his debut in the most prestigious club championship, the Champions League, and for the first time received an invitation to the national team of the country.

Be that as it may, the Frenchman did not stop: in early 1999, he was acquired by the Italian grand - Juventus. As part of the Italian championship, he spent 16 fights, but he was able to distinguish himself in them with only three goals. As a result of this, Thierry was put up for transfer.


In August 1999, Thierry Henry bought London's Arsenal. Very high hopes were placed on him, since the striker was called to replace Nicolas Anelka, who moved to Real Madrid. In the first matches new team he frankly disappointed the fans, however, in the second half of the championship, the Frenchman's game improved, which allowed him to eventually score 26 goals (the most in the team). Then Arsenal finished second in standings after Manchester United, and in the final of the UEFA Cup only in the penalty shoot-out lost to Galatasaray from Istanbul. The following season, Henry again became the best striker of his team.

In 2002, Arsenal won the English title and won the national cup. Thierry at the same time scored the largest number of goals in the entire championship. In 2004, the winners of the "Premier League" again became the Londoners, who did not lose a single match. The striker himself with 39 goals received the Golden Boot. The next season was not as successful. In 2006, Thierry Henry was recognized as the best player in England and the player of the year according to the English Association of Journalists.


In June 2007, the unexpected transfer of the striker to the Catalan Barcelona surprised the football community very much. Ten days after the Spanish debut, the striker scored a hat-trick in a duel against Levante. In his first season with the Blue Garnet, the Frenchman scored 19 goals.

Along with this, one cannot fail to note the fact that here the football player played in the position of an extreme midfielder, and not a forward, which Henri himself did not like very much. In 2009, together with Barcelona, ​​he won the national championship, the national cup and the Champions League. In July 2010, Thierry Henry became a player in the American New York Red Bulls, with whom he signed a contract for 4.5 years. He is still a part of this team.

National team

Starting in 1992, he took part in games for the French national team of different age categories. Debut for main team State he held in 1997. A year later, in its composition, he became the winner of the World Championship. At Euro 2000, Henry also won the European title. The next two world championships were not so successful for the French team. After the world championship, which was held in South Africa in 2010, the football player officially announced that he was completing his performances for the national team. In total, in the French national team shirt, he spent 123 games in which he managed to score 51 goals.


Henri is considered one of the club career he managed to win: in Monaco - the championship and the French Cup; in Juventus - the Intertoto Cup; in "Arsenal" - the championship, cup and Super Cup of England; in Barcelona - the championship, cup and super cup of Spain, the Champions League, the club world championship; in the French team - World and European Championships, and he also has a lot of personal awards. The only thing that, according to many experts, Thierry Henry deserved, but could not get - "Golden Ball" the best football player on the planet.

Personal life and social activities

The footballer is also very famous for his social activities. In particular, he is the head of a program whose goal is to combat racism. Among other things, it can often be seen in various commercials. It's no secret that he's a big NBA fan.

In 2003, the athlete married British model Nicole Merry, who gave birth to his daughter two years later. At the same time, after the transfer of the football player to Barcelona in 2007, information appeared in the press about the breakup of Thierry Henry's marriage. received £10 million from him. The Frenchman is currently dating another model, Andrea Rajaczyk. The couple even have a son, but they have not yet married.