Vitor Belfort fight statistics. Vitor Belfort biography, career, photos, videos, victories

Vitor Vieira Belfort (born 04/01/1977) is a Brazilian MMA fighter and former UFC light heavyweight champion and UFC 12 heavyweight champion. Belfort was born in Rio de Janeiro, and studied jiu-jitsu under Carlson Gracie. He is also the last Cage Rage Light Heavyweight Champion. He has victories over such champions as Luke Rockhold, Michael Bisping, Dan Henderson, Rich Franklin, Randy Couture and Wanderlei Silva, as well as victories over Matt Lindland and Anthony Johnson.

Belfort was born on April 1, 1977 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He began to get involved in martial arts from the age of five, over time he entered the Gracie school, where he began to actively learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Vitor won his first champion title at the age of 9, when he won the Brazilian championship, at the age of 10 he was given a black belt in jiu-jitsu. Today, Vitor Belfort is an exemplary family man, he is married to model Joanna Pradu, and is also the father of three children. In addition to martial arts, Vitor is fond of beach sports, loves pets and going to the movies. It is worth noting that he is fluent in French, Spanish and English.

Belfort's first fight in mixed martial arts, respectively, and his debut took place in the fall of 1996. His opponent was John Hess, whom Belfort knocked out in record time at 12 seconds into the first round. This fight made such a splash that Vitor was immediately invited to take part in the UFC tournament. He won the champion title at the 12th tournament, while he again defeated both of his rivals in a matter of seconds. Mike Tyson personally congratulated Belfort on such a success by phone. In 1999, during his debut match in the PRIDE series against Kazushi Sakuraba, Vitor was not only defeated, but also received a broken arm. After rehabilitating in 2001 after a series of regular victories in full-round fights, Belfort won a bronze medal in the grappling championship.

Vitor returned to the UFC in 2002, but now he competed in the light heavyweight category. The Brazilian's career began to gain new momentum after the victorious fight with Marvin Eastman, after which Vitor decided to race for the title. On January 31, 2004, Belfort received his title shot against Randy Couture. Vitor became the champion, but was dissatisfied with the result of the fight, as Couture lost due to a severe cut. Therefore, both fighters agreed to hold a rematch, which took place on August 21, 2004. This fight was also stopped due to the fighter's injury, but this time Randy Couture was the winner and regained the title.

After a series of unsuccessful fights and a serious injury, Belfort had his first fight in the championship in mixed martial arts Cage Rage. In just two years, Vitor managed to win the world title in this organization. The fighter tried his hand at professional boxing, in the spring of 2006, he had a duel with Josemaria Neves, whom Vitoru knocked out in the second minute of the fight. Bedforth also excelled in coaching, he participated in the reality show The Ultimate Fighter and coached one of the teams. Wanderlei Silva became his rivals in the show and, accordingly, the coach of the other team.

In 2012, Vitor had the opportunity to participate in another title fight against John Johnson. Belfort replaced the injured Dan Henderson, but, unfortunately, could not win, as he lost by submission. Nevertheless, Belfort was on the verge of victory, as he almost held a painful hold on his arm.

After losing to Jones, Belfort scored 3 victories in a row, finishing off Michael Bisping, Luke Rockhold and Dan Henderson ahead of schedule.

This series provided him with access to championship fight with Chris Weidman, who lost by TKO at UFC 187 in May 2015. After that, Belfort again defeated Dan Henderson, and lost the next two fights to Ronaldo Souza and Gegard Mousasi.

Belfort is expected to face Kelvin Gastelum on March 11, 2017 at UFC Fight Night 107.

Titles won by Belfort:

Champion title at UFC 12 in 1997 among heavyweight fighters;

Became the fourth UFC light heavyweight champion in 2004;

Received a fifth Light Heavyweight Championship at Cage Rage in 2007.

(Vitor Vieira Belfort) was born on April 1, 1977 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He started martial arts at the age of 8. Joins the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training at the Gracie School. At the age of 16, he won the title of Brazilian jiu-jitsu champion in the absolute weight category. At the age of 17 he receives a black belt.

“The legacy is what remains for the next generations, and you do not create all this for yourself. When I perform, I don't think about records and anything else, I just do what I love. It's been twenty years now. It's not personal. I am happy that God gave me these skills and the opportunity to develop and become better every day.”

Vitor Belfort career

Vitor Belfort began his career in mixed martial arts in October 1996, playing at the Hawaiian tournament against American John Hess. For Hess, the fight ended with a knockout in the 12th second of the first round. Young Belfort was then invited to compete in the Ultimate Fighting Championship tournament. UFC). In his first appearance in the UFC, he became the champion of the 12th tournament, defeating two heavyweight wrestlers, each in less than a minute. After this tournament, Mike Tyson called Vitor and congratulated him on success.

Soon Vitor Belfort was defeated technical knockout from experienced Greco-Roman wrestler and future multiple world champion Randy Couture. Vitor had two more fights in UFC, and for the first time descended into the lowest weight class- up to 93 kg, where in 1998 he defeated the Brazilian vale-tudo star Wanderlei Silva by knockout, and in 1999 he moved to competitions in the PRIDE series, where he lost his debut fight to the Japanese fighter Kazushi Sakuraba, having received a broken arm in the first round. During 2000-2001, he fought four more full-round fights in Japan and won each one, including defeating PRIDE star Heath Herring, who had no defeats in the championship and claimed the title. In 2001, Belfort also competed in the ADCC World Grappling Championships where he received a bronze medal in the freeweight division.

Vitor Belfort Return to UFC

In 2002, Vitor returned to the UFC, finally changing the weight category from heavy to light heavyweight. He suffered a third defeat in his career from Chuck Lidell, but after defeating the promising Marvin Eastman, whom he inflicted a deep cut with a knee strike, he entered the fight for the world title. Title fight took place on January 31, 2004 between 25-year-old Belfort and 40-year-old defending champion Randy Couture and ended in a very unpleasant victory for Vitor: at the 49th second, without yet entering a full-fledged fight, he cut Couture's left eyelid. The fight was stopped and the title formally passed to Belfort.

Disappointed with the result of the battle, the challenger and the champion agreed on a rematch. The rematch took place on August 21, 2004. Already the third fight between Belfort and Couture was also stopped by the decision of the doctor: Randy Couture regained the title after three rounds of total dominance over the young opponent. Subsequently, after the opening of Couture's own sports team"Xtreme Couture", Belfort joined in, and Randy himself could be seen among the corners of the Brazilian at the UFC competition.

At the end of 2005, Belfort made his debut in the British Cage Rage mixed martial arts championship, where he regained his well-deserved fame, two years later receiving the world champion title according to this organization. But the then opponents of Belfort were criticized - European fighters without special achievements at the global level.

In April 2006, Vitor Belfort tried himself in professional boxing. At the Minotauro Fight III tournament, which was held in El Salvador, Vitor defeated his compatriot Josemaria Neves by knockout in the second minute of the fight.

In 2008, Vitor returned to the USA, where he made his debut in the middle weight category (up to 84 kg) at the Affliction tournaments. In this weight, he defeated two opponents by knockouts, including Olympic medalist wrestler Matt Lindland. This victory significantly raised Belfort in the world rankings.

In the fall of 2009, Belfort returned to the Absolute Fighting Championship in the middle weight category. In the first fight, he won a decisive knockout victory over former world champion Rich Franklin. For the high technique and spectacular performance, Vitor received the "Knockout of the Night" award ($65,000) from the organizers of the tournament. In the second fight, Belfort challenged the UFC world title, which has belonged to Anderson Silva since 2006.

The fight was postponed several times due to injuries to both fighters received in the process, and was eventually scheduled for the 126th round of the UFC. The confrontation between the two Brazilian champions, heated up by numerous promotions and disputes between the fighters in the press, lasted for only three minutes of the first round. Silva knocked out Belfort with a devastating frontal kick to the head and finished off the fighter on the floor. Six months after this failure, Vitor had a quick and decisive fight with the popular Asian fighter Yoshihiro Akiyama, whom he defeated by knockout in the first round and again received the "Knockout of the Night" ($ 70,000).

Vitor Belfort performing at home

In January 2012, for the first time in 13 years, he performed at home and for the first time in his career - in Rio de Janeiro. The jubilee, thirtieth opponent for Belfort was the famous american fighter Anthony Johnson, who was defeated by Vitor via rear naked choke in a short and dynamic bout.

The next step for former champion was participation in the sports reality show UFC "Absolute Fighter", where he acted as a coach of one of the teams. Wanderlei Silva became the coach of the opposing team, against whom Belfort was supposed to play in a coaching match at the end of the season. The fight did not take place due to Belfort's injury. The fighter trained by Vitor became the winner of the show in the middle weight category.

In September 2012, he agreed to an emergency replacement for the injured Dan Henderson in a title fight against reigning light heavyweight champion Jon Jones. Almost breaking the champion's arm with a broken elbow in the first round, Belfort himself got into a submission hold in the fourth round of the competition.

In 2013, Belfort returned to the middleweight division, where he defeated three famous fighters: Michael Bisping, Luke Rockhold and Dan Henederson (in all fights he won by knockout from a kick).

The world of mixed martial arts has been developing very rapidly in the last few years. Every year, new bright stars are lit in its sky, the battles of which delight the public. But in this galaxy outstanding athletes there are those who, during their lifetime, have become real legends of fights according to the rules of MMA. One of the real pioneers of MMA is the Brazilian fighter Vitor Belfort, whom we will discuss in detail in the article.


The future champion was born on the first day of April 1977 in the Brazilian capital Rio de Janeiro. From the age of eight, he began to actively engage in martial arts. And a little later he became a student of the world-famous Gracie clan. At the age of 16, Belfort Vitor reached the title of champion of his country in Brazilian jiu-jitsu in the open weight category. And a year later, the young man became the owner of a black belt in this technically complex martial art.

The beginning of a career in MMA

Vitor Belfort, whose weight is consistently within the middleweight category, held his first fight according to the mixed style rules in the fall of 1996. His opponent then became John Hess. Already at the twelfth second of the fight, the American was in a deep knockout, and the young Brazilian was immediately invited to speak, in just starting his active life, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (now well known as the UFC).


February 7, 1997 Belfort Vitor had his first fight in the American promotion. His opponent in the semifinals was Tra Telligman, whom our hero knocked out in the first round. Later there was a final in which the Brazilian defeated another American named Scott Ferrozzo. Thus, already at the age of 20, Vitor turned out to be UFC champion. After such success, outstanding boxer Mike Tyson called Belfort and personally congratulated him on his triumph.

First defeat

On October 17, 1997, as part of UFC 17, Vitor fought the excellent wrestler Randy Couture. The fight ended in the first round with an early victory for the American. As a result, he became a contender for the title of champion. It is worth noting that subsequently these athletes will meet twice more in the octagon cage. On January 31, 2004, Vitor will celebrate the victory, and after another 7 months, the American will remain the winner.

Fighting in Japan

In 1999, Belfort Vitor begins his fighting career in the Land of the Rising Sun. Already in his debut duel in the PRIDE promotion, the Brazilian loses to Kazushi Sakuraba. However, he then wins four fights in a row, defeating such titans as Gilbert Yvel, Heath Herring, Bobby Southworth and Daijiro Matsui.

Continuation of performances

In 2002, the promising Brazilian moves from heavyweight to light heavyweight. In the new division, he performed with varying success, losing key fights. But still he managed to visit the UFC champion. He was also haunted by injuries and numerous steroid scandals.

Continuing a career

At the end of 2005, Vitor Belfort, whose training has always been grueling, began his performances in the British promotion called Cage Rage. In this organization, the Brazilian was able to become a full-fledged champion and show the whole world that at that time European MMA fighters were still very weak.

In the spring of 2006, Vitor tried himself as professional boxer. And the debut turned out to be successful. Already in the first round, compatriot Neves was defeated.

Rise to the best league in the world

In 2008, Belfort Vitor fought in the Affliction company, where he began to perform in a new category for himself up to 84 kilograms (middleweight). In this division, he scored two spectacular victories in a row, which attracted the attention of scouts from the UFC. As a result, in the fall of 2009, he was already again in the octagon of the strongest promotion on the planet, and fought with the former champion of this organization, Rich Franklin. The fight did not go the whole distance: the Brazilian knocked out the American already in the first five minutes.

In the next fight, our hero was opposed by the formidable titan of the middle division Anderson Silva. Unfortunately for the Belfort fans, he lost early, missing a kick to the head. But six months later, Vitor triumphantly returns to the cage, destroying his opponent in the person of the Japanese Yoshihiro Akiyama. For this victory, the Brazilian received the award for the best knockout of the evening, as well as prize money in the amount of seventy thousand dollars.

In the fall of 2012, Vitor came on as a substitute for an injured fighter to have a title fight against Jon Jones. At some point, it seemed that the Brazilian would be able to perform a painful hold on the champion, but in the end he himself lost ahead of schedule.

After this fight, Belfort won against Bisping, Rockhold and Henderson until he lost to Weidman. Vitor closed this defeat in a rematch against Henderson, whom he knocked out with a kick to the head. However, after the "Phenomenon" loses three fights in a row, one of which (against Gastelum) was later declared invalid, due to the failure of the doping test by the American.

It is worth noting that best fights Vitor Belfort was regularly noted by the management of the promotion, for which the Brazilian was repeatedly awarded with substantial sums of money.

Family status

As for life outside the cage, the athlete is married, has three children and is fluent in three languages: English, French and Spanish. As a hobby, he enjoys beach volleyball, surfing, loves good movies and takes care of pets.

During his career, the fighter has repeatedly beat various records in this sport. There is no doubt that Belfort has written his name in the history of MMA for a long time.

Belfort began his career in mixed martial arts in October 1996, playing at the Hawaiian tournament against American John Hess. For Hess, the fight ended with a knockout in the 12th second of the first round. Young Belfort was then invited to compete in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). In his first appearance in the UFC: he became the winner of the 12th tournament, defeating two heavyweight wrestlers, each in less than a minute. After this tournament, Mike Tyson called Vitor and congratulated him on his success.

Belfort was soon defeated by TKO by experienced Greco-Roman wrestler and future multiple world champion Randy Couture. Vitor spent two more fights in the UFC, and for the first time dropped to the lowest weight category - up to 93 kg, where in 1998 he defeated the Brazilian star of Vale Tudo Wanderlei Silva by knockout, and in 1999 he switched to competition in the PRIDE series, where he lost his debut fight to a Japanese fighter Kazushi Sakuraba, suffering a broken arm in the first round. During 2000-2001, he fought four more full-round fights in Japan and won each one, including defeating PRIDE star Heath Herring, who had no defeats in the championship and claimed the title. In 2001, Belfort also took part in the ADCC World Grappling Championship where he received a bronze medal in the freeweight division.

In 2002, Vitor returned to the UFC, finally changing the weight category from heavy to light heavyweight. He suffered a third defeat in his career from Chuck Lidell, but after defeating the promising Marvin Eastman, whom he inflicted a deep cut with a knee strike, he entered the fight for the world title. The title fight took place on January 31, 2004 between 25-year-old Belfort and 40-year-old defending champion Randy Couture and ended in a very unpleasant victory for Vitor: at the 49th second, before entering a full-fledged fight, he cut Couture's left eyelid. The fight was stopped and the title formally passed to Belfort. Disappointed with the result of the battle, the challenger and the champion agreed on a rematch. The rematch on August 21, 2004, already the third fight between Belfort and Couture, was also stopped by the decision of the doctor: Randy Couture regained the title after three rounds of total dominance over the young opponent. Subsequently, after Couture opened his own sports team, Xtreme Couture, Belfort joined it, and Randy himself could be seen among the Brazilian corners at UFC competitions.

For some time, Vitor Belfort was accompanied by failures: he received serious injury elbow, controversially lost the fight to Tito Ortiz, twice lost to the Dutch striker Alistair Overeem, returned to PRIDE, where he had an unsuccessful fight with the champion of this league, Olympian Dan Henderson, as well as a steroid scandal after the fight.

At the end of 2005, Belfort made his debut in the British Cage Rage mixed martial arts championship, where he regained his well-deserved fame, two years later receiving the world champion title according to this organization. But Belfort's then opponents were criticized - European fighters without any special achievements at the world level.

In April 2006, Belfort tried his hand at professional boxing. At the Minotauro Fight III tournament, which was held in El Salvador, Vitor defeated his compatriot Josemaria Neves by knockout in the second minute of the fight.

In 2008, Vitor returned to the USA, where he made his debut in the middle weight category (up to 84 kg) at the Affliction tournaments. At that weight, he defeated two opponents by knockout, including Olympic medalist wrestler Matt Lindland. This victory significantly raised Belfort in the world rankings.

In the fall of 2009, Belfort returned to the Absolute Fighting Championship in the middle weight category. In his first fight, he won a decisive knockout victory over former world champion Rich Franklin. For the high technique and spectacular performance, Vitor received the "Knockout of the Night" award ($65,000) from the organizers of the tournament. In the second fight, Belfort challenged the UFC world title, which has belonged to Anderson Silva since 2006. The fight was postponed several times due to injuries to both fighters received in the process, and was eventually scheduled for the 126th round of the UFC. The confrontation between the two Brazilian champions, heated up by numerous promotions and disputes between the fighters in the press, lasted for only three minutes of the first round. Silva knocked out Belfort with a frontal kick to the head and finished off the fighter on the floor. Six months after this failure, Vitor had a quick and decisive fight with the popular Asian fighter Yoshihiro Akiyama, whom he defeated by knockout in the first round and again received the "Knockout of the Night" ($ 70,000).

In January 2012, for the first time in 13 years, he performed at home and for the first time in his career - in Rio de Janeiro. The "anniversary", thirtieth opponent for Belfort was the famous American fighter Anthony Johnson, whom Vitor defeated by rear naked choke in a short and dynamic fight.

The next step for the former champion was participation in the UFC reality show "Ultimate Fighter", where he acted as a coach of one of the teams. Wanderlei Silva became the coach of the opposing team, against whom Belfort was supposed to play in a coaching match at the end of the season. The fight did not take place due to Belfort's injury. The fighter trained by Vitor became the winner of the show in the middle weight category.

In September 2012, Vitor Belfort agreed to an emergency replacement for the injured Dan Henderson in a title fight against reigning light heavyweight champion Jon Jones. Almost breaking the champion's arm with a broken elbow in the first round, Belfort himself got into a submission hold in the fourth round of the competition.

In 2013, Belfort returned to the middleweight division, where he defeated two famous fighters: Michael Bisping and Luke Rockhold (in both fights he won by knockout from a kick).

May 12, 2018 at UFC 224 in his hometown of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He fought against compatriot Lyoto Machida, and lost by knockout in the second round. After the fight, Vitor officially announced his retirement as a fighter.