Kevin Rooney coach year of birth. Kevin Rooney Received Probation

Tuesday, June 12 former coach Mike Tyson's Kevin Rooney has been sentenced to five years' probation and a $2,295 fine for driving under the influence of alcohol.

In sentencing, Judge Daniel K. Layor said he took into account the fact that Rooney this moment undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction.

“You are sentenced to a sober life, and if you break the terms of the sentence, you will go to jail for maybe 6 months, maybe 2 years. People want to end the trouble you give them when you are drunk.

After the court hearing, Rooney said that his treatment for alcoholism would take about a year. "I'm probably the oldest patient in this rehab program and it's hard," said the coach. "This is not a joke. But I can do it. It's not just a walk in the park."

Police stopped Kevin Rooney on April 9, 2006 for making a turn at a prohibited place on Mansion Street in Coxsackie and charged him with driving under the influence of alcohol, aggravated by the lack of a driver's license. Later it turned out that Rooney did not have a driver's license, as he had previously been taken away for drunk driving as well.

Earlier, in April 2004, Kevin Rooney was sentenced to 9 months in prison in Green County for disorderly conduct (Rooney urinated on Main Street in Catskill where the Cass D'Amato boxing gym, which he currently runs) is still located) and violating the terms of his early release from the Albany County Jail.

Articles / Boxing and other martial arts

Training video with Kevin Rooney. Healthy

Mike Tyson training program

Mike Tyson daily routine

Monday - Friday - "working" days, days off - Saturday, Sunday.
5 a.m.: Wake up and run three miles
6 a.m.: Mike returned home, took a shower and went to bed to fill up
10 a.m. Wake up for breakfast steak and pasta (Italian pasta) and fruit juice (orange)
12 noon: Mike enters the ring and does 10 rounds of sparring
2 p.m.: same lunch as breakfast
4 p.m.: ring work including bag work, heavy bag last, shadowboxing and exercise bike
5 p.m.: Mike did 2,000 sit-ups from a prone position, 500-800 dips, 500 floor dips, 500 reps of 30kg shrugs, and then 10 minutes of neck work. Exercises to the neck were done in 10 sets - 200 lifts, respectively, 25-40 on the bars, 50 push-ups, 25-40 on the bars, 50 shrugs, and then on again.
Shrugs are an exercise for the development of the trapezius muscles. Looks like a shrug. They do it with a barbell, dumbbells, on the block"
8 p.m.: exercise bike again, 30 minutes.
9-30: telly and crib
Mike did it in 10 fast cycles: 200 squats, 25-40 sit-ups, 50 presses, 25-40 sit-ups again, 50 shrugs. And so 10 times. And also 10 minutes on the neck wiggles.
At this rate, by the age of 20, he was already able to do 2000 squats in 2 hours.
Neck training was conducted by Mike, in principle, like wrestlers, that is, more precisely, he used one of the elements of wrestling training, since there are several types of neck exercises in wrestling. Mike did a bridge without hands with uniform rocking on his head.
Mike used a variety of training bags: for example, a small, tear-shaped sandbag that wobbled in front of Mike and he had to do constant slips to avoid touching that slip-bag.
Mike hit a heavy bag last, the bag constantly swayed (if it stopped, then Mike swayed it), that is, without stopping it, he breaks through certain series, hits hard, quickly, as it should, very quickly returns his hands and immediately after the series makes slips with his body , all this in constant motion around the pear.
Rooney: Mike's punching power was developed through hitting heavy bags for a long time, before turning pro he hit a 350 pound 84 inch bag, but he injured his hand a few weeks later and we didn't use that bag again.
(Cus said that the weight of the bag increased and Mike's punching power grew)

Everyone knows that Mike used a digital punching system in training and in fights. This system was developed by Cus D'Amato. Its essence is that the boxer works like an automaton, he does not need time to think about names, only numbers, and the boxer becomes a machine. When Damato was training Puerto Rican José Torres, he developed a punching tool called the Willie Sack, after Willie Pastrano, whom Torres defeated in title fight. Willie was made from five mattresses wrapped around a frame. A profile of a person was drawn on the front of the mattresses, on which the zones that were the target for strikes were indicated, the zones have a digital designation:
1 - left hook to the jaw
2 - right hook to the jaw
3 - left uppercut
4 - right uppercut
5 - left hook to the body
6 - right hook to the body
7 - jab to the head
8 - jab to the body

It should be noted that these numbers denoted zones, not strikes. That is, 2 - can be either a right hook or a right straight or cross, etc.
Cus made young Mike run with 50 pounds of weight on his back in the morning, because he did not want Tyson to grow, because he believed that his style and height were perfect for each other.

Training program after prison Mike Tyson

2. 4 rounds of three minutes (30 seconds break between rounds)
3. WORK ON THE PAWS 6 rounds of three minutes (between rounds a break of 30 seconds)
7. in the weeks leading up to the fight, Mike devotes more time directly to sparring, gradually increasing the number of rounds from 3 to 12 for three minutes each (between rounds there is a break of 30 seconds)
8. 9 minutes, followed by a break of 30 seconds
9. 20 minutes (1 minute break at the end of the exercise)
10. HEAVY BAG 6 rounds of 3 minutes (30 seconds break after each round)
12. 5 minutes (after work break 30 seconds)
15. 5 sets of 20 push-ups (between sets break 30 seconds) 15 sets of 20 torso lifts and; lying position (30 seconds break between sets)
16. massage, shower, drink water

Hello, dear readers of the site. Surely you have seen the fights of Iron Mike and many stories about him. Who is Tyson's coach?

From colony to hall

Mike has never been a good boy, especially as a teenager. And with the nerves he often had failures. But his physical characteristics were impressive. At the age of 13, Mike again misbehaved, and he was sent to a colony for juvenile delinquents. There he even ended up in a punishment cell. He begged the guards for a meeting with his physical instructor, Bobby Stewart. He wore the status of a former boxer.

Stuart talked to Mike. The young man admitted that he dreams of being a boxer. Stewart gave the go-ahead for training. But he set one condition - the boy must learn to control his behavior and improve his studies at school. Young Tyson agreed. So Bobby became his first coach.

This specialist noted the amazing determination and will of his ward in training. The boy masterfully developed his physics and dedicated training process maximum of your time. For example, a young man lying down could lift a barbell of 100 kg.

Stewart, seeing the excellent development of his student, decided to introduce him to the great specialist - Cus D'Amato.

amateur level

At 13, Mike had a mass of 80 kg and excellent physical condition. At this time, a tragedy occurs - his mother dies. The boy remains an orphan, as his father left the family before the birth of his son. Given these circumstances, Mike Tyson's second coach officially became his guardian. And the young athlete moved to live with his mentor - guardian. He watched a lot of different professional fights. They impressed him very much and inspired the image. The fighter entered the ring without musical accompaniment, without a bathrobe, on his bare feet. He was wearing only black boxer shorts.

It was Mike's guardian who laid the foundation for the "iron" boxer. He rallied a team of professionals around the young man. It included assistant coaches, masseurs, seconds, etc. And by common efforts, they transformed an athlete with excellent discipline from an unbalanced hooligan.

At the amateur level, Mike began performing at the age of 15. Then it was 1981. He spent about 30 fights. Of these, only 6 lost.

A year later, the boxer took gold at the Youth Olympics. A year later, Mike had a number of successful fights. There was only an unsuccessful duel with Al Evans.

In 1984, Tyson intended to succeed at the adult Olympics, but was defeated by Henry Tillman in the qualifying match. He eventually took the Olympic gold.

"The Tyson regime under D'Amato"

This brilliant specialist, the second coach of Mike Tyson, formed the following regimen for his best student:

04.00 Rise. Easy run for 8 km. Shower. Sleep again.

10.00 Wake up. Meals: oatmeal, fruits. Drinks: orange juice, protein shake. In addition vitamins.

12.00 Training: 10 sparring meetings. 3 cycles of exercises:

200 reps press,

Push-ups from the bench behind your back - 50 reps,

50 standard push ups

50 sets with a 30kg barbell.

14.00. Lunch: spaghetti, steak, vegetable dishes.

15.00. Training. 4 rounds of sparring. Working out with pears, a duel with a shadow, exercises on a skipping rope, paws, etc. Hour - exercises on a stationary bike. At the end of working out on a pear weighing 300 pounds. And in the final - 4 cycles of normative exercises.

17.00. Again normative exercises - 4 cycles. Work on attacking and combinational actions at a smooth pace. Fixing technology.

19.00 Dinner based on a large amount of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

20.00. Modest exercises on a stationary bike.

21.00. View fights, materials about boxing. Studying different combinations, analyzing techniques, etc.

According to this schedule, Mike lived from 13 to 19 years old. These classes were almost daily. Only Sunday is a day off.

Professional level

The starting point of Tyson's professional career is the date 05.03. 1985. In that year, he had 15 knockout meetings. Experts predicted him the title of world champion in the heavyweight category. And Mike lived up to those expectations. In his 20s, he became the youngest ever world champion.

The whole picture was overshadowed by the death of his mentor. Togo was killed by pneumonia. And the coach did not live long enough to see such a massive success of his adopted son.

Mike took this loss very hard. But he still worked with a great team. And Tyson's coach was Kevin Rooney.

He was assisted by managers Jim Jacobs and Bill Caton.

Rooney has been with D'Amato since 1982. After the tragedy, he has been Tyson's main coach since 1986. And in the first year of work, his ward again became the best in the world. This success was repeated two years later.

And Rooney himself in 1988 was recognized as the best manager.

However, in the same year, Tyson commits a treacherous act - he goes to another specialist - Don King.

It remains a mystery how King persuaded the boxer to move to his place. But the athlete simply fires Rooney and starts working with King. Thus, Mike betrayed the entire team that helped him from the very beginning:

  • it's Rooney himself
  • Teddy Atlas - he made a big contribution to the Olympic triumph of a 15-year-old youth,
  • previously named managers.

But King turned out to be more of a cunning tactician, more concerned with making a decent profit than developing a boxer. He gathered a new team around him.

Kevin Rooney was so offended by Mike that he sued him. These litigations continued until 1998. The lawsuit was based on a verbal agreement that Rooney would always coach Tyson. And the case ended in favor of the mentor. The boxer paid him $4,400,000


In the future, the athlete had many other financial failures. Much credit for this goes to Don King. Perhaps they could have been avoided if Mike had not committed a fatal betrayal.

Kevin Rooney (b. 05/04/56) is known, first of all, due to the fact that it was with him (after the death of the first coach Cus D'Amato) that Tyson became the champion in 1986.
Rooney grew up in a family of alcoholics in the same Catskill where Mike Tyson was born and raised.
Like many teenagers from dysfunctional families, boxing coach Cus D'Amato became the light in the window for him.
19-year-old Rooney (1975) won the Golden Gloves competition in New York. But his career professional boxer(from 1979 to 1985), with 26 fights, did not work out.
Rooney was Mike Tyson's coach from 1982 to 1988. There were times when they put on boxing gloves together and entered the ring. With Rooney, Mike Tyson achieved the absolute championship, became the boxer of the year in 1986 and in 1988. For this, in 1988, Rooney received the Manager of the Year award.
In 1988, Mike Tyson left Kevin Rooney for Don King.
Offended Rooney for ten years (from 1988 to 1998) sued Mike Tyson. The basis for the suit was an oral agreement that Kevin Rooney would be his coach forever. And as a result, Rooney won the court case and received $4.4 million from Tyson.
After Tyson left, Kevin Rooney coached famous boxer Vinny Pacienzo. And he formed a tough style for him, a high pace, a hard blow and tremendous willpower, which allowed Vini Pacienzo to get up after breaking his neck in a car accident and return to the ring. Pacienzo's most significant achievements are his victories over Roberto Duran in 1994 and 1995.
Kevin Rooney is currently coaching Thomas Hayes, who is considered a promising player.

Rooney is a good student of D'Amato and a follower of his boxing style. But in accordance with world rankings, it is believed that at the same time, as a coach, Rooney does not surpass Teddy Atlas, who is also a student of the D'Amato boxing school.
Rooney belongs to the old school of boxing, where the overall amount of work is at the forefront ... and believes that the brain controls the body and that there will be no result without hard work. Perhaps it was thanks to this conservatism that the "pure school of d' Amato" lost ground...
Rooney uses several coaching premiums, which include the defensive technique "cuckoo", the round cushion "Willie," Short movements ", typical for the style of Cus D'Amato combinations of punches, a punch numbering system.
Rooney forces his students to spar for a full 3 minutes (denies the usefulness of one and two minute rounds). Denies the system of training every other day.
Rooney trains everyone at the Catskill Boxing Club, which he inherited from Cus D'Amato. And he does it for free. His income is fees from the fights of his students.
Teenagers put on boxing gloves and train in a gym that hasn't changed since Mike Tyson.
For quite a long time, there were rumors that Kevin Rudy was abusing alcohol, during which time the former "hall d' Amato" fell into some kind of desolation. It got to the point that in 2003, Rooney was in prison for disorderly conduct while intoxicated. But now it is already far behind.
In 2010, Kevin was a consultant to Dianna Lefas, who wrote a play called "Playoffs" about the life and fight against the mafia in boxing trainer Cus D'Amato, who made Patterson, Torres and Tyson champions.
The play will be performed in early 2011 in Catskill and Kingston, New York.

On the video work Rooney with Tyson

Konstantin Sivokon, born in 1981


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    Mike Tyson and Kevin Rooney

    How many of you don't know one of the great Mike Tyson's trainers, Kevin Rooney? Probably there are none among those who love and are interested professional boxing and its history. In particular, the story of Mike Tyson.

    Kevin Rooney himself from the "former". Of the former professional boxers, who, as you know, are not former, as well as police officers and special services. In a word, a profession is almost always - forever.

    Kevin Rooney had a good amateur career, the crown of which was the victory at the prestigious Golden Gloves tournament. Rooney is very proud of this victory. At 23, Kevin Rooney made his debut as a professional boxer. In the professional ring, he had 26 fights, in 21 of which he won, in 7 by knockout. Lost 4 fights and all ahead of schedule with one draw.

    Alexis Arguello and Sylvester Stallone

    The most famous of Kevin Rooney's rivals was the great fighter from Nicaragua - Alexis Argüello, world champion in featherweight (WBA), 2nd featherweight (WBC) and lightweight (WBC) weight class. Alexis Arguello was recognized as the best boxer of the twentieth century in the 2nd featherweight according to the Associated Press journalists.

    The 10-round fight between Kevin Rooney and Alexis Arguello took place on July 31, 1982 in Atlantic City (New Jersey, USA), exactly 33 years ago. The fight was promoted by Bob Arum.

    So, Tyson's future mentor, 26-year-old Kevin Rooney, entered the ring against 30-year-old boxing star Alexis Arguello (who had 76 fights at that time), accompanied by another Iron Mike mentor, Teddy Atlas. The fight was also attended by one of Tyson's future managers, Jimmy Jacobs, one of the friends of Cus D. Amato, Mike's trainer.

    Entering the ring, Alexis Arguello approached Kevin Rooney and greeted him. Kevin Rooney also wished his opponent good luck in the fight.

    The gong sounded and Rooney went forward, first hitting the torso, under Argüello's left arm. In fact, Rooney began to demonstrate the future style of Tyson in the ring, only not as skillfully as Iron Mike. Some blows found a target on the body of the great Argüello. Alexis leaned in, aiming for the liver and right straight to the head.

    The first round ended with a slight advantage for Argüello in the second half, when Rooney was already starting to noticeably get tired.

    When the gong sounded for the second round, the boxers immediately unleashed a hail of their blows on each other, as if trying to quickly end this fight. They soon succeeded in this.

    Finally, with a combination of a left uppercut - a straight right Arguello shook Rooney, but he stood on his feet. Alexis repeated, but the series was not accurate. Finally, a right hit found the chin, but Rooney again survived. Alexis worked the liver and head with left hooks, giving Rooney no rest. Kevin was already on the defensive.

    The fight ended at 3:07 of the second round with a clean knockout. "Lulling" the opponent light blows, Argüello fired a left straight and hit a scary right. Rooney collapsed and hung on the ropes. This fight could not have ended otherwise. With all due respect to the courage of Kevin Rooney, and he really does not hold it!

    We must also pay tribute to the great master, Alexis Arguello, who did not jump for joy, but accepted enthusiastic congratulations with an imperturbable expression on his face. Alexis then approached Kevin Rooney, preoccupied with his condition, demonstrating champion nobility. Truly, Arguello is a fighter whose behavior in the ring can and should be taken as an example.

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