Is traumatic weapons allowed in Belarus? How to get the right to hunt and a weapon permit in the Republic of Belarus? How much do self defense equipment cost?

The permit system was founded back in the 60s, when the USSR existed. After its collapse, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus inherited many legal principles, and if in Russia there were fundamental changes regarding the licensing activities of the authorities, then in Belarus the structure remained unchanged. Under the authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, licensing departments have been created at police departments that deal with licensing and registration of civilian weapons.

The rules for the acquisition and storage of weapons are prescribed in the law "On Weapons", which has registration number 61-З, it is dated November 13, 2001.

Naturally, today this law is relevant in one of the latest editions, but this has nothing to do with our issue. Article 14 of this law spells out all the rules for the acquisition of civilian weapons, as well as ammunition for them.

Citing the article will not bring the desired understanding that needs to be conveyed to citizens so that they can obtain a weapon permit in Belarus. We will use the basic provisions and, based on them, describe a detailed algorithm for registering weapons.

First a hunting permit, and then a license

Civilian weapons are not limited to hunting only, they are traumatic weapon, gas, edged weapons, sports and self-defense weapons. For all of these types, you must obtain a special permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But it is for hunters that this path will be somewhat longer, since in order to obtain a license for hunting weapons, you need to prove that it will be used only in hunting activities, and for this you will need to present a pre-issued hunting permit. That is why we will begin the story of how to obtain a weapon permit in the Republic of Belarus with secondary issues.

By contacting the territorial executive authority through the Ministry of Forestry. Just note that the candidates are subject to age requirements. The citizen must be of legal age. A foreign citizen also has the right to obtain a hunting license, he must have all permits valid in his country. Persons with a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus are also entitled to receive a certificate.

Passport must be presented with any application. The situation with the hunting permit was no exception. A package of documents is collected here, so photocopies of all completed pages of the passport should be made.

The training of hunters, as well as the training of future owners of weapons in Belarus, is treated in good faith, so a simple reply is indispensable. It will not be enough just to familiarize yourself with the rules of hunting. It is necessary to complete a training course (even remotely), and then pass the exam.

Photos, the size of which is 3 by 4 cm, must be in color. Two photographs are required. Headwear or sunglasses are not allowed.

Hunting permits, unfortunately, are not issued free of charge. Its registration will be possible only after payment of the state duty.

Returning to training, it should be emphasized that the theoretical course includes knowledge of legislation, knowledge of safety, first aid, as well as some questions on animal biology. The licensed enterprise "Belgosokhota" is practically a monopolist in this area. It operates in several regions of the republic. Not so long ago, an official website was launched, where everyone can study remotely.

Upon successful passing of the exam, which is organized in the form of answers to the questions of the ticket, the citizen is issued a hunter's certificate. It will be valid for 10 years, but only if there is a special card for recording violations and recording the payment of the fee. By the way, the next payment is made every 12 months.

Passage of the medical commission

The received hunter's certificate is just a document necessary for obtaining a license (except for its significance during hunting). But it still does not give the right to acquire weapons. The above permission, as we have already mentioned, is necessary for registration of a hunting rifle. In the case of the purchase of other types of weapons, the procedure for processing documents begins with a medical examination.

A medical certificate can be obtained at a regular clinic. To do this, you must contact the pre-medical office and indicate that the commission is being held in order to obtain a permit for weapons. The citizen will be given a list of doctors, among which a psychiatrist and a narcologist are mandatory. Only after checking all the specialists, the therapist issues the coveted certificate.

Submission of documents

In principle, everything is almost ready to apply for a license. It is necessary to appear at the regional police department at the place of your registration. The attendant will tell you which office to contact. Usually, next to the office where they deal with licensing issues, there is an information stand. It is necessary to find a sample application on it and draw it up in advance.

Please note that the issuance of a license for weapons, as well as the issuance of a hunting license, is paid. Having found out from the employee the details for payment, you should pay the state duty.

The submission of the application is accompanied by the provision of some other documents.

  • These include a passport, or rather a photocopy of the completed pages.
  • Two photographs of size 3 by 4 cm are submitted. They must be made in black and white (not to be confused with photographs for a hunter's certificate).
  • The hunter's certificate is presented when issuing a permit for the purchase of hunting weapons.
  • The medical certificate should, of course, contain such indications of doctors under which it is allowed to acquire weapons.

It is important to remember that citizens who do not have experience in owning weapons will not be able to immediately purchase rifled weapons. For this start, you need to own a smooth-bore weapon for 5 years, and then issue a rifled one. But the break of experience should not exceed one year.

Do not forget to take care of the arrangement of the storage place for the purchased weapons. The most important requirement is the presence of a metal box or safe. This box should have a locking mechanism to prevent unauthorized entry and, moreover, keep the weapon out of reach of children. The box is screwed to the floor or to the wall, depending on its shape and dimensions. Inspection of the safe is carried out by the local inspector. The examination procedure is initiated by the employees of the licensing department, and not by the applicant. Based on the results of the inspection, the policeman draws up an act, which he submits to the department.

A citizen also does not have to prove his right to receive permission in terms of his absence of a criminal record or administrative offenses. Corresponding requests are also carried out by the employees of the department. The check is carried out quite quickly, since the department is under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If, upon request, no compromising information is revealed, then after a while the citizen will receive permission, allowing him to go to a gun store and buy the desired weapon.

Registration of acquired weapons

The essence of the licensing system, in addition to issuing licenses, is to account for all civilian weapons. Each purchased barrel is subject to registration. It must be submitted for inspection so that the experts establish the compliance of its technical parameters with the indicators declared in the documentation.

In order to go to the police department after buying the barrel, the owner has only 10 days. It is not recommended to violate these temporary rules, since the fines for non-compliance with the rules for registering weapons are quite significant.

After the trunk is registered, you need to wait some more time. It can not be used either in self-defense or hunting. By by and large, it cannot be stored yet, since the citizen has not received a license to store and carry it, it will be ready after registration in a few days. Do not forget that the license has a limited validity period. After three years, this document will have to be extended. This procedure is very similar to the authorization algorithm described above.

The circulation of weapons in Belarus is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 13, 2001 On weapons (hereinafter gun law).

To begin with, consider the types of weapons into which the Weapons Act subdivides it. It is subdivided into:




Citizens can buy civilian weapons.

The requirement for it, according to the Law on Weapons of Belarus, is as follows:

- It shouldn't shoot bursts.

- Magazine capacity should not exceed 10 rounds.

The bullet must not have a core.

- Caliber rifled weapons should not exceed 9.3 mm.

- The length must be at least 80 cm.

Civil weapons The law on weapons of Belarus divides into:

Self defense weapons , which includes:

a) stun guns with parameters permitted by the Ministry of Health.

b) aerosol dispensers of tear and irritants.

c) gas revolvers and pistols.

Sports which refers to:

a) rifled firearms.

c) pneumatic with muzzle energy from 3 to 25 j.

d) cold.

e) throwing.

hunting :

a) rifled and combined firearms (including those with interchangeable rifled barrels).

b) firearms smoothbore.

c) pneumatic with muzzle energy from 7.5 to 25 J.

d) cold.

e) throwing.


Purchasing civilian weapons in Belarus, according to the Law on Weapons, can be citizens over the age of 18, permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus. It is purchased with the permission of the Internal Affairs Agencies.

Citizens who are members of sports shooting organizations and have membership cards of these organizations can buy sports firearms. They must be involved in shooting sports for at least 5 years. They can buy weapons in the manner that the Law on Weapons of Belarus provides for the purchase of hunting weapons.

You can buy gas and signal weapons with the permission of the Department of Internal Affairs in the amount of up to 2 units with registration within 10 days.

Mechanical and aerosol means of spraying tear and irritants, stun guns, as well as pneumatic weapons with muzzle energy up to 7.5 J. according to the Law on Weapons of Belarus, it can be purchased without permission and registration.

How to buy weapons in Belarus.

Hunting rifled and combined weapons can be purchased by citizens who have used hunting smoothbore weapons for 5 years or who already have rifled or combined weapons in use.

Citizens who have permission to store and carry hunting weapons can buy cold hunting weapons. According to the Law on Weapons of Belarus it is registered upon purchase at a trade enterprise by making a note in the permit for the right to store and carry hunting weapons.

How to buy hunting smoothbore weapons.

As already noted, according to the Law on Weapons of Belarus, citizens with a state certificate for the right to hunt can buy hunting smooth-bore weapons.

To obtain it, a person who has reached the age of 18 must pass a hunting exam in the forestry or UE "Belohot". To prepare for it, you can study the Rules of Hunting and the collection “Questions and Answers for Passing a Special Hunting Exam”, etc.

Having received a certificate, you can enter the hunting society. Members of the society hunt in the hunting grounds will cost less than those who are not members of it.

To obtain a certificate, you must submit the following documents:

1. Application.

2. Certificates from narcological and neuropsychiatric dispensaries.

3. 2 photos.

In order to buy weapons in a trading company, according to the Law on Weapons of Belarus, you must contact the licensing department of the internal affairs department at your place of residence to obtain a permit to purchase weapons.

For this.

1. In the licensing department of the Internal Affairs Directorate, take a referral to the medical commission, which must establish the absence of contraindications for possession of weapons. It is necessary to provide certificates from the narcological and psychoneurological dispensaries to the medical board.

2. Contact the district inspector who will check you and whether you have conditions for storing weapons at your place of residence. According to the Law on Weapons in Belarus, storage conditions provide for the absence of access by unauthorized persons to it and the presence of a metal box or safe. Use of a box from other high-strength material is allowed. In extreme cases, a wooden box that can be upholstered with a metal sheet. The box or safe must be locked and secured to a wall or floor.

As a result of the check, a conclusion should appear that your personality and storage conditions allow you to buy weapons and store them at your place of residence.

3. With the collected documents, we turn to the Department of Internal Affairs and obtain permission for the right to purchase. The permit is valid for 6 months with the right to renew.

4. With the purchased weapons and the stub from the permit to purchase weapons (with a note on the purchase of weapons from the store in it), we turn to the Department of Internal Affairs and receive a long-awaited permit for the right to store and carry hunting weapons. It is valid for 3 years, renewable.

Who does not have the right to buy weapons, according to the Law on Weapons of Belarus.

1. Persons under the age of 18 cannot buy weapons in Belarus.

2. Those who have physical disabilities or diseases in which the possession of weapons is contraindicated.

3. Persons who have a criminal record for weapons-related crimes or who have committed crimes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

4. Those serving a sentence.

5. Persons who committed administrative offenses related to causing bodily harm, petty hooliganism, were held administratively liable for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or for offenses in the field of hunting or arms trafficking.

6. According to the Law on Weapons, persons who twice, during the year, were brought to administrative responsibility for drinking alcohol or appearing in a public place in a state of intoxication, cannot buy weapons.

7. Those who do not have permanent residence and conditions for storing weapons.

In addition, the Law on Weapons of Belarus states that the grounds for refusing to issue permits may be:

- Failure to provide required information or providing incorrect information in the application.

- If it is impossible to ensure the safety and accounting of weapons.

The Department of Internal Affairs must justify the refusal in writing.

As you can see buy weapons in Belarus is not difficult. Gun Law in Belarus it allows. It is enough to be an adult, sober, law-abiding and relatively healthy.

About ten years ago, a familiar woman on a cold autumn evening on her way home unexpectedly met ... a robber. They pulled her purse like a rope until the barking dog frightened off the robber. After some time, in the pocket of a cautious woman, he settled for a long time gas spray. Such incidents in our lives can happen to anyone. But how to defend yourself until the police arrive? How much are self-defense means, and can firearms be used for this purpose? These questions were answered by the lieutenant colonel of militia Dmitry Yazepchik, Senior Inspector for Special Assignments of the Licensing and Permitting Department of the Prevention Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There is no urgent need to acquire means of self-defense in our country, - says the interlocutor. - By and large, crime situation is calm and therefore there is no reason to do so. However, someone who wants to acquire, for example, gas pistol, must acquire skills in handling it, pass a medical examination. And only after that, the territorial bodies of internal affairs will decide whether a citizen can be given permission to purchase weapons of self-defense.

- It seems to me that stun guns and gas cartridges are most often purchased.

The above means are related to weapons of self-defense, but You don't need to get permission to buy them.. They can be bought on the market, in specialized stores, however, such products must be necessarily certified.

- What means of self-defense do you consider the most effective?

All weapons pose a potential threat to humans. And each of the funds, if used correctly, will be effective for the owner. When acquiring such weapons, firstly, you need to think about why are you buying it, and secondly, you should understand with what means of self-defense you it will be more convenient.

- Unlike Russia, it is forbidden to have and use traumatic weapons in our country.

Yes, in 2012 in Belarus traumatic weapons were equated with firearms. Its circulation is completely prohibited.

- Can batons and baseball bats be classified as self-defense equipment?

Certainly not. You need to play baseball with a bat. There is simply a certain group of people who acquire and use them for other purposes.

- By the way, at what age does a citizen of Belarus have the right to keep firearms with him?

According to the law, all in our country you can buy weapons from the age of 18. Upon payment fees in the amount of 2 base units a resident of our country is given 3 year weapons permit. A similar procedure has been established for registration sports and hunting weapons. For Ownership Only smoothbore gun should still have a state hunter's license.

Incidentally, for illegal actions against gas weapons the owner can receive a fine of up to 10 base units with confiscation of the weapon. But for the possession of firearms, weapons, a person is already threatened criminal liability. For 9 months of 2014, 935 units of unregistered weapons and 1,650 units of registered ones were seized. More often, weapons are confiscated from black diggers and people who have them left from relatives. It should be noted that until July 1, 2014 the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out action to register unregistered weapons. Anyone could apply to the internal affairs bodies, present a weapon (no sanctions were applied) and register it in their name. As a result, we have achieved good results: more than 700 weapons were brought to the police.

Taras Shiry.


Self defense weapons- a set of types of weapons and other technical means that can legally be used by a person to protect the life and health of persons whose life or health is endangered as a result of a criminal encroachment.

How much do self defense equipment cost?

You can buy self-defense equipment not only in ordinary stores, but also on the Internet. For example, prices for gas cartridges on some sites start at 80 thousand rubles. Tasers can be purchased for 500 thousand, and for 2.5 million (the so-called stunners). An ordinary flashlight-stun gun costs 1.5 million rubles. As you can see, it all depends on the financial capabilities and taste of a potential buyer.

How to get a permit for hunting and weapons in the Republic of Belarus?

The craving for hunting has been inherited and passed down to us from generation to generation. And today, hunting remains one of the most passionate hobbies.
Over time, the rules of the Hunt have changed a lot, now not everyone can buy a weapon at their first desire and go Hunt whoever he wants and where he wants. To do this, you must first obtain permission for both the right to hunt and the right to acquire weapons.

That is why the right to hunt, as well as the right to keep weapons, is legally regulated by state bodies and you can get a permit in the Republic of Belarus at the Ministry of Forestry at the place of residence, and in Minsk and the Minsk region in RUE "Belgosokhota".

Obtaining a state certificate for the right to hunt

According to the rules of hunting management and hunting, any capable citizen of the Republic of Belarus who has reached the age of majority, 18 years old, can obtain a certificate. The right to hunt can also be obtained by foreign citizens who have a hunter's certificate of their country, and stateless persons with a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus.

To consider the issue of obtaining a state certificate, you must submit an application and the following documents:

1. Passport;

2. A document confirming the passage of preparation for passing a special hunting exam;

3. Two color photographs 3x4;

4. Receipt of payment of the state fee.

Procedure cost:

State. duty (1 base unit) - 21 rubles;

Exam - 4.2 rubles;

Registration in the register of hunters - 50 kopecks.

You can pay on the spot or bring a receipt for payment for the specified amount to the details:

The recipient of the payment is UE “Belgosokhota”, UNP: 101435427, account 3012000005262, in the ASB “Belarusbank”, code 795.

After submitting the application, you will need to pass a special hunting exam in the form of a test for knowledge of environmental legislation, biology of wild animals and birds, hunting rules in the Republic of Belarus, safety rules for hunting and handling hunting weapons, hunting tools, first aid, etc. .
The exam is held by appointment at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belgosokhota”.

Since 2014, mandatory training courses for future hunters have been introduced in Belarus. They are organized in forestries and on the basis of RUE “Belgosokhota”. In addition to the main form of training, "Belgosokhota" organizes online courses to prepare for passing a special hunting exam.

If you choose full-time education, then the training will last for two weeks from 18.00 to 21.00 on weekdays. During this time, the theoretical and practical parts will be completed, the latter, by the way, includes shooting practice at the stand. The cost of the course is 180 rubles (1.8 million before denomination).

To pass distance learning, you must register on the site, where all the necessary material is provided in the form of lectures and test items. It will cost less - 100 rubles (1 million before the denomination), but in time it will last longer - 28 days.
The final exam contains 10 questions with 80% correct answers (some questions have multiple correct answers).

In case of successful passing the exam, a state certificate for the right to hunt is issued within a month.

In case of failure to pass the exam, you can retake it in a week by paying 0.2 base unit (4.2 rubles), the number of retakes is not limited. You do not need to pay a fee to obtain a license.

According to the latest data, 95% of those who complete the course successfully pass the exam and receive a certificate for the right to hunt. The decision on issuance is made by the Ministries of Forestry within a month from the date of passing the exam upon presentation of a passport.

The certificate is issued for 10 years and is valid if there is a card for recording violations and payment of the state fee. The fee must be paid every 12 months before the start of the hunt.

Receipt medical certificate
When you have the appropriate certificate on hand, it's time to think about buying a gun. This will require special permission from the police (more on that later) and a medical certificate.

To get a certificate, you must immediately contact the pre-medical office of the polyclinic at the place of residence, where they will issue a referral for tests and a commission from specialists.

In addition, you will be given referrals to two dispensaries - neuropsychiatric and narcological. After that, certificates from them must be presented at your clinic - without this, you will not receive a general medical opinion on the viability of you as a weapon owner.

Getting permission from the police
Next, you need to write an application at the nearest police station for permission to purchase a smoothbore gun. First you need to pay a state fee in the amount of one base unit (21 rubles) for issuing a permit to purchase weapons.

A medical certificate must be attached to the application and receipt of payment.

The following documents must be submitted there:

Passport (residence permit);

Two photos 3*4;

State certificate for the right to hunt;

Medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to the possession and storage of weapons.

It should also be noted that at first you will be able to obtain a permit to keep only smooth-bore hunting weapons and only after 5 years to buy and keep a rifle with a rifled barrel. The break in possession of smoothbore weapons should not exceed one year.

As for the place for storing weapons, it can be either a special safe or just a metal box with a lock. For greater reliability, you can attach the box to the floor or to the wall, and equip the room itself with an alarm or other technical means protection.
Most important criterion is that the storage place is well protected from unauthorized persons and children, so the main thing is a safe or a metal box with a lock.

After you have prepared everything, an inspector for permit work will be sent to you, who will prepare an appropriate inspection report, which reflects the conditions created for storing weapons. If everything meets the established standards, the The final stage verification, during which law enforcement officers must make sure that the future owner of the weapon was not brought to administrative responsibility. It is important that you do not have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional crimes, as well as the presence of a number of other offenses that prohibit the acquisition of weapons.

If no violations were found after the inspection carried out by the employees of the internal affairs bodies, then the citizen is issued a permit to purchase weapons.

Registration of weapons
After buying a gun, it must be registered within 10 days. To do this, you need to come to the police station with the purchased weapon and documents for it and obtain permission to store the weapon. For this, you will have to pay two more basic units (42 rubles).

Now you can safely go to get a trophy elk or deer, although this is not a cheap pleasure, especially if you hunt without being a member of the RGOO BFSO "Dinamo" or the enterprise "Voyenohot" of the public association BVOO and the RGOO "Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen", whose members are provided significant discounts for hunting in the lands they rent.

It is important to know that hunting is allowed only at certain times of the year and in specially designated areas. Also remember that if you gather for game, you will be required to pay a tax for the right to hunt in the amount of 1 base unit (21 rubles).

You can buy a gun, the first weapon in the shop for Hunters - ZAPAL.
Come we'll help you make right choice weapons. We also advise necessary equipment for hunting.

Sources: Belokhota and Belgosokhota

Customers who purchase air guns in our online store and other individuals often have a number of similar questions about the law, the rights to use, purchase and wear the products offered. In this regard, the team of our company will try to decipher the “Law of the Republic of Belarus on weapons” as clearly as possible and give clear answers to the most common questions.

1. Do I need permission to purchase such goods as pneumatics in Belarus?

Dear buyers! The product presented on our site is not subject to mandatory registration, and its purchase does not require a medical certificate, permission from the internal affairs authorities. Remember:

A) Pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 J are subject to registration.

B) Weapons with a muzzle energy below 3 J are not pneumatic weapons, but are structurally similar to pneumatic weapons.

C) Our store sells pneumatic pistols with muzzle energy up to 3 J, so when ordering purchases on our portal, you can protect yourself, your family, and those around you from problems with the law.

D) The sale of pneumatic pistols is carried out by persons whose age is at least 18 years. In case of doubtful circumstances, the courier site has the right to ask the buyer to provide a passport.

2. I want to buy pneumatics in Belarus and walk with a new toy around the city in crowded places. Will I have problems if I meet with employees of the internal affairs bodies?

Problems will only occur if:

1. The air pistol will be in full combat readiness, that is, loaded.

2.The gun will be carried without a holster.

3. You will shoot at passers-by or damage other people's property.

Remember! Even if you comply with the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, but the employees of the internal affairs bodies have a biased attitude towards you, do not be afraid and do not defend your rights, but ask:

1.Show your ID.

2. Find out the reason for the detention.

3. Present the product passport. If you don't have your passport with you, drive home and hand the pistol passport to the person who made the arrest and seized the pistol.

4. Want to check for compliance of weapons with legal norms? Yes, please, let them check it, but they will not forget to return it back to you along with your passport, as well as a document confirming the legality of the experiment.

5. After checking the pneumatics, your property must be returned, otherwise you have the right to file a complaint with higher authorities. Do not forget to write down the details of the person who carried out the detention, keep copies of the protocol that you may need in the future.

4. Can I flunk someone out of my new toy?

Pneumatic pistols, which can be bought in the online store site, are designed to improve shooting skills and active rest. The use of this type of weapon to injure citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreigners, stateless persons, other people's property will lead to the imposition of an administrative penalty, criminal liability in accordance with the severity of the harm.

Remember! Such games can turn into irreversible consequences for you! You can kill and cripple a person with a stick, a stone, a slingshot, and even a spoon. Do not use pneumatic pistols to shoot people and animals, because someday this will lead to the fact that even such harmless toys cannot be bought without special permission.

5. Will he break a bottle of champagne?

We do not test each gun for penetration, as this will result in you receiving a used item. If you shoot at glass bottles, do not forget to clean up the fragments and debris after you. When shooting at plastic bottles, draw water into them, otherwise the gun will not pierce the container, but will throw it off.

Information can be sent to the email address [email protected].

6. Where can I shoot with an air pistol?

In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, it is possible to shoot from pneumatic pistols in specially equipped places, outside the city, outside settlements, however, the distance to the nearest living soul must be at least 300 meters.

Do not check the destructive power of pneumatics from the window of your house, entrance, on the street! Otherwise, you risk harming others, other people's property and even loved ones, for which you will incur criminal and administrative liability.

7. Do I need a safe to store an air pistol with muzzle energy up to 3 J?

No safe required! If you have children or persons who are able to use the product without your permission, do not know how to use it, can harm themselves and others, hide it in an inaccessible place.

8. I want to buy an air pistol for my child, but he is under 18, what should I do?

Remember! The use of air pistols by minors is prohibited if there is no adult nearby who can be responsible for the child. Do not let children use pistols for free, show off to girlfriends and friends, even in an unloaded state.

9. Is there anything more powerful?

There is not and will not be more powerful until changes are made to the law on "Weapons" of the Republic of Belarus.

10. Are there gas springs?

If you have not found anything in our assortment for yourself, it does not mean that we are hiding something in the bins. Gas springs and pistons for air rifles have the right to sell only hunting shops with a license.

11. I was caught with a gun, seized it, now they threaten me with criminal liability. What will happen?

The only advice we can give you is to seek legal advice. Only they can take responsibility for your future. We cannot guarantee that our opinion will be objective.

12. Where can an air pistol be loaded?

A loaded air pistol can be stored at your home, as well as at an organized shooting range, in a shooting range. In a car, around the city, transportation is carried out in a discharged state, sheathed and together with a product passport. In this case, when meeting with employees of the internal affairs bodies, questions are excluded.

13. Is hunting with pneumatic weapons allowed on the territory of the Republic of Belarus?

Hunting with pneumatics is prohibited. Such a killing is not humane, because the animal may suffer dying or escape wounded, after which it will die from infection.

We wish you a pleasant stay and successful shopping in the online store!