Permission to carry traumatic weapons in Belarus. How to protect yourself: self-defense weapons allowed in Belarus

About ten years ago, a familiar woman on a cold autumn evening on her way home unexpectedly met ... a robber. They pulled her purse like a rope until the barking dog frightened off the robber. After some time, in the pocket of a cautious woman, he settled for a long time gas spray. Such incidents in our lives can happen to anyone. But how to defend yourself until the police arrive? How much are means of self-defense, and can firearms be used for this purpose? These questions were answered by the lieutenant colonel of militia Dmitry Yazepchik, Senior Inspector for Special Assignments of the Licensing and Permitting Department of the Prevention Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There is no urgent need to acquire means of self-defense in our country, - says the interlocutor. - By by and large, crime situation is calm and therefore there is no reason to do so. However, someone who wants to acquire, for example, gas pistol, must acquire skills in handling it, pass a medical examination. And only after that, the territorial bodies of internal affairs will decide whether a citizen can be given permission to purchase weapons of self-defense.

- It seems to me that stun guns and gas cartridges are most often purchased.

The above means are related to weapons of self-defense, but You don't need to get permission to buy them.. They can be bought on the market, in specialized stores, however, such products must be necessarily certified.

- What means of self-defense do you consider the most effective?

All weapons pose a potential threat to humans. And each of the funds, if used correctly, will be effective for the owner. When acquiring such weapons, firstly, you need to think about why are you buying it, and secondly, you should understand with what means of self-defense you it will be more convenient.

- Unlike Russia, it is forbidden to have and use traumatic weapons in our country.

Yes, in 2012 in Belarus traumatic weapons were equated with firearms. Its circulation is completely prohibited.

- Can batons and baseball bats be classified as self-defense equipment?

Certainly not. You need to play baseball with a bat. There is simply a certain group of people who acquire and use them for other purposes.

- By the way, at what age does a citizen of Belarus have the right to keep firearms with him?

According to the law, all in our country you can buy weapons from the age of 18. Upon payment fees in the amount of 2 base units a resident of our country is given 3 year weapons permit. A similar procedure has been established for registration sports and hunting weapons. For Ownership Only smoothbore gun should still have a state hunter's license.

Incidentally, for illegal actions against gas weapons the owner can receive a fine of up to 10 base units with confiscation of the weapon. But for the possession of firearms, weapons, a person is already threatened criminal liability. For 9 months of 2014, 935 units of unregistered weapons and 1,650 units of registered ones were seized. More often, weapons are confiscated from black diggers and people who have them left from relatives. It should be noted that until July 1, 2014 the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out action to register unregistered weapons. Anyone could apply to the internal affairs bodies, present a weapon (no sanctions were applied) and register it in their name. As a result, we have achieved good results: more than 700 weapons were brought to the police.

Taras Shiry.


Self defense weapons- a set of weapons and other technical means, which can legally be used by a person to protect the life and health of persons whose life or health is endangered as a result of a criminal encroachment.

How much do self defense equipment cost?

You can buy self-defense equipment not only in ordinary stores, but also on the Internet. For example, prices for gas cartridges on some sites start at 80 thousand rubles. Tasers can be purchased for 500 thousand, and for 2.5 million (the so-called stunners). An ordinary flashlight-stun gun costs 1.5 million rubles. As you can see, it all depends on the financial capabilities and taste of a potential buyer.

The circulation of weapons in Belarus is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 13, 2001 On weapons (hereinafter gun law).

To begin with, consider the types of weapons into which the Weapons Act subdivides it. It is subdivided into:




Citizens can buy civilian weapons.

The requirement for it, according to the Law on Weapons of Belarus, is as follows:

- It shouldn't shoot bursts.

- Magazine capacity should not exceed 10 rounds.

The bullet must not have a core.

- Caliber rifled weapons should not exceed 9.3 mm.

- The length must be at least 80 cm.

Civil weapons The law on weapons of Belarus divides into:

Self defense weapons , which includes:

a) stun guns with parameters permitted by the Ministry of Health.

b) aerosol dispensers of tear and irritants.

c) gas revolvers and pistols.

Sports which refers to:

a) rifled firearms.

c) pneumatic with muzzle energy from 3 to 25 j.

d) cold.

e) throwing.

hunting :

a) rifled and combined firearms (including those with interchangeable rifled barrels).

b) firearms smoothbore.

c) pneumatic with muzzle energy from 7.5 to 25 J.

d) cold.

e) throwing.


Purchasing civilian weapons in Belarus, according to the Law on Weapons, can be citizens over the age of 18, permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus. It is purchased with the permission of the Internal Affairs Agencies.

Citizens who are members of sports shooting organizations and have membership cards of these organizations can buy sports firearms. They must be involved in shooting sports for at least 5 years. They can buy weapons in the manner that the Law on Weapons of Belarus provides for the purchase of hunting weapons.

You can buy gas and signal weapons with the permission of the Department of Internal Affairs in the amount of up to 2 units with registration within 10 days.

Mechanical and aerosol means of spraying tear and irritants, stun guns, as well as pneumatic weapons with muzzle energy up to 7.5 J. according to the Law on Weapons of Belarus, it can be purchased without permission and registration.

How to buy weapons in Belarus.

Hunting rifled and combined weapons can be purchased by citizens who have used hunting smoothbore weapons for 5 years or who already have rifled or combined weapons in use.

Citizens who have permission to store and carry hunting weapons can buy cold hunting weapons. According to the Law on Weapons of Belarus it is registered upon purchase at a trade enterprise by making a note in the permit for the right to store and carry hunting weapons.

How to buy hunting smoothbore weapons.

As already noted, according to the Law on Weapons of Belarus, citizens with a state certificate for the right to hunt can buy hunting smooth-bore weapons.

To obtain it, a person who has reached the age of 18 must pass a hunting exam in the forestry or UE "Belohot". To prepare for it, you can study the Rules of Hunting and the collection “Questions and Answers for Passing a Special Hunting Exam”, etc.

Having received a certificate, you can enter the hunting society. Members of the society hunt in the hunting grounds will cost less than those who are not members of it.

To obtain a certificate, you must submit the following documents:

1. Application.

2. Certificates from narcological and neuropsychiatric dispensaries.

3. 2 photos.

In order to buy weapons in a trading company, according to the Law on Weapons of Belarus, you must contact the licensing department of the internal affairs department at your place of residence to obtain a permit to purchase weapons.

For this.

1. In the licensing department of the Internal Affairs Directorate, take a referral to the medical commission, which must establish the absence of contraindications for possession of weapons. It is necessary to provide certificates from the narcological and psychoneurological dispensaries to the medical board.

2. Contact the district inspector who will check you and whether you have conditions for storing weapons at your place of residence. According to the Law on Weapons in Belarus, storage conditions provide for the absence of access by unauthorized persons to it and the presence of a metal box or safe. Use of a box from other high-strength material is allowed. In extreme cases, a wooden box that can be upholstered with a metal sheet. The box or safe must be locked and secured to a wall or floor.

As a result of the check, a conclusion should appear that your personality and storage conditions allow you to buy weapons and store them at your place of residence.

3. With the collected documents, we turn to the Department of Internal Affairs and obtain permission for the right to purchase. The permit is valid for 6 months with the right to renew.

4. With the purchased weapons and the stub from the permit to purchase weapons (with a note on the purchase of weapons from the store in it), we turn to the Department of Internal Affairs and receive a long-awaited permit for the right to store and carry hunting weapons. It is valid for 3 years, renewable.

Who does not have the right to buy weapons, according to the Law on Weapons of Belarus.

1. Persons under the age of 18 cannot buy weapons in Belarus.

2. Those who have physical disabilities or diseases in which the possession of weapons is contraindicated.

3. Persons who have a criminal record for weapons-related crimes or who have committed crimes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

4. Those serving a sentence.

5. Persons who committed administrative offenses related to causing bodily harm, petty hooliganism, were held administratively liable for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or for offenses in the field of hunting or arms trafficking.

6. According to the Law on Weapons, persons who twice, during the year, were brought to administrative responsibility for drinking alcohol or appearing in a public place in a state of intoxication, cannot buy weapons.

7. Those who do not have permanent residence and conditions for storing weapons.

In addition, the Law on Weapons of Belarus states that the grounds for refusing to issue permits may be:

- Failure to provide required information or providing incorrect information in the application.

- If it is impossible to ensure the safety and accounting of weapons.

The Department of Internal Affairs must justify the refusal in writing.

As you can see buy weapons in Belarus is not difficult. Gun Law in Belarus it allows. It is enough to be an adult, sober, law-abiding and relatively healthy.

With additional information about the Republic of Belarus (issues of entry, stay, transit, traffic, driver's license exchange, medical care) can be found in the section.

Attention Russian citizens:

  • On the possible arrest of Russian citizens if they are put on the wanted list by third countries and are in the Interpol database.
  • On criminal penalties for having traumatic weapons or cartridges for it; on the import/export of hunting weapons.
  • On paid treatment for Russian citizens temporarily staying in the Republic of Belarus.
  • About expulsion, deportation from the Republic of Belarus and about the confiscation of the car for driving while intoxicated again within a year.
  • On criminal liability for the use of prostitution, associated with the export of a person abroad.
  • On entry into the Republic of Belarus with a valid Russian passport; about mandatory car insurance.
  • On the possible confiscation by the Belarusian customs of money over 10,000 dollars in equivalent if these amounts are not declared when crossing the border of the Republic of Belaruswith third countries, as well as on the procedure for the transport of goods.
  • On the prevention of road accidents involving Russian citizens.

2. On criminal liability for the presence of traumatic weapons and cartridges for it. On the import/export of hunting weapons.

We draw your attention to the fact that in the Republic of Belarus cases of detention, arrest and initiation of criminal cases against Russian citizens for the transportation of traumatic weapons and cartridges for them have become more frequent. In accordance with Article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated November 13, 2001 "On Weapons", the circulation of firearms of traumatic action and traumatic cartridges on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is prohibited. Official permission to possess such weapons, issued by Russian authorities, is not valid in Belarus.

Illegal circulation of traumatic weapons, including their storage, transportation or carrying, ammunition for it entails liability under part 2 of Article 295 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, the sanction of which provides for punishment in the form of corrective labor for up to two years or arrest for up to six months, or restriction of liberty for up to five years, or imprisonment for a term up to seven years with confiscation of property or without confiscation. You can read more at the link.

3. On paid medical care for Russian citizens temporarily staying in the Republic of Belarus.

Please note that for Russian citizens temporarily staying in the Republic of Belarus and not working in the country under labor contracts, only emergency (urgent) medical care is free. Any planned medical treatment, or treatment in a medical hospital after the elimination of the threat to life is carried out on a paid basis, the cost of treatment can be up to 100 dollars per day and is charged until the patient is discharged.

In accordance with Russian law, when lack of health insurance, medical care costs(including medical evacuation in the territory of a foreign state and from a foreign state to Russia) outside the territory of Russia carried by the citizen of Russia or persons interested in helping a Russian citizen outside Russian Federation, including persons who invited a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the costs of returning the body (remains) to the Russian Federation shall be borne by persons interested in the return of the body (remains) to the Russian Federation.

In this regard, we strongly recommend that Russian citizens, especially the elderly or their relatives, take out medical insurance even for short trips to the Republic of Belarus. An insurance policy for a trip to the Republic of Belarus can also be issued remotely online on the websites of Russian insurance companies.

4. About expulsion, deportation from the Republic of Belarus and confiscation of a car for driving while intoxicated repeatedly within a year.

We draw the attention of Russian citizens to the fact that in accordance with Belarusian legislation for the commission by a foreign citizen of five or more administrative offenses during the year (including - violation of the rules of the road of the Republic of Belarus) the competent authorities of the Republic of Belarus may make decisions on the annulment of a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus and subsequent expulsion from the country.

When committing a separate offense, for example, driving while intoxicated, foreign citizens, including citizens of Russia, are subject to expulsion or deportation from the Republic of Belarus simultaneously with bringing to administrative responsibility. At the same time, a ban on entry into the Republic of Belarus is established, the term of which can be from six months to ten years.

In accordance with Part 6 of Article 61 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, for driving a vehicle by a person in a state of intoxication, transferring control of a vehicle to such a person or refusing to undergo an inspection (certification), committed repeatedly within a year after the imposition of an administrative penalty for such the same violation, the confiscation of the vehicle, including that which does not belong to the most drunk driver, is applied.

5. On criminal liability for the use of prostitution, associated with the export of a person abroad.

Please note that in the Republic of Belarus there are cases of criminal prosecution of foreign citizens, including Russians, on charges of committing a crime under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus - “Using prostitution or creating conditions for prostitution, including with the export of a person outside Belarus”, which is punishable by imprisonment for a term from 7 to 10 years with confiscation of property. There have been cases of Russian citizens being detained while trying to “deliver” and / or “employ” girls in cars at their request in Russia. In this regard, we strongly recommend that you be extremely vigilant when making acquaintances (including on the Internet, in social networks), if possible, avoid casual contacts with unfamiliar people, do not respond to requests (including women with a low level of social responsibility) to provide assistance in leaving from the Republic of Belarus and at the entrance to the territory of Russia to engage in any illegal business there.

Remember! Criminal liability is provided not only for the completed crime, but also for its preparation! At the same time, provocation can be one of the methods of operational-search work of law enforcement agencies. We call on citizens visiting the Republic of Belarus to comply with the laws of the host country, when making certain decisions, do not forget about common sense and basic caution.

6. On entry into the Republic of Belarus with a valid Russian passport; about mandatory car insurance.

In accordance with a bilateral agreement, Russian citizens have the right to freely enter and leave the territory of the Republic of Belarus according to valid documents: internal Russian passport; Russian foreign passport; service passport; diplomatic passport; seafarer's passport (if there is a ship's list or an extract from it); for children under the age of 14 - a birth certificate; certificate of return to the Russian Federation (only for return to the Russian Federation).

When entering the territory of the Republic of Belarus by car, you must have obligatory insurance policy of civil liability of owners (drivers) of vehicles, in the absence of which the employees of the Belarusian traffic police will impose a fine of about $200. The Republic of Belarus has a Green Card system, in the absence of this card, a car can be insured at Belgosstrakh (the minimum cost is $18 for 15 days, $37 for a month), including at points on the Russian-Belarusian border. The insurance premium is paid in foreign currency or Russian rubles.

7. On the possible confiscation by the Belarusian customs of money over 10,000 dollars in equivalent if these amounts are not declared when crossing the border of the Republic of Belarus with third countries (i.e. when crossing not the Russian-Belarusian border, but, for example, when leaving the Republic of Belarus to the Republic Poland), as well as on the procedure for the transport of goods.

According to the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the movement of cash by an individual in an amount exceeding the equivalent of $10,000 (including Russian rubles) upon exit/entry from the Republic of Belarus to third countries (not to / from Russia) is carried out with a customs declaration in writing for the entire amount of imported funds.

In case of illegal movement (non-declaration, concealment) of cash in the total amount not exceeding the equivalent of $ 30 thousand, in accordance with part 2 of article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, an administrative liability in the form of a fine in the amount of 5 to 30 base units with confiscation undeclared cash and (or) traveler's checks in excess of the amount, the movement of which across the customs border of the EAEU is allowed without customs declaration. In case of illegal movement (non-declaration, concealment) through the Belarusian section of the customs border of the EAEU, cash in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 30,000 US dollars, in accordance with Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus provides criminal liability.

According to the traffic police of the Republic of Belarus, recently road traffic accidents (RTA) with serious consequences, the participants of which are citizens of the Russian Federation. “The main cause of traffic accidents with the participation of Russian citizens on the territory of the Republic of Belarus - non-observance by drivers of the regime of work and rest. Drive-offs into roadside ditches, rollovers, passing collisions, exits into oncoming traffic lanes, as a rule, due to sleepy drivers. In an effort to quickly overcome large gaps in the route, the basis of all road traffic is forgotten - safety. The driver on a long journey needs to have a good rest. You can sleep in a hotel, on specially equipped areas, just in your car, stopping off the road. As for the various remedies that drivers take to stay awake at the wheel, they are not reliable. Coffee, energy drinks, loud music and intense conversation with a passenger cannot be a guarantee of safety. Each of these "helpers" can fail at any moment. You should always remember that by risking falling asleep at the wheel, you expose not only yourself and your passengers to mortal danger, but also other road users.

Often Belarusians get information about the acquisition, storage and carrying of weapons, including pneumatic ones, from unreliable sources: Internet sites, stories of acquaintances, etc. What are the rules for pneumatics in Belarus? prevention of the Department of Internal Affairs of the regional executive committee Sergey Galynya.

- Weapons are divided into combat, service and civilian. Pneumatics belongs to the latter category and it is allowed to own it, but not as a self-defense tool, like, say, gas pistols or stun guns, but only for use in sports and hunting, when their muzzle energy is 7.5-25 J.

Such weapons are acquired with the permission of the internal affairs bodies and are subject to registration. The exceptions are specimens of lower power and structurally similar products with a muzzle energy of not more than 3 J, signal pistols and revolvers with a caliber of up to 6 mm, which, according to the conclusion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, cannot be used as firearms and gas weapons.

– Should we be afraid of pneumatics, which many people consider just a toy?

- A bullet from an airgun can not only pierce the skin, but also penetrate the body several centimeters, damaging internal organs. Even the “light” option (up to 3 J) can cause serious injuries, and if it hits the neck or head, it can cause severe injuries, the consequences of which are hearing loss, vision loss and death.

The main buyers of pneumatics are young people aged 15 to 30 years. Computer games, action heroes instill in children a craving for weapons, a desire to be cool and dominate others. But they should be reminded that the use of these "toys", including for protection purposes, can be qualified as exceeding the necessary defense measures, hooliganism, causing bodily harm.

- Fans of pneumatics are not afraid of the possibility of going to jail?

- The problem is that sellers in the markets and on the Internet often deceive their customers, they say that no documents are needed for civilian weapons. As a result, ignorant people buy pneumatics over 3 J, reinforced springs, lengthened barrels and other "tuning" that increases power.

In fact, an increase in muzzle energy over 7.5 J entails criminal liability - up to 2 years in prison, and possession and carrying of modernized pistols - administrative.

Of course, both suppliers and distributors of illegal products are punished. We hold special events at retail outlets, track offers online, deliveries on order. Any products and items related to weapons, including aerosol cans, must be certified and comply with regulations. And they can only be sold in specialized stores.

For violations of the law, deprivation of licenses, the right to engage in entrepreneurship, fines and criminal liability are provided.

Eduard Korolevich, Vitebsk News, June 16, 2017
(photo - "Vitebsk News")

It is not only household know-hows that firmly enter our lives. Recently, Belarusians have increasingly begun to acquire air pistols. Someone for greater importance, and someone worries about personal safety. Igor from Vitebsk bought a pistol for his wife so that she would not be afraid to return home from work at night. Only now he was disturbed by the latest news that they want to ban pneumatic weapons in Belarus. "SG" considered the issue relevant - there are big holidays, the accompanying feast and entertainment events increase the degree of passions. And no matter how rashly done, the act did not lead to big troubles.

Pneumatics are only now beginning to gain popularity due to their availability to the mass consumer, although these weapons were created in Germany as early as 1590. It was expensive, used only by the nobility during the hunt. Then there was an opinion that pneumatics shoots more accurately, less sensitive to weather conditions. Although popularity grew due to other obvious advantages - noiselessness, lack of smoke and flash.

From year to year, models of pneumatic weapons improved, and appearance gradually acquired a modern look. Only the method of organizing the shot remained unchanged: in the "air" the projectile takes off at great speed under the influence of the gas under pressure. high pressure.

In Belarusian legislation, all weapons are divided into three categories: combat, service, civilian, which includes pneumatics. It, in turn, differs in the principle of operation and can be spring-piston, gas and compression. Despite the fact that the law does not prohibit adult citizens from acquiring weapons with muzzle energy (the initial kinetic energy of a bullet at the moment it leaves the barrel) from 3 to 7.5 joules, it is forbidden to carry it freely: in order not to cause a commotion or prevent the weapon from hitting into the hands of third parties. By the way, these requirements are relevant not only here, but also in Russia and Europe. For carrying and transporting in populated areas pneumatic weapons (with muzzle energy over 3 joules) in an uncovered form, as well as using them outside shooting ranges, shooting ranges, shooting and hunting stands, a fine of up to 10 basic units is provided with possible confiscation of the subject of an administrative offense.

As a rule, pneumatics can be purchased without special permission and registration with the police - it doesn’t matter if it’s a rifle, a gun or a pistol. The main thing is that the muzzle energy does not exceed 7.5 joules, and the caliber of bullets - 4.5 millimeters.

When used correctly, pneumatics does not pose a threat to human life. But to believe that this is an ordinary toy that is not capable of harming health is also wrong. The deplorable consequences, believe me, are many. Indeed, along with the scope of application, the sight has also shifted: if earlier they shot at targets in a shooting range or at banks in the forest, now they shoot at people. Three shots at point-blank range and a control shot in the head - this is how the Mozyrian tried to restore justice with one of the visitors to the nightclub, using an air pistol as a weighty argument. A resident of Vitebsk shot two boys from a window. A 15-year-old teenager, also from Vitebsk, did not think of anything better than how to fire at the guys passing by. The maximum punishment for such hooligan acts is up to 10 years in prison.

And now, dear Igor, attention! The law "On weapons" categorically prohibits the use of pneumatics for self-defense! Even if your spouse acts according to the instructions for the pistol and shoots only at the limbs - arms or legs, she will be held administratively liable. When deciding to use a gun, remember that the head, neck, chest or groin are vital areas, any impact on them can be harmful to health. For example, a powerful blow to the region of the heart can stop it. We must not forget that steel balls easily pierce soft tissues, it will not be possible to remove them without the help of a surgeon. So it’s better for your wife not to get a gun, if anything, but turn on the “sound” siren - loudly and desperately call for help.

As statistics show, either unintelligent teenagers, or persons who have previously been prosecuted, shoot. How do weapons get into their hands? Now it is enough to enter the appropriate search query - and a lot of online stores are ready to offer their services. True, they are allowed to sell products with muzzle energy up to 3 joules. More powerful specimens are sold only by hunting shops that have a special license from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Seeing a sign on the site that weapons are sold only to adults, in theory, a teenager should close the page. But forbidden fruit is sweet.

And completely in vain. Many people lose sight of the fact that liability for an easy purchase comes immediately: since the beginning of the year, 47 citizens have been brought to administrative responsibility for illegal transportation and carrying of pneumatics. For the commission of various crimes with its use, 40 criminal cases were initiated.

Where does such a pernicious love for weapons come from? I must say thank you to action movies and computer games, where you can’t do without blood and violence. So it seems that a showdown without a gun is impossible. Even if it will be pneumatics, which, as a rule, are bought for entourage, in order to show off among peers. As Aleksey Klyuchnikov, Senior Inspector of the Prevention Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, explained, at present, issues of tightening the circulation of pneumatics, equating them with firearms are being increasingly discussed. Over time, most likely, it will. However, low-power, up to 3 joules, these innovations, perhaps, will not affect.