Duck hunting in autumn opening. Novosibirsk Regional Society of Hunters and Fishermen

Opening of hunting in the season 2019-2020, UOOR, Kiev region:


Extract from the ORDER (Russian):




On the organization and conduct of hunting in the hunting season 2019-2020 in the hunting grounds of the Kyiv Regional Hunting and Fishing Production Association of the Kyiv Regional Council of the UOOR

In order to organize and conduct hunting in the hunting season of 2019-2020 in the hunting grounds of the Kiev Regional Hunting and Fishing Production Association of the Kiev Regional Council of the UOOR in Baryshevsky, Boguslavsky, Brovarsky, Volodarsky, Zgurivskhomu, Ivankovsky, Kagarlyksky, Makarovsky, Obukhovsky, P-Khmelnitsky, Rokytnyansky, Skvirsky, Stavischansky, Tarashchansky, Tetievsky, Yagotinsky districts


1. Set the following hunting periods:

1.1. For ducks (except for goldeneye, white-eyed geese, white-eyed duck, white-eyed duck, ruddy shelduck, slut, common eider, merganser, red-billed nibble, medium crech, stonefish, white-faced and red-breasted geese), coot, waders (except for oystercatcher, magpie, stilt, avocet, curlews , gulls, avdotka, tirkushka, handbill, turnstone, chernysh, carrier, fifi, big lamb (snipe), plovers of the sea, small, large-billed, ringed lizard, sandpipers, swimmers), pigeons (exceptpigeon bruise (klintukha)) - from 18:00 August 10 to November 09, 2019 inclusive, and on the territory of wetlands of the Kyiv regional MRVO of the Kyiv regional council of the UOOR of the Kanevsky and Kyiv reservoirs - until December 29, 2019 inclusive. On the territory of the hunting grounds of the KOO MRVO KOR UOOR in the Obukhov region from the dawn of August 10.

1.2. For quail - from August 10 to October 1, 2019 inclusive, only for hunters - owners of pointing dogs and spaniels individually or by a group of hunters (no more than 3 people) and with a passport for a dog of a hunting breed.

1.3. For gray partridge - from October 1 to December 29, 2019 inclusive only on the territory of the hunting grounds of the Kiev regional MRVO in Baryshevsky, Brovarsky, Obukhovsky and Ivankovsky districts under the guidance of the huntsman service on special shooting cards, only for hunters - owners of dogs of pointing breeds and spaniels individually or a group of hunters (no more than 3 people) and in the presence of a passport for a hunting dog;

1.4. On woodcock from October 1 to December 29, 2019 inclusive under the guidance of the huntsman service on special shooting cards, only for hunters - owners of dogs of pointing breeds and spaniels individually or by a group of hunters (no more than 3 people) and with a passport for a dog of a hunting breed ;

1.5. For game birds grown on farms and released into hunting grounds "under the gun" - from August 10 to December 31, 2019 inclusive in Baryshevsky, Brovarsky, Volodarsky, Yagotinsky districts.

1.6. On the beaver - from October 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020 inclusive, only on the territory of the hunting grounds of the Kyiv regional MRVO in Brovary, Makarovsky and Ivankovsky districts.

1.7. For pine marten - from October 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020 inclusive, only on the territory of the hunting grounds of the Kyiv regional MRVO in the Makarovsky district.

1.8. Individual hunting for ungulates:

for roe deer males - from June 10 to December 31, 2019 inclusive, only on the territory of the hunting grounds of the Kiev Regional Regional Regional Regional District in Baryshevsky, Boguslavsky, Brovarsky, Ivankovsky, Makarovsky, Obukhovsky, Rakitnyansky, Stavischansky, Tarashchansky, Tetievsky districts;

1.9. Collective and battue hunting for ungulates:

for male and female roe deer and their young, capable of independent existence - from October 12 to December 29, 2019 inclusive, only on the territory of the hunting grounds of the Kiev Regional Regional Regional Regional District in Baryshevsky, Boguslavsky, Brovarsky, Ivankovsky, Makarovsky, Obukhovsky, Rakytnyansky, Stavyshchansky, Tarashchansky , Tetievsky districts;

1.10. For a hare - from November 09 to December 29, 2019 inclusive;

1.11. For a fox, a raccoon dog, a wolf - from November 9, 2019 to February 29, 2020 inclusive.

2. Determine that:

2.1. Hunting days are:

- for game birds - Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday, and for hunters - owners of dogs of pointing breeds and spaniels individually or by a group of hunters (no more than 3 people) and in the presence of a passport for a dog of a hunting breed - an additional day of hunting - Thursday;

For quail - Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday, only for hunters - owners of dogs of pointing breeds and spaniels individually or by a group of hunters (no more than 3 people) and with a passport for a hunting dog;

For gray partridge and slut (woodcock) - all days of the week;

For feathered game grown on farms and released "under the shot" - all days of the week (subject to the availability of hunting grounds specially designated for this purpose by order of the user) according to separate shooting cards;

For ungulates, beaver and pine marten for individual hunting - all days of the week;

On ungulates during collective and battue hunting - in October - December - Saturday and Sunday;

- for a hare-hare - Saturday and Sunday:

For a fox, a raccoon dog and a wolf - Saturday and Sunday, and in February 2020 for hunters (first of all - owners of hunting dogs of burrow and hound breeds) - all days of the week (under the control of the ranger service of the site user), according to one-time shooting cards;

2.2. Hunting for feathered game and fur-bearing animals should be carried out according to the shooting cards, within the established capacity of the grounds, with the mandatory registration of the hunted game, which is carried out in the control card for accounting for the hunted game and violations of the rules of hunting.

2.3. The rate of catching game birds and hare by one hunter per day of hunting is established by a separate order of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, but should not exceed:

ducks-5 waders-10 pigeons-10

foxes - 6 quails - 15 partridges - 3

slukvi (woodcocks) - 3

The rate of obtaining feathered game grown on farms and released "under the shot" is not limited;

The daily rate of shooting a brown hare by one hunter is one hare , shooting rates for raccoon dogs, foxes are not limited;

2.4. Fox hunting with the use of rifled hunting weapons is carried out by prior agreement (message) of the hunting service of the economy;

2.5. Hunting for beaver, pine marten is carried out individually under a license in accordance with the limits approved for the 2019-2020 hunting season.

2.6. Hunting on ponds and fish farms should be carried out on time and during the day in accordance with the schedules and production cycles of fish farms;

2.7. Implement the decision of the State Emergency Anti-Epizootic Commission under the Kyiv Regional State Administration;

2.8. Hunting for game birds, fur-bearing animals and hoofed animals is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On hunting and hunting" and the "Regulations on the rules for hunting, handling weapons, and the procedure for issuing licenses for hunting game animals", approved by order of the Ministry of Agrarian policy and food of Ukraine dated October 17, 2011 No. 549 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 19, 2011 under No. 1211/19949.

3.1. Conducting hunting for game birds in forest lands without the PRESENCE of the huntsman service, as well as making fires during the fire-dangerous period of the year;

3.2. Being in the lands during hunting for game birds and fur-bearing animals with rifled weapons and cartridges for smooth-bore weapons filled with bullets and shot with a diameter of more than 5 mm (No. 0000);

3.3. Carrying out hunting for fur animals in forest lands in order to provide zones of rest and reproduction of game animals in accordance with the decision of the expanded presidium of the Kyiv Regional Council of the UOOR dated March 5, 2013. protocol number 2.


Guided by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 209 - FZ "On hunting and conservation of hunting resources and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation”, by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2010 No. 512 “On approval of hunting rules”, by the Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region of April 13, 2015 No. 142-p “On the introduction of restrictions and prohibitions on the use of hunting resources in the territory of the Novosibirsk Region”, Decree of the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region dated April 13, 2015 No. No. 69 "On the types of permitted hunting and the parameters of hunting in hunting grounds on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region", by order of the Department for the Protection of Wildlife of May 16, 2016. #187:

1. Allow the extraction of hunting resources, in all hunting farms of NGO "NOOOiR" according with headcount, quotas and throughput hunting grounds, within the following timeframes:

1.1. swamp-meadow game without hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons from July 10, 2017. to July 24, 2017;

1.2. field and steppe game without hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons from July 10, 2017. to August 4, 2017;

1.5. upland (except capercaillie), field and steppe game with gun dogs - from August 5, 2017 to November 15, 2017;

1.6. waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field and steppe game, rook - from September 2, 2017. to November 15, 2017;

1.12. brown bear - from August 15, 2017 to November 30, 2017 and from 01 April 2018 to May 30, 2018;

1.17. hares (hare, hare), sable, American mink, column, squirrels, pine martens, ermine, steppe polecat, fox, corsac, wolf, raccoon dog - from October 25, 2017. to January 31, 2018;

2. When hunting, comply with the requirements for trapping and shooting game animals and hunting restrictions in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 512 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Economics of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 “On Approval of Hunting Rules”.

3. Chairmen of the boards of regional societies of hunters and fishermen:

3.1. organize the issuance of permits to hunters for the right to extract hunting resources and contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing, recreation;

3.2. appoint persons responsible for issuing documents for the right to hunt;

3.3. to instruct persons responsible for issuing permits and contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing, recreation, against signature, on the correct execution of permits for the right to hunt, on the procedure for issuing and returning them;

3.4. periodically check the correctness of execution by responsible persons of permits for the right to hunt;

3.5. ensure that hunters are informed about the observance of veterinary and sanitary safety measures when acquiring, cutting, transporting and eating meat from hunted resources, as well as the need to comply with fire safety measures in hunting grounds;

3.6. instruct rangers on safety rules during hunting, protection of hunting grounds and fire safety in the grounds and hunting bases;

3.7. prepare and maintain hunting bases and stopping points for receiving hunters in proper condition;

3.8. ensure that hunters return permits for the right to prey when hunting bears and ungulates within 10 days after the prey, injury or expiration of unused permits; when hunting for other types of hunting resources, ensure the return of permits within 20 days after the capture of the animal or the expiration of the permits;

3.9. timely submit reports on the extraction of hunting resources to the hunting and fishing department of the NGO "NOOOiR";

3.10. supervise the conduct of hunting for ungulates and bears by the huntsman service of the hunting economy.

4. Persons responsible for issuing permits and vouchers (contracts):

4.1. issue permits to hunters for the right to hunt on the basis of a power of attorney issued by NOO "NOOOiR";

4.2. issue permits for the right to extract hunting resources in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated August 29, 2014 N 379 “On approval of the procedure for issuing and issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources, the procedure for filing applications and applications necessary for issuing such permits, and approving the forms of permit forms for prey of ungulates, bears, fur-bearing animals, birds”;

4.3. when issuing permits, be guided by the norms of permissible extraction of hunting resources per permit, in accordance with the order of the Department for the Protection of Wildlife May 16, 2016 №187, while in the case of issuing a permit for a taxable type of animal (except for common grouse) one permit to issue for the right to harvest only one individual;

4.4.when issuing permits for black grouse one permit to issue for 3 (three) individuals .

4.5. issuance to hunters of permits for the right to hunt to produce, not exceeding the throughput of the hunting economy;

4.6. collect funds for contracts (vouchers) for the provision of hunting and additional services in accordance with the approved payment table;

4.7. to acquaint the hunter with the boundaries of the farm (area) where hunting will be carried out, with the rules of hunting, with safety precautions during hunting and fire safety measures, and the conditions for the provision of other services.

5. Leading hunter Savalov A.A. conduct briefings with the chairmen of the boards of the ROOiR against signature on the preparation and conduct of hunting.

6. To impose control over the execution of this order on the deputy chairman of the NGO "NOOOiR" for hunting and fishing activities Gordeev O.V.

Chairman of the board

OO "NOOOiR" N.I. Kobylenko

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The hunting season for sika deer and roe deer is open in the Samara region from August 1. In Yakutia, it is allowed to harvest swamp-meadow game, upland game with pointing dogs, retrievers, spaniels and birds of prey from August 9 to 20 ...

The hunting season for swamp-meadow game in a number of regions of Russia has been open since July 25, snipe, corncrake, great snipe and harshnipe are allowed to shoot. However, the discovery of hunting concerns only owners of dogs of hunting breeds, and even then not all, so ...

In Chuvashia, the terms of hunting for wild boar and the terms of hunting for game birds have been increased. The summer-autumn hunting season for geese, ducks and other birds will last three months. And hunting for a wild boar in Chuvashia opens on August 1, 2017, while ...

Summer-autumn hunting for game birds in the Smolensk region is open. From July 25, you can hunt swamp-meadow game with island and continental pointing dogs, retrievers, spaniels. From August 5, they will open the hunt for ...

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In the Stavropol Territory, quail hunting, pigeon hunting and turtle dove hunting are opening. Owners of dogs and birds of prey will be the first to open the summer-autumn hunting season of 2017 - they are allowed to hunt from August 5. For hunters without...

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The state bodies of the Irkutsk region are ready to issue permits in 2017 to harvest approximately 1,200 elk, 1,300 red deer, red deer, 2,800 roe deer, 2,000 musk deer, in addition to 50,000 sable and more than 800 bears. It's from August 1st...

In Karachay-Cherkessia, the hunting season for turs, chamois and bears will open from August 1, and hunting for roe deer and red deer is possible from October 1. In all hunting farms of the KCR, regardless of their subordination, prohibited ...

Russia. Opening of hunting in the season 2019-2020:

You can navigate by the opening or closing dates of the hunt by readingas amended on April 10, September 5, November 8, 2012, December 10, 2013, September 4, 29, 2014, August 6, 2015. The exact dates of opening and closing of hunting depend on the region of Russia, weather conditions, etc. Orders from the opening of the hunt are formed separately in each administrative unit of Russia and communicated to the public by the media.

Also, the exact terms and conditions for the opening of hunting can be found in the departments of hunting farms, in newspapers and on the websites of regional administrations. Contacts of some farms can be found below on this page or on other sites.

Detailed information about the opening of hunting, the possibility of hunting for a particular game, the timing of the seasonal opening and closing of hunting can be found through the contacts of hunting farms, for example:


Opening dates autumn hunting 2019-2020

According to the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Hunting Rules, the following hunting periods for 2019-2020 are established:

Clause 41.1 of the Rules of hunting. For waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game from the second Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Amur Region, the Kurgan Region, the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, Komi Republic, Vologda Oblast, Leningrad Oblast, Novgorod Oblast, Republic of Karelia, Bryansk Oblast, Kaliningrad Oblast, Kaluga Oblast, Moscow Oblast, Nizhny Novgorod region, Oryol Region, Penza Region, Pskov Region, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region;

41.2. For waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game from the third Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in paragraph 41.1 of these Rules;

41.3. For upland game from the third Saturday of August to February 28 (29) in the territories of the Republic of Karelia, the Kaliningrad region, the Pskov region, the Komi Republic, the Novgorod region, the Leningrad region, the Arkhangelsk region, the Vologda region, the Murmansk region, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Kostroma region , Tver Region, Kirov Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Irkutsk Region, Omsk Region, Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region, Republic Sakha (Yakutia), Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region;

41.4. on the white and tundra partridge from the third Saturday of August to April 20 in the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

41.5. on Turpans (hook-nosed and common) from June 1 to June 4 in the territory of Amginsky, Gorny, Kobyaisky, Megino-Kangalassky, Namsky, Tattinsky, Ust-Aldansky, Churapchinsky regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

41.6. for upland game from the third Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in paragraph 41.3 of these Rules.

According to the Rules of hunting, it is established that:

upland game includes capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, white and tundra partridge, woodcock;

swamp-meadow game includes snipe, snipe, harshnep, turukhtan, herbalist, lapwing, tules, chrustan, snails, godwit, curlew, morodunka, turnstone, corncrake, shepherd, common chauffeur;

waterfowl include geese, goose, ducks, coot, moorhen;

steppe and field game include gray and bearded partridges, quail, saja, pheasants, pigeons and turtledoves;

mountain game includes kekliks and snowcocks;

Other game includes loons, cormorants, skuas, gulls, terns, auks, classified as game animals in order to ensure the traditional way of life and the traditional economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.


Information about hunting, discovery, conditions in previous seasons:

About hunting for wild boars last season (Moscow region, MOOiR)

Hunting for all sex and age groups from June 01 to October 01 should be carried out only from an ambush (ambush), a shooting tower, or from an approach;

Also, from January 01 to February 28, it is prohibited to hunt wild boars of all sex and age groups by driving, surge, as well as using hunting dogs, with the exception of the addition of wounded wild boars;

It is forbidden to shoot with shot and buckshot at wild boars of all sex and age groups;

It is allowed to use any light devices, thermal imagers, night vision devices for hunting wild boars only in the dark and only when hunting from towers located at a height of at least two meters above ground level, and light devices also in case of collecting wounded animals.

In connection with the unfavorable epizootic situation with African swine fever and a number of other zoonotic and anthropozoonotic diseases in the territory of Moscow and adjacent regions, in the event of the discovery of the corpses of dead game animals, it is necessary to immediately notify the veterinary services of the relevant municipalities and (or) employees of the Department of Hunting and Hunting Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region. DO NOT TAKE any action with animal carcasses on your own. Strictly comply with the requirements of the current Decrees of the Governor of the Moscow Region on the establishment of restrictive measures (quarantine) for zoonotic diseases of game animals.



Opening of spring hunting 2019

Spring hunting in 2019 will be open in most regions of Russia. Opening and timing are determined by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia:

From the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated November 16, 2010 No. 512 "On approval of hunting rules". With amendments and additions from 10.04, 05.09, 08.11.2012:

39. Hunting for game birds is carried out from March 1 to June 16, within 10 calendar days (hereinafter referred to as spring hunting) and at other times provided for in paragraphs 37, 41.

39.1. The highest official (head of the highest executive body of state power) of the Republic of Adygea (Adygea), the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of Mari El, the Republic of Mordovia, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Udmurt Republic, the Chechen Republic Republic, Chuvash Republic- Chuvashia, Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Ivanovo region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluga region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow region, Novgorod region, Oryol region, Penza region, Pskov region, Ryazan region, Samara region, Smolensk region, Tambov region, Tula region, Ulyanovsk region, Yaroslavl region region, the Jewish Autonomous Region, when determining the parameters for the implementation of hunting in the corresponding hunting grounds, determines a single period of spring hunting in all hunting grounds located on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

Autumn hunting 2017

The summer-autumn hunting season 2017 will open at its own time for each region. In many regions, the opening of hunting took place in July 2017 - according to the rules of the first, hunting for swamp-meadow game is opened for owners of hunting birds and dogs of hunting breeds (you can hunt with island and continental pointing dogs, retrievers, spaniels).

Hunting for game birds with one gun dog carried out with the participation of no more than three hunters, each of which must have a hunting license, a valid permit for the storage and carrying of hunting weapons, a permit for the extraction of hunting resources and a permit issued in the prescribed manner (clause 3.2 a, b, d; clause 45 rules). In case of hunting with birds of prey, in addition to a hunting license, permit and voucher, you need permission to keep and breed them in semi-free conditions or in an artificially created habitat (clause 52 of the Federal Law "On the Fauna"). When using a dog and (and) hunting bird for hunting, they must be included in the ticket. Valid mark in the veterinary certificate of vaccination of the dog against rabies.

Dates of autumn hunting 2017

  • from the second Saturday of August to November 15 - for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game in the territories of the Republic of Karelia, the Komi Republic, the Bryansk Region, the Vologda Region, the Kaliningrad Region, the Kaluga Region, the Leningrad Region, the Moscow Region, the Novgorod Region, the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Oryol Region, the Penza Region, and the Pskov Region. (clause 41.1)
  • from the third Saturday of August to November 15 - for waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field, steppe game in the territories of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Mari El, the Republic of Mordovia, the Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan), the Udmurt Republic, the Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia, the Perm Territory, the Arkhangelsk Region, the Belgorod Region, the Vladimir Region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Kostroma region, Kursk region, Kirov region, Lipetsk region, Murmansk region, Orenburg region, Ryazan region, Smolensk region, Samara region, Tambov region, Tver region, Tula region, Ulyanovsk region, Yaroslavl region, Nenets Autonomous district. (clause 41.1.1)
  • from the second Saturday of August to December 31 - for waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game in the territories of the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Republic of Kalmykia, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Chechen Republic, the Stavropol Territory, the Khabarovsk Territory, the Amur Region, the Astrakhan Region, the Kurgan Region, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. (clause 41.1.2)
  • from the third Saturday of August to December 31 - for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game not specified in paragraphs 41.1 - 41.1.2 of these Rules
  • from the third Saturday of August to February 28 (29) - for upland game in the territories of the Republic of Karelia, Kaliningrad Region, Pskov Region, Komi Republic, Novgorod Region, Leningrad Region, Arkhangelsk Region, Vologda Region, Murmansk Region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Kostroma Region, Tver Region, Kirov Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug , Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Irkutsk Region, Omsk Region, Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region. (clause 41.3)
  • from the third Saturday of August to December 31 - for upland game in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, not specified in paragraph 41.3 of these Rules.
  • from the third Saturday of August to April 20 - for white and tundra partridge in the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

We also remind you that:

  • to upland game include capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, white and tundra partridge, woodcock;
  • to swamp-meadow game include great snipe, snipe, harshnep, turukhtan, herbalist, lapwing, tules, chrustan, snails, godwit, curlew, morodunka, turnstone, corncrake, shepherd, common chauffeur;
  • to waterfowl include geese, goose, ducks, coot, moorhen;
  • to steppe and field game include gray and bearded partridges, quail, saja, pheasants, pigeons and turtledoves;
  • to mountain game include kekliks and ulars;
  • to other game include loons, cormorants, skuas, gulls, terns, auks, classified as hunting animals in order to ensure the traditional way of life and the traditional economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

Information about the extraction of hunting resources and their quantity

must be reported at the place of obtaining a permit for the extraction of hunting resources within the established time limits:

  • within 10 days after the capture, injury of the animal or the expiration of the permit when hunting ungulates and bears;
  • within 20 days after the extraction or expiration of the permit when hunting for other types of hunting resources.

Terms of autumn hunting in the Astrakhan and Arkhangelsk regions