Gipsy: a guide to survival. Creative director of Gipsy Slava Glushkov about the revival of the club One step away from Gipsy

There is such an institution on Red October, where on the night from Saturday to Sunday you can meet everyone: a simple student, and the son of Kristina Orbakaite (44), and the most enviable bachelor of the city. This is the club GIPSY, located on Bolotnaya embankment, 3/4, building 2.
PEOPLETALK today will tell you how to easily pass in this club for a local party-goer.

It's hard to say how you need to look in order to pass face control in GIPSY because inside among people in Yeezy Boost and “Jordans” there are sure to be women in shiny nylon tights. In general, the taste preferences of a person at the entrance, we admit, are unclear to us. Be guided by the universal rule of any party: simple and tasteful.

I doubt you don't know the song by heart yet a hotline bling, but if suddenly ... In short, urgently do it! And don't forget about the dance from Drake's video! call me on my cell phone plays at every party.

In any other club you can go deaf at the speakers, but in GIPSY everything is arranged differently. It looks like magic, but it is the speakers that will make you feel quite comfortable.

If many metropolitan establishments can be called places where it is easy to make a “profitable” acquaintance, then to GIPSY this does not apply. The fact is that here you cannot be 100% sure that the person you meet is, roughly speaking, in yourself.

If you have read our interview with Sasha Strizhenova(15), then you probably remember her story about the scandal when the daughter of famous TV presenters was accused of being " got drunk in GIPSY in company Deni Baysarova (18) ". So, you can’t get acquainted with someone popular in this place also because a lot of people are closely following this someone, and there is no guarantee that after the end of the evening your reputation will be clean. Evil tongues and those registered in GIPSY gossip girls will take care of it, trust me.

If you order a drink from a bar, try to track the preparation process and immediately take it directly from the hands of the bartender, because there are quite a few dubious people in GIPSY who can splash something forbidden into your glass. Yes, such cases are known, and they did not end with anything good.

I sincerely and wholeheartedly do not advise you to take pictures in the pool with balls. It rarely comes out of this venture. good photo

Inveterate party-goers GIPSY know that if you stay there until the morning, you can admire the dawn from one of the most beautiful verandas of the capital.

The veranda of the club is filled with leopard-print loungers, on which you just want to lie down. For God's sake, lie down as long as you want, the main thing is not to fall asleep! Not only will you oversleep the whole party, but you also run the risk of being left without personal belongings!

I note that for dancing on the weekend better place, how GIPSY you won't find. This is because the most famous hits of the whole world are played there, to the sounds of which the legs are torn to dance.

And in the afternoon GIPSY works as a restaurant, so after a stormy party night, which smoothly flowed into the early morning, you may well stay for a while and dine right on the spot.

Belonging to the Luxury class, which is capable of evoking at the same time several conclusions that are completely different from each other, antagonistic opinions, is night club Gipsy.

Institution address

The night club, which is located at Bolotnaya Embankment, 3, can serve as an example of a perfect combination of such seemingly opposite concepts as comfort and modesty, splendor and affordability. Club "Gypsy" (Moscow) embodied all the best features from the arsenal of club aesthetics.

How to get there?

The reference point for finding the Gipsy club can be the Krasny Oktyabr plant and the Collection Photo Gallery named after. On the territory of the famous historical enterprise in the same building as the Gallery, a nightclub with a view

Since it is difficult to get close by private vehicles, it is better, after getting off at the Kropotkinskaya metro station, to go straight across the bridge to the cherished goal, more precisely, to the nightclub on the embankment. Even if you still don’t want to use public transport, you will have to leave the car at or near the Udarnik cinema, and from there, after spending at least five minutes, get on foot. Night club "Gypsy" (Moscow) is a special style and design.

What is the success of the club?

Judging by the name of this site - "Gypsy", an association with the national traditions of the gypsies, dating back more than one hundred years, involuntarily arises. Such assumptions have the right to exist, they have a grain of truth. As an eloquent confirmation, one can cite the dishes that the institution offers to its visitors, the emphasis is on Indian and Romanian cuisine.

Here, oriental motifs are present everywhere, not without mystery, which is expressed in the original interior design, a unique hookah card. But there are also those who offer the Gypsy nightclub (Moscow, address Bolotnaya embankment, 3) to be classified as a summer establishment. And that would be a true statement. Few people know that at first the designers thought to create a summer playground on this site. The main hall is built in the form of an open-type terrace, which, like a visor, hangs over the attribute of the capital - the Moscow River. To the great surprise of the visitor, upon entering the premises, he finds artificial grass instead of the usual floor. It makes me want to take off my shoes and walk on it!

Combining together the above versions, you come to the conclusion that they are not enough to reflect the main idea of ​​the founders of the club. It is more unique and diverse, which in no small measure contributes to commercial success and huge popularity. Club "Gypsy" (Moscow) is the best place for the modern crowd.

What's inside the club?

In general, the entire building in which the institution is located is divided into separate zones, which are delimited from each other. Each of them has a specific environment, design, with its own different functionality. This is what attracts the Gypsy club (Moscow). The photo report allows you to study in advance the situation of the club.

The overhanging veranda, although it is considered the highlight of the club, you should not think that this is the only thing the institution can boast of. In the process of traveling and exploring the internal space along the way, a bar in the form of the letter “P” suddenly appears to the eye, finished with wood and attributes located throughout the room - discus throwers.

Further, the visitor goes to a chic veranda, but already closed and with a richer design. Subsequent wanderings along the corridors will gradually lead the curious traveler to a huge dance floor, which is directly adjacent to the stage, the VIP zone and a specially designated room for smoking hookah. instead of the usual floor, plasma screens, hammocks as beds and much more is ready to completely amaze the audience. This is a world of surrealism and futurism with some echoes of retro style combined with luxury, minimalism and quite reasonable prices! This is probably why young people tend to get into the Gypsy club (Moscow).

What can you drink and eat?

The description of the club will be incomplete without at least a superficial story about what the menu is. Although the restaurant's chef hails from distant Australia, this does not mean at all that he feeds hungry regulars with exotic carcasses of outlandish animals - platypus, echidna or kangaroo. In addition to the previously mentioned Indian delicacies and Romanian dishes, guests will appreciate the spiciness of Mexican and the aroma of Armenian dishes, classic European cuisine, drinks with a variety of ingredients and their unusual combination. Well, how about without shawarma! Be sure to visit the club "Gypsy" (Moscow). Photos of your party will be taken by professional photographers, and they can be posted on social networks without hesitation.

Work schedule and music program

The musical program is represented not only by the traditional hits of the groups "Brilliant" and "Leningrad" - obligatory participants in almost all entertainment events, but also show programs with parties with interesting themes, exciting promotions.

Throughout the summer, an open area welcomes guests every day. Club "Gypsy" (Moscow) hosts three days in a row every week - this is Thursday, Friday, Saturday. You can't get inside the premises without mandatory face control.

Winter is stubbornly asserting its rights, but the season of summer parties has already begun. And last Friday, the grand opening of the Gipsy club took place, which the whole of Moscow was looking forward to. Many are still wondering what caused such a long break? PEOPLETALK decided to look into the heart of the nightlife and find out all the secrets of the most stylish club in the capital. About what awaits us this season, how to pass face control and why there will never be roses in the Gipsy club, said creative director Vyacheslav Glushkov (26).

From the very beginning I was in the team of people who opened the club. It was 4 years ago in June. For all the time of work, our team has become very close-knit, and of course I do not consider myself its leader, but still an integral part of it. Officially, I hold the position of creative director. Everything that guests see and feel is the work of me and my colleague Anton.


I think that our regular guests will not be surprised by the changes, since we did not change anything much. For three years in a row, every season, we radically changed something, built new structures, regrouped the site. This time we decided to rebuild nothing, we just updated the already bored elements: we had slatted boards throughout the club, they had already outlived their usefulness, we removed them and replaced them with other materials. We changed the graffiti on the walls, some of the signs and our classic shawarma tent that everyone loves so much. That is just a few touches, but overall the space is refreshed. The concept has not changed, and the musical policy has remained the same.


There are many reasons why we closed. Firstly, the winter traffic of people is noticeably lower. If in the summer 6-8 thousand people pass through the night, then in winter this figure drops to 3 thousand simply because everyone is too lazy to leave the “Drummer” in the cold. Accordingly, the site loses the atmosphere, this is far from helping us. We didn't know what to do here in winter. Many clubs hold corporate parties and survive on this, but our concept does not provide for organizing such events here.

But in the end, it turned out to be a cool marketing ploy, because everyone was bored, and initially we didn’t lie - we immediately warned that we were closing for a while, that we would open on April 17, and this information was on the website. By the way, in December there was a crisis that bypassed us, because the club did not work, and as a result we are in a big plus.

Maybe we won't close next winter, it's hard to say. We have already planned summer season, we understood in which direction we will work, and for the winter there are a couple of ideas, but they need to be discussed closer to winter. In the first month of the season, we decided not to do shows with imported artists, simply because yesterday we were sitting on sun loungers, and today it is raining, today there are a lot of people, tomorrow there will be no one. But we will already hold summer parties with artists.

Fridays and Saturdays remain the same. We will dilute the understandable and relevant music with some interesting moves, an unusual presentation and an orientation towards the Western stage. I work a lot in America and I understand what they listen to there. I project this onto our audience through the prism of Moscow's musical taste. Mass-market music is expected from us, but we somehow keep ourselves apart, trying to present something new every week. Plus, on the internal dance floor, we make music for a narrower circle of people. We don't frame the format clearly, but it's always about disco, nu disco, deep house.

Standing apart techno-resurrections will surprise this year like never before. The guys from Techno Gipsy, who are the ideologues of techno Sundays, have prepared an excellent lineup, the names of which I cannot disclose. But it is built in an extremely correct way - these are sensational popular names, and artists of a more underground scene, but with no less interesting music. Thus, we try to show guests different sides this industry.


The arena is the same: DJ Tonique, DJ 909, DJ Junior K, DJ Ice-D, DJ Mos, including me - DJ Slava GEE. This is the composition of residents, which has been formed over the years. But we often invite guys who are not residents. We are trying to develop, so we attract new performers. For me personally, it is important that a person be a character. A DJ doesn't just put on music, he creates a mood. He can stand like a pillar, and it will be cool, or he can dance, yell and jump, but it will look ridiculous. And I want the DJ to be a whole person, he must live in his own style. It's hard to get to us from the outside, but it's possible.


We were considered a very uncommunicative club, but I always respond on Facebook and in private messages to adequate offers. That is, if they offer me roses to sell in a club, of course, I will not answer such people. We do not want to look like standard polished clubs, this is not our history, we want authenticity and an interesting presentation of information. We are super communicative with those who are on our wave. We are unlearning the mass market, and there are not so many people who understand us in terms of building a business. But they have always been and will be - it's nice.


We have a fairly serious face control, firstly, because purely physically the club will not accommodate everyone. For example, at the closing, we limited the entrance too late, and it was simply impossible to get inside. Even the bartenders could not get the dishes, and the waiters could not take the order. To be let in, you have to be yourself. We would like to see people with a neat appearance, although we do not have a dress code, but we do not really want to see girls in sequins and heels here. It just so happened that this is not our audience. As well as guys in tuxedos, although they come. You just have to be yourself, be who you are. If a person has a friendly approach to the face, does not lie about his age, and even more so does not call someone else's last name from the list (this is how we generally close the entrance forever), then he can almost always pass. Of course, except for the days of full hype, then we give priority to our regular guests.


Guys, be simpler, don't pretend to be someone you are not. Be nicer, kinder and more open, and everything will be cool. We do not look at appearance, we are very happy with sneakers, ripped jeans, unusual clothes. The problem is that many perceive going to a club as some kind of cultural event that you need to prepare for. It's strange for me when before going to a club people choose outfits, do their hair. Take it easy! This does not mean that you do not need to look good, just going to a club is a way to have a great time, dance and be in a pleasant atmosphere. And if you want to show yourself, then there are many other places for this. We are waiting for those who understand what we are about and why we are here.

former Gipsy face controller, host of the Pyatnitsa TV channel

“In 2011, my friend Sasha Dulshchikov offered me a job at Gipsy. The scheme, according to which the face control in Gipsy worked with me and still continues to work, I, one might say, patented. I was supposed to be a negative character, and I was. Different people came, the reaction to the refusal to enter could also not be the most adequate, but nothing criminal happened - there are much more rumors than real stories. When deciding who to let in, who not, I was always guided by the principle of “like or dislike”, but this principle was formed from many factors, which were primarily broadcast by the owner of the place, Ilya Likhtenfeld. He knew exactly what kind of audience he wanted to see in the club.

I did not seek any personal happiness in my work, but I had several important meetings there. We met Fedya Fomin at Gipsy, then he introduced me to his wife Nastya Kolmanovich, and now they are my music producers and friends. A further chain of acquaintances and events led me to the casting of the Friday TV channel, which I successfully passed and became the host of Eagle or Tails. Shopping.

Gipsy has always been and will always be a special place. In different periods of its existence - from a semi-backstage establishment to a large-scale venue - Gipsy is one of a kind. Perhaps his concept, like the concept of parties, will be tried to repeat by others, but Gipsy is Gipsy.

DJ and TV presenter

“I heard a lot “Gipsy has opened, they don’t let anyone in”. But what is "no one is allowed in"? I've always been good at getting in. Therefore, when my friends and I were not allowed in twice in a row, I was upset. I snorted at the entrance and swore that I would never, for anything, set foot here again. But, as is usually the case with girls, after a couple of weeks I was again at the entrance. Before I had time to approach, I heard something like: “Let the girl pass.” The person who told me to let me in was Slava Gee (Vyacheslav Glushkov, art director. - Note. ed.). That's how we got to know each other. I watched him play and thought it was very easy. Then I was offered to try, so I tried. I came to dine at the then small club-bar and stayed for a long time to try and try. I did not prepare for my first set for long, but all my friends were proud of me. And I did it, I did it!

I loved and love Gipsy with all my heart, I know him small and I know him big. I saw tears in the eyes of the guys when a large veranda opened and Ilya and his team put on an unreal show. It was so natural, so pure and so beautiful. I am grateful to Gipsy for the unreal bright parties, for the cool music, for the family atmosphere and for the fact that I am now a DJ. Who knows, if not for this, I would have met my now husband?

“The first time I got into Gipsy was in August 2011. I had just returned to Moscow after two months abroad, and my friends and I were celebrating my arrival. At some point, the question arose of where to go next. Everyone was already drunkenly depressed, and one of her friends offered to go with her to the new Gipsy place. I remember that we stood in line for quite a long time, but the closer we got to the entrance, the closer we saw how the then facer Anton Lavrentiev unsubscribed everyone who was somehow similar to the inhabitant of the still alive Rai club. It's our turn. We were asked if we were on the lists. We drunkenly smiled and said "no" - they let us in.

After that, my 3 years at Gipsy began. The first year I went there every weekend. I liked the small veranda, the audience and then still quite cheap alcohol. For 1000 r. you could take 2 huge glasses of Jägermeister and Long Island. Once there, my acquaintance was sniffed half to death by some madam, who later no one else met anywhere else.

Prior to the expansion of the veranda, the place had a soul that faded over time. As soon as the club was enlarged, daddies with their companions and schoolchildren began to gradually appear. At first they were chased, but over time they became part of a new party. The price tag was raised, and people who had been walking since the opening began to merge. The expansion did well in the pockets of the owners anyway, and probably every person who opened a place where there is a huge line to enter would have done the same. I myself in Last year most often I went to techno parties: I must give the guys their due, they made very cool deliveries.

PR manager

“Gipsy is not just a party, not just great concerts, fantastic dances and alcohol, it was a family. About 5 years ago, we may have gone to the Opera or Sunrise, but it was something so childish. And with Gipsy everything is more serious: I know that they will help me if I was fired from work, and if there are problems inside the institution, you can always go to the head of the security service, hang around, complain: “I’m offended!”, And he will figure it out. Although with the advent of a large veranda, the homely atmosphere has gone a little. To be honest, I didn’t care at all whether young people or not very much hung out there, I was always with friends. I would never hang out at a bar by myself. To me already ordinary visitors seem quite young. Although we hung out in the same way at that age, and older people probably also looked crookedly at us, thinking - well, what kind of youngsters?

Of course, there were millions and billions of stories in Gipsy, but I can't tell about them without dishonoring my friends! Let me tell you a nice story. Once, about two years ago, when Dooley (Alexander Dulshchikov, co-owner of Gipsy. - Note. ed.) had a birthday, they gave him a little kid - they brought him right to Gipsy in the middle of the night. There was a sea of ​​​​people, everyone began to joke that they should make shawarma out of it. I took that kid to the kitchen and sat with him for three hours, fed carrots from my hands - I missed the whole birthday. That's how sentimental I am!

MSU student

“Since my brother is the co-owner, I started going there from the very first day. There were a lot of crazy stories, ranging from different fights to falling into the pool, walking absolutely naked drunk guys all over the place, swimming in the Jacuzzi on the balcony and so on. I came there like home, and many guys did too. There was a story when one of my friends got very drunk and fell off the balcony. That is, how - he wanted to jump into the pool, he decided for a long time, in the end he jumped like a fish, but he miscalculated a little and hit his head on the side. A bunch of doctors came, there was blood and generally a huge boil. The boy was in the hospital for a long time, but now everything is more or less fine. His entrance was closed for this, but then they opened it - his happiness knew no bounds! In general, a lot of cool artists like Flo Rida, Avril Lavigne, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Jamie Jones and so on came to Gipsy. I don't think there were so many celebrities in any club in Moscow and in the world - maybe only in Palais or Twiga on Lazurka. And there were the legendary "PMS-marathons": three days in a row non-stop party. It's cool, by the way, that no one took money at the entrance. A lot of people came, who were, well, not the format, so to speak, and offered 5-10 thousand dollars each. Anton (Lavrentiev, face controller. - Note. ed.) were threatened by various sick people. There was even some story when someone shot right inside the club, but it is quite possible that this is gossip. I met a lot of people there good people, I love the whole team, despite the fact that we had a lot of conflicts, and I will miss you terribly. The guards carried me out a couple of times in their arms and ran after me when my brother said that it was time for me to go home. And I also met Exibit, Jamie Jones, Vanya Urgant, Timati, and the Leningrad group.


“To be honest, I started going to Gipsy, because in Moscow the party is small, everyone knows each other, and here you can’t get away - where everyone is, there you are. In 2011, it was something new, a rooftop summer terrace, daytime parties - this had never happened in Moscow before, and at the beginning it was very cool. And then everything got mixed up, they got confused with their own concept. Cool DJs came to Gipsy and played poorly. Because the atmosphere that music should create, as it was, for example, in "Arma", was not in Gipsy. People came to performances not because they understand music, but because it was fashionable to come. And those who really wanted to get to the performances of artists could not go, because they, you see, are not the format.

After all, Gipsy is a show-off. They won't let you in without show-offs. I once expressed my opinion, I wrote that it all reminds me of the roller-center on Tulskaya, where I used to jump in balloons as a child. And now overgrown drug addicts are also jumping around in these balloons in Gipsy. She called it all "Gypsy Disneyland of Lichtenfeld", after which Ilyusha (Lichtenfeld. - Note. ed.) wrote me a personal message that I should apologize, delete the post, and only then will they open the entrance to me. Since then, I have not had any relationship with Gipsy. Of course, there are very cool people there. They try hard for this club, the rest are just techno snoops. Well, apart from Ilyusha, I respect him as a person, it's just that Techno Gipsy is not techno. And he would not be offended by another person for healthy criticism, we were just friends, and he took it as a betrayal.

practices aesthetic medicine

“I started going to Gipsy from the very first party. Then Gipsy seemed like a big branch of Simachev, with the same people, similar atmosphere and cheap alcohol. It was clearly something new for Moscow, which lacked interesting establishments. They were reluctant to let me in, sometimes they even had to call someone for help.

Gipsy hosted my college graduation. More precisely, it took place in a neighboring institution, but after that my friend and I were kicked out of there. We went to Gipsy. It was clearly more fun there, despite the weekday. True, there was no face control, but it gave an interesting result like incomprehensible drunk girls from a brother country or guys in blue shirts crawling on the floor at 8 pm Tuesday.

The turning point for me was the issuance of club cards. I remember that one of my friends boasted of his card on Instagram. I never saw him there. It was from that moment that the decline began and it became clear that the end was near. The main reason why I stopped going there was the people. It was mostly natural rabble. Especially at Sunday drug parties. What I remember about techno Sundays is the terrible people I've never seen anywhere else."