Football Masonic game. Football cut off head

As you know, football was invented by the British. They carried this game all over the world on merchant ships. Therefore, in Ukraine, the first football match took place
in Odessa in 1878. Members of the Odessa British Athletic Club played. Naturally, among themselves. Odessans watched. And then they themselves began to drive the ball around the field. By the way, one of the first in Russian literature to describe this game was the inhabitants of Odessa. First, Alexander Kozachinsky in the story "The Green Van", published in 1938 and subsequently filmed twice. And Valentin Kataev in the novel "My Diamond Crown". Here it is, Odessa football at the beginning of the 20th century in the memoirs of this genius of South Russian literature:

“... a football field devoid of grass cover, where, in clouds of dust, the center forward served the ball to the edge, skillfully picked up by the far left. The far left threw the ball from one foot to the other and rushed forward - small, stocky, in a gray uniform jacket of the Richelieu gymnasium, without a belt, nose with a shoe, hair falling on his forehead, trousers knee-deep in dust, sweaty, inspired, flying sideways, like yacht on a sharp turn. From the turn, he hits with an old, poorly laced boot. The ball flies past the falling goalkeeper into the goal. Gate - two pillars with an upper crossbar, without a net. Continuing to rush forward by inertia, the little Richelieu victoriously looks at the audience and shouts at the whole site, clapping his hands to himself: - Bravo, I am! (Like Pushkin, who finished Boris Godunov. Oh yes Pushkin, oh yes son of a bitch!) As they would say now, “the final one was scored, winning goal"of this ordinary gymnasium match, the end of which was announced by the referee by the signal of the three-sound referee whistle adopted at that time."

Italian dramatization. Already closer to the original!

Foreigners brought football to Kyiv, as well as to Odessa. But not the British, but the Czechs. At the beginning of the last century, many of them came to work in the "mother of Russian cities" from Austria-Hungary, which then included the Czech Republic. The cradle of Kyiv football is Shulyavka. More precisely, the territory of the current film studio. Dovzhenko. Next to it today are the ruins of the Bolshevik factory. Before the revolution, it was called the factory of Grether and Krivanek and produced steam engines and equipment for sugar factories. Especially many Czechs worked here - excellent artisans. Most of the people are young, single and healthy, they used to play ball in their free time. The first Kiev football field was laid out by the Czechs on the side of the Brest-Litovsk highway - where the apple trees of the Dovzhenkov garden are now blooming and "Big Politics" is being filmed. In 1902, Czech workers from the factory of Grether and Krivanek founded the first Kyiv team - "South". In 1911, the first city council was created in Kyiv. football league. It included six teams. The participants of the first match for the Kyiv Cup are also known - the team "Imperial Alexander Gymnasium" played with the team "Fourth Gymnasium". It's funny that in the memory of the former Alexander's high school student Misha Bulgakov, as well as in Kievan mythology, this historical fact was not reflected at all. Probably, Mikhail Afanasyevich was not very fond of football, preferring cognac and cards to it.

Back to the ancestors. In Italy, as in England, football was a man's game.

Nevertheless, football scattered around the world somehow immediately at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, becoming a general insanity in Europe, America, and Africa - wherever grass grows and the sun shines. And even where the grass does not grow - on the beaches and trampled down, as if by horse's feet, school grounds. At school, we generally played on asphalt, every second at the risk of breaking our knees and elbows into the blood when falling. They played crazy! Even school pants were torn at each other!

However, almost simultaneously with football enthusiasts, football skeptics appeared. The author of the famous “Affair with Cocaine”, written in the 1920s, M. Ageev, mocked both football mania and sports fans in general: “It is enough to pay attention to the growing popularity of such athletes to admit that it is no longer just success , and already the true adoration of these people captures all large circles of society. Newspapers write about these people, their faces are photographed, they appear in magazines, and it seems that it is not enough for these people to become national pride. One can still understand if a nation is proud of its Beethovens, Voltaires, Tolstoys (although that’s what the nation has to do with it), but for a nation to be proud that Ivan Tsybulkin’s thighs are healthier than Hans Muller’s, don’t you think, gentlemen that such pride testifies not so much to the strength and health of Tsybulkin, whose only merit will be his terribly healthy thighs, but to the weakness and illness of the nation.

Absolute freedom. Football could be played with both hands and feet. Modern rules originated in 1863.

But no matter how ironic people like Ageev may be, football and nationalism are twin brothers. Actually, football is a symbol of nationalism. Think about it: "National Championship", "National Championship", "National Team". Sixteen national teams - that's the European Championship.

The sport of the pre-national era was aristocratic and individualistic - tennis, fencing, horseback riding. The sport of the era of nations is football: a collective game where “we” and “they” find out, looking at two teams chasing the ball around the field - who is cooler? It is not for nothing that the first symbol of independence for Ukraine and Russia after the flags and anthems were the national football championships, which replaced the former all-Union championship. Compared to the USSR championship, it was a pitiful, dull sight. In the early 90s, those who had the good fortune to watch the rivalry between Spartak Moscow and Dynamo Kyiv in the 70s and 80s stopped going to stadiums altogether. What happiness did we have from the defeat of some poor Vorskla by Dynamo? But it was the spirit of the era. Nothing could be done about it. Let me remind you that the first “national championship” in the USSR was started by a tiny four-millionth Georgia, which forever ruined the former glory of Dynamo Tbilisi. Who is now interested in watching the battles between the teams of the Georgian "wineries"?

And yet, why was football invented in Britain? Revisionist versions are now fashionable, claiming that England is not the birthplace of football, but Ancient Greece, Rome, China, Italy and even pre-Columbian America. In my opinion, all these versions are worth the assertion that "Galicia is the birthplace of Jesus Christ." Given the popularity of football in the world, everyone wants to be its founders.

Medieval balls were most often stuffed with straw or wool.

Indeed, the ball was played all over the world two and three thousand years ago. There is a bas-relief of a naked ancient Greek. The Greek kicks the ball with his foot. The ancient Greek boy standing next to him looks at him and, as I understand it, is learning - he is adopting the technique. But there is not a single bas-relief where two ancient Greek teams would chase the ball around the field, trying to score it into the goal. Therefore, the image from the Athens Museum is an element of football, but not yet football.

Something football-like was also among the ancient Chinese. They called it "quzui" - in translation "push with your foot." There are also engravings that convey the spirit of this fun. The Chinese are standing in long robes and juggling the ball. Where are the headbutts? Where are the tackles of the defenders? Who stole the gate? Why do we call this game “football” instead of “quzui”?

Mid 19th century The rules are already invented, but the form sucks

No, football is a duel between two teams of players of eleven people, running around the field for two halves of 45 minutes each and trying to score a goal without the help of their hands. For the first time, its rules, close to the current ones, were formulated by the Football Association of England on December 1, 1863, after several meetings and debates in the Freemasons tavern in London. "Freemasons" are Freemasons. I think that the tavern with such a name was not chosen by chance. The vast majority of the British elite was in Masonic lodges. Thus, the Freemasons are the founders of modern football.

Football is not just a game. This is a way to control the masses, a valve that allows you to release excesses of their aggressive energy. In the 19th century, the British ruling class faced the problem of organizing the leisure activities of the lower classes. A simple Englishman of those times bore little resemblance to Newton and Shakespeare. It was a poorly educated, primitive creature, spending his free time in drinking and fighting. Since then, English fans have changed little. Do you remember how in Kyiv the other day several of them, having drunk themselves to hell, forgot their disabled friend in a bar? So this is the current, ennobled version of the British fan! A hundred years ago, they didn't remember their names at all.

They scared the monk. the church was horrified by the footballers of the Middle Ages

Good old England is one of the wildest and cruelest countries in the world. If you don't believe me, read Dickens' Oliver Twist or Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper. There was a small Gulag in every decent British city - it was called the "workhouse". I think it was the British who suggested to Stalin the idea of ​​his Gulag. For vagrancy in England in the Middle Ages, they were executed. King Henry VIII, in order not to spend money on an expensive divorce procedure, simply cut off the heads of his wives. Thank God, at least not personally, but with the help of the executioner. And he married either six or seven times. Where is Ivan the Terrible! Not surprisingly, the first regicides in the history of Europe were also the British, who publicly cut off the head of their king Charles I in 1649. Now they are pretending to be good - they are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Queen's reign. But I know these people - give them free rein, they would have finished off even my grandmother! Terrible people - nothing is sacred when they want money. And blacks were traded, and the colonies were robbed, and the Chinese were driven crazy with opium, and all criminals from all countries were given and are being given "political" asylum.

Football without a fight? This could not even be imagined.

Where did such a bandit nation come from? And she was pushed from the continent to the island in the era of the Great Migration of Nations. No one in Europe wanted to live next to the tribe of the Angles - the English Channel was fenced off from them so as not to deal with them. Most of all, Europeans were horrified by the folk custom of these Angles, after a battle, to drive the severed head of the leader of the defeated army across the field with their feet. Legend has it that the first such match took place in the 9th century, when the Angles staged a “football” with the freshly cut head of some Danish prince who tried to land on the British Isles. But I don't believe in it. I think they've had this much fun before. They cut off someone's head, and village against village rushes about.

When, reader, you watch modern football, remember: originally, instead of a ball, there was a human head! Then it was replaced with an inflated pork bladder. This game was so ferocious that during it they broke arms and legs, smashed glass in windows, smashed shops - they just played on the streets of cities, crowd against crowd. And when King Edward II banned such football in 1314 as socially dangerous, do you know what they did with it? The conspirators overthrew the king from the throne, imprisoned him in a castle and killed him by driving a red-hot rod into his anus. The king, in addition to not loving aggressive sports, was also gay. Therefore, the barons-conspirators, sending him to the next world, said: "Die as you sinned!" It was the first, as I understand it, the victim of a dislike for football and British folk customs.

King Edward II was executed by the British in the 14th century. for homosexuality and the ban on football

Of course, by 1863, when the Football Association of England published its rules, the little Briton had already been a bit shabby. But to call this creature civilized could only be a stretch. And they gave it to the workhouse, and pushed it to America, and to Australia, but it still thumped and beat the face of its own kind of individual. Therefore, the British gentlemen decided: let the most talented of these dangerous humanoids be players, and the rest - spectators. Let's put them in the stands, give them beer - let them relax and think less about new revolutions and disruption of public order.

This was the main reason for the emergence of modern football - a game invented to sublimate the wildest tribal instincts. So that on the eve of the match they would shout: “Let's arrange Poltava for the Swedes!”, and not arrange it in reality.

Actually, we are talking about symbolism of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

The symbolism, as one would expect, is saturated with building (Masonic) themes.

Let's take a look at the mascot, the opening ceremony of the championship, the introductory TV commercial and the doodle from Google.


As they say, this is an armadillo that lives in South America, able to curl up into a ball (ball). Without denying all this, we can also note the following: the talisman is horned (stylized under the ears), instead of toes, hooves or something similar. Its name is Fuleco.

The name is compound: Ful is derived from Futebol ("football"), and eco is from Ecologia. Globalists are very fond of the topic of ecology. Suffice it to recall Al Gore, a protege of the globalists, who preaches a scam with global warming and incites people to turn to the pagan cult of honoring mother earth Gaia; they say, she needs to be saved, etc.

The armadillo holds the ball in its hoof; many pyramid-triangles are drawn on the ball. The talisman is ambiguous, controversial and clearly carries a hidden meaning.

The meaning of the BP logo and the connection with the unopened ring at the Sochi Olympics, .

Championship Opening Ceremony

The anthem was sung by D. Lopez, a well-known pop diva whose videos are full of occult symbolism. The opening ceremony was performed in an occult setting. Pyramids and other attributes are everywhere. Here is Lopez, and next to her is a pyramid-triangle, part of the opened ball.

From above, the field looks like the emblem of the all-seeing eye.

The ball (ball) that opens consists of many triangles-pyramids.

Drummers with drums with "Pacif" signs on them.

It is customary to think, thanks to the hippie movement, that the sign of the pacif is a sign of peace, but in fact it is the rune algiz, but inverted. In the normal state, algiz symbolizes a person and is the rune of life. What does it symbolize upside down? Guess yourself.

What else?

And, well, the inscription is well visible "We are One" (We are one).

Well, this is a clear globalist slogan, a call for unity. As far as we now know, globalists dream of uniting all peoples under the roof of a single government in order to take away freedom from all people at a stroke. That's why they advocate universal unification.

Some green kikimoras. Well, here again comes the theme of pagan deification of nature, etc.

The music, by the way, during the opening was extremely nasty, because rhythmic, ragged beats, characteristic of savages, were used. This is served under the sauce of cultural heritage, although in fact such music just has a narcotic effect on the listener's brain. Several billion people were such listeners on the opening day of the championship. Globalists are well aware of the various methods of influencing people's minds. They have taste, visual, auditory and other methods of manipulation in their arsenal.

TV commercial for football matches

The video begins with the eye of some little boy. An eye is an eye, but it's just a symbol of the all-seeing eye. The symbol is also a stylized all-seeing eye. Let's look further.

The Catholic cross is below the tower on the right. The tower, most likely, symbolizes the Tower of Babel (the prototype in the painting by P. Brueghel). The Tower of Babel is also indicated by the fact that a spiral fragment is visible on it, just like in the canonical images of the Towers of Babel by European artists. The fact that it is higher than the cross suggests that the globalists laugh at Christianity and put their occult designs above all else. You can also focus on the fact that above all the flags on balloons is the British emblem.

In the video you can find triangle roofs.

Cartoon people play football on a black and white, chess floor. This is the Masonic painting of their temple floors, which proves once again that football is a Masonic game. Football was invented in some Masonic lodge in London.

The game itself called "football" has a hidden meaning. This is a natural cycle of changing the annual position of the Sun and the ongoing struggle and unity of opposites. What else?

Ladder. One of the main symbols in Freemasonry.

Outgoing rays of five colors: blue, red, yellow, green, white. The colors of one of the Masonic lodges. By the way, we see similar colors in many places: Microsoft's Windows splash screen, Sony PlayStation remote control buttons, etc.

Doodle by Google

To an unbiased eye, Google's doodle symbolism has nothing of the sort.

But is it so? Let's take a closer look and we'll see something interesting.

-> The whole structure resembles a pyramid or even a compass with a square. Inside the picture there are small triangular pyramids: dark green on the hills and dark yellow on the yellow mountain.

-> There is a protruding symbol of the Sun, a sign of a solar cult. The sun is located higher than the famous statue of Christ, which, as it were, hints.

-> Funicular - a stylized staircase. Left-bottom movement right-up. Very symbolic.

-> Alternating sky stripes: light dark blue, reminiscent of black and white Masonic symbols.

-> There are two palm trees on the sides. Perhaps they symbolize two columns: Boaz and Yachin (balance of opposing forces, day-night, right-left, etc.), which stand in any Masonic temple. The number of leaves on two palm trees is seven. 7 is an important number in Kabbalah.

-> At the bottom of the soccer ball. If you look closely at its pattern, you can understand that the yellow color forms an inverted pentagram star. The star pointing up is an ancient symbol of man. As in the case of the inverted algiz rune, guess what the inverted pentagram means.

Our world is arranged in such a way that everything arranged in it is as it should be, that everything is random and disorderly. But in fact, it turns out that the whole world, even at the molecular level, is organized in a clear way and has its own order.

Order out of chaos. It is this slogan that is one of the main masons and "shadow masters" of this world. They knew and know that 99% of people on this planet are what is called "dark" and are more likely covered by their mundane, mercantile aspirations and desires, be it "eat", "sleep" and the like. Therefore, keeping people in the dark, in chaos, giving them only what they want - they keep this billion-strong crowd in the order that is beneficial to them. And so it was at all times - the crowd has always had an invisible master, who from generation to generation moves towards its common goal, following its clear and thoughtful constructive plan ... like an architect modeling his building. An architect has gematria, geometry, mathematics in his arsenal , physics, chemistry and other sciences, with the help of which oaths, rituals, laws and even games are created ("Signs and symbols rule the world, not the word and the law" .... There will not be enough time to list them all - this is work for a whole dissertation , but we will try to parse one of them.

As they build entire cities (from Washington in America to St. Petersburg in Russia), putting into them the correct geometry of streets, architecture, monuments, squares and other secret meanings that will be clear to every person entering their sacrament, so they put this meaning to everything else...

And football too.

Soccer, and that's what football was originally called - was born not anywhere by chance, but in London. In one of the most Masonic cities. For the first time, its rules, close to the current ones, were formulated by the Football Association of England on December 1, 1863, after several meetings and debates in the Freemasons tavern. The rules weren't just born out of nowhere, they didn't fall from the sky or like an apple on the head. The meaning and rules of the game were laid down from historical and sacred knowledge, which could be fully explained only by those who brewed all this mess. Soccer, of course, had some sacred meaning for the London aristocratic elite, who on that very day created the most popular game in the whole world.

Naturally, as befits secret societies, no one has particularly spread and still does not spread about the real meaning of this game. And, by the way, why is it necessary? What now, what then. They play and play for themselves - so be it.

But we will try to figure out a little what this game is fraught with and why it was created at all.

In this image, we see a field with 10 outfield players on each side and 1 goalkeeper defending the goal. That is, it turns out 11 players on each side, and as we know, 11 is a sacred number in Freemasonry.
And not only. There are also historical meaning. 22 hierophants are people from ancient Egypt (or the well-known Exodus from Egypt), who divided into two teams of 11 people and went to conquer the world with false ideas and deceit. Before that, by the way, the concept of "Jew" was not. They appeared just after the exodus. Thus began the path to the conquest of the planet by the Jewish priesthood. Levites (12th tribe). And the Masons are already their followers (in Freemasonry there are 99 steps: up to 33 everyone can be ordained, up to 66 only Jews, up to 99 only Levites).
Accordingly, football is a kind of allegory and a return to history. 22 players, divided into two teams and a ball in the form of the planet Earth, hammered into the goal (Stargate or House of the Sun) of the winter and summer solstices.

This is how many Masonic buildings are built. From the Capitol to the White House.

In this picture we see the same numbers with the Roman numeral system. It turned out IX and XI. That is 9-11. Those who know the meaning of these digital values ​​have already understood a lot. It was not by chance that they were used with the tragedy of 9-11 or are still used in many countries to dial the emergency number 911. These are the most sacred numbers of Freemasons and Satanists. Translated from numbers, they mean "Go around God", which is also not accidental - since "their" real god is a liar and the father of lies. They use these numbers everywhere: from brand logos (the famous Swiss clock is stopped exactly at 9-11) to cinema (Terminator, Matrix, The Simpsons, Russian-American cartoon "Nine" and so on) ...

This symbolism is everywhere. There is not a single country in the world, not a single famous city - where their symbols would not be. From architectural structures to gestures and even handshakes. And it would all be very funny if it were not so serious.

Go ahead. Between IX(9) and XI(11) there is another X(10). Or IXXXI. In numerology, it also means 30 (10 + 10 + 10) or, more simply, XXX. And XXX is one of the varieties of 666.
And although all this is more of an occult meaning, there is little to do with football - they have a place to be in this whole scenario.

(Retreat) Olympic Games in London, which were the 30th in a row (XXX) - are no less interesting in terms of Masonic signals. Or rather, the most interesting. So, as the Olympic Games are the invention of the Freemasons (Pierre de Coubertin is a Freemason).

Game released for the Olympics:

Mario & Sonic = Masonic

Also, it is worth paying attention to the ball that the players play.
It consists of pentagrams and hexagrams. Simply put, from five-pointed stars and six-pointed.
What all this means, I think, is not worth explaining to anyone once again. Imagination will not let you lie.

And this is how football players sometimes celebrate big wins, swing the trainer on your hands ...
Freemasons have the same rite and apparently this "style" of celebration was not chosen by chance.

It seems that football was not created by chance and not spontaneously. The game was carefully thought out and had a really important meaning for the creators. To the extent that the rules cannot be changed or ignored. Just like football in general. This happens in our time, too, when football has remained almost the same form after more than 100 years. Only the attributes have changed.
Football is more than what we think. Football is not our invention. We use a fantastically popular product that we know absolutely nothing about and do not even try to learn and understand, just accepting it as it is. As a sport played by 22 people, divided into 2 teams of 11. And that's it.
But those who created this product did not think so.

Thank you for your attention (it turned out somewhat chaotically - wrote during the match Rubin - Spartak).

During the 2012 European Championship, Ukrainian writer, journalist and historian Oles Buzina made an interesting digression into the history of the great game, calling his study "Football with a severed head." The article was published on the author's website of the writer. We acquaint our reader with the most curious excerpts from it ...

Left edge, slanting like a yacht on a tight turn

As the author rightly recalled, Odessa residents were among the first in Russian literature to describe football. In particular, Valentin Kataev in the novel "My Diamond Crown". This is what football looked like at the beginning of the 20th century in the memoirs of the genius of South Russian literature:
“... a football field devoid of grass cover, where, in clouds of dust, the center forward served the ball to the edge, skillfully picked up by the extreme left. The far left threw the ball from one foot to the other and rushed forward - small, stocky, in a gray uniform jacket of the Richelieu gymnasium, without a belt, nose with a shoe, hair falling on his forehead, trousers knee-deep in dust, sweaty, inspired, flying sideways, like yacht on a sharp turn. From the turn, he hits with an old, poorly laced boot. The ball flies past the falling goalkeeper into the goal. Gate - two pillars with an upper crossbar, without a net. Continuing to rush forward by inertia, the little Richelieu victoriously looks at the audience and shouts at the whole site, clapping his hands to himself: - Bravo, I am! (Like Pushkin, who finished Boris Godunov. Oh yes Pushkin, oh yes son of a bitch!) As they would say now, “the final, winning goal was scored” of this ordinary gymnasium match, the end of which was announced by the referee with a signal adopted at that time by a three-sound referee whistle."

Two football Palmyra

From the port of Odessa, football continued its march to the north of Russia. Here we deviate from the wonderful story of Oles Buzina and note that the writer's study deals with a small territory of a vast country. After all, even within its modern borders, today's Ukraine, with a huge patch of territory annexed to it by Soviet leaders in different years, occupies less than 3 percent of the area of ​​the then empire. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to say that football conquered Russia in two converging directions - from North and South Palmyra, St. Petersburg and Odessa, where at that time, for understandable "sea" reasons, there was a darkness of the British.
Of course, it was the capital of the empire, in contrast to the Little Russian hinterland, that set the tone. It is no coincidence that the date of birth of football in Russia is October 12 (24 according to the new style) of October 1897, when the first match recorded and announced by the domestic sports press took place on the banks of the Neva. football teams"St. Petersburg Circle of Sports Fans" ("Sport") and "Vasileostrovsky Society of Football Players".

Neva sovereign current and Shelmenko-batman

Football was also played in Odessa, but obviously later, as in other Little Russian cities and villages. And if this circumstance does not bother Oles Buzina at all, who simply talks about football with interest, then his Ukrainian colleagues, it seems, did not let him sleep peacefully. They did not dare to argue (thank you for that too!) that the fact of the first match on the territory of the empire was recorded in St. Petersburg. But in order to prove that football in Ukraine originated earlier than in Russia, it was necessary to come up with something.
The Ukrainian Ministry of Truth, which spent a lot of ink on a new interpretation of various historical events, did not help out with football. The Neva sovereign current with a specific date for the match in the capital of imperial Russia did not allow fantasies to disperse. And yet, in Kyiv, a cunning mind twisted - Shelmenko himself, a batman, would probably envy such a move. If bad luck came with one empire, we must look for happiness in another.
First Ukrainian match was in Austria-Hungary
Not in Russia, but in Austria-Hungary. Three years ahead of the birth Russian football managed! Found in Gazeta Lwowska (the name, of course, is the most Ukrainian) for 1894 (earlier, earlier than with St. Petersburg!) A note about a meeting between teams that represented the Sokol sports and gymnastic society from two cities - Lviv and Krakow (to be honest with history, then Lemberg, as Lviv was then officially called, and Krakow). So on the territory of Austria-Hungary "the first match took place on the territory of the future independent power." According to the regulations, it lasted until the first goal scored, and therefore kept within just 7 minutes.

Pole scored the first Ukrainian goal

Lvov won, and the son of an Austro-Hungarian officer Wlodzimierz Chomitsky scored a goal for the Lviv team. A purebred, by the way, a Pole (whether there were actually Ukrainians in the Lviv team at all, is modestly silent). The fact that Khomitsky is a purebred Pole is confirmed by the all-knowing NKVD. Immediately after World War II, Khomitsky reportedly moved from Lvov to Poland. Did he suddenly take it and move on? Why would?
The story is known: in May 1945, the deportation of the Polish population from Lviv began, which lasted until January 1946. The cars, under the supervision of the fighters of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, went towards Krakow, Gliwice and Gdansk. Echelon after echelon. In one of them, our hero went to explore the lands of Silesia and Pomerania cleared of the Germans and our hero ....

Did Ukrainians play football in Lemberg?

The question is almost rhetorical, if you read not Russian imperial documents, which, as usual, there is no faith, but Ukrainian ones. 40 years later, in 1938, at a meeting of the statistical commission of the "Scientific Association named after. Shevchenko” held a report on the topic “National, social and professional structure population of Lvov according to the census on December 9, 1931. It turned out that among the inhabitants of Lviv, people who consciously considered themselves Ukrainians were only 7.8%.
Summarizing the statistical material, the speaker came to the following conclusions: “Ukrainians in Lviv are mostly young, free (that is, unmarried), flowing, not very literate, mostly a working element. For every 30,000 Ukrainians and Ukrainians who earn in Lvov, there are 9,700 servants, 2,000 watchmen, 1,400 unskilled workers and 9,000 skilled workers and artisans. Apart from domestic servants, Ukrainians have nowhere relatively a large number, and as for 11% in trade, half of 4,000 Ukrainians are watchmen... There is nothing to say about intelligent professions. Even in industry, Ukrainian workers and artisans play a certain role, but as a hired force.
This was the case in 1931, and it is unlikely that the share of 7.8 percent of Lviv Ukrainians “floating” into the city in the 20s of the last century from the total number of citizens was higher than in 1894. It is unlikely that their very position in the role of servants and watchmen has become noticeably better. Was it before the sports and gymnastic society "Sokol" and football match in the Austro-Hungarian Empire? If only in the role of ice cream sellers for Polish lords and Austrian gentlemen ...

version for fools

However, all this did not prevent the Football Federation of Ukraine, shortly after the country gained independence, from declaring that July day in 1894 the date of the birth of the number one game. Of course, Wlodzimierz Chomitsky did not know about this - he died on July 12, 1953. His grave is in the Polish city of Chotsianow.
Guess where it is located - of course, in the same Silesia, where trains with deported Poles went from Lvov instead of Germans deported to East Germany, and the city was then called in German Kotzenau). There, a bronze obelisk was installed with the inscription: “On July 14, 1894, the first official football match between the teams of Krakow and Lviv took place in Lviv at the Sokola stadium. The first goal in this match, and at the same time in the history of Polish football, was scored by Włodzimierz Chomitsky.”
Like this: Chomitsky scored the first goal in the history of Polish football. This means that in the history of Polish football this was also the first match, since the Poles played according to the “golden goal” rules. The logic of the Poles is clear. Ukrainians argue that if Lviv eventually became a Ukrainian city, then the team was also Ukrainian. Let her play in Austria-Hungary, let her be made up of Poles, let the city be officially called Lemberg. Let be! But earlier than in St. Petersburg.

Is Viipurin Reipas also our Russian?

Following this logic, you can rewrite the whole history again. Including sports. You don't have to look far for examples. The birthday of ice hockey in Russia is December 22, 1946, when the first matches of the first USSR ice hockey championship were played in Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Kaunas and Arkhangelsk. However, to “rejuvenate” the history by almost 20 years domestic hockey with the use of Ukrainian know-how, it will not be difficult for us.
In 1928, the first Finnish ice hockey championship was held, in which the Viipurin Reipas club from Vyborg won. Since the city of Vyborg is now part of Russian Federation, then, following the logic of the Football Federation of Ukraine, hockey in Russia originated in 1928 - with the same success as football in Lviv in 1894. Moreover, there is one more nuance that expands the "evidence base" - all hockey players of the Viipurin Reipas club were born on the territory of the Russian Empire. But the Ukrainian Empire, it seems, never existed. However, if not every bird can fly even to the middle of the Dnieper, then maybe there was such an empire ...

Thighs of Ivan Tsybylkin and Hans Müller…

However, let's return to the very interesting material of Oles Buzina, who, in the first part of his research, lovingly talks about the first years of football in Russia, does not, of course, mention Lemberg and the Poles who lived under the Austrians - the land was not ours ...
In Kyiv, Buzina writes, as well as in Odessa, football was brought by foreigners. But not the British, but the Czechs, many of whom came to work in the "mother of Russian cities" from the already mentioned Austria-Hungary. Later, ours joined them. In 1911, the Imperial Alexander Gymnasium team was a participant in the first match for the Kyiv Cup.
But do not think that the procession of football through the cities and towns of the country was triumphant. The author of the famous “Affair with Cocaine”, written in the 1920s, M. Ageev, mocked both football mania and sports fans in general: “It is enough to pay attention to the growing popularity of such athletes to admit that it is no longer just success , and already the true adoration of these people captures all large circles of society. Newspapers write about these people, their faces are photographed, they appear in magazines, and, it seems, it is already very little enough for these people to become national pride. One can still understand if a nation is proud of its Beethovens, Voltaires, Tolstoys (although that’s what the nation has to do with it), but for the nation to be proud that Ivan Tsybulkin’s thighs are healthier than Hans Muller’s, don’t you think, gentlemen that such pride testifies not so much to the strength and health of Tsybulkin, whose only merit will be his terribly healthy thighs, but to the weakness and illness of the nation.

The death of the glory of Dynamo Tbilisi

The author, reflecting further on the connection of football with nationalism (this is how the question was posed on the national outskirts of the USSR), recalls how national football championships replaced the former all-Union championship. Compared to the USSR championship, it was a pitiful, dull sight. In the early 90s, those who had the good fortune to watch the rivalry between Spartak Moscow and Dynamo Kyiv in the 70s and 80s stopped going to stadiums altogether. What happiness for us, the writer says, was from the defeat of some poor Vorskla by Dynamo? But it was the spirit of the age. Nothing could be done about it. And the first “national championship” in the USSR was started by a tiny four-millionth Georgia, which forever ruined the former glory of Dynamo Tbilisi. Who is now interested in watching the battles between the teams of the Georgian "wineries"?
Particularly interesting is the polemical part of the material - about the birthplace of football. Further, we will do without comments, we read Oles Buzina with his version of the origin of football ...

Shall we play, or shall we dance?

Why was football invented in Britain? Revisionist versions are now fashionable, claiming that England is not the birthplace of football, but Ancient Greece, Rome, China, Italy, and even pre-Columbian America. In my opinion, all these versions are worth the assertion that "Galicia is the birthplace of Jesus Christ." Given the popularity of football in the world, everyone wants to be its founders.
Indeed, the ball was played all over the world two and three thousand years ago. There is a bas-relief of a naked ancient Greek. The Greek kicks the ball with his foot. The ancient Greek boy standing next to him looks at him and, as I understand it, is learning - he is adopting the technique. But there is not a single bas-relief where two ancient Greek teams would chase the ball around the field, trying to score it into the goal. Therefore, the image from the Athens Museum is an element of football, but not football yet.
Something football-like was also among the ancient Chinese. They called it "quzui" - in translation "push with your foot." There are also engravings that convey the spirit of this fun. The Chinese are standing in long robes and juggling the ball. Where are the headbutts? Where are the tackles of the defenders? Who stole the gate? Why do we call this game “football” instead of “quzui”?

The Long Arm of Freemasons

No, football is a duel between two teams of players of eleven people, running around the field for two halves of 45 minutes each and trying to score a goal without the help of their hands. For the first time, its rules, close to the current ones, were formulated by the Football Association of England on December 1, 1863, after several meetings and debates in the Freemasons tavern in London. "Freemasons" are Freemasons. I think that the tavern with such a name was not chosen by chance. The vast majority of the British elite was in Masonic lodges. Thus, the Freemasons are the founders of modern football.

For the lower classes

Football is not just a game. This is a way to control the masses, a valve that allows you to release excesses of their aggressive energy. In the 19th century, the British ruling class faced the problem of organizing the leisure activities of the lower classes. A simple Englishman of those times bore little resemblance to Newton and Shakespeare. It was a poorly educated, primitive creature, spending his free time in drinking and fighting. Since then, English fans have changed little. Do you remember how in Kyiv the other day several of them, having drunk themselves to hell, forgot their disabled friend in a bar? So this is the current, ennobled version of the British fan! A hundred years ago, they didn't remember their names at all.

Ivan the Terrible is resting

Good old England is one of the wildest and cruelest countries in the world. If you don't believe me, read Dickens' Oliver Twist or Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper. There was a small Gulag in every decent British city - it was called the "workhouse". I think it was the British who suggested to Stalin the idea of ​​his Gulag. For vagrancy in England in the Middle Ages, they were executed. King Henry VIII, in order not to spend money on an expensive divorce procedure, simply cut off the heads of his wives. Thank God, at least not personally, but with the help of the executioner. And he married either six or seven times. Where is Ivan the Terrible!
Not surprisingly, the first regicides in the history of Europe were also the British, who publicly cut off the head of their king Charles I in 1649. Now they are pretending to be good - they are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Queen's reign. But I know these people - give them free rein, they would have finished off my grandmother! Terrible people - nothing is sacred when they want money. And blacks were traded, and the colonies were robbed, and the Chinese were driven crazy with opium, and all criminals from all countries were given and are being given "political" asylum.

Poor Danish Prince

Where did such a bandit nation come from? And she was pushed from the continent to the island in the era of the Great Migration of Nations. No one in Europe wanted to live next to the tribe of the Angles - the English Channel was fenced off from them so as not to have anything to do with them. Most of all, Europeans were horrified by the folk custom of these Angles, after a battle, to drive the severed head of the leader of the defeated army across the field with their feet. Legend has it that the first such match took place in the 9th century, when the Angles staged a “football” with the freshly cut head of some Danish prince who tried to land on the British Isles. But I don't believe in it. I think they've had this much fun before. They cut off someone's head - and village against village rushes.
When, reader, you watch modern football, remember: originally, instead of a ball, there was a human head! Then it was replaced with an inflated pig bladder. This game was so ferocious that during it they broke arms and legs, smashed glass in windows, smashed shops - they just played on the streets of cities, crowd against crowd. And when King Edward II banned such football in 1314 as socially dangerous, do you know what they did with it? The conspirators overthrew the king from the throne, imprisoned him in a castle and killed him by driving a red-hot rod into his anus. The king, in addition to not loving aggressive sports, was also gay. Therefore, the barons-conspirators, sending him to the next world, said: "Die as you sinned!" It was the first, as I understand it, the victim of a dislike for football and British folk customs.

Folk fun - instead of war

Of course, by 1863, when the Football Association of England published its rules, the little Briton had already been a bit shabby. But to call this creature civilized could only be a stretch. And they gave it to the workhouse, and pushed it to America, and to Australia, but it still thumped and beat the face of its own kind of individual. Therefore, the British gentlemen decided: let the most talented of these dangerous humanoids be players, and the rest - spectators. Let's put them in the stands, give them beer - let them relax and think less about new revolutions and disruption of public order.
This was the main reason for the emergence of modern football - a game invented to sublimate the wildest tribal instincts. So that on the eve of the match they would shout: “Let's arrange Poltava for the Swedes!”, and not arrange it in reality.

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Original taken from reinhardt_f in Football severed head.

Oles Buzina asks a question:
And yet ki, why was football invented in Britain?

Football is a duel between two teams of players of eleven people, for two halves of 45 minutes running around the field and without the help of hands trying to score a goal. For the first time, its rules, close to the current ones, were formulated by the Football Association of England on December 1, 1863, after several meetings and debates in the Freemasons tavern in London. "Freemasons" are Freemasons. I think that the tavern with such a name was not chosen by chance. The vast majority of the British elite was in Masonic lodges. Thus, the Freemasons are the founders of modern football.

Football is not just a game. This is a way to control the masses, a valve that allows you to release excesses of their aggressive energy. In the 19th century, the British ruling class faced the problem of organizing the leisure activities of the lower classes. A simple Englishman of those times bore little resemblance to Newton and Shakespeare. It was a poorly educated, primitive creature, spending his free time in drinking and fighting. Since then, English fans have changed little. Do you remember how in Kyiv the other day several of them, having drunk themselves to hell, forgot their disabled friend in a bar? So this is the current, ennobled version of the British fan! A hundred years ago, they didn't remember their names at all.

They scared the monk. the church was horrified by the footballers of the Middle Ages

Good old England is one of the wildest and cruelest countries in the world. If you don't believe me, read Dickens' Oliver Twist or Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper. There was a small Gulag in every decent British city - it was called the "workhouse". I think it was the British who suggested to Stalin the idea of ​​his Gulag. For vagrancy in England in the Middle Ages, they were executed. King Henry VIII, in order not to spend money on an expensive divorce procedure, simply cut off the heads of his wives. Thank God, at least not personally, but with the help of the executioner. And he married either six or seven times. Where is Ivan the Terrible! Not surprisingly, the first regicides in the history of Europe were also the British, who publicly cut off the head of their king Charles I in 1649. Now they are pretending to be good - they are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Queen's reign. But I know these people - give them free rein, they would have finished off even my grandmother! Terrible people - nothing is sacred when they want money. And blacks were traded, and the colonies were robbed, and the Chinese were driven crazy with opium, and all criminals from all countries were given and are being given "political" asylum.

Football without a fight? This could not even be imagined.

Where did such a bandit nation come from? And she was pushed from the continent to the island in the era of the Great Migration of Nations. No one in Europe wanted to live next to the tribe of the Angles - the English Channel was fenced off from them so as not to deal with them. Most of all, Europeans were horrified by the folk custom of these Angles, after a battle, to drive the severed head of the leader of the defeated army across the field with their feet. Legend has it that the first such match took place in the 9th century, when the Angles staged a “football” with the freshly cut head of some Danish prince who tried to land on the British Isles. But I don't believe in it. I think they've had this much fun before. They cut off someone's head, and village against village rushes about.

When, reader, you watch modern football, remember: originally, instead of a ball, there was a human head! Then it was replaced with an inflated pig bladder. This game was so ferocious that during it they broke arms and legs, smashed glass in windows, smashed shops - they just played on the streets of cities, crowd against crowd. And when King Edward II banned such football in 1314 as socially dangerous, do you know what they did with it? The conspirators overthrew the king from the throne, imprisoned him in a castle and killed him by driving a red-hot rod into his anus. The king, in addition to not loving aggressive sports, was also gay. Therefore, the barons-conspirators, sending him to the next world, said: "Die as you sinned!" It was the first, as I understand it, the victim of a dislike for football and British folk customs.

King Edward II was executed by the British in the 14th century. for homosexuality and the ban on football

Of course, by 1863, when the Football Association of England published its rules, the little Briton had already been a bit shabby. But to call this creature civilized could only be a stretch. And they gave it to the workhouse, and pushed it to America, and to Australia, but it still thumped and beat the face of its own kind of individual. Therefore, the British gentlemen decided: let the most talented of these dangerous humanoids be players, and the rest - spectators. Let's put them in the stands, give them beer - let them relax and think less about new revolutions and disruption of public order.

This was the main reason for the emergence of modern football - a game invented to sublimate the wildest tribal instincts. So that on the eve of the match they would shout: “Let's arrange Poltava for the Swedes!”, and not arrange it in reality.