What is vinicius a symbol of? Mascots of the Summer Olympic Games

As soon as I say the phrase "Olympic Games", five Olympic rings will start popping up in your head immediately. Is not it? And, of course, the Olympic flame.

Such associations arise in our minds because these were the first symbols of the Olympic Games. The first and only to date.

But the mascots of the Olympic Games appeared later. So, in the summer of 1972, at the 73rd session of the International Olympic Committee in Munich (Germany), the concept of “ olympic mascot". The principles of Olympism and the popularization of specific Games are the main tasks of the mascot of the Games, according to the new amendments.

A fabulous creature, animal and person can become a talisman. According to the rules of talismans Olympic Games should reflect the characteristics of the culture of the host country and values ​​- the symbols of the current Olympic movement. Talismans should not be repeated and sympathetic to the audience. International Olympic Committee welcomes the original approach to creating a talisman. The process of selecting and creating the mascots of the Olympic Games is labor intensive. First, professional designers work on its development. They conduct surveys and market research. Further, for approval, the mascot is sent to the IOC Executive Board. This is necessary because the mascots of the Olympic Games are included in a number of Olympic symbols and thus subject to legal protection. Perfection, friendship, respect are the Olympic values ​​that the talisman should reflect in itself.

Who? Where? When?

1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico

It was then that the first Olympic mascot, the Red Jaguar, was introduced. It was created according to a sculptural image that archaeologists found during excavations in the ancient capital of the Mayan peoples. The popularity and commercial success of the Red Jaguar bypassed, which once again confirms: the first pancake is lumpy.

1972 Munich Olympics

If the Red Jaguar was an unofficial mascot, then Waldi's dachshund became the first legalized mascot of the Olympic Games. Why dachshund? As it is written on the IOC website, "he has the qualities of a real athlete: stamina, perseverance and dexterity." Why Waldi? This is a masculine name, because in German "dachshund" is masculine. Waldi is famous for being the only pet that has become a mascot in the history of the Olympic Games.

1976 Summer Olympics Montreal

Beaver Amik is an Olympic talisman that symbolized willpower, perseverance and hard work. By the way, "Amik" among the indigenous people of the country also means "beaver". And for a long time, beaver fur was the main trade in North America. Guess who played an important role in this historical process? That's right, Beaver Amik.

1980 Moscow. Olympic bear

Everyone's favorite bear. 45 thousand proposals from all over the country were received during the discussion of the candidate for talismans. The leader was a bear, but in the end a smiling bear cub was elected. It symbolized strength, perseverance and courage.

1984 Los Angeles. Summer Olympics

Eaglet Sam was national symbol countries. In addition, it was drawn by Walt Disney exactly like on Uncle Sam.

1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul

The tiger, representing courage and strength, is one of the main characters in Korean legends. In order not to frighten anyone, the harmless Tiger Cub Hodori ("Ho" - "tiger", "dori" - "boy") was chosen as the mascot of the Olympic Games.

Mascots of the 1992 Olympic Games. Barcelona

These Olympic Games took place at a turbulent time for Barcelona. Due to the internal political conflict, the designers had a difficult task: to find an image that could unite the hostile provinces. So there was a mongrel Kobe, a stray puppy, a cartoon character of a popular children's TV show. He was so fond of the Spaniards that he was chosen as a talisman. Also, notice how elegantly he is dressed.

Mascot of the Atlanta Summer Olympics. 1996

Izzy is the Olympic mascot, a strange, computer-generated creature. Designers for a long time could not decide what kind of creature it turned out to be and what name to give it. As a result, from the abbreviated English expression Whatisit? ("What is this?") turned out to be Izzy. According to polls, this mascot was recognized as the most unfortunate.

year 2000. Sydney. Olympic mascots

The mascots of the Olympic Games in this country were Sid the platypus (short for the city of Sydney, where the Olympics were held), Ollie the kookaburra (a gulling kingfisher bird, and the name is an abbreviation for the word "Olympiad") and Milli the echidna (short for the word millenium (millennium) All animals represented live only in Australia and represent earth, water and sky.Why were there three?In 2000, the three was a symbolic number, because the games were held on the eve of the entry into the third millennium.

In addition to the mascot, these games featured the first-ever anti-talisman wombat Fatsow, which was invented by an Australian cartoonist.

2004 Athens. Summer Olympics

Phoebus and Athena are exact copies of ancient Greek dolls of the 7th century BC. e. The names were given in honor of the Olympic gods: Apollo (Phoebe), the radiant god of light, Athena, the goddess of wisdom. These talismans symbolized the unity of the history and modernity of Greece. The public was initially upset by the talismans, but then they got used to it.

2008 Olympic Games in Beijing

"Fuwa" are five characters under a common name, which means "children of fortune" in Chinese. The five creatures symbolize the five Olympic rings. Bay-Bei fish, Jing-Jing panda, Huan-Huan Olympic fire, Ying-Ying Tibetan antelope, Ni-Ni swallow - each of the talismans is painted in one of the Olympic colors. The talismans were given double names because that's how the Chinese refer to children. On the other hand, the five talismans symbolize the five natural elements: water, forest, fire, earth and sky. The talismans were meant to represent the openness of the aspirations of the Chinese. The first syllables of their names put together make up a phrase that can be translated from Chinese as "Beijing welcomes you!".

year 2012. London Summer Olympics

The mascots of the 2012 Summer Olympics were two one-eyed creatures resembling aliens: Wenlock (Wenlock) and Mandeville. Wenlock is named after the town of MuchWenlock, where competitions in the mid-19th century inspired Pierre de Coubertin to revive the Olympics in 1896. Mandeville was named after Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where the first games for disabled athletes were held in 1948. To summarize, Wenlock is the mascot of the Olympic Games, and Mendeville is the mascot of the Paralympic Games. But together they symbolize the unity of the ideals of humanism.

Agree that all the mascots of the Olympic Games are diverse, amazing,

symbolic and unique. At the same time, they reflect the most important qualities not only of athletes, but also of ordinary people.

Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics Mascot

The mascots of the Olympics and Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro 2016 will be images of the Brazilian fauna and flora. The image of the Brazilian fauna is presented in the form of a yellow animal and symbolizes the most striking and widespread representatives of the animal world of Brazil - a monkey and a parrot. The collective image of the flora is a blue-green plant, the outline of which resembles a flower and a tree at the same time. The names of the mascots were chosen by the vote of the fans. These are the names of famous Brazilian musicians - Vinicius and Tom.


Logo XXXI Summer Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro designed by the Brazilian design studio "Tatíl Design" and first presented to the general public on December 31, 2010.

At the heart of the symbol is a stylized Rio - mountains, the sun and the sea in the form of winding lines, reminiscent of the silhouettes of dancing people holding hands.

The logo is made in the colors of the national flag of Brazil - blue, yellow and green - and is intended to symbolize interaction and energy, harmony in diversity, a riot of nature and the Olympic spirit.


The presentation of the official posters of the Rio 2016 Olympics took place on July 12, 2016 at the Museum of Tomorrow.

A total of 13 posters were presented, the authors of which were 12 Brazilian artists - Alexandre Mancini, António Diaz, Beatriz Millazes, Claudio Tozzi, Ana Clara Schindler, Gringo Cardia, Gustavo Greco, Gustavo Picueira, Guto Lacage, Juarez Machado, Cobra and Rico Linsh, and also Colombian Olga Amaral.

The posters are available in two sizes - 28 x 42 cm and 60 x 90 cm.


Vinicius and Tom are the mascots of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro

The official presentation of the mascots for the 2016 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games took place on November 24, 2014. The organizers presented collective images of the flora and fauna of Brazil.

The Olympic mascot of Rio 2016 is depicted as a smiling yellow beast. The symbol is somewhat reminiscent of a cat and symbolizes the rich fauna of Brazil. The Paralympic one is made in blue and green colors and represents the flora.

The new symbols of Rio 2016 were greeted at the presentation ceremony by the predecessor mascots - Misha (Moscow-1980), Athena (Athens-2004), Fuwa (Beijing-2008) and Wenlock with Mandeville (London-2012).

On December 15, 2014, the mascots of the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro received official names, which were determined as a result of a three-week Internet voting announced by the organizers of the Games immediately after the presentation. Several pairs of names were proposed for the voters to choose from, including Oba and Eba, Tiba-Tuki and Eskindim, Vinicius and Tom. The last two are in honor of the famous Brazilian musicians and composers Vinicius de Morais and Tom Jobim.

  • Vinicius and Tom - 44%
  • Both and Eba - 38%
  • Tiba-Tuki and Eskidim - 18%

Olympic coins

Olympic stamps

Olympic souvenirs


The official pictograms of the sports included in the program of the XXXI Summer Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro were presented in November 2013.

A total of 64 pictograms were made - 41 for Olympic and 23 for Paralympic sports.

Work on them began in July 2012 and lasted 16 months, five of which were coordinated with 42 International Sports Federations.

A team of 28 artists and graphic designers worked on the creation of the Olympic pictograms. “We tried to combine the dynamism and tension of the competition and the cheerful, relaxed atmosphere of Rio de Janeiro in a single visual image,” Lula Bet, head of the creative team, told reporters.

Some sports are represented by several pictograms. For equestrian sports, jumping, dressage and triathlon are detailed separately. Cycling is represented by four pictograms - track racing, road racing, mountain biking and BMX. Such scrupulousness is shown for the first time in the history of the Olympics.

Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Pictograms will be used on tickets, various products, as indicative signs.

Photo: Rio 2016 mascots get names

The mascots for the 2016 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro were named Vinicius and Tom. Such names were chosen by the Brazilians through internet voting.

The mascots are named after Brazilian musicians Vinicius de Morais and Tom (Antonio) Jobim, following a public vote. Vinicius and Tom received 44% of the 323,327 votes, Oba and Eba 38%, Tiba Touke and Eskidim 18%.

The Rio 2016 mascots were unveiled at the end of November. They were collective images of the Brazilian flora and fauna of Brazil.

The image of the fauna is presented in the form of a smiling yellow beast, which is somewhat reminiscent of a cat. But the image of the Brazilian flora resembles a blue-green plant with leaves on its head.

It is expected that in the near future the symbols of the Brazilian Olympics will become the heroes of the show, which will be launched on Brazilian television.

The Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro from 5 to 21 August 2016. Recall that in 2014, Brazil hosted the World Cup.

Logo XXXI Summer Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro designed by the Brazilian design studio "Tatíl Design" and first presented to the general public on December 31, 2010.

At the heart of the symbol is a stylized Rio - mountains, the sun and the sea in the form of winding lines, reminiscent of the silhouettes of dancing people holding hands.

The logo is made in the colors of the national flag of Brazil - blue, yellow and green - and is intended to symbolize interaction and energy, harmony in diversity, a riot of nature and the Olympic spirit.

Vinicius and Tom are the mascots of the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro

The official presentation of the mascots for the 2016 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games took place on November 24, 2014. The organizers presented collective images of the flora and fauna of Brazil.

The Olympic mascot of Rio 2016 is depicted as a smiling yellow beast. The symbol is somewhat reminiscent of a cat and symbolizes the rich fauna of Brazil. The Paralympic one is made in blue and green colors and represents the flora.

The new symbols of Rio 2016 were greeted at the presentation ceremony by the predecessor mascots - Misha (Moscow-1980), Athena (Athens-2004), Fuwa (Beijing-2008) and Wenlock with Mandeville (London-2012).

On December 15, 2014, the mascots of the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro received official names, which were determined as a result of a three-week Internet voting announced by the organizers of the Games immediately after the presentation. Several pairs of names were proposed for the voters to choose from, including Oba and Eba, Tiba-Tuki and Eskindim, Vinicius and Tom. The last two are in honor of the famous Brazilian musicians and composers Vinicius de Morais and Tom Jobim.

  • Vinicius and Tom - 44%
  • Both and Eba - 38%
  • Tiba-Tuki and Eskidim - 18%

The official pictograms of the sports included in the program of the XXXI Summer Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro were presented in November 2013.

A total of 64 pictograms were made - 41 for Olympic and 23 for Paralympic sports.

Work on them began in July 2012 and lasted 16 months, five of which were coordinated with 42 International Sports Federations.

A team of 28 artists and graphic designers worked on the creation of the Olympic pictograms. “We tried to combine the dynamism and tension of the competition and the fun, relaxed atmosphere of Rio de Janeiro in a single visual image,” Lula Bet, head of the creative team, told reporters.

Some sports are represented by several pictograms. For equestrian sports, jumping, dressage and triathlon are detailed separately. Cycling is represented by four pictograms - track racing, road racing, mountain biking and BMX. Such scrupulousness is shown for the first time in the history of the Olympics.

Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Pictograms will be used on tickets, various products, as indicative signs.

The logo for the XXXI Summer Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro was designed by the Brazilian design studio Tatil Design and was first released to the public on December 31, 2010. The symbol is based on a stylized Rio: mountains, sun and sea in the form of winding lines, reminiscent of the silhouettes of dancing people holding hands. Main motto sports competition“We are all Brazil.”

The mascots of the games were Vinicius and Tom, who were chosen in honor of the famous Brazilian musicians and composers Vinicius de Morais and Tom Jobim. Talismans are collective images of the flora and fauna of Brazil. Vinicius is depicted as a smiling yellow beast and resembles a cat, he symbolizes the rich fauna of Brazil. The volume is made in blue and green colors and represents the flora.

"The Gods of Olympus Go to Rio de Janeiro" is the title of the official anthem of the 2016 Olympics. The anthem is played in the rhythm of the samba. Brazilian stars perform the song.

By the way, Leo Bernett's agency made a video for Samsung called "Anthem" in which people from different countries sing a line from their national anthem, but it seems that everyone is singing the same song. The video has already received 28 million views.

In the Nike video, newborns played the role of future sports stars. The video has received nearly 24 million views. According to the plot of the video, a speaker comes to the kids and delivers a motivational speech about responsibility for their future. The names of Neymar, Serena Williams and Mohammed Farah flicker among the signs on cribs.

In the spring, Samsung released the short documentary "Chance of Success", which tells the story of the courage, hope and perseverance of four candidates for the Olympic Games. A film about an athlete from South Sudan, whose team will compete at the Olympics for the first time this year, was a continuation of the story. The video about her has already collected a little more than 22 million views.

Always continues its #LikeAGirl campaign to inspire teen girls around the world to stay in the sport. And this video has already collected almost 22 million views.

100 days before the opening ceremony of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Procter & Gamble, as part of the Thank You Mom! presented a new video "The Power of Mom". The number of views of this video is approaching the mark of 20 million.

And the company Minute Maid presented in its video, which collected almost 6 million views, sports history Franklin Missy, who put her parents in the spotlight.

The official broadcaster of the Paralympic Games 2016 Channel 4 created a video about people with handicapped that make up an entire orchestra. The video has already received over 3 million views.

Visa showed a summer trip together with brand team athletes. The video has received 2.5 million views.