Which brand of volleyball knee pads is better. How to choose sports protective knee pads? How to tap your fingers

For playing volleyball, it is advisable to use knee pads. IN beach volleyball they are practically not used, but this type of equipment is needed for serious training and competition. Knee pads perform one important function - they protect the knees and joints of the athlete. Volleyball isn't the only sport that requires knee and joint protection. Similar equipment is used in wrestling and football.

They have a number of differences. If products for football are massive, then volleyball equipment is made from lighter materials. There are no products in volleyball that would completely protect the lower leg along with the Achilles tendon, there is no need for such equipment.

- These are products that serve only to protect the knee part. They may or may not have adjustable straps. It is better when buying to choose products with an adjustable part. Such knee pads are more comfortable and can be easily adjusted to a specific athlete. If necessary, they can even be given to someone for a while.

Volleyball knee pads are made from lightweight modern materials, usually polymers. Foam products are very easy to use. The foam is located inside the knee pads, their outer part Consists of a special fast-drying material. If an athlete sweats a lot during training, the protective equipment will not be soaked with sweat, it will remain dry, because the material from which the knee pads are made contributes to the evaporation of moisture.

Can be washed. Moreover, this should be done after each workout. Then the equipment will last longer, and the athlete will not experience discomfort during serious games.

That is the question!

In general, at a young volleyball age, in sports schools, for example, everyone without exception uses knee pads.

Movement around the site is not yet perfected, falls are very common. Therefore, everything is justified.

You can compare beginner volleyball fans with sports students, so we resolved the first question.

For the first time, you may need them if you plan to actively participate in the process and are not afraid to make extra moves.


Answer: The most protective.

From my 19 years of experience of collisions of the knee joint with the parquet of a volleyball court, I can outline the most suffering places:

  • abrasions and bruises under the kneecap;
  • abrasions and bruises on patella;
  • bruises and abrasions on outside knees;
  • bruises and abrasions on inside knees.

In general, all the formations that stand out on the knee are beaten and injured. The same is true, by the way, for other parts of the body. We'll talk about this later.

That is, it turns out that we need to protect the front and sides of the knee.

The first rule for choosing knee pads for beginners in volleyball: Choose protection for the front and side.

To be honest, nothing best model I have not tried the asics gel knee pad.

The model has been on sale for 10 years, if not more, and it seems that it is not going to leave.

By role

Backers and liberos have to fall more often due to their role on the court, so the knee pads described above are quite suitable.

In general, the knee pad is a bulky design and foreign, so sooner or later there is a desire to minimize it or remove it.

Passing, diagonal and first paces are chosen, most often the knee pads are lighter, usually without side protection.

Orthoses with a knee brace

You can also find orthoses with a built-in knee brace. What it is?

Imagine you pulled a ligament or are recovering, God forbid, after a knee injury. You want to play, but you don’t injure your knee.

Then you need two "gadgets". Orthosis for fixing the knee joint and knee brace. Recently, you can get by with one. This, approximately, kind of orthoses can solve your problem.

Although, this is still a compromise, and not a full-fledged defender.

After knee pads

If you pay attention to the game of professionals, they do not use knee pads as such. More often we can see orthoses for injury prevention. Do not confuse these categories in this case.

Why? Because knee pads for men are not forever.

When you master the technique of moving and falling. You don't need knee pads

Yes, there is a 50% clause here. The above is true for men.

Since the knee is actively used in the female fall technique, it means that a knee brace is always needed.

And about other protruding parts of the body.

When the technique of falling is brought to perfection or close to it, bruises and abrasions are sometimes possible on the elbow and on the corner of the pelvic bone (often the beating arm).

There are elbow pads for the elbow. McDavid is in fashion.

It is possible to protect an already injured pelvic angle through independent manipulations and dancing with tambourines, there is no ready-made solution in my memory.

Fly low over the court, pick up the balls and don't get hurt!

We teach how to fall correctly in training in our

p / s / Often use a knee pad for one knee. For prevention, fashion or other reasons)

Igor Shepelev,

Head coach

Volleyball School "Zalp" (c)

Everyone who has been at least a little involved in this or that sport knows that the most important thing here is to take care of your joints, which receive enormous loads the most. This is especially true for those who play sports on a hard surface. This is where sports knee pads come in handy. However, it is worth knowing that even such an item must be able to choose the right one.

Basic Rules

When choosing this sports equipment, you should focus on its convenience and reliability of fixation, and you need to check this immediately before buying. At the same time, it is worth knowing that all knee pads, including those for volleyball, have their own dimensions. They are designated by numbers from 1 to 4. The first size, that is, the smallest, is just perfect for those who have a thin physique. However, if this size causes even the slightest inconvenience, you should choose size 2 already. If you have a fairly large build, then size 3 is already suitable here, but size 4, as a rule, is chosen by those who play volleyball.

Another rule that concerns sizes. It is worth paying attention to the fact that, for example, Chinese knee pads have their own sizes, which are very different from the world standard. For example, if you compare Asix volleyball knee pads from Japan and similar models from China, the difference will be obvious.

In addition, the quality of the material from which this additional item is made is of great importance. Sports Equipment. It is better to choose those models that are more expensive, but they are much better and will last longer, which is very important.

Reliable protection

In a sport such as hockey, special requirements are placed on knee pads. Hockey is a very active and rather tough game, which means that here the player must be protected as much as possible. This is especially true of the athlete's knees. The second name for this important element of the uniform is hockey pads.

These elements are designed not only to protect the person himself. During the game, in no case should they interfere with the athlete himself, but at the same time be convenient, reliable and comfortable. And this means that you need to choose them only by size. At the same time, you should not immediately buy the first model that comes across.

The shields themselves must be carefully examined from all sides, be sure to try them on and walk around in them for several minutes. During this time, the legs will get used to it, and you will definitely be able to tell if you are comfortable in such equipment. If there is even the slightest discomfort, then it is better to choose a different model or size.

It is worth knowing that the knee pads of both the players themselves and the goalkeeper can have a very different color. And here already the right of choice completely remains with the person himself. There are times when white shields fit just fine, but red ones don’t fit very well, although both of these pieces of equipment have completely identical sizes. So everything here is strictly individual.

Comfort and convenience

Volleyball knee pads are an individual product and you should not choose it by eye in any case. However, the leader here is Asics. And the most common here are models with helium content. It is these inserts that help reduce the risk of injury and protect against impacts during the match.

Another feature is its ergometry, that is, after a few games, such an item takes on a strictly individual shape, taking into account all the features of the human knee. There is also a small hole on the inner surface, which helps to provide maximum ventilation, which is very important in a tense game.

Such knee pads are most often chosen professional athletes- volleyball players. And you can buy this product not only on the Internet, but also in Sportmaster stores. At the same time, buying goods in a store is much more preferable, since here you can try everything yourself, feel it, and even walk around in order to understand whether this protective item is right for you.

Stylish and safe

Today, dancing is a very popular activity and is practiced by people of almost all ages. However, here, too, it is simply impossible to do without knee pads, especially if you train almost every day and take care of your health.

The choice of this subject must be approached wisely. The most important thing is, of course, size matching. And if the knee pad is too large or vice versa, too small, then in this case the risk of injury increases many times over. Of great importance are the materials from which these objects are made. It is better to choose only natural materials, in extreme cases - semi-natural. They will allow the skin to breathe during training and performances.

Again, you can buy such an item both in the store and on the Internet. But buying on sites is recommended only if you know your size exactly and want to buy a model that, for one reason or another, has simply become unusable. If you are buying knee pads for dancing for the first time, then you should use the services of a specialized store, for example, Sportmaster.

extreme sports

Particular attention should be paid when choosing knee pads for skiing and others extreme species sports. What should such models “be able to”?

  1. Excellent knee protection in case of a fall.
  2. Freedom of movement.
  3. Light weight, which is practically not felt by a person.
  4. Reliable fasteners.
  5. The naturalness of the material.
  6. The ability to let the skin breathe.

And if at least one requirement is not met, then it is better to refuse this model and look for a more reliable copy.

It is necessary to choose protection for the knee on your own, and not entrust this important matter to acquaintances or friends. After all, the most important thing here is to choose the right size. This is one of the most important factors that this piece of equipment will definitely be able to protect the knee during a fall. Otherwise, a person can get very serious injury, and in some cases even have to forget about the sport.

And again, for choosing a knee pad for sports, the Sportmaster specialized store is perfect, which always has all the necessary models, sizes and, of course, colors.

A special case

Sometimes it happens that the knee has one or another minor injury. It does not seem to interfere with taking part in competitions, but at the same time, I want to protect my knee well from re-injury. In this case, sports orthopedic knee pads are ideal.

Before buying such an item, you should definitely consult a doctor and find out exactly which model you need, because there are a lot of them today. Well, you can buy this item both in a pharmacy and in a specialized sports store.

And finally, sports knee pads for children. The most important thing is to choose the exact size. The level of protection of the joint will depend on this. But children's joints are much more susceptible to damage, because children are several times more active than adults, which means that their protection must be at the appropriate level.

Everyone knows that sport is good for the body. However, injuries occur quite often, especially in active sports such as hockey, football, running, volleyball, skiing.

The main load in this case falls on the legs, and the knees are most often injured. To avoid this and protect the knee joint, you need to use sports knee pads - special orthopedic structures.

There are many types of them and it is very important to choose the right one to ensure maximum effectiveness in the prevention, and sometimes treatment, of injuries.

Knee pad - what is it?

The knee pad is a special orthopedic aids whose task is to support the knee joint. They provide fixation and some stabilization of the knee and patella, support the lateral ligaments and menisci.

Indications for the use of knee pads are:

Types of knee pads

Depending on the purpose, knee pads can be preventive, therapeutic and sports. They all have a different structure, degree of fixation and compression, and are made of different materials.

Conventionally, sports knee pads can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Soft. These sports knee pads include elastic and knitted models. Their task is to provide a weak or medium fixation, gently wrapping around the knee and the surrounding area. They also provide protection to the patella, preventing it from rocking from side to side. Also, such knee pads gently distribute the load. This type is used in case of minor injuries, in diseases of the joints of mild forms, as well as to protect against injuries in the process of playing sports. Often such knee pads have a warming effect due to improved blood flow or have an additional micro-massage effect.
  • Semi-rigid knee braces have additional reinforcements and splints on the sides. This provides fixation of the joint and does not allow it to dangle from side to side, which in turn protects the lateral ligaments from damage. This type of knee pads is usually equipped with special fasteners (belts, Velcro), which allow you to control the fixation. The most common representatives of this group are with a hole for the patella, which fix it and limit the movement of the cruciate ligaments. This type of bandage is used in the post-traumatic period.
  • Rigid. This type of knee brace is used only for medicinal purposes and must be selected individually for each patient each time. They provide for almost complete or complete immobilization of the knee joint.

Materials used to make knee pads

Choosing a knee brace depending on the sport

How to determine the size of the kneecap

None of the knee pads will help you if the wrong size was chosen initially. Each company produces its own sizes of knee pads, so you need to choose individually each time. The box with the product always contains information with a size scale.

Usually, to determine it, it is enough to measure the circumference of the knee joint in the center of the patella in a standing position and compare it with the scale, choosing the appropriate one.

Sometimes additional measurements of the lower leg and thigh are required. In any case, an orthopedist or sales consultants will always be able to help determine the correct size.

Contraindications for wearing knee pads

There are practically no contraindications to the use of these orthopedic devices. Relative contraindications are:

  • allergy provoked by the material of the kneecap;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • inflammation and violation of the integrity of the skin at the place of wearing the kneecap;
  • purulent inflammation of the joint and in cases of contraindications to thermal procedures.

In any case, before purchasing a knee brace, it is necessary to make a trip to an orthopedist, who will help you decide on the choice of a suitable knee brace model and confirm the need for it.

Well-known manufacturers of knee pads: Rehband, ASICS, McDavid, TORRES. Products can be purchased in specialized departments of stores or on the Internet at prices ranging from 460 to 6000 rubles, depending on the type.

It is important to know that knee pads intended for athletes are not always suitable for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, since their patterns are developed taking into account the requirements for protection in a particular sport. If the knee pads are not properly selected, then instead of getting benefits, you can cause serious harm to health.

Reliably protect athletes from injury. Knee-joint- one of the most vulnerable parts of the body when playing sports. A bad knee landing while playing volleyball can result in a dislocation or bruising. Protective protectors provide a tight fixation of the joint and absorb shock, preventing dangerous consequences.

Volleyball knee pads needed not only by professional players. Novice volleyball players and amateur athletes are also at risk of injury. The use of reliable equipment from trusted manufacturers significantly increases your safety during the game.

We offer volleyball knee pads from the Italian company Macron. This brand specializes in the production of clothing, protection and accessories for sports and outdoor activities.

For the manufacture of professional volleyball knee pads, the manufacturer uses cotton with the addition of polyester or elastane. Due to this, the fabric perfectly retains its shape, does not interfere with the removal of moisture from the skin, allowing it to breathe. For ventilation, a small hole is also provided on the side of the popliteal fossa. Macron most often uses gel as a filler in protectors, sometimes soft textile inserts.

After several games, the cuff completely repeats the shape of the athlete's leg. At the same time, it is practically not felt on the knee, does not hinder movement and provides maximum comfort. Thanks to this, Macron protectors can be used to protect joints when doing volleyball, dancing, gymnastics, snowboarding.

The lineup

The catalog contains the following models of Macron professional volleyball knee pads:

  • fast,
  • free,
  • wall,
  • kinetic,
  • thyme,
  • reflex.

The best protection for professional volleyball players is Macron Free. Ergonomic cuff provides a secure fit while maintaining joint mobility. The gel overlay protector softens the impact of a fall and prevents injury to the patella.

Each model is presented in several shades:

  • blue,
  • red,
  • white,
  • black etc.

Thanks to this, you can always choose professional volleyball knee pads in the color of your team's uniform.

The catalog contains protectors from XS to XXL. The size of the cuff must be selected according to the girth of the knee. For advice on choosing professional volleyball knee pads, please contact our specialists. They will tell you how to take measurements correctly and help you choose the right model.