Stability is a sign of excellence. Who said and what does it mean? Persistence is a sign of failure Use the experience of successful leaders and

Great deeds require tireless constancy.

The garden, often transplanted, does not bear fruit.

The fickleness of the women I was in love with was redeemed only by the infernal constancy of the women in love with me.

Only accidents occur with enviable constancy.

It is not a crime to love several times in a life and it is not a merit to love only once: to reproach yourself for the first and boast of the second is equally absurd.

Idleness always breeds inconstancy in the soul.

One can detect constancy in cowardice and feeblemindedness; but firmness can reveal only a character distinguished by strength, loftiness, intelligence. Frivolity, pliability and weakness are the opposite of firmness.

In a cat, I see a woman with an ever-changing sensitive soul.

Elegant aphorisms about constancy

There is nothing more permanent in the world than impermanence.

Igniting elegant aphorisms about constancy

There is nothing permanent that cannot be made temporary.

Oddly enough, the most firm, unshakable convictions are the most superficial. Deep beliefs are always mobile.

We complain about women's fickleness; but if not for it, we would have much more reason to complain.

For us, rushing into space, there is no constancy.

Glory is a bad commodity. It's expensive and doesn't last well.

Life is the perfection of impermanence.

And constancy is the delight of the gods and the lower animals.

Now I know that our world is no more permanent than a wave rising over the ocean. Whatever they are, we must survive our victories and defeats, because a new wave will rise very soon, but this will be a new story...

The stronger a person's character, the less prone he is to inconstancy in love.

We are so fickle in friendship because it is difficult to know the properties of a person's soul and it is easy to know the properties of his mind.

Unprecedented elegant aphorisms about constancy

There is nothing more permanent than the unforeseen.

If I sometimes allow myself to look at another, you have nothing to complain about: this is just a momentary flash of lightning, and my love for you burns evenly and forever, like the sun.

Persistence is the most inventive way to make a fool.

In the human world, impermanence is common.

People are more constant in their hate than in their love.

Without constancy there can be no love, no friendship, no virtue.

I can't be loyal to a flag if I don't know who's holding it.

There is nothing permanent but change.

I do not recognize inconstancy, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting to me are natures that forever change their essence, like mercury from temperature changes.

If love arises as a result of bodily intimacy, it is unstable, since the body is a temporary part of a person. Love based on spiritual intimacy is stable, since the spirit is a constant, undying component of a person.

Original elegant aphorisms about constancy

Constancy deserves neither praise nor censure, because it manifests the stability of tastes and feelings, which does not depend on our will.

People are fickle and always ready to worship the rising sun...

Persistence is almost a talent. Whoever is subject to moods will never work well in a team.

To desire something definite and one thing is a sign of wisdom; inconstancy in desires is the most obvious of stupidity; I will never stop repeating the words of Seneca: "He who does not know which port to go to will never have a fair wind."

I would not say that women do not have character - they just have a different character every day.

The word "happiness" is similar to "now", and therefore it cannot be something permanent.

Constancy in love is of two kinds: we are constant either because we constantly find in a person new qualities worthy of love, or because we consider constancy a duty of honor.

A woman is attracted to a man by the same qualities that she will not be able to endure in a few years.

There is nothing more permanent in Russia than temporary difficulties.

Ridicule, that is, moral indignation, must be combined with the constancy of a lofty feeling.

Impermanence - periodic satiety with newly acquired attachments.

The word given to someone can be taken back, any agreement can be canceled. Nothing is impossible...

Healthy elegant aphorisms about constancy

Look at this adorned image, at a body full of flaws, made up of parts, sickly, full of many thoughts in which there is neither certainty nor constancy.

Only the inconstancy of connections allows one to live the illusion of a separate, self-contained and powerful existence.

Much is said about how fickle women are in love, but not enough about how constant they are in friendship.

A drop hollows out a stone not by force, but often by falling.

Take a look around. Is anything really worth it? We can say that the whole world is in motion. No one has a definite field of activity, no good habits, no rules for anything, not even a home, nothing that binds, that awakens your sympathies, your love; nothing stable, nothing permanent; everything flows, everything disappears, leaving no trace either outside or in you.

Constancy is the everlasting dream of love.

When a person performs this or that moral deed, then he is not yet virtuous; he is virtuous only if this mode of behavior is a constant feature of his character.

For us humans, everything is permanent - until it changes, and we are all immortal - until we die.

Constancy in love is an eternal inconsistency that encourages us to be carried away in turn by all the qualities of a loved one, giving preference now to one of them, then to another; thus, constancy turns out to be impermanence, but limited, that is, concentrated on one subject.

The country can be renamed as you like, but the soul remains the same.

We live in a world where nothing is permanent. What is right today may be wrong tomorrow. What works now may be useless in the very near future. The only thing that is permanent is constant change. Perpetual change is neither good nor bad. It's just an inherent property of the world!

Women claim that men are fickle, and men prove that women are flighty.

The only thing we know for certain about human nature is that it changes. Variability is its only predictable property.

Aphorisms from the Classic. Part 6

Constancy is a sign of failure.
If you are not going up, do not think that you are standing still - at this time you are sliding down.

Moment or eternity? What is more valuable?
A moment will disappear - eternity will disappear.
Eternity will disappear - a moment will disappear.
It turns out the moment gives birth to eternity, and eternity gives life to the moment.
And that means that a moment is as valuable as eternity!

Dying, a person turns into a moment and can stay in it for eternity.

Wandering through the intricate labyrinth of life, always boldly open the doors marked "duty". This is the surest way.

If the result is predetermined and does not depend on you in any way, you should not portray violent activity, it is always better to spend this time on yourself.

Showing your talent to everyone is also one of the forms of exhibitionism. Hello fellow perverts!

Doing your own thing, remember that someone is doing yours at this moment.

Be courageous in grief.
But in joy, be feminine!

In everything that happens in this world, there is a certain hidden, deep, mysterious meaning, coming from nowhere and going nowhere.

Loving doesn't mean being afraid to lose.

I love a woman, but I'm not afraid to lose her, because for every fireman I have another woman!
It's a joke. But seriously...
If my beloved goes to another man, it turns out better for her. And if she is well, then it is well for me, because I love this woman.

There is as much unhappiness in happiness as there is happiness...
There is no happiness in misfortune, but there is a key to happiness - wisdom.

External brilliance is not valor.
Acquired good is not a virtue.
In short, the threshold is not a vice, and darkness is not a topic!

There are also welcome threats...
Whoever dies today is not in danger of tomorrow.

Marvelous! but sometimes, in order for a woman to hate you, you just have to do nothing with her!

If God, God forbid, decides that you patient man You will have to endure, endure, endure for the rest of your life!

Your whole back is white!
- It's too old and hackneyed joke.
Yes, indeed, I was joking. In fact, your whole back is black!
- Is it true? Damn it! Where am I?..

What is harmony in life?
- Regularity and so that the sizes match!

Man to man is a friend, comrade and sex!

A woman deserves a man much more than another man!

Blues have cancer in their brains! So they walk backwards ..., in the sense, wagging their backs.

I am the most talented!
I counted ninety-nine hidden talents!
And counting my talents is my hundredth talent!

We've been in love with each other for so long, but we've never made love before...

If you are dragged to the registry office, it’s good already because you are not a complete fool! Otherwise you would be rolled!

I am a man without questions. I have only one punctuation mark - amorphous. Unclear?
Yes, he constantly changes the form: either a comma, or a dash, or an exclamation mark!

You're all so pale... not poisonous by any chance?

If love gave birth only to love, then how would we multiply?

Sometimes the authorities remind me of a mountain: if anything flies from above, then this is a stone on the head!

What are you crawling on?
Yes, I lost...
- Accidentally, not pride?

I am now at the age when love and delicious dinner are equal. A little more and dinner will start to win ...

A hard forehead is not a guarantee of a solid memory!

A crowd is called a crowd because it is a crowd!
All she knows how to do is to crowd!

Rare people are much less than rare ...

You can drown in the sea of ​​love...

There are a lot of ordinary personalities: all the time, whole rows.
Stick the prefix "not" to you! Become uncommon!

If you wait too long for something, it will always happen unexpectedly.

If you are wise - do not be stupid, and if you are stupid - do not be wise!

True happiness always has two halves.
It hides between them!

When good rests, evil works.
Therefore goodness has no right to sleep.

Fools who consider themselves the masters of their lives: after all, their "wheeled coffin" is already leaving the assembly line, and the "flying coffin" is already leaving the hangar.

The windy woman is called so because she is like the wind in your sails! You constantly need to adapt to it in order to go further with it, and for greater peace of mind you have to keep the engine in reserve.

What a beautiful woman ... maybe you can get to know each other? ..
Only what prettier woman the more fans she has.
And the more fans, the higher her conceit.
The higher her conceit, the more selfish she is.
The more selfish she is, the less she loves other people.
The less she loves others, the worse her character and the more difficult it is to live with her.
And if it is so difficult to live with her ...
- Listen, beauty, would you go to hell with your beauty!

I will share with you grief and joy ...
Joy, chur, me!

The past is nothing!.. just a vanished path to the present! And the present, even the saddest and bleakest, is much more valuable and more important than past joys...

Some actions of a person in a period of time that he considers to be as they are in the present time, that is why they are such. But by changing, we change the world around us. And in the future, today's indisputable truth may turn out to be our big delusion or a lie specially imposed by someone.

The interaction of your inner world and the inner worlds of all other intelligent beings with the real physical universe at this particular moment is the truth of being.

Life is not the goal itself, but the path to the goal.

What is the purpose, such is life.

Tell me your dream and I will tell you who you are.

To run away from love is to run away to nowhere.

One cannot possess without possessing, but even having possessed, one can still not possess.
(By the word "possess" here I mean: understand, cherish and take care of ... or in another way: know, cherish, care for).

What you need to know when you go to the goal and want to reach?
First, find out where is where you are going.
The second is not to make a mistake in choosing the road and not to miss the intended goal.
And the last thing: to have patience, determination and, overcoming all difficulties and hardships, go to your goal to the end! Until the end of the chosen path or until the end of your life!

Happiness is a state of a person that depends: on his awareness, the state and awareness of the people around him, as well as the state of the physical universe in which he is constantly or stays at a particular moment of his life.

Money is not the goal itself, but something that helps us achieve the goal.

What is not taken into the soul, then disappears without a trace.

Love ... it is like time: it moves and changes, and if it leaves, then forever ...

Big money changes people: spoils them! but for some reason it seems to me that they will not spoil me!

Money is a surgeon that reveals the very essence of a person!

Money doesn't care how much you earn, they care how much you save!

Money loves the greedy.
People don't like greedy people.
People love money.
And money loves the greedy!

If you stop on your way, time and fate from both sides pick you up by the arms and carry you further ... wherever they please.

For a lucky person, everything is just below the waist!

If a black cat crosses your path, it means that ...
she really needs to go to the other side. And if you understand this, then feel free to move on! Nothing bad will happen to you!

Love is like playing poker: a strong card can be beaten by a skillful bluff.

Do not boast that you are satisfied with little: after all, when there is nothing, you do not want anything.
Do not rejoice in what you have acquired: the more you have earned, the less you have left to live.
Better do a good deed and give other people your best thoughts - this is much more valuable.

In this world, you are temporarily .... So behave like a guest!

If you are suddenly lucky, it means only one thing: that you are lucky. It's too early to talk about anything else, because you have nothing to do with it.

Luck is not a horse under you, but a bird that can grab you by the scruff of the neck and carry you! Tired - let go ...

Happiness without grief - feelings down the drain!

I have nothing, guys!
There was love, and that lost ...

Hopelessness and misfortune are my two teachers...

Decent people respect order, so they always ask, "Who's last?" - and stand in line ... even for their own happiness.

A carefree life in full prosperity will kill anyone.


I planted a seed of sympathy, poured it with admiration, a sprout of passion appeared, grew a tree of love, climbed on it, but forgot to attach myself, relaxed, fell down and crashed into the trash ... now I’m lying under this tree and writing aphorisms ...

If I made you not only laugh, but think about something and read something twice, then this is the most I wanted!
Sincerely, Yuri Klassik.


Alexander from St. Petersburg? It's clear. We have been friends with him for a long time and correspond.
And now I'm resting, relaxing, so to speak. I thought I would write, but the brain does not want to work in any way, the bastard sleeps like a bear in a den. And okay, let him also rest for a week.
Today, when I sailed along the coral reef, I held my own beauty contest between its inhabitants. There were many contenders for the first place, which only fish I have not seen: striped and speckled, and square, and thin as a needle, and green as parrots, and black as crows. I really liked the fish with a lyre-shaped tail, all so colorful and motley. I thought that she would win, but then I saw something out of the ordinary, such a beauty appeared that it’s just right to marry her: bright yellow, fins circled around the contour, blue shadows in front of her eyes, lips with a red bow - as if specially for my competition dressed up. I immediately gave her the first place and gave it, it’s a pity that there was nothing to eat with me.
I'm already tired of you, probably, with my chatter?
Well, I ran. So long, Lana.

Persistence is a mark of excellence

Getting rid of their leaders, “Spartacus” and “Lion” remained true to themselves. For the third time in a season, the guests won with a score of 3: 2.

Just before the New Year, Spartak and Lev were unanimous in assessing the game of their leaders. The Red-Whites terminated contracts with Marcel Gossa And Josef Stumpel, and “Lion” left a whole group of players, which is headed by Ladislav Nagy. It was the parting with Nagy that caused the most questions: the club declares its intention to save money, and Ladislav himself says that they wanted to cut his salary by 20 percent, and were also accused of simulating an injury. There were suggestions in the press and among the fans that, having got rid of Nagy and three other players, “Lev” clears a place for Stumpel, but even if this is true, then by the time of the match former team with a potential future, Josef is listed as unemployed.

Parting with the leaders before the final segment of the championship is not the most pleasant wake-up call for the fans of Spartak and Lev. Doesn't this mean that both clubs felt that this season they were not destined to make it to the playoffs and it would be wiser to get rid of expensive players? Still, Nagy was part of a group of players ( Netik, Bartechko, Undergrowth, Mikush), which organized most of the goals of “Lev”, and criticized from all sides Goss- Second scorer of Spartak. As they say, it's bad with you, and without you. But the rivals, who came out this evening on the ice of “Winter”, had a chance to catch up with CSKA – fortunately, having lost eight games in a row, the army team themselves inspired timid hope in competitors. On the other hand, the loser in this meeting can be overtaken by Vityaz, and being the worst team in the Western Conference is a serious blow to the image.

Perhaps the quarterfinal match of the World Youth Championship between Russia and the Czech Republic was watched not only by fans, but also by the hockey players themselves. The author of the winning puck and best player this hardest battle was the Spartacist Grigory Zheldakov, in overtime plunged the puck into the net Mrazek. Who knows, maybe Egor Mikhailov was inspired precisely by the feat of his junior teammate. As soon as Mikhailov approached a foreign zone,

how with a powerful throw at the "nine" he printed Thomas Dubu. By the way, back in 2001, the gatekeeper of “Leva” not only took gold with the Czech “youth team”, but was also recognized by the organizers of the tournament the best goalkeeper championship. I wonder how fate awaits his follower in the “youth team” Peter Mrazek?

Having conceded already in the third minute, “Lion” made attempts to recoup. Shpirko from the right flank, he moved to the center, threw from a roundhouse, but did not hit the far corner. Tail danger throw Bartechko in the second half of the first period, but with him Kasutin did it, and Mamkin did not let Shpirko to finish. Rostislav Shpirko himself in one of the episodes famously threw from a roundhouse, moving from the flank to the center, but the puck missed the goal. “Lev” also had the opportunity to convert the majority, but so far Benoit was on the penalty box, there was not even a hint of danger in the zone of Muscovites. But at the end of the period, the “lions” had a shock, aggressively pressing the red-whites, and before the siren for a break, Netik got a great chance to equalize the score. “Lion” showed his fangs to his opponent.

Inspired by the relatively successful ending of the first period, after the break, “Lev” began to play more actively, and at the same time, the difference in throws increased significantly. The Slovaks, as it should be for a team playing on a small platform, threw a lot and from various points. Only in the second twenty minutes Kasutin was disturbed 14 times, while “Spartacus” was generous with only 6 shots. Spartak had a particularly hard time when Lev played in the majority for almost four minutes in a row. For a few seconds, Makarov, removed for an attack in the head area, even left the red and white three of them, but the hosts did not benefit from this. Except for two minutes Denis Makarov the arbitrators also issued a disciplinary fine, and he, having learned about such a decision, threw the stick on the bench with annoyance, like a spear.

The team from Poprad was led forward by its leaders. Nedorost threw more than once, Netik completed an excellent counterattack, and later the former CSKA forward brought Bartechko to a shock throw. The figurative expression “to stand with the whole team at the gate” Spartak decided to bring to life and the three of them settled down almost on the same line with Kasutin. Perhaps this pandemonium prevented the goalkeeper, but Lyuduchin managed to take the puck literally off the goal line.

“Spartak” did not sparkle in the second period with bright personalities, but if anyone can be distinguished, then the red-and-white Slovaks, who, with the onset of 2012, became two times less. Stefan Ruzicka for the second period, he delivered two shots, and one of his flank passes was crowned with a sharp shot from the brushes. Bagel was not so active in the attack, but he managed to push Alyosh Yezhek. When, due to their mutual removal, the teams lost weight by one player, and there was a little more free space on the court, Lyuduchin found Benois with a pass, who rolled onto the gate and doubled the score.

The history of meetings between Spartak and Lev claims that the score after 60 or even 65 minutes should be nothing more than 3:2 and certainly in favor of the visiting team. In order to continue the tradition in the third match, the red-whites had to try to lose the gained advantage. However, if you look at how teams play in the third periods, there is nothing surprising or supernatural in such a scenario. “Leo” is fourth in the league in terms of the game in the final segment of the match, while worse than “Spartak” in this indicator is only the hopeless outsider “Motorist”.

Team Radima Rulik continued to bend its line, and the Slovaks waited for the moment when the defenders of Spartak began to get nervous and make mistakes. In pursuit of “Lev”, the forward of the second link became a key figure Yaroslav Kristek. Already in the debut of the third period, after throwing at the gate, he could push the puck past Kasutin, but the hosts organized the first abandoned puck a little later. All the same Kristek broke through to the gate, and Valery Pokrovsky could not keep up with the opponent and allowed him to throw. Ivan Kasutin, who has only one "dry" match in the season behind him, did his best to keep his goal untouchable this time as well. However, after Kasutin coped with the first throw, Rostislav Shpirko, with humble contemplation Bodrova finished off the puck from the penny. Kristek scored the second point for performance when the team from Poprad played in the minority, and the defenders of Spartak once again pressed against the gate and let the Czech roll. Kristek responded to Mikush's pass from behind the gate and flashed Kasutin.

Before revealing the winner in the shootout, moments managed to create both teams. “Lev” was more aggressive, and even the fourth link of the Slovak team created panic on the guests' penny. key point the match could have been the stupidest removal of Stefan Ruzicka, who seemed to have broken the chain and attacked Sigalet in a foreign zone. Almost until the end of regular time, Rulik's wards played in the majority, created many chances, but could have missed - he did not convert his moment in the counterattack mosquito. Of those few moments that the Spartacists created, the passage through the center performed by Roman Lyuduchin stood out from the overall picture, who, on a feint, removed Strbaka, but Dube did not score, only taking off his mask in the fight against the goalkeeper.

In a series of post-match shootouts, Stefan Ruzicka was the real lucky one. The Slovak forward of “Spartak” seems to have laid Oak on the ice, but missed the moment for the throw. To everyone's amazement, the puck nevertheless leaked through the near shield, reached the second one and, with the help of a rebound, insidiously crawled into the goal. After two unsuccessful attempts, Mikush and Netik Ruzicka reincarnated as the author of the winning bullet, although in the 58th minute he claimed the role of the main villain.

Bella Adzeeva

“It seems to me that any sensitive person should understand that violence cannot change the world, and if it does, then only temporarily,” Martin Scorsese, who is celebrating his 70th birthday today, said in an interview, “the best, according to Americans, the director of our time, whose violent gangster films are mentioned among his favorites by Quentin Tarantino, and individual films are studied by the prosecutor's office for extremism. Whether it's taxi driver Travis Bickle, whose outward cruelty hides agonizing loneliness, or billionaire Howard Hughes, who made the whole world talk about himself, but failed to overcome his own fears, are masterfully embodied by Scorsese's favorite actors - Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio with whom he has been collaborating for many years. The first, according to Scorsese himself, saved him from death back in 1978, and the second was saved by the director himself - according to DiCaprio, thanks to Scorsese, he got rid of the role of a hero-lover and "became the actor he always wanted to be."

Raised in the same neighborhood of New York - Little Italy - Scorsese and De Niro met in 1972, when they were both in their thirties. Behind Scorsese was the one and only feature film "Who's Knocking on My Door?" De Niro played in eight films and even won the New York Film Critics Award. Director Brian De Palma, who directed it twice, learned that Scorsese was looking for an actor to play Johnny Boy in the film. "Mean Streets", and advised De Niro to try. The film about four Italian-American mafiosi was a success, but the real triumph was waiting for the Scorsese-De Niro duo three years later, when in 1976 it was released "Taxi driver".

In the center of the plot - 26-year-old Travis Bickle, a Vietnam War veteran, a loner, suffering from chronic insomnia. Having settled down to work as a taxi driver, every night through the car window he observes the cruelties of the peaceful life of New York, and the inability to establish relations with the girl he likes, Betsy, increases the feeling of loneliness and alienation. Travis hopes that the city will be cleansed of the vices that have filled it, but the reality is too cruel. After meeting 12-year-old prostitute Iris (Jodie Foster) who chooses to return to a pimp instead of a normal life, Bickle decides it's time to "clean up" the city of evil on his own. He decides to start with the murder of Senator Palantine, however, noticed by the guards, he runs away from the scene of the alleged assassination. But "lynching" still happens: the ending of the film, when Travis cold-bloodedly kills brothel regulars and shoots pimp Iris in the stomach, was even translated into monochrome - the scene turned out to be too bloody in color, and the Motion Picture Association of America refused to issue a rental certificate for the film.

In preparation for filming, Scorsese several times demanded that screenwriter Paul Schroeder rework the story - for example, the action from Los Angeles was moved to the director's native New York, and some scenes had to be changed for reasons of political correctness. De Niro, who at the time was filming in Rome with Bernardo Bertolucci, often came to New York, where he spent 12 hours a day driving and talking with former soldiers. Scene in front of a mirror with the famous line "Are you talking to me?" was invented by De Niro: the script only mentioned that "Travis is looking at his reflection." Scorsese himself played a cameo role - a taxi passenger, about to kill his wife and leading Travis to the idea of ​​reprisal.

Travis Bickle, who knew the meaninglessness of death in war and observed the meaninglessness of existence already in civilian life, was called by some critics "the most American of movie heroes", a victim of the ambitions of the entire nation. The film attracted even more attention in 1981, when John Hickley, who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, admitted that he had watched Taxi Driver at least 15 times. The film brought Scorsese and De Niro not only recognition, but also awards and nominations: despite accusations of promoting violence, the director received the main prize at the Cannes Film Festival from the chairman of the jury, Tennessee Williams, and De Niro was nominated for an Oscar for this role.

De Niro's most coveted award for the actor for the second time was brought by another role in the Scorsese film - boxer Jake LaMotta in "Raging Bull"(1980) (the actor received the first Oscar for the role of the young Vito Corleone in the second part of Coppola's The Godfather). Before that, Scorsese and De Niro managed to work together again - lyrical drama "New York, New York", where Liza Minnelli became De Niro's partner, failed at the box office, but was later recognized as a model of "concert cinema". "Raging Bull" - World Champion LaMotta's memories of sports career, rocky relationship with brother Joey and wife Vicky, fixed matches and relations with underworld. Aggression and anger, which bring success in the ring, interfere with the hero's life: he has problems with the mafia and with his own brother, who, moreover, trains a boxer: having become jealous of his wife, Jake beats Joey in front of his family. The story of Jake LaMotta ends sadly: after hanging his gloves on a nail, he buys night club, but things in show business are not given. The aged and out of shape boxer moonlights as an entertainer, and his attempts to improve relations with his brother lead to nothing.

De Niro himself suggested that Scorsese make a film about sports when he visited him in the hospital in 1978 (the director ended up in the clinic after a drug overdose). Scorsese, who was about to leave the cinema, refused, but De Niro managed to persevere, as a result, "Raging Bull" was recognized as the best film about sports according to the American Film Institute, and De Niro - the best actor of the year. “During the filming of Raging Bull, I actually almost died from cocaine, but by a whim of fate everything ended well, I didn’t die, but finished the film. I didn’t care what would happen to him then, I just wanted to throw it into him everything. I was very angry. But it was a very productive anger. I knew that, most likely, this would be the last film that I would shoot. I felt that there was no more place for me in directing. Especially in America, "admitted later Scorsese.

And he was very wrong. Scorsese not only continued to make films, but also invited an old friend to play in them. In 1990, after a seven-year break in cooperation, his new film with De Niro was released - Crime Story "Good guys". Before its release, the director managed to shoot an Oscar-winning "The Color of Money" and ambiguous "The Last Temptation of Christ", and De Niro starred in another gangster movie "Once Upon a Time in America".

"Goodfellas" begins with a "hook" that immediately catches the viewer - three mafiosi are driving along a night highway, and after a minute it becomes clear that in the trunk of their car there is a corpse, which suddenly turns out to be still a living bandit. The heroes finish off the victim and bury the body in the forest. This crime becomes the plot of a further plot: teenager Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) dreams of becoming a gangster and since childhood has been working part-time with neighboring gangsters who take the guy under their protection. Authority Paul Cicero (Paul Sorvino) introduces the young talent to Jimmy Conway (Robert De Niro), who, despite his youth, managed to become a living legend thanks to his virtuoso robberies. Conway sets Henry up with another young "talent" - hot-tempered Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci). Having earned respect from new comrades, Henry grows up, marries and, together with Jimmy and Tommy, pulls off several major crimes. Under the pretext of initiation into the "Family", the mafiosi kill Tommy - as revenge for the murder of a gangster, which the viewer sees in the first frames of the film. Jimmy and Henry's relationship becomes chilly, and it doesn't take long for Henry to realize that Jimmy is going to take him out. Saving himself, Henry testifies against former friends and, having changed his name, disappears from the city.

Scorsese decided to shoot another gangster tape after reading the book by crime journalist Nicholas Pileggi "Egghead". Inspired by finding a novel "which he had been looking for for years," the director contacted the author and, together with him, adapted the book over the course of two years. Film company Warner Bros. was ready to produce the picture only on the condition that Scorsese would attract a superstar to the shooting - and here the director again found himself in the company of an old friend. De Niro himself chose the role of Jimmy Conway for himself and advised the young Ray Liotta to leading role. Playing not the central character of the film, De Niro created a vivid image of a charismatic thief and gangster around whom all events are concentrated. For the role of Jimmy Conway, De Niro received a BAFTA award, and The Goodfellas is still considered one of the best examples of gangster cinema (the long-awaited The Godfather 3 by Francis Ford Coppola was released the same year, but it was the Goodfellas that critics called the best movie of the year).

In 1993, on the set of This Boy's Life, Robert De Niro met 19-year-old Leonardo DiCaprio and was so impressed by the young actor's persistence and performance that he advised Martin Scorsese to "one day work with this guy." "He's always kind to others, but he's never said that before. I saw the movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and I didn't know it was him. But Leo was great. And then, Titanic. I thought, that he is very good," Scorsese said in an interview. In 1995, Scorsese and De Niro made the last joint film to date - another gangster tape "Casino", and in 2002 in the film "Gangs of New York"A new tandem has formed. A large-scale picture of the confrontation between "native" Americans and emigrants received 10 Oscar nominations, but did not take a single statuette. However, with light hand Martin Scorsese about DiCaprio, whose most high-profile works at that time were roles in Titanic, Romeo and Juliet and The Beach, spoke in a completely different way, and after the next joint picture - "Aviator"(2004) - only the lazy did not talk about the deep and diverse dramatic talent of DiCaprio.

This film tells about the fate of the American inventor, producer and director, millionaire Howard Hughes (Leonardo DiCaprio). Hughes is about to shoot a huge and expensive Hells Angels movie about fighter jet combat during the First World War. Obsessed with his idea, Howard does not stop at either industry skepticism or financial loss, and creates a sound film that, despite the success with the audience, does not recoup the huge investment. After the Hells Angels, Hughes switched to developing aircraft for the US Department of Defense, absolutely fascinated by the creation of the huge Hercules, investing his own money in the work and personally participating in test flights, in one of which he miraculously survived. After the end of the war, the FBI begins an investigation into the spending of the allocated funds - the planes were never delivered. At the same time, Howard Hughes, who, despite his life in appearance, could not overcome his timidity and his own fears, is aggravated by obsessive-compulsive disorder.

DiCaprio, who convincingly embodied the energetic and timid, impulsive and lonely millionaire inventor, initially caused skepticism among some critics - at the time of filming the actor was 30 years old, and many considered him too young for this role. “Some said that Leo was too young to play Howard Hughes. But DiCaprio is such a good actor that he really gradually “aged” and became schizophrenic during the filming. A real metamorphosis happened to him,” Scorsese told DiCaprio. , as once De Niro, he himself offered to lead the entire project.

After The Aviator, which collected five Oscars, among which, however, there were no major awards, Scorsese proceeded to the third film with DiCaprio - "Renegades", which brought together superstars on the set - Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, Alec Baldwin. Thriller about police academy graduates Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) who find themselves in different sides The barricade was a modified version of the 2002 Chinese trilogy Infernal Affairs.

Film company Warner Bros.

Shot from the movie "The Departed"

The characters are really like mirror projections of each other: DiCaprio's character is embedded in the mafia, and Damon's character at this time is "spying" for bandits in law enforcement agencies. Retelling the entire plot of The Departed is pointless - almost every scene of the crime drama makes unexpected changes. One has only to say that Martin Scorsese's version of the classic story about good and bad cops looks like the perfect crime thriller, where not a single detail is superfluous. American film critics, for the first time in their long career, nevertheless called Scorsese the best director of the year, could not fail to recognize this.

"Could you check the envelope again?" - Turned Scorsese, until 2007 five times nominated for an Oscar, to Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, who handed him the long-awaited statuette for best director. His speech and, most importantly, the reaction of the audience, which stood up in unison and applauded for several minutes, became the most touching moments of the entire ceremony, the guests of which were waiting for Scorsese's name to sound, it seems, even more than himself.

DiCaprio also received his nomination - the actor was nominated for the Golden Globe, but even here the prize went only to the director.

After four films, each of which became an event (after The Departed, DiCaprio also played in "Shutter Island"), and a four-year break, "Leo and Marty" again work in tandem: the release of the crime drama "The Wolf of Wall Street" is scheduled for 2013, where DiCaprio will play the financier Jordan Belfort, who has risen to the top of the financial pyramid. Scorsese plans to cast his longtime friend De Niro in the drama The Irishman, where the actor will play the role of mafia mercenary Frank Sheeran, and Al Pacino and Joe Pesci will be his company. Scorsese, by the way, generally prefers constancy, and De Niro and DiCaprio are not the only creative companions of the director. The same Joe Pesci played in three Scorsese films, and Thelma Schoonmaker edited most of his films.

“Of course, it’s nice to read to yourself that you are the greatest living American director, but I have learned not to take it all seriously. You can’t be too arrogant, then everything starts to fall out of your hands. The most difficult thing is to maintain true simplicity,” Scorsese commented on the results. survey conducted in 2010 by Paste magazine. By his own admission, the main interest of the director is "people without fear", to which Scorsese, no doubt, belongs himself - either he takes on completely new topics for himself, or he suddenly shoots a family film that is completely atypical for him "Time Keeper"- and again receives eleven nominations for "Oscar".

How many times does a scale student need to play to become a professional musician? How much clay will an apprentice use to become a great sculptor? Even the longest journey always starts with small steps. Only perseverance and constancy is a sign of mastery.

You have sails, and you grabbed the anchor ... (Confucius)

What are you ready for?

Our people are arranged in a very interesting way: to go to a regular job "from start to finish" - 8 hours a day and earn 200-300 dollars. (on average) - they think that this is normal. That's how everyone used to live, that's the way it is.

At the same time, coming into the system and paying attention to your business (your business) for half an hour a month, for some reason they expect big incomes.

And when nothing “fell down” from the sky, they begin to get disappointed and whine - nothing works out for me.

My dears, in any profession it is necessary to have certain skills, certain training, and spend certain time on work.

After all, how much is sown, so much will be harvested. " What you sow, you will reap "... "Without labor you will not catch…" etc. - there is so much folk wisdom.

You can lie on the couch and dream, or you can set a goal (this is a dream with a certain deadline) and act.

What is Success?

This is the achievement of the goal by the appointed time.

We know from years of experience that the rate at which success is achieved is directly proportional to the rate at which a person learns.

Each person earns the corresponding amount: 100, 500, 1000, 5000 c.u. That is, according to a certain set of qualities and skills that he has.

If we want something more, we must have new qualities, new professional skills, which correspond to greater success.

If you are serious about building a business, ask yourself the question: — Are you ready to work, waste your time and efforts on something that does not bring results?

Or is it worth learning and actively starting to build your own new life, receive all the awards and promotions from the company in the form of ever-growing income, exclusive training and travel?

Joint training, excursions, travel, solving some common problems unites and strengthens partnership and warm friendly relations.

Coming together is a start. Sticking together is progress. Working together is a success!

to the WINNING team!

Use the experience of successful leaders and!

Be one step ahead to be able to help many people become happy, healthy and prosperous!