How to play fight fight four. How to learn guitar fighting

Today we will consider another way of sound production on the guitar, which is called The battle.

I'll tell you about guitar fighting for beginners what types of combat are.

The battle- this is a guitar playing technique in which the strings (from sixth to first) are struck with the right hand either with the index finger, or with all but the thumb. Most likely, you have already heard about this way of playing the guitar, well, let's take a closer look.

Just like, there are also many types of fights. Let's try to learn the most basic types of guitar fighting.

So, consider the scheme of a very common, but at the same time easy fight.

V ^ V ^ This scheme stands for:

  • V - strike down the strings;
  • ^ - hitting the strings up;

Let me explain. This scheme means: down up down up. You strike with the first index finger right hand first down, that is, from the sixth string to the first, then move your finger back up, from the first string to the sixth. Then up and down again. And so you continue. The pause between strikes on the strings should be minimal.

Important do it in a certain constant rhythm, without interrupting the fight and without making pauses. Practice, play this fight on open strings, make sure, again, that the right hand is relaxed, the brush is as free as possible.

More guitar beats

We have discussed with you the simplest type of guitar fighting, but not the only one.

The next type of battle is a little more difficult than the first. The first was intended only for you to practice. And this fight has the following scheme:

V_V^_^V^ Schema decoding:

  • V- Striking the strings down
  • _ - pause (lasts about as long as one hit on the strings)
  • ^ - hitting the strings up

These icons are the same as in the first scheme, except for one:
"_" is the pause icon. It means that in this case you should play the fight like this: down, pause, down up, pause, up down up. A pause is expected for about as long as one strike on the strings lasts - it doesn’t matter if it’s up or down.

Schematic of another fight


Fight with muted strings

There is another type of guitar fighting, which is the most difficult, compared to the previous ones. It looks like this:

V_V*^_^V*^ Schema decoding:

  • V- Striking the strings down
  • * - Means a blow with the muting of the strings
  • _ - pause (lasts approximately like one hit on the strings)
  • ^ - hitting the strings up

Note: " * " (asterisk) stands next to the strike down icon (V *), it means muting the strings. That is, along with how to strike the strings down, with the edge of the palm of your right hand, as shown in the figure (Fig. 1), you press, muffle strings.

Also, this fight with the muting of the strings is shown in the video, first how to mute the strings, then the fight quickly:

You will find many other types of combat with decoding.

So, now I will give you a transcript of the battle schemes and those icons that we have not analyzed, but which you may encounter.

So what is guitar "battle"? For many, this is a picture - the performer's hand rapidly moving along the strings down - up and back ... :) And almost every beginner peers and listens to such mysterious rhythms, for subsequent independent playback. Someone grasps, as they say, on the fly, but for someone it is a whole journey lasting weeks and even months. A lot depends on the usual desire, and of course on the ability to hear. But still desire, I dare say that the initial desire and further sincere efforts will determine your final result! For those who have BAD HEARING, but HAVE GREAT DESIRE:

Consider the following diagram of the movement of the right hand. The easiest way to play guitar "battle"– movement of the hand along the strings down-up- and back... Play this way 2-4 times on each chord. At the same time, it is very IMPORTANT to learn how to count.

Downward movement - count "ONE!" Moving up - counting "And!"

Then moving the hand down - count "TWO!" Move your hand up - count "And!"

To get more beautiful guitar "battle", it is necessary on one movement of the hand “up - And” not to touch the strings with it. (The hand moves in the air at a short distance from the strings). And without knocking down further accounts.

We keep on losing. In this case, the hand should always move smoothly (up and down), but not always touch the strings. Everything is simple! :) I think that it was not so interesting and difficult for you, so I suggest you watch the video tutorial and learn how to play the easiest types of guitar. fight.

Annotation: If you have not yet learned how to play in combat, this article will help you! After reading this article, you will learn how to read and play guitar chimes. Recommended for beginner guitarists and for those who don't know how to read a fight.

guitar fight- This is the easiest and most common way to play the guitar. Combat is used in huge numbers, while there is a great variety.

Guitar fight - legend

The battle is usually denoted by three rows of symbols:

  • First row and character: I- is a designation for the actions of the index finger of the right hand. The ^ sign means to strike up, v - naturally down, and the X sign means that we must strike the strings down and mute the sound of the strings with the edge of the palm.
  • Second row and symbol: P- designation of actions for thumb right hand. If you see a ^ sign next to the letter P, then you need to pluck one bass string (bass strings - 6.5 and sometimes 4). That is, you hit a string and stop at the next (thinner) string. Symbol | indicates that you need to do something like slide your thumb down the strings, hitting some of the bass strings.
  • Third row and symbol: L– Produces a description of the game with the left hand. Symbol designations: v - at the moment of impact with the right hand, the strings must be strongly clamped. x - strings are released (i.e. fingers just rest on the strings), when you hit the strings, you get a muffled sound. ^ - press the strings well, make a hit and then slowly release ( note: this mark applies only to the strings that you strike (play) with the index finger of your right hand).

In each row, there is a - symbol, which is responsible for the duration of the strike.

Combat notation examples:

Have you learned? If yes, great! If not, then read again, then we will try to play in combat!

Learning to play the guitar

And so, we take the guitar (In the last lesson, we talked about that). We hold any, and try the fight that we described above.

The first meaning of the letters I - ^, P - ^, L - v. Therefore, we need to firmly press the strings, pull the bass and hit up. Further, the value of I becomes v, P - empty, L - v. That is, We carefully clamp the strings and strike down with the index finger. Further I - x, P - empty, L - x. Therefore, we need to hit the strings (on which the fingers just rest) and the plug with the palm of the hand.

This is how the battle is read and played. There is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to train your fingers!

Guitar fight is one of the most important techniques for playing this instrument. A lot of songs are played this way. Therefore, for beginners, it is imperative to master the fight on the guitar.
Now let's start to figure out how to play the fight on the guitar. As you understand from the name, the essence of this way of playing is to hit the strings. You can hit the strings with your right hand (or left if you are left-handed) or . I want to note that most rock music performers play with a mediator. And in general, professional musicians do not use such a term as "guitar fight". This is called a rhythmic pattern, which in turn are different. Whether you play as a mediator or not is your choice, but the principle of the game is the same.

How to play the guitar

Before you start practicing, you need to understand that the most important thing in a guitar fight is the clarity of performance. So let's start small. Pick up the guitar correctly and position your hands correctly. If you do not know exactly how to do this, then you can read about it.
So, to begin with, from the starting position of the right hand, you should try to strike the strings with your fingers from top to bottom, as if bending and unbending your fingers. For a more accurate performance of this exercise, try hitting the strings under the count.

  • - designation of strikes on the strings from top to bottom

The next step in learning to fight the guitar should be mastering the strikes on the strings from the bottom up. Here we simply follow the above tips from the bottom up, as if catching the strings. Again, we count while doing the exercise.

  • ↓ - designation of strikes on the strings from the bottom up

Well, now we play exercises down and up several times counting. It will be the simplest circuit fight.

Also important point is string muting. When you hit the strings and they sound, you need to sharply lower your hand to the strings to completely muffle them. Try also hitting the strings up and down and muffle them.

  • x - mute strings

Now I will give several schemes for fighting on a guitar with and without string muting. For clarity and better understanding, I give the duration of the notes that correspond to each beat. If you forgot the musical notation, then you can refresh it in your memory here. The pace is up to you. Of course, you need to start at a slow pace.

Guitar Fight Scheme #1

Arrows are strikes on the strings. Above, respectively, the duration of the notes

Guitar Fight Scheme #2

Guitar Fight Scheme #3

The crosses indicate the muting of the strings.

This is not all types of guitar fighting. You can come up with your own or look at the video how this or that song is played. The most important thing is to understand and master the principle of this game technique.

Back in the Middle Ages, brave, desperate and marked by Cupid young people sang serenades to their loved ones under the windows. Time passed, musical instruments were added to the compositions, the leading position among which is the guitar. Oh, this six-string mistress of the hearts of millions! Her sounds heal spiritual wounds. It unites people of all age groups, cities, countries and even continents. It is thanks to the guitar that we have amazing rock bands (it's kind of hard to imagine a musician giving out frantic rhythms on ... a harp).

How to study? Where to begin?

The first "battle" is the easiest

It is believed that the easiest guitar fight is the one that the student will succumb to the fastest. In general, there are several fairly easy options for it. One of the simplest is the following: with the finger of the hand we strike down the strings, a short pause (just enough to take the finger away from the strings), then up again, but with a plug, and the last is the "hit from top to bottom" element. Schematically, it can be represented as follows:

Down _ Down _ Plug _ Up_ again Down _ Down _ Plug _ Up, etc.

Fight "eight"

The second easy fight on the guitar for beginners on the list is performed as follows: with the index finger of the leading hand, we draw down the strings in order twice, after which there are two similar movements from the bottom up without breaking away from the strings and stopping. Then comes the up and down combination.

This one for beginners looks like this:

Down _ Down _ Up _ Up _ Down _ Up and again from the beginning.

Sometimes a seventh move can be added for rhythm - hitting the strings down. At the same time, initially (in the process of studying) there may be absolutely no jamming here. Then, gradually, they can be added.

Then the scheme will change slightly:

Down _ Down _ Plug _ Up _ Up _ Down _ Plug _ Up.

This guitar fight for beginners is also called "universal", or "eight". The last name came about as a result of counting the number of movements that must be performed for one cycle of combat.

In order to "hone" the technique, you must follow the rules:

  • do not rush;
  • count;
  • train.

With practice comes skill. Combining with techniques works quite well for those who have trained long enough and become proficient in the art of playing this magical six-stringed instrument. The stub when playing in combat can be performed either with the thumb or with the edge of the hand - it all depends on the method of performing a particular composition.

In order to learn how to play the guitar: by fighting, brute force or a combined version, you can turn to the help of all the same resources: a tutorial or friends who have perfectly mastered this art.