What does fish and horse man mean? Characteristics of a Pisces - Horse man from A to Z! Are you earning enough?

Among the athletes, let's name football player Dino Zoff and hockey player Phil Esposito. Among the politicians, we mention the President of Romania, Ion Iliescu, the Prime Minister of Spain, Filipo Gonzalez, and the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, Pyotr Masherov.

In science, this is the physicist and politician Zhores Alferov; electric welding theorist and practitioner Evgeniy Paton; mathematician Joseph Louis Bertrand; philologist, author of the first Oxford dictionary Heinrich Fowler; biochemist Alexander Oparin; the founder of “formal psychology” Georg Simmel, as well as the engineer, creator of the first motorcycle Gottlieb Daimler; engineer who improved the internal combustion engine, Rudolf Diesel. (Horses love vehicles!)

A variety of directions are represented in art, without priorities or special predilections: graphic artist Evgeniy Kibrik (“Lasochka”), writer Yuri Rytkheu (“The End of Permafrost”), musician Lou Reed, composer Carl Bach. “Child of Vice” Boris Moiseev also does not stand at the porch, he is the owner of a unique taste, his manners can be called vulgar or arrogant, and his character is soft and capricious. “I'm not a redneck! “I’m good,” will once describe a pop culture attribute of being in love with yourself.

Pisces traditionally love cinema: Alexander Rowe (fairy tale films “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Morozko”, “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “Finist - Clear Falcon”), Isidor Annensky (“The Man in a Case”), Anatoly Granik (“Maxim Perepelitsa” ", "Twelve months"); actors Mikhail Kuznetsov (“Air Cabman”, “Ivan the Terrible”), Afanasy Kochetkov (“Gloomy River”), Vladlen Biryukov (“Eternal Call”). Billy Zane (Titanic, The Gambler).

I would like to mention the following Pisces-Horses: general, adjutant of Peter III Ivan Baryatinsky; gangster, founder of the gambling business in Las Vegas Bugsy Seagal; Pope Leo XIII; Walt Disney Company CEO Michael Eisner.

Horoscope of Pisces-Horse woman

Women of this “type” are active, practical, and efficient. They know their worth and do not limit themselves to what has been achieved, combining several types of activities, social activities and family life. They just need freedom of action and the opportunity to take initiative. In this combination, Pisces-Horses are very similar to their male astrological counterparts.

Cindy Crawford is the embodiment of the American dream. A girl was once told that for a successful career she needed to remove a mole. Cindy refused and was right. Crawford is a person whose success can be explained by cold calculation. Cindy’s frank phrase explains a lot: “My appearance is a product, and my business is to promote this product, to manage it in the market. And believe me, I can do this. Model Cindy Crawford is a whole business." Her journey to Olympus began with the fact that she borrowed $500 and took her photos. They helped her raise her fees and expand her prospects. Cindy dropped out of college and got a stable job at the Elite modeling agency. For a girl from a working-class family, this was an unprecedented success.

To this day, Cindy appears on the covers of magazines and advertises cosmetic products. The Revlon company signed a contract with her for a huge sum for the model - $7 million. Since 1989, Crawford became a presenter on television: first on MTV, then on ABC. Her passion for sports also brings considerable profits: she publishes videotapes with exercises for women. But activity does not replace mediocrity (as happens with Bart Simpson), and Cindy’s experiments in cinema failed miserably. But a new goal appeared: a husband and child. In 1991, she found herself with Richard Gere. The wedding took place quickly, but the marriage did not last long. But our lady is used to getting her way, and now she has both the first and the second.

However, neither advertising, nor television, nor magazines have said goodbye to Cindy; she has time and energy for everything. And to the already familiar work of the model, she added her own website, where Cindy maintains a special question and answer section for mothers.

Actress Joanne Woodworth has been married to Paul Newman for over 30 years. They have three children and have worked together in 14 films. They met on the set in 1958. In the first years, a spirit of rivalry reigned between them. Gradually this problem disappeared by itself. Now Joan is actively involved in social activities and charity work. For example, it finances a camp for children with congenital diseases.

Vera Alentova’s most striking film work remains her role in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” which not only became a notable phenomenon in Soviet cinema, but was also awarded an Oscar as the best foreign film. Next are the athletes: volleyball player Elena Vasilevskaya, skier Maria-Teresa Nadig, basketball player Yulia Skopa. We also have actress and David Duchovny’s wife Tea Leoni (“The Naked Truth”).

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

German singer Hans Baxter (H.P. Baxxter). Soviet and Russian singer Lyubov Uspenskaya. Polish composer Frederic Chopin.

Pisces born in the year of the Horse lose their “pisces” melancholy and fixation on their inner world. The influence of the Horse sign on Pisces is certainly beneficial - Pisces become more cheerful, active and open. Horse-Pisces can deeply empathize with the grief of others, they are always ready to help those in need and support them in difficult times.

The Horse-Pisces man is optimistic, balanced, and purposeful. He is able to realize himself in various fields of activity. Thanks to healthy optimism, a sense of humor and the ability to communicate with people, such a person moves through life easily: he does his job with joy, knows how to appreciate what he has, and is not a careerist. In relationships with women, the Horse-Pisces man is gentle and flexible, does not like quarrels and would rather agree with his partner than sort things out with her; he is an attentive and caring husband and father.

Horse-Pisces woman is a cheerful, soft, original person. At work, he is a real spark of light who loves to laugh until he drops, gives a smile to everyone around him, at the same time knows how to sincerely sympathize, and, of course, works well. She is a pleasant employee in all respects, with whom many people strive to communicate even outside of work hours. In personal relationships, this lady is very attractive and feminine. She does not know how to hide her emotions; it is very easy to read from her face whether a man is attractive to her or not. In the family, she reveals herself as a real woman: emotional, caring, passionate and loving.

Horse-Pisces is a harmonious combination, which endows the individual with a good character and a cheerful disposition. It’s always easy and pleasant to be around such people; you don’t even want to part with them. But Pisces Horses should pay attention to their memory - they are often forgetful and absent-minded.

Horse - Pisces
Characteristics of a person born under the sign of Pisces in the year of the Horse. Zodiac sign Pisces, according to the Chinese horoscope Horse

Pisces Horse Man

The characteristics and compatibility of the Pisces-Horse man are very multifaceted, since representatives of this combination of signs have many different, sometimes contradictory, qualities.

These balanced and pleasant people can easily find a common language with any interlocutor.

Men born under the signs of Horse and Pisces have an unusual ability to see a situation from several sides at once. In many ways, this helps them better navigate and find the optimal solution in a short time. All their lives they strive for the ideal, so they can often go on a long and distant journey to gain new experience and knowledge. The characteristics of the Pisces-Horse man indicate that this man is a dreamer who constantly has his head in the clouds, however, it is difficult for him to muster the strength and will to make his dream come true.

Because of this, representatives of this combination of signs rarely achieve great success in their careers, and stable material wealth is rare for them. Meanwhile, it cannot be said that such a man is absolutely incapable of anything. He is a cheerful and purposeful person with talent. If desired, a Pisces-Horse representative can realize his potential in any field of activity. He is also endowed with a number of other positive character traits:

  • Positive;
  • Good sense of humour;
  • Creates a light and cheerful atmosphere around you;
  • Appreciates every day of his life.

The Pisces-Horse man is an absolutely non-conflict nature who will agree to anything to avoid a scandal or quarrel. Their irrepressible sense of humor and overflowing fountain of positivity make people around them feel comfortable and cheerful around them. The Pisces-Horse man enjoys life and appreciates every day of it, which can be the envy of representatives of other iconic symbioses. The sign of the Horse endowed such men with a bright temperament. They think more about themselves than about the people around them. Representatives of the Pisces and Horse sign tend to idealize a lot. Very often this leads to disappointment, but they are not upset and continue to search, constantly moving from place to place and not even thinking about the consequences of such a nomadic lifestyle.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Pisces-Horse man is charming and pleasant. He simply basks in female attention, but very rarely starts close relationships. The representative of Pisces and Horses has his own idea of ​​an ideal life partner, in whose search he is almost constantly, although his requirements for a partner are not very high. Compatibility of a Pisces-Horse man becomes possible with a woman who can show him attention, love and care.

Not all representatives of this iconic combination strive to start a family, although they have the qualities most necessary for this - sensitivity, compassion and the ability to listen. Unlike many other Pisces-Horse men, they will not start a scandal over something insignificant. He prefers to solve all problems in his relationship with his significant other together, finding a way out of the situation that will suit both.

It is impossible not to note the loyalty and devotion of such a man to the one he loves. He will always help in a difficult situation and give wise advice if necessary. A harmonious relationship between a Pisces-Horse man is possible with a woman who has a strong spirit and leadership qualities. If she can appreciate all the positive qualities of the Pisces-Horse and take a dominant position in the relationship, then this couple has every chance of creating a strong and happy union.

Representatives of this symbiosis of signs should never forget about their own needs and needs. If at some point he deviates from this, he will soon be overtaken by a feeling of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with his life. In addition, you don’t have to give up on your dream of traveling. But in order to learn new things, it is not at all necessary to spend colossal sums and go on a long tour: a trip to nearby cities will be quite optimal.

Pisces Horse Man
Character and weaknesses of the Pisces-Horse man. Personal relationships for the Pisces-Horse man.

The horse in Chinese astrology is considered a symbol of hard work and playful nature. It is a symbol of stability and common sense. The combination when the Horse-Pisces man or woman is responsible and whimsical people.

Pisces-Horse people usually have a carefree and positive outlook on the world and are bright and cheerful personalities. They are good at making friends with the right people. They have a great sense of humor and a love of conversation. They are able to work in a wide range of professions, but typically work in one job all their lives.

In relationships, they are attracted to people who help them maintain their optimistic approach. They tend to look for people who make them laugh and keep their feet on the ground. Sometimes they can lose their sense of direction, so they need a partner to pull them back. In personal relationships, they are faithful and give exactly as much warmth as they receive. They feel better when in a pair than alone.

These funny people love sporting events and travel in free time. They have a passion for growing so their houses are usually full of plants. They may have a refined taste for good food and wine. They love to invite friends to their home and are considered brilliant hosts.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they can be too dreamy and lose all connection with the earth. This trait can lead them to be restless and changeable. They can become unpredictable and a little irresponsible.

Pisces in the Year of the Horse (Horse-Pisces)
The horse in Chinese astrology is considered a symbol of hard work and playful nature. It is a symbol of stability and common sense. The combination when a Pisces Horse man or woman is responsible and

Pisces born in the year of the Horse: horoscope and characteristics of the zodiac sign

Pisces born in the year of the Horse: horoscope and characteristics of the zodiac sign

Pisces man and woman born in the year of the Horse

A representative of the Pisces sign, born in the year of the Horse, is distinguished by a balanced and friendly character, which is captivating in almost any life situation.

As a rule, Pisces in the year of the Horse is endowed with a bright temperament, as well as the ability to infect with ideas and attract representatives of the opposite sex with its positive qualities.

This person has a cheerful disposition, an excellent sense of humor and a craving for extremely positive impressions. Considering the horoscope of a representative of this sign, we can come to the conclusion that the combination of Pisces and Horse is reflected in his flexibility and goodwill.

In general, Pisces is a spiritual sign that strives to create absolute harmony around itself, and under the influence Fire Horse he becomes an active and active optimist.

Considering the combination of fire and water signs, we can say that the Pisces-Horse zodiac sign will have a variety of interests and hobbies. In this regard, it is safe to say that this person strives to surround himself with independent and intellectually developed people from whom he can learn something new.

If we take into account the direct influence of the heavenly bodies on the character of those born in the year of the Horse, the zodiac sign of Pisces will turn out to be a purposeful person who has a certain self-centeredness.

In a romantic relationship, a representative of this sign is looking for a person with whom he can create a stable and calm union.

He will create a family only with that special one who can ensure harmonious relationships not only between partners, but also with children. In this regard, parents who had a Pisces child in the year of the Horse should understand that a favorable atmosphere in the family is the key to the child’s happiness, which will be reflected in his future.

The characteristics of the Pisces Horse are such that the representative of this sign is a balanced and gentle person who radiates optimism, calmness and gentleness.

In general, this combination manifests itself in flexibility and the ability to correctly assess any life situation. A representative of the sign of Pisces, born in the year of the Horse, despite external equanimity, has a warm heart and passion. These are your qualities this person manifests itself exclusively in the company of the people closest to his heart.

The representative of this sign is diversified and has exceptional taste and creative abilities.

Despite the fact that the characteristics of the Pisces-Horse sign presuppose sociability and a craving for noisy companies, this person often prefers to spend his holidays in complete solitude, giving in to his fantasies and dreams.

Parents of a Pisces-Horse child need to remember that this is a sign of a freedom-loving person who will not tolerate attempts to control his life.

In general, even an adult representative of this sign rarely listens to the advice of others. And for those born in the year of the Horse, the characteristics of Pisces are such that this person extremely rarely interferes in the life of another person, especially if he already has something to do in his own life.

The Pisces-Horse horoscope says that the representative of this sign is inclined to idealize relationships and strives to find someone who will correspond to his ideas about the perfect partner. Such an attitude towards the opposite sex often leads him into a dead end and becomes the cause of strong disappointments in love.

The horoscope of the Pisces-Horse man says that the representative of this sign is a dreamer who is used to having his head in the clouds, but he lacks the perseverance to make his dreams come true.

A girl who has decided to tie the knot with this man should remember that the characteristic of a Pisces-Horse man is such that he rarely achieves significant success in his career or stable financial wealth.

In general, this person is completely unsuitable for saving money or doing business. Nevertheless, the Pisces man in the year of the Horse is endowed with such qualities as positive thinking, hard work and the ability to adapt to different situations.

When considering the question of what kind of Pisces-Horse man is in love, it should be noted that, although this man does not seek to start a family, he is endowed with such positive qualities as compassion, the ability to listen and hear.

It should be noted that this man can be a sensitive husband and an ideal father, because he himself strives for harmonious relationships in the family.

In this regard, good compatibility of the Horse-Pisces man is possible if he meets a determined and strong-willed woman who will value all the positive qualities in him and will not mind taking a dominant position in the family.

This is a sign of a gentle, devoted, romantic person who can become just an ideal wife. The characteristics of the Horse-Pisces woman are such that the representative of this sign sees her purpose in this life in serving her children and husband.

The Pisces-Horse girl begins to think about her future early. In her dreams, she creates for herself an ideal future husband, plans what wedding dress she will wear, how many children she will have and what she will name them. It is not strange that in adult life she will more than once encounter the discrepancy between her desires and reality.

It should be noted that the Pisces woman in the year of the Horse has internal fragility and insecurity, and it is these qualities that attract strong men who strive to care for and protect such a delicate flower from negative external influences.

In this regard, it should be noted that the Pisces-Horse girl is overly sensitive, looks at the world through rose-colored glasses and can become depressed when faced with harsh reality.

In love, this lady is extremely devoted and expects complete dedication from her partner. In general, the Pisces-Horse woman’s horoscope advises her husband to repeat more often that he loves and appreciates her, since she constantly needs warm words and proof of feelings.

“Only a personal horoscope will give you a complete picture of the future events of your life. Don't miss the opportunity to get a glimpse into the future."

Nata Karlin May 24, 2018, 19:34

People born in a combination of the signs of Pisces and Horse have a very complex and ambiguous character. They enthusiastic, carefree and spontaneous. They have a great sense of humor and a boundless thirst for communication. They are constantly on the move, trying not to stay in one place, and if this happens, then keep themselves busy talking or gaining new knowledge. These people really want to be in the spotlight and lead the masses, while passionately wanting to remain in the shadows.

The Pisces-Horse man has a cheerful disposition and an easy-going character. He knows how to get around rough edges in communication, prevent conflict situations, be able to see each problem from a different angle.

His mobility, extensive worldly knowledge and numerous talents allow him to achieve success both in relationships with people and in his career.

However, a person of this combination of signs absolutely does not accept it when someone tries to penetrate his personal space and life.

It’s always a pleasure to be around Pisces-Horse people, communicate and do business together. A sparkling sense of humor instantly makes people of this combination of signs everyone’s favorites. They can defuse the most tense situation with even the simplest joke. This is the person who can be independent and at the same time bear a heavy burden responsibility.

The Pisces-Horse man has a cheerful disposition and an easy-going character.

Very often, Pisces-Horse people are avid travelers and wanderers. It is difficult for them to sit in one place, but they can wait patiently for years best moment for a step into the unknown. For them, internal balance is extremely necessary, and not external mercantile interests.

Characteristics of a Pisces-Horse man

The Pisces guy in the year of the Horse is passionate, cheerful, stubborn, active, with a boundless sense of humor, easily finds a common language with any person, strives to complete the task assigned to him as efficiently and quickly as possible. He's not a careerist and appreciates what life offers him, without trying to fight for unknown benefits. The conflict-free nature of a man of this combination of signs goes beyond all limits; he is ready to sacrifice anything, just not to be drawn into quarrels or proceedings.

The Pisces-Horse man is endowed with a light disposition from birth; his character combines so many things positive qualities that people are literally drawn to communicate with him. If he wishes, he can achieve significant heights in life. However, not every man of this combination of signs is capable of great achievements.

If the phlegmatic and enthusiastic nature of Pisces prevails in him, then his whole world will consist of fantasies and pink clouds

A guy born in the Pisces-Horse combination has a lot of advantages and innate talents. If he wants, he realizes own potential in any sphere of social and professional activity.

Disadvantages of the sign

The weakness of Pisces-Horse men is that only the desire to earn money can force him to pay attention to the state of his own affairs and get things moving.

Pisces guy in the year of the Horse is cheerful and active

Characteristics of Pisces-Horse women

The Pisces girl, born in the year of the Horse, is distinguished by a sharp mind, bright charisma, outstanding beauty and irrepressible optimism. Everyone who walks through life next to her is never bored. She will pull everyone into the whirlpool of her positive attitude towards life. This lady will not tolerate the dull flow of life, routine. She is a wonderful conversationalist and an enthusiastic dreamer. However, constant mood swings amaze everyone who is nearby.

Thanks to her irrepressible internal energy and gushing creativity, the Pisces-Horse woman is, as a rule, at the epicenter of events and is usually their main organizer. She knows how to work, but she rests just as well. This lady is a great friend, a good colleague and a sincerely sympathetic person.

Usually, a career for a Pisces-Horse woman is not the main goal in life. She strives for financial independence and will definitely achieve great heights if her chosen field of activity pays well.

However, there is no acquisitiveness in her character; money for her is not an end in itself, but only a means to achieving the desired benefits. She dreams of beautiful life, expensive things and all kinds of pleasures

Disadvantages of the sign

The weak side of the Pisces-Horse woman’s character is that she absolutely does not know how to control her emotions and actions. Temperament and impulsiveness often cause her to draw incorrect conclusions and make unfounded decisions, which is a disadvantage for both personal life, and for a career.

A Pisces girl in the year of the Horse knows how to work, but rests just as well

Love compatibility of Pisces in the year of the Horse

Relationships with the weaker sex for Pisces-Horse men are just great. They are so romantic, gallant, and courteous that ladies simply cannot resist their charm. These men are literally enveloped female attention, wherein tend to be careful when choosing a life partner. From his youth he develops his own stereotype ideal woman, which he can search for an infinitely long time.

Thanks to his lack of conflict, flexible disposition and many other positive character traits, the Pisces-Horse man capable of creating good family . Therefore, compatibility in love for these men is possible with ladies of many zodiac signs.

For them, the most important thing in marriage is trust between partners, the comfort of home, the smile of a child, and in general everything that has practically no meaning for any other man.

The Pisces Horse woman represents the standard of a woman-mother, woman-wife, woman-partner and lover. She is every man's dream: temperamental and passionate, loyal and reliable. This lady wants to see in her partner a reliable protector, an excellent lover, loving man and a caring father of the family. It is in personal relationships that the Pisces-Horse woman cannot hide her own emotions. If the partner is emotionally balanced, then family relationships can become ideal.

Full characteristics of a Pisces child born in the year of the Horse

Girl or boy Pisces in the year Horses are very cute and funny from the very beginning early years. These babies are gentle, attentive, caring and sociable. It's very easy to get along with them. Even with strangers coming into the house, it is always very easy for them to communicate. Children of this combination of signs begin to make plans for the future very early.

The Pisces child in the year of the Horse is gentle, attentive and sociable

By the end of school, they clearly know what profession is most suitable for them, when is the best time to get married and how many children should they have to be completely happy. However, in the future, all their illusory plans, as a rule, are destroyed.

Pisces-Horse Children do well at school, showing excellent achievements in humanities subjects. If the teacher of exact sciences managed to interest them in his subject, they will study with selflessness and great pleasure.

Character of Horses - Pisces men: They are aimed at implementing grandiose projects. They usually do something special, but not always in a positive way. They are hardworking and often give up everything for work. Filled with a lot of energy, they need friends, hard work to simply release their energy. Otherwise, they are guaranteed depression. They are collectors by nature and can collect almost anything.

Assertive with an analytical mind, they can achieve excellent results in life. In addition, good luck accompanies them in all their endeavors. Excellent hard work, courage in realizing your ideas, and determination create the basis for achieving great achievements. They even know how to frame failures so that they are not known to others. The ability to always achieve their goals in everything helps them gain recognition. However, it is important to remember your individuality when implementing projects.

Horse - Pisces men in love and relationships: Romantic relationships are extremely important to them. They will never waste time on empty novels. Usually they see their partner as a future spouse. Accordingly, their behavior always shows the seriousness of their intentions. They secretly really want to have children. They dream of watching their child grow and develop. They just need these feelings. If they do not have children of their own, they try to become significant to the children of their relatives.

Horse men - Pisces in finance and career: Usually they do not set career plans for themselves, but the desire to receive material benefits can seriously push them to rise up the career ladder. At the same time, they easily achieve a career and receive money. The ease of obtaining all the benefits of life does not make them want to spend money thoughtlessly. On the contrary, they manage their finances well and can get even more money even from dubious transactions.

Horse - Pisces men in family and marriage: In the family, these men always turn out to be leaders. At the same time, they will never forcefully impose their opinion, but will simply observe. Comfort, family hearth and the warmth of their beloved men are very important to them. They cannot imagine their life without these categories. At the same time, they know how to properly set up relationships within the family so that everyone feels comfortable. It should be noted that they are aimed not only at their own comfort, but at the comfort of all family members.

Advice for Horse-Pisces men: These men need to give up grandiose projects for the sake of their grandeur. It is better to think through the goals and consequences of each action, and then make a decision and take some action. Analyzing your own mistakes can also be an excellent assistant in any matter. It is also important to remember not to leave things unfinished. Otherwise, these men behave correctly and can get much more if they accept these recommendations.

The Pisces-Horse man is a balanced and pleasant man who can find a common language with everyone. He has an excellent ability to see a situation from several sides at once and find the best solution. He is flexible, attentive and incredibly sensitive. In everything in his life, he strives for the ideal, so he can often travel and go to a variety of countries to gain new experience.

They are aimed at implementing grandiose projects. They usually do something special, but not always in a positive way. They are hardworking and often give up everything for work. Filled with a lot of energy, they need friends, hard work to simply release their energy. Otherwise, they are guaranteed depression. They are collectors by nature and can collect almost anything.

Assertive with an analytical mind, they can achieve excellent results in life. In addition, good luck accompanies them in all their endeavors. Excellent hard work, courage in realizing your ideas, and determination create the basis for achieving great achievements. They even know how to frame failures so that they are not known to others. The ability to always achieve their goals in everything helps them gain recognition. However, it is important to remember your individuality when implementing projects.

Characteristics of a Pisces-Horse man in Love

Charming and pleasant, he never remains without the attention of the opposite sex. It won’t be difficult to get acquainted with him, but not everyone can count on a closer relationship. He has his own ideal girl, for whom he is constantly searching. Despite this, its requirements are not so high and are quite easily achievable. This is attention, love and special care for him.

In love, he appears to be a wise and generous partner. Unlike other men, he is unlikely to create scandals and throw tantrums over minor issues. He prefers to solve all problems together, coming to some kind of compromise. It is impossible not to note his fidelity, as well as his special devotion to his woman. He will help her with wise advice and support her in difficult situations.

Pisces Man, born in the year of the Horse, in the Bed

He is an incredibly emotional person. In bed, he seems to be a sensitive and attentive partner who never forgets about the needs and wants of his girlfriend. Sometimes it even happens that in an effort to give her maximum pleasure, he forgets about himself. That's why the best option for him there will be an equally attentive and affectionate partner who will not concentrate only on herself.

He does not prefer to lead in bed, completely trusting his partner. However, he can often become the initiator of such relationships, because through them he can talk about his special feelings. I must say that he does this very well, since he is used to living in the sensory world and can easily express all this in body language. Often he can become too unbridled, but this only attracts women.

Horoscope of the Pisces-Horse man in Family and Marriage

His main goal in life is to create a family. Despite all his independence and love for freedom, the most important thing for him is the love, attention and support of his beloved girl. At the same time, he will not express any dissatisfaction or reproaches towards his wife. I must say that getting along with him under the same roof will not be particularly difficult. He is always ready to make compromises and mutual concessions.

True happiness for him comes with the advent of children, whom he will raise in an atmosphere of love and understanding. For the sake of his family, he can sacrifice all his interests and hobbies. Having married, he becomes an excellent owner who will calmly and measuredly work around the house, gradually bringing it into perfect order. Returning home from work, he will never leave his wife unattended.