What can you ride in winter? What is the best way to ride downhill? Disadvantages of snow scooters

Winter is in full swing, on the street there is either a snowstorm, or ice, or a thaw, and often - the traditional urban slush. Well, at least manufacturers of children's goods, namely, children's winter transport, are doing their best to make life easier for mothers and to please children. How to choose from this variety? Let's talk about the varieties, advantages, disadvantages and nuances of children's vehicles for winter.


What it is - no need to explain. Each of us had a sledge in childhood - classic, on a rope, with metal runners and a wooden seat. Since then, little has changed in the design of the sled, but manufacturers still made some improvements.

Types of sleds:

depending on the materials used in the production
- wooden;
- plastic;
- metal;
- combined;

depending on purpose
- classic sledges;
- sled-carriages;

depending on design
- folding (like strollers);
- whole;
- transformers (the back is removed, the handle-pusher is rearranged, etc.).

There are also "exotic" models - with a trunk (similar to the trunk of a bicycle), a sled for twins, a trough sled (more like an ice rink).

Advantages of the sled:

- ease of use - you can tie a rope, you can use an adjustable pusher handle and change the position of the child according to his preferences, situation and weather conditions - either facing mother or facing in the direction of travel;
- the ability to use in changeable weather - most models now have wheels, and the sled is easier to transport on a road that is not covered with snow or ice;
- relative lightness - it depends on the material from which the sled is made, but in general it is not difficult for a mother to carry them in her hands if necessary, since even metal models use light metals and lightweight structures;

Sledge-trough, or sled-ice

Safety - most models of sleds are stable on their own, moreover, they are equipped with backs and sides so that the child does not fall or slip, and more modern ones are also equipped with seat belts; some models are supplemented with reflective elements for better visibility on the road;
- most models are equipped with warm covers, waterproof visors so that the child does not suffer from bad weather; additional convenience is that the covers are removable and can be washed in a washing machine;
- high load capacity (up to 50-60 kg);
- the sled can be used both for transporting a child and for skiing;
- average price - from 600 rubles (plastic, in the form of a trough), from 1500 (classic).

Sledge KHW with folding handle

Sledge Disadvantages:

- quite bulky (many manufacturers are already eliminating this drawback by offering folding models);
- most models of sleds provide that the child sits on them alone (in the previous, a la "Soviet" models from our childhood, if desired, two children could be placed on the sled; the design of modern sleds does not allow this);
- if the child is mobile, active, then he will quickly get bored of sitting quietly in the sled.

Folding wooden sled Gloco Klappschlitten


- age from 3 years (classic models);
- age from 8 months to 4 years ().


On sale you can find sports for the whole family. They are convenient for moving on snow-covered sidewalks, but are not cheap.

Sports Finnish sled for children and adults


This is a kind of sled equipped with a wheeled mechanism - and not just small wheels at the ends of the runners, so that it is easier to cross sections of the road that are not covered with snow, but with a mechanism: the wheels are larger, and you can move your foot (by pressing the foot pedal) to rearrange the sanimobile to chassis, then on the skids.

Advantages of sledmobiles (along with the advantages of classic sleds):

- maximum cross-country ability (sanimobile is easy to roll around the store or supermarket, like a stroller);
- high reliability (strong metal frame, resistance to deformation, wheels - according to manufacturers - a reduced version of industrial chassis);
- high load capacity (up to 70 kg).


- high price - from 2500 rubles.


Children used to ride slides on pieces of linoleum, plastic sheets, cardboard boxes and even briefcases. Winter transport manufacturers have come up with more durable, convenient and practical devices - ice rinks. These are slides that are controlled by the body: when the child changes the inclination and position of the body, he turns or reduces the speed of the ride.

Ice types:

- tablets with a handle in front;
- tablets with two handles on the sides;
- ice cubes for two;
- plates with low sides;
- ride seats (pillows made of durable, well-gliding PVC materials with soft filler inside, provide good gliding and good shock absorption, unlike other ice models).

Soft ice board

Advantages of ice cubes:

- lightness and in the case of some models - compactness; they can be taken with you anywhere, and it is not difficult for a child to carry them on their own;
- low price - from 100 rubles.

Disadvantages of ice cubes:

- it takes experience and time to learn how to safely operate the ice-boats;
- ice rinks are able to reach high speed, but most models lack safety devices (however, some manufacturers improve their ice rinks, supplementing them with hand brakes);
- you can only ride on ice slides, they are not adapted and not suitable for transporting children around the city.

The simplest plastic ice cubes

Cheesecakes, tubings

By purpose and design, they can be called a kind of ice cubes - these are tablets of different diameters filled with air.

Types of cheesecakes:

- single;
- double (duets);
- triple (trio).

Two-seat tubing for downhill skiing

Advantages of cheesecakes:

- they can be used not only for descent from the slides, but also in the summer while swimming, like air mattresses;
- according to manufacturers, cheesecakes are suitable for any age, but in fact it depends on the child and his character (shy children are unlikely to like cheesecakes); some manufacturers carefully indicate the "threshold" age - from 5-6 years;
- light weight, compactness during storage (when deflated, they take up little space);
- high load capacity (up to 150 kg) - an adult can also use the cheesecake;
- average price - from 900 rubles.

Disadvantages of cheesecakes:

- Cheesecakes are not suitable for transporting children around the city;
- easily fail if they get a hole (therefore, manufacturers advise using them on smooth slides, without natural obstacles).
- for operation of cheesecakes the pump is required;
- it is permissible to use cheesecakes on smooth, safe descents, as they quickly pick up speed and are not very controllable.

snow scooters

The main difference between snow scooters and sleds is autonomous control due to the presence of a steering wheel. The child can change direction on his own. This is especially convenient when descending from the hills, for which snow scooters are designed.

Types of snow scooters:

- single;
- double.

Advantages of snowmobiles:

- convenience for the child due to the presence of a soft seat, depreciation, steering and even brakes;
- simplicity in management - any child quickly masters rotary and brake mechanisms;
- safety - snow scooters are very stable, some models are equipped with backs and seat belts, as well as brakes, a rotation angle limiter, which reduces the risk of the snow scooter turning over, anti-slip strips on the seat so that the child does not slip off during maneuvers;
- snow scooters can be used both for transporting a child around the city (if you tie a rope to the steering wheel, which, however, is not very convenient), and for riding down hills;
- high load capacity (60-100kg);
- average price - from 1500 rubles.

Disadvantages of snowmobiles:

- bulkiness (folding models have not yet been invented);
- relatively big weight;
- most models provide that the child sits on the snow scooter alone.

The nuances of snowmobiles:

- age from 3 years (with backrests);
- age from 4-5 years (without backrests).

Manufacturers of children's goods have come up with a new way to conquer slides and snowy slopes - this is still unusual, but quite logical: a scooter with short skid skis instead of wheels.

Advantages of snow scooters:

- ease of carrying;
- high speed and rather high maneuverability on descents;
- easier to master than a wheeled scooter, since the wide ski provides stability;
- teaches the child to keep balance, develops the vestibular apparatus. Manufacturers claim that riding a snow scooter even lays the foundation for the further development of a snowboard by a child;
- compact - takes up little space in the "working" state, besides, it folds;
- average price - from 1000 rubles.

Disadvantages of snow scooters:

- not suitable for small children who do not yet have sufficient coordination of movements;
- the child will need to practice and get their share of falls before this type of winter transport is mastered and safe;
- suitable only for descent from the slides, and not suitable for transporting a child around the city.

Nuances of snow scooters:

- the age of the child is from 5-7 years (depending on the design, size and manufacturer's recommendations);
- slides must have a flat surface.


This is an "exotic" model, in urban conditions it is almost never found and is not appropriate. In fact, this is a motorcycle on skids, designed to travel through the snowy countryside. Its main advantage is autonomy: you don’t need to pull or push, you just need to refuel. The main drawback is the limited scope and, of course, the high price - from 70,000 rubles.

Photo by Alexander Kulevsky

This was not a question before. The kids just dragged everything that came to hand to the rolled hill at the edge of the village or in the city park: old bags, car cameras, and so on. Today, there is such a variety of sleds in stores that eyes widen. Models differ in functionality, safety and, of course, price.


These are the simplest and cheapest sleds. They are a small piece of plastic with a handle. Sometimes you can find ice caps made of dense fabric with inserts of synthetic winterizer, polypropylene or foam rubber - with such a landing will be even softer. There are round, triangular, double, with a belt. Managing ice-creams is as easy as shelling pears - sit down and move out, holding the handle. No additional skills are required. Such sleds take up very little space, they are convenient to take with you on the road. They are light, so even the baby can climb the hill with them, parents do not have to carry equipment for the child. The cheapest options are from

2 rubles. Improved models, equipped with a seat belt, a comfortable seat with a high back and armrests, designed for babies from 9 months old, cost from 40 rubles.


Inflatable rubber sleds are a modern replacement for car tires and tubes that were popular in Soviet times. They are good because they develop a fairly high speed. However, this is dangerous. Although in “cheesecakes”, as tubing is also called because of the round shape, there are handles on the sides that you can hold on to, it is easy to fly out of the sled. They jump strongly on bumps, it is almost impossible to control them and you can stop only when the hill ends. Single tubings cost from 50-60 rubles, double ones - about 120.

Toboggan and skeleton

Despite the fancy name, the toboggan is a rather ancient invention. Sledgeless sleds made of several fastened boards with a leading edge bent upwards were used by Canadian Indians to transport goods manually or with the help of dogs.

At the end of the 19th century, the toboggan became widespread in the United States, where they began to hold competitions in descent from the mountains on it. The toboggan is the forerunner of a more modern skeleton, which is a sled with metal runners, on which you lie on your stomach, and keep your arms extended along the body. You can ride toboggans and skeletons in our country on special attractions.


The history of these sledges is a bit like the history of the toboggan. Kicksleds were invented in Scandinavia back in the 19th century. Initially, they were used to transport products through frozen rivers and lakes, but later a practical thing turned into entertainment - competitions began to be held on kicktracks. The sled consists of a seat supported by a pair of long skids. Two people can move with their help at once. One sits, the second stands behind him on the runners and holds on to the handle. There are options without a seat, consisting of only two skis and a high handle: they can only be ridden by one. Kicksleds are quite expensive. The cheapest models - from 200 rubles.

Snow scooter

This is the dream of today's kids. The sled is equipped with a steering wheel and a brake, so the child feels like a real driver in them. Very practical "growing" models, designed for different age child. Just change the modification of the snow scooter as the child grows, without spending money on new purchases. The minimum age of a child is 2.5 years. Younger children may not be able to handle the controls. Belarusian shops offer snow scooters from 60 to 250 rubles.

snow scooter

This attribute is ideal for those who want to learn how to ski or snowboard, but are afraid of falling or simply cannot keep their balance. Snow scooters can be both for children and adults, withstanding loads from 50 to 100 kg. There are models of scooters with the ability to change wheels for skis. These can be used in both warm and cold seasons. The simplest snow scooter for a child with a folding handle and a wide ski can be bought for 35 rubles.


The most traditional item for kids to ride in winter. Today they offer very comfortable sleds with backs, push handles, special bedding and capes, retractable wheels that allow you not to worry about weather conditions. A choice of sleds made of wood, metal, plastic. Wooden ones captivate with naturalness and frost resistance, but they are short-lived and get very dirty. Plastic ones are chosen because of their lightness, but in severe frost they can crack. Metal - durable, lightweight, not afraid of low temperatures, however, when using them, a bedding for the child is required. The cheapest sled - from 25 rubles, the most expensive - about 480.


Especially attract parents of babies from 6 months. The sledge is similar to a regular stroller, only instead of wheels there are skids. A very convenient attribute for walking on snowy days, when the stroller with wheels slips in the snow and barely budges.

Unlike conventional sleds in a stroller on runners, the child sits high enough, which means that it doesn’t freeze so much. In addition, sled strollers are usually equipped with additional accessories that protect the baby from snow and wind. They cost from 75 rubles.

Hundreds of years ago, skiing was no less popular than it is now. At first, people drove down snow-covered hills on hay or cow patties. Over time, a more advanced device was invented. Today people go skiing or sledding down the hill. However, there are many newfangled devices that allow you to diversify this winter fun and add even more excitement and adrenaline to it.

Skeleton or toboggan

It cannot be said that it was invented recently. For hundreds of years, toboggans were actively used by Canadian Indians to transport people and goods. In the United States, they proved to be very popular, and back in the 19th century, Americans began to hold downhill toboggan competitions.

The modern toboggan is an ordinary board with the ends bent up, which is used for descents from the mountain. The toboggan is ridden while sitting, and the skeleton is ridden lying on the stomach. In our country, such devices for riding appeared only a couple of decades ago and are not yet very popular, since riding them is associated with a risk of injury.

Tubing, or "cheesecake"

These are round inflatable sleds made of rubber, which, when descending a hill, twist into different sides. The prototype of tubing in Soviet times was riding on inflatable car tires, which was very popular with desperate boys. The unpredictable behavior of the “cheesecakes” gives fans of extreme skiing a storm of emotions, but many note that it is not easy to go down the hill on such devices, and you can stop them only at the very end of the hill or by turning over, so they do not put small children in them.

Snow scooter and kick scooter

These devices are practically no different from their conventional counterparts, only skis are attached to them instead of wheels. The author of this original invention is the Frenchman Franck Petou, who first thought of combining skis and a bicycle. In 2004, the idea was developed and improved by the skier Andrew Hubert von Stofer, who even received 2 prestigious awards for it at the British show.


For many years, she simply has no equal in popularity. Today, round, oval, square, triangular or even two-seater ice rinks can be found on every slide. For ease of use, some ice rinks are equipped with straps or small sides. Due to their compact size and lightness, they are often taken on hikes and travels, and the ease of riding an ice skate allows people of all ages and any physical form to indulge in this activity.

When I was little, I really liked sledding in the winter, the cold winter air blows in my face, and I am happy to roll down the hill. Scary of course, but what an adrenaline rush. Previously, sleds were not even in every family, and if they were, they were mostly classic. Now you can find a wide variety of children's winter transport. Parents themselves choose what to buy for the child according to preferences and age.

Sledges are made from different materials:

  1. Plastic
  2. Metal
  3. Tree
  4. Combination of several materials

The modern market offers us different types winter transport, models and their functionality are significantly different!

  • Sled.

They are runners that easily slide on ice and snow, a seat is attached to them from above. Additionally, the sled can have a rope to carry the sled, a backrest so that the baby does not fall out of them and a footrest

Modern plastic sleds, in addition to skids, seats and ropes, also have a folding handle for mom and even lighting. You can easily attach a warm envelope for the baby to such sleds, as there are basic fasteners on the sled seat.

Sledge classics are our favorite sleds from childhood. Metal with wooden slats and rope. Now you can find a more modern model with a high handle for parents.

  • Sled-carriage.
Such stroller sleds are perfect for very young children, because they are closed, you can put a warm envelope in them and use them as a full-fledged stroller. The only place for skid wheels, such sled strollers are convenient only when there is a lot of snow on the street and there is a place at home to put this transport. I can't call them very manoeuvrable.
  • Ledyanki.
This is the most compact and mobile type of winter transport for a baby. It is a piece of thin durable plastic, which most often resembles a pancake in shape, with or without a handle. Children sit on it and roll down the mountain. Need ice for better glide and not to rub your pants. This mode of transport is safe enough for older kids and teenagers.

  • Cheesecakes.
This is an inflatable winter vehicle for skiing on snow and slides, cheesecakes usually have handles so as not to fall off it. Not only children ride on cheesecakes, but also adults. Adults have fun tying cheesecakes to a car and riding people behind them in it. Cheesecakes are popular on steep ski slopes. But despite its popularity, cheesecakes are very dangerous view children's winter transport. By its design, the cheesecake is very light, so it easily turns over and completely loses control. Also, the cheesecake picks up speed much faster, unlike conventional sleds, the speed reaches 40 km / h, and if the descent is not gentle or there are stones or trees on the way, then fractures and bruises are practically guaranteed. So if you decide to ride a cheesecake, choose a gentle, even slope without an obstacle and be sure to control the child ..

  • Snowshoes.
Designed for children over 3 years old with a quiet ride, and over 5 years old when driving downhill. Snow scooters have a guide ski, which is controlled by the steering wheel and rear driven skis on which they put their feet. Snowscooters are very maneuverable transport, but also very traumatic.

But despite the fact that children's transport can be traumatic, riding on them brings a lot of joy and benefit to the child.

  1. Trains and strengthens the vestibular apparatus
  2. Becomes better coordination of movements of the child
  3. Fresh and frosty air is good for children
  4. Winter walks and slides will help your child take their minds off the computer and modern gadgets.

To avoid injury, you must follow the safety rules. Do not leave the child alone on the slides, select transport according to the age of the child and do not ride on unfamiliar terrain. Before skiing, it is better to try to slide down the hill on your own to understand how gentle the descent is, then let the child go there.

And how many people still keep Soviet relics with aluminum skids and multi-colored wooden planks as a memory on balconies and attics! Today, many other varieties of sleds have appeared.

Let's try to figure them out.

"Cheesecakes", or tubing, - a new generation of inflatable sleds

Advantages: Both adults and children like these sleds. Riding on them is very reckless, snow does not stick to them. They come in different diameters - from 60 to 120 cm, so you can choose a sled for any age. They weigh little - usually within 1-2 kg. Versatile: suitable for skiing in the winter from the hills, and for swimming in the lake in the summer.

Flaws:"cheesecakes" easily pick up speed, becoming dangerous and uncontrollable. Many often bruise their foreheads on them and get bruises, crashing into trees or flying out of "cheesecakes" on springboards.

Wooden sled with aluminum skids (classic)

Advantages: Such sleds are very durable, light and frost-resistant. Time passes, but they do not become obsolete. You can sit on them together, arrange sledge trains from several of these sleighs. You can harness your dog or dad in them.

Flaws: rope grabbing into the hand.

Sledges on iron tubular runners

Advantages: in modern sled models, instead of the usual rope, they began to provide a handle made of a hollow iron tube. It can be inserted both in front of the sled and from the back to push it in front of you.

Another useful innovation is small wheels. They are especially useful in urban areas. With their help, you can easily transport the sled across a snow-free road without scraping the runners on the asphalt. In most of these models, soft mattress seats are provided. Such sleds are especially convenient for walking with kids.

Flaws: the bulkiness of the sled and its heavy weight compared to other models.

Sledge trough

Advantages: good for walking in the park and riding several children at once. They are relatively stable, agile and non-traumatic due to the low seating position, high sides and internal handles that you can hold on to.

They can support a person weighing from 45 to 80 kg. Sometimes they are even equipped with hand brakes and a steering wheel.

Flaws: The sled-trough quickly fills with snow. They do not have a back for the child to lean on.

Plastic sledges on runners

Advantages: they are usually lighter than classic sleds and have a more ergonomic shape, sleeker design. There are models with brakes and a steering wheel that controls the front ski. Some models of plastic sleds have removable pusher handles: it is very convenient to roll kids in these.

Flaws: their little frost resistance. At temperatures below -20 °C, plastic becomes brittle. Another disadvantage is that plastic sleds tend to be bulky and require a lot of space to store them.


Advantages: ice rinks are the lightest and cheapest of all options, but are only suitable for going downhill. Compared to cheesecake sleds, they are less traumatic: firstly, because they are easy to control with a handle and outstretched legs, and secondly, because they have a low landing.

Flaws: everyone who rode them from an ice slide knows that it is very easy to beat off your tailbone on the recesses and springboards. Glaciers are dangerous for children under 4-5 years old.


Advantages: such sleds are suitable for ice slides and are quite safe due to their stability. They go much further than the ice and rotate during the descent. The sides surround the "plate" from all sides and soften the blows.

Sledding is fun and exciting. They are lightweight and weigh just over a kilogram.

Flaws: sled-plates are designed only for skiing from hills and do not glide well on loose snow.

"Finky" (chair with four legs, mounted on skids)

Advantages: this is one of the safest and most practical types of sled, operated while standing, like a scooter. They are the best for walking. They can be used as a chair during a walk. On the icy surface of the lake, the Finns develop great speed.

If it is necessary to move out onto loose snow, plastic runners in the form of cross-country skis are put on the steel “blades”. As a rule, Finns are easily disassembled, which is important for storage and transportation.

Flaws:"Finks" are a good means of transportation, they can go down from gentle slopes, but they are not suitable for riding from high hills. Toddlers can only ride them as passengers paired with an adult.

Actually, I prefer cross-country skiing. I ride sleds and ice floes if I go for a walk with my son. He, of course, has a snow scooter, and he loves to jump from springboards on it. And I prefer not so controllable, but much softer and more comfortable inflatable "cheesecake" or "donut".