Fizminutka on the marine theme musical. Thematic physical education session "Sea voyage

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Physical minutes for children
One, two - head up.
Three, four - arms, legs wider.
Five, six - sit down quietly.
There is a forest on the mountain
circular motions hands
He is neither low nor tall.
sit down, stand up, hands up
An amazing bird gives us a voice.
eyes and hands up, stretch
Two tourists on the path
Went home from afar
walking in place
They say: "We have not heard such a whistle yet."
raise your shoulders
Let's raise our hands up - one
Above the nose, above the eyes.
Keep your hands up straight
Don't shake, don't shake.
Three - put your hands down,
Stay where you are, don't move.
Up one, two, three, four, down!

We repeat, do not be lazy!
Let's make turns.
Do everything willingly.
Once - turn left,
Two is the other way around.
So, not at all, without haste,
We repeat 8 times.
Hands on the belt, legs wider!

One - get up, get up
Two - bend, unbend
Three - three claps in the hands, three nods with the head.
Four feet wider.
Five - wave your hands.
Six - sit quietly at the table.
Five funny brownies
Festive night
They roamed too much.
Standing on tiptoe
One spun in a waltz
And the second stumbled and bloodied his nose.
The third jumped to heaven
He snatched stars from the sky.
And the fourth stomped like a clubfoot bear
The fifth sang until hoarse
Song after song.
This night the brownies had a lot of fun.
Winter evening in the blue sky
get up from the table
I lit the blue stars
stand on your toes, stretch
Branches pour blue frost
shaking hands, slowly sit down
On a snowy meadow.
The steamer pushed off from the green pier
get up
He stepped back first
step back
And then stepped forward
step forward
And swam, swam down the river
hand movements
Gaining full speed.
walking in place

Here is a clearing, and around
The lindens lined up in a circle. With a broad gesture, spread their arms to the sides.
Linden crowns rustle,
The winds in their foliage hum
Raise your hands up and shake them from side to side.
The tops are bent down
And shake them, shake Leaning forward, shake your torso from side to side.

Warm up
We repeat all the warm-up movements without hesitation!
Hey! They jumped in place.
Eh! We wave our hands together.
Ehe-he! back bent,
We looked at the boots.
Ege - ge! Bent down below
Leaned closer to the floor.
Turn around in place deftly.
In this we need skill.
What do you like, friend?
Tomorrow we will repeat the lesson!

white cloud
Rounded hands in front of you
Raised above the roof
Raise your hands above your head
The cloud rushed
Higher, higher, higher
Pull your hands up; smooth swinging of the arms above the head from side to side
The wind is a cloud
Caught on a twist.
The cloud turned into a thundercloud
Describe a large circle through the sides down with your hands and lower them, sit down.

Animal charging
Once - an oath,
Two - jump.
This is a rabbit load.
And the foxes how to wake up
rub your eyes with fists
They like to stretch
Be sure to yawn
yawn covering your mouth with your hand
Well, wag your tail
side to side hip movement
And the wolf cubs arched back
bend backwards forward
And lightly jump
easy jump up

Well, the bear is clubfoot
arms are bent at the elbows, palms are connected below the waist
Paws wide apart
feet shoulder width apart
One, then both together
stepping foot to foot
Long time treading water
swaying the body to the side
And for whom charging is not enough -
Starts all over!
spread your arms to the sides at waist level, palms up

Cha, cha, cha
Cha, cha, cha (3 thigh claps)
The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)
Chi, chi, chi (3 overhead claps)
Oven bake kalachi (4 squats)
Let's do a warm-up, keep your back straight!
Head back, forward, right, left, turn!
Raise your arms straight up -
Here are some high!

Stretch even higher
Turn right, turn left.
And now the pelvis is dancing -
Look at us!
This glorious exercise
Let's lift our spirits.
Next, we will sit down:
Sit down together and stand up together!
We are not too lazy to jump -
Like a ball all day.

Two girlfriends in the swamp -
two green frogs
Washed early in the morning
rubbed with a towel
They stamped their feet, clapped their hands.
Leaning left and right -
Mosquitoes scattered -
Everyone was left without food.
Choo, choo, choo (3 claps behind the back)

Gymnastics in verse
We will clap our hands - Clap-clap-clap,
We stomp our feet - Top-top-top,
We all raised our hands
And they lowered it together.
And everyone got into the magic plane.
(arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest)
They started the engine - F-f-f, f-f-f
(we twist slowly with our hands in front of the chest, increasing the pace)
The plane is flying, and the engine is buzzing - Oooh, ooh
(arms to the sides, alternate tilts to the left and right),
We flew ... (usually after making a couple of circles around the room, we fly to eat or wash, and sometimes we “fly up” to the map hanging on the wall to play geography)
Clap! One more time

We'll clap now.
And then quickly
Clap-clap more fun!
Clap, clap, clap!
Finger on finger tuk tuk,
Stomp, stomp, stomp!

We walk along the path
Top-top, legs, top!
And we clap our hands.
Clap, clap, pens, clap!
Hey kids!
Oh yes, strong ones!
Hands to the sides, in a fist,
We unclench and on the barrel.
Left up!
Right up!
To the side, across
To the side, down.
Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock! (banging fist on fist)
Let's make a big circle. ("drawn" a circle with their hands)
We stomp our feet, Top-top-top!
We clap our hands, clap clap clap!
We shake our heads
And we turn our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands
We give hands
And we run around.
Hey! They jumped in place. (jumping)
Eh! We wave our hands together. (motion "scissors" with hands)
Ehehe! Bent the backs, (tilt forward, hands on the belt, bend the back)
We looked at the pictures. (bending down, raise your head as high as possible)
Ege-ge! Bent down lower. (deep bend forward, hands on the belt)
Leaned closer to the floor. (touch hands on the floor)
Eee! What a lazy person you are! (straighten up, wag a finger at each other)
Stretch, but don't yawn! (hands reach up, rising on toes)
Turn around in place deftly. (circle)
In this we need skill.
What did you like, my friend? (stopped, hands to the sides, raised their shoulders)
Tomorrow there will be another lesson! (hands on the belt, turned the body to the right, right
arm to the side, then to the left and left arm to the side)
And now all the children stand up,
Raise your hands slowly
Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,
Hands down and so stand.
Everyone rested a little (lean forward and shake your arms)
And they went to the track. (steps in place or in a circle)
Show all your hands (raising your hands above your head, rotate your brushes, "flashlights")
And clap a little
Clap-clap-clap, Clap-clap-clap.
Look at me now (make any movement)
Just repeat everything.
One-two-three, one-two-three.
Now let's show the legs.
And let's dive in a little.
Top-top-top, Top-top-top.
Show me the arms, legs,
Play with them a little (voluntary movements of arms and legs)
One-two-three, one-two-three.
There is a lock on the door. (hands clasped)
Who could open it? (tries to separate hands)
Turned, turned
They knocked and opened.
We have a nice posture
We brought the shoulder blades together.
We walk on socks
And then on the heels.
Let's go softly like foxes
Well, if you get tired.
Then let's all go clubfoot,
How bears go to the forest.
We sat on the carousel. (mother and baby stand opposite each other, holding hands, and walk in circles)
The carousels are spinning
The carousels started spinning.
Moved to the swing
They flew up, (got up and stretched up)
They flew down, (squatted down)
They flew up
They flew down
And now with you together (depicting how we are sailing on a boat)
We are sailing on a boat.
The wind is walking on the sea, (we wave our arms outstretched)
Our boat is rocking. (hands on the belt, sway with the whole body)
The planes hummed, (rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)
The planes took off. (arms to the sides, alternate tilts to the left and right)
They sat quietly in the clearing, (sit down, hands to knees)
Yes, they flew again. (arms to the sides, "fly" in a circle)
Ooh, ooh, ooh...
Tiki-so, tiki-so, (we knock with outstretched arms on the sides)
So the clock ticks.
Tuki - so, tuki - so, (hands in front of you, fists clenched, "bike")
That's how the wheels roll.
Currents - current, currents - current, (hands clenched into fists, knocking one against the other)
That's how the hammer hits.
Tuki - current, tuki - current, (stomp on the floor)
So the heel knocks.
The rhythm gradually accelerates.
Mill, mill grinds flour. (twist the "mill" with your hands)
Blowing - the wind is blowing harder. (slowly wave your arms above your head from side to side)
The mill grinds flour faster.
Blowing - the wind is blowing harder.
The mill grinds flour even faster.
Blowing - the wind is blowing harder.
We grinded flour (we knock fist on fist)
Huge bags. (depicting "big bags")
From flour, from flour (clap hands with a coup, depicting pies)
We baked pies
Okay, okay, (clap)
They baked pancakes.
We knock with our fists on the floor, depicting drops, or we walk and stomp to the beat of the drops.
Quiet, quiet rain. Cap-cap-cap.
Stronger, stronger rain. Drip-drip-drip,
Heavy, heavy rain. Cap-cap-cap!
Thunder! Thunder! (clap)
Lightning shines in the sky! (hands up)
Here is a clearing, and around (with a broad gesture, spread your arms to the sides)
The lindens lined up in a circle. (rounded hands clasp above head)
Linden crowns rustle, (hands at the top, shake them from side to side)
The winds in their foliage hum (lean forward)
The tops are bent down, (leaning forward, shake the body from side to side)
And shake them, shake them.
After rain and thunderstorms (straighten up, raise your hands)
Lindens shed streams of tears. (slowly lower your hands, fingering)
Each leaf is a teardrop (hands down, vigorously shake your brushes)
Must drop on the paths.
Drip and drip, drip and drip - (clap your hands)
Drops, drops, drops, drop!
How weak is the leaf! ("drop" hands)
He will wash himself with rain, (stroke first one, then the other hand)
It will grow stronger every day. (clench fists)
White cloud (rounded hands in front of you, fingers in the castle)
Rise above the roof. (without disengaging hands, raise them above your head)
A cloud rushed (straighten your arms)
Higher, higher, higher. (stretch arms up)
The wind is a cloud (smooth swaying your arms above your head from side to side)
Caught on a twist. (clasp hands with fingertips above head)
A cloud has turned (hands describe a large circle through the sides down)
In a rain cloud. (sit down)
Spin around, spin around (spin in place)
White snowflakes.
They flew up in a white flock (raise your hands)
Light fluff. (twirl on toes)
The evil blizzard calmed down a little - (lower your hands, stand up straight)
Snuggled up everywhere. (sit down, hands on the floor)
They shone like pearls (get up, hands forward)
Everyone marvels at the miracle. (spread arms out to sides)
Sparkled, sparkled (hands perform the "scissors" movement)
White girlfriends.
We hurried for a walk (steps in place)
Moms and kids.
We depict the size of the cabbage with our hands, then we show how we cut, salt, three and crush the cabbage.
We have cabbage
Big cabbage.
We cut cabbage, cut,
We salt cabbage, salt,
We three, three cabbage,
We mash cabbage, mash.
Chok-chok, heel! (stomp your feet)
The cricket spins in the dance. (circle)
And the grasshopper without error (hand movements, as when playing the violin)
Performs a waltz on the violin.
Butterfly wings flutter. (flapping arms like wings)
She flutters with the ant. (circle on jumps)
Squats in a curtsey (make a curtsy)
And again spinning in the dance. (circle)
Under a cheerful hopak (dance movements, as in a hopak)
A spider dances famously.
Clap your hands loudly! (clap hands)
All! Our legs are tired! (sit or lean forward, hang your arms down)
On a flat path, (walking in place)
On a flat path
Our feet are walking.
One-two, one-two
On pebbles, on pebbles, (we jump, moving slightly in place)
Stones, stones...
In the pit - boom! (squatting down)
On a flat path
On a flat path.
Our legs are tired
Our legs are tired.
Here is our house -
This is where we live.
At the end of the text, we run into the house (we agree in advance where the house will be - on a sofa, chair, etc.).
In the morning the gnomes went to the forest. (step in place)
We found a mushroom along the way. (lean forward, straighten up, hands on the belt)
And after him, one, two, three - (tilts of the torso from side to side)
Three more showed up! (hands forward, then to the side)
And while the mushrooms were plucked, (tilts forward, hands to the floor)
The gnomes were late for school. (hands to cheeks and shake head from side to side)
We ran, hurried (running in place)
And the mushrooms all dropped! (sit down)
Once upon a time there was a little gnome (sat down, got up)
With a large cap (hands stretched up, palms joined)
He was a gnome traveler. (hands on the belt, steps in place)
He rode on a frog: (we jump)
Jump-jump, qua-qua!
And I flew on a dragonfly: (we wave our hands)
Wow, high! (stand on toes)
Floated along the stream in a tea cup: (we swim in any style)
He rode a turtle: (hands on his belt, stomp in place)
And, having trodden all the paths,
He swayed in the cobweb, (we sway from side to side)
Bye-bye! Bye-bye!
Morning will come, (hands up, to the sides, down)
The gnome will go hiking again! (steps in place)
Ding-dong, ding-dong, (tilts from side to side, hands on the belt)
The gnomes are building a new house, (knock fist to fist)
They paint the walls, the roof, the floor, (we “paint” with our hands on the side, above, below)
They take everything around. ("we sweep" with a broom)
We will visit them (steps in place)
And we'll bring gifts. (arms forward, palms up)
On the floor - a soft path, (tilt forward, hands "steel" the path)
Spreading it to the threshold. (step back)
Two pillows on the sofa, (put your hands together with your palms, first under one cheek, then under the other)
Linden jug honey. (hands round and stretch out in front of you)
Oh, oh what's the thunder? (hands to cheeks, tilts to the side)
The fly is building a new house. (hand movements imitating work with a hammer)
Hammer: knock-knock
The rooster comes to help. (steps with tilts to the sides)
Hooves clang loudly. (steps in place)
The horse runs across the bridge. (jump like "horses", raising your knees high)
Click, click, click!
Jump behind her (running in place with jumps)
Foal and boy.
Tsok is the hoof of a foal. (stomp right foot)
Tsok-heel on the boards loudly. (stomp left foot)
Rushed, only dust swirls. ("winder" by hand)
Everyone had to step aside. (walk back on heels)
Little bull, (sit down, stand up)
Yellow barrel, (tilts to the side)
Feet steps, (stomp)
Shakes his head. (shake head)
-Where is the herd? Mu-u-u (torso turn to the right, right, straight arm to the side, then to the left and left arm to the side)
Boring alone-u-u-! (lean down and wave outstretched arms)
Early in the morning in the clearing (clap)
This is how the monkeys frolic:
Right leg top, top!
Left foot top, top!
Hands up, up, up!
Who will rise above all? (stand on toes and stretch up)
A turkey walks around the yard (steps in place, hands on the belt)
Among ducks and girlfriends.
Suddenly he saw a rook. (stop, spread your arms to the sides, look down in surprise)
Got angry. (shake finger up)
He stomped in the heat of the moment, (stomp his feet)
He flapped his wings. (hands, like wings, pat yourself on the sides)
All swollen like a ball (hands on the belt)
Or a copper samovar. (clasp rounded hands in front of chest)
Shaking his beard, (shake his head, "chat" like a turkey)
Ran like an arrow (running in place)
The crane stood on its feet, (get up, straighten your backs, straighten your shoulders)
I decided to walk a little. (steps with knees high)
Looks into the distance from under the palm of your hand. (movements according to the text)
Who's running down the road? (jump in place, hands on the belt)
The toads went out into the meadow. (steps in place)
The toads all stood in a circle. (form a circle)
They raised their heads importantly. (head up)
Look how clever we are! ("proud" turns of the head to the right - to the left)
Here they clapped their hands. (clap hands)
Look how clever we are!
Here we jumped a little. (jump on both feet)
They jumped, they jumped. (jump on the right, then on the left foot)
Twirled, twirled. (circling in place)
And then they stopped. (stop, lean forward, shake with straight arms)

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Thematic physical education session "Sea voyage"


Description of movements


The fish swam and dived
In clear clear water.
They will come together, they will disperse,
They will bury themselves in the sand.

Perform hand movements according to the text


The sea is worried
The sea is worried two,
The sea is worried three -
Freeze sea figure

Feet shoulder-width apart, swing your arms from right to left, depicting waves.
We raise our hands up and, depicting "flashlights", lower them down.


Who is this? What is this?
How to guess?
Who is this? What is this?
How to unravel?

Turns left and right with outstretched arms.
Hands are raised up. Perform swinging movements left and right


This is a fishing boat.

Legs shoulder width apart. Hands to the sides, hands raised up. In this position, we swing from side to side.


This is a starfish.

We raise our hands up, squeezing and unclenching our fingers, lower our hands down.


It is, of course, a snail.

Hands to the sides, perform circular movements


I will solve all of you.

We spread our hands to the sides

Quickly got up, smiled,

Pulled up higher.

Well, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower.

Turn right, turn left

Touch your hands with your knees.

Sit down, get up, sit down, get up

And they ran on the spot.

From behind the desks we will go out together,

But there's no need to make noise

Stand up straight, feet together

Turn around, on the spot.

Let's clap our hands a couple of times.

And let's dive in a little.

Now imagine, kids

As if our hands are branches.

Let's shake them together

Like a south wind blowing.

The wind died down. They sighed together.

We need to continue the lesson.

Lined up, quietly sat down

And look at the board.

"Under rain".(Students standing up repeat the movements for the teacher)

The first drop fell - drop! (raise hands up)

And the second ran - cap! (hands to the side)

We looked at the sky (raise your head up)

Droplets of drip-drops sang, (tilts of the head to the right and left)

Wet faces, (tilts the head back and forth)

We wiped them off. (raise hands up and shake hands)

Shoes - look -

They became wet. (leaning forward)

Let's move our shoulders together (shoulders up and down)

And shake off all the droplets. (Shake hands)

Let's run away from the rain (running in place)

Let's sit under a bush. (sit down at the desk)

We all smile together

Let's wink a little at each other

Turn right, turn left (turn left-right)

And then nod around the circle. (tilts left-right)

All ideas won

Our hands went up. (raise hands up and down)

The burden of worries is shaken off

And let's continue the path of science. (shake hands)

In the morning the butterfly woke up

Smiled, stretched!

Once - she washed herself with dew,

Two - gracefully circled,

Three - bent down and sat down,

At four, she flew away.

In the morning the gnomes went to the forest.

(step in place)

We found a mushroom along the way.

(lean forward, straighten up, hands on the belt)

And after him, one, two, three -

(torso side to side)

Three more showed up!

(hands forward, then to the side)

And while the mushrooms were plucked,

(forward bends, hands to the floor)

The gnomes were late for school.

(hands to cheeks and shake head from side to side)

We ran, hurried (running in place)

And the mushrooms all dropped! (sit down)

On a flat path

(walking in place)

On a flat path

Our feet are walking.

One-two, one-two

By pebbles, by pebbles

(jump, moving slightly in place)

Stones, stones...

In the pit - boom!

(squatting down)

On a flat path

On a flat path.

Our legs are tired

Our legs are tired.

Here is our house -

This is where we live.


Emelya walked, walked, walked

I found white flu.

One fungus, two fungus

Put in a box

(can be collected different types mushrooms and berries)

Baba Yaga.

There is a hut in the dark forest. (we walk)

Standing backwards (turn)

There is an old woman in that hut, (tilts)

Grandmother Yaga lives. (turn back)

Crochet nose, (show nose)

Big eyes (show eyes)

Like embers are burning.

Wow, what an angry! (throw finger)

Hair standing on end, (hands up)

Storms and winds are not afraid of us.

The shores of a distant country are waiting for us.

May the storms and winds be with you a true friend

And forty hands will help you.

Be bold and courageous -

Read a lot of books

In the great sea of ​​knowledge

Swim, student.

To a cherished dream and a wonderful land.

In a ship loaded with knowledge!

Take your seats in your cabins.

The sun warms the earth weakly, (hands up and down)

Frost crackles at night. (We imitate the movement of frost)

In the courtyard of the snow woman (hands on the belt, turn around)

A frosty nose turned white. (Rubbing nose)

Water suddenly became in the river, (jumping in place)

Motionless and firm.

The blizzard is angry, (children are spinning)

The snow is spinning

Sweeping everything around (we imitate hand movements)

Snow white silver.

Guys, we can drive away fatigue!

Of course, for this we need to get up.

As in a dance, we will close our hands on the belt

And turn your torso to the left and right.

Quietly sit down five times in a row.

Well, how? Got a useful charge?



A is the beginning of the alphabet

A is the beginning of the alphabet,

That's what she's famous for.

And it's easy to find out:

Legs set wide. (Children should stand wide

legs apart. For each count, hands alternately: on the belt, on the shoulders, up, two claps, on the shoulders, on the belt, down - two claps. The pace keeps picking up.)

Oh you, Petya - simplicity

Oh you, Petya - simplicity,

I screwed up a little

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window.

Petya, Petya is a cockerel!

Why are you getting up early?!

Don't let the kids sleep. (Children put their heads on the desk, imitate a dream.)

For us to wake up

Need to stretch! (Do some exercises.)

Grandma cooked kissel

Grandma cooked kissel (Right hand"stirs the jelly".) On the hillock

(The fingertips of the right and left hands are connected, the hands diverge at an angle (mountain).)

In the skull (Rounded palms, closing, form a turtle pot.)

For Andryushechka (Alyonushka). (The palm of the right hand rests on the chest.)

Flew, flew falcon (The palms are crossed, the thumbs are fixed to each other.)

Through the grandmother's threshold. Here he beat his wings, (Crossed palms flap like wings.)

Grandma's jelly spilled, (Hit the sides several times with your hands.)

At the old woman's on the pea. (Stretch your arms forward and down, spread your fingers.)

Grandma cries: "Ai-ai-ai!" (Hands show the slide again.)

"Don't cry, granny, don't cry!" (Hands wipe away tears.)

So that you become cheerful (The index finger of the right hand “threatens the grandmother.”)

We will make jelly (The right hand again “stirs the jelly”.)

Wow so much! (Hands spread wide to the sides.)

Capital letter

If the words I have named should be written with a capital letter - raise your hands up, if with a small one - squat: Barsik, kitten, city, Voronezh, Nikita, third grader, river, Don, Volga, dog, cow, Druzhok, Dawn, sparrow, lesson.

Let's play hopscotch

Let's play hopscotch, Jump on one leg. A now a little more Let's jump on the other leg. (Jumping on one leg.)

Letter E

In the alphabet, in the primer, (Clap hands.)

The letter E lived.

Once she walked (Walking in place.)

Slowly according to the notebook

I dreamed and fell


Turned into the letter Sh...

The student was, of course, happy:

That's the letter-acrobat! (Clap hands.)

Let's spread the legs with the letter L

With the letter L we will spread our legs, As if in a dance - arms at the sides. Leaned to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right... It turns out well. Well done!

Left - right, left - right... (Legs apart, hands on the belt; tilts to the left, to the right.)

We have a gym again

Again we have a physical education minute,

Bent over, come on, come on!

Stretched out, stretched out

And now they've leaned back. (Tilts forward and backward.)

We stretch our arms, shoulders,

To make it easier for us to sit

And don't get tired at all. (Jerking hands in front of the chest.)

The head is tired too.

So let's help her!

Left and right, one and two.

Think, think, head. (Head rotation.)

Although the charge is short,

We rested a bit. (Children sit at their desks.)

Here under the green tree

Here under the green tree

Ravens jump merrily

(Jumping on one leg, on the other leg.)


They flew all day

(Running in place with a wave of the arms to the sides.)

The children were not allowed to sleep


(Children shout "Kar-kar-kar" on the exhale.)

Only at night they are silent,

Fall asleep with us (Walking in place.)

Sh-sh-sh-sh. (Squat with exhalation.)

That's how apple

That's the apple!

(Stand up.)

(Hands to the side.)

Full of sweet juice.

(Hands on the belt.)

Stretch out your hand

(Put hands forward.)

Pluck the apple.

(Hands up.)

The wind began to swing a branch,

(Swing up with hands.)

It's hard to get an apple.

(Pull up.)

I'll jump, I'll stretch out my hand

(Jumped up.)

And quickly pick an apple!

(Clap hands over head.)

That's the apple!

(Stand up.)

(Hands to the side.)

Full of sweet juice.

(Hands on the belt.)

Let's get up, kids

Let's get up, children

(Stand up.)

Say quietly:

One two three four five. -

(We walk.)

got up,

(Rise up on tiptoes.)

Sit down a little

(We squat.)

And the neighbor was not hurt,

(We sit down.)

And now you have to get up (Get up, stretch.)

Quietly sit down (Sit down straight.)

Byaka and Buka met

Byaka and Buka met. (We walk in place.)

Nobody made a sound. (Hands to the side.)

Start writing. (Prepare to write.)

We will play "Traffic Light"

One two three four five!

Oh, we are tired of writing. (Sipping.)

We'll play "Traffic Light" (Walking in place.)

We stretch our arms and legs.

(Shaking hands. Shaking legs.)

Red light to us "Stop!" - screams,

Wait for the green orders.

To not be bored waiting

We bow together.

And back. And go ahead.


Left, right turn. (Turns of the body.)

Here the yellow lit up

It's time to get ready.

Warm up your hands and feet (Jerking hands in front of the chest.)

Let's start, kids! (Walking in place.)

Let's lift up

Let's drop down

Let's fly like an airplane.


Here the green lights up

We can go ahead.

Left, right,

Left, right, (Running with high hips.)

We boldly move forward. (Walking in place.)

Traffic light - glorious helper

Doesn't let us get tired.

No one gave a sign -

(Hands on the belt.)

were silent

Byak and Buk. (Tilts of the body to the left-to the right.)

I thought with boredom: (Tilt forward.)

Why is he looking like that - beech? (Hands to the side.)

And Byaka thought:

(Hands on the belt.)

However (Tilt forward.)

How terrible is he

(Hands up.)

Byaka... (Hands lowered.)

Are you tired?

Are you tired? Well, then everyone stood up together. They stomped their feet, they clapped their hands. Twisted, turned around And everyone sat down at their desks. We close our eyes tightly, together we count to 5. We open, we blink And we continue to work. (Performing movements after the teacher.)

The ducks went out to the meadow

The ducks went out to the meadow, Quack-quack-quack!

(We walk.)

A cheerful beetle flew by,

W-w-w! (We wave our wings.)

Geese arch their necks

Ha-ha-ha! (Circular rotation of the neck.)

The beak straightens the feathers. (Torso turns left and right.)

The wind shook the branches (We swing with our hands raised up.)

The ball also growled, Rrr!

(Hands on the belt, leaning forward, looking ahead.)

The reed whispered in the water,

Sh-sh-sh! (Raise hands, stretch.)

And again there was silence

The clock is ticking loud

The clock is ticking loud

(Walking sitting.)

Tick-tock, tick-tock. (Tilts the head to the right and left, pronouncing the words.) It's time for us to go to school

(Walking sitting.)

Tick-tock, tick-tock. (Head tilts left and right.)

We collected textbooks (Tilt back, bending over, spread your arms to the sides.)

Tick-tock, tick-tock. (Repeat head tilts, hands on the belt.)

Walked to school together (Walking in place.)

Tick-tock, tick-tock. (Head tilts.)

Long awaited call

Long awaited call

The lesson starts.

Sounds with letters came

To put things in order.

Attention girls!

Attention boys!

Get your hands ready

Stretch your fingers.

Well check it out buddy

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Everything is in place

Is it all right

Pen, book and notebook?

Is everyone seated correctly?

Is everyone watching closely?

The lesson starts

He will go to the guys for future use.

Try to understand everything

We help mom together

We help mom together -

We wipe dust everywhere.

We're washing clothes now

Rinse, squeeze.

Sweeping all around

And run for milk.

We meet mom in the evening,

Doors wide open,

We hug mom tightly. (Imitative movements in the text.)

We go, we go, we go for a long time

We go, we go, we go for a long time,

This path is very long.

We'll get to Moscow soon

There we can rest.

Here is our train

The wheels are rattling

And in our train the guys are sitting.

Choo-choo-choo-choo! The steam locomotive is running.

Far, far away he took the guys.

(Walking on bent legs.)

I'll give you a riddle

I'll give you a riddle

Get on the charger. (Walking in place.)

Once - we raise the leaves. (Hands through the sides up.)

Two - we bend the leaves. (Hands behind back.)

Three - turned again, (Wrap hands around shoulders.)

At four - deployed. (Hands to the side.)

The letter is hidden inside.


Who is smart? (Jumping in place.)

three times". (Geese get up.)


(Children are divided into groups in rows. Each of the groups imitates the sounds of familiar birds or animals. For example:

1 - geese (Ha-ha-ha.)

2 - pigeons (Gulya-gulya-gulya.)

3 - donkeys (Igo-go.)

4 - dogs (Bow-bow.)

(The teacher, passing by each row, knocks on the desk and asks: “Who lives in this house?” (Children answer.)

Then he says: “Geese, get up! Pull out the necks and twist them

Spoon is a spoon

A spoon is a spoon (We walk in place.)

They eat soup with a spoon. (We clap our hands.)

A cat is a cat (We walk in place.)

The cat has seven kittens. (We clap our hands.)

A rag is a rag (We walk in place.)

Wipe the table with a rag. (Jumping in place.)

A hat is a hat (We walk in place.)

I got dressed and went. (Jumping in place.)

And I came up with a word (Hands to the sides, on the belt.)

Funny word - plim.

(Sit down.)

I repeat again: (Tilts of the body to the left-to the right.)

Plim, plim, plim!

(Sit down.)

Here he jumps and jumps (Jumping in place.)

Plim, plim, plim! (We walk in place.)

And don't mean a thing (Jumping in place.)

Plim, plim, plim! (We walk in place.)

Pure water flows

Pure water flows

We know how to wash ourselves.

Take the tooth powder

Three teeth brushed hard.

Wash my neck, wash my ears

After we wipe dry.

Turn your head to the right

Turn your head to the left.

Put your head down

And sit down quietly. (The words of the text are accompanied by actions.)

We are walking down the street

We're walking down the street (We walk in place.)

We read the signs. (Head tilts left and right.)

This is "es", and this is "ka", (Torso turns left and right.)

"J" looks like a beetle.

Here are four letters:

"Water". (4 clap.)

Here are four more:

"Mods". (4 clap.)

"Water" - "fashion" - "lemonade"!


We read everything. (Clap hands front-back.)

Here it shines, whiter than snow, (Tilts of the body to the left-to the right.)

Bitter word: pharmacy. (Torso turns left and right.)

Near sweet words: (Jumping in place.)

Fruits. Gingerbread. Halva. (We walk in place.)

We'll walk the path

To rest the legs

We will walk along the path.

But the path is not easy -

Doesn't let us go. (Walking in place.)

I pull my head to my shoulder

I want to stretch my neck.

To the side once or twice

I shake my head. (Rotation of the head to the right and left.)

We put our fingers to the shoulders,

We will rotate our hands.

Circle ahead

The other is forward

And then vice versa. (Hands to shoulders, rotation forward and backward.)

It's good to stretch a little.

Let's sit down to work again. (Children sit at their desks.)

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Goals and objectives:


    expand and enrich the horizons of children about marine life, about their way of life;

    to consolidate children's ideas about colors and shades, about the shapes of fish and other inhabitants of the underwater world;

    to teach how to apply previously mastered techniques and methods of drawing when working with paints and pencils;

    learn to design an image of a landscape composition (pebble seabed, underwater plants, marine inhabitants;

    learn to arrange objects and elements beautifully and evenly over the entire background surface - plates with a plasticine base.


    to develop in children an interest in living and inanimate nature;

    develop coherent speech, the ability to answer questions and the ability to justify one's judgments;

    develop independence, activity, creativity of children.


    cause a positive emotional response to the proposal to engage in creativity;

    to form an aesthetic idea when creating images and plot compositions;

    to teach to show friendliness and a sense of responsibility in collective work;

    develop respect for natural resources.

Methodical methods:

Literary word, answers to questions, the use of visuals, solving riddles, drawing using “magic lines” and various techniques, drawing up landscape compositions, working with paper, performing partial search tasks, physical minutes, the outdoor game “Fish and Pike”.

Vocabulary work:

Hermit crab, shore snail, sea anemone, predator, inhabitants of the seabed, tentacles, malady, claw, fins, gills, scales.

Equipment and materials:

Illustration materials, seabed paintings, objects and elements for the “Seabed” landscape composition, colored paper, watercolor paints, simple pencils, sheets with “magic lines”, water cups, palettes, brushes, toothbrushes, sponges, oilcloth, napkins , tape recorder, CD “Magical Sounds of Nature”, coloring book “Sea Animals” from the series “The World Around”, pictures of different fish.

Preliminary work:

Conversations, viewing magazines, pictures, joint activities of the educator and children in modeling and application, guessing riddles, didactic games " gold fish”, “Collect a picture”, sedentary games“The sea is worried”, “Earth, Water, Air”, reading stories and interesting facts.

Lesson progress

The children and the teacher sit on the mat.

Educator: Guys, do you like to make discoveries?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Today we will go on a sea voyage. More precisely, we will go down to the bottom of the sea to explore the underwater world. Close your eyes and imagine that we are all on an underwater ship, diving into the depths of the sea. Through a special window we observe this unusually beautiful and mysterious underwater world.

The children closed their eyes, you can hear the music and the sounds of the sea coast.


What a sea
Without end and end.
On the sandy shore
Waves are rolling in.
The wind will stop
Angry at sea.
You will see who is there
Hiding in the depths.

Guys, what do we see in the depths of the sea?

Suggested responses from children: Various fish, shark, octopus, crayfish, jellyfish, starfish, etc.

Educator: What grows at the bottom of the sea?

Children: Herbs, algae.

Teacher: What are they? What color is the algae?

Children: Long, narrow, wide, green or brown.

Educator: Why do you think they are called algae?

Children: Because they grow in water.

Preparatory part.

Educator: Guys, let's go to the tables and divide into two subgroups (4 people each). We have 2 panels (disposable plates with a plasticine base) and many other items: plastic fish, octopuses, starfish, turtles, crayfish. There is also colored paper, beans, peas, shells, I think we will need them. We need to compose the composition “Seabed” - correctly arrange all the objects in the pann.

Children consider the proposed material, arrange the fish and other marine inhabitants on the panel. The teacher helps the children gently tear the paper into strips that look like algae. Children will beautifully arrange them against the background of the panel, put “pebbles”, snails, small shells on the bottom.

Educator: And now, guys, let's have a little rest.


The fish swam, splashed (hand movements)
In cool sea water.
Then they sink, then they float, (squats)
They will bury themselves in the sand. (children lie down on the mat)

Educator: Guys, and at the bottom of the sea, where strange fish, octopuses, jellyfish live, a fairy tale happened. Listen...

A hermit crab lived at the bottom of the sea. One claw is larger than the other, the tail is small, the abdomen is soft. He somehow found an empty shell, climbed into it. I liked the house: reliable, protects from toothy fish. Day and night, the crayfish crawled along the sand with the house, rarely left it: there are many predators around. It used to stick out of the shell to grab a blade of grass or a worm, and the enemies are right there, just have time to hide. And decided cancer to find a good friend. Someone who could protect him.

Shoreline! Let's be friends with you, - he suggested to the shore snail.

I'm afraid of your sharp ticks, and my body is soft and tender, - the snail answered.

The jellyfish heard them.

Swim to me, - offered cancer. - We'll be friends with you.

But I can't swim. I can only crawl along the bottom, - the cancer answered.

Medusa walked away in disappointment.

The cancer got depressed, even forgot about caution, left his house, draws different figures at the bottom of the claws. Suddenly, a huge fish swims towards. The crayfish rushed to the house, but got tangled in algae. He closed his eyes in fear and waits for his death.

A minute passed, then two. He opened the cancer of the eye - it's quiet around, no one. And suddenly I saw an unusual flower very close by.

Did you save me? What is your name?


The crustacean carefully looked at the sea anemone and asked:

Are you a plant?

No, I'm an animal, but I look like a flower. Look at my tentacles, they are like petals. But those who touch them will not do well, I will burn them.

Let's be friends with you and live together, - the sea anemone hermit crab suggested. - Only you will live on the roof of my house.

The sea anemone thought: “What if you really live on the roof? Then we will travel together through the day of the sea. I will see a lot of interesting things: marine plants, various inhabitants of the bottom…. It is much better than sitting in one place.”

I will walk along the bottom and look for food, and you will scare away enemies with your tentacles, - the cancer continued.

Well, I agree to become your friend, - the sea anemone agreed. The cancer was delighted and carefully planted her on the roof of his house.

Since then, they began to live together. The sea anemone scares away all enemies with its tentacles, and the hermit crab seeks food and treats it to dinner.

The story of the educator is accompanied by a display of illustrations of marine animals from the series “The World Around”.

Educator: Guys, let's draw this fairy tale. For this work, we have everything, we need to include our skills and imagination.

Work algorithm:

  1. Color them.

Independent work of children.

Educator: Look what beautiful drawings we got. What inhabitants live in these drawings?

Each child talks about their drawing.

Educator: We did a good job, and now, let's play the game "Fish and Pike". We choose “pike”, and the rest will be “fish”. We move, depicting fish, accompanying the movements with verses:

We can swim fast
We love to jump and dive
One two three four five-
No way to catch us.

Suddenly the driver shouts: “Pike!” and children - "fish" run away, "pike" catches them.

Educator: Guys, I really hope that you enjoyed our sea voyage. We learned to explore the depths of the sea, made new discoveries, learned a lot of interesting things. See you soon!