Fencing master classes will be held in Tsaritsyno. Stage fencing studio "VOLTE Artistic Fencing Belyaevo

On September 19, at the Festival of Ballroom Traditions of Catherine II, on the open area of ​​the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, as part of the Great Catherine's Ball, the Espada Artistic Fencing Studio will present demonstration performances and master classes in fencing. Event organizer: international union German culture (MSNK) with the support of the Government of Moscow.

The ability to wield a sword, or, as it was also called, "sword art" is an integral part of the life of the nobility, a means of developing dexterity and cultivating a military spirit. In Russia, "rapier science" was introduced in noble military schools by decree of Peter I, in addition, fencing was a mandatory occupation for all courtiers ...

Guests of the events of the Great Catherine's Ball are waiting for a colorful staged fight on the main stage at various types edged weapons from the masters of the Artistic Fencing Studio "Espada" - winners and prize-winners of Russian and international competitions.

In addition, on one of the paths of the Tsaritsyno Park, master classes in fencing with a cutting and stabbing sword will be organized for everyone. You will gain an understanding of the fencer's fighting stance, the basic techniques of defense and attack in fencing, and try to apply the acquired knowledge in exercises with partners.

About the studio:

Artistic fencing studio "Espada" (Moscow) is the leader of Russian artistic fencing.

The studio was founded in 2004 and is the founder and main driving force of a new sport in our country. Espada athletes form the backbone of the Russian national fencing team. At the last world championship, the students of the studio won 2 gold medals, "silver" and "bronze". At the 2014 Russian Championship, six of the studio's performances received tournament awards, including 4 gold medals. Based on the scores scored, seven Espada athletes completed the Master of Sports standard.

Head of the Studio Professor of the Department of Combat Sports of the Russian State University physical education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Coach of Russia Alek Movshovich.

About the project:

The Great Catherine's Ball is a large-scale annual event dedicated to the traditions and culture of the era of Catherine the Great.

The ball is the central event of a large cultural and educational project “Cultural and Historical Forum: the formation and contribution of Russian Germans to the development of the Russian state. Formation of a common civic identity” and is enlightening, educational and humanistic in nature.

Organizer: International Union of German Culture (ISNK) with the support of the Government of Moscow.

Project partners: Vera Hospice Charitable Foundation, Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Institute of Ethnocultural Education - BIZ, MaVi Group, Imperial Porcelain Factory, Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Hotel, Commonwealth of Moscow Image Makers, BlackRabbit beauty salon, biletmarket portal. ru, MIRUMIR music publishing house, Ostankino rental company, Sergey Andriyaka watercolor school, ESPADA artistic fencing studio, AZIMUT Moscow Olympic Hotel 4*, Arsenal company, Entrée historical dance workshop, Impera company, company "Mosigra", studio-shop "Shkatulochka".

Information support: "Moscow German newspaper" (Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung); Informational portal Russian Germans Rusdeutsch.ru, Vash Leisure, Dobrye Sovety magazine, Lisa magazine.

On September 19, at the Festival of Ballroom Traditions of Catherine II, on the open area of ​​the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, as part of the Great Catherine's Ball, the Espada Artistic Fencing Studio will present demonstration performances and master classes in fencing. Event organizer: International Union of German Culture (ISNK) with the support of the Government of Moscow.

On September 19, at the Festival of Ballroom Traditions of Catherine II, on the open area of ​​the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, as part of the Great Catherine's Ball, the Espada Artistic Fencing Studio will present demonstration performances and master classes in fencing. Event organizer: International Union of German Culture (ISNK) with the support of the Government of Moscow.

The ability to wield a sword, or, as it was also called, "sword art" is an integral part of the life of the nobility, a means of developing dexterity, cultivating a military spirit. In Russia, "rapier science" was introduced in noble military educational institutions by decree of Peter I, in addition, fencing was a mandatory occupation for all courtiers.

Guests of the events of the Great Catherine's Ball are waiting for a colorful staging battle on the main stage on various types of edged weapons from the masters of the Artistic Fencing Studio "Espada" - winners and prize-winners of Russian and international competitions.

In addition, on one of the paths of the Tsaritsyno Park, master classes in fencing with a cutting and stabbing sword will be organized for everyone. You will gain an understanding of the fencer's fighting stance, the basic techniques of defense and attack in fencing, and try to apply the acquired knowledge in exercises with partners.

Details on the official website of the Ball www.katharinenball.eu and in the groups of the event in Facebook And In contact with.

About the studio:

Artistic fencing studio "Espada" (Moscow) is the leader of Russian artistic fencing.

The studio was founded in 2004 and is the founder and main driving force of a new sport in our country. Espada athletes form the backbone of the Russian national fencing team. At the last world championship, the students of the studio won two gold medals, "silver" and "bronze". At the 2014 Russian Championships, six of the studio's performances received tournament awards, including four gold medals. Based on the scores scored, seven Espada athletes completed the Master of Sports standard.

The head of the studio is Professor of the Department of Combat Sports of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Coach of Russia Alek Movshovich.

About the project:

The Great Catherine's Ball is a large-scale annual event dedicated to the traditions and culture of the era of Catherine the Great.

Organizer: International Union of German Culture (ISNK).

Project partners: Government of Moscow; Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the City of Moscow; Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Hospices "Vera"; Museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno"; Institute of Ethnocultural Education - BIZ; Commonwealth of Image Makers of Moscow; beauty salon Black Rabbit; image studio Stimage; biletmarket.ru portal; Moscow German newspaper (Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung); Information portal of Russian Germans Rusdeutsch; magazine "Good advice".

The ball is the central event of a large cultural and educational project “Cultural and Historical Forum: the formation and contribution of Russian Germans to the development of the Russian state. Formation of a common civic identity”, implemented with the support of the All-Russian public organization - Society “Knowledge” of Russia as part of state support measures for non-profit non-governmental organizations participating in the development of civil society institutions, implementing socially significant projects and projects in the field of protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

On the eve of the main ball events will take place a number of preparatory master classes, during which the participants of the ball will be trained in various areas: cultural and historical, choreographic, arts and crafts, areas of historical reconstruction and historical etiquette.

The mission of the ball is to popularize the culture and traditions of Russian Germans and other ethnic groups of Russia, the development and popularization of enlightenment traditions established by Catherine II, the harmonization of social and interethnic relations in Russian society.

In 2015, the Great Catherine Ball will be held on September 19 at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. Details on the official website of the Ball and in the groups of the event in

Studio manager - Ivanov Dmitry Alexandrovich- Actor, director and stuntman, senior lecturer at the stage plastics department of GITIS, CCM in art fencing, silver medalist of the German championship in stage fencing and champion of Russia in art fencing.

"stage fencing is a combination of plasticity and acting skills, choreographic accuracy and well-coordinated actions of partners in skillful possession of weapons. This is the disclosure of the psychology of the fight through the dramaturgy of the fight and the development of the image of the character in the extreme conditions of the fight."

"It is one of the mandatory professional disciplines in the training of an actor, it also exists as an independent direction in tune with artistic or staged fencing.
Reminds, explains and educates in modern man concepts such as honor and dignity.

Stage fencing studio "VOLTE" was founded in 2009.

During its existence, the studio took part in the festivals "Silver Sword" (Moscow), "Romance of the Middle Ages" (Kolomna), "Staging Fencing Festival" (Moscow), "Fencer's Day" (St. Petersburg), "Street Theater Festival" (Yaroslavl), "Silver Ring of the Blade" (Moscow), "Arena" (Vidnoe).

And also in the Russian Art Fencing Championship, and in the German International Stage Fencing Championship.

Artistic fencing through the eyes of world champions

In September Russian teams took part in the Artistic Fencing World Championships in San Marino for the first time. Representatives of 11 countries competed in the competition: Norway, Portugal, Czech Republic, Belgium, Canada, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, San Marino and Russia. On account of the Russian team 3 gold medals. Two of them were won by the Fekhtomania team (RGUFK-RAMT) from Moscow.

The correspondent of the official website of the International Charitable Foundation "For the Future of Fencing" Tatyana Kolchanova met with the members of this team, its coaches and artistic director to get answers to the questions: "What is artistic fencing- sport or art? What should be paid more attention to - fighting technique or entertainment, stage effects? Is dramaturgy necessary? What are the requirements for staging performances, as well as for their evaluation? What is the future of the new sports discipline balancing at the intersection of art and sports? Who and how came to artistic fencing? Thanks to what, in a new sport for Russia, the debutants of the World Cup managed to defeat more experienced rivals?

We talked with the guys and their teachers in the Blue Room of the Central House of Actors for several hours. They have not yet cooled off after their triumph in San Marino. They spoke emotionally, enthusiastically and a lot. And it took me a lot of effort to summarize this material. Firstly, we managed to find out how the leaders of the team interpret the concept of artistic fencing.

Artistic fencing is a method of conducting a conditional, pre-rehearsed fight. Such a fight should have story line, it can be supplemented with musical arrangement, text, dancing, tricks, etc. Participants of the performance fencing in costumes and weapons, indicating the era to which the plot they have chosen for staging the performance belongs. Also, the rules do not allow improvisation. That is, the audience is presented with a mini-performance based on fencing.

And for the coaches, the most difficult thing was to get all the team members together. If for athletes there was a concept - a regimen, daily training, then for actors it was difficult to choose the time for training. They practiced with pleasure and a healthy dose of courage after the end of the performances, when their fellow athletes were already closing their eyes. Leonid Lavrovsky recalls: “I did not participate in the World Championship, but I was in the team at the Russian Championship. When an incentive appeared in the form of the official national championship, which was also a selection for the world championship, we changed our attitude to training. So, in March we trained once a week, but from the end of April we trained almost every day, and some still stayed to train at night. When there is an incentive, then there is time for training.”

The Fekhtomania team managed to get to the World Championship, where they competed in two categories - "XVI century - modernity" and "Out of time, free style". Both were the best. I asked the guys - did they believe in victory? Prokhor explained: “We have a comic motto: “Victory, vanity, world domination.” He was born at the training camp before the World Cup. We worked out an episode in which we all attack Gleb Kachan, and he should not immediately give up, but hold on to the last with a straight back. And then I said: "Imagine, the whole world is looking at you, and in your every movement you should read - victory, vanity, world domination." Everyone liked this slogan.

Lada Mosharova recalls the difficulty with which each number was born: “At first, the guys did not perceive serious fencing lessons, this was the case in the work on the “Wax Museum”. This number was given to us with great difficulty. But now it is almost a masterpiece. It was the same with A Night in Spain. Lena Tikhomirova and I could not convince them to play this number. Then I said - we will do "In the yard of leftovers." Imagine - a huge yard of leftovers, a prince and a beggar. Then the guys shouted - no, let's better the Spanish theme. Then I set a condition - you will have a chaperone, and Lena said - Sonya Ivanova. They say, maybe invite an artist? And Lena answered - no, the artist will not cope. Here we need real lunges, real fencing techniques. And when they united on the idea, it was such a pleasure to work with them.

And Roman Stepensky told how sometimes it was difficult for the athletes to realize the acting idea: “I explained to Sonya how she should sit on my knees. Does not understand. Then I say, everything is simple - step forward, lunge, close. Understood".

In San Marino, the guys agreed not to go through all the episodes at speed during rehearsals. It was impossible to reveal all the cards ahead of time. But at some point it was necessary to check the movements against the music, and I had to perform the episode at full speed. “Giovanni, the organizer, runs up here and pulls the sword out of my hands,” Roman recalls. - I do not understand what is going on. And he says that this is a hoax, the sword is not metal, as it should be, but plastic. I give him a weapon, and he understands that it is real, metal. He could not believe that it was possible to perform movements with real weapons at such a speed. We laughed."

There was another episode that all team members are talking about. There was a day when everyone came to the rehearsal before the competition. On the open stage, where tourists walk, fights took place in every corner of the square, it was noisy, everyone spoke different languages. It was the turn of the Russians to rehearse on stage. The guys began to pass the "Museum" without music. And suddenly they realized that they were doing it in complete silence. Everyone stopped and just looked at them. The opponents were amazed by the strength and confidence of the team. “We agreed among ourselves,” explains Prokhor, “that in training we do not show everything in full force, pledged not to sell the meaning of our numbers to anyone. Each passed in short fragments. But even from several fragments of one number, the opponents and the judges realized that we represent a serious force. Our advantage was that we are all professionals - in acting or in sports. We all master the second type of activity. One is fencing, the other is acting. Our opponents are either underplayed actors or underfenced athletes. There are just amateurs among them, people from the street who have united in clubs, hold festivals, and whole families are engaged in acting fencing with great enthusiasm.”

One more of our teams from Kolomna, representing the Svyatogor Center of Russian Military Culture at the championship, can also be called professionals, - says Roman. - They also won first place. These guys are engaged in the reconstruction of the Kolomna Kremlin. Every day they conduct excursions, perform with a demonstration program, hence such endurance. They perform in chain mail, they have real weapons that they themselves forge. Not everyone takes this as seriously as Kolomna athletes, for many the championship is just a mass holiday, hooliganism, which has nothing to do with history or fencing.”

The guys from the Fekhtomania team believe that not only skill, but also chance helped them win the championship. “Everyone performed under normal conditions,” says Prokhor, “and during ours, it started to rain. Only we managed to perform on the street stage, we got the first number by drawing of lots. According to the plot, the hero of Sergei Gerasenkov was the first to die on the stage, and the sky began to cry. After our performance, the competition was moved indoors. Before the championship continued, two hours passed. And all these two hours everyone was just talking about the performance of our team.”

According to Gleb Kachan, artistic fencing still lacks one important element - refereeing criteria. “Take, for example, figure skaters,” Gleb gives an example. - They evaluate the complexity of the elements - double axel, triple, etc. One skater can cleanly skate the program without using complex elements, while another can fall, but perform a four-turn jump. And until clear evaluation criteria appear, artistic fencing will not be perceived as a full-fledged sport. Uniform rules should be developed so that the competitors understand what is required of them and why they receive certain points.”
While our champions are practitioners. They follow the path of error and trial. Just like it was in ice dancing. IN figure skating When dancing was included in the official competition program, the question arose - what is it? How can this be assessed? In the end, we just agreed - what technical means can be used and what should not be. With their lives, their victories, our pioneers show that the path of development they follow has the right to life. They are trying to combine the professionalism of actors and athletes, and this has already led to victory at the World Championships. But then we observe hunger in theory. No discussion of the technical approach to this species sports. So far, this is a territory in which no one is fighting. Some people benefit from this situation. Because as soon as the conditions and rules of the game and your language are determined, it will immediately become clear who is worth what. And yet, I believe that the time will come when artistic fencing will take its place in the history of our sport, and Russian masters will be able to achieve the same respect and honor as their colleagues from sports fencing.

Team members "Fechtomania":

Alexey Longin, a graduate of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). Currently he is an artist of the Moscow theater "Et Cetera" under the direction of A. Kalyagin. Busy in performances: "Shylock", "Newspaper "Russian Invalid" for July 18", "The Secret of Aunt Melkin". He acts a lot in films (“The Hunt for a Genius”, “Penal Battalion”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Soldiers-11”, “Students-International”, “Thirty Years”, etc.) Performer of fights and stunts in films: “Servant of the Sovereigns ”, “Shadowboxing-2”, “New Earth”, etc. Director of the first numbers of the “Fechtomania” team.

Sergei Gerasenkov, a graduate of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). Currently, he is an artist of the Moscow Drama Theater named after M. Yermolova. He takes an active part in recording audio books (“Treasure Island”, “Black Arrow”, etc.). Conducts the author's course of stage movement and plasticity.

Gleb Kachan, a graduate of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). At present he is an artist of the Moscow theater "School of the modern play". He performs with a solo program in the bard club "Capercaillie's Nest" and at the evenings of the Theater Center "On Strastnoy" (under the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation).

Roman Stepensky, a graduate of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). At present he is an artist of the Russian Academic Youth Theatre. Filmed in films (“Antikiller-2”, “The Last Weekend”, etc., performer of fights and stunts in the film “Servant of the Sovereigns”).

Prokhor Chekhovskoy, a graduate of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). At present he is an artist of the Russian Academic Youth Theatre. Another student was introduced to leading role in the play "Little Lord Fauntleroy". Filmed in films (“The Return of Mukhtar”, “Airport”, “Satisfaction”, “Don't Be Born Beautiful”, “Kulagin and Partners”, “National Treasure”, etc., performer of fights and tricks in the film “Servant of the Sovereigns”).

Leonid Lavrovsky, a graduate of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). While still a student, he played several roles in the performances of the theater "At the Nikitsky Gates", at present he is an artist of the theater "School of the Modern Play". Student of the Literary Institute (Drama Department). Teacher acting skills at RATI (GITIS) and the Institute of Russian Theater. As a director, he collaborates with several entrepreneurial projects. He took part in the filming of the films "Moscow Saga", "Children of the Arbat", "Star of the Empire", etc.

Sofia Ivanova, a graduate of the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports with a degree in Combat sports". Master of sports in fencing. Four-time champion of Russia in fencing.

Artem Deev, student of the 5th year of the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, majoring in Combat Sports. Master of sports in fencing. Winner of the championships of Moscow and Russia in fencing. As a stuntman, he took part in the filming of the film The Treasures of Mazarin (a sequel to The Three Musketeers).

Team coaches: master of sports in fencing - Elena Tikhomirova And Elena Yakovleva.

Artistic director Lada Mosharova.

Choreographer Mikhail Lavrovsky. People's Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the Lenin Prize, International Competition ballet dancers, Prizes to them. Vaslav Nijinsky of the Paris Academy of Dance, Moscow Prize in the field of culture and art.