The principle of operation of the drying chamber for fish. Features of the technology of drying and drying fish by moisture condensation

…intended for:

  • Efficient drying of fish before smoking in the Izhitsa 1200/1200M/1200M2/1200M3 installation, as well as Izhitsa-GK.
  • For drying large and small fish.
  • Creating a modular design for industrial drying fish in large quantities.
  • Dried meat and fish snacks.

Izhitsa-SV is a cabinet made of galvanized metal, in which a crate with products hung on it is placed. Due to the action of the fan and heating element, the product quickly loses moisture and acquires the necessary properties of a dried or dried product.

To create a high-quality dried product, Izhitsa-SV is equipped with a timer that allows you to set stepwise drying: 30 min. fan on, 30 min. - does not work. During this time, the moisture in the product is redistributed, no crust appears on the surface, which would prevent the further uniform drying process. The product is evenly dried and of excellent quality.

The unit is equipped with a reliable axial fan with a power of 0.5 kW, which creates a dense air flow.

To dry the air flow, a heating element with a power of 1.5 kW is used. The installation has the ability to turn off the heating element, or turn on the heating element at half power - 0.75 kW.

The control unit is equipped with a timer that allows you to automatically turn off the fan when the set time for drying or drying the fish has passed.

For hanging fish, standard cages and skewers are used for Izhitsa-1200 and Izhitsa-GK installations for large and small fish. The crate and skewers are not included in the delivery set of the drying chamber.

Installation performance:
  • Drying: 1 crate in 30 - 70 minutes (depending on the type of fish).
  • Drying: 1 crate for 48 - 74 hours (20 - 55 kg dried fish).

Main characteristics:

  • Single load: 50 - 80 kg (depending on the size of the fish).
  • Overall dimensions: 820 x 1000 x 1700 mm.
  • Power consumption: 1.2 - 1.5 kW / h.
  • Power supply: 1 phase, 220V, 50Hz.
  • Weight: 60 kg.

Requirements for the room for drying and drying fish:

  • Temperature: not lower than 17 0 С.
  • 2.5 square meters for one drying drying chamber.
  • When placing 3 or more drying chambers in a room, it is advisable to install an air dryer.

Contents of delivery:

  • Drying cabinet with fan.
  • Control block.

For a more detailed understanding of the economics of smoking production, we have developed a standard business plan that will help you understand how the cost of finished products is calculated and what initial investments are needed to open your own smoking shop.

Dried fish is a simple process. It can be mastered even by a beginner. To put this business on stream and sell fish products, you will need quite a bit. Consider what equipment you need to purchase for drying fish, what is the technology and what kind of room you need to choose to make the products tasty and of high quality.

The drying process itself is a gradual dehydration of the product. The fish is pre-soaked in saline. When the fish loses water, the meat ripens. It does not require cooking and is ready to eat.

Many people confuse the processes of drying and drying products. They differ in the very nature of the process of maturation of meat. Under the influence of temperatures not exceeding 40 degrees, fat, protein and meat in the product changes due to its own enzymes. The fish is completely ready to eat.

Preparatory work

You can dry-dry absolutely any fish, but the most delicious varieties are bold and fatty. They lose a smaller percentage of the mass. Proteins and fats should have a ratio of 0.8. Before drying, the fish is sorted, the film is removed, and cut. This stage is very responsible, since the quality of the final product depends on it. Fish can be gutted or not, with or without a head. Individual parts of the fish are dried, for example, the backs or half-layer of the carcass. Small varieties of fish do not need cutting: vobla, rudd, roach, horse mackerel, crucian carp and others. Larger varieties need to be cut with your own hands.

Then fill the fish with a salt solution, where its content should be at least 6%. The process can take several days, a maximum of a week. Then the blanks are soaked. There should be no salt coating on the surface of the fish. The product is immersed in clean water or brine solution for several hours. Then the fish is strung on metal rods or wire. The distance between the carcasses must be at least 6 cm. All specimens must be directed in one direction with their bellies. The curing process in natural conditions is very long and guarantee good result almost impossible after the end. For mass industrial drying, special equipment is used.

Technology and equipment

The most common equipment for drying and drying fish is the Izhitsa SV chamber. It is equipped with a fan that guarantees a constant air supply. Teng is necessary to maintain a certain temperature inside the chamber. All these devices are controlled by automation, which itself controls the environment inside it. If necessary, it can turn off or turn on heating or blowing. The whole process in the chamber takes place in a day, when under natural conditions it could take several weeks.

There are other equipment, but any one is based not only on the task of preparing a tasty product, but also on preparing it quickly. One of the main devices in the chamber is the fan. It must provide an air flow rate of at least 40 m / s. Turbines and fan casings are usually made of stainless steel. During drying, a large amount of moisture is released into the air. In the chamber, the humidity is regulated by selecting several modes:

  • with open shutters;
  • with closed dampers (moisture condensation by the evaporator);
  • the use of heating elements, a refrigeration unit, a different arrangement of dampers.
  • The evaporator is made of a silver-plated pipe and has a diameter of 20 mm. Refrigeration equipment makes it possible to use the camera in all weather conditions.

    For drying in industrial production, fish varieties such as roach, weighty bream, ram, shemay, sweet asp, barbel, red mullet, sprat are suitable. It is they who have best qualities taste. In the process of drying, complex biochemical reactions occur inside the pulp, as a result, not only complete dehydration occurs, but also a kind of maturation of the fish.

    The necessary conditions

    For sufficient maturation of fish, the following conditions are required:

    • sufficiently bright lighting;
    • Fresh air;
    • constant warmth.

    The optimal time to start drying is the spring period, when the average temperature is not yet so high, and the air is replete with oxygen and useful ozone.

    Drying technique

    To begin with, the fish is laid out in equal sizes, washed from river mucus, well salted. Salting is carried out in the following way: the bottom of the container is filled with brine (a strong solution of ordinary table salt).

    The total volume of brine should not exceed 20-30% of the specific gravity of fresh fish. The selected fish is placed in fairly dense layers in a prepared barrel with a solution. We must not forget to sprinkle each laid layer of fresh fish with salt, the lower layers need to be added less, the upper ones more. Moreover, the uppermost outer layer of the fish must be intensively sprinkled with salt 1-1.5 cm thick.

    It is important that all selected fish is salted evenly, it is gently mixed a few minutes after laying. The duration of the salting of large fish is from 3 to 6 days immediately from the moment of laying. And small fish are salted faster - in 2-3 days in total.

    At the end of the salting, the fish must be washed from the remnants of the brine under fresh water. After these steps, you can directly dry the fish.

    Important rules for drying fish

    • first you need to prepare the fish: gut large specimens and remove unnecessary gills, small fish are dried whole. big fish carefully divided into layers along the ridge, strung on strong sticks;
    • on a thick needle with a strong twine, fish are strung with their backs in one direction through the eye sockets. One such rope piece holds up to 8 medium specimens;
    • then the finished fish bundles are washed a second time with running cold water, hung out under a prepared canopy, which reliably protects from rain and the scorching sun;
    • the main task is to get rid of annoying flies. You can get rid of these enemies in two ways: moisten the sides of the fish with vinegar and rub them well with sunflower oil, or wrap each fish. It is advisable to perform both proposed methods in order to ensure that the fish are protected from insect invasion;
    • it is advisable to hang uneviscerated fish by piercing the tail. All the internal contents of the fish stomach will slowly flow out through the open mouth, and the dried meat will not have a bitter taste of bile;
    • the average duration of the drying process depends on the initial size of the fish itself - it can reach up to 15 days;
    • the degree of readiness of drying fish technology provides for visual determination: well-dried in a blown place acquires noticeable elasticity, if it is bent from head to tail, it should quickly return to its original shape. If there are white salt crystals on the outside, there is still no elasticity, which means that you still need to wait for the product to be completely ready. A faint aroma of iodine appears, this is due to fat that has undergone oxidation.

    Even a faint smell of rot is not welcome here, such an instance should be disposed of immediately - it is absolutely unsuitable. Gourmets who prefer to feast on dried fish with a “light odor” should not forget what detrimental results can be from the consumption of spoiled fish;

    • You can check whether the fish is well dried or not by removing the skin. If after the skin immediately comes a layer of fat, the meat is not dry, but only slightly harsh.
    Drying fish technology at home?

    The procedure for preparing fragrant dried fish is very simple. Required ingredients: fresh fish (pike, burbot, roach, sweet pike perch are suitable), salt, fresh water or pasteurized milk, kvass or draft beer for further soaking.

    Cooking order:
    • gutted fish carcasses are wiped with vinegar and salt, then they are carefully placed in a prepared container, and sprinkled with salt thoroughly. This composition is set aside for 3 days for complete salting in a cool unlit place.
    • the finished salted fish is taken out and thoroughly soaked for 12 hours in water, warm milk, draft beer or aromatic bread kvass. Here it is a matter of choice for everyone, everything depends entirely on taste preferences;
    • you can start drying in the usual home conditions, we also string the fish on a piece of twine and hang it in the place where it is provided reliable protection from strong gusty winds and sun. Do not forget to protect our catch from annoying flies by treating everything with vinegar and ordinary vegetable oil.

    So that, as a result, the drying of fish technology is respected and the product is prepared with high quality, you need to follow simple recommendations.

  • Fatty varieties of dried fish are the most delicious.
  • Do not rush to process fresh fish. To begin with, it must be set aside in a dark place along with plucked nettles for a couple of hours.
  • The initial quality of dried products depends on the moisture content. A suitable level for successful curing should not exceed the moisture threshold of 85%, provided there is sufficient shade.
    • Dried fish effectively destroys cancer cells due to the sufficient content of Omega-3.
    • This delicious fish product will help you quickly cope with frequent depression during gestation, prevent Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia.
    • The probable risk of death from a previous heart attack is reduced by 40% in those who consumed fragrant dried fish at least once a week.
    • The risk of strokes, various kinds of heart diseases is also markedly reduced.
    • Aromatic dried fish prevents the appearance of wrinkles due to the sufficient content of essential nutrients, healthy fats and vitamins, which are perfectly absorbed by the human body.
    • Fish prepared in this way can cause significant harm only if it is in dirty, unsuitable water bodies or if the drying technology is violated.
    • If the basic storage and delivery standards are violated, there is also a risk of getting a damaged product. Subject to the main stages of drying technology, there are guarantees to get a harmless product prepared by oneself.
    • Regular consumption of dried fish allows not only to significantly diversify your diet, but also effectively prevent the development of many dangerous ailments.
    • It should be borne in mind that fragrant dried fish is a product that is rather difficult to store. In a room with a high humidity index, it deteriorates faster. Therefore, ready-made fish can be placed in a good fabric bag and carefully hung in a dry place.

    Basic information.

    There are many arguments in favor of opening a fish curing shop is a good investment. Below we list the main ones:

    1) Demand for these products remains high even in the most difficult times;
    2) The production of dried fish does not require either ultra-modern equipment or any special knowledge and skills;
    3) The profitability of such firms is quite high. On average, it ranges from 20 to 40%.
    And others. In a word, this business is profitable. The question remains - what needs to be done to build it, and "how much will it cost" for a novice entrepreneur?


    The laws of the Russian Federation state that the production buildings of all enterprises engaged in the field of food processing must:

    1) Located at a distance of 300 meters or more from residential buildings and industrial facilities;
    2) Have a floor area of ​​100 square meters or more;
    3) Be equipped with heating, sewerage and ventilation systems, air conditioners, bactericidal lamps and a container washing machine.

    Also, in the premises of the workshop for drying fish, there should be a bathroom, changing rooms for staff and plumbing, providing access to hot and cold water. cold water. As you can see, the requirements are severe. We recommend that you, if possible, rent a room that previously housed a food processing plant. If there is none, you need to hire a repair team and equip the room you like with your own hands.

    On average, the cost of renting a small (100-120 square meters) industrial premises ranges from 20,000 to 50,000 thousand rubles per month. In this case, the price varies depending on:
    1) The region in which the facility is located;
    2) Condition of the premises;
    3) The greed of the landlord.

    Important - if you find a room that suits you, conclude a long-term contract with its owner. Otherwise, the owner of the building can increase the cost of rent immediately after your business starts to make a good profit.


    To open a fish drying shop, you need to purchase:
    1) Refrigerators. You can also use some models of refrigerators;
    2) Several large tanks for defrosting, salting and cleaning fish;
    3) Table (preferably several) for cutting raw materials;
    4) Knives, boards and other small tools;
    5) Smoking and sluggish drying chambers;
    6) Slicer for smooth cutting of finished products;
    7) Scales;
    8) Packaging equipment;
    9) Devices for cleaning fish from bones, skin, etc.;
    10) Gloves, aprons and other personal safety equipment for personnel.

    Important - not all of the above need to be bought immediately. For example - at first, fish can be cleaned manually.

    Raw material.

    The following types of fish are used for drying:
    1) Ram;
    2) Sinets;
    3) Shemaya;
    4) Fisherman;
    5) Bream;
    6) Pike perch;
    7) Chekhon.
    And other fat and bold inhabitants of the water spaces. Fresh or frozen fish should only be purchased from reliable suppliers. At the same time, each batch of raw materials must be checked by a technologist who is on the staff of the workshop or hired on the side.


    First of all, you need to hire at least two specialists with experience in this area of ​​the food industry. You also need to hire a good cleaner who can keep the building perfectly clean (otherwise your company may be closed as a result of a SES raid). As the business expands, you will need to consider hiring additional workers, an accountant, a lawyer, and a technologist.

    legal aspect.

    In order to open a fish drying workshop, you must obtain permission from the following authorities:

    1) Fire service;
    2) Rostechnadzor;
    3) Rosprirodnadzor;
    4) Veterinary service.

    Technical aspect.

    Fish processing is an extremely complex and multifaceted process. Detailed information about it can be found on the Internet, specialized books, etc. We will only clarify that it takes from 2 days to 3 weeks to create a batch of finished products (depending on the drying technology, the equipment used and the type of fish).

    Entrepreneurs who own fish drying workshops have the opportunity to earn additional funds making fish meal and minced meat. All that is needed for their production is a crushing device and waste (bones, heads, skin, etc.).

    The business we describe practically does not need marketing. The main proceeds go to its owner from the wholesale sale of goods to just a few people.

    Development prospects.

    There are two ways to modernize this business:

    1) Intensive - the purchase of new equipment to reduce costs. Improving the quality of products (leading to its rise in price), increasing the range of goods;
    2) Extensive - an increase in production volumes, the opening of new workshops and the expansion of old ones.


    1) Equipment - from 400 thousand rubles;
    2) Rent - from 20 to 50 thousand rubles;
    3) Purchase of raw materials - from 50 to 200 thousand rubles;
    4) Staff salaries - from 30 thousand rubles;
    5) Taxes and contingencies - depending on the specific situation.


    Typically, the price of products manufactured by the workshop is formed according to the following principle: the cost of goods + 30-50% markup. The profit of a small enterprise specializing in drying fish is at least 60 thousand rubles. But only if:

    1) It was possible to sell at least 90% of manufactured products;
    2) The entrepreneur did not have any problems with the state. services;
    3) The process of production of dried fish and its storage complies with all industry standards.

    On average, a good fish drying workshop pays for itself within 4-8 months.

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    Back Next -Production of water treatment systems as a business

    This is the 3rd generation of drying chambers that we manufacture. Most efficient due to large air flow, powerful dehumidification and application of the heat pump principle (using a temperature gradient). The installation is universal both for use for fish fillets and for mounted whole fish. What makes it universal for any fish products, including: caviar, seafood and straws.

    Name of equipment and components

    Drying unit UVR 3 (2x5 = 10 Euroram) 3.5x5.3 meters in size up to 2 tons of fresh raw materials (whole vertical fish, for example, bream, blue bream, roach). Execution STANDARD:
    ● The unit block (heating and air injection equipment) is made of galvanized steel, reversible.
    ● Air dehumidification unit (2 evaporators inside the chamber) with a total capacity of 15 kW.
    ● Automatic control panel based on MP-200
    ● Automatic humidity control system
    ● Power control cabinet. German-made automation and electrics.
    ● Measuring sensors. 1 of the sensors shows the temperature of the fish during drying.
    ● 2 Refrigeration units with a total capacity of 15 kW of cold.
    ● Ceiling for horizontal flow
    ● KNOW HOW. Height alignment system. Provides uniform wilting over the entire height of the trolley.
    . OPTION. More ergonomic, comfortable and informative. Allows you to display and store all data on the process on a personal computer. And see online everything that happens: temperature, humidity, drying mode, etc.
    Version of the drying chamber in the PREMIUM package.
    Same as STANDARD + extra:
    • Freon recovery unit for 18 kW of heat (2nd condenser operating according to our program). Allows you to work without heating elements in the main drying mode. Saving up to 90% of electricity.
    • Automatic control panel MP-1000 with the output of the drying parameters to a personal computer.
    • Automatic water supply to the psychrometer tank.
    • Execution of an electric case stainless steel.
    Drying chamber 3rd generation

    The 3rd generation of drying chambers of our production. The most efficient due to the large air flow and powerful dehumidification. The installation is universal both for horizontally located fish fillets or straws, and for mounted whole fish. What makes it universal for any fish products, including: caviar, seafood and straws.
    Drying chambers UVR 3 equipped with logical control, using high-speed flow air movement, thermal technology, allow you to dry meat or fish and other food products in an optimal and highly economical mode with air dehumidification. Drying is carried out due to 3 factors: air movement, air drying and active evaporation of moisture due to temperature difference (heating). These 3 methods allow you to dry fish quickly, evenly and efficiently.

    Drying chambers UVR 3 provide a fast and uniform process. The drying process is carried out using a compact block of units that provides uniform movement of air flows prepared by thermal equipment with simultaneous air dehumidification. The UVR 3 chambers are designed in such a way that the block of aggregates and the adjustable overlap form a wind tunnel for uniform air supply to the fish.
    The logical control system constantly monitors the temperature in the body of the product (fish or meat) and the temperature in the chamber. This allows fast drying with low heat consumption. Depending on the product, size, weight, fat content, fish species) and the dimensions of the chamber, the drying time ranges from 18 hours (for example, pollock fillets) to 66 hours (medium-sized roach). In Vladivostok, using the technology of hot drying, we got red fish sticks ready in 12 hours.

    In accordance with the requirements of the HACCP food safety system, the chamber is equipped with a process monitoring system with data archiving.

    Drying time depends on:
    — type of raw materials (fish, beef, pork, etc.);
    - the size of raw materials: fish, fillets, straws;
    — chamber loading density;
    — given process parameters;
    - as well as the quality of raw materials.

    Individual solution - the possibility of using existing premises.
    UVR 3 chambers can also be supplied in components, while the block of aggregates with overlapping and the control system are supplied without the actual chamber. Thus, the available space can be used. Equipment installation and commissioning are simple and fast.

    Operating principle

    - drying of raw materials by circulating air mass in a closed system with maintaining its temperature and humidity according to a given program. The technological process is controlled by the control controller.

    This method makes it possible to obtain a given temperature of the raw material with a fairly high accuracy through the use of sensors introduced into the product. And most importantly, DO NOT let the fish overheat and, accordingly, the leakage of fat. The automation system will automatically turn on the cooling of products when the maximum temperature is reached. The logical control system constantly monitors the surface temperature of the product, as a result of which the surface temperature never exceeds the permissible value. In order to avoid overheating or overdrying of the product surface, the thermal effect is carried out cyclically. When the thermal action stops, the surface layers, having given off heat to the inner layers, cool down, and the temperature in the product evens out. As a result, the finished raw material has an optimal and uniform temperature.

    The MP-200 intelligent control system (STANDARD package), developed by the specialists of the STROYAGROKOMPLEKT company, will allow you not only to reliably and accurately control the drying process of any product, but also provide you with real-time information about the processes taking place in the drying chamber.

    TECHNICAL DATA models up to 2 tons of loading

    Appearance of the UVR 4 unit
    An example based on a 2x4 row dryer and dimensions of 4.2x3.5 meters

    • Condenser (PREMIUM version) hot freon utilization system. Power 18 kW heat.
    • Evaporator (drier) with a moisture removal system for the drying chamber.
    • Circulation reversible fan with heating element system.
    • Reversible fan for mixing cold and hot air.
    • Electrical panel with built-in automatic control panel. It is placed at the request of the Customer in a place convenient for him.

    Automatic control panel MP-1000 (optional or available in PREMIUM version).

    The UVR control system, the MP-1000 computer panel, is a constant and complete control of the process parameters with information displayed on the display.

    • 40 programs with 30 technological steps each;
    • temperature control inside the chamber and in the product;
    • humidity control and management;
    • troubleshooting with output to the control panel with service information; the possibility of individual programming;
    • Ease of work with the control panel when programming the technological process and does not require special skills.
    • Possibility of programming from a personal computer.

    To buy equipment for drying fish, go to the section