Drying fish technology. Dried and dried seafood professionally! The principle of operation of vacuum drying chambers for fish

…intended for:

  • Efficient drying of fish before smoking in the Izhitsa 1200/1200M/1200M2/1200M3 installation, as well as Izhitsa-GK.
  • For drying large and small fish.
  • Creating a modular design for industrial drying fish in large quantities.
  • Dried meat and fish snacks.

Izhitsa-SV is a cabinet made of galvanized metal, in which a crate with products hung on it is placed. Due to the action of the fan and heating element, the product quickly loses moisture and acquires the necessary properties of a dried or dried product.

To create a high-quality dried product, Izhitsa-SV is equipped with a timer that allows you to set stepwise drying: 30 min. fan on, 30 min. - does not work. During this time, the moisture in the product is redistributed, no crust appears on the surface, which would prevent the further uniform drying process. The product is evenly dried and of excellent quality.

The unit is equipped with a reliable axial fan with a power of 0.5 kW, which creates a dense air flow.

To dry the air flow, a heating element with a power of 1.5 kW is used. The installation has the ability to turn off the heating element, or turn on the heating element at half power - 0.75 kW.

The control unit is equipped with a timer that allows you to automatically turn off the fan when the set time for drying or drying the fish has passed.

For hanging fish, standard cages and skewers are used for Izhitsa-1200 and Izhitsa-GK installations for large and small fish. The crate and skewers are not included in the delivery set of the drying chamber.

Installation performance:
  • Drying: 1 crate in 30 - 70 minutes (depending on the type of fish).
  • Drying: 1 crate for 48 - 74 hours (20 - 55 kg dried fish).

Main characteristics:

  • Single load: 50 - 80 kg (depending on the size of the fish).
  • Overall dimensions: 820 x 1000 x 1700 mm.
  • Power consumption: 1.2 - 1.5 kW / h.
  • Power supply: 1 phase, 220V, 50Hz.
  • Weight: 60 kg.

Requirements for the room for drying and drying fish:

  • Temperature: not lower than 17 0 С.
  • 2.5 square meters for one drying chamber.
  • When placing 3 or more drying chambers in a room, it is advisable to install an air dryer.

Contents of delivery:

  • Drying cabinet with fan.
  • Control block.


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The principle of operation of the dryer for drying fish is very simple. Indoors, optimal conditions for the return of moisture to fish are established:

  • The air circulation is sufficient to "skim" the water from the fish;
  • The relative humidity level is kept low so that the product "gives away" water more actively;
  • The temperature is kept within the optimal range for drying fish in the dryer.

Only under these conditions, the output product will turn out not only of high quality, but also very tasty.

The traditional industrial technology of fish drying involves the equipment of a fish drying chamber connected to the street. Preparing outdoor air for drying any product is an energy-consuming process, and dumping warm and humid air into the street is generally an unacceptable waste. Why not use a closed chamber dryer? And how to correct the consequences of such a costly - traditional fish drying technology? The Holod-Teplo company, having studied this issue far and wide, guarantees that our equipment will improve your camera for drying fish.

Drying fish in a dryer in an industrial way

How does it affect the drying of fish in a dryer by its interface with the street? As already mentioned, in order for the output product to be of high quality, a low level of humidity and the correct temperature inside the room should be observed. Bringing the wet hot steam, which is formed as a result of evaporation of moisture from the surface of the fish, outward, it has to be replaced with outdoor air, which enters the chamber for drying the fish.

To compensate for the temperature difference, two blocks are often used. One of them heats the incoming air in winter, and the other cools hot air masses in summer. This significantly increases the cost of electricity and product production in the fish dryer as a whole, and it does not completely solve the problem of the influx of moist air when it is raining outside. The final product becomes more expensive and its competitiveness in the market decreases.

How does the Cold-Heat equipment work?

Our equipment is installed outside and connected to the fish drying chamber through conventional air ducts. The air inside the drying chamber is in no way connected with the street, and the level of humidity and temperature is maintained by the unit and is constantly at the level required by the technologist.

Our fish drying technology involves the use of potential energy (energy of the water-moist steam phase transition) contained inside the warm wet steam generated as a result of the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the product, inside the dryer for drying fish. The Cold-Heat unit condenses the moist steam coming through the duct, releasing energy. Water flows into the pan, and the resulting kilowatts are converted inside the device and used to dry the fish.

The process itself and the conditions inside the fish curing chamber are controlled by the operator panel. All functions are understandable on an intuitive level, no special skills are required other than direct knowledge of the fish drying technology. By setting the desired parameters, the specialist controls the environment inside. There is no need to measure humidity and temperature manually, all indicators on the control panel of fish drying equipment are always in front of your eyes.

Cold-Heat equipment helps to reduce the cost of drying fish in a dryer!

Our company, in cooperation with leading technologists, constantly monitors the data obtained during the testing of our optimized fish harvesting equipment. Innovations in the field of fish drying technology from the company "Holod-Teplo" have the following advantages:

  • The time for processing the product in the dryer for drying fish does not depend on the weather conditions outside. Only 40 hours is enough to process 1 ton of fish. The fish curing chamber is easy and quick to set up, working with little or no outside interference.
  • The quality of the fish remains high level, thanks to the constant maintenance of optimal conditions inside the fish drying chamber.
  • Energy costs are kept at the level of 0.4-0.65 kW / 1 kg of fish. For equipment for drying fish, this is a very low figure.
  • "Cold-Heat" creates such conditions inside the chamber for drying fish, which do not allow fats inside the product to oxidize. This greatly improves the quality of the fish and makes it tastier.
  • Thanks to the use of energy released as a result of wet steam condensation, the Cold-Heat fish drying device saves up to 200 kW on processing each ton of product.
  • Using our equipment, the manufacturer can eliminate the salting of fish. This will increase the chances that the fish will be to the taste of the consumer and at the same time will be preserved for a long time. He will remember it and will definitely buy more than once.

Cooperation with our company guarantees the manufacturer of dried fish a reduction in industrial production costs, an improvement in the taste of the final product and, as a result, a leading position in the market. Any process can be improved and optimized. The technology of drying fish is no exception. Use correct methods and modern equipment, follow the technical regulations and get a competitive product of the highest quality at the output!

Curing and drying seafood has become so popular that end consumers can choose from a variety of fish treats that are highly gastronomic and appealing. appearance. And you need to offer them something that is really tasty, safe and aesthetically pleasing in appearance. And we will help you with this!

Choose our reliable and professional fish curing and drying equipment to make your production profitable and successful. The site catalog contains more than 30 models of infrared fish dryers. After reviewing their characteristics, having studied the information in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section, you can buy the best one.

Which dryer should you choose?

We offer you three options for drying and drying fish products: chamber, cabinet, tunnel. Each of them works intermittently or constantly. And here the main thing is not to make a mistake in the choice. Since it is better for small businesses to order equipment with lower power consumption, smaller camera volume.

For large enterprises, we recommend choosing tunnel-type installations. Their main advantage is high performance. High-power models of equipment allow drying up to 1 ton of products per day. For example, in it you can dry fish of any size on special carts or by hanging products vertically.

True, for its use, the room must be spacious and with high ceilings (over 3 m). The ambient temperature should be in the range of 10-30 ° C, and the air humidity should be low. Otherwise, there are no special requirements for the premises in which the operation of tunnel fish dryers is planned.

What to look for when buying?

When choosing a drying chamber for fish, consider the following parameters:

Type of fuel. We produce equipment that freely runs on any type of fuel. Therefore, you can choose the one that will allow you to organize cost-effective production. For example, oil products or wood waste (pellets), natural gas or electricity.

Installation size. If the room allows, you can choose a large-sized dryer. This will increase the productivity of the business up to 200-1000 kg per day, which means increasing the turnover and profitability of the business.

Internal volume of the chamber. The external parameters of the fish dryer are important, but it is also worth considering the internal volume of the working chamber. The larger it is, the more fish will fit in it. Moreover, it will be possible to dry it whole or in the form of steaks.

Equipment power. The more powerful the drying for drying seafood, the faster the whole production process will be. Especially if the fish is big. It is beneficial for you if the enterprise has a high turnover or it is planned to increase the volume of output.

It is better, of course, to entrust the selection of a drying chamber for fish to our specialists. Taking into account the specifics of your production and the scale of work, they will recommend best model dryers or individually for you will develop an installation with a new complete set. Contact us!

Dried fish is a simple process. It can be mastered even by a beginner. To put this business on stream and sell fish products, you will need quite a bit. Consider what equipment you need to purchase for drying fish, what is the technology and what kind of room you need to choose to make the products tasty and of high quality.

The drying process itself is a gradual dehydration of the product. The fish is pre-soaked in saline. When the fish loses water, the meat ripens. It does not require cooking and is ready to eat.

Many people confuse the processes of drying and drying products. They differ in the very nature of the process of maturation of meat. Under the influence of temperatures not exceeding 40 degrees, fat, protein and meat in the product changes due to its own enzymes. The fish is completely ready to eat.

Preparatory work

You can dry-dry absolutely any fish, but the most delicious varieties are bold and fatty. They lose a smaller percentage of the mass. Proteins and fats should have a ratio of 0.8. Before drying, the fish is sorted, the film is removed, and cut. This stage is very responsible, since the quality of the final product depends on it. Fish can be gutted or not, with or without a head. Individual parts of the fish are dried, for example, the backs or half-layer of the carcass. Small varieties of fish do not need cutting: vobla, rudd, roach, horse mackerel, crucian carp and others. Larger varieties need to be cut with your own hands.

Then fill the fish with a salt solution, where its content should be at least 6%. The process can take several days, a maximum of a week. Then the blanks are soaked. There should be no salt coating on the surface of the fish. The product is immersed in clean water or brine solution for several hours. Then the fish is strung on metal rods or wire. The distance between the carcasses must be at least 6 cm. All specimens must be directed in one direction with their bellies. The curing process in natural conditions is very long and guarantee good result almost impossible after the end. For mass industrial drying, special equipment is used.

Technology and equipment

The most common equipment for drying and drying fish is the Izhitsa SV chamber. It is equipped with a fan that guarantees a constant air supply. Teng is necessary to maintain a certain temperature inside the chamber. All these devices are controlled by automation, which itself controls the environment inside it. If necessary, it can turn off or turn on heating or blowing. The whole process in the chamber takes place in a day, when under natural conditions it could take several weeks.

There are other equipment, but any one is based not only on the task of preparing a tasty product, but also on preparing it quickly. One of the main devices in the chamber is the fan. It must provide an air flow rate of at least 40 m / s. Turbines and fan housings are usually made of stainless steel. During drying, a large amount of moisture is released into the air. In the chamber, the humidity is regulated by selecting several modes:

  1. with open shutters;
  2. with closed dampers (moisture condensation by the evaporator);
  3. the use of heating elements, a refrigeration unit, a different arrangement of dampers.

The evaporator is made of a silver-plated pipe and has a diameter of 20 mm. Refrigeration equipment makes it possible to use the camera in all weather conditions.

Today I decided to tell you about one of my last year's purchases. The little thing is very specific, but very useful.
So. Vertical three-tier dryer for fish. (suitable for drying not only fish, but also other products)
In the review I will tell you about the dryer itself, as well as about my recipe for drying fish. Beware, there is content 18+
What is this dryer for in the first place? And it is needed for, as the name implies, for drying and harvesting dried fish. The dryer has three undeniable advantages that make it very useful.
The first plus: the dryer allows you to save space well. She is ergonomic. Allows you to dry a relatively large amount of fish in a relatively small amount of space.
The second plus: with its dimensions, when folded, the dryer takes up very little space.
The third plus: the mesh design completely excludes the access of various flies and other scavengers to dried fish. No need to fence boxes, hang gauze or look for places where the fish will dry, and the flies will not climb into it.

Additional Information

Perhaps these dryers in your city are cheaper. Ask at local fishing stores. For example, such dryers are sold for a price comparable to the monitored price, but with dimensions of 25x25cm.

I used to dry fish the old-fashioned way. On a stretched wire and wrapped in gauze. Like this:

The disadvantage of this method is that the flies climb to the still raw fish and lay larvae. Even gauze does not always save if the fish is poorly wrapped. Therefore, when I came across the option to buy a folding dryer, I bought it without hesitation:

Now the price is unfortunately higher than last year. But you can look in other stores or wait for sales.
The dryer comes from the store in a package:

Quite compact when folded

Dryer dimensions 35x35cm:

When unfolded, the height of the dryer is about 57cm (plus the length of the ropes):

This is how the dryer looks like in working condition:

The material of the dryer is some kind of fine synthetic mesh. Quite thick and strong. Stainless steel frame. The castle is also synthetic. There are two sliders:

Opens easily:

In the open state, there is access to three shelves on which you can lay out fish for drying.

After it closes, and not a single fly or other muck will get close to the fish.
Well, now I will show exactly how I cook and dry the fish. To be consistent. I'll start from the very beginning and point by point:
Point one:
Early in the morning, we go fishing. Preferably away from the city, to places where there are few fishermen, and the fish are not knocked out by Chinese nets. We have a good time fishing. We catch fish. We are resting. We sunbathe. We burn.

On the day of fishing, the weather was changeable. It's hot, it's raining. But in the end, about 3 kg of large roach were caught:

Point two:
I bring the roach home. I'm cleaning. Gutted. I cut off the heads and cut along the spine into two halves:

I put the cut fish in a prepared container.

I fall asleep with salt, sugar and red pepper. The recipe is simple:
for 500 grams of fish I use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt without a slide, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 0.2 teaspoons of bitter red pepper.

I mix thoroughly. I close the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for two days for salting:

And I myself go to cover my neck, face and hands with cream. Because everything that was open burned down:

Point three:
After two days, I take the fish out of the refrigerator. I lay out the fish in three layers on the dryer already suspended on the street and close it:

As you can see, the fish is open on all sides for fresh air, so the drying process takes place without any problems, stagnation, etc.
Point four:
It's been 3 days since the fish was put outside on the dryer. It's time to harvest. More precisely, it's time to pull the fish. She's ready:

The dryer worked just fine. The fish dried evenly on all sides. No flies got to the fish. The fish looks very appetizing.

Point five. Most Responsible:
We go to the store. We buy beer. And we start eating fish:

In my case, one and a half liters of dark unfiltered Bruge Dark organically fit into a calm Saturday evening with my family. (Please do not forget that excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages can adversely affect your health. But drinking in moderation and not very often is quite allowed):

While talking quietly, almost all the fish was eaten by me, my wife and three children. So I'm going fishing again this weekend.
You may have forgotten, but this was a review of a fish dryer. The product is definitely needed and useful. It helps a lot for those who like to do homemade dried fish. Never regretted that he bought. It looks like a simple design, but worth the money. And I can definitely recommend to buy.
That's all. I wish you all a good weekend and a good summer. I plan to buy +70 Add to favorites Liked the review +109 +200