Versta - what is it? A verst is how many in kilometers? Set expressions with the word "verst".

About a human.

" Stop. Stop!" whispered a voice...
But it did not hear him - an animal. Horse.
At a frantic gallop she was carried away ... And the voice was carried away behind her ...
Every sound melted in a ringing clatter. Until you completely merge with it.
STOMP made the rider Mute.
The fleeting contact of the hooves with the ground left deep horse tracks. Dust was rising.

Going nowhere.
Like a tornado carries an animal away...
An animal, like a tornado, is not controlled by a person.
In a cloud of dust, horse and man are invisible.
The world is invisible through the eyes of a rider through a cloud of dust.
SPEED makes the rider BLIND.

An unruly animal instills fear in the rider.
An unpredictable rider in the grip of human fear.
The animal feels the fear of man.
An unpredictable rider scares the horse.
The animal continues its furious gallop.
The infinity of the race exhausts the rider.
FEAR makes the rider UNHAPPY.

About the horse.

Running a horse is like flying.
Birds move in flight.
Every horse has a bird.
The bird spirit takes possession of the body of the animal.
The spiritual body of the horse aspires to the sky.
Heavenly heights of birds flight is not felt, we do not hear.
The flight of a horse is heavy on the earth.
The sound of a horse's flight is a clatter.
The sonorous clatter is feared by the creatures of the earth.
Fear drives them away from the horse.
STOMPING makes a horse LONELY.
Endless jump - death.
Deadly is the eternity of existing matter.
The material legs of the animal carry it away in a gallop.
A jump is always accompanied by speed.
The animal tries to overtake its fear with speed.
The inevitability of fear does not understand the horse.
The speed jump is endless.
Infinite speed destroys the animal.
SPEED makes the horse HOPELESS,

The horse has a human look.
The look is carried out by the person with the eyes.
The eyes of the human mind.
Fear dominates the human mind.
Fear looks through human eyes.
The eyes become frighteningly scary.
Insane frightening is called the look of a person's eyes.
The horse has a crazy look in fear.
FEAR makes a horse CRAZY.

Road dust.
Fluttering animal mane.
Man on horseback.
Rising road dust.
Human. Horse.
Distrust of man to animal.
Horse distrust of this man.
Misunderstanding of man and animal.

Where is the animal going? going nowhere…. Why can't I stop the horse? Fear… I don’t see the way…. Everything is like in a dream. Where will the road lead? DREAM. SLEEP. I'll wake up soon. Maybe true? WON'T wake up? Then the result is frightening. What if you're not afraid? Find the cause of the fear. This animal is uncontrollable... Am I afraid of this? YES? Nnn... I don't know, though. Don't know! Everything is scary. I stay in the saddle. What if you fall? - GOD! Road? Turn? I won't see! Everything is dust. Fatigue. NO place for her in me now!! Not now. AWAY! God… PRAY! PRAY! “Father!……….. Forgive me, I have no control over the thought… the words are carried away.” Damn dust! She is God ... I am the wind, like the wind! From nowhere to nowhere ... And life is always like that! What am I talking about? It's me? Kind of weird. No feelings. Empty. “Hold on tight!” he said. RAVE! Does life have meaning at all? I will die. Outcome? Stok said the name of the horse. Do animals understand? - try:
" Stop! Stop!" whispered a voice...
And it didn't hear him. Animal. Horse.
At a frantic gallop she was carried away ... And the voice was carried away behind her.
Like a bell, the clatter was hers, piercing the earthly chest with a sharpened blade of noise, and every sound melted in it, merging into one.
And the fact that the rider of the rivers will not be heard - he is dumb in the ringing stomp.
The horse pushed off the ground with its touches, tormenting it with a deep track.
Smoke curled in clouds of dust. THE WIND ROARED.

They are running ANYWHERE. And the tornado in the animal's body carries it away. And the man does not know how to rule them. No horse is visible, no rider on horseback. A fog of dust is hidden from the eyes of his crazy world. And he was blind at high speed. AND THE WIND ROARED EVERYTHING.

The rider is frightened by an uncontrollable animal. And then he is not subject to himself in fear. And the animal of fear feels the power in it. And he is afraid of him, away, hurrying away faster. And the endless race, like a disease, is fatal for the rider. This is how fear kills him. And he is unhappy in fear. THE WIND ROARS.

The horse gallops and flies as if. It flies like a flock of birds. And she keeps the bird of the flock in herself. And her spirit is hidden in his soul. And it bursts into the sky. And the flock is looking for a stray chick. And the horse with him in his chest does not find the road to heaven.

A flock floats in flight, swimming in the blue of the air waters, ghostly touching them. Invisible heights remain the flapping of the wings of birds. And the horse hurts the earth by flying. And the flight of a horse is heard with a clatter. And living creatures are afraid of its sound and, hiding, avoid it. Lonely horse, doomed to loneliness. THE WIND ROARS EVERYTHING.

The end of the endless ride is death. Matter is mortal, perishable, subordinate to it. And the legs of the horse, carrying him into the distance, are material. Speed ​​and gallop race side by side, and the horse between them. And in speed the horse is looking for salvation from fear. And fear does not leave the mind of the animal. He is inevitable, reigning in his mind. And again, and again, between speed and gallop, he drives the horse. And the three of them endlessly rush. The animal is weakening. And in speed it is hopeless. THE WIND ROARS EVERYTHING.

With a human eye, a horse looks at a person who has looked into her eyes. With human eyes, the mind, subject to fear, looks. And the fear of a man that has power over him, we see in his eyes. Terrible is the fear visible in the eyes, making the look insane. And the horse's gaze is insane. Fear drives a horse crazy. THE WIND STILL ROARS.

The whisper of a horse.
Whisper to the rider:
Hold on! Hold on!
The whisper of a horse:
Stop! Stop!
Come to your senses! Come to your senses!
Fear will come out of your body and you will hear the voice of your heart.
Heart listen! And with the voice of the heart you will stop the animal.

What does he want? What is whispering? For what? For what? AWAY! Away! Away! Away, even further, I'll go further. No matter what's ahead! I'll overtake fear! I'm faster! He whispers again.
Where am I going? Why can't I stop? Fear... see no way. Everything is like in a dream... Where will the road lead? DREAM. SLEEP. I'll wake up soon. Maybe true? WON'T wake up? Then the result is frightening. And if not be afraid! Find the cause of the fear. A person is unpredictable ... Am I afraid of this? Yes? Nnn… I don't know, though. Don't know! Everything frightens... Legs are tired. What if you fall? - GOD! Road? Turn? - I don't see it. EVERYTHING is dust. Thirst. She has no place in me now! Not now. AWAY! God.
Pray! Pray!

“Father!…… I’m sorry, I don’t know prayers!” Damn dust! She is God ... I am the wind! Like the wind! From nowhere to nowhere! Is life like this? What am I talking about? It's me? Kind of weird. No feelings. Empty. "Hold on tight!" - someone told someone. RAVE! What is the life of a horse? I will die. Outcome? People call me stock. Does the person understand? - try:
"Stop! Stop!" whispered a voice...
And he didn't hear him. Human. Rider.
A frantic gallop drove him crazy, and his mind was fearful. They swept between the trees, almost touching their trunks, between villages and villages, not seeing, but feeling their life flying by in a warm cloud. From the lakes, the wind brought to them the freshness of crystal waters, from the swamps and meadows - the smells of the earth, mowed grasses and flowers. And the homeland smelled of all this ...
They did not smell, driven by fear into the distance. The road seemed to them endless, woven like a dusty ribbon into a bright braid in life.
They jumped over the world, not understanding each other, but continuing to try to hear the voices of their hearts.
And thoughts… A lot of thoughts fell on them the blue sky, plunging them into oblivion, awakening and again enveloping the RIDER’S SENSATIONS in their thoughts:
About horse and man:
Arrow flying along the road.
About rider and animal:
Going crazy.

Who are they? How long and how long have they been on the road! Here the rider whispers ... And the horse.
Where are the man and horse going? Nowhere... Why doesn't he stop the animal? Fear... Can't see the way... Thinks he's asleep. The road continues along the rails! It's dangerous there. Is it true! It's true, this is NOT a dream! Afraid of the outcome. Looking for the cause of fear ... Is the horse uncontrollable? - I'm afraid of it, although I'm not sure myself. Everything is scary. Dust - the turn is not visible. The man is tired. Drives away fatigue. Prayer is trying to read. I will pray for him: “Father!………”
Will they understand what I say? - try:
"Stop! Stop!” whispered a voice...
And they didn't hear him. Horse. Rider on horseback.
Carried away at a furious gallop. And the voice to catch up with them is not The railroad stretched iron stairs along the ground. Trains walked along it, saturated with an alien aroma from distant countries, and electric trains carrying tired citizens out of the city borders. They gave birth to many things in people: unfulfilled travel dreams, unquenchable thirst for peace, sometimes sinful thoughts.
The road has seen a lot: Tears, wounds, human pain, a joyful look. But she did not understand much: why youth cries, full of freshness, why children mock a homeless dog, why people throw themselves under the train, strange ...
She watched everything with her vital eye, quietly clinging to the damp earth. She escorted the trains on the right path to the expanses of foreign lands and faithfully waited for their return, forgotten by them.
The sound of a clatter was approaching. And the earth shook. The dusty road from the forest led a dark dot: a man on horseback. And they caught up with the railroad, continuing their path along it.
Rider. Pillars, pillars. Tree. Rider. Bush. Trees. Rider.
Only thoughts.
Be on time. Keep up with them. Where are they from? Catch up. Consider! Why so fast? Where Train. Near the station. Warning horn. Train towards the rider on the left. NOISE.
Movement, a jump, a clatter, sounds, a beep envelop a man on horseback in chaos. Thoughts, hundreds, thousands of thoughts fell like a blow into the mind, into the mind of a person, driving him crazy.
Equal to the train. For a moment, he freezes to the left.
Get crazy! One more minute and I'll go crazy!
To a person:
Stop! Stop me! I beg your heart!
To a person:
At this moment they whisper:
"STOP! Stop!"
"STOP! Stop!"
"STOP! Stop!”
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
The jump slows down, as in a dream. Moving slowly and smoothly...
- Who are you? Whose whisper?
- Listen with your heart.
- Human! Stop me!
Horse rider:
- Can I hear you?
- You heard me!
Horse rider:
- I'll stop! And you wait!

The train is blowing away. A cloud of dust dissipates, enveloping the rider and the horse: the world around, illuminated by the sun, shines into the eyes of a person and a horse, filling them with happiness. The noise is getting quieter...

They rushed between the trees, admiring the greenery of their crowns, between villages and villages, seeing the life boiling in them. From the lakes, the wind brought to them the freshness of crystal waters, from the swamps and meadows - the smells of the earth, mowed grasses and flowers. The motherland smelled of all this. How beautiful she was, opening up to the endless expanse rushing along the road. And thoughts... The blue sky gave them many thoughts, plunging them into happy oblivion...

How often in the texts that tell about Russian history, there are units of measurement that are now out of use. One of them is a milestone. Even for those who have an idea of ​​what was measured in versts, without knowing the specific numbers, it is not very easy to imagine whether the distance is long, how far what is being said is, and how to understand the allegorical folk expressions with this word, which have outlived it much use in the direct meaning and used now. And so I want to imagine what is at stake, to evaluate long-standing events from a position close to their participants.

Verst as a measure of length

Verst is an old Russian measure of length. Now it is not used, it was used before the introduction of the metric system of measurement, which happened in 1924 in the USSR.

The verst was used to determine distances, mainly when indicating the length of the path. That is why such a verst was called a travel mile. In modern units, such a verst is equal to five hundred sazhens.

Along with the track there was a boundary verst, which was used to measure the area of ​​land plots. The boundary verst was twice as large as the travel verst and was equal to one thousand sazhens.

Verst in relation to measures of length of the metric system

In most countries modern world adopted the metric system of measures. The most familiar and common units of measurement for long distances in it are kilometers.

It is easy to remember and imagine how many miles in one kilometer - a verst is equal to one kilometer and 66.8 meters. The boundary verst, respectively, will have twice the value - 2.1336 kilometers.

Infrequently, long distances are measured in small units, but if it becomes necessary to determine how many meters and centimeters are in a verst, this will not be difficult. It is enough to know its relation to the kilometer and divide the value by 1000 or 100000, depending on the required final result.

So how many meters in a verst? This value for a travel verst is 1066.8. In relation to the boundary unit of measurement, it will be 2133.6 meters.

When converting to centimeters, the numerical value of a verst in kilometers must be multiplied by 100000 - you get 106680 centimeters for the track and 213360 for the boundary verst.

Verst in old Russian units

The verst has changed its actual length more than once in history. It fluctuated - from 500 to 1000 fathoms. However, for a travel verst, in terms of duration and prevalence of use, the identity of five hundred sazhens prevails, and the boundary immediately established itself as equal to a thousand.

Initially, the sazhen was equal to 2 meters 16 centimeters or three arshins, each of which was equal to 72 centimeters or 16 inches. During the time of Peter I, the entire Russian system of measures was revised, and the usual units were expressed in terms of multiples of English. Then the quantitative content of the sazhen also changed - it became equal to 2 meters and 13.36 centimeters.

Solovetskaya verst

The Solovetsky Monastery, built on the islands of the same name in the White Sea, is known for many facts and is not only Russian, but also a world cultural and historical heritage protected by UNESCO.

Its name is associated with a unique measure of length, which appeared in this amazing place. The Solovetsky verst is equal to 1 kilometer and 84 meters - these numbers express the length of the walls of the monastery. In Solovetsky versts, distances were measured on the islands of the location of the monastery courtyard.

Verst and English units of measurement

For those who prefer the English system (now more used in the US than in the UK), it is more convenient to immediately convert the old verst into familiar units. The most common imperial measure now for determining the length of distances is miles.

How many versts in one mile? This value is easy to calculate. The main thing is to know the ratio of a mile and a kilometer, as well as a kilometer and a verst.

A mile is 0.6214 km. As for the verst, its value is 1.0668.

A verst will be equal to 0.6214 times 1.0668 and equals 0.6629 miles.

What else was called a verst

A verst was called not only a measure of length, but also the waymark itself, used to designate a segment of the path equal to this unit - a pillar on the side of the road.

Painted in black and white, applied in stripes, wooden poles with numbers indicating the distance marked versts, like kilometers in a later time, and to this day mark kilometer poles. The numbers written on them correspond to the distance from the original reference point - the "zero kilometer", often set at the main post office of the settlement.

Mile poles, or versts, were installed on the most important roads of national importance, often referred to as poles.

Even earlier, a verst was called the length of the furrow, which the peasant laid while plowing the field. How many kilometers in this verst - does not matter in this case, the numerical expression is not important, the main thing is that the furrow had to be even and have an extension to the entire field. That is why the word "verst" was associated with a long straight line.

Set expressions with the word "verst"

As a legacy from the past, when the word "verst" was used constantly in everyday life, the modern Russian language inherited numerous stable expressions of different semantic meanings.

The phrase "Kolomenskaya verst" is used in relation to a person very tall. The summer royal palace was once located in Kolomenskoye near Moscow. The very wide, good and level road was marked with unusually large red posts marking miles. This fact gave rise to such a playful statement.

"For seven miles of jelly to slurp" - one of the variants of the expression, denoting a long and essentially useless road. The background tells about a man who does not want to cook his own food and get money for it, but prefers to go to distant relatives to eat. The long journey took so much time and effort that what was eaten was only enough for the return trip, and the hunger returned again.

"For a mad dog - seven miles is not a detour" - the expression denotes a situation where one's own hindsight makes one expend much more effort than is really required to complete a task.

"Seven miles to heaven and everything is forest" - a playful, ironic statement about a long ornate speech or a long, difficult road.

"See / visible a mile away" - about noticing or noticeable from afar.

Relatives of the word used in modern speech

The word "verst" has many single-root forms, the use of which is widespread in modern Russian.

The word "workbench" denotes a table designed to carry out certain work with hand-made wood or metal products - previously its main part was a straight long board.

"Design" - now it is a set, bringing together the constituent parts of printed or virtual publications or documents. Previously, this term denoted the ability to evenly sew pieces of fabric.

"Peer" - equal, in modern speech is used in relation to age.

This is not the whole list of historically related words (now their composition may differ), but the above terms are used most often.

In the tradition of our ancestors, the reality of the universe is represented by three kingdoms (yards, houses): Correct, Navi And Reality. Rule is eternity the universe, the abode of the divine parent seed, in it the idea of ​​life is at rest. Nav - night universe (the kingdom of death, the other world), in it, from the idea of ​​life, the image of the universe unfolds. And Yav - day universe in which life is embodied. WITHThe words marked in italics represent fragments of folklore, the Vedas, Runes and other Books of knowledge of the Rus clans. They form the vocabulary of a metaphysical language.

When changing miles, people left the freezing ancestral home of Borea and headed from the Hyperborean Sea closer to the south. The family reached the Carpathian Mountains, mastered the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, Africa and Pacific Ocean. The epic of the genera of mankind, the chronicle tablets of Isenbek ("Vlesova Book"), the Vedas of Rus', the Runes and other sacred Books of the genera of Rus' keep the memory of universal cataclysms and the times of great migrations. They tell how the universe was reborn at the next verst, and with it all its inhabitants.

Sadko and his squad stepped onto the steep bank of the Volkhov for new life experience, they were the renewed garden of mankind at the fifth stage of the universe. Sadko continued his life path at a new milestone: " Sadko didn’t go to the blue sea anymore". In order to roam again blue sea, he needs to renew in memory the Doctrine of the world. Because Sadko still lives in your city.

The following tale told the characteristics of people in all five versts of the universe traveled.


M We say that we are smart, but the old people argue: no, we were smarter than you; and the tale says that when our grandfathers had not yet studied and the ancestors were not born, but in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived such an old man who taught his three sons to read and write and everything bookish. Well, children, - he told them, - I will die - come to my grave to read. - "Good, good, father!" - answered the children.

The older two brothers were great fellows: both tall and portly! And the smaller one, Vanyusha, is like a short, like a plucked duckling, much worse. The old father died. At that time, news came from the king that his daughter Elena the Beautiful Tsarevna ordered to build a temple for herself with twelve pillars, twelve crowns; she will sit in this temple on a high throne and will wait for the groom, a daring young man who, on a flying horse, would kiss her on the lips with one stroke. All the young people were alarmed, licking their lips, scratching themselves and thinking: who will receive such an honor? "Brothers," says Vanyusha, "my father is dead; which of us will go to the grave to read?" - "And whoever the hunt takes, let him go!" the brothers answered; Vanya went. And the elders know for themselves horses go around, curls curl, fabricate, invigorate, dear ...

Another night came. "Brothers, I read," says Vanya, "it's your turn; who will go?" - "And whoever is willing, read it, but don't interfere with our work." They themselves broke their hats, whooped, gasped, flew, rushed, went on a spree in an open field! Vanyusha was reading again; on the third night too. And the brothers rode out their horses, combed their mustaches, and are going to torture their courage today or tomorrow in front of the eyes of Elena the Beautiful. "Should I take the smaller one? - they think. - No, where with him! He will shame us and make people laugh; we will go alone." Go; and Vanyusha really wanted to look at Elena the Beautiful Princess; he wept, wept painfully, and went to his father's grave. His father heard him in the domino, went out to him, shook the earth off his forehead and said: "Do not grieve, Vanya, I will help your grief."

Immediately the old man drew himself up, straightened up, whistled and barked in a valiant voice, the whistling of a nightingale; no matter where it came from - the horse runs, the earth trembles, from the nostrils, from the ears the flames burst; fluttered and stood in front of the old man, as if rooted to the spot, and asked: "What do you order?" Vanya climbed into the horse's one ear, climbed out into the other, and became such a fine fellow that he could not speak in a fairy tale or write with a pen! He sat on a horse, put his hips on his hips and flew like your falcon, straight to the chambers of Elena the princess. He swung, jumped - he did not get two crowns; curled again, scattered, jumped - did not get one crown; still spun, still spun, as the fire slipped past her eyes, aptly aimed and kissed Elena the Beautiful right on the lips! "Who? Who? Catch! Catch!" - he was gone! He galloped to his father's grave, let his horse into the open field, and bowed himself to the ground, and asked for parental advice; the old man advised. Ivan came home as if he had never been anywhere; the brothers tell: where they were, what they saw; and he hears for the first time.

The next day again the collection; and the boyars and nobles at the princely chambers you can’t take in with your eyes! Let's go older brothers; the younger brother also went on foot, modestly, quietly, as if it were not he who kissed the princess, and sat down in a far corner. Elena Tsarevna asks the groom, Elena Tsarevna wants to show him to the whole world, wants to give half her kingdom, but the groom does not appear! They are looking for him among the boyars, among the generals, they went over everyone - no! And Vanya looks, grins, smiles and waits for the bride herself to come to him. “Then,” she says, “she fell in love with me as a young man, now love me in a simple caftan.” She got up herself, led with a clear eye, illuminated everyone, saw and recognized her fiancé, seated him with her and soon married him; and he, my God, how smart and brave he has become, and what a handsome man! .. He would sit on a flying horse, move his hat, put his hips on his hips - a king, a real king! You look closely - and you won’t think that there was once Vanyusha.

The tale says: when our grandfathers had not yet studied and the ancestors were not born, but in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived such an old man who taught his three sons to read and write and everything book". This proposal shows distinctive features man on each of the five versts of the universe.

The people of the first and second versts are mentioned here: " when our grandfathers did not study and the ancestors were not born". grandfathers And ancestors is humanity in the first and second stages of the universe. The fairy tale "Seven sons of a blizzard" presents them with overweight(etheric) bodies, they were a transitional form of humanity from the second to the third verst of the universe, and therefore they didn't study manifest experience (since Yav has not yet been born).

Three sons old man- this is the incarnated humanity of the third, fourth and fifth versts. The eldest sons ended their existence on the third and fourth versts of the universe. And the younger one, a man of the fifth verst, had just gone to Yav, and therefore, at the beginning of the journey, he did not have life experience.

father or old man- Creator of the universe. He is in the embodied stages (from the third to the fifth) taught three of his sons to read and write and everything bookish. Thus, on these versts of the universe, people owned diploma.

The plot of the plot is based on the veneration of the holy words of the priest: " come to my grave to read". In the words of the father " I will die"It is told about the change of miles (as in the fairy tales "Mamed", "Ovdilg", etc.). The father turns to sons on damp earth so that they do not forget the holy words of his Teaching about the world. Yes, only the eldest son and the middle one cannot fulfill the order of the father, since their existence ended at the third and fourth versts.

Young Ivan is a man of the current (fifth) verst, therefore it is he who fulfills his father's order: he comes to grave And is reading The Book of the Vedas for himself and his brothers. He comprehends the true truth of the words of the father about the rotation of the soul on the roads of the kingdoms of the universe. heard father the voice of a young son, out of the dominion, shook the earth off the brow of the cheese. Here " shook the earth off the brow of the cheese"means the beginning of the fifth verst of the universe.

In the fairy tale, the prototype of Ivan is Svarozhich Kolyada, who from the beginning of the fifth verst is reading people the Book of the Vedas. Who is reading Russian Vedas, he goes through life with the Teachings of the priest, with His horse - storm from God's mouth on which he and flies through the courtyards of the universe.

The father blessed the young son on his way and gave parental advice. The way back of the soul from Yavi to the wide courtyard of the Rule always passes through the Navi kingdom. Ivan climb the horse V one ear(V left- specify other options) , got out into another(from right) and became such a fine fellow that neither in a fairy tale can be said, nor with a pen describe. As a result of this experience, Ivan's soul gained immortality.

In one version of the tale, the father tells the horse to serve Ivan " How do I served". Riding on the father's cloak is the ability to control the primordial principles (wind-storm, water and fire). Father he whistled and barked in a valiant voice, a nightingale whistle; no matter where it came from - the horse runs, the earth trembles, from the nostrils, from the ears the flames burst; fluttered and stood in front of the old man, as if rooted to the spot, and asked: "What do you say?"

Sivko-burko is the original beginning - the wind-storm from God's lips father. At the beginning of each verst, Burka worries about space ocean-seas, from the nostrils and ears of a horse the flame is blazing. In the fairy tale "About Ivanushka the Fool", the father calls Sivka the Burka heroic whistling, valiant shouting, and in addition to the horse, he gives his son a magical treasure sword. In folklore and the Vedas, father's horse Storm: golden-maned, his hooves are silver, in each fur there is a pearl. Ivan performs miracles on his father's cloak. He flew on a magic horse, that your falcon, straight to the chambers of the princess.How the fire got through Ivan across the fiery river that separates the kingdoms of the universe, three times jumped He to little window queen's chambers. Here three means Ivan's path through the three kingdoms (Right, Nav and Yav) to unity with the soul-maiden.

Elena the Beautiful Ivan's soul Even at the first meeting (in Prav) maiden soul made the choice of her future flesh - daredevil Ivan, therefore, at the second meeting (already in Yavi's house), she recognizes him and in simple caftan(itself). Led a clear eye princess , illuminated everyone, saw and recognized her fiancé. In any far corner(of the universe) the soul-maiden will always find her betrothed.

In the characteristic older brothers- of humanity of the third and fourth versts it is said: " tall and stout". Indeed, in the epic of many clans of Rus' it is mentioned that people of the third stage of the universe were giants. There are fairy tales (for example, "Former giants") in which the power of these heroes is named. move a huge stone, only 60 people of the current verst can repeat this.

IN fairy tale son fifth verst - all young people and unlike older brothers, like a small, like a pinched duckling, much worse. In the legend "Seven sons of a blizzard" it is said that humanity is on miles of the universe from generation to generation became smaller and weaker, until they degenerated into ordinary people.

The sages preserved the memory of the physical data of mankind on three embodied versts of the universe and presented to the world in full size all three sons of the Father(on the third, fourth and fifth versts): senior - up to 150 meters, middle - up to 12 meters and junior - up to 2 meters. These are their rock paintings in 2001, the Taliban shot from cannons.

In the notes to the collection of fairy tales, Afanasiev notes the variety of entries "Sivko-Burko": "Russian variants - 60, Ukrainian - 41, Belarusian - 14. Variants similar to East Slavic (Afanasiev often points out this fact in the notes) and significantly different from them, found in the folklore of many nations.

Ancestors keep in the memory of the birth the truth of the history of mankind, which is why the fairy tale "Sivko-Burko" is so multivariate. The similarity of its plots once again confirms that the traditions of the peoples, like twins, are similar to each other. The choice of the quoted text (written in the Kursk province) was determined by the details of the characteristics of humanity at each of the five stages of the existence of the universe.

When changing miles, the original beginnings change the state of space and time of the kingdoms of the universe. Fairy tales tell how it happens.

Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold

IN that ancient time, when the world of God was filled with goblin, witches and mermaids, when milky rivers flowed, the banks were jelly, and fried partridges flew across the fields, at that time there lived a king named Gorokh with Tsarina Anastasia the Beautiful; they had three princely sons. A great misfortune shook, the unclean spirit dragged the queen away. The older son says to the king: "Father, bless me, I'll go look for my mother." He went and disappeared, for three years there was no news or a rumor about him. The second son began to ask: "Father, bless me on the road, maybe I'll be lucky to find my brother and mother." The king blessed; he went and also disappeared without a trace - as if he had sunk into the water.

The younger son, Ivan Tsarevich, comes to the tsar: "Dear father, bless me on my way, maybe I will find my brothers and mother." - "Go, son!" Ivan Tsarevich set off in an alien direction; I rode and rode and came to the blue sea, stopped on the bank and thought: "Where should I go now?" Suddenly thirty-three spoonbills flew to the sea, hit the ground and became red maidens - all are good, but one is the best; undressed and jumped into the water.

How many, how few they swam - Ivan Tsarevich crept up, took from the girl who is more beautiful than all, a sash and hid it in his bosom. The girls swam, went ashore, began to dress - there was not one sash. "Ah, Ivan Tsarevich," says the beauty, "give me the sash." "Tell me first, where is my mother?" - "Your mother lives with my father - with Raven Voronovich. Go up the sea, you will come across a silver bird with a golden crest: where it flies, you go there." Ivan Tsarevich gave her the sash and went up the sea; there he met his brothers, greeted them and took them with him.

They walk along the shore, they saw a silver bird with a golden crest and ran after it. The bird flew, flew and rushed under the iron slab, into the underground pit. “Well, brothers,” says Ivan Tsarevich, “bless me instead of a father, instead of a mother; I will go down into this pit and find out what the land of the infidel is like, if our mother is there.” The brothers blessed him, he sat on the rail, climbed into that deep hole and descended neither more nor less - exactly three years; got down and went along the path.

Walked, walked, walked, saw the copper kingdom; thirty-three spoonbill girls sit in the palace, embroidering towels with cunning patterns - towns with suburbs. “Hello, Ivan Tsarevich!” says the princess of the copper kingdom. “Where are you going, where are you going?” "I'm going to look for my mother." "Your mother is with my father, with Voron Voronovich; he is cunning and wise, he flew through the mountains, through the dales, through the dens, through the clouds! He will kill you, good fellow! Here's a ball for you, go to my middle sister - what is she to you "He'll say. And if you go back, don't forget me." Ivan Tsarevich rolled the ball and followed him.

Comes to the silver realm; there sit thirty-three spoonbill maidens. Says the queen of the silver kingdom: “Until now, the Russian spirit was not seen, not heard, but now the Russian spirit manifests itself! - "Ah, red maiden, I'm going to look for my mother." - "Your mother is with my father, with Raven Voronovich; and he is cunning, and wise, he flew through the mountains, through the dales, through the dens, through the clouds rushed! Eh, prince, he will kill you! my younger sister - what will she say to you: whether to go forward, whether to return back?

Ivan Tsarevich comes to the golden kingdom; thirty-three spoonbill girls are sitting there, towels are being embroidered. Above all, better than all, the princess of the golden kingdom is such a beauty that it cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen. She says: "Hello, Ivan Tsarevich! Where are you going, where are you going?" "I'm going to look for my mother." - "Your mother is with my father, with Raven Voronovich; he is cunning and wise, he flew through the mountains, through the dales, through the dens, through the clouds! Eh, prince, he will kill you! mother lives. Seeing you, she will rejoice and immediately order: nannies, mothers, give my son green wine. But don’t take it; ask me to give you three years of wine that is in the cupboard, and a burnt crust for a snack. Do not forget also: my father has two vats of water in the yard - one strong water and the other weak water; move them from place to place and drink strong water. The prince and the princess talked for a long time and fell in love with each other so much that they did not want to part; and there was nothing to do - Ivan Tsarevich said goodbye and set off on his way.

Walked, walked, comes to the pearl kingdom. When his mother saw him, she was overjoyed and shouted: "Mothers-nannies, give my son some green wine." "I don't drink plain wine, give me a three-year-old, and a burnt crust for a snack." He drank three-year-old wine, took a bite of the burnt crust, went out into the wide courtyard, rearranged the vats from place to place and began to drink strong water. Suddenly Voron Voronovich flies in: he was bright as a clear day, but when he saw Ivan Tsarevich, he became darker than the dark night; sank down to the vat and began to draw the helpless water. Meanwhile, Ivan Tsarevich fell on his wings; Raven Voronovich soared high, high, carried him along the dales, and over the mountains, and over dens and clouds, and began to ask: "What do you need, Ivan Tsarevich? Do you want to give the treasury?" “I don’t need anything, just give me the feather staff.” - "No, Ivan Tsarevich! It hurts to sit in a wide sleigh." And again the Raven carried him through the mountains and through the dales, through the dens and clouds. Ivan Tsarevich holds on tight; leaned down with all his weight and almost broke off his wings. Then Raven Voronovich cried out: "Don't break my wings, take a feather-staff!" He gave the prince a staff-feather; he himself became a simple raven and flew to the steep mountains.

And Ivan Tsarevich came to the pearl kingdom, took his mother and went on his way back; looks - the pearl kingdom curled up in a ball and rolled after him. He came to a golden kingdom, then to a silver one, and then to a copper one, took and led with him three beautiful princesses, and those kingdoms curled up in balls and rolled after them. Approaches the relays and blew the golden trumpet. "Fellow brothers! If you are alive, don't give me away." The brothers heard the trumpet, grabbed the relay and pulled White light the soul of a red maiden, a copper kingdom princess; they saw her and began to quarrel among themselves: one does not want to give her up to the other. "What are you fighting, good fellows! There is a red maiden even better than me." The princes lowered the relays and pulled out the princess of the silver kingdom. Again they began to argue and fight; he says: “Let me get it!”, And the other: “I don’t want it! Let mine be!” - "Do not quarrel, good fellows, there is a girl more beautiful than me."

The princes stopped fighting, lowered their relays and pulled out the princess of the golden kingdom. Again they began to quarrel, but the beautiful princess immediately stopped them: "Your mother is waiting there!" They pulled out their mother and lowered the reliels after Ivan Tsarevich; raised it to half and cut off the ropes. Ivan Tsarevich flew into the abyss, badly hurt himself and lay unconscious for half a year: waking up, he looked around, remembered everything that had happened to him, took out a feather-staff from his pocket and hit it on the ground. At that very moment, twelve fellows appeared: "What, Ivan Tsarevich, do you order?" "Take me out into the open." The fellows grabbed him by the arms and carried him out into the open.

Ivan Tsarevich began to scout about his brothers and found out that they had long been married: the princess from the copper kingdom married the middle brother, the princess from the silver kingdom married the eldest, and his bride-to-be did not marry anyone. And the old father himself decided to marry her; collected a thought, accused his wife of consulting with evil spirits and ordered her head to be cut off; after the execution, he asks the princess from the golden kingdom: "Will you marry me?" - "Then I will go for you when you sew me shoes without measuring." The king ordered the cry to be called, to ask everyone and everyone: would anyone sew shoes for the princess without measurements?

At that time, Ivan Tsarevich comes to his state, hires one old man as a worker and sends him to the tsar: "I'm ready to take on this work." The king gave him goods for a pair of shoes and asked: "Will you please, old man?" - "Do not be afraid, sir, I have a son chebotar." Returning home, the old man gave the goods to Ivan Tsarevich; he cut the goods into pieces, threw them out the window, then dissolved the golden kingdom and took out the finished shoes: "Here, grandfather, take it, take it to the king." The king was delighted, sticks to the bride: "Is it soon to go to the crown?" She replies: "Then I will go for you when you sew a dress for me without measuring."

The tsar again fusses, gathers all the artisans to himself, gives them a lot of money, only to have a dress sewn without measurements. Ivan Tsarevich says to the old man: "Grandfather, go to the king, take the fabric, I'll sew a dress for you, just don't tell me." The old man trudged to the palace, took atlases and velvets, returned home and gave them to the prince. Ivan Tsarevich immediately cut all the atlases and velvets into shreds with scissors and threw them out the window; dissolved the golden kingdom, took from there whatever was the best dress and gave it to the old man: "Bring it to the palace!" Tsar Radehonek: "Well, my beloved bride, isn't it time for us to go to the crown?" The princess answers: "Then I will marry you, when you take the old man's son and tell him to boil it in milk." The king did not hesitate, gave the order - and on the same day they collected a bucket of milk from every yard, poured a large vat and boiled over high heat.

They brought Ivan Tsarevich: he began to say goodbye to everyone, to bow to the ground; they threw him into a vat: he dived once, dived again, jumped out - and became so handsome that he couldn’t tell in a fairy tale or write with a pen. The princess says: "Look, the king! Whom should I marry: for you, the old one, or for him, a good fellow?" The king thought: "If I bathe in milk, I will become just as handsome!" He threw himself into a vat and boiled in milk. And Ivan Tsarevich went with the princess from the golden kingdom to get married; got married and began to live, live, make good.

Ivan Tsarevich visited the realms of eternity, night and day of the universe. He freed the sisters from evil spells. sisters- the owners of these kingdoms marked Ivan with their signs.

Raven Voronovich and Tsar Peas - Father heavenly, and pearl kingdom- the monastery of the Great Mother of God and mother Ivan, in it is located pearl- the egg of life. The king has bucket of strong water. This live or strong water from buckets(father's seed) includes in maternal pearl program of creation of a good fellow.

The souls of the older brothers have finished their embodied existence, and now they are being cleansed from earthly vices in Navi. Ivan met them on the way from Prav to Yav. The duration of the Navi period is timelessness (but in a state of pre-dawn awakening), it includes a life program that creates an image of the universe. Therefore, about the characteristics of the Navi world, in which descended neither more nor less our hero. The secondary excitation of the original principles changes the density of space and time Navi villages and as a result, embodied life is born. Only in the house of Yavi time unfolds into the past, present and future.

When the young son got out of the night of the uterine bubble (from Navi) to the free world, then his second meeting with girl-soul(this time wedding). unity soul maidens golden kingdom and Ivan Tsarevich was predetermined even at their first meeting. In Java they got married and began to live, live, make good.

The plot in which three kingdoms curled up and rolled for the maiden queens, transmitted by the most "more than any other number of records. Russian versions - 144, Ukrainian - 58, Belarusian - 32" (Afanasiev's commentary). And they all speak of the turning into the idea of ​​life of the copper, silver and gold kingdoms. The same plot is present in the fairy tales "Mink the Beast", "Ivan Suchenko and Bely Polyanin", "Dawn, Evening and Midnight" and others. the idea of ​​life in the kingdoms (Rule, Navi and Reveal) with all their inhabitants.

The following tale calls a man of the fifth verst - five-year plans.

Prophetic dream

AND or, there were a man and a woman, and at night it began to seem to them that a fire was burning under the stove and someone was moaning: "Oh, it's stuffy! Oh, it's stuffy!" The man told his neighbors about it, and the neighbors advised him to go to a nearby town: there lives the merchant Ason, a master of solving every dream. So the peasant got ready and went to the city; walked and walked and stopped on the road to spend the night with a poor widow. The widow had a son, a boy of about five; That boy looked at the peasant and said: "Old man! I know where you are going." - "And where to?" - "To the rich merchant Ason. Look, he will begin to unravel your dream and ask for half of what lies under the stove; you don't give him half, give one quarter. And if he asks who taught you, don't tell about me."

The next day the peasant got up in the morning and went on; comes to the city, sought out Ason's court and appeared to the owner. "What do you want?" “Yes, Mr. merchant, it seems to me at night, as if in my hut under the stove, a fire is burning and someone is moaning plaintively: oh, it’s stuffy, oh, it’s stuffy! Is it possible to unravel my dream?” - "You can figure it out, but will you give me half of what you have under the stove?" - "No, I won't give you half; you'll get a quarter." The merchant started arguing, but he saw that the peasant stood his ground firmly, and agreed; called on workers with axes and shovels and went with them to the old man's house. He came and ordered to break the stove; as soon as the stove was broken, the floorboards were raised, and now it turned out to be a deep pit - it will be an oblique sazhen, and everything is stuffed with silver and gold.

The old man was delighted and began to divide this treasure into four parts. And the merchant let's ask him: "Who taught you, old man, to give me a quarter, and not to give half?" - "No one taught, it came to my mind." - "You're lying! You can't guess with your mind. Listen: if you admit who taught you, then all your money will be; I won't take even a fourth share from you." The man thought and thought. He scratched his head and said: “But when you go home, you will see a hut on the road; a poor widow lives in that hut, and she has a young son - it was he who taught me.”

The merchant immediately got into the wagon and urged the horses on at a quick trot. Came to the poor widow. “Let me,” he says, “rest a little and drink some tea.” - "Welcome!" Ason sat down on a bench, began to drink tea, and he kept looking at the boy. At that time, a rooster ran into the hut, flapped its wings and shouted: "Crow!" “What a vociferous one!” said the merchant. “I would like to know what you are bawling about?” “Perhaps I’ll tell you,” the boy said, “the cock is telling you that the time will come when you will be in poverty, and I will own your riches.” The merchant drank tea, began to get ready to go home and said to the widow: “Give me your little son; he will live with me on everything ready, in contentment, in happiness and will not know what poverty is. And it’s better for you - an extra burden off your hands! "

The mother thought that indeed the merchants had a more free life, blessed her son and gave him to Ason from hand to hand. Ason brought the boy to his house and ordered him to go to the kitchen; then he called the cook and gave him the following order: "Slaughter that boy for me, take out the liver and heart from him and cook for dinner." The cook returned to the kitchen, took a knife and began to sharpen on a bar. The boy burst into tears and began to ask: "Uncle! Why are you sharpening the knife?" - "I want to prick a lamb." - "Your lies! You want to cut me." The cook and the knife fell out of his hands, it was a pity for him to ruin the human soul. “I would be glad,” he says, “to let you go, but I’m afraid of the owner.” - "Do not be afraid! Go, take a puppy from a bitch, take out a liver and a heart from it, fry it and give it to your owner." The cook did just that, treated Ason to a dog, and hid the boy for the time being.

Two or three months later, the local king had such a dream: as if he had three golden dishes in his yard, dogs came running and began to lap from those dishes. The king thought, what would that dream mean? Whoever he asked, no one could judge him. So he decided to send for Ason; He told him his dream and ordered him to solve it, and set a deadline of three days: “If you don’t guess it in that time, then I will take over all your estate.” Ason returned from the king, not himself; he walks gloomy and angry, whom he does not meet - he gives everyone a slap; and most of all he attacked the cook: why did the boy live out of the world? He would be useful to me now! For those speeches, take the cook and admit that the boy is alive. Ason immediately demanded him to himself. “Well,” he says, “guess my dream; I dreamed last night that I had three golden dishes and that the dogs lapped the golden dishes from those dishes.” The boy answers him: "It was not you who dreamed, it was the sovereign's dream." - "Well done guessed it! And what does this dream mean?" - "I know something, but I won’t tell you; take me to the king, I won’t hide anything from him."

Ason ordered the carriage to be laid down, put the boy on the heels and drove to the palace; rolled up to the high porch, entered the white-stone chambers and bowed to the king. "Hello, Ason! Did you guess my dream?" the king asks. - "Oh, sir! Your dream is not painfully wise, not like me, his little child can judge. If you want, call my boy; he will tell you everything as written." The king ordered to bring the boy, and as they brought him to the palace, he began to ask about his dream. The boy answered: "Let Ason judge in advance, otherwise you see what he is! Knowing nothing, he wants to live with someone else's mind." "Well, Ason, speak first." Ason fell to his knees and confessed that he could not guess the king's dream. Then a boy stepped forward and said to the king: "Sire! Your dream is true: you have three daughters - three beautiful princesses; they have sinned against you and one of these days they will give birth to your grandson." As the five-year-old said, so it happened; The king took all his possessions from Ason and gave them to the boy.

When changing miles (from the fourth to the fifth), the peasant went to nearest city(in Edit) to unravel why under the stove fire burns and someone groans. All over the field of folklore stove is the furnace of the universe, and fire- the primordial principle, it is with its help that life is renewed in the furnace. On the way the man stopped spend the night(in the Navi village), there he met five-year plan. The soul of the five-year-old wandered in Navi, waiting for the birth of her flesh, and therefore was in charge ahead of the events of Reveal.

Soul five-year plans knows what rooster prophesies(The bird language will be discussed in the next chapter). It was she who suggested to the peasant how to behave with Ason. And she warned the peasant not to talk about the five-year plan to the court broadcaster of dreams. But the peasant, out of his greed, violated the agreement. The envious Ason ordered the cook to kill the youth. However, the cook hid the baby soul for the time being her incarnation. Arriving in the white light of Reveal, the baby unraveled the dream of the sovereign. As the five-year-old said, so it happened. And the evil of Ason was punished.

Even at the dawn of the universe, Svarog said to Mother Lada: " H then dreamed in a dreamdreamed, in reality it can also happen"(Veda Roda). The proverb repeats the holy words of Svarog:" What was seen in a dream can happen in reality". A person spends two-thirds of his daily existence in Reveal, and then his soul goes into the night (in a dream - in timelessness). Waking up, a person instantly forgets his nightly wanderings. However, who masters the technique of the Magi "solving dreams" (this will be discussed in the chapter "Dreams"), he knows how to get in touch with his soul, and she will tell him that can really happen.

Daredevil fellow- going into incarnation. From the moment of conception to birth, he overcomes the path from Prav (through Nav) to Yav. And for a long time the baby's daily dreams remind him of the wonders of Prav and Navi. Who, together with the young heroes of a fairy-tale childhood, travels through ocean-sea, he recalls this amazing experience of wandering.

In another version of the fairy tale "Prophetic dream", the father, blessing his sons for the night, said to them: " Well, children, whoever sees something in a dream - tell me in the morning". However, in the morning, son Ivan refused tell his dream, for this offense he was expelled from his father's house. He did not even tell the prince about his dream, for which he was also punished. Soon Ivan had to rescue the prince from trouble, who went to Far Far Away kingdom(in the Rule) for the soul-maiden - for Elena the Beautiful.

Ivan gathered 11 comrades, and their number became twelve. All " Ivans are similar to each other, like brothers, growth in height, voice in voice, hair in hair". These twelve daredevils helped the prince. The number 12 is sacred. For example, the core of the Golden Horde is 12 heroes, and it is headed by Samson Samoylovich, the godson of Ilya Muromets. twelve standing cats- zodiac constellations, they influence Yav and Nav and leave a mark in the fate of everyone. Zodiac constellations according to their influence: " like brothers", their influence is manifested in the abilities of a person.

In many fairy tales, the same story occurs when the hero falls asleep, then his meeting with the inhabitants of the yards of Pravi and Navi happens. The successful outcome of the prince's adventures was known to Ivan from a prophetic dream, which is why he knew the future ahead. Ivan said to Tsarevich: I saw all this in a dream; that's why I didn't tell you about the dream". Adventures in eternity and night of the universe always precede the events in Reveal, since they occur before the time of their incarnation. And the one who walks in reality in Nav and Prav, he ahead knows the events of Yavi.

Everything has a beginning and an end, two millennia ago the fifth verst of the universe came to an end. Father Svarog went to rest, then evil came. The soul of Rus', the glorious songstress Fedosova, became bitter.

B udi cursed is big this goryushka,

Damn you evil bastard!

As in current years, yes in troubled

It is better for a man not to be born.

A lot of passion now, but a lot of horror,

How many of those great threats!

Judges and insurers come,

Ruin something peasant on fat

Until the very last, they are slobbers!

God forbid, on this and in this world

With annoyance, this goryushka fiddling around!

Ahead, evil grief was born,

Ahead, it spread out into the world.

The lyrics of the song are reminiscent of the origin of evil, which is the reason for the change of miles of the universe. When the winds from God's mouth (original beginnings) excite ocean-sea, then it's time to change miles. At the same time, people move by villages, cities from Yavi to Nav and Prav. In the epic of the peoples it is told that on that world(to Nav) you can get there intentionally if you go down through a hole in the ground: a gap, a cave, a gorge. For example, the myth of the white-eyed Chud tells about her miraculous salvation Sami magi. From northern legends it is known that " Chud went to the ground, Chud buried alive,The monster disappeared underground". So they called the inhabitants of the fifth verst of the universe along the banks of the Onega, near Kargopol. Now very soon (at the beginning of the sixth circle of Svarog) will return renovated Chud to the white world of Reveal.