Guests and that on tires. Pneumatic tires for bicycles Pneumatic tires for bicycles

3 kop. BZ 4-89/282

Official edition


Editor R. S. Fedorova Technical editor L. A. Nikitina Proofreader M. M. Gerasimenko

Rented in emb. 04/20/89 Signed in print. 22 06 89 0.76 ref. l 0.75 rec. l

Tyr. 8000 Price 3 k

Order of the Badge of Honor * Standards Publishing House, 123557, Moscow, GSP, Novopressnsky per. 3 Vilnius Printing House of Standards Publishing House, Daryaus and Girsno str., 39 Zach 1241.

UDI 629.1ia.)1: 006.354 Group L62



Pneumatic tires for bicycles. Specifications

OKP 25 2611; 25 2612

Valid from 01.07.90 to 01.07.95

Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to pneumatic tires (tires, tubes, rim tapes) black and colored for road, sports and touring, children's bicycles and light mopeds, intended for use on roads of various categories in areas with a temperate climate at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 45 °C.


1.1. Tires must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations and design documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Main parameters and dimensions

1.2.1. Terms and definitions of the main parameters, dimensions and types of tread pattern - according to GOST 22374.

1.2.2. Depending on the purpose and operating conditions, tires should have the following tread pattern; road, universal, off-road.

Official edition

1.2.3. The designations, main parameters and dimensions, operating conditions and the ease of movement coefficient must correspond to those indicated in the table.

Reprint prohibited

© Standards Publishing, 1989

An example of a tire symbol and writing when ordering:

Pneumatic tire black 40-622 GOST 4750,

where 40 is the designation of the profile width;

622 - designation of the landing diameter.

OKP codes are given in Appendix 1.

1.3. Characteristics

1.3.1. Chambers must be sealed.

1.3.2. The appearance indicators of tires, chambers and rim tapes must comply with the regulatory and technical documentation.

In tires, delamination in the carcass and bead, delamination of the tread and sidewall, ridge along the tread with fabric pressing out, pressing of foreign inclusions on the inner surface of the carcass with damage to the first layer are not allowed.

Bedsores in the places of the chamber bend, divergence of the joint, porosity of the walls, foreign inclusions, mechanical damage are not allowed in the chambers.

Foreign inclusions, mechanical damage, torn edges are not allowed in the rim tapes.

1.4. Completeness

1.4.1. Tire kit includes tire, inner tube and rim tape.

1.5. Marking

1.5.1. Each item must be clearly marked with:

2) tire designation (on the tire, tube, rim tape) in accordance with the table;

3) designation of the tire model (on the tire);

4) year and month of manufacture (on the tire);

5) stamp technical control;

6) designation of this standard;

7) designation BK - for chambers made of butyl rubber;

8) image of the State Quality Mark for the products to which it has been assigned.

It is allowed not to apply the image of the State Quality Mark on the tire, indicate it in the quality document and in the accompanying documentation.

Tires that are equipped with tubes with spool valves must be marked with the tire pressure in accordance with the table.

Before replacing the existing molds with new ones, the old tire marking is allowed.


Tire weight, kg, no more

Maximum tire load, kg

Tire pressure corresponding to maximum load, MPa

Ride ease coefficient, ns less

Maximum speed. km/h

profile width, no more

outer diameter (prev ~ti)


1. Tires 32-622; 40-406; 40-622; 56-205; 40-599; 48-599 are issued until 01.01.93.

2. Tires 47-559; 47-406; (H-270; H-271); 47-622; 47-305; 28-622 are produced from 01.01.93.

3. Rim designations must comply with OST 37.005.016.

4. For tires, valves of any type are used, agreed with the consumer.

Additional designations are allowed on the tire, tube and rim tape.

1.5.2. Products are marked with an engraving imprint from the mold. The stamp of technical control, the marking of rim tapes made by the grain method, is applied to the surface of the products (for tires on the inner surface) with a durable paint that is clearly visible on the surface of the product.

It is allowed not to apply the date of manufacture on the rim tape, putting it on the marking label attached to the pack.

1.5.3. Transport marking is applied in accordance with

1.6. Package

It is allowed to tie rim tapes in packs of 100 pcs.


2.1. Tires are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be tires of the same designation in an amount of not more than 10,000 pieces, issued with one quality document containing:

1) trademark and (or) name of the manufacturer;

GOST 47JO-89 C. 5

2) designation and model of tires;

3) the designation of this standard;

4) date of shipment;

5) batch number;

6) test results or confirmation of compliance of tires with the requirements of this standard;

7) technical control stamp;

8) image of the State Quality Mark (if awarded);

9) State acceptance stamp (if available at the enterprise);

10) retail money for products entering the retail trade.

2.2. To check the compliance of tires with the requirements of this standard, acceptance tests are carried out:

1) by the appearance of tires, tubes and rim tapes and the tightness of the tubes - 100% of the products from the batch;

2) in terms of dimensions, ease of movement coefficient and weight of the tire - one tire from the batch.

At the request of the consumer, the overall dimensions, weight and coefficient of ease of running of the tire on three tires from the batch are determined.

2.3. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of acceptance tests for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests are carried out on it on a double sample of tires from the same batch. The retest results apply to the entire lot.


3.1. Appearance tires (tires, chambers, rim tape) are controlled in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation.

3 2. The outer diameter and width of the profile are measured in accordance with GOST 26000, while the measurements are carried out 10-15 minutes after the pressure is established in the tire.

3.3. Tire mass is measured on technical scales VNTs-2 according to TU 25.06.2068 or RN-10Ts12u according to TU 25.06.575 with an error of ±10 g.

3.4. The tightness of the chamber is determined by immersing the air-filled chamber in water, and there should be no release of air bubbles from the chamber.

It is allowed to determine the tightness by keeping the chamber filled with air for 24 hours, while the chamber must retain its original appearance.

3.5. The ease of movement factor is determined in accordance with the method given in annex 2.

3.6. It is allowed to replace the measuring instruments provided for in the section with others with errors not exceeding those established by this standard.


4.1. Transportation and storage of tires - in accordance with GOST 24779.

4.2. When transporting tires by rail, covered wagons or containers are used.

It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to transport colored tires without packaging.

4.3. Cameras that are not shipped with a tire are transported rolled up (with the valve inside) and packed according to clause 1.6.1.

It is allowed, upon agreement with the consumer, to transport valve parts packed separately.

It is allowed to transport rim tapes tied up in packs of 100 pcs.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that tires comply with the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer observes the conditions of operation, transportation and storage.

5.2. Guaranteed shelf life of tires - 30 months from the month of manufacture.

5.3. Warranty period of operation of tires - 20 months from the date of retail sale;

for off-market consumption - from the moment of receipt by the consumer.

APPENDIX 1 Reference

RCP codes for tires_

OKP tire code


colored _____

J bicolor




The ease of running coefficient of a tire is defined as the ratio of useful work to the work expended to overcome the rolling friction force of a tire on a smooth drum.

t. Equipment

1.1 Stand for determining the coefficient of ease of movement of tires

The scheme of the stand is shown in the drawing

2. Tire preparation for testing

2.1. The tire and chamber after vulcanization must be kept at a temperature of (25 ± 2.5) ° C for at least 5 days

2 2 Before mounting, the tire and the tube must be kept in the test station for the current 12 hours at a temperature of (25 ± 5) ° C

2 3 The tire must be mounted on a pre-centered rim with radial and lateral runout of ±1.0 mm

2 4 The tire and rim assembly must be mounted on a special fork of the test stand

3. Testing

3 1 The metal rim must be fixed in the fork of the test stand and pressed against the metal drum of the stand with a force (P) equal to

(45±0.5) kg - for all tires;

(30±0.5) kg - for tires for teenage bikes

A pulley is rigidly attached to the body of the drum sleeve. A thread is wound on the pulley with a weight (P) fixed on it with a mass of (2.0 ± 0.1) kg. The length of the thread is selected so that the system of loads (P) and (<7i) в крайнем нижнем положении касалась основания

3 2 The rim assembly with the tire is brought into contact with the middle of the treadmill of the drum The stopper is removed, while the tire must be pressed against the drum with a force F Wind the thread with weights on the pulley by hand and raise them to position / (see drawing)

The system of weights is released from position I to fall freely, while it is necessary to pick up the weight qi, so that after splitting off the weight q (position II), the weight P returns to position IV

The load q\ selected in this way is weighed on scales of the type RP-15Shch or VNTs-20 according to TU 25 06 2068

3 3 Load q is determined according to item 3 2, while the test stud is mounted on the rim.

3.4. The tire running coefficient (?]) is determined by the formula

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Official edition


Table 1

Tire pressure corresponding to the maximum allowable load, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Maximum allowable speed, km/h

Weight, kg

No more

rim tape

« 5 3 n a o * o 2 n

^ r 8 l n ED C o E 'He O

n * o R a o co W


1. (Deleted, Rev. No. 2).

2. Designations of rims must comply with the normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

3. The numerator shows the dimensions of the chambers made by the mandrel method, the denominator - for the chambers made by the molding method.

4. For chambers made by molding, the valve may be displaced relative to the profile axis of the chamber by no more than 2.2 mm.

5. Thickening of not more than 2.2 mm is allowed at the junction of the rim tapes.

6. For tires made of nylon cord, deviations in the profile width by 3%, in the outer diameter by 1.5% are allowed. The width of the profile during operation may exceed the maximum size by 6%.

7. For tires, valves of types VSh are used; 15-311 4010; V-310; V-310A and BC-1. It is allowed to use valves of other types as agreed with the consumer.

8. An increase in the mass of colored and two-color tires by 10% is allowed.

9. (Deleted, Rev. No. 4).

10. The sign * marks the double thickness of the chamber wall along the running part, the double thickness of the chamber wall along the shroud part - (2.3 ± 0.3) mm.

11. It is allowed to indicate the internal pressure on tires in hundredths of MPa.

1.2. Designations, basic parameters, sizes and operating conditions of tires must correspond to those indicated in Table. 1.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2, 4, 5).

1.3. The tires provided for by this standard have a millimeter designation, for example, 40-622, where 40 is the symbol for the profile width, 622 is the symbol for the bore diameter.

GOST 4750-79 S. 3


2.1. Tires must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. The performance of the tires must comply with the table. 1a.

Table 1a

Type of execution

Version designation

1. Single color tires:

black color

other colors

2. Bicolor Tires:

protector black,

sides are white

colored sidewalls

3. Color protector,

sides are white

sidewalls made of transparent rubber in the color of natural rubber

colored sidewalls

The type of execution is established in agreement with the consumer and is indicated in the technical documentation for the manufacture of tires.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

2.3. The indicators of the appearance of tires, chambers and rim tapes must comply with the technological regulations.

In tires, delamination in the carcass and wing, delamination of the tread and sidewall, ridge along the tread with fabric pressing out, pressing of foreign inclusions on the inner surface of the carcass with damage to the first layer are not allowed.

Bedsores in the places of the chamber fold, divergence of the chamber joint, mechanical damage, foreign inclusions and porosity of the chamber walls are not allowed in the chambers.

In the rim tapes, foreign inclusions, mechanical damage and torn edges are not allowed.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 2, 6).

2.4. Chambers must be sealed.

2.5. The coefficient of ease of movement of the tire is given in table. 2a.

2.6. In terms of physical and mechanical indicators, tires must comply with the standards specified in Table. 2.

Table 2a

Tire designation

Tire designation

Ride ease factor, not less than

Note. Ride factor for tire 37-622 in version 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3 not less than 0.35; for tire 56-205 in version 1.2 - not less than 0.37.

Continuation of the table. 2

Value for rubber

Name of indicator


general purpose rubber

butyl rubber

2. Elongation at break, %, not less than

3. Tear resistance, kN/m (kgf/cm), not less than

4. Abrasion, m 3 / TJ (cm 3 / kW ■ h), no more

5. Hardness Shore A, conditional

6. Bond strength when the tread is peeled off from the carcass, kN/m

(kgf/cm), not less than

7. Conditional strength of the joint ka-

measures, not less than:

at end docking, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

when joining with an overlap, kN/m (kgf/cm)

8. Conditional tensile strength of the wire ring, kN (kgf), not less than:

for tire 56-205

for other tires

* Determined by the rubber used to make the tread.

2.5, 2.6. (Changed edition, Rev. No. 4, 5, 6).

2.7. Tires are supplied as a set (tire, inner tube and rim tape).

Tires, tubes and rim tapes may be supplied separately.


3.1. Tires are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be tires of the same designation, not more than 10,000 pieces, accompanied by a quality document. The quality document must contain the following data:

trademark or name and trademark of the manufacturer;

tire designation;

lot number;

the number of tires;

shipment date;

designation of this standard;

the results of the tests carried out or confirmation that the tires comply with the requirements of this standard.

3.1a. To verify compliance with the requirements of this standard, tires are subjected to acceptance and periodic tests.

During acceptance tests, the appearance of tires, chambers and rim tapes, the tightness of the chambers, the overall dimensions and weight of tires, the physical and mechanical properties of tires and chambers are checked.

During periodic tests, the coefficient of ease of movement of tires is determined.

3.2. The appearance of tires, chambers and rim tapes, the tightness of the chambers are checked on all products of the batch.

Overall dimensions and weight are checked on one tire from the lot. Physical and mechanical parameters determined on samples cut from tires and chambers are checked on one tire and on one chamber from a batch. The physical and mechanical parameters determined on rubber samples used for the manufacture of the tread are checked for each batch of tires, except for the indicators of hardness and abrasion, which are determined periodically at least three times a month.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

3.2a. The manufacturer conducts periodic tests on tires that have passed acceptance tests once every 6 months, at least on three tires of each designation.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 4).

3.3. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results for at least one of the indicators (p. 4.1, 4.4-4.12), repeated tests are carried out for this indicator on a double sample taken from the same batch of tires.

The retest results apply to the entire lot.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 4, 5).

3.3a. If unsatisfactory results of periodic tests are obtained, repeated tests are carried out on a double sample taken from the same lot.

Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of repeated tests, the tests are transferred to the category of acceptance tests until positive results are obtained on at least three batches in a row.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 4).


4.1. The main overall dimensions of tins are measured 10-15 minutes after they are filled with air.

The outside diameter and profile width are measured with a tire mounted on the appropriate rim, at an internal pressure corresponding to the maximum load capacity of the tire.

The profile width is measured along the smooth (without inscription and decorative protrusions) surface of the sidewall. Measurements are performed with a caliper according to GOST 166-89 in five sections equally spaced along the circumference.

The outer diameter is calculated from the circumference measured along the center line of the tire tread with a metal tape measure in accordance with GOST 7502-89.

The chamber is measured after complete removal of air from it.

The measurement errors of the chamber and rim tape thicknesses should not exceed 0.05 mm, the errors of other measurements should not exceed 0.5 mm.

4.2. The appearance of the tires is evaluated visually.

4.3. The tightness of the chambers is determined by the complete immersion of the air-filled chamber in water, while no air bubbles should be released from the chamber.

It is allowed to check the tightness by holding the chambers filled with air for 24 hours, while the chambers must retain their original appearance.

4.4. Conditional tensile strength and relative elongation at break of the rubber used for the manufacture of the tread is determined according to GOST 270-75 (sample type I or II).

4.5. Abrasion is determined according to GOST 12251-77 with a friction force of 30.0 ± 2.5 N (3.00 + 0.25 kgf) for black rubbers; (23.5 ± 1.5) N (2.35 + 0.15 kgf) for colored rubbers.

4.6. The Shore A hardness of the rubber used to make the tread is determined according to GOST 263-75.

4.7. To determine the bond strength when the tread is peeled from the carcass in the longitudinal direction, two samples are cut along the tread tread (one of two diametrically

opposite places of the circumference of the tire) with a width of (25.0 ± 1.0) mm and a length of 100-150 mm. At one end of the sample, the protector is first peeled off from the frame in a section 30-50 mm long to fix them in the clamps of the machine.

Tests are carried out on a sample section 50-60 mm long according to GOST 6768-75 at a moving clamp speed of (100 + 10) mm/min.

The exposure time before testing products after vulcanization is at least 6 hours, samples - at least 2 hours.

4.8. To determine the conditional tensile strength and relative elongation at break, the chambers are cut from any place in the chamber in the longitudinal direction of at least five samples.

Colored and two-color tires are transported packed in fabric, paper or film made of polymeric materials.

It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to send colored and two-color tires without


Tires 56-205 are allowed to be packed in fabric bags or polymer bags.

materials, 15 pcs.

It is allowed, at the request of the consumer, to transport the middle nut and valve caps separately from the tires.

Marking of packages - in accordance with GOST 14192-96.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 2, 3).

5.4. (Deleted, Rev. No. 4).

5.5. The operation of tires must comply with the rules approved in the established

5.4, ​​5.5. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the tires comply with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of storage, transportation and operation.

6.2. Warranty period of storage for tires of black color is 30 months, color - 12 months from a month


Warranty period of operation within the warranty period of storage for black tires is 20 months, for colored tires - 12 months from the date of retail sale, for non-market consumption - from the day of receipt by the consumer.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 6).

Editor R. S. Fedorova Technical editor L.A. Kuznetsova Proofreader M.I. Pershina Computer layout V.I. Grishchenko

Uel. oven l. 1.40.

Ed. persons. No. 021007 dated 10.08.95. Handed over to the set 06.02.98. Signed for publication on February 26, 1998.

Uch.-ed. l. 0.80. Circulation 543 copies. C202. Zach. 157.

IPK Standards Publishing House, 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14.

Typed in the Publishing House on a PC Branch of the IPK Publishing House of Standards - type. "Moscow printer" Moscow, Lyalin per., 6.

Plr No. 080102

Official publication Reprint prohibited

Reissue (January 1998) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 approved June 1984, December 1984, September 1985, July 1986, September 1987, March 1995 (IUS 9-84, 3-85, 11-85, 10-86, 12-87, 5-95)

© Standards Publishing House, 1979 © IPK Standards Publishing House, 1998

3 kop. BZ 4-89/282





GOST 4750-89

Official edition


Editor R. S. Fedorova Technical editor L. A. Nikitina Proofreader M. M. Gerasimenko

Rented on b. 04/20/89 Signed in print. 22 06 89 0.75 s.l. 0.75 s.l. A

Tyr. 8000 Price 3 k

Order "Badge of Honor" Standards Publishing House, 123557, Moscow, GSP,

Novopresnensky lane, 3

Vilnius Printing House of the Standards Publishing House, Daryaus i Girsno str., 39 Zach 1241.

UDC 629.118.31: 006.354 Group L62



Pneumatic tires for bicycles. Specifications

OKP 25 2611; 25 2612

Valid from 01.07.90

Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to pneumatic tires (tires, tubes, rim tapes) black and colored for road, sports and touring, children's bicycles and light mopeds, intended for use on roads of various categories in areas with a temperate climate at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 45 °C.


1.1. Tires must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations and design documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Main parameters and dimensions

1.2.1. Terms and definitions of the main parameters, dimensions and types of tread pattern - according to GOST 22374.

1.2.2. Depending on the purpose and operating conditions, tires should have the following tread pattern; road, universal, off-road.

1.2.3. The designations, main parameters and dimensions, operating conditions and the ease of movement coefficient must correspond to those indicated in the table.

Official edition

Copyright © 1989 Standards Publishing House

Example of tire convention and spelling

when ordering:

Pneumatic tire black 40-622 GOST 4750>

where 40 is the designation of the profile width;

622 ■- designation of the bore diameter.

OKP codes are given in Appendix 1.

1.3. Characteristics

1.3.1. Chambers must be sealed.

1.3.2. The appearance indicators of tires, chambers and rim tapes must comply with the regulatory and technical documentation.

In tires, delamination in the carcass and bead, delamination of the tread and sidewall, ridge along the tread with fabric pressing out, pressing of foreign inclusions on the inner surface of the carcass with damage to the first layer are not allowed.

Bedsores in the places of the chamber bend, divergence of the joint, porosity of the walls, foreign inclusions, mechanical damage are not allowed in the chambers.

Foreign inclusions, mechanical damage, torn edges are not allowed in the rim tapes.

1.4. C o m p e r t i o n

1.4.1. Tire kit includes tire, inner tube and rim tape.

1.5. Marking

1.5.1. Each item must be clearly marked with:

2) tire designation (on the tire, tube, rim tape) in accordance with the table;

3) designation of the tire model (on the tire);

4) year and month of manufacture (on the tire);

5) technical control stamp;

6) designation of this standard;

7) designation BK - for chambers made of butyl rubber;

8) image of the State Quality Mark for the products to which it has been assigned.

It is allowed not to apply the image of the State Quality Mark on the tire, indicate it in the quality document and in the accompanying documentation.

Tires that are equipped with tubes with spool valves must be marked with the tire pressure in accordance with the table.

Before replacing the existing molds with new ones, the old tire marking is allowed.


Tire weight, kg, no more

Maximum tire load, kg

Tire pressure corresponding to maximum load, MPa

Coefficient of ease of movement of tires, not less than

Maximum speed, km/h

profile width,

outer diameter (previously ±6)


1. Tires 32-622; 40-406; 40-622; 56-205; 40-599; 48-599 are issued until 01.01.93.

2. Tires 47-559; 47-406; (H-270; H-271); 47-622; 47-305; 28-622 are produced from 01.01.93.

3. Rim designations must comply with OST 37.005.016.

4. For tires, valves of any type are used, agreed with the consumer.

Additional designations are allowed on the tire, tube and rim tape.

1.5.2. Products are marked with an engraving imprint from the mold. The stamp of technical control, the marking of rim tapes made by the grain method, is applied to the surface of the products (for tires on the inner surface) with a durable paint that is clearly visible on the surface of the product.

It is allowed not to apply the date of manufacture on the rim tape, putting it on the marking label attached to the pack.

1.5.3. Transport marking is applied in accordance with

GOST 14192. The marking must contain:

1) main inscriptions: name of the consignee; name of the destination; the full name of the station (port) and the abbreviated name of the destination road (shipping company) and

2) additional inscriptions: name of the consignor; the name of the point of departure, indicating the railway station of departure and the abbreviated name of the road of departure;

3) information labels: gross and net weight of the package in kilograms.

1.5 4. Transport marking must be applied to paper labels in accordance with GOST 18510, cardboard grades A and B in accordance with GOST 7933, plywood in accordance with GOST 3916, fiberboard grades M and PT in accordance with GOST 4598 and other materials that ensure the complete safety of the inscription during transportation and storage.

Transport marking is applied in a typographical way, stenciled with black enamel PF-115 according to GOST 6465, marking machines, stamping and stamping.

1.5.5. Labels are attached to the package (cargo) with glue, wire according to GOST 3282, twine according to normative and technical documentation or waste cord fabric.

When transporting products in open vehicles, mixed rail-water and water transport, transport marking is applied only to a plywood label in accordance with GOST 3916.

1.6. Package

1.6.1. Tire packaging - according to GOST 24779; at the same time, colored tires are packed in fabric, paper or film made of polymeric materials, made according to normative and technical documentation.

It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, not to pack colored tires.

Tires 56-205 are allowed to be packed in fabric bags in accordance with GOST 11680 or in plastic bags of grade M5-10-0.150 in accordance with GOST 17811, not more than 15 pcs.

Cameras transported without tires are packed in paper bags of the HM brand according to GOST 2226 or polyethylene bags of the Ml, 5, 6-0.150 brand according to GOST 17811, in fabric bags according to GOST 11680 or boxes of types 1; P-J; P-2 according to GOST 2991.

It is allowed to tie rim tapes in packs of 100 pcs.


2.1. Tires are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be tires of the same designation in an amount of not more than 10,000 pieces, issued with one quality document containing:

1) trademark and (or) name of the manufacturer;

2) designation and model of tires;

3) the designation of this standard;

4) date of shipment;

5) batch number;

6) test results or confirmation of compliance of tires with the requirements of this standard;

7) technical control stamp;

8) image of the State Quality Mark (if awarded);

9) State acceptance stamp (if available at the enterprise);

10) retail money for products entering the retail trade.

2.2. To check the compliance of tires with the requirements of this standard, acceptance tests are carried out:

1) in terms of the appearance of tires, tubes and rim tapes and the tightness of the tubes - 100% of the products from the lot;

2) in terms of dimensions, ease of movement coefficient and weight of the tire - one tire from the batch.

At the request of the consumer, the overall dimensions, weight and coefficient of ease of running of the tire on three tires from the batch are determined.

2.3. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of acceptance tests for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests are carried out on it on a double sample of tires from the same batch. The retest results apply to the entire lot.


3.1. The appearance of the tire (tire, tube, rim tape) is controlled in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation.

3 2. The outer diameter and profile width are measured in accordance with GOST 26000, while the measurements are carried out 10-15 minutes after the pressure is established in the tire.

3.3. Tire mass is measured on technical scales VNTs-2 according to TU 25.06.2068 or RN-10Ts12u according to TU 25.06.575 with an error of ± 10 g.

3.4. The tightness of the chamber is determined by immersing the air-filled chamber in water, and there should be no release of air bubbles from the chamber.

It is allowed to determine the tightness by keeping the chamber filled with air for 24 hours, while the chamber must retain its original appearance.

3.5. The ease of movement factor is determined in accordance with the method given in annex 2.

3.6. It is allowed to replace the measuring instruments provided for in the section with others with errors not exceeding those established by this standard.


4.1. Transportation and storage of tires - according to GOST 24779.

4.2. When transporting tires by rail, covered wagons or containers are used.

It is allowed, in agreement with the consumer, to transport colored tires without packaging.

4.3. Cameras that are not shipped with a tire are transported rolled up (with the valve inside) and packed according to clause 1.6.1.

It is allowed, upon agreement with the consumer, to transport valve parts packed separately.

It is allowed to transport rim tapes tied up in packs of 100 pcs.


5. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of tires with the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer observes the conditions of operation, transportation and storage.

5.2. Guaranteed shelf life of tires - 30 months from the month of manufacture.

5.3. Warranty period of operation of tires - 20 months from the date of retail sale;

for off-market consumption - from the moment of receipt by the consumer.

APPENDIX 1 Reference



47- 507 37-533 40-559

48- 559 32-590 32-622 37-622 37-622 40-622 47-305 37-540 40-406 47-622 47-659

L 155 V 61 L 212 V 226 V 54 V 5 V 57 K 106 V 3

to by

H 63 L 183 H 267 H 278

H 270, H 271 H 273 H 268

OKP tire code


25 2612 2911 25 2612 1311

25 2612 1111 25 2612 1211 25 2612 0811 25 2612 0911 25 2612 1713


25 2612 2523 25 2612 0721

25 2612 1123 25 2N2 1221 25 2612 0823 25 2612 0021 25 2612 1723 25 2612 25 2612 25 2612 25 2612 25 2612




The ease of running coefficient of a tire is defined as the ratio of useful work to the work expended to overcome the rolling friction force of a tire on a smooth drum.

1. Hardware

1.1 Stand for determining the coefficient of ease of movement of tires

The scheme of the stand is shown in the drawing

2. Tire preparation for testing

2.1. The tire and chamber after vulcanization must be kept at a temperature of (25 ± 2.5) ° C for at least 5 days

2 2 Before installation, the tire and the tube must be kept in the test station for 12 hours at a temperature of (25 ± 5) ° C

2 3 The tire must be mounted on a pre-centered rim with radial and lateral runout of ±1.0 mm

2 4 The tire and rim assembly must be mounted on a special fork of the test stand

3. Testing

3 1 The metal rim shall be fixed in the fork of the test stand and pressed against the metal drum of the stand with a force (R) equal to

(45±0.5) kg - for all tires;

(30±0.5) kg - for tires for teenage bikes

A pulley is rigidly attached to the body of the drum sleeve. A thread is wound on the pulley with a weight (P) fixed on it with a mass of (2.0 ± 0.1) kg. The length of the thread is selected so that the weight system touched the foundation

3 2 The rim assembly with the tire is brought into contact with the middle of the treadmill of the drum The stopper is removed, while the tire must be pressed against the drum with force F Wind the thread with weights on the pulley by hand and raise them to position I (see drawing)

The system of weights is released from position I to fall freely, while it is necessary to pick up the load qb so that after splitting off the load q (position II) the load I returns to position IV

The load q\ selected in this way is weighed on scales of the type RP-15Shch or VNTs-20 according to TU 25 06 2068

3 3 Load q is determined according to item 3 2, while the test tire is mounted on the rim.

3.4. The tire running lightness factor (14) is determined by the formula

1-shia on the rim, 2-weights, 3-drum

Group L62

Change L1 \ GOST 4750-59 Pneumatic tires for bicycles. Specifications

Approved and put into effect by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated April 16, 90 No. 902

Date of introduction 01.01.91

(Continued from 218)

(Continuation of changes to GOST 4750-89)

Paragraphs 5 2, 5 3 shall be reworded as “5 2 Warranty period of storage of tires

black color - 30 months,

colored - 12 months from the month of manufacture

53 Warranty period of operation within the warranty period of storage for black tires - 20 months, for colored tires - 12 months from the date of retail sale, for non-market consumption - from the moment of receipt by the consumer.

(ICC No. 7 1990)


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry of the USSR


A. I. Erdeev; T. A. Kucherezhko; A. T. Yurchenko (topic leader); V. A. Shumov; L. A. Nemerovets; Yu. P. Dyachenko; N. S. Lomanova

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated March 30, 1989 No. 902

3. The term of the first inspection - 1993, the frequency of inspection - 3 years

4. The standard fully complies with ISO 5775/1

5. REPLACE GOST 4750-79


Item number, applications

GOST 2226-88 GOST 2991-85 GOST 3282-74 GOST 3916-69 GOST 4598-86 GOST 6465-76 GOST 7933-75 GOST 11680-76 GOST 14192-77 GOST 17811-78 GOST 18510-87 GOST 22374-77 GOST 24779 -81 GOST 26000-83

1 54 1 54 1 54 1 6 1 1 53 1 6 1 1 54 1 2 1

1 6 1 1 6 1 I 5 5

OST 37 005 016-80

TU 25.06 575-77 TU 25.06 2068-82

GOST 4.494-94 System of indicators of product quality. Tires for off-road quarry vehicles, tractors, construction, road, handling, mining and agricultural machines. Nomenclature of indicators.

This standard establishes a range of quality indicators for tires for off-road mining vehicles, tractors, construction, road, material handling, mining and agricultural machines.

GOST 4750-89 Pneumatic tires for bicycles. Specifications.

Pneumatic tires (tires, tubes and rim tapes) black and colored for road, sports and touring, children's bicycles and light mopeds, designed for use on roads of various categories in areas with a temperate climate at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 45 degrees C.

GOST 4754-80 Pneumatic tires for cars. Specifications.

This standard applies to tires (tires and tubes) for cars, light trucks, minibuses and trailers for these vehicles, intended for operation in all climatic zones at temperatures from minus 45 to plus 55 degrees. With and for export. Indicators technical level, established by this standard, are provided for the highest and first quality categories.
1. Types, main parameters and dimensions
2. Technical requirements
3. Completeness
4. Acceptance rules
5. Test methods
6. Marking, packaging, transportation, operation and storage
7. Manufacturer's warranties.

GOST 4754-97 Pneumatic tires for cars, trailers for them, light trucks and buses of extra small capacity. Specifications.

This standard applies to pneumatic tires for vehicles of categories M1, O1, O2 and pneumatic tires with a load index<=121 для транспортных средств различных категорий во всех климатеческих зонах при температуре окружающей среды от минус 45 до плюс 55 град. Цельсия (шины с зимним рисунком протектора – до 10 град. С) и для экспорта.

GOST 5513-86 Pneumatic tires for trucks, trailers, buses and trolleybuses. Specifications.

This standard applies to pneumatic tires (tyres, tube and rim tape) for trucks, trailers, buses and trolleybuses intended for operation on roads of various categories at ambient temperatures up to minus 45 degrees. C. This standard does not apply to tires with adjustable pressure, as well as tires specially designed for use in mines, mines and other special operating conditions.

GOST 5513-97 Pneumatic tires for trucks, trailers, buses and trolleybuses. Specifications.

This standard applies to pneumatic tires for trucks, trailers for them, buses and trolleybuses intended for operation on roads of various categories at an ambient temperature of up to minus 45 degrees. C (tires with a winter pattern - up to plus 10 degrees C). This standard does not apply to tires with adjustable pressure, as well as tires specially designed for use in mines, mines and other special operating conditions.

GOST 5652-89 Pneumatic tires for motorcycles, sidecars, scooters and mopeds. Specifications.

This standard applies to pneumatic tires(tires, tubes, rim tapes) for road bikes, sidecars, scooters and mopeds intended for operation on roads of various categories in areas with a temperate climate at an ambient temperature of minus 45 degrees. up to plus 45 deg.S.

GOST 5883-89 Tires are massive rubber. Specifications.

This standard applies to massive tires for floor trackless electrified vehicles, trucks, mobile equipment and other vehicles and systems manufactured for the needs of the national economy and export.

GOST 7463-89 Pneumatic tires for tractors and agricultural machines. Specifications.

This standard applies to pneumatic tires (tires, tubes, rim tapes) for tractors, self-propelled chassis, tractor trailers and agricultural machines intended for work in agricultural production.

GOST 8430-85 Pneumatic tires for construction, road, handling and mining machines. Specifications.

This standard applies to pneumatic diagonal tires (tires, tubes, rim tapes) for construction, road, hoisting and transport and mine (mine) machines and trailers (semi-trailers)-heavy trucks intended for operation at ambient temperatures from minus 50 to plus 45 deg.S.

GOST 12715-95 Terrain tires and rims. Part 2. Loads and internal pressures.

This International Standard specifies loads and inflation pressures for conventional and wide profile off-road tyres, as well as determinations of masses and load cycles.

GOST 13298-90 Tires with adjustable pressure. Specifications

This standard applies to pneumatic tires with adjustable pressure, designed for use on off-road vehicles mainly in off-road conditions, on soft soils, as well as on roads of all categories in all climatic zones at ambient temperatures from minus 60 to plus 55 degrees. WITH.

GOST 17394-79 Wide profile tires with adjustable pressure. Basic parameters and dimensions.

This standard applies to wide-section tires with adjustable pressure diagonal (chamber and tubeless) for new off-road vehicles and other machines operated mainly in off-road conditions and on soft soils, and establishes the main parameters, dimensions and performance of tires. The standard does not apply to tires specially designed for work in mines, mines, quarries, logging, and tires designed and in production before 07/01/80.

GOST 20993-75 Pneumatic radial tires for cars. Basic parameters and dimensions.

This standard applies to radial tubeless (Tubeless) and chamber (Tube Tire) pneumatic tires for passenger cars and their trailers and establishes the main parameters and dimensions.

GOST 22374-77 Tires are pneumatic. Design. Terms and Definitions.

The standard establishes terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and industry in the field of pneumatic tire construction. The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation (including unified documentation systems, all-Union classifiers of technical and economic information, thesauri and descriptor dictionaries), scientific, technical, educational and reference literature. The above definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

GOST 23834-89 Pneumatic tires for sports bikes. Specifications.

GOST 24567-81 Tires are pneumatic. Method for measuring the effective running circle in road tests.

This International Standard specifies a method for measuring the effective running circumference of pneumatic tires for all types of land vehicles.

GOST 24779-81 Tires are pneumatic. Packing, transportation, storage

This standard establishes rules and regulations governing the packaging, transportation and storage of pneumatic tires (tires, tubes and rim tapes) for various purposes. The standard does not apply to aircraft tires and tires for special purposes, as well as tires stored in state reserves.

GOST 24985-81 Tires with adjustable pressure. Basic parameters and dimensions.

GOST 25304-88 Tires pneumatic diagonal industrial. Basic parameters, dimensions, marking, packaging, transportation and storage.

GOST 25641.1-94 Tires (series with ply rating marking) and rims for agricultural tractors and machines. Tire designations and sizes.

GOST 25641.2-94 Tires (series with ply rating marking) and rims for agricultural tractors and machines. Normal tire loads.

GOST 25692-83 Tires are pneumatic. Method for determining the static imbalance of a tire.

GOST 26000-83 Tires are pneumatic. Method for determining the main dimensions.

GOST 26585-85 Large pneumatic tires for off-road mining vehicles. Specifications.

This standard applies to pneumatic diagopal tube and tubeless tires for off-road mining vehicles with a load capacity of at least 27 tons, intended for operation at ambient temperatures from minus 55 to plus 45 degrees C.

GOST 27704-88 Tires are pneumatic. Rules for preparing tires for bench tests.

This standard applies to pneumatic tires and specifies the rules for preparing tires for bench testing. This International Standard does not apply to large-sized and special pneumatic tires and does not establish quality control rules that are included in the tire manufacturing process and acceptance tests.

GOST 28169-89 Tires are pneumatic. Methods for determining the wear resistance of tires during road tests.

This International Standard applies to pneumatic tires used on the axles of passenger cars, semi-trucks, trucks and buses and specifies a method for accelerating road tests to compare wear resistance under road conditions typical of areas of possible operation.

GOST 28630-90 Tires are massive. Terms and Definitions.

GOST 28727-90 Tires and rims for motorcycles (series with code designation). Part 1. Tires.

GOST 28728-90 Tires and rims for motorcycles (series with code designation). Part 2. Calculation of the load on the tire.

GOST 28837-90 Tires and rims for trucks and buses (metric series). Part 1. Pneumatic tires.

GOST 29217-91 Tires and rims for mopeds. Part 1. Pneumatic tires.

GOST 29218-91 Tires and rims for motorcycles (coded series). Diameter codes from 4 to 12. Part 1. Pneumatic tires.

GOST R ISO 3324/2-93 Aviation tires. Tire testing methods.

This International Standard specifies test methods for new and retread tires for civil aircraft. Tires are divided into two groups: low-speed - operated at ground speeds up to 192 km / h inclusive; high-speed - operated at ground speeds above 192 km / h.

GOST ED1 4750-79 Tires pneumatic for bicycles. Specifications. (replaced)

GOST ED1 4750-90 Tires pneumatic for bicycles. Specifications.

GOST 12715-83 Tires pneumatic diagonal for heavy vehicles, construction, road and hoisting-and-transport machines. Basic parameters and dimensions.

GOST ED1 5652-89 Pneumatic tires for motorcycles, sidecars, scooters and mopeds. Specifications.

GOST 30225-94 Tires (series with ply rating marking) and rims for agricultural tractors and machines. Skidder tires.

This standard establishes the designations, dimensions, applicability of rims, operating conditions of tires for skidders of a diagonal design with marking of the ply rate.

GOST 30191-96 Tires of driving wheels of agricultural tractors. Tires with performance markings (load index, speed symbol). Basic parameters and dimensions.

This standard establishes the marking, dimensions, nominal loads and recommended speeds for tires driving wheels of agricultural tractors with operational markings (load index and speed symbol), on the basis of which specific tire models are designed for newly developed and modernized equipment. This standard applies to radial tires in the speed categories 30 km/h (speed symbol A6) and 40 km/h (speed symbol A8).

GOST 30238.1-96 Tires and rims (metric series) for agricultural tractors and machines. Designation, dimensions and marking of tires.

This International Standard specifies the designation, sizing and marking of metric tire series for agricultural tractors and machines, on the basis of which specific tire models are designed. This standard applies to belted bias, bias and radial tires mounted on rims with a 5 degree conical flange.

GOST 30238.2-98 Tires and rims (metric series) for agricultural tractors and machines. Operating characteristics and rated loads.

This International Standard specifies operating conditions, tire load ratings and recommended inflation pressures. This standard applies to belted bias, bias and radial tires mounted on rims with a 5 degree conical flange.

GOST R 51893-2002 Tires are pneumatic. General technical safety requirements.

This standard applies to a group of homogeneous products - pneumatic tires for cars, light trucks and trucks, trailers for them, buses (including extra small capacity) and trolleybuses - and establishes indicators that characterize product safety and are subject to mandatory inclusion in all types of documentation. for which tires are made. The standard does not apply to tires with adjustable pressure, for tractors and agricultural machines, heavy vehicles, construction, road and lifting and transport machines, motorcycles and bicycles, as well as tires designed to work in mines, mines, quarries and other special operating conditions. .

TU 23.4.812-76 Fitting for pumping air into car tires.

TU 38-104.ED1.31-88

TU 38-104-ED1.51-81 Atmospheric pressure tires.

TU 38.004ED1.107-88

TU 38.104ED1-176-86 Pneumatic tires 1100X400-533 MOD.0-47A and 370-508 (14.00-20) mod.OI-25.

TU 38-304-08-30-92 Pneumatic tires 8.25R20 model KI-55A, 8.25R0 model KI-111 for trucks and trailers.

TU 38-304-08-34-92 Pneumatic tires 9.00-20 model VI-244A NS 14; 12.00-20 model VI-243A NS 18; 12.00-20; models M-93 NS 8; 8.25R20 model KI-111 NS 14; 4.00-10С model K-96 NS 4.

TU 38-304-13-07-93 Tires are massive bandless with a conical base.

TU 38-304-14-164-90 Pneumatic tires 13.6R38 model Ya-261 and 8.25-15 model I-83.

TU 38-304-14-188-90 Tires are arched tubeless.

TU 38-404-29-31-91 Pneumatic tires 18x 7-8 model F-65 7.00-12 model VF-211

TU 38-404-29-41-91 Tires massive highly elastic type "superelastic" 6.50-10 MVE model F-184; 7.00-12 MVE model F-183.

TU 38-404-29-55-92 Solid cast tires with through channels 5.00L-12, model F-232, 5.00L-12, model F-233.

TU 38-604-03-85-91 Tires pneumatic 175/70R13 model IN-251Bel.

TU 38-604-12-33-88 Tires pneumatic for sports bicycles.

TU 38-604-17-21-90 Tires pneumatic 12.00R20 (320R508) of the BCI-150A model.

TU 38.004107-87 Pneumatic tires for military vehicles.

TU 38-004255-86 Pneumatic tires for trucks, trailers, buses, trolleybuses and tires with adjustable pressure. Technical requirements for products intended for export to countries with severe climatic conditions.

TU 38.004353-85 Tires pneumatic 245/78-15 of the i-240 model.

TU 38 004357-86 Pneumatic tires for trucks and trailers, designed for export to countries with severe operating conditions and deliveries within the country.

TU 38.10412-85 Pneumatic tires for transport systems for special purposes.

TU 38-10418-80 Aircraft tires for ground works.

TU 38-10424-77 Tires are pneumatic 280-20. Model I-145.

TU 38.10430-86 Pneumatic tubeless tires 205/70R14 equipped with tubes.

TU 38.10431-86 Pneumatic radial tires with metal cord breaker 175/80R13.

TU 38.10442-87 Pneumatic tires 27.00-49 Models FT-115, 33.00-51 Models FT-116, 40.00-57 Models FT-117 are tubeless.

TU 38-ED1-10442-89 Pneumatic tires 27.00-49 Models FT-115, 33.00-51 Models FT-116 are tubeless.

TU 38-10451-81 Atmospheric pressure tires.

TU 38-10456-87 Pneumatic radial tires with metal cord breaker 165/80R14 model MI-180.

TU 38.10461-87 Pneumatic tires 9.00R20 (260R508) model I-N142B-1.

TU 38.10463-87 Pneumatic tires 8.25-20 (240-508) model IK-6AM-1 produced by Omskshina.

TU 38.10468-87 Pneumatic tires 10.00R20 (280R508). Model i-73A-1.

TU 38-10477-92 Tires pneumatic radial 10.00R20 I-281, U-4.

TU 38.10478-87 Pneumatic radial tires 12.00R20 (320R508) U-4, ID-304 ns 16.

TU 38-10482-88 Tires pneumatic radial 11.00R20 (300R508) i-306, KR-1.

TU 38.10491-87 Pneumatic tires 6.25-10 Models V-97A 6.00-13 Models V-98A.

TU 38.104100-87 Tires pneumatic 155/70Р13 of the EX-85 model.

TU 38-104107-83 Pneumatic tires 15.00-20 Ya-190 models.

TU 38-104108-87 Pneumatic tires 8.40-15 Model Ya-245-1.

TU 38.104114-88 Pneumatic tires 9.00-20(260-508) UD-1 mod.VI-224-1 manufactured by Omskshina.

TU 38-104121-88 Tires pneumatic 135/80P12.

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