Portuguese Premier League standings. Portuguese football championship in the middle of nowhere

The leaders of the season "Porto" and "Benfica" synchronously tied with a score of 1:1. Sergio Conceição's team lost points at home in a battle with a strong opponent " Rio Ave". On the goal of Chancel Mbemba accurate shot replied Mehdi Taremi. “Benfica” also met at a party with “Setubal”, which is in the second part of the standings. The defending champion conceded in the first minute of the second half, but soon earned a penalty, which was converted by Luis Pizzi. The midfielder of the Portuguese national team could have brought the Lisbon Eagles a strong-willed victory and regained the lead, but he failed to convert the second penalty in the match. "Braga" has strengthened its position in third place. At home, the “gunsmiths” confidently coped with one of the outsiders, “Portimonense”. The fourth line is occupied by the Lisbon “Sporting”. In his first match as head coach, Ruben Amorim won a difficult victory over the main outsider of the season, “Aves”, who also played with ten men from the 20th minute after two removals. Of the other events of the tour, we note the success of "Guimarães", which on the road coped with "Pasush" and caught up in points scored with "Famalican". FNC talks about the main events of the 24th round of the Portuguese Prime Minister.

"Rio Ave" withstood the "Dragau"

"Porto" in his field took "Rio Ave". The hosts actively started the meeting and could open an account already in the 5th minute. Jesus Corona walked along the right flank, shifted the ball under his left foot and hung in the center of the opponent's penalty area, from where Sergio Oliveira's head struck a dangerous blow on goal, but experienced Polish goalkeeper Pavel Keshek rescued Rio Ave. Sergio Conceisau's wards continued to attack, and in the 18th minute they opened the scoring after a corner kick. Alex Telles took a corner from the right flank, Danilo Pereira headed the goal, Keshek cleared the ball, the rebound was won by Shoya Nakajima, who rolled the game projectile under the blow of Chansel Mbemba, who scored his first goal for Porto with a powerful shot. After that, the “dragons” relaxed a bit, and the players of “Rio Ave” only added to the activity. As a result, in the 32nd minute, the guests restored the status quo. Mehdi Taremi played the “wall” with his partner, skillfully handled the ball on the line of the penalty area, “Porto”, in one motion left the defender and skillfully punched Augustin Marchesina. A couple of minutes later, the guests earned a free kick in the half of the field, "dragons". After playing the ball, Nuno Santos fired powerfully from 30 meters, so Marchesin had to work hard to save his team. The second half began with Porto attacks. In the 62nd minute, Sergio Conceisau's men had a real chance to take the lead again. Moussa Marega connected Jesús Corona on the right flank, the Mexican famously hung right on Tiquinho Soares, the Brazilian seemed to fire for sure, but the ball flew a few centimeters over the crossbar. Three minutes later, Marega won the fight against the defender of the guests, picked up the game projectile, dragged it forward and delivered a powerful blow into the far corner - it turned out a little inaccurate. In the end, the players of Porto staged a real assault on the gates of Rio Ave, but they failed to break out the victory - a 1:1 draw. As a result of the tour, the Dragons scored 60 points and retained their leadership in the standings. Rio Ave has 38 points and the fifth line.

Benfica failed to cope with Setubal

Due to a misfire, "Porto" Benfica could break into first place, and the Lisbon "eagles" were very close to their goal, but luck turned away from the team of Bruno Lage. "Setubal" in his field actively started the match with reigning champion. The hosts even created a 100% scoring chance, which missed Zekinya, who in one touch from a vantage point fired at the far “nine”, but he lacked some centimeters to print the gates of Odysseas Vlachimos. After that, Benfica seized the initiative and created several dangerous moments at once. Andreas Samaris, Franco Servi and Luis Pizzi could score, but failed. And already in stoppage time for the first half, “Benfica” earned a corner on the right flank, followed by a wonderful canopy for Samaris, who struck his head into the far corner, and the ball slipped a few centimeters from the bar. As soon as the second half began, as “Setubal” had a quick attack through the right flank, and Carlinhos brilliantly figured out the Lisbon penalty area. The Brazilian skillfully handled the ball with one touch, and sent it into the net with the second. Less than five minutes later, Benfica earned a penalty. José Semedo handballs in his own box for his 13th yellow card in the season. Luis Pizzi approached to perform the penalty kick, who calmly scattered the ball and Giorgi Makaridze in different corners, scoring his 14th goal of the season. In the 75th minute Jorge Arthur played his hand in his penalty area. Main judge match, João Pinheiro awarded the second penalty against Setúbal. And here Luis Pizzi has failed. The leader of the “eagles” struck in the lower left corner, but failed to get on goal, and Makaridze guessed the direction of the ball. In the 81st minute, Benfica had a great attack. Tomas Tavares shot from the right flank, and Alejandro Grimaldo, who came running, delivered a crushing blow on goal - Makaridze made a crazy save. In the 88th minute, the newcomer Diego Souza could have brought victory to Benfica, but the goalkeeper of Setubal again coped with the blow of the Brazilian who came on as a substitute. As a result, a 1:1 draw was recorded. On account of the "eagles" 59 points and second place, the team of Julio Velasquez 28 points and 12th line.

Braga are in third place.

“Braga” at home met with one of the outsiders “Portimonense”. Already in the 2nd minute, “gunsmiths” could open an account, but the ball hit the post after a powerful shot from Ricardo Horta. In the 8th minute, Paulinho was close to a goal, but the crossbar saved the guests. Well, in the 31st minute, the gates of the guests were still printed. Paulinho jumped one on one with the opponent's goalkeeper, but he did not beat himself. Instead, he rolled the ball towards Francisco Trinkau, who sent the ball into the net without any resistance. In the 37th minute, Ricardo Esgayu almost scored, and in the last minute of the half, Braga organized their second goal. Ricardo Horta burst into the penalty area from the right, shook the defender with feints and shot on goal. Portimonense's Japanese goalkeeper, Shuichi Gonda, hit the ball in front of him, and Raul Silva was the first to finish, who scored his first goal of the season. Immediately after the break, the “gunsmiths” made the score big. Francisco Trincao shot from the right flank, and Ricardo Horta calmly sent the ball into the net. The rest of the match was a mere formality. “Braga” acted relaxed, allowing guests to score a prestige goal already in stoppage time. Substitute Ailton Boa Morte from the right burst into the penalty area, beat the defender and sent the ball into the goal. Braga won 3-1 with 46 points. The red-whites confidently hold on to third place. On account of "Portimonense" 16 points and the penultimate line.

"Sporting" in the majority defeated the outsider

Lisbon “Sporting” in his field took “Aves”. The main outsider of the season could hardly count on a positive outcome for himself, but the “lions” had to try hard to take their three points. This match was the debut for Ruben Amorim as head coach of Sporting. The 35-year-old specialist replaced Silas, who was fired after relegation from the Europa League, in this position. The fight began with a removal. Ruben Macedo attacked Wendel with a straight leg in the center of the field and saw a red card in front of him. It was only the 11th minute … This “Avesh” was not enough and in the 20th minute the guests were left with ten at all. Luis Fernando, who already had yellow card, in the center of the field missed his opponent, fell and grabbed his leg with his hand. For the disruption of the attack, the Brazilian received a second “yellow card”, which instantly turned into a removal. So "Aves" was left with ten men. It seemed that in such a situation, “Sporting” will defeat his rival, but in reality the victory of the “lions” was not easy. In the 34th minute, the white-greens played a beautiful combination, as a result of which Andraz Sporar struck an aimed shot into the near corner, but the ball rolled near the post. In the 44th minute, the Slovenian striker was supposed to score, but after his excellent shot into the far “nine”, the game projectile flew a few centimeters over the crossbar. Already in added time to the first half, Luciano Vietto struck a cannon long-range strike- the ball hit the cross. Well, in the second half, “Sporting” still broke the resistance of an outsider. In the 62nd minute, Marcos Akuña found Vendel's opponent to the left of the penalty area, he hung directly on Sporar, who opened the gate of French goalkeeper Quentin Benardo with his head. Five minutes later, the ball hit the hand of Aves captain Afonso Figueiredo, who was in his own penalty area. The referee awarded a penalty, which Vietto converted. There were no more dangerous moments in this match. 2:0 - Ruben Amorim starts with a win. On account of "Sporting" 42 points and 4th place. Aves have 13 points and the last line in the standings.

Guimarães caught up with Famalicao

In other matches of the tour "Tondela" and "Boavista" tied 1:1. Ronan put the hosts ahead in the 25th minute, but Gustavo Dulanto immediately returned the goal. "Belenensish" and "Famalican" dispersed in peace, doing without goals scored. "Moreirense" coped with the "Maritimo" at home, scoring one goal in each half. First, Fabio Abreu scored, for whom this accurate shot was the 10th of the season, and then the young midfielder Filipe Soares scored. “Jil Vicente” after a goal by Bozhidar Kraev was close to a home victory over the “Santa Clara”, but missed it towards the end of the match. Finally, "Guimarães" achieved a guest victory over "Pasush". In the 10th minute, the scoring was opened by Hélder Ferreira, who hit the gate with his former team. But then the goals of João Teixeira, who scored a double, brought strong-willed success to the guests. Guimarães scored 37 points and is in 6th position, ahead of Famalicao in additional indicators.