How to make accurate shots in GTA 5. PvP in GTA Online - how to improve your skills? Learn to shoot with a sniper rifle

Use the following tactics to improve your PVP skills, but don't forget to use them along with your own style. Play for fun, because this is GTA Online, and we were given weapons for a reason.

fire clashes

Fighting on foot or in a car is probably the most popular pastime in GTA: Online. Be aware of platform differences such as auto-hover on consoles.

Change weapons for every single situation

The right weapon in certain circumstances can give the player a good advantage on others, especially if they do not know about it. It's amazing how many players continue to ignore this simple rule.

On close range you need to use Auto-SGs because it will be much more effective than AR in such circumstances. The Sawed-Off, of course, has excellent damage at close range, but it shoots very slowly. Therefore, always choose Auto-SGs - the wisest decision.

Well, if you had to fight with rifles at close range, then it would be best to sacrifice accuracy and range in the year of the rate of fire - choose the appropriate weapon.

On medium and long range it was customary to use Marksman instead sniper rifle. But now players are allowed to walk in aim mode, so there is no longer a choice - take Heavy Sniper.

Murder on wheels

Try to constantly change your route when approaching the enemy and avoid driving in a straight line - you will immediately get a bullet in the skull. Well, if you are lucky and you get close to the enemy, a good tactic would be to hold the trigger while the driver alternately presses the gas and brake pedals - the enemy will be in the affected area anyway.

Constant replenishment of health

Replenishing health during a firefight is the most important trick in GTA Online. Open the food menu and keep shooting. So you can replenish your health in any situation, especially during a firefight. A bit of a dishonest tactic, but this is GTA Online, so who cares? Many players get annoyed by calling it immortality. I wish I could see their faces when they find out!
These people only have to aim for the head if they want the player to die.

Use cover... or not?

Cover has many advantages, such as being able to aim ahead of time or blocking 80% of the bullets coming at you. But there are also disadvantages, and any experienced player will agree with us.
Any player in cover can be taken down by a well-placed grenade or explosive. In addition, the player in the shelter will stick out of it every time in one place, which is quite predictable (you can catch a reaction in the head). Therefore, constantly change cover, move around and do not stand right near the corner, as any explosive will immediately hit you.

smoke grenades

Use this tactic if you play on consoles. Have you found yourself an enemy who constantly hangs you with headshots? Throw a smoke grenade and his auto-aim won't work - you'll have to aim manually.

Crazy Cops

We heard it a lot in GTA Onine: "Cops are beasts, break the whole buzz." Well, yes, they are a little aggressive, but so what? Is three stars enough after killing a cop in broad daylight? So here's a tip for you - immediately get rid of the chase after the kill. Just get used to it. The cops aren't as crazy as they're made out to be.

Aiming in advance

Naturally, it only works in third person mode. Remember well the place where the enemy can appear from, point the sight there and wait for the enemy head. As soon as you look out of cover, the sight will already be in right place and you'll be ready to shoot.


She can catch you at the most inopportune moment with an empty clip - carefully choose the moment to reload! There's also a quick reload trick, but it only works best on a rocket launcher. Remember how pros deftly reloaded AWP in CS? Absolutely the same principle works here - quickly change weapons and back.


The following tips will help you make better use of explosives and be sure to kill enemies.

C4- these little ones can be used to your heart's content.. Corner traps, car bombs, kamikazes... Anything you can think of can be done in GTA Online.

Hidden traps

C4 placement is the key to success. If the enemy saw a trap, then this is no longer a trap ... But the game map is simply full of potential ambush places, and they, in duet with the right timing, can do different things. Here are the three most common ways to set a trap:

1) C4 in the car. The most fun way to blow up the enemy if he does not close the car when he gets out of it. Just open the passenger door of the car and put C4 in it, close it. If the enemy does not have much hearing, then he will not notice the beeping. BOOM!
2) Hide C4. If there are many places, how can you use C4 along with the features of the map, but one stands out. In the narrow streets, if you are being followed, you may be led to find a fuel truck and just a fuel storage nearby. The explosion will be just right - throw C4 there!
3) Bring? Another fun way to kill an enemy. It's no secret that GTA Online is full of all sorts of reptiles, tricksters and just trolls that can ruin your game. But there are also kind-hearted guys who sometimes offer to let you down by kindly stopping next to you.

The trick is that you can mimic such a good-natured person and throw C4 into your own car. As soon as they peck at you, you can start laughing. Shout something like “AAAA BEE SAVE” into the microphone and start waving the car wildly. Believe me, the neighbor will be shocked. Then just jump out of the car and go BOOM! So here it is - trust strangers.

C4 on the run

Throwing them on the run is difficult, because at high speed they still fly slowly. Here are some ways:

1) Ground targets will be easier to destroy if you throw C4 at their feet, and not try to hang the package directly on them. Well, there is also the possibility of throwing on the back - also fun.
2) If you are being chased by a car, try throwing a C4 ahead of your turn, and blow it up as soon as you pass. 90% of the time it works flawlessly. Well, 10% offer you to see for yourself.


They are easiest to use in much the same way as C4, throwing them at yourself. But you can mine some crowded places where you can definitely expect enemies. For example, AutoShop. But remember to hide well!

Use of multiple explosives

Combining C4 and mines can help you in different situations:

1) The first way can help against very fast targets on very fast vehicles. You can't get off with such one C4! Therefore, throw forward not one, but five explosives! It's expensive, but guaranteed to kill the target!
2) Decoys can be used when the enemy is hiding behind cover. Throw him C4 so that he sees her and tries to change position. The trick is to leave a mine in that position in advance.

Remember that the easiest way to lure enemies out of cover is with explosives!

Helicopter Buzzard

buzzard vs. buzzard

Usually you need to choose homing missiles, and after the shot, choose a machine gun. If you do this quickly, then the enemy will not hear the signal of the approach of the rocket!

Sometimes it is possible to hide from an enemy missile behind a skyscraper. You need to fly up from the safe side to the upper floors so that you hit the enemy. This will be enough to confuse his missiles.

Against ground targets, fly only in third person mode - this way you will see more and be able to avoid hitting obstacles. Switch to first-person mode only if you have to shoot.

Moving targets are usually shot as if they were aimed directly at them. But after all, you need to shoot on the move, taking into account the speed of the rocket and the speed of the enemy! Never forget about it and shoot ahead.

Against static enemies, you can just circle around and shoot, but remember that they also have homing missiles (almost all). Don't fly too close, don't fly predictably, and constantly change your route. More in a good way Avoiding death can become a 'drop, shoot, get up quick' tactic. So they won’t have time to capture you on target, hang C4, or even kill you through glass.

Fighter vs Helicopter

The helicopter has one very significant drawback - it cannot shoot vertically up or down. Therefore, use this if you managed to sit in the co-pilot's seat in a fighter, and your opponent in a helicopter.


Never ignore help that you can call on the phone! This is one of the most important and one of the least used tactics in GTA Online. Feel free to ask Lamar, the Mercenaries, or Lester for help.
If you call Lester, he will be able to hide you on the minimap using Off Radar or put a bounty on your opponent's head.

off radar will hide you on the minimap for 60 seconds. Amazingly useful stuff. You can sneak up unnoticed, fall off unnoticed, sneak in unnoticed ... in general, anything.

Head bounty: if you hang a reward on the enemy, but there is a high chance that just comrades passing by will start attacking him. This will help you get rid of the larger number of enemies. But you can arrange a surprise and neutral. Worth the wait? until it comes out of the passive state and immediately hang up the award. He will go back to passive mode only after death!

Using this simple technique in combination with a call to mercenaries, you can deceive the enemy and convince him that he is fighting more than one living enemy.

And finally:

Turn off the lights! At night, you become just the perfect target for snipers.
- It takes several C4s to destroy a tank, but only one pack is needed to destroy a Karuma.
- Always run straight ahead, straight back, left or right. If you change direction, you will run slower!

How to win any shootout.

Death in GTA Online is a matter of seconds. During your adventures in Blaine County and Los Santos, you will often meet other players who will prefer to shoot you instead of friendly conversation. Even a banal "hello" can provoke a machine gun turn in your address.

In such an unfriendly environment, it is desirable to get used to virtual weapons and shooting mechanics as quickly as possible, if you do not want to constantly sit in anticipation of the next respawn after your character is killed again. However, winning a gunfight in GTA Online isn't just about good reactions and powerful weapons.

It doesn't matter if you're new to gaming in general or just GTA 5, these tips will come in handy whenever someone decides to paint the virtual lawn of things with virtual blood. Each weapon here has a lot of features, and each one needs to find its own approach.

First, let's get rid of the most annoying and annoying enemy in the game: the weapon selection interface. This menu in GTA Online can quickly get so many details that it can be quite difficult to sort through them, especially if you like to pick up every weapon you find. Your character will always have any weapons they pick up in their inventory, and you can't change the order in which they appear in the selection menu.

Therefore, it is best to get rid of useless guns or those that you do not like, unless, of course, you want to spend time looking for the right machine gun in the heat of a firefight. All this will have to be done manually every time you re-enter the game. Once you have the money, we recommend getting an office with a weapon locker where you can store all your finds. True, it works only in free play mode.

In online mode, semi-automatic weapons are practically useless, and therefore we recommend leaving this slot empty. As far as rifles go, it's best to carry the Compact Rifle for biking and motorcycling and the Special Carbine (some people praise the Advanced Rifle, so the choice is yours). In the shotgun slot, we advise you to discard everything except the Assault model, from pistols you will only need AP and Heavy Revolver (and Marksman for very advanced gamers too for advanced players), and in the grenade slot it is better to keep sticky bombs and mines.

Remember that all melee weapons have the same damage stats, however, the attack speed of the knife is superior to all other options, so it is recommended to always keep it with you. So, now that you've got rid of the unnecessary equipment, it's time to move on to action.

Players who have the enhanced version installed should be aware that sometimes the view mode is important. In some situations it is better to play in the first person, in others - in the third. It is important to always keep an eye on your surroundings in order to be constantly ready to attack or strike back in a timely manner.

In closed spaces, the first-person mode is more suitable, since it is easier to control the actions of the character without being distracted by extraneous factors. At the same time, in open spaces it is better to switch to third-person mode so that nothing can take you by surprise.

The choice of weapons must be approached wisely, while not forgetting two rules: fights with melee weapons must take place in third-person view mode (usually this happens in enclosed spaces), and you must shoot from a sniper rifle only in first-person mode ( usually in open spaces). It is necessary to select weapons depending on the situation, because a shotgun is useless at long distances, as well as a sniper rifle at close range.

Only Special Carbine can be called universal. With it, you can get out of any mess in which your virtual ward will be. To increase the chances of survival, first of all attach a sniper scope to it and buy a couple of upgrades to your taste. And in those rare cases when this weapon does not help, you can always switch to something more effective.

Learn to shoot with a sniper rifle

A good practice of shooting with sniper rifles will not hurt you, as weapons from this category in the hands of a skilled gamer become the most effective in the game. Try to kill enemies with one shot, as a miss can very quickly lead to death in sniper duels.

Aim for the head

Regardless of the weapon or view mode used, always follow the main rule: shoot only in the head. Always. The body, of course, is easier to hit, but with proper practice, you will find that headshots do several times more damage, and therefore your efforts are worth it. The faster you kill the enemy, the less chance he will have to kill you.

Battles at close range

The obvious choice here would be a knife, but the aforementioned shotgun can be even more useful. Equip it with a high-capacity magazine, and enemies within arm's reach of you won't stand a chance. Accuracy at such moments is usually not so critical.

One of the nuances of any firefight that many players often forget about is maneuverability. In situations where you and your opponent are at a decent distance and at the same time you can see each other, it is better not to stand in one place, since you will not last even a couple of seconds. Also try to confuse the enemy with your movements and be unpredictable, because if he can predict your next move, then it will end badly for you.

In these cases, rolling is also very useful, which will allow you to quickly run to the nearest cover and confuse the enemy. In GTA Online, you need to press the aim button (LT on consoles and right click on PC) + X on Xbox, square on Playstation, or space bar on PC.

Good luck

Soon you will learn how to combine everything various techniques and apply them in time, which will help you survive in firefights. In this game, the outcome of the battle is decided by your skills and reaction, because even a second of delay is enough for the enemy to blow you up with a grenade or a headshot.

We hope that the tips given here will be useful in your adventures through the unfriendly streets of Los Santos. And we do not recommend using them on peaceful gamers who do not touch you - there are already enough griefers in the game.

Requirements for 100% gold in this mission

  • Two at a Time - Kill two coyotes with one shot
  • "Bam-bang!" - shoot through all three tires so that the final accuracy rate is 75%
  • "Bad signal" - shoot through all three satellite dishes without missing

When the mission starts, follow Cletus up the stairs to a nearby balcony. Your task is to shoot three satellite dishes from your position.

Bad Signal Gold Medal Requirement

A total of three satellite dishes will appear on the GPS map. You will only need to shoot these three! Two - on the roofs, and the third - on the ground. If you shoot at the antenna, but it does not fall, then you are mistaken - this is not the one you need and you will no longer fulfill the requirement.

Having done this, get in with Cletus in his buggy and drive to the abandoned motel. When you get there, follow him to the second floor to start the next stage.

Requirements for the gold medal "Bam-bang!"

To meet this requirement, you need to shoot through three tires of three different cars on the move. To get gold, you must miss no more than three times. Best Strategy shooting here - aim and shoot at the tire as soon as it itself is not even with the crosshairs of the sight. If the car skids, it will stop and the driver will get out of it to change the wheel, then you hit the target.

After shooting the tires, follow Cletus to the other side of the motel and climb up to the roof. Your next task is to shoot a couple of coyotes.

Two at a Time Gold Medal Requirement

To complete this requirement, you need to shoot two kites at once with one shot. To do this, wait until they stand up one by one and shoot. If you do everything right, they will both fall at once.