Republican contest “IT-champion. A student of the IT Lyceum of KFU Iskander Khairullin became the winner of the "IT Champion" contest Get more points for it champion

A student of the IT Lyceum of KFU Iskander Khairullin became the winner of the "IT Champion" competition in the creative nomination "Development of the Portal of State and Municipal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan".

December 28, 2013 in the Kazan IT Park, the winners of the III stage of the "IT Champion" competition in the nomination "The most active student" and the winners in the creative nomination "Development of the Portal of State and Municipal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan" were awarded. The most active participants of the republican competition "IT Champion" were awarded iPads.

The event was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Informatization and Communications Roman Shaikhutdinov, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Engel Fattakhov.

It should be noted that more than 253 thousand schoolchildren took part in the republican competition "IT Champion", which started on March 1 this year and took place in 3 stages. They trained more than 320 thousand adults to work with the portal of state and municipal services of the Republic of Tatarstan. In total, according to the results of 3 stages, 459 students of the republic received tablets. Also, the accumulated points students could exchange for memorable prizes.

The first to be awarded were 14 winners of the creative nomination "Development of the Portal of State and Municipal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan", in which schoolchildren could show their abilities in programming, design, try themselves in PR, offer original ideas for services and electronic services.

Participants' works were evaluated in several categories: "Best banner or logo for electronic services", "Best video", "Best presentation", "Mobile application for Android OS", "Internet application supported by Internet browsers". In total, 298 works were received in the creative nomination.

The scientific supervisor of the project is an employee of the IT Lyceum of KFU Mikhail Alexandrovich Shalaev.

The Minister of Informatization and Communications of the Republic R. Shaikhutdinov first of all thanked the President of Tatarstan for the initiative to hold the IT Champion contest, as well as the Prime Minister of the Republic, who supports this contest.

According to R. Shaikhutdinov, thanks to the competition, the monthly number of services provided has increased by more than 60 percent. So, in 2012, 16.3 million electronic services were provided to Tatarstan residents, in 2013 - 25.8 million services. In addition, the number of personal accounts has almost doubled. If at the time of the launch of the competition there were 325 thousand personal accounts on the public services portal, now the number of personal accounts has increased to 900 thousand.

The Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Engel Fattakhov, in turn, thanked teachers, directors, heads of education departments, especially in rural areas, for the explanatory work they carried out, as well as for the help and support of schoolchildren.

Ildar Khalikov, addressing the participants of the competition, who gathered in the IT park, noted that he was proud of them. “You are the best not only in Tatarstan, but also in Russia. Already today, at the age of 10-15, you are doing what even fairly active Internet users cannot do,” I.Khalikov stressed.

According to the head of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, the project exceeded all expectations, and this is the merit of not only children, but also teachers, directors, heads of education departments. I. Khalikov said that today the President of Tatarstan R. Minnikhanov proposed to continue the IT Champion contest next year as well. I. Khalikov noted that in a few days a banner will appear on the public services portal, through which it will be possible to leave suggestions on what could be changed in the IT Champion competition in 2014.

Recall that the organizers of the republican contest "IT Champion" are the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. The competition was held with the support of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R. N. Minnikhanov and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan I. Sh. Khalikov.

In 2013, the competition entered the top ten most frequent requests of residents of Tatarstan, according to search engine Yandex.

Tatarstanians, young and old, are getting used to the role of IT geniuses, and today we are ready to announce the formation of a whole group of “computer champions”.

On December 10, the republican competition "IT-Champion" ended. The names of the main "IT-champions" of this season will be announced on December 23, 2014. We are waiting for the solemn presentation of prizes. In the meantime, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" talks about how the "technological elite" of the republic was selected. The best of the best were selected in several categories. During a number of stages, the participants performed quite difficult tasks.

The most active student

The first nomination is a real find of the contest organizers. Here, as they say, with one shot "killed two birds with one stone". Indeed, as part of the “Most Active Schoolchildren” tour, children were offered to teach adults how to use the Portal of State and Municipal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan - For each "entry" of adults on the portal, children were awarded points - thus, the activity of the older generation in the use of electronic services was rewarded. Schoolchildren accumulated points not for the sake of excitement - their participants can exchange them for memorable prizes, and the three most active children in each municipal district of the republic, who scored the most points, will receive the main prize - a laptop!

The results of the first stage of the nomination "The most active student" have already been summed up. The leader in the number of points in Tatarstan was a student of the lyceum named after V.V. Karpov in the village of Osinovo, Zelenodolsk district of Tatarstan. Her result is 7700 points! In September 2014, the winners in the municipal districts of Tatarstan received their well-deserved high-tech prizes. The children were congratulated on the victory by Deputy Minister of Informatization and Communications Anatoly Geller and Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Mukhametov. Gifts were presented to ten happy schoolchildren in a solemn atmosphere, as they say, in full dress ...

On this day, a real holiday was organized for schoolchildren, several show programs were waiting for them, including the performance “Entertaining Science” or, for example, a soap bubble show, Komsomolskaya Pravda was told in the press service of the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan. - In addition, children could play radio-controlled cars, football freestyle, air hockey, Xbox, enjoy cotton candy and take a memorable photo in the photo booth. Also, the winner of the Russian national qualifying round of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2013, Dayana Kirillova, spoke to the guests.

Today, active discussions of the course of the competition are being held in the IT-Champion group on the social network. There are a number of important topics on the agenda - “when will the results be summed up?”, “how many points did anyone manage to score?”, “what brand of laptop will they give?” and even “how did I get my parents to use the Public Services Portal?” Why hide the sin? It is not always possible to teach moms and dads something new. And the IT-Champion competition in this sense has become a great opportunity to pull up the older generation.


102,000 children from different regions of Tatarstan took part in the nomination "The most active student" in 2014! Largely due to small participants, the number of registered personal accounts on the Portal of State Services of the Republic of Tatarstan has exceeded 1 million 100 thousand.

Most active school

No less interesting was the nomination for entire schools - the winner is recognized as one educational organization in each municipality Republic of Tatarstan. The prize will go to the school that takes first place in the ranking. And, by the way, it is the children who participated in the personal nomination at one of the first stages of the competition that can bring victory to their native school.

The fact is that the rating is formed by summing up the points scored by students in the nomination "The most active student". Based on the results of the competition, the machine finds the average indicator, which is the sum of the total number of points divided by total students of this general educational organization. Complicated formula? And it was given to children and teachers with a bang.

In 2014, there were a sufficient number of contenders for victory. 92% of Tatarstan schools took part in the nomination. There will be several winners - one school for each participating district. Educational institutions will receive interactive equipment as a prize. And three leading schools in Tatarstan will be awarded with mobile classes.

As of November 2014, the most active in the competition was the school of the village of Lesnoy, Tyulyachinsky district. But will this candidate be the best? Will show time. And we will only add that the children of the Tyulyachinsk, Baltasinsky, Sabinsky, Arsky and Muslyumovsky districts took part in the IT-Champion competition very effectively.


The competition was organized by the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. The competition is held with the support of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov. The purpose of the competition is to popularize the electronic services provided in Tatarstan. As of November 2014, the largest monthly number of electronic services provided is 3.7 million (for comparison: in 2013 - 2.6 million, in 2012 - 1.8 million). The number of personal accounts on the public services portal of the Republic of Tatarstan exceeded 1.2 million.

A competition among schoolchildren "IT Champion" has started in Tatarstan. The main task of the young participants of the competition is to involve parents and adults in the active use of electronic services on the Public Services Portal of the Republic of Tatarstan and earn the maximum number of prize points. The competition is held by the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan in order to develop the digital skills of schoolchildren and increase the computer literacy of the population.
The competition will be held in two stages: from September 18 to November 30, 2018 and from February 1 to April 30, 2019. According to the results of each stage of the competition, 3 winners will be determined in each municipal district and city district, who will be awarded smartphones as a prize. A separate nomination is organized for the most active class teachers, whose class will score the highest average number of points.
In order to start the competition, the student needs to help parents or other adults enter the Portal and save the student's login from the website (Electronic education of the Republic of Tatarstan) in their personal account. Binding is necessary so that the student is automatically awarded points when adult users trained by him use the Portal - submit electronic applications, pay for services, and even enter meter readings. It is important to note that the more adult users are tied to their personal account student login on the Portal, the more chances this child has to score the most points.