Penetration mechanics. Useful information on game mechanics Calculation of HE damage

The point is that when playing on art in World of Tanks and being already destroyed in battle, the damage inflicted on allies is incorrectly taken into account.

The fact that such situations are not uncommon is confirmed by the answer of the World of Tanks developer under the nickname vol4ok84:

This situation is a rare manifestation of an error in calculating damage to allies. The bug is known and work is underway to fix it.

Wrong ban for shooting at allies in WoT

The situation is really serious. After all, the damage inflicted on allies is the reason for blocking an account in World of Tanks, or, more simply, a ban. You didn't shoot at your team, but you got a ban. Which of the players will like it. The point of the error in calculating damage to allies lies in the fact that the developers of the game are aware of it. This means that representatives of World of Tanks are also well aware that players receive undeserved bans right and left. Fire is added here by the fact that blocking in World of Tanks is special program. That is, the participation of people in the decision to ban a player or not is minimized. This means that the number of incorrectly blocked accounts for damage to allies can be in the thousands. In addition, the ban for shooting at allies is often issued for a short time, so World of Tanks players prefer to simply wait for the end of the ban, rather than trying to contact technical support and prove their case to them. The vast majority of players are not even aware of the existence of an allied damage accounting error, which can lead to a temporary shutdown of the game account of virtually any World of Tanks user. We hope that after reading this material, questions about "why I was banned" will become less.


from the mirror

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  • adapted for;
  • updated table of expected values;

A simple damage counter for World of Tanks is a must for players who keep track of their statistics. The damage counter was originally part of the . But since not all players want to install this complex mod, a simplified one was developed, which is presented here. And you can download it for free without registration from the official website at the link below.

The damage counter, unlike XVM, does not affect the FPS. Some variants of the damage log have a negative number (for example -1125) - don't worry, this is just a feature of calculating the average damage of the current tank across the server. It will be presented in 3 versions:

The first option when you press ALT will show you a detailed hit log. There are also minimalist options:

Minimalistic (shows damage for the last shot):

How dealt and blocked damage is displayed

Now, in order to perform some LBZs, it is necessary to know the amount of damage dealt and blocked. It displays on the screen, in the upper left corner, the amount of blocked and inflicted and damage:

The mod is configured here: World_of_Tanks/res_mods/configs/DamageLog/.

  • Blocked.cfg - responsible for displaying blocked damage;
  • Damaged.cfg - responsible for displaying the damage done;

How to set the damage counter without XVM

Copy the scripts folder to: /World_of_Tanks/res_mods/

How to change the position of the counter if it is not visible after installation?

  1. Open file World_of_Tanks/res_mods/
  2. Find the line "WindowKeyList":[ and further ("xAlign": "Normal", "x": 220 are the X coordinates, a little further in the same line "yAlign": "Normal","y": 9, - Y coordinates. There can be several such lines with coordinates.
  3. Change them as you need and save the changes.
  4. Reload the game.

Now, right during the battle, you can see the amount of tanked damage.

Modification features

  • The mod was created with one purpose - to show the damage blocked by the armor. The modification will be especially useful for those tankers who prefer to play on heavy tanks. In one of the previous updates, the developers added this indicator to the battle results, but there was no information in the battle. Also, some future patch will finally give experience for tanking, so the need for modification will increase.
  • Since the server does not give exact exact numbers during the battle, the numbers are approximate, so the results may vary in the end.
  • Armor works according to the following principle: during the battle, under the ears (lists of commands), the line "Armor is not broken, complained of so much damage" appears.

The armoring_extended.xml configuration file contains several macros. This is "(NumDmg)" showing total shots that did not deal damage and "(AvgDmg)" indicating the total amount of damage.

Copy the configs folder to \World_of_Tanks\mods\. Copy the remaining folders and files to World of Tanks\mods\1.4.

The main goal in tank battles is to disable or destroy enemy vehicles, so in each battle you need to deal as much damage as possible. To do this, you need to understand how each of your shots will interact with the armor of the enemy tank. Remember: without breaking through the armor, there will be no damage.

Below are a few key aspects regarding the mechanics of armor penetration. Knowing them, you can significantly improve your results on the battlefield.

Entry angle

The main parameter for penetration calculations is the angle at which your projectile hits the target. The best penetration is achieved with a perpendicular hit on the armor plate. In this case, the thickness of the armor that the projectile must overcome is minimal. Deviation from this normal is the angle of entry.

The angle of entry determines the thickness of the reduced armor - the distance that the projectile needs to travel to deal damage. How more angle occurrences, the greater the value of the reduced armor. The figure below shows the armor plate, the thickness of which is 100 mm for a direct hit (angle of entry 0°), and 200 mm if the projectile hits at an angle of 60°. This means that at this angle, the projectile will have to meet with twice as much armor!

But the projectile may either not penetrate the armor, or even bounce off it. Armor-piercing and sub-caliber projectiles ricochet if the deviation from the normal to the point of impact is 70° or more, while HEAT rounds ricochet at an angle of entry greater than 80°. In the event of a ricochet, the projectile does not penetrate armor and does not deal damage.

Penetration marker

Pay attention to the sight. Its color changes depending on the chances of a successful penetration:

Yellow - penetration chance ≈0%

Orange - penetration chance ≈50%

Red - penetration chance ≈100%

However, do not rely solely on the color of the marker. You should always take into account the angle at which you shoot and the armor of the various parts of the enemy tank.

Application in practice

But World of Tanks is also played by others: your opponents will also try to destroy your tank. They will try to break through your armor in the same ways as you. Therefore, it is very important to know the features of your tank and understand where it has weak points.

The most important key to survival is to reduce the damage taken. One way to achieve this is to protect the tank's vulnerabilities, such as tracks or external modules.

Locality. Explore the battlefield to gain an advantage. Rocks, hills, buildings, and other cover can all be used to protect the tank's vulnerable parts: sides, tracks, and stern.

Rhombus stand. Sometimes you will need to stay where you are, for example, in order for the gun to converge or if you find yourself in a narrow part of the map. Standing in an “invulnerability pose” (or, more simply, a rhombus), you make it difficult for the enemy to break through your armor and deal damage. To stand in a diamond position, turn your tank towards the enemy at an angle of 30°. So the angles of entry of the shells will be greater than if the car was facing the enemy in front or sideways. In the case when you are surrounded by several enemies at once, getting up in this way is relative to the strongest of them.

Cutting corners. Always look for opportunities to cut corners as you go around a building. Straight road driving and 90° turns expose your tank to the enemies waiting for it in the most favorable way. Therefore, try to cut as often as possible so as not to expose vulnerable spots when driving towards the enemy.

Horizontal swing. Moving the body to the left and right while riding contributes to the frequent change in the angle of entry of the projectile and reduces the chances of the enemy to damage you. This will work not only against the enemies in front of you, but also against everyone around.

Now you are familiar with the peculiarities of armor penetration and you can put all these maneuvers into practice to win even more often. Good luck with your penetrations and strong armor!

JetonOver (25 Apr 2014 - 07:54 PM) wrote: Hello. The question has arisen - why is the damage absorbed by caterpillars not included in the post-battle statistics (item - "Damage blocked by armor")? Example KV220. Received "Damage, ZB" 4160, while receiving 24 hits and attention from them! 13 penetrations (by the way, tanked against 2 KV-1S and KV-1 firing AP shells / Unfortunately, the replay was not preserved). That is, 690HP from KV220 received 13 penetrations at alpha 240 (KV-1) and 390 (KV1-S). Does anyone think this is illogical? 2. As far as I remember, the developers promised to introduce a bonus for tanked damage (of course, CTTS). Under the current scoring system, tanks with "impenetrable" towers (CT1, T29, T32) will win, and the Germans, Britons (Churchili) and Soviets tanking with a harp or a rhombus are obtained in flight. Please clarify the situation.

Tortik: If damage is dealt to a module (internal or external), then the tank was weakened, the modules lost some of their health, and the enemy received a bonus for effective actions. And if the enemy projectile ricocheted or did not penetrate our armor, did not cause us any damage, then this damage counts towards the "Damage blocked by armor" indicator. Non-penetration, as well as penetration, can be received by any machine. It all depends rather not on a specific tank, but on the game situation: what matters is what they shoot at us: even an American tower will receive damage from a landmine, for example. it is important how much the player understands the game mechanics and knows how to place the hull in order to increase the probability of non-penetration. In general, it is too early to say that any nation will receive more bonuses than another. Topic closed.