Rank exhibition chrkf what. Show ranks and show classes

In general, all information about titles and ratings is contained in the regulations of the RKF and it can be found on their website rkf.org.ru, but there are a lot of documents there, and each document contains a large amount of information, often of interest only to professionals. Let's try to briefly understand what exhibitions we hold, according to what rules, and what titles are assigned at these exhibitions.

What exhibitions are held

There are two types of dog shows in Russia:
- International, rank CACIB: they take place according to the FCI calendar. Those breeds that are recognized by this international federation are allowed to these exhibitions.

Internal (all-Russian and regional), CAC rank: they are held in accordance with the calendar plan of the RKF and breeds of dogs recognized by the FCI and RKF are allowed on them. CAC shows are divided into: CAC RKF Champion, CAC Federation Champion, CAC Candidate to Federation Champion.

In international exhibitions rank CACIB breeds not recognized by the FCI and recognized by the RKF can participate, but they do not receive a CACIB certificate and do not participate in the main ring (included in a separate catalogue)

Besides, national breed clubs(NKP) can be carried out monobreed exhibitions of one of the following ranks:
- Cheka- National Club Champion
- PC– Winner of the national club
- KChK- Candidate for National Breed Club Champion

Dog breeds recognized by the FCI and RKF are allowed to participate in monobreed shows of the rank of ChK, PC and KChK.

Exhibition classes

Regardless of which show it is, all dogs are entered into one of the following show classes:
1. Baby class (baby)- from 3 to 6 months.
(the presence of the baby class at the exhibition is determined by the decision of the organizing committee of the exhibition)
2. Puppy class- from 6 to 9 months.
3. Junior class (junior)- from 9 to 18 months.
4. Intermediate class- from 15 to 24 months.
5. Class open (open)- from 15 months.
6. Working class- from 15 months.
7. Champion class- from 15 months.
8. Veteran class- from the age of 8.

Estimates at dog shows

In all classes (except Baby and Puppies), the following marks are awarded in the ring:
Excellent- red ribbon, can be awarded to a dog, very approximate to the ideal of the breed standard.
very good- blue ribbon, may be awarded to a dog possessing typical features breeds. A few small flaws that do not disturb the morphology are acceptable.
good- green ribbon, awarded to a dog that has the main features of its breed, which has clearly expressed shortcomings.
Satisfactory- yellow ribbon, must be awarded to a dog of its breed, with malformations.
Disqualification- a white ribbon, must be given to the dog if it is folded in type, not up to standard.
Cannot be judged/without evaluation this qualification is given to any dog, if for some reason it is not possible to give an assessment.
Show organizers are required to clearly announce the scores in the ring (give ribbons).

In the puppy class, the following grades are awarded:
very promising- Red ribbon.
Promising- blue ribbon.
Little promising- green tape.
Unpromising (not promising)- white tape.

Titles at dog shows

At all RKF and FCI shows, awarding certificates and titles is the prerogative of the judge.

In the ring at the judge's discretion the following titles may be awarded (but not necessarily awarded) and the corresponding certificates issued:

CW - class winner, assigned to the first dog in the class that received the highest mark. The winner of the automatic class receives the title of KChK or JKChK at shows of the rank of ChK, CW. At the show rank Candidate for Club Champion (JCCHK gets automatic), and the rest of the CWs participate in the comparison at Candidate Champion.
R.CW - reserve class winner, is awarded to the second dog in the class with the highest score.
J.CAC - Candidate for Russian Junior Champions in Beauty
R.JCAC is a reserve candidate for the junior champions of Russia
САС - candidate for the champions of Russia in beauty
R.CAC is a reserve candidate for the champions of Russia in beauty
Black Sea Fleet - champion of the federation(RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS)
KChF is a candidate for the champions of the federation(RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS)
Ch.RKF - champion of RKF
CACIB - Candidate for International Champions of Beauty
R.CACIB - reserve candidate for International Champions of Beauty

All reserve certificates can only be awarded if the main certificates have been awarded. Thus, no R.CAC can be awarded unless a CAC is awarded, and no R.CACIB can be awarded unless a CACIB is awarded.

LK - best male of breed, is selected by comparing CW classes of intermediate, open, working, champions
LS - best female of breed is chosen in the same way as the choice of LK.
VOV - BOB - BOB selected by comparison of Best Male of Breed, Best Female of Breed, Best Junior of Breed and Best Veteran of Breed.
BEST PUPPY - best puppy of breed selected when comparing male and female CW puppy class.
BEST JUNIOR – best junior of breed is selected when comparing male and female CW junior class CASYU.
BEST VETERAN – best veteran of breed selected when comparing male and female CW veteran class.
BIS is the best dog in the show.
In addition, at the monobreed exhibitions held by the NCP, the following are awarded:

Yu.KChK- Candidate for Junior Club Champions
KChK- Candidate for National Club Champion
Yu.PK- junior NKP winner
PC- NKP winner
Yu.ChK- junior champion of the NKP
Cheka- National Club Champion

At regional shows, CAC receives only BOS and BOS in the breed, the second dog can be assigned R.CAC, also awarded to juniors R.JCAC.
At exhibitions of the rank Champion of the Federation CAC is awarded in each class.
At the International show, if at least one dog in the breed was awarded the title of CAC, then the judge is obliged to assign CACIB.

At any dog ​​show, the judge awards titles and marks to the winners. All dogs registered for this event belong to a specific age class. In this section, we will give explanations for the abbreviations CAC or CACIB, ChF or ChRKF, which are incomprehensible to many.


puppy class(puppy) 6-9 months;
junior class(junior) 9-18 months;
Intermediate class(intermediate) 15-24 months;
open class(open) from 15 months;
Working class(working) from 15 months;
Champion class(champion) from 15 months;
Veteran class(veteran) from 8 years old.

The date of determining the dog's age is the day preceding the start of the show.


In the Junior, Intermediate, Open, Working, Champion and Veteran classes, the following grades are awarded:
Great(excellent) - red ribbon;
Very good(very good) - blue ribbon;
Fine(good) - green ribbon;
Satisfactorily(satisfactory) - yellow ribbon;
Disqualification(disqualification) - white ribbon;
No rating(no evaluation).

In the puppy class, the following grades are awarded:
very promising(very promising) - red ribbon;
Perspective(promising) - blue ribbon;
unpromising(no promising) - green ribbon.


In the ring, at the judge's discretion, the following titles may be awarded:
CW- class winner, assigned to the first dog in the class, claiming to be awarded the title;
R.CW- reserve class winner, assigned to the second dog in the CACJ class - SASYU - candidate for the junior champion of Russia in beauty;
CAC- candidate for champions of Russia in beauty;
R.CAC- reserve candidate for champions of Russia in beauty;
Black Sea Fleet- champion of the federation (RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS);
KChF- candidate for champions of the federation (RFLS, RFSS, OANKOO, RFOS);
CACIB- Candidate for International Champions of Beauty;
R.CACIB- reserve candidate for the International Champions of Beauty.

All reserve titles can only be awarded if the main titles have been awarded.
Thus, no R.CAC can be awarded unless a CAC is awarded, and no R.CACIB can be awarded unless a CACIB is awarded.

OK- the best male of the breed, is selected by comparing the CW classes of intermediate, open, working, champions;
LS- the best bitch of the breed is selected, similarly to the selection of the best male;
WWII- BOB - the best representative of the breed is selected by comparing the best male of the breed and the best female of the breed who received titles;
BEST PUPPY- the best puppy of the breed is selected when comparing male and female CW puppy class;
BEST JUNIOR- the best junior of the breed is selected when comparing male and female CW junior class JCAC-SACU;
BEST VETERAN- the best veteran of the breed is selected when comparing male and female CW veteran class;
BIS- the best dog of the show separately among puppies, juniors and veterans;
BIS-P, BIS-J, BIS-V- the best puppy, junior, veteran of the exhibition are selected by comparing the best puppies, juniors, veterans of each breed participating in the exhibition (at least three best dogs are placed in each competition).

If the show is held over several days, then the best puppy, junior, veteran of each day is selected, with no further comparison between the winners of each day.

BIG- the best in the FCI group, in each group, among the best representatives of the breeds, the expert determines the three best dogs, the first of which receives the title BIG;
BIS- the best dog of the show, when comparing BIG winners in FCI groups, the expert determines the three best dogs, the first of which receives BIS.

Champion of Russia (CR)

To obtain the title "Champion of Russia" you must:
Option 1. 6 CAC certificates obtained from 6 different judges. 1 KChK certificate - a candidate for the NKP champions, is equivalent to 1 CAC certificate (maximum 3 KChK certificates are taken into account); 1 ChK certificate - NKP champion is equal to 3 CAC certificates (maximum 1 ChK certificate is taken into account); 1 PC certificate - the winner of the NKP is equal to 2 CAC certificates (maximum 1 PC certificate is taken into account).
Option 2. 4 CAC certificates from 4 different judges. One of the CAC certificates must be received at the RKF International Dog Show.
Option 3. Since 2006, 2 CAC certificates obtained from two different judges at the International Dog Show "Eurasia" (double CACIB).
Option 4. 1 certificate of CAC or CCC in the presence of a diploma or certificate of "Champion" of the country, a member of the FCI, or the USA (AKC), Great Britain (KS), Canada (SKS).
Option 5. 2 CAC certificates obtained from two different judges and a diploma of Junior Champion of Russia.

Junior Champion of Russia (JCHR)

To obtain the title "Junior Champion of Russia" you must:
Option 1. The presence of 4 certificates САСУ / САСJ (junior class winner), received from four different judges.
1 certificate NKP-RKF Junior Winner or 1 NKP-RKF JCCHK certificate is equivalent to 1 SASYU certificate, maximum 2 certificates NKP-RKF Junior Winner. 1 certificate Junior Champion of the NKP-RKF is equal to 2 certificates SASYU.
Option 2. 3 SACU certificates from 3 different judges. One of the SACU certificates must be received at the RKF International Dog Show.
Option 3. Since 2006, 2 CACS certificates obtained from two different judges at the International Dog Show "EURASIA" (double CACIB).
Option 4. 1 SACU certificate or 1 certificate Junior winner of the NKP-RKF in the presence of a diploma or certificate "JUNIOR CHAMPION" of the country.

Grand Champion of Russia (GChR)

To obtain the title "Grand Champion of Russia" you must:
The presence of diplomas "Champion of Russia" and "Champion of the National Breed Club", and for breeds that have a working class, an international certificate for working qualities is required.

RKF Champion

To obtain the title "Champion of the RKF" you must:
Option 1. The presence of diplomas "Champion of the Federation", the minimum diplomas "Champion of the Federation" of 3 different federations are taken into account.
Option 2. 1 Ch.RKF certificate obtained at the International or All-Russian Dog Show.

Federation Champion (ChF)

To obtain the title "Champion of the Federation" you must:
The presence of 4 certificates "KChF" - a candidate for the champions of the federation (one of the federations), received from three different judges. The presence of the certificate "Champion of the Federation", obtained at the All-Russian exhibitions.

Club Champion

Champion of the National Breed Club is assigned according to the rules stipulated by the National Breed Club of the RKF.
Minimum requirements for obtaining the Club Champion:
4хКЧК = Club Champion
2x Club Winner = Club Champion (The Club Winner is awarded at the All-Russian Club Show, where in each class CCC is awarded, and the best male and female get the Club Winner.
The NKP champion gets the best male and the best female at the national NKP show. The Presidium of the National Club conducts the registration of the titles "Champion of the National Club" and the issuance of the relevant certificates.

Junior Champion

To obtain the title "Junior Champion" you must:
Option 1. The title can be awarded directly at the National Specialty Show to a dog that has received the title of "Best Junior" (male and female).
Option 2. The title can be awarded by recruitment if the dog at the indicated age has 3 diplomas with the title "Best Junior" (male and female), obtained from three different judges at monobreed shows of any rank or at 2 monobreed and plus one tiul " the best junior" at any certificate show not lower than CAC.

Can be awarded to a dog between the ages of 9 and 18 months.
Accounting for titles "Junior Champion" and the issuance of relevant certificates is carried out by the Presidium of the National Club.

All titles are assigned to dogs with pedigrees recognized by the RKF, with three generations of ancestors.
As an exception, incomplete pedigrees are allowed for pre-2010 titles in a number of breeds:
- Australian Shepherd,
- american bulldog,
- Afghan native hound,
- white swiss shepherd,
- brazilian terrier,
- Boerboel,
- Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound,
- East European Shepherd,
- Jack Russell Terrier,
- Italian Cane Corso,
- Ca de bou,
- Caucasian Shepherd Dog,
- Canary dog,
- korean jindo,
- lagotto romagnolo,
- latvian hound,
- Lithuanian hound,
- mexican hairless dog,
- Moscow watchdog,
- Moscow dragon,
- reindeer spitz,
- Parson Russell Terrier,
- Peruvian hairless dog,
- Prague rat,
- Russian hound,
- Russian piebald hound,
- Russian colored lapdog,
- Russian hunting spaniel,
- Russian toy terrier,
- Saint Miguelian Fila,
- Central asian shepherd dog,
- basins,
- taigan,
- Thai Ridgeback,
- hortaya,
- Chukchi riding,
- Estonian hound,
- South Russian Shepherd.

If you are planning to show your dog and have come to the show for the first time, then you might be interested to know what the abbreviation for show titles means. This is not just a set of letters, but quite specific international names of certain titles assigned at dog shows around the world. Let's see what is hidden behind all these CACs, BISs, CACIBs.


WW - World Winner - World Champion
INT.CH - International Champion of Beauty
MULTI CH - National Champion of five or more countries
CH - National Champion
SN.SN - National champion of 2 countries
CH.INT.CH - Interchampion, Champion of one country
CH.CH.INT.CH - Interchampion, Champion of 2 countries
J.CH - Junior Champion (official title of some countries)

CACIB - Certifikat d`Aptitude au Champional International de Beaute - Candidate for International Champions of Beauty
R.CACIB - Reserve Candidate for International Champions of Beauty
САС - Certifikat d`Aptitude au Championatl - Candidate for National Champion
R.CAC - Reserve Candidate National Champion

BIS - Best in Show - Best Dog in Show
R.BIS - Reserve Best in Show
BIS (III-IV) - Winners of Best In Show
BISp/j/v - Best Puppy/Junior/Veteran in Show

BIG - Best in Group - Group Winner
BIG (II-V) - Group Winner
BOB - Best Of Breed
BOS - Best Opposite Sex (loser in comparison)
BESTp/j/v - Best Puppy/Junior/Veteran of Breed
BJG is the best junior in the FCI group
BJ (BJ) - best junior
Best Puppy (BP)
ChR (CH Rus) - Champion of Russia
CW - Class Winner - Class Winner (intermediate, open, champions) R.CW - Reserve Class Winner
CWp/j/v - Puppy/Junior/Veteran Class Winner

Ch. RKF - Champion of the Russian Cynological Federation

CHK - Champion of the National Breed Club

KChK - Candidate for the Champion of the National Breed Club

SS - Certificate of Conformity

CWC - Certifikat wystawowego championa - certificate of the champion of exhibitions in Poland
CACA – Austrian Champion Candidate Certificate
ES - Europa Sieger - European Winner
BS - Bundessieger - Union Winner
CC (SQ) - certificate of conformity



Dog shows in the RKF system are held in accordance with the requirements of the FCI and these Regulations.

Certificate exhibitions are held:

1. Rank CACIB- international in accordance with the FCI schedule;

2. Rank CAC- All-Russian and regional all-breeds in accordance with the calendar plan of the RKF;

3. Rank Cheka And KChK- National and regional monobreeds at the request of the National Breed Clubs (NBC) in accordance with the calendar plan of the RKF.

Dogs of breeds recognized by the FCI, RKF, having documents recognized by the FCI and RKF, as well as an identification mark and / or microchip are allowed to participate in exhibitions (the scanner is provided by the owner).

1. Application rules

Cynological organizations applying for holding a certificate exhibition submit applications:

CAC rank - in the RKF Federation by affiliation: ROLS, RFSS, RFOS, ANCOR - until February 1 of the current year for the next year;

RKF federations and National clubs submit a consolidated application to the RKF before March 1 of the current year for the next year.

Applications must contain: - date of the exhibition; - name and address of the cynological organization; - FULL NAME. chairman of the exhibition committee; - Contact phone numbers;

The calendar of certificate exhibitions is published in the "RKF Bulletin" as an appendix.


1. baby class from 4 to 6 months;

2. puppy class from 6 to 9 months;

3. junior class from 9 to 18 months;

4. Intermediate class (intermedia) from 15 to 24 months;

5.open class from 15 months;

6. Working class(for service and hunting breeds) from 15 months;

7. Champion class from 15 months;

8. Veteran class from 8 years;


1. In the ring, at the judge's discretion, the following titles may be awarded and included in diplomas:

CAC, R.CAC - candidate and reserve candidate for national champions of beauty - at all-breed shows.

CACIB, R.CACIB - candidate and reserve candidate for international beauty champions - at international exhibitions.

All "reserve" titles can only be awarded if the main ones are awarded. Thus, no R.CAC can be awarded unless a CAC has been awarded.

at monobreed shows:

KCHK (candidate for champions of the National Club of Champions),

ChK (NKP champion),

CC (Certificate of Conformity) .

At all exhibitions:

CW , R.CW - class winner and reserve class winner - respectively the first and second dogs in the class, which received the mark "excellent".

BOS - Best male - is selected when comparing males CAC intermediate, open, working and CW champion class;

BOS - Best female - is chosen when comparing CAC of intermediate, open, working and CW champion class;

BOB - Best Representative The breed is selected by comparison of Best Male and Best Female.

Best Puppy / J / B - Best puppy (junior, veteran) of the breed is selected when comparing the male and female - the winners of the puppy class (juniors, veterans).

Titles are awarded in all breeds to the extent of differences in height, type of coat and in each color provided for by the standard, if the examination is carried out separately for colors.

2. In competitions and groups, the lineup includes 3 participants, and the following titles are awarded to the first:

The best manufacturer of the exhibition,

The best kennel of the exhibition - according to the regulation on competitions.

The Best Puppy (Junior, Veteran) of the Show is selected by comparing the Best Puppies (Junior, Veteran) of the Breeds. If the exhibition is held for several days, then

Best puppy (junior, veteran) every day.

BIG - Best in FCI group - in each FCI group, among the best representatives of breeds, the judge determines the 3 best dogs, the first of which receives BIG.

BIS -Best Dog of Show - when comparing the winners of the FCI-BIG groups, the expert determines the 3 best dogs, the first of which receives BIS.

At all exhibitions in the RKF - FCI system, awarding titles is the prerogative of the judge. Protests for examination are not accepted, the opinion of the expert is final and not subject to appeal.


1. At the exhibitions, an individual examination is carried out, in which the expert examines each dog, makes its description and awards an assessment.

At the end of the individual examination of each dog, the owners are awarded ribbons of various colors depending on the marks received:

red - when rated "excellent"; blue - when assessed "very good"; green - when assessing "good".

Then all the dogs that received the mark "excellent" remain in the ring, the judge places the 4 (four) best dogs from 4 to 1 place, regardless of whether he awards them titles.

2. Testing rings must be of sufficient size with a non-slip surface to allow the dog's movement to be judged. For breeds that have growth limits in the standard, the rings must be equipped with a height meter, and for breeds that have a standard weight - scales. To inspect small breeds and breeds of the toy group, there must be an additional table in the ring.

3. All the documentation necessary for the work must be prepared in advance and kept by one of the members of the ring brigade.

4. The composition of the ring team, which the organizer of the exhibition is obliged to provide to the judge, must include the manager of the ring, the secretary and, if necessary, an interpreter.

The ring brigade works according to the instructions of the expert and must ensure:

Calling participants;

Brand check;

Check for missing in each class;

Information about an incorrectly entered dog or change of handler;

Description of dogs under the dictation of the judge;

Organization and execution of all necessary office work.

5. It is forbidden to exhibit dogs in strict collars and harnesses at shows of any rank.

6. Participants who are late to the ring are not allowed to the examination.

7. For cruelty to dogs, unethical behavior at the show, provoked dog fights, at the request of an expert, a ring brigade or members of the show committee, the RKF show commission may disqualify the owner and the dog for a period of 1 to 3 years from all shows of the RKF - FCI.


In all competitions, only dogs entered in the catalog, pre-registered for the competition, exhibited at the exhibition and received a rating of at least "very good" can participate.

Kennel competition - 4 dogs of the same breed, born in the same kennel, with one prefix participate.

Stud competition - 4 offspring of one dog, male or female, descending from at least two litters from 2 two males for a female, from 2 different females for a male. A manufacturer can participate in the competition without being registered for the exhibition.

Pair competition - 2 dogs of the same breed, male and female, owned by the same owner.

If more than one pair of dogs is declared in the breed, then a preliminary examination to identify the best one is carried out by an expert in the ring of this breed. If the exhibition is held over several days, then it is determined best couple(nursery, producer) every day.



CAC - dogs that have received the title of CW in the intermediate, open and working classes;

R.CAC - dogs that have received the title of R.CW in the intermediate, open and working classes;

CACIB - the best male and female selected by comparing dogs that received CAC in the intermediate, open and working class and CW in the champion class.

R.CACIB - the best male and female left for comparison (i.e. the first dog from all classes, except where CACIB was awarded, and the second dog from the class where CACIB was awarded if she has the title R.CAC or R .CW).


The CACIB certificate received at the show is confirmed by the FCI. All confirmations are received by the RKF from the FCI headquarters.

If the dog presented at the CACIB already has the title of International Champion, then the FCI credits the CACIB to the dog that received the CACIB with the note "Canceled" and the dog that received the R.CACIB, that is, two dogs receive the confirmation of the certificate.

To obtain the title of International Champion of Beauty, 4 CACIB certificates are sufficient, which are obtained in three countries and from three different experts in at least one year and one day; however, one CACIB must be obtained in the owner's country of residence or in the country of origin of the breed.

In order to obtain the title of International Champion for breeds having working tests (except for Airedale Terrier and Fox Terrier, for which the title of International Champion is confirmed by 4 CACIBs), it is necessary to have 2 CACIB certificates obtained from 2 different judges in 2 countries for at least one year and one day, and the corresponding international test certificate.

For dogs whose owners live in Russia, 12 regions of the RKF are equated to countries in order to receive the title of International Champion. CAC certificates at international exhibitions are awarded in the same way as at All-Russian exhibitions.

The application for awarding the title of International Champion to the dog is sent to the FCI by the secretariat of the RKF at the request of the owner. The application must list all CACIBs obtained by the dog, indicating the date, location and judge, with copies of all CACIB certifications and a copy of the working diploma (if necessary).


During the examination in the ring, at the discretion of the expert, the following titles can be awarded and included in the diplomas:

CW , R.CW - assigned to the first and second dogs in the class, respectively, who received an excellent mark.

CAC - at all-Russian shows - to dogs that have received the title of CW in the intermediate, open and working classes; - at regional CAC shows - male and female selected when comparing CW intermediate, open and working classes.

R.CAC - at all-Russian shows - to dogs that have received the title of R.CW in the intermediate, open and working classes; - at regional CAC shows - male and female, determined by comparing the CW, who did not receive CAC, and R.CW from the class in which the dog received CAC.

Best Male, Best Female - Best Male and Best Female - at All-Russian shows - are selected when comparing CAC of intermediate, open, working and CW champion classes; - at regional CAC shows - when comparing a dog that received CAC and CW of the champion class.

Titles are awarded in all breeds to the extent of differences in height, type of coat and in each color provided for by the standard, if the examination is carried out separately for colors.


According to the decision of the National Club of Breeds, judging and awarding of titles separately for colors at monobreed shows is possible after the approval of the exhibition commission and the RKF.

In the Junior, Intermediate, Open, Working, Winners, Champions and Veteran classes, the following grades are awarded:

Great(excellent) - a red ribbon, can be awarded to a dog very close to the ideal of the breed standard, which is presented in excellent condition, shows a harmonious balanced temperament, a dog of high class and excellent training, Its excellent characteristics, corresponding to the breed, allow for small flaws that can be ignore, but at the same time it must have a pronounced sexual type.

Very good(very good) - a blue ribbon, can be awarded to a dog that has the typical features of the breed, well balanced proportions and presented in correct condition. A few small flaws that do not disturb the morphology are acceptable.

Fine(good) - green ribbon, awarded to a dog that has the main features of its breed, which has clearly expressed shortcomings.

Satisfactorily(Satisfactory) - Yellow Ribbon, must be awarded to a dog that is appropriate for its breed and has malformations.

Disqualification(disqualification) - a white ribbon, must be given to a dog if it is built in a type that does not meet the standard, demonstrates unusual for the breed or aggressive behavior, is cryptorchid, has defects in the dental system or jaw structure, has a non-standard coat or color, including signs of albinism , not free from defects threatening health, has disqualifying defects.

Impossible to sue/No score(cannot be judged/without evaluation) this qualification is given to any dog. Which constantly jumps or rushes out of the ring, making it impossible to assess its movement and gait, or if the dog does not allow the judge to feel itself, does not allow the teeth and bite, anatomy and structure, tail or testicles to be examined, or if traces of surgery or treatment are visible. The same applies to the case when surgical and medical interventions are intended to mask the errors punishable by the standard.

In accordance with the requirements of the GPC, dogs that have not passed testing or tests of working qualities may be left without evaluation. The regulations for checking the behavior and testing of a particular breed are developed by the NPC and approved by the RKF.

In the puppy class, the following grades are awarded:

very promising(very promising) - red ribbon.

Perspective(promising) - blue ribbon.

unpromising(not promising) - green ribbon

In the ring, at the judge's discretion, the following titles and certificates may be awarded:

CW– class winner, assigned to the first dog in the class that received the highest mark. The winner of the automatic class receives the title of KChK or JKChK at the shows of the rank of ChK, CW, and at the show of the rank of KChK participates in the comparison at the KChK.

SS- certificate of conformity

USS- certificate of conformity in the junior class

Yu.KChK- Candidate for Junior Club Champions

KChK- Candidate for National Club Champion

Yu.PK- junior NKP winner

PC- NKP winner

Yu.ChK- junior champion of the NKP

Cheka- National Club Champion

OK– the best male of the breed, is selected by comparing the winners of the intermediate, open, working classes, winners, champions, champions of the NKP.

LS– the best bitch of the breed is selected, similarly to the selection of the male.

BOB- Best of Breed is selected by comparison of Best Male of Breed, Best Female of Breed, Best Junior of Breed and Best Veteran of Breed.

BEST BABY– the best baby of the breed is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the baby class.

BEST PUPPY- the best puppy of the breed is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the puppy class.

BEST JUNIOR– the best junior of the breed is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the junior class of the JCCC.

BEST VETERAN– the best veteran of the breed is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the veteran class.


At all RKF and FCI shows awarding titles and certificates is the judge's prerogative.

When judging, at the discretion of the judge, the following certificates and titles may be awarded:

SS- can be awarded to dogs rated excellent and participating in the placement of 1-4 places in each class (intermediate, open, working, winners and champions)

USS- can be awarded to dogs rated excellent and participating in the placement 1-4 in the junior class

KChK- awarded to males and females who received CW (class winner) in intermediate, open, working, winners and champion classes (at shows of the rank of CHK and CW)

At CCHK rank shows, CCC certificates are given to the Best male and the Best female.

YUKChK– awarded to dogs (male and female) who received CW (class winner) in the junior class.

PC- is awarded to the Best Male and Best Female at the PK show.

Yu.PK- awarded to the Best male and female in the junior class at the CW show.

Cheka- is awarded to the Best male and the Best female at an exhibition of the rank of CHK.

Yu.ChK- awarded to the Best male and female in the junior class at an exhibition of the rank of the Cheka.

(Note for breeds with mandatory testing of working qualities or testing of behavior adopted in the NPC, the rules for awarding titles are developed by the NPC and approved by the RKF)

Verification and exchange of certificates

Certificates of ChK, KChK and SS organizers receive in NCP. Certificates are issued at the show with the name of the dog and the stamp of the National Club of the National Club. Certificates are kept by NCP.

2 CC certificates obtained from 2 different experts are equal to one CCC.


All titles are assigned to dogs with pedigrees recognized by the RKF.


To obtain the title "CHAMPION OF RUSSIA" you must:

Option 1:

6 САС - obtained from 6 different judges, at National, All-Russian “Federation Champion” or National, regional “Candidate for Federation Champion” shows

Option 2:

4 CAC - obtained from 4 different judges, if one CAC was obtained at the International Dog Show "CACIB" or at the National, All-Russian Dog Show "RKF Champion"

Option 3:

3 САС - obtained from 3 different judges and diploma "Junior Champion of Russia"

Option 4:

2 CAC - received from 2 different judges, within one year at the exhibition "EURASIA"

Option 5:

1 CAC - obtained at the International Dog Show “Russia” (Best Male and Best Female who received CACIB and the certificate of “RKF Champion”).

For foreign dogs not registered in the RKF:

Option 6:

1 САС, received at the International Dog Show "САСIB" or at the National, All-Russian Dog Show "RKF Champion" and a certificate or diploma "Champion" of the country of residence of a member of the FCI or AKC, KC, CKC

Option 7:

2 САС obtained at National, All-Russian “Federation Champion” or National, Regional “Candidate for Federation Champion” shows

For foreign dogs without a title (national champion), options 1-5 apply.


To obtain the title "JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RUSSIA" you must:

Option 1:

4 Jun.CAC obtained from 4 different judges at National, All-Russian “Federation Champion” or National, Regional “Candidate for Federation Champion” shows.

Option 2:

3Jun.CAC obtained from 3 different judges, if one Jun.CAC was obtained at the International Dog Show “САСIB” or at the National, All-Russian Dog Show “RKF Champion”.

Option 3:

Option 4:

For foreign dogs not registered in the RKF

Option 5:

1 Jun.CAC, received at the International Dog Show “CACIB” or at the National, All-Russian Dog Show “RKF Champion” and a certificate or diploma “Junior Champion” of the FCI member country or AKC, KC, CKC.

Option 6:

2JunCAC obtained at National, All-Russian “Federation Champion” or National, Regional “Candidate for Federation Champion” shows

For foreign dogs without a title (national champion), options 1-4 apply.

FCI/ Federation Cynologique Internationale - International Federation of Cynologists.The International Federation of Cynologists is one of the largest and most authoritative internationalcynological federations, includes KSU and RKF and other federations of most countries.The purpose of the FCI is to unite cynologists around the world, to promote the development of breeds, the cultivation of thoroughbredsdogs with good health and conformation conforming to the breed standard. Keeping highworking qualities of hunting and service breeds. FCI Creates Rules to Facilitate Mutual Recognitionstudbooks and pedigrees of different countries and organizations, registers international namesnurseries. FCI - finally approves breed standards, rules for international showsand obtaining titles, international pedigrees are certified to her, etc.FCI is a successful attempt to centralize and unite all dog handlers to develop a single pathdevelopment.However, not all countries are included in the FCI and as a result dogs, for example, in England or America (not included in the FCI)may differ somewhat from their European counterparts. However, dogs with English pedigrees(KS English Kennel Club), Canadian (SKS Canadian Kennel Club) or American(AKC American Kennel Club) recognized by FCI. KSU/ Kennel Union of Ukraine - Ukrainian Federation of Cynologists.The Cynological Union of Ukraine is an all-Ukrainian public organization created on the basis ofunity of interests of owners of purebred dogs for the joint realization of their rights and freedoms inthis area provided for by its Charter.CACIB / Certificat d "Aptitude au Championnat International de Beaute is awarded - Candidate for international champions (certificate of fitness for international champions of beauty) . This certificate is obtained at international exhibitions. It is usually awarded to the best male andthe best bitch in the breed. Later, when typing required amount their CACIB certificatesexchanged for the title of Interchampion.R.CACIB - Reserve Candidate for International Champions This certificate is also obtained at international exhibitions. It is awarded to male and femalerunner-up after the winners (best female and best male).RCACIB certificates are taken into account when obtaining the title of Interchampion.Ch. / Champion - Champion This title is obtained by exchanging several CAC (Champion Candidate) certificates received onseveral exhibitions with different experts. This title is usually preceded by the abbreviated nameof the country whose champion the dog is. For example Pol.Ch. - Champion of Poland. Moreover, it is worth consideringwhat is meant by the title of champion in beauty (exterior). If the dog is a working championqualities, then the name of the sport in which the dog is the champion is added to the title Ch.For example World Ch.IPO III - World Champion in sports trainingIPO RUS.Ch. (RKF) - Champion of Russia in beauty in the RKF system.Ch. /Schweiz Champion - Champion of Switzerland in beauty is assigned, respectively, by setseveral CAC titles obtained in Switzerland. Due to the similarity of the abbreviation of the name of the country (Switzerland)with the abbreviated sport name SchH, some mistakenly believe that SchWZ.Ch. is a championperformance, but it's not!J.Ch. / Jang Champion - Junior Champion Also awarded by a set of several JCAC titles (junior candidate for national champions), whichcan be obtained in the junior class.CAC / Certificate d "Aptitude au Champion - Candidate for national champion in beauty.At the regional show, he is awarded to the best male and best female, at all-Ukrainian andinternational - to each class winner. In the future, when collecting the required numberCAC certificates are exchanged for the title Champion of the country.Accordingly, the dog becomes the champion of the country in which the certificates are received.CAC. J. CAC - A young candidate for national beauty champions. This certificate is also received at all certification exhibitions from regional to international.It is received by the winners of the junior class. In the future, when collecting the required numberJCAC certificates are exchanged for the title of Junior Champion of the country.Accordingly, the dog becomes the junior champion of the country in which the certificates are received.JCAC. R.CAC - Reserve candidate for national champions in beauty. This certificate is obtained at all certification exhibitions from regional to international.It is awarded to the second-placed dog. When exchanging certificates for the title Champion of the country. SS - Certificate of conformity. This certificate is awarded at monobreed shows to dogs rated excellent and ranked with1 to 4place in the layout. As with all certificates, it is issued solely at the discretion of the judge.V- Great, SG- Very good , G - Fine Evaluation at an exhibition or competition

Comparative rings, titles, titles and awards An expert in all classes determines only the first four places in the ring with an "excellent" rating, the restreceive an assessment without placement. The expert's decision is final. All dogs that have passedexamination, receive a diploma, an assessment sheet and a ribbon corresponding to the assessment.In all classes, except for the puppy class, marks are given:"Great" " Very good" " Fine" "satisfactory" In the class "puppies" get marks:"Big Perspective"- diploma, evaluation sheet, white ribbon with blue lace; "Perspective"- diploma, evaluation sheet, white ribbon with red lace;"Small Perspective"- diploma, evaluation sheet.Puppy (male\female) 1st place in puppy class, gets the title "Puppy class winner" outsidedepending on the number of dogs presented in the ring for examination.Next, two winners of the class "Best female" and "Best male" in each breed are compared in the ring.The winner receives the title "Best Puppy of Breed", which is included in the diploma.The best puppies from each breed participate in the Puppy BIS, get a rosette and a prize. BIS Winning Puppypuppies, receives the title "Best Puppy of the Show", a prize and a rosette.The dog (male/female) that takes the 1st place in the junior class receives the title "Junior Class Winner",diploma regardless of the number of dogs presented in the ring for examination.Then two class winners (male and female) in each breed (and in each height) are compared in the ring.variety, coat type and color, if specified in the instructions).The winner receives the title "Junior Champion of Ukraine"*, which fits into the diploma, and a blue and white ribbon.The best juniors of each breed participate in the "Best in Show" juniors.The winner of each of the FCI groups is awarded the title of "Best Junior of the FCI Group".The winners of the "Best Junior of the Group" are compared in the final ring.The winner receives the title of "Best FCI Junior", a rosette and a prize.* This title does not give the dog the right to show in the Champion class.СW - class winner , BOB - Best of Breed Evaluation at the exhibitionBIG / Best in Group - Group Winner (at the all-breed show) The best representatives of different breeds are compared in the group. All breeds are divided into FCI groups.Dogs are placed from 1st to 3rd place, so they often indicate, for example, BIG-2, i.e. 2nd place in the competition.BIG BIS / Best in Show - Exhibition Winner (all-breed) Best dog in show The winner of the Best in Show of the exhibition is selected by comparing group winners.Places are also awarded.FH CACT / Certificate d "Aptitude au Champion de Travail - Candidate for national champions in workersqualities. Assigned to various sports competitions. When collecting a certain amountCACT certificates they are exchanged for the title of champion in working qualities (adding the name of the speciestraining). CACIT / Certificate d "Aptitude au Championnat International de Travail - Candidate for International Championworking qualities.Assigned at various sports competitions. When collecting a certain amountCACIT certificates they are exchanged for the title of International Champion in working qualities (adding the titletraining or work trial).CACIOB / Certificat d "Aptitude au Championnat International d" Obeissance - Candidate for International Championby obedience.Assigned at sports competitions in obedience. When collecting a certain amountCACIT certificates are exchanged for the title of Interchampion in obedience.CACIAG / Certificat d "Aptitude au Championnat International d" Agility - Candidate for International Championagility. ED- Elbow dysplasia test.HD- Test for hip dysplasia.Joint dysplasia is a severe hereditary disease that causes lameness and limitedjoint mobility, and in severe cases, to the inability of the dog to walk and, accordingly, to death(or euthanasia).Large breeds of dogs are especially predisposed to dysplasia, so in the West for many yearsBreeding is allowed only dogs that have passed the test (X-ray).The degree of dysplasia is indicated by either the letters ABCDE,or icons -, +/-, +, ++, +++

Abbreviations of titles, ranks and diplomas in the KSU-FCI system


Candidate to National Champion

Candidate for Champions of the country


Reserve Candidate to National Champion

Reserve candidate for Champions of the country

J J.C.A.C.

Junior Candidate to National Champion

Junior Candidate at Champions of the Country


Candidate to International Champion

Candidate for International Champion


Reserve Candidate to International Champion

Reserve candidate for the International Champions


Best of Breed

The best representative of the breed


Candidate to International Working Champion

Candidate for International Champions of Workersyakos


Reserve Candidate to InternationalWorking Champion

Reserve candidate for international championshworking tanks


Candidate to Working Champion of Ukraine

Candidate for Champion of Ukraine with working positions


Reserve Candidate to WorkingChampion of Ukraine

Reserve candidate for Champion of Ukrainefrom working tanks


Junior European Winner

Junius European Helper


European Winner

European helper


Junior World Winner

Junius All-Sveta Reminder


World Winner

Almighty helper


National Champion

Champion of the country


Champion of Ukraine

Champion of Ukraine


Junior Champion of Ukraine

Junior Champion of Ukraine


Grand Champion of Ukraine

Grand Champion of Ukraine


Super Grand Champion of Ukraine

Supergrandchampion of Ukraine


Best of the best of breed

The best of the best representatives of the breed


Winner of Ukraine

All-Ukrainian Peremozhets





International Champion

International Champion


International Show Champion

International Show Champion


International Club Champion

International champion of the club


International Working Champion

International Champion of Workers


International Agility Champion

International champion in agility

Wt.CH U.A.

Working Champion of Ukraine

Champion of Ukraine with working capacities


Field Trial Champion

Champion of the floor


Agility Champion

Champion of agility


Agility Grand Champion

Grandchampion of agility


International System of Working Dog Trials

International system for testing workersyakos


Hound Trials

Testing dogs of Misliv breeds

Wt.DiC-1 Wt.DiC-2

dog in city

Dog in the area

Obd-I, II, III

Obedience course

obidens course


Special course

Special course


Protective sentry a service

Zahisna guard service


security sentry

Security guard training


Search and rescue service

Poshukovo-ryatuvalna service (PSS)


Awarding the title "Champion of Ukraine"

- 6 x CAC at National Dog Shows of CAC rank for a period of at least 1 year and 1 day(under the judging of at least 5 different experts). - 4 x CAC - three CACs from national shows of CAC rank, plus one from a show of CACIB rank, for the periodno less,than 6 months (judging by different experts).- 3 x САС - two САС from double exhibitions, rank САСІВ in any cities of Ukraine,plus one CAC from the CACIB show in Kiev. - 2 x САС - at double CACIB shows in Kiev.- 2 x САС - at CACIB shows (only for dogs of working breeds with the application of a workingcertificate)- At the National Championships - the best male and the best female in the breed receive the title "Champion of Ukraine"

Awarding the title "Junior Champion of Ukraine"

- 3 x JCAC - received at all certificate shows of KSU. - 2 x JCAC - at double CACIB shows in Kiev.- At the National Championships - the best male and the best junior female get the title"Junior Champion of Ukraine"

Exhibition classes are:

Baby class (baby) from 4 to 6 months

Puppy class (pappy) from 6 to 9 months

Junior class (junior) from 9 to 18 months

Intermediate class from 15 to 24 months

Class open (open) from 15 months

Winner class - from 15 months

Class working (working) - from 15 months

Champion class - from 15 months

Veteran class - from 8 years old


  • The baby class and the winner class are distinguished only at monobreed shows
  • To enter the class of winners, you must have at least one CAC or CCHK title
  • To enter the working class at CACIB shows - an international certificate for field trials is required, for All-Russian, regional and monobreed shows - a working diploma from field tests may be enough
  • To enter the champion class, you must have the title of the champion of the country - a member of the FCI

Grades, certificates and titles

Grades awarded in the baby class and in the puppy class:

very promising(very promising) red ribbon

Perspective(promising) blue ribbon

unpromising(no promising) - green ribbon

Grades awarded in Junior, Intermediate, Open, Winners, Workers, Champions and Veteran classes:

Excellent- Red ribbon

Very good(very good) - blue ribbon

Fine(good) - green ribbon

Satisfactorily(satisfactory) - yellow ribbon

Disqualification(disqualification) - white ribbon

No evaluation (no evolution)

Titles which, at the judge's discretion, may be awarded in the ring:

CW - class winner

R.CW - reserve class winner

CACJ - SASYU - Candidate for Junior National Beauty Champion

CAC - national beauty champion candidate

R.CAC - reserve candidate for national beauty champions

CACIB - Candidate for International Champions of Beauty

R.CACIB - reserve candidate for International Champions of Beauty

Ch.RKF - champion of RKF

CHF - champion of the federation (RFLS, RFOS, OANKOO, RFSS)

KChF - candidate for champions of the federation (RFLS, RFOS, OANKOO, RFSS)

ChK - champion of the national breed club

PK - winner of the national breed club

Candidate for Champion of the National Club of the Breed

СС - certificate of conformity

BB (best baby) - best baby of breed

BP (best puppy) - best puppy of breed

BV (best veteran) - best veteran of breed

BOS (best opposite sex) - best male/female of breed

BOB (best of breed) - best of breed

BIG (best in group) - best in FCI group

BIS (best in show) - best dog in the show

At exhibitions, titles in the ring are awarded at the discretion of the judge, according to the following rules:

Title C.W.

  • the winner in each class - that is, the first dog in the class

Title R.CW

Title R.CW

  • dogs that have taken second place in their class

Title CACJ

  • male and female, who received the title of CW in the junior class at the shows of the rank CAC / CACIB

Title CAC

  • males and females who have received the title of CW in the classes of intermediate, open, working, champions, veterans at CAC / CACIB shows

Title R.CAC

  • males and females who have received the title R.CW in the classes of intermediate, open, working, champions, veterans at CAC / CACIB shows


  • Best Male and Best Female at the CACIB Show - International Dog Show


  • male and female, who took second place in the arrangement at the CACIB show - International Dog Show

Title Ch.RKF

  • Best male and Best female at shows rank "RKF Champion"

Title of the Black Sea Fleet

  • Best male and Best female at shows of the rank "Federation Champion" of the respective federations

Title KCHF

  • Best male and Best female at shows of the rank "Candidate for Champion of the Federation" of the respective federations

Title Cheka

  • Best male and Best female at the National Monobreed Show

PC Title

  • Best male and Best female at the All-Russian Monobreed Show

Title KChK

  • at the National and All-Russian monobreed shows - males and females who received the title of CW in the classes of intermediate, open, winners, workers, champions, veterans.
  • at the Regional Monobreed Show - Best male and Best female

CC title at monobreed shows for dogs with an "excellent" rating at the discretion of the judge

Best Baby of Breed (BB) is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the baby class

Best Puppy of Breed (BP) is selected by comparing male and female puppy class winners

Best Junior of Breed (BJ) is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the junior class

Best Veteran of Breed (BV) is selected by comparing the male and female winners of the Veteran class.

Best Male of Breed (BOS) is selected by comparing class winning males

Best Female of Breed (BOS) is selected by comparing female class winners

Best of Breed (BOB) is selected by comparing Best Junior, Best Male and Best Female of Breed

Best in Group FCI (BIG) is selected by comparing the Best of Breeds in the same group

Best Dog in Show (BIS) is selected by comparing group winners

Notes: competitions for the best baby, puppy, junior and veteran of the show are also held separately: BIS-B, BIS-P, BIS-J, BIS-V Awarding titles at shows is the prerogative of experts and is not subject to appeal. In the absence of a worthy, according to the expert, representative, the title may not be awarded.

Order of examination in the ring

Prior to the start of the examination, it is necessary in advance (with a margin of 30-40 minutes):

  • undergo veterinary control, for which you will need a veterinary certificate of the established form for the dog. A certificate can only be obtained at state veterinary clinics.
  • register for the exhibition and get an exhibition number. To avoid misunderstandings, it is better to always have a receipt confirming the entry of the dog to the show.

Ideally, the examination in the ring should begin strictly in accordance with the schedule of the exhibition, which can and should be known in advance.

The procedure for examination in the ring at certificate shows in the RKF-FCI system is as follows (within one breed):

baby class: examination of males with the CW title, examination of females with the CW title, comparison of a male and a female who received the CW title for the title of Best Baby of Breed.

Puppy class: examination of males with the CW title, examination of females with the CW title, comparison of a male and a female who received the CW title for the title of Best Puppy of Breed.

Junior class: examination of males with awarding CW and CACJ titles, examination of females with awarding CW and CACJ titles, comparison of a male and a female who received CW-CACJ titles for the title of Best Junior of Breed.

Examination of adult males: first, an examination is carried out in turn in each of the show classes (intermediate, open, winners, workers, champions and veterans) with the award of CW and CAC titles in each of them, then a comparison for the title of Best male of the breed takes place (males with CW- titles are compared with each other CAC)

Examination of adult bitches: first, an examination is carried out in turn in each of the show classes (intermediate, open, winners, workers, champions and veterans) with the award of CW and CAC titles in each of them, then a comparison for the title of Best female of the breed takes place (females with CW-titles are compared with each other CAC)

Comparison for the title of Best of Breed (best male and best female are compared)


At CACIB Certification Shows, the Best Female and Best Male can be awarded the CACIB title.

At monobreed shows of different status, instead of CAC and CACIB titles, the titles of CCHK, PC and CHC are awarded, according to the rules for awarding titles of the National Breed Club.

All dogs from the same class enter the ring in numerical order after the invitation of the ring steward (males and females are shown separately - see above).

The exhibition number must be visible at all times (pinned, hung around the neck, etc.).

All further actions in the ring take place in accordance with the instructions of the expert.

As a rule, the sequence of examination in the ring is approximately the following:

First, all dogs standing in the ring are examined for teeth, and for males, the presence of both testicles is checked. Incorrect bite, violations of the dental formula, the absence of one or both testicles in the scrotum - are the basis for disqualification of the exhibitor.

Then all dogs are watched in motion in a circle. And a dog that is visibly lame or has a serious movement defect will be removed from the ring.

After that, an individual examination of each dog is carried out: the expert evaluates the dog in the stance and in motion, and the assistant writes down the result of the examination on the evaluation sheet. The result of the individual examination is an assessment (the exhibitor is given a ribbon of the corresponding color, but, however, not always+).

Upon completion of the individual examination of all dogs presented in the class, the judge places dogs from 1 to 4 with an "excellent" rating (at CACIB shows with "excellent" and "very good" ratings).

The winner will continue to fight for the titles, but after some time the rest of the participants will receive diplomas and evaluation sheets.

Competitions for best dog shows, Best Baby, Best Puppy, Best Junior and Best Veteran of the Show are held at the end of the show day, after the end of the examination in the rings.