Boris Zakhoder - Why the fish are silent: A fairy tale. Interesting facts - set expressions In the old days, fish loved

In the old days, fish loved to talk, and Pike perch is too much. He would say good deeds, otherwise it’s all nonsense: either he sharpens lyases, then he grinds nonsense, then he talks nonsense, and it happened even worse: he talks too much.

And before that, he somehow got tired of all the fish that not one of them even wants to talk to him: as soon as he scatters to talk to some fish, and she wags her tail - and remember your name!

Here he swam, swam, was silent, silent - so silent, even swamp!

And the tongue itches like death!

Sudak swam from grief to the shore. He thinks: is there at least someone there with whom to gossip.

He sticks his nose out of the water, looks - right, someone is sitting on the shore, furry, four paws, the fifth - a tail.

“Hey you, Mokhnatenkiy,” says Sudak. - Who will you be? Fish?

“What are you talking about,” Mokhnatenky says, “what a fish I am!” I am a beast - Otter.

“So I think it’s not a fish,” says Sudak. - What do fish do in a dry place? She's stupid, isn't she?

He said - and then he bit his tongue.

But Otter - nothing, she was not offended, she just licked her lips.

- Why is it immediately - a fool? he asks. - Is it bad on the coast?

“It wouldn’t be bad,” says Sudak. - You can't live at all!

- And in the water, it turns out, is it possible?

- In the water? Compare too! In the water know swim for your pleasure!

What if I can't swim?

- Can't you swim? Sudak was surprised. - That's a laugh! Why, it's the easiest thing to swim! Get in the water and swim right away!

- I won't drown?

The pike almost choked with laughter. Even made bubbles.

- What are you, - he says, - who is it that is drowning in water? We, fish, live in water all our lives, and not one, thank God, has drowned!

The Otter entered the water carefully, carefully: first up to the breast, then up to the neck ... she swam, she swam ... but all of a sudden she rushed at the zander!

He barely left her, only from the tail she tore out the middle for him: the tail was a shovel, but became corners.

“Oh-oh-oh,” Sudak thinks, “I will never talk to strangers, especially with animals! You are their word, and they are behind the tail! See the animals!

Say said, but the tongue is itching! I swam a little - in another place I swam to the shore. He stuck his nose out again.

She looks - on a large stone, the Stranger is sitting, all in feathers, white, pretty, and she herself is crying pitifully, pitifully: “Tea! Tea!”

Sudak felt sorry for her.

“Hey you,” he says, “little white, pretty!” Are you not an animal?

- Why are you, - says the Stranger, - I, tea, a bird! Tea, you know, I'm a Seagull!

- Why are you crying?

- Why am I crying? I want to eat, that's why I cry!

- Do you want to eat? Sudak was surprised. "So why cry?" Take it and eat!

It's good to give you advice! Chaika says. - I, tea, I know it myself! What to take? There is nothing to take but sand and pebbles!

Sudak, well, laugh!

“Oh, you killed me,” he finally says. - Food as much as you want, but she says - there is nothing!

Yes, we are in the water! And the shells are delicious, and the worms, and the crayfish are nothing to themselves, but the tastiest of all ... - Sudashishka was about to stutter, and his tongue uttered by itself: - ... the most delicious thing is some fish!

And as soon as these words escaped him - how the Seagull will take off, how it will grab him by the back, by the very middle!

Well, Sudak - he also did not miss - somehow dodged, left. Only the dorsal fin was torn off by the Seagull - it is uneven at Sudakov to this day.

Sudak sailed into the sea, to a deep place. Barely breathed. He scolds himself abusively!

“So I, the Fool-Sudak, need it,” he thinks. “I knew it wasn’t good to talk to strangers!” Well, now at least cut me - I won't do it for anything! I promise! Not with animals, not with birds! And I won't swim to the shore! Let my fins wither!”

And for a long time he was strong, he endured. Almost all day. Only by the evening the soul could not bear it - again crept up to the shore.

“I’ll take a look at least with one eye,” he thinks, “but to speak - no, no!”

Looks: what kind of miracle is this? A stranger is sitting on the shore, and who he is - you don’t understand! It seems to be a bird: a bird's nose and whistles, but there are no feathers! It seems to be a beast - but no: there is not enough wool on two legs! Sits, meets the evening dawn.

Sudak looked and looked at him, but he was afraid to speak: the fin was still hurting.

And the Stranger noticed Sudak and said:

- Good evening!

Sudak is silent.

Why don't you answer? says the Stranger. “It's impolite, brother.

Sudak is silent.

“Ah, you probably don’t know how to speak,” the Stranger guessed. “That’s right, that’s right, fish can’t talk!” I forgot, sorry!

It was a shame to Sudashka. It's so embarrassing - no urine!

- Can't we do it? - blurted out. - Yes, we, if you want to know, how we can! We will also teach you!

- Yah? the Stranger was surprised. So why were you silent before?

“That’s why he was silent, because I gave a vow not to talk with animals or birds, otherwise they like to bite painfully!” What kind of bird are you?

“What are you,” says the Stranger, “what a bird I am to you!”

- Then, it turns out, the beast?

- And I'm not a beast ... I, how would you explain it more clearly ... I'm a man.

— Man-ek? Sudak repeated. - The first time I've heard! Well, if a Man - then nothing.

“That’s what I think—nothing,” says the Stranger. — And what is your name?

“Well, that’s how we met,” says the Man. - We can talk with you while I fix the tackle.

And he ties a thread to a stick.

- And what is such a tackle for? Sudak asks.

- It's me, - the Man answers, - I won't lie to you - I thought of catching fish.

And Sudak - from a great mind - how he will laugh!

- Fish-s-fish? - speaks. - But how are you going to catch a fish with a stick?

“It will be visible there,” says the Man, and he also tied something to the thread - some kind of squiggle.

“Although it’s true,” says Sudak, “in our sea-ocean there is such a stupid fish that it will bite on a stick!” You won't believe what a fool! Stones - and that's enough! But, - he says, - if you want to lure a good fish, you ...

And he went and went to spread: what kind of fish eats, and what he especially loves, where he goes, and when he sleeps, and when he feeds.

All laid out. He chatted, chatted - he even wanted to eat himself.

And suddenly he sees: in front of his very nose, a worm in the water twists and turns, appetizing, fat, as if saying: “Eat me!”

Sudak rude him.

Yes, I just didn’t have time to swallow - I was on the hook.

“Well,” says the Man, “what are we going to do with you?” Wuhu cook?

But Sudak, out of fear, cannot say “mother”. Measurement.

It was a pity for his Man.

- So be it, - he says, - I will let you go for the first acquaintance. But, look, don't get caught next time!

He took Sudashishka off the hook and threw it into the water.

As the pike perch will start - and "thank you" did not say! He was overwhelmed with joy, apparently.

But only from that very day the fish in the rivers-seas began to noticeably decrease.

And once all the fish gathered for advice.

What, they say, is the reason? Then neither the beast, nor the bird, nor the man touched us, but now they drag us not by court! Confess who taught them!

Sudashka had to repent.

“So and so,” he says, “I, the fool, blabbed!” Do what you want with me - it's all my fault!

They wanted to put his fish to death for this, yes, thanks, Kambala - there is no smarter fish in the world than her - she dissuaded him.

- This, - he says, - will not help grief anyway. And Sudak is now a scientist - he will be silent! It’s better, let’s keep our mouths shut in the future, so that neither people, nor birds, nor animals will recognize any of our fish tricks anymore.

So we decided.

Since then, all the fish have taken water in their mouths and do not talk to people, animals, or birds.

They only talk to each other.

Often, to achieve some kind of speech effect, simple words are not enough. Irony, bitterness, mockery, one's own attitude to what is happening - all this can be expressed much more capaciously, more precisely, more emotionally, with the help of phrases, the history of whose origin is now little known ...


The history of this expression is as follows: the ancient Jews had a rite of absolution. The priest laid both hands on the head of a live goat, thereby, as it were, shifting the sins of the whole people onto him. After that, the goat was driven out into the wilderness. Many, many years have passed, and the rite no longer exists, but the expression lives on ...

Pictured above: "Scapegoat" - Painting by William Holman Hunt, 1854


The mysterious "tryn-grass" is not at all some kind of herbal drug that is drunk so as not to worry. At first it was called "tyn-grass", and tyn is a fence. The result was “fence grass”, that is, a weed that no one needed, indifferent to everyone.

Sour soup master

Sour cabbage soup is a simple peasant food: some water and sauerkraut. It wasn't hard to prepare them. And if someone was called a master of sour cabbage soup, it meant that he was not good for anything worthwhile.

put a pig

In all likelihood, this expression is due to the fact that some peoples do not eat pork for religious reasons. And if such a person was imperceptibly put pork meat in his food, then his faith was defiled by this.

Pour in the first number

Believe it or not, but... from the old school, where students were flogged every week, regardless of who was right or wrong. And if the mentor overdoes it, then such a spanking was enough for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

Register Izhitsa

Izhitsa - name last letter Church Slavonic alphabet. Traces of flogging in known places of negligent students strongly looked like this letter. So to prescribe Izhitsu - teach a lesson, punish, it's easier to flog. And you still scold the modern school!

Goal like a falcon

Terribly poor, beggar. Usually they think that we are talking about a bird. But the falcon has nothing to do with it. In fact, the “falcon” is an old military wall-beating weapon. It was a completely smooth ("bare") cast-iron blank, fixed on chains. Nothing extra!

Orphan Kazan

So they say about a person who pretends to be unhappy, offended, helpless in order to pity someone. But why is the orphan "Kazan"? It turns out that this phraseological unit arose after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. Mirzas (Tatar princes), being subjects of the Russian Tsar, tried to beg him for all sorts of indulgences, complaining about their orphanhood and bitter fate.

unlucky person

In the old days in Rus', "the way" was called not only the road, but also various positions at the prince's court. The falconer's path - in charge of princely hunting, the trapping path - canine hunting, the path of the stables - by carriages and horses. The boyars, by hook or by crook, tried to get a way from the prince - a position. And those who did not succeed, spoke of those with disdain: an unlucky person.

Inside out

Now it seems to be quite a harmless expression. And once it was associated with a shameful punishment. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, a guilty boyar was put back to front on a horse in clothes turned inside out and in this form, disgraced, was driven around the city to the whistle and ridicule of the street crowd.

Retired goat drummer

The official version sounds like this: in the old days, trained bears were taken to fairs. They were accompanied by a dancer boy dressed up as a goat, and a drummer accompanying his dance. This was the goat drummer. He was perceived as a worthless, frivolous person.

In fact, it's not like that at all. Kazn in Arabic is a judge, and in Russian there are many words with a proto-root kaz Keywords: mandate, decree, order, punishment, execution, casuistry, Cossack. Apparently, during the existence of the ancient Slavic Kopa (meeting of family elders), the person responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the Kopa was called kaz. He had a drummer with him. Over time, the word "kaz" was forgotten, and they began to say "judge", and "kaz" in Russian folk speech turned into a "goat". In its original form, the proverb sounded like this: "The drummer of a retired kaza."

lead by the nose

"Drive by the nose" - to deceive.

It can be seen that trained bears were very popular, because this expression was associated with fairground entertainment. The gypsies led the bears by wearing a nose ring. And they forced them, the poor fellows, to do various tricks, deceiving them with the promise of handouts.

Sharpen laces

Lyasy (balusters) are chiseled curly columns of railings at the porch. Only a real master could make such beauty. Probably, at first, “sharpening balusters” meant having an elegant, bizarre, ornate (like balusters) conversation. But craftsmen to conduct such a conversation by our time became less and less. So this expression began to denote empty chatter.

Nick down

In this expression, the word "nose" has nothing to do with the organ of smell. "Nose" was called a commemorative plaque, or a tag for records. In the distant past, illiterate people always carried with them such boards and sticks, with the help of which all kinds of notes or notches were made as a keepsake.

Break a leg

This expression arose among hunters and was based on the superstitious idea that with a direct wish (both down and feather), the results of the hunt can be jinxed. Feather in the language of hunters means a bird, fluff - animals. In ancient times, a hunter going fishing received this parting word, the “translation” of which looks something like this: “Let your arrows fly past the target, let the snares and traps you set remain empty, just like the hunting pit!” To which the miner, in order not to jinx it, also replied: “To hell!”. And both were sure that the evil spirits, invisibly present at this dialogue, would be satisfied and leave behind, would not plot during the hunt.

Beat the thumbs

What are "backcloths", who and when "beats" them? For a long time handicraftsmen have been making spoons, cups and other utensils from wood. To cut a spoon, it was necessary to chip off a chock - a baklusha - from a log. Apprentices were entrusted with preparing buckwheat: it was an easy, trifling matter that did not require special skills. Cooking such chocks was called “beating bucks”. From here, from the mockery of the masters over the auxiliary workers - "bucketers", our saying went.

After the rain on Thursday

Rusichi - the most ancient ancestors of Russians - honored among their gods the main god - the god of thunder and lightning Perun. One of the days of the week, Thursday, was dedicated to him (it is interesting that among the ancient Romans, Thursday was also dedicated to the Latin Perun - Jupiter). Perun offered prayers for rain in a drought. It was believed that he should be especially willing to fulfill requests on "his day" - Thursday. And since these prayers often remained in vain, the saying “After the rain on Thursday” began to apply to everything that is not known when it will be fulfilled.

Get into a loop

In dialects, binding is a fish trap woven from branches. And, as in any trap, being in it is an unpleasant business. Beluga roar

Beluga roar

The beluga whale emits a variety of sound signals: whistling, screeching, muffled groans, chirping, screaming, gnashing, piercing scream, roaring (hence the proverb "roars like a beluga").

Mute like a fish - you have known this for a long time. And suddenly roar beluga? It turns out that we are not talking about a beluga here, but a beluga whale, as the polar dolphin is called. Here he is really roaring very loudly.

smoke rocker

In old Rus', the huts were often heated in black: the smoke did not escape through the chimney (it did not exist at all), but through a special window or door. And the shape of the smoke predicted the weather. There is a column of smoke - it will be clear, dragged - to fog, rain, rocker - to the wind, bad weather, and even a storm.

Out of court

This is a very old sign: both in the house and in the courtyard (in the yard), only the animal that the brownie likes will live. And if you don't like it, you'll get sick, get sick, or run away. What to do - not to the court!

Hair on end

But what kind of rack is this? It turns out that to stand on end is to stand at attention, on your fingertips. That is, when a person is frightened, his hair stands on tiptoe on his head.

Throw on the rampage

Rozhon is a sharp pole. And in some Russian provinces, the four-pronged pitchfork was called that. Indeed, you don’t really trample on them!

upside down

Tormashit - in many Russian provinces this word meant to walk. So, upside down - it's just walkers upside down, upside down.

Grated roll

By the way, in fact there was such a kind of bread - grated kalach. The dough for it was kneaded, kneaded, rubbed for a very long time, which made the kalach unusually magnificent. And there was also a proverb - do not grate, do not mint, there will be no kalach. That is, a person is taught by trials and tribulations. The expression came from a proverb, and not from the name of bread.

Bring to light

Once they said to bring the fish to clean water. And if the fish, then everything is clear: in the thickets of reeds or where snags drown in the silt, a fish caught on a hook can easily cut off the line and leave. And in clear water, over a clean bottom - let him try. So is an exposed swindler: if all the circumstances are clear, he cannot escape retribution.

And there is a hole in the old woman

And what kind of hole (mistake, oversight by Ozhegov and Efremova) is this, a tear (i.e. flaw, defect) or what? The meaning, therefore, is this: And a wise person can make mistakes. Interpretation from the lips of a connoisseur of ancient Russian literature: And the old woman is in trouble Poruha (Ukrainian f. colloquial-decreased 1 - Harm, destruction, damage; 2 - Trouble). In a specific sense, porukha (other Russian) is rape. Those. everything is possible.

Language will bring to Kyiv

In 999, a certain Kyivian Nikita Shchekomyaka got lost in the boundless, then Russian, steppe and ended up among the Polovtsians. When the Polovtsy asked him: Where are you from, Nikita? He answered that he was from the rich and beautiful city of Kiev, and he described the wealth and beauty of his native city to the nomads in such a way that the Polovtsian Khan Nunchak attached Nikita by the tongue to the tail of his horse, and the Polovtsians went to fight and rob Kiev. So Nikita Shchekomyaka got home with the help of his tongue.


1812. When the French burned Moscow and were left without food in Russia, they came to Russian villages and asked for Sherami food, like give me. So the Russians began to call them that. (one of the hypotheses).


- ... With you, she will not be like that, and she herself, perhaps, will be horrified by such a thing, but with me this is exactly the same. After all, it is. Like the last trash is looking at me. (F. Dostoevsky "The Idiot")

Since the peasants were not always able to provide "humanitarian aid" to the former occupiers, they often included horse meat, including the fallen, in their diet. In French, “horse” is cheval (hence, by the way, the well-known word “chevalier” - knight, rider). However, the Russians, who did not see special chivalry in eating horses, christened the miserable Frenchmen with the word "trash", in the sense of "rags".


This is an idiomatic word. There is such a river Voloch, when the fishermen sailed with their catch, they said ours from Volochi came. There are several more tomological meanings of this word. To drag - to collect, drag. It is from them that the word originated. But it has become abusive not long ago. This is the merit of 70 years in the CPSU.

Know all the ins and outs

The expression is associated with an old torture, in which the accused were driven under the nails with needles or nails, seeking a confession.

Question: Find in the text set expressions. Expressions that are written in capital letters are ignored. WHY THE FISHES ARE SILENT In the old days, fish loved to talk, and Pike perch is too much. He would say good deeds, otherwise it’s all trifles: THAT IS SHARPENING LYASY, then he grinds nonsense, then he talks nonsense, and it happened even worse: he talks too much. And before that, he somehow got tired of all the fish that not one of them even wants to talk to him: as soon as he scatters to talk to some fish, and she wags her tail - and REMEMBER YOUR NAME! Here he swam, swam, was silent, silent - before he kept silent, even swamp! And the tongue itches like death! Sudak swam from grief to the shore. He thinks: is there at least someone there with whom to gossip. He sticks his nose out of the water, looks - right, someone shaggy is sitting on the shore, four paws, the fifth is a tail. Find in the text synonyms for the word gossip


Find stable expressions in the text. Expressions that are written in capital letters are ignored. WHY THE FISHES ARE SILENT In the old days, fish loved to talk, and Pike perch is too much. He would say good deeds, otherwise it’s all trifles: THAT IS SHARPENING LYASY, then he grinds nonsense, then he talks nonsense, and it happened even worse: he talks too much. And before that, he somehow got tired of all the fish that not one of them even wants to talk to him: as soon as he scatters to talk to some fish, and she wags her tail - and REMEMBER YOUR NAME! Here he swam, swam, was silent, silent - before he kept silent, even swamp! And the tongue itches like death! Sudak swam from grief to the shore. He thinks: is there at least someone there with whom to gossip. He sticks his nose out of the water, looks - right, someone shaggy is sitting on the shore, four paws, the fifth is a tail. Find in the text synonyms for the word gossip


talks nonsense, gossip, gossip-talk.

Similar questions

Why are fish silent?
In the old days, fish loved to talk, and Pike perch is too much. He would say good deeds, otherwise it’s all trifles: either he sharpens his hair, then he grinds nonsense, then he talks nonsense, and it happened even worse: he talks too much.

And before that, he somehow got tired of all the fish that not one of them even wants to talk to him: as soon as he scatters to talk to some fish, and she wags her tail - and remember your name!

Here he swam, swam, was silent, silent - before he kept silent, even swamp!

And the tongue itches like death!

Sudak swam from grief to the shore. He thinks: is there at least someone there with whom to gossip.

He sticks his nose out of the water, looks - right, someone shaggy is sitting on the shore, four paws, the fifth is a tail.

Hey you, Mokhnatenky, - says Sudak. - Who will you be? Fish?

Why are you, - Mokhnatenky says, - what a fish I am! I am a beast - Otter.

So I think it's not a fish, - says Sudak. - What do fish do in a dry place? She's stupid, isn't she?

He said - and then bit his tongue.

But Otter - nothing, not offended, just licked her lips.

Why is it immediately - a fool? - asks. - Is it bad on the coast?

Still not bad, - says Sudak. - You can't live at all!

And in the water, it turns out, is it possible?

In the water? Compare too! In the water know swim to your heart's content!

What if I can't swim?

Can't swim? Sudak was surprised. - That's a laugh! Why, it's the easiest thing to swim! Enter the water - immediately and swim!

I won't drown?

The pike almost choked with laughter. Even made bubbles.

What are you, - he says, - who is drowning in the water? We, fish, live in water all our lives, and not a single one, thank God, drowned!

The Otter entered the water carefully, carefully: first up to the chest, then up to the neck ... swam, swam ... and suddenly, as if rushing at the zander!

He barely left her, only from the tail she tore out the middle for him: the tail was a shovel, but became corners.

"Oh-oh-oh," Sudak thinks, "I will never talk to strangers, especially with animals! You give them a word, and they - by the tail! Look for animals!"

Say said, but the tongue is itching! I swam a little - in another place I swam to the shore. He stuck his nose out again.

She looks - on a large stone, the Stranger is sitting, all in feathers, white, pretty, and she is crying pitifully, pitifully: "Tea! Tea!"

It was a pity for her to Sudak.

Hey you, - he says, - little white, pretty! Are you not an animal?

Why are you, - says the Stranger, - I, tea, a bird! Tea, you know, I'm a Seagull!

Why are you crying?

Why am I crying? I want to eat, that's why I cry!

Do you want to eat? Sudak was surprised. - So why cry? Take it and eat!

It's good to give you advice! Chaika says. - I, tea, I know it myself! What to take? There is nothing to take but sand and pebbles!

Sudak, well, laugh!

Oh, you killed me, - he finally says. - Food as much as you want, but she says - there is nothing!

Yes, we are in the water! And the shells are delicious, and the worms, and the crayfish are wow, but the tastiest of all ... - Then Sudashishka stuttered, and his tongue uttered by itself: - ... the tastiest thing is some fish!

And as soon as these words escaped from him - how the Seagull will take off, how it will grab him by the back, by the very middle!

Well, Sudak - he also did not miss - somehow dodged, left. Only the dorsal fin was torn off by the Seagull - it is still uneven with Sudakov.

Sudak sailed into the sea, to a deep place. Barely breathed. He scolds himself abusively!

“So I, the Fool-Sudak, need it,” he thinks. “After all, I knew that it’s not good to talk to strangers! Well, now at least cut me - I won’t do it for anything! And I won't swim to the shore! Let my fins wither!"

And for a long time he was strong, he endured. Almost all day. Only by the evening the soul could not bear it - again crept up to the shore.

“I’ll take a look at least with one eye,” he thinks, “but to speak - no, no!”

Looks: what kind of miracle is this? Sitting on the shore A stranger, and who he is - and do not understand! It seems to be a bird: a bird's nose and whistles, but there are no feathers! It seems to be a beast - but no: there is not enough wool on two legs! Sits, meets the evening dawn.

Sudak looked and looked at him, but he was afraid to speak: the fin was still hurting.

And the Stranger noticed Sudak and said:

Good evening!

Sudak is silent.

Why don't you answer? says the Stranger. - It's impolite, brother.

Sudak is silent.

Ah, you probably don’t know how to speak,” the Stranger guessed. - That's right, that's right, fish can't talk! I forgot, sorry!

It was a shame to Sudashka. Before it's a shame - there is no urine!

Is this something we can't do? - blurted out. - Yes, we, if you want to know, how we can! We will also teach you!

Yah? - the Stranger was surprised. So why were you silent before?

And therefore he was silent, because I gave a vow - not to talk with animals or birds, otherwise they like to bite painfully! What kind of bird are you?

What are you, - says the Stranger, - what a bird I am to you!

Then, it turns out, the beast?

And I'm not a beast ... I, how would you explain it more clearly ... I'm a man.

Man-ek? repeated Sudak. - The first time I've heard! Well, if the Man - then nothing.

So I think - nothing, - says the Stranger. - What's your name?


- Well, that's how we met, - says the Man. - We can talk with you while I fix the tackle.

And he ties a thread to a stick.

And what is such a tool for? - asks Sudak.

It's me, - the Man answers, - I won't lie to you - I decided to catch fish.

And Sudak - from a great mind - how he will laugh!

Fish-s-fish? - speaks. - But how are you going to catch a fish with a stick?

It will be visible there, - says the Man, and he also tied something to the thread - some kind of squiggle.

Although it is true, - says Sudak, - in our sea-ocean there is such a fool-fish that it will bite on a stick! You won't believe what a fool! Stones - and that's enough! But, - he says, - if you want to lure a good fish, you ...

And he went and went to spread: what kind of fish eats, and what he especially loves, where he goes, and when he sleeps, and when he feeds.

Posted everything. He chatted, chatted - he even wanted to eat himself.

And suddenly he sees: in front of his very nose, a worm in the water twists and turns, appetizing, fat, as if saying: "Eat me!"

Sudak rude him.

Yes, I just didn’t have time to swallow - I was on the hook.

Well, - says the Man, - what are we going to do with you? Wuhu cook?

But Sudak, out of fear, cannot say "mother". Measurement.

It was a pity for his Man.

So be it, - he says, - I will let you go for the first acquaintance. But, look, don't get caught next time!

He took Sudashishka off the hook and threw it into the water.

As the pike perch will start - and "thank you" did not say! He was overwhelmed with joy, apparently.

But only from that very day the fish in the rivers-seas began to noticeably decrease.

And once all the fish gathered for advice.

What, they say, is the reason? Then neither the beast, nor the bird, nor the man touched us, but now they drag us not by court! Confess who taught them!

Sudashka had to repent.

So and so, - he says, - I, the fool, blabbed! Do what you want with me - it's all my fault!

They wanted to put his fish to death for this, yes, thanks, Kambala - there is no smarter fish in the world than her - she dissuaded him.

This, - he says, - will not help grief anyway. And Sudak is now a scientist - he will be silent! It’s better, let’s all keep our mouths shut, so that neither people, nor birds, nor animals will recognize any of our fish tricks anymore.

So we decided.

Since then, all the fish have taken water in their mouths and do not talk to people, animals, or birds.

They only talk to each other.

And that is quiet.

Once upon a time there was a Crocodile.

No, no, it was not at all the famous Crocodile that

after all, that Crocodile, as you, of course, know, lived and was, but this one simply lived and was. That's a big difference!

In addition, this Crocodile walked a little (he swam more often), did not smoke any cigarettes (and he did the right thing, it is very harmful!) And spoke only crocodile.

In a word, it was a real Crocodile, and he lived in real Africa, in a big river, and, as a real Crocodile should be, everything about him was terrible: a terrible tail and a terrible head, a terrible mouth and VERY TERRIBLE TEETH! (Only his legs were short, but the Crocodile thought they were TERRIBLY short.)

And the worst thing: he never brushed his VERY TERRIBLE TEETH: neither before meals, nor after meals (his appetite was also TERRIBLE!), neither in the morning, before breakfast, nor in the evening, washing himself before going to bed ... (He wash, that true, true, never forgot, but when you live in a river, it's not such a big merit, right?)

And it is not surprising that one fine day (as they say, although for the Crocodile, believe me, this day was not at all beautiful!), It is not surprising that one day the Crocodile got a toothache.

And how! SCARY!

To tell the truth, only one tooth got sick, but it seemed to the Crocodile that all his teeth hurt at once. Because in the tooth it pricked and ached, and it seemed to drill like a gimlet, and in addition it shot!

The crocodile just couldn't find a place for itself!

He threw himself into the water and dived to the very bottom, hoping that the cool water would make him feel better, and at first he seemed to feel better, but then his tooth began to ache twice as much!

Like a madman, he jumped ashore, onto the hot sand, in the hope that warmth would help him, and at first it seemed to help him, but then! ..

He moaned, he grunted, he whimpered (some people think that all this helps), but he just got worse and worse and worse!

And the worst thing was that there was no one to feel sorry for him: after all, he was a TERRIBLE CROCODILE, and his character was also TERRIBLE, and he offended many in his lifetime, and never, to anyone, under any circumstances did not say a single GOOD WORD!

Beasts and birds, however, came running from all sides, but they stood at a distance and were only surprised, looking at what the Crocodile was doing. And there was something to be surprised, because the Crocodile was spinning, and rushing about, and banging his head on the coastal rocks, and even tried to jump on one leg. But all this did not help him one bit!

And besides, his paws were so short that he could not even pick his teeth (although, if he could, it would not help him much!).

And finally, the poor Crocodile, in despair, stretched out under a big, very big banana (it would not fit under a small one) and roared loudly.

Oh oh oh! he cried in a bass voice. - My poor teeth! Oh oh oh! Poor me Crocodile!

Here comes the fun!

Animals and birds laughed and jumped for joy; some shouted: "So you need it!" - others: "Yeah, gotcha!"

The monkeys even threw pebbles and sand at him, and the birds were especially having fun - after all, they didn’t have any teeth!

Then the Crocodile felt so hurt and offended that tears rolled from his eyes - TERRIBLY big tears!

Look! Crocodile tears! - the motley Parrot shouted and burst out laughing first.

Those who knew what these words meant, and then everyone else, laughed behind him, and soon there was such a noise and laughter that the little bird Tari - a pretty white bird, bigger than a dove and smaller than a pygali - flew in to see what was the matter.

And when she found out what was the matter, she became very angry.

Shame on you! she called out in her sonorous voice.

And everyone fell silent at once, and it became audible how the Crocodile was moaning:

Oh oh oh! My poor teeth! Oh oh oh! How painful!

Why should we be ashamed? - asked some Monkey.

It's a shame to laugh at the poor Crocodile! - answered the bird Tari. - He's got a toothache! He hurts!

You might think you know what teeth are! - snorted Monkey and made a face.

But I know well what it means - "it hurts"! - said the bird Tari. - And I know that if it hurts you, and they laugh at you, it hurts twice as much! You see - the Crocodile is crying!

Crocodile tears! repeated the Parrot and laughed. But no one supported him.

Parrot you! - Tari the bird said contemptuously. - You talk, but you don't understand what you're saying! These are not crocodile tears!

How so? Is the crocodile crying? - Parrot was surprised.

Oh you! - said the bird Tari. - His teeth really hurt, don't they? So the tears are real! The real bitter tears!

Still not real! - said the Crocodile in a terrible bass and suddenly stopped crying. - Oh! he continued with astonishment. - It seems to me ... that it seems to me that it has become easier ... No! Oh oh oh! It just seems to me!

And he cried even louder.

All the same, I don’t feel sorry for him, ”said the Monkey. - It's his own fault: why doesn't he ever brush his teeth? Take an example from us!

And she immediately began to brush her teeth with a rough twig of the M'svaki tree - it was she who misbehaved with people.

Why, I, - groaned the Crocodile, - I didn’t know that they had to be cleaned! ..

And if you knew, would you clean? - asked the bird Tari.

If you knew? Of course not! - Crocodile whimpered. - How can I brush my teeth when I have such TERRIBLY short legs?

Well, if you could, would you clean? - the bird Tari insisted.

Still would! said Crocodile. - After all, I am a clean Crocodile and every day I wash my face. Although this is not such a big merit. For one who lives in the river,” he added modestly.

And then the bird Tari, a small, white and black bird, a little bigger than a pigeon and a little smaller than a pygali, did such an amazing thing that everyone gasped. She boldly flew right up to the terrible mouth of the Crocodile, to his very nose, and commanded:

Open your mouth!

The crocodile obediently opened its mouth, and everyone gasped again and took a step back (no less!), because the mouth of the Crocodile was (did you remember?) TERRIBLE, and VERY TERRIBLE TEETH stuck out in it.

But everyone gasped much louder (and many even closed their eyes!) when Tari's bird jumped straight into the crocodile's mouth!

Look, do not try to close your mouth, otherwise we will not succeed! - she said, and the Crocodile, opening his mouth even wider, answered:

Oh-ee-oh! - which was supposed to mean: "Of course!" (Try to say "of course" with your mouth open, but in no case do not close it, otherwise you will not succeed ...)

Horrible! - shouted the bird Tari after half a minute. - It's just scary what's going on here! This is not a mouth, but some kind of ... - The bird stuttered, she wanted to say "swamp", but was afraid to offend the Crocodile. - What's not here! she continued. - Even leeches! And black, and green, and with red stripes! Yes, it was time to brush your teeth!

The crocodile, having heard about the leeches, only sighed heavily.

Well, nothing, nothing, - continued the bird Tari, - now we will put everything in order!

And the bird Tari set to work.

Well, here he is - a bad tooth! - soon she shouted cheerfully. - Now we'll pull it out! One two Three! Ready!

The crocodile gasped.

The bird too.

Oh! - she said. - Oh, and under it, it turns out, a new one is growing! How interesting!

We always do that! - the Crocodile boasted (by the way, this is the absolute truth), but since he did not forget for a second that he could not close his mouth, he only succeeded: U-A-A-E-A-S-A-E!

And not everyone understood what he wanted to say.

In five minutes everything was ready.

The animals and birds were extremely astonished when they saw that the bird Tari had fluttered out of the crocodile's mouth safe and sound, and it seemed that they could not be more surprised, but still they had to be surprised even more, because the first words that the Crocodile uttered, closing finally fall, were like this:

Thank you very much, dear bird! It's much, much, much easier for me!

And then all the animals and birds themselves opened their mouths, as if they wanted Tari the bird to brush their teeth too. But this, of course, is not so (especially since, as you know, birds do not have any teeth!). They were simply surprised to the very, very last extreme, because a REAL SCARY CROCODILE SAID A REAL KIND WORD FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LIFE!

What nonsense, - the bird Tari said modestly. - No thanks, especially since the leeches were - the first grade! Especially those with red stripes! If you want, I'll brush your teeth every day!

I don’t want to! .. - said the Crocodile.

Agreed! - said the bird Tari, and the monkeys suddenly clapped their hands, all the other animals jumped and stamped their hooves, and the birds sang their most cheerful songs, not knowing why ...

And from this very day, the Tari bird is called Ma-Tari-Kari, which in the crocodile language means: "A little bird that does great good deeds" ...

And if you are very lucky and you go to Africa, you will be able to see with your own eyes how Ma-Tari-Kari brushes the teeth of the Crocodile and warns him of danger (after all, sometimes the Crocodile is in danger!).

Some, however, call her the Crocodile Watchman for this, or even the Crocodile Toothpick, but Ma-Tari-Kari is not offended: she says that since they became friends, the character of the Crocodile has become not so TERRIBLE.

Well, it's quite possible.

Hermit and Rose

In the Blue Sea there lived a little Cancer. And he lived very badly, so badly that he could not understand why the sea is called Blue - it seemed to him completely, completely gray ...

Yes, it was very strange!

After all, the sea was really blue-blue, and it was so fun and interesting to live in it! The fishes (it was only earlier that people thought they couldn't speak!) even composed a cheerful song about how good it is to live in the sea:
Nobody and nowhere!

Nobody and nowhere!

Didn't live happier

Than fish in water!

Neither the people

Neither the animals

Not a bird

No snake -

No one lives better anywhere!

Yes, nobody and nowhere!

No, nobody and nowhere

I did not live more cheerfully than fish in the water! -
and sang it from morning to night. The Starfish shone like that, the wise Dolphins frolicked like children, and the poor Cancer sat, huddled in some crack, and grieved.

But he had everything that a real cancer needs for complete happiness: ten legs and bulging eyes, a long, long mustache and powerful claws. But he didn’t have a shell - his body was very soft ... Maybe that’s why everyone who had such a shell, and many others, offended him, pinched, bit, or even tried to eat ...

And he sang a sad, sad song:
Oh, there's a lot of room in the sea

And there is a lot of water in it,

But there is no less grief in him,

No less trouble!
- All the grief is that you lack firmness, - his distant relative Uncle Crab, who always walks sideways, once told him. “You can’t be so soft-hearted these days!”

And as proof, he pinched poor Cancer hard.

Oh! shouted Cancer. - Hurt!

It's for your own good, - said Uncle Crab, very pleased. - Of course, my business is a side, but if I were you, I would try to get some decent shell.

And he quickly - sideways - sideways - got out to the side. After all, the Hermit's claws were like those of a real cancer, and even, perhaps, stronger ...

Yes, I forgot to tell you that the crab was called the Hermit, precisely because, as you know, he always hid either in caves, or in minks, or under pebbles, so that they would pinch him less.

The first one called him the Seahorse Hermit - he is a well-known mocker - and the Parrot-Fish (there are some!) Picked up his words, and soon, throughout the Blue Sea and on land, no one else called our crab as the Hermit Crab.

"Well," thought the Hermit, when the pain subsided a little, "the pinch was not bad, but the advice, perhaps, too! Perhaps I really should think about it carefully."

As you can see, the Hermit could not only grieve, but also think, which means that he was a very, very smart cancer!

And there were a lot of shells lying around. And so, after thinking carefully, he decided this: “The most suitable place for a cancer is, of course, a shell; and the most suitable tenant for a shell is, of course, a cancer. And when the cancer climbs into the shell, no one will pinch it, or I don't understand either one or the other!"

And so he knocked on the first shell that came across and tried to explain all this to its owner, but an angry Mollusk looked out from there and, without listening to it, said:

Nonsense! I'm busy! - and firmly slammed the doors of his shell.

The most suitable place for cancer is a shell, - continued the Hermit, knocking on the second shell, but an angry, angry Mollusk also looked out from there and said:


And he also slammed the sash in front of his nose (although, as you know, crayfish do not have noses).

And when he knocked on the third sink, no one looked out from there, because there was no one there, and - oh joy! - it turned out to be just the right sink: not too big and not too small - well, just right!

“Yes, we are just made for each other,” thought the Hermit, thrusting his soft body into the sink. “What better! Now you won’t pinch me!”

And he was not even offended when the Sea Horse, whirling nearby, neighed thinly (which meant that he was going to make a joke) and said:

Gee-gi-gi! Our Hermit has completely gone into his shell!

And the Parrot-Fish, who, in truth, did not understand anything in this joke, picked it up and carried it all over the Blue Sea ...

Well, when you have everything you need for complete happiness, you can endure a joke. Right?

But strange thing! Although no one (even Uncle Crab), no one could pinch or bite our Hermit (even for his own benefit), he, apparently, still lacked something for complete happiness ... Otherwise, why not the sea still seemed to him completely, completely gray? And why would he keep singing his sad song:

Ah, there is a lot of space in the sea,

But can't be found

Nowhere like this place

Where Cancer would be happy! ..

One day, he could not resist saying to a Flying Fish swimming nearby:

How strange to live in the Gray Sea! I heard that there is the White Sea in the world, and the Black, and the Yellow, and even the Red, but no one has ever heard of the Gray Sea ...

Gray! laughed the Flying Fish. - What is it gray? It is azure, turquoise, emerald, blue, cornflower blue! It's bluer! The bluest thing in the world!

And she hurried after her friends, who fluttered to the surface to once again admire the blue waves with white scallops.

Whoever you ask, everyone says: "blue". Strange! muttered the Hermit to himself. Why am I the only one who doesn't see this? I'm the only one!

That is why, - suddenly someone's voice was heard, and the Hermit, shuddering, hid for a moment in his shell.

And looking out from there, he saw ... - who would you think? - the kindest, wisest of all sea wizards. Yes, yes, you were not mistaken: it was Dolphin.

Precisely because you are alone! Dolphin said. - Find yourself a friend - and then you'll see! Good luck, and think about my words!

And Dolphin (like all wizards, he liked to speak in riddles) wagged his tail and swam about his business.

And the Hermit (as you remember, he knew how not only to be sad, but also to think) began to think...

And he thought:

"The dolphin said: "It is precisely because you are alone." Well, of course, when I find a friend, I will no longer be alone ... But what will I see? .. Well, of course, I will see that the sea will turn blue ... And probably, then everything will be just fine! So, we need to look for a friend. The grief is that I don’t know who these friends are, and where they live, and what they look like ... Well, when I I will find a true friend, I will immediately recognize it, because the sea will turn blue-blue!"

With these words, the Hermit went to look for a friend, and, to tell the truth, our fairy tale began here!

Diagnostic work (grade 6, repetition at the end of the year)

Part A.

  1. Next to each name of the section of linguistics, write down the name of the language unit that is the object of its study.

A) Phonetics: ___ B) Vocabulary: ____ c) Syntax: ____ d) Morphemics: ______

2. In which word the number of letters and sounds does not match:

A) edge B) logs C) broth D) swim

3. Use the arrows to indicate the characteristics of the words from the left column.

4. Indicate a word that does not contain an unpronounceable consonant

A) birch nick B) forester c) terrible d) name nick

5. Indicate a word that is not cognate in relation to other words:

A) adjustment B) ironing C) adjust D) malfunction

6. Which word is incorrectly divided into morphemes?

A) kad-ushk-a B) pre-lodge-eni-e C) under-del-n-th D) gal-chonok

7. Which noun does not belong in the 2nd declension?

A) plaster B) power C) jacket D) key

8. Which verb does not belong to conjugation 1?

A) dig B) sniff C) bake D) walk

9. What parts of speech are the highlighted words?

A) She looked slimmer in a dress

b) Someone was singing in the class.

B) blue lakes attracted and beckoned

D) from the fifth music was playing on the floor.

10. In which row is the letter I missing in all the words?

A) pr. connect, pr. to click, pr. to represent.

B) unit, bum.rank, v.negret

C) previous history, inter-institutional, raz.skat.

D) glass, grow, station.

12. In which example is NOT a particle?

A) (not) a deep stream B) (not) a calm child C) (not) a blue dress D) (not) a friendly team

13. In which row is b missing in all words?

A) stand up, dip, balcony

B) lamplighter, racer, sawmiller

C) swift, pellet, blessed

D) six hundred, five hundred, nine hundred

14. In which example is one letter H written?

A) guest, B) card C) car D) three

15. In which row is the letter O missing in all the words?

A) kryzh.vnik, sh.rnik,

B) crimson, ring.m, starling.m

B) hedgehog, dry, burning

D) being late, talking, heading.

Part B.

Read the text, do the tasks.

(1) In the old days, fish loved to talk, and Pike perch - that's even too much. (2) He would have spoken well, otherwise it was all nonsense. (3) Either he sharpens his laces, then he grinds nonsense, then he talks nonsense, or he talks superfluous.
(4) And before that, he somehow got tired of all the fish that not one of them even wants to talk to him. (5) Sudak swam from grief to the shore. (6) Looks - a white, pretty bird sits on a large stone, and she cries pitifully. (7) It turned out that this is a Seagull, and she is crying from hunger.

(8) Pike perch laughed.
(9) - Yes, we have tasty shells in our water, and worms, and crayfish are wow, but some fish are the tastiest!
(10) You will lick your fingers! he said.

(11) And only these words escaped from him - the Seagull will take off, how it will grab him by the back, by the very middle!
(12) Somehow Sudak remained alive, only the seagull tore off his dorsal fin.

(13) Sudak sailed into the sea to ____________ place and scolds himself: (14) "So I need it. (15) After all, he knew that it was not good to talk with strangers! (16) Well, now at least cut me. (17) ) I give a vow! (18) I won’t talk with animals or birds! (19) And I won’t swim to the shore. (20) Let my fins dry up! "" (According to B. Zakhoder)

16. Write out the verbs in the form of the imperative mood from the text.

17. Write down a phraseological unit from the 3rd sentence.

18. In which sentence of the text does an indefinite pronoun occur?

19. Which sentence is simple and not common?

20. Write out an adjective in the superlative degree of comparison from sentences 1-9.

21. Point out the wrong statement.

A) There are no verbs in the 9th sentence.

B) In the 20th sentence there is a phraseological unit paraphrased by the author of the text.

C) In sentences 14-10 only imperfective verbs are used.

D) In ​​the 3rd sentence there are homogeneous members.

22. What type of speech does the given text belong to?

A) reasoning

B) description

B) storytelling

D) narrative with elements of reasoning.

23. Which adjective is missing in the 13th sentence?