Hockey eurotour swedish games composition. Russia won the Swedish Games and the Eurotour! Oleg Znarok: "There are those who will go to the World Cup"

Russia's most notorious politicians continue to speculate on the theme of World War III.

So on the eve of the vice-speaker of the State Duma of Russia, the leader of the Russian liberal democrats Vladimir Zhirinovsky spoke on the air of the TV channel " Russia 24"and gave out another batch of Kremlin propaganda, which looks extremely menacing.

In particular, Zhirinovsky said that the decision on a third world war could only be made, and that it had already been taken.

According to Zhirinovsky, the fate of Ukraine is already predetermined, and the decision on this matter has been made in Moscow. To the question of the presenter in the studio about how long Zhirinovsky "allocates to the Ukrainian authorities," the vice speaker noted that she did not have much time left.

All issues of war and peace, especially those related to Ukraine, will be decided by only one person - the head of the Russian state, Zhirinovsky explained.

"It could happen in August 2014, maybe a little later, in November…", - said the Russian politician.

He also gave an example of the beginning of the First World War, when, in his opinion, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II made the final political decision. The next example, in his opinion, is the beginning of the Second World War, when all the correct and final decisions were made by Joseph Stalin. Now, in his opinion, the time has come for the decision to start a third world war.

"I'm sure it has already been adopted," Zhirinovsky said. It will be gradually voiced so that they (the West - Ed.) understand whether they need a burned-out Europe again, "he says.

The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party spoke about the consequences of this decision, in particular for a number of European countries, and threatened European politicians to think.

According to him, in this regard, no decisions of the West will have consequences. "Whatever decisions are made in Brussels, whatever directives Barack Obama signs, it doesn't matter, because the head of Russia decides everything," Zhirinovsky said.

He also said that Russia's actions could lead to catastrophic consequences for Europe. "What will be left of the Baltics? Nothing! But there are anti-missile defense systems, NATO aircraft ... The Baltics and Poland are doomed, they will be swept away," Zhirinovsky said.

At the same time, in his opinion, nothing threatens the United States, since "America is far away," while the leaders of the countries of Eastern Europe, supporting the West, put their states under the threat of complete annihilation, he predicts, threatening these countries with carpet bombing.

"They themselves are to blame. We must not allow missiles and planes to take off towards Russia, so we will have to destroy them half an hour before takeoff. For this, carpet bombing will be carried out, which will be carried out until there is not a single whole NATO aircraft or launcher," the Russian politician notes.

Zhirinovsky believes that Europe's request for talks with Russia can be the only way out, and Russia can "stop" only in this case.

“Let them ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia (Sergey Lavrov – ed.) for negotiations, only then we will stop, otherwise we will be forced to teach them a lesson and once again arrange May 1945,” he stressed.

Recall that earlier Western media they wrote that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir, and this will happen under the guise of an alleged peacekeeping or humanitarian mission of Moscow.

Also participating in the program are Maxim Yusin, an international columnist for the Kommersant newspaper, Zygmund Dzenchalovsky, a Polish journalist, Igor Vittel, head of the Politics and Security information and analytical center, and Alexander Sosnovsky, a German expert.

Here are just some quotes from the monologues of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

On the situation in the Middle East

“All conflicts in the world are temporary, but this one is eternal. Why? The Arabs will never give Jerusalem to the Jews, and the Jews to the Arabs. Since Jerusalem is an eternal city, it means that there will be enmity forever. There is oil and gas there. When they run out, the tension will be a little lower. But the most terrible conflict is religious, between Sunnis and Shiites.”

“Iran was famous for its security. There is a powerful KGB, these are the guards of the Islamic revolution. And suddenly these attacks happen. Iran believes it is Saudi Arabia. Why do they need Qatar? Through Qatar, they want to force everyone to break off diplomatic relations with Iran. Create a precedent. Who is guilty? Qatar. Why? Friendship with Iran. Everyone should stop friendship with Iran, prepare for war with it, take their diplomats from there.

We are the hardest now. Stand up for Qatar? Too small state. Although Qatar has already mentioned that it can give us the base occupied by the Americans.”

Forecast from Zhirinovsky

“There is a war ahead. How will it start? Trump says he doesn't like Iran. I translate into everyday language: "Iran must be destroyed." Who is teasing him? Israel. Israel was very afraid of Iraq. Saddam Hussein paid $20,000 for every rocket fired by the Palestinians into Israel. Israel hated him. And what? That's it, there is no Iraq, there is no Saddam Hussein. The last thing that annoys Israel is Iran. This is an ancient enmity between the Persians and the Israelites. Israel is afraid of Iran and unpredictability. What happens if Iran launches a nuclear bomb? This will completely destroy Israel. Therefore, Israel threw all its forces into orienting Trump to defeat Iran through his son-in-law.”

About Donald Trump

“For more than 200 years, presidents have quietly carried out their duties. Here, for the first time in US history, even before taking office, there was such a flurry of anti-Trump pressure that he still cannot do anything. Trump cannot lead the country. They don't respect their president! They elected him, but no one obeys: neither the court, nor the federal security service, nor the special services. He has no team, he is lonely. America pushes him to war. Therefore, if he starts a war in the Middle East, this is in order to still force the Americans to give him the opportunity to rule America.

About UK

“Britain is the meanest and most insidious of what is in world politics. They dominated the islands. They defeated the Spaniards, took away their gold and Latin America. But this is not enough - they captured Africa, India. And when they became a great empire, we were their only rival. But the British Empire collapsed every six months - a year. And now she collapsed. You'll see: Scotland will come out, and Wales, and Northern Ireland. In 30 years it will be just London and the suburbs.”

“It has ceased to be a military power. They remember 1945, they still lay flowers in memory of Soviet soldiers. And their economy is artificial, it's all foreign workers. Migrants - because of greed, this is a cheap labor force. They were driven to Europe because the Germans do not want to work. The Turks have been working for them for 50 years. Not a single German works as a janitor, loader, driver, or orderly. All these lower positions are occupied only by visitors. Merkel is not to blame - she is on the occasion of the voters. They say: who will clean it all up, do it?

"TV Center"

"Right to know!"

swedish games-2017 started very successfully for the Russian team. After winning the match over the Finns (2: 1), in which he scored the winning goal, the Russian team moved to Gothenburg, where on February 11, in a difficult duel, they managed to defeat the hosts (4: 2). The match became a benefit performance for the debutant of the Russian national team - Kirill Kaprizova, on account of which a hat-trick. Nevertheless, Main coach national team Oleg Znarok did not single out either Kaprizov or Anatoly Golyshev, from the transmission of which the forward of "Salavat Yulaev" scored two of the three goals.

« I won’t single out anyone, the whole team played well and fought, well done", - said Znarok in an interview with the press service of the FHR. In addition, the head coach of the national team did not deny that he has claims against the judges. " But what to do about it? Znarok noted.

After two victories, the Russian team scored 21 points in overall standings Eurotour of this season. However, the fate of the first place at the Swedish Games was to be decided on the last day of the tournament. It was enough for our team to bring the match with the Czech Republic to overtime.

The main question that worried the fans of the Russian national team was the condition of the CSKA striker Andrey Svetlakov, who fell at the beginning of the second period of the game with the Swedes under a crushing power reception Fredrik Hendemark. The Swede went to the locker room with a match-penalty, but Svetlakov did not go out on the ice either. Commenting on the results of the match, Oleg Znarok noted that he would most likely save the CSKA forward, although he feels better.

In this regard, Svetlakov, as expected, did not get into the squad for the match with the Czech Republic. His place in line with Alexey Kruchinin And Maxim Mamin took forward "Siberia" Konstantin Okulov. In addition, as Znarok promised, the defender of Magnitogorsk took to the ice Viktor Antipin. For the first time at the Swedish Games, his teammate took the place in the goal Ilya Samsonov.

The Czechs brought to the Swedish stage of the Eurotour the national team with the largest representation, not counting the Russians KHL players- as part of the wards Josef Jandac nine players in our league. One of them, the forward of "Magnitogorsk" Jan Kovar before the match with the Russians, with 4 (2 + 2) points, he took second place in the list of scorers of the tournament. He, as well as the forward of Spartak Lukas Radil and Slovan defender Tomasz Kundratek came out against the Russians as part of the first link of the Czechs. The place at the gate was taken by the Traktor goalkeeper Pavel Francouz.

Shumakov takes revenge for Sannikov

Our team tried to seize the initiative from the first seconds, and we succeeded. The most dangerous moment was created by the first link - Vladimir Tkachev, who found himself alone in front of the gates of the Czechs, threw next to the bar. The result of the advantage of the Russian team was two deletions in the Czechs. And if in the first case ours were not delivered special problems before Francoise, then in the second account was opened.

It all started with Lukas Klok pushed the captain of the Russian team Stepan Sannikov on board, so much so that the doctor of the team had to go Egor Kozlov. Sannikov's teammates came out to punish the opponent. gave a great pass on the move Sergei Shumakov, who left Francoise out of work with a killer one-touch throw.

The goal cheered up the Czechs, and already Samsonov had to pull out several shots from different distances. In the last minutes of the period, Mamin had a great moment, but the Russian attacker failed to hit the gate with finishing moves.

And again Golyshev!

The Czechs drew conclusions and bounced back after a minute and a half after the break. Ours hesitated when leaving the zone and allowed the opponent to organize a positional attack. With a shot Petr Jelineka Samsonov did it, but none of the Russians forced him out of the penny Radan Lenz. As a result, the striker of the fourth link of the Czech national team sent the puck into the net from the summer. I missed a great moment to bring the Russian team forward Alexey Kruchinin. Forward "Tractor", rolled out on the gate of Francoise, landed on the crossbar.

What the Russians failed, their rivals succeeded. Radil, having entered the zone, took Samsonov by surprise with a wrist throw and caught up with Kirill Kaprizova in a dispute between snipers of the Swedish Games - the puck became the third in the tournament for the Czech. At this moment, the Russian team played in the minority, and for the second time in a period. The Russians lost a little more four minutes- the opponent made a mistake in his zone, and for the final throw Vladimir Tkachev brought out Golyshev, who dealt with Francouz with a few graceful movements.

Our team increased the pressure on the gates of the Czechs and had to leave for a break, leading in the long run. However, Tkachev did not implement the bullet, appointed half a minute before the siren.

Double Shalunova brings victory

At the 47th minute, the combination of "Siberia" worked again, and the combination turned out to be a feast for the eyes. Shumakov cut the defense of the Czechs with a pass, and the puck came exactly to Shalunov's stick. A couple of subtle movements - and the forward of the Novosibirsk club with an uncomfortable hand put the puck under the crossbar - 3:2. In the future, the advantage of the Russian team was practically no longer in doubt.

As there was no doubt that this match was the name of Maxim Shalunova. First, the striker of "Siberia" loaded into the post, and then he scored a double, practically copying Radil's shot in the second period. Shalunov's wrist throw turned out to be spectacular and effective.

The Russian team calmly kept the result until the siren. This meant an early victory for our team not only at the Swedish Games, but also in the Euro Tour of the 2016/17 season. And this despite the fact that its participants will have to go through one more stage.

Oleg Znarok: "There are those who will go to the World Cup"

Despite the early victory in the Eurotour, the head coach of the Russian national team did not overestimate the significance of the event.

- This victory means nothing, he remarked. - I think that the desire is great to get to the World Cup, they all give themselves. Skill may not be enough, but the desire overflows, so they fight, play according to the task. I think there are those who will go to the World Cup. How many? I will not say. This is the stage of preparation for the World Cup. We prepared for each match, made cuts. The teams are different, they play different tactics. They forced the guys to play according to the plan that was prepared for each match. The analytical staff plays a very important role. For example, already yesterday, after the game, the guys were sent the moments that we want to see. The guys themselves looked, and they were ready for the meeting, they knew what was needed from whom.(R-Sport)

The Ak Bars striker spoke flatteringly about his teammates Vladimir Tkachev.

“All the guys in threes are good masters,” he said. - We try to communicate on the ice, and this is also important. Let's see what will happen next. Well played, I enjoyed the game. But today we were let down by the implementation. We are not upset that we cannot score somewhere. The main thing is to create chances, and goals will come sooner or later.(R-Sport).

The hero of the duel with the Czech Republic, the forward of Siberia, commented on the results of the Swedish Games.

- I can not explain such performance, in fact, - he said. - I am glad that we improved from game to game and today, I think, we managed to score in the most necessary game of the tournament. Maybe a long time from the "Siberia" switched. In the national team, hockey is different: everything is faster, there is less time to think.

All three matches turned out to be difficult in their own way. The first two were intense, and today is the third game in four days, both we and they are physically tired. Win the Eurotour? Handsome! I don't associate it with anything, it's your business. It's nice that young guys are called, and we win, show that we can win. Perhaps there is some relationship here.(R-Sport).

Swedish games.
1. Russia 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 10-5 9
2. Sweden 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 7-6 3
3. Czech 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 11-10 3
4. Finland 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2-9 0
Eurotour 2016/17
1. Russia 9 8 0 0 0 0 1 31-15 24
2. Czech 9 4 0 0 0 0 5 29-29 9
3. Sweden 8 3 0 0 0 0 5 21-26 9
4. Finland 8 2 0 0 0 0 6 19-30 6

The third stage of the Eurotour 2016-2017 - Swedish Hockey Games 2017- The Russian team will start with a match in St. Petersburg against the Finnish team. In total, within the framework of the Swedish stage of the Eurotour, which is officially called the Oddset Hockey Games, there will be 6 matches. In addition to the aforementioned meeting in St. Petersburg, there will be 5 more matches - in Swedish Gothenburg, at the Scandinavian stadium, which can accommodate 12,000 spectators. Note that earlier the Swedish stage, as a rule, was held in Stockholm. Four teams take part in the tournament - the Russian team, the Swedish team, the Finnish team and the Czech team. In the overall standings of the Euro Hockey Tour 2016-2017, after two out of four stages, the Russian team is confidently leading - it has 15 points. In second place is the Czech Republic - it has 9 points, and the third or fourth position is shared by the Swedes and Finns - both have 6 points.

Swedish Games 2017 Schedule

We bring to your attention full schedule Swedish hockey games 2017 compiled according to Moscow time. So, the Swedish stage of the Eurotour starts on Thursday, February 9, with two matches. First, at 19:30, in a meeting in St. Petersburg at the Yubileiny Sports Palace, the Russian team and the Finnish team will meet. Well, at 21:15 in Gothenburg at the arena "Scandinavium" the Czech Republic - Sweden match will begin.

The Swedish Games 2017 will continue on the weekend - all the remaining meetings, we recall, will also be held in Gothenburg at Scandinavian. On Saturday, February 11, at 14:00, the battle between Finland and the Czech Republic will begin, and a little later on the same day (at 17:30) the Russians and the hosts of the tournament, the Swedes, will cross sticks.

The final third round of this stage of the Eurotour will be held on Sunday, February 12. At 02:00 p.m. the match between Russia and the Czech Republic will begin, and at 05:30 p.m. the stage will close the match between northern neighbors - Sweden and Finland.

A few words about where to watch matches of the Russian national team at the Swedish Games 2017. All meetings of the Russian team at the Swedish stage of the Eurotour, including the one held in St. Petersburg, in live TV channel "Match TV". The start time of the live broadcasts is the same as the start of the meetings indicated above.

The composition of the Russian team for the Swedish Games 2017

In conclusion, about the composition of the Russian national ice hockey team for the Swedish Games 2017. It should be noted that the head coach of the Russian national team Oleg Znarok decided to check the nearest reserve of the national team without calling the main stars. At the first stage of the Eurotour in Finland, such a move worked one hundred percent - the Russian semi-youth squad confidently won that stage.

The full composition of the Russian team for the Swedish Games 2017 is as follows: goalkeepers - Igor Shesterkin (SKA), Ilya Sorokin (CSKA), Ilya Samsonov (Metallurg Mg); defenders - Zakhar Arzamastsev (Salavat Yulaev), Evgeny Medvedev (Avangard), Viktor Antipin, Alexei Bereglazov (both Metallurg Mg), Vladislav Gavrikov, Ilya Lyubushkin (both Lokomotiv), Albert Yarullin, Damir Musin (both Ak Bars), Egor Rykov (SKA); forwards - Anatoly Golyshev (Avtomobilist), Vladimir Tkachev (Ak Bars), Kirill Kaprizov (Salavat Yulaev), Sergei Shumakov, Maxim Shalunov, Stepan Sannikov, Konstantin Okulov (all - Sibir), Alexei Kruchinin ( "Tractor"), Andrei Svetlakov, Maxim Mamin (both - CSKA), Artem Fedorov, Maxim Karpov (both - Dynamo M), Nikolai Prokhorkin (SKA).

The Euro Hockey Tour is an ice hockey tournament. Which is held annually in four countries. Four countries take part in the competition: Russia, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Finland. Each country hosts a tournament on its territory. In the 2016/2017 season, two competitions were held in Finland (Karjala Cup) and Russia (Channel One Cup)

Russian team at Euro Hockey Tour 2016/2017

Stepan Sannikov was chosen as the captain of the Russian national team for the upcoming Swedish Games. Oleg Znarok chose the player "Siberia". Although many predicted this place Evgeny Medvedev, the defender of the "Avant-garde". However, the hockey player was injured and misses the tournament.

In addition to the captain's position in the Russian national team at the Eurotour, Sannikov wears exactly the same in his team. He has a bronze medal in the Gagarin Cup and the World Championship. They have repeatedly tried to lure him to CSKA, but the hockey player is still faithful to his club.

On February 1, they announced the composition of the team for the upcoming tournament. Three goalkeepers were selected for the Euro Hockey Tour: Igor Shesterkin (SKA), Ilya Samsonov (Metallurg Magnitogorsk) and Ilya Sorokin (CSKA).

Vladislav Gavrikov, Ilya Lyubushkin (Lokomotiv), Albert Yarullin, Damir Musin (Ak Bars), Viktor Antipin, Alexei Bereglazov (Metallurg Magnitogorsk), Yegor Rykov (SKA), Zakhar Arzamastsev (Salavat Yulaev ") and Evgeny Medvedev ("Vanguard").

Forwards were also selected: Sergei Shumakov, Maxim Shalunov, Stepan Sannikov, Konstantin Okulov (Sibir), Andrey Svetlakov, Maxim Mamin (CSKA), Artyom Fedorov, Maxim Karpov (Dynamo Moscow), Nikolai Prokhorkin (SKA), Alexei Kruchinin (“Tractor”), Kirill Kaprizov (“Salavat Yulaev”), Anatoly Golyshev (“Motorist”) and Vladimir Tkachev (“Ak Bars”).

Tournament table and schedule of Euro Hockey Tour 2016/2017

IN standings after the Karjala Cup and the First Channel Cup, Russia is in the lead. Hockey players were able to score 15 points in six games. Our team won five victories and one defeat as a result of two tournaments. In second place is the Czech Republic. Her athletes scored 9 points. Third place is shared by Finland and Sweden, who have six points in six games each.

There will be six matches in total within the framework of the Swedish Games. Each team will face all three opponents.

Matches will begin on Thursday, February 9th. At 19.30 Moscow time, Russia and Finland will meet. And at 21.15 - the Czech Republic and Sweden. The first games will be held in St. Petersburg. Then the teams will have one day off from the competition to move to Gothenburg. And on Saturday, February 11th. There will be games of the second round. Finland and the Czech Republic will meet at 14.00. Sweden and Russia will meet at 17.30. The final competition day is scheduled for Sunday, February 12th. At 14.00 there will be a game between Russia and the Czech Republic, at 17.30 - between Sweden and Finland.

The next and final tournament of this Euro Hockey Tour season will be held in the Czech Republic at the end of April.