“Regional elites do not influence anything?” – source.

"Order does not affect anything, disorder affects everything," the commander of the company Belous greeted us with these words when we first crossed the threshold of the FERMU. At that time he was a captain of the 3rd rank, passionately striving to increase his rank and move to the Headquarters of the Fleet. The same words were repeated by our foreman of the company, a crest by nationality, the unforgettable Tolik Kontsevich. It turned out he had a Ukrainian accent, funny, but not for us. The order was driven in to us so that it didn’t seem enough. The whole emphasis was placed on making out of 190 civilian boys united in a company, the first in all respects among the 18 companies of the school.
One of the most important indicators was cleanliness and order. Until now, the pledged then makes me immediately throw back the covers in the morning and get up, then immediately make the bed and put myself in order. Cleanliness was also given to us in such a way that we did not see layoffs for the first six months of training. It got to the point that on Saturday, the day of dismissal, which ended at 11 pm, until half past 11 we scraped the floor in the corridor, rubbed it with mastic, cleaned the cockpits and handed them over to the foreman, and only after that we could count on dismissal. Imagine, only half an hour. Of course, rarely anyone went beyond the school. I just didn't make it.
The sports achievements of the company were in the main place. We were engaged in all possible sports both in winter and summer, except for skating and skiing, due to the lack of snow and a skating rink at the school. There was no snow and no skating rink due to weather conditions in Vladivostok. Snow did not fall in sufficient quantities, and the skating rink was not flooded due to the fact that there was no fresh water. There were other sports, and we had to participate in all competitions, so that if not by skill, then by mass character, we would take a worthy place.
It was like that in boxing. Our commander selected participants in all weight categories. The selection was made not so much by fighting qualities, but by weight. We had a guy, Vitya R., 155 in a cap and a jump and weighing 45 kg, a person very far from sports, but he was exhibited in the flyweight category, easier than a fly. And for three years Vitya brought the company first place in his weight class. Entering the ring, sitting in the corner, Vitya approached the judge, and he declared him the champion in the absence of rivals. This went on for three years. In the fourth year, our Vitya, out of habit, entered the ring and already wanted to go to the judge, but then another participant crawled into the other corner of the ring. Same as Vitya. And the fight began. Our champion, getting used to his "victories" over the previous three years, did not even try to box, and his opponent, it turns out, trained in the school boxing section and even competed. The fight ended in half a minute with Vitya crawling out of the ring under the ropes, all beaten up, with tears in his eyes and blood under his nose.
“That's it,” he said, “I've had enough of boxing. So that I come here again! Never!” And so it ended sports career, but still, his victory points for the first three years went to the standings of the company. By the way, after the third year, Vitya began to quickly gain weight and height, and by the end of the school he did not differ from all the other cadets, and 10 years after the school he became such a respectable man that the guys who remembered him from the school did not recognize him.
Our other boxer - Nikolai P, as well as Vitya, was the only representative in the weight category over 105 kg for the first year and also took 1st place due to the absence of an opponent. He was an extraordinary person. Not only weighing about 108 kilograms, but also growth was considerable. Under two meters. But his main difference from all the other cadets was that below the neck he was covered with black thick wool, not hair, but wool. In the bath, Kolya constantly begged for laundry soap, because he only had enough of his own for one wash. For his height, weight and curly hair, he was nicknamed "infrequent strength." He always went hungry, especially in the first year. Even the two portions given for height and weight were not enough for him. So he would have given the company a champion title in this weight category, but Kolya was let down by his studies. He lasted only until the end of the third semester and was expelled for poor progress.
Order - he and in study order. Studying was also included in the list of credits for the first place in the school. So we had to balk here as well. True, those who wanted to study and graduate from college tried to do without deuces, especially since they didn’t fuss with losers for a long time. Having received one deuce at the session - the cadet was called to the company commander, two - to the faculty to the dean, and three - the issue was resolved in the rectorate of the school, and not in favor of the cadet. And there is no loser - there is no failure. In order to prevent the results of this technique from affecting the number of graduates by the sixth year, the school authorities recruited twice as many cadets for the first year. So I had to study with full dedication. In general, there was such an opinion that first the musicians are expelled, then the athletes are expelled, then those who have not coped with seasickness, and the rest (drunkards and brawlers) join the ranks of valiant navigators.
Our teachers at the school had their own training systems, or rather, hammering into the heads of the cadets the idea that his science is the most important for the navigator. Because of this, I had to learn everything. At the rector's office, they did not understand why they received deuces. For some teachers it was possible to write lectures and at the same time write down the aphorisms uttered by them, and publish them at the end of the course of lectures.
A popular expression of the teacher of marine astronomy, Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich: “Well, navigators are amateurs, you can swim in a cauldron along the Amur Bay, and not drive steamboats.” A man of very complex fate. After graduating from a navigational school during the war, and starting to work as a navigator in the difficult Stalinist time, he had an accident and, having been accused of all mortal sins, they imprisoned him. In the camps, Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich independently studied marine astronomy, and after seven years in prison and four years of work without a specialty after his release, he came to the department of navigation to teach astronomy. He had a peculiar system of credits in astronomy, with the help of which he sent at least ten people from our course to serve in the navy. The fact is that all those expelled were immediately taken to serve in the fleet, since training on the Russian Island was nearby.
In the first lesson of the semester, he asked to solve three tasks at home. If the cadet did not solve at least one of them, he repeated the task and gave a new one. That is to next class It was necessary to solve not three problems, but nine. This is a kind of geometric progression. Some brought the number of unsolved problems to two hundred or more. Did not pass the test, automatically there is no admission to the exam. Missing the exam - an unsatisfactory mark, three passes - goodbye to the company, hello training on the Russian Island. That's how he instilled in us a love of astronomy, and thanks to him. Even now, with satellite systems and other conveniences of navigation and navigation, sometimes you have to pick up the good old sextant and determine the location of the ship in the ocean. The skills that Vsevolod Vyacheslavovich instilled in us remained for life.
Each teacher had his own, as young people now say, a feature. And all these chips gave us the opportunity to quickly fly out of the school. This is how we instilled a love for knowledge and sports.

    1 however, although it is known that

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They never focused on jars with a multi-colored liquid inside. The same liquid that was taken out of the blood of newborn babies to give it to their parents, but already closed in a fragile flask of thin glass. You drop - you kill.

It was a soul, not a soul, what's the difference? The main thing was that in a small bottle, an unknown substance was really wearily languishing at the bottom, waiting for someone with a bottle of exactly the same shape.

How the bottle changed shape during the life of the owner, no one knew, and no longer tried to understand - it was always so simple.

However, two people with the same bottles were called soul mates in a purely childish way.

Thanks to this, his work has always been a little easier. All you have to do is break a glass toy.

As if someone would begin to find out whether it happened by itself or not. Of course they tried. Of course, in the end it remained just another accident or an unsolved crime.

In most cases, such flasks were given to the likes of Michael Bryce for safekeeping so that the likes of Darius Kincaid would not choose this particular method of disposing of the object.

But he wouldn't choose anyway. Too boring.

Sonya's glass was round. He sometimes ran his fingers over her, turned her over in his hands, kissed her, held her gently and gently.

But it didn't change anything.

His vial also remained correct. cylindrical forms.

Darius narrowed his eyes.

Light, as if wanting to be pitied, the asshole was reclining in the back seat of the car.

And muffled groaning.

Amazingly, even in a dream, he managed to irritate and touch at the same time.

Kincaid half-crouched to his feet and leaned over him, cursing. Michael exhaled weakly and tried to roll onto his side. Closely. Uncomfortable. Of course it didn't!

But a sparkling transparent bottle became visible, hastily thrown into the inner pocket of his jacket and threatened to fall out on its own.

Darius winced.

The pedantry of Interpol, which failed, was slightly surprising. No, he was not at all interested in the shape or contents of this very vial. At all.

He assured himself of it, holding out his hand to Bryce's jacket.

Kincaid tried to make himself think it was just curiosity, feeling the vial in confusion with unruly fingers.

He tried to think of something else, but he couldn't.

Had tried.

But my breath caught at the moment when the bright red liquid swirled in the glass cylindrical flask with a fiery whirlwind, as soon as he touched the glass. Shoulders trembled treacherously.

Fucking motherfucker.

Of course, it doesn't really change anything. Whatever the vial is, Bryce doesn't need to know about it. They were extremely different, starting from the profession, ending with the characters - restrained and explosive. One assumes, the other does. And the last thing Darius could guess was the identical vials. God forbid, he expected some Dutch beauty or a thug with a trail of blood to be connected with him. Or, what fate did not joke, a provincial farmer who raised rabbits.

But certainly not the former Interpol agent, Michael Bryce, sprawled almost beneath him, sleeping carelessly.

He knows, motherfucker, that he's in good hands.

Kincaid's lips curled into a slight smile.

Previously, when a protection agent of some kind received a couple of electric shocks, Kincaid was scared. It's just scary that he screwed up, and did not have time to repay the debt he got into. Professional ethics, nothing more.

When for his sake they rushed under the bullets, an icy horror swept over him. Maybe even then Bryce knew, maybe he assumed, maybe not.

And again, it didn't change anything.

Just a feeling of deep and hopeless tenderness, so incompatible with his work, overwhelmed him. Not only, of course, tenderness. Uncontrolled aggression, jealousy, stupid confusion, disgusting affection. And it turned out to be quite possible to deal with this. Maybe.

He slipped the vial into someone else's pocket, ran his fingers down Michael's cheek, and grinned.

The next night, at a nearby bar, he invites Bryce to dance. But next night, it's next night, right?

On March 15, at the Grushin sociological conference, Alexei Kudrin presented the study "Russian Elites - 2016: the image of the future and points of consensus." The experts' conclusions are rather alarming. But not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance.

The CSR experts divided all the elites into three groups: the strategic elite, which can influence the political course as much as possible, the veto elite, which is able to adapt and correct the existing political course, and the administrative elite, which cannot influence the political process, but helps to implement it locally. . Regional elites in the CSR were assigned to the third group.

The main conclusion of the study: the regional elites of Russia believe that they cannot influence the political process, but they have a request to increase their potential, in particular, in terms of adapting the political course formed by the center at the regional level.

Among the main challenges, CSR experts highlight the lack of clear rules of the game, the closure of contacts between regions to the center, the latter's lack of interest in solving particular problems of the regions, lack of investment and the outflow of qualified personnel. It is difficult to disagree with these conclusions.

It is absolutely true that today the balance is broken in the interaction between the federation and the regions and there is a bias towards the center. And it exists not because of the appointment of governors, as some experts believe - it has long been canceled - but because of the specifics of the budget and tax system, when all the money is collected in Moscow and then redistributed between the regions.

It is absolutely true that under these conditions, regional elites have practically no mechanisms to influence the federal, primarily economic, agenda, which, on the one hand, infringes on the interests of regional elites, and on the other hand, offends them as a social stratum. That may well lead to discontent on the ground.

The only question is the degree of influence of this discontent on the life of the country.

And the point here is not that the discontent of the regional elites is not significant for the life of the country. It is very significant. The fact is that interaction with the federation, although very important, is not a determining factor in the existence of regional elite.

For the regional elite, the main thing is the life of the region itself, at the level of which it - the elite - is not the third, but the first group of influence, according to the classification proposed by the CSR.

Moreover, if the inter-regional consolidation of regional elites is weak, then within the region, on the contrary, it is very high. The elite in the region are people who live in one circle and, with all internal conflicts and contradictions in relation to the outside world, act, as a rule, as a united front.

The federation, while having powerful levers of influence on the regions, does not have very strong control mechanisms. In an emergency situation, when the federal government focuses on a particular region, it is able to carry out any task in the region. But in everyday mode, the control is framework. As long as nothing extraordinary happens, the life of the region is determined by the regional elite, which puts into their hands both the resources of the region and those resources that come from the federal center.

It is this ability to control resources that is the main factor in the existence of regional elites. And while it persists, the regional elites are interested in maintaining the current system. Therefore, even with all the dissatisfaction with their position on federal level they will not come into conflict with the center, since this conflict threatens the system that provides them with the resources that allow them to be an elite at their level.

The CSR experts are absolutely right when they talk about the weakness of the position of the regional elites at the federal level. Political scientists are also right, noting that the local elites do not like this state of affairs very much and contribute to the growth of their discontent. But the degree of danger of this factor should not be overestimated. The regional elite is not interested in destroying the existing system. And as long as the resources of the regions remain in the hands of the regional elite, it has something to lose, and confrontation is unprofitable for either side.

Dmitry Zhuravlev

Director of the Institute of Regional Problems