Diet of Ekaterina Strizhenova and its features. Favorite diet of Ekaterina Strizhenova Do you manage to stick to proper nutrition?

For several years now, Ekaterina Strizhenova has been the “face” of the morning program on one of the central TV channels in Russia. She plays in the theater, acts in films, takes an active part in the cultural life of the country and at the same time manages to watch her own figure! At 41, Ekaterina Strizhenova will give young twenty-year-old girls a head start. But how does she manage to do this? Women's site DietaClub lifts the veil of secrecy - today you will learn about diet of Ekaterina Strizhenova and her beauty secrets. Let's lose weight together with a popular presenter!

Ekaterina Strizhenova: “Diets are the norm of life”

Since childhood, Ekaterina Strizhenova has become accustomed to being in public. Perhaps that is why she learned from an early age that a woman should be attractive regardless of age. That’s why the TV presenter carefully monitors her own diet and is actively involved in sports. Ekaterina admits that strict diets, dancing and swimming help her stay in shape. “Unfortunately, my build and heredity do not allow me to eat everything I want. Therefore, sometimes it’s very difficult to monitor your weight,” admits Strizhenova. Usually after 17.00 Ekaterina does not go to the refrigerator, and the rest of the time she eats exclusively healthy dietary products.

Diet experiments

Not so long ago a new, “lunar” diet of Ekaterina Strizhenova. In fact, it represents ordinary fasting days. The lunar calendar is used as a guide. In accordance with this diet of Ekaterina Strizhenova, you should not eat food within 12 hours before the new moon and 12 hours after the new moon. You should only drink water for 24 hours. According to Strizhenova, you can lose 600 grams of fat in just this day!

In general, Ekaterina Strizhenova diets Use only when absolutely necessary. “My diet is healthy eating,” the presenter smiles. She does not eat flour, sweets or fatty foods. In the first half of the day he tries to eat fruits, and in the afternoon he prefers to eat fish with herbs. And, of course, after training or a working day (which can confidently be called busy), Ekaterina drinks kefir or tea.

Strict diet Ekaterina Strizhenova tries to stick to it as little as possible. The TV presenter still recalls how she lost consciousness from hunger during a rehearsal for the show “Ice Age.” All this time, Ekaterina Strizhenova was on a strict diet to keep herself in shape. As a result, the presenter realized that it was not worth experimenting with overly strict weight loss methods. But, according to Strizhenova, a video camera “makes” a person 2-3 kilograms fatter, which means that you still have to monitor your own weight. It is especially difficult to keep in shape in winter, but Ekaterina Strizhenova can do it!

How to lose weight in winter?

Ekaterina Strizhenova admits that she gained a couple of extra pounds over the New Year holidays. How to deal with this annoying nuisance? Strizhenova admitted that it is easiest for her to lose weight in a company, so she regularly gathers her friends and goes with them to the gym, and then to the bathhouse. Naturally, the sporting interest that awakens at the moment when the company participants step on the scales plays a role - Ekaterina admits that at such moments she works especially hard.

After the New Year, the presenter turned to nutritionists who developed a special diet for Ekaterina Strizhenova. The weight loss course within this program is designed for a week. For 7 days, the TV presenter should eat only apples and drink kefir. On the second or third day of the diet, Ekaterina Strizhenova goes to the sauna. For the remaining few days, he eats according to the principle of a mono-diet - during the day he eats either only apples or exclusively kefir. The TV presenter also talks about how kefir and apples can be replaced with buckwheat and fish.

We hope that the example of the famous TV presenter will inspire you to fight excess weight, and you will decide to try the action diet of Ekaterina Strizhenova on myself. Make sure it's easy to get rid of extra pounds!

Tatiana Belashova

One of the most beautiful presenters on Russian television, Ekaterina Strizhenova, manages to do everything - host a new project on Channel One about the relationship between a man and a woman with Alexander Gordon, act in films, play in the theater. In addition, she is an excellent housewife, cooks well and constantly pampers her loved ones with delicious dishes. At the same time, Catherine herself is the owner of a magnificent slender figure.

“AiF PRO Kitchen”: Ekaterina, you have a wonderful figure. Are you lucky to be born slim or is it the result of serious efforts?

Ekaterina Strizhenova: Alas, I am not the type of woman who can eat as much as she wants, whenever she wants, and not gain weight. I start to gain fat quite quickly if I don’t watch my diet, so when it comes to fighting excess weight, I can safely be called a real expert.

- How do you feel about diets?

- I have a good attitude towards diets and have tried almost all of them. From experience I can say that you lose weight fastest on a low-carbohydrate protein diet according to Dukan or Atkins, but you can’t sit on it for a long time - it’s harmful to your health. But if you need to lose weight quickly, this is a great option. In general, I believe that every woman has her own diet, her own way to lose weight. For example, my sister (fashion designer Victoria Adrianova - Ed.) drinks green smoothies for breakfast made from fresh herbs, lime juice and banana. Then he doesn’t touch food for half a day, he just doesn’t want to. After such a cocktail, I want to eat almost immediately, I can’t help it.

- If you hear about a new diet, will you try it?

- Most likely, yes, because I wonder how it will work out for you, whether this diet will suit you, maybe this is exactly what I was looking for. For example, I recently met a friend, I didn’t even recognize her, she lost 20 kg in 3 months. I was on the Geisha Diet. I tried it too. In the morning you drink green tea with skim milk, in the afternoon and evening (at 18.00) - 250 g of rice. Drink a lot of water and green tea. You sit for 5 days, then return to your usual diet, and repeat after a while. In 5 days on this diet I lost 5 kg. A good result, but the diet is not suitable for everyone.

Photo: Channel One / Ruslan Roshchupkin

- Ekaterina, do you think a diet without physical activity works?

- Of course it works, but when you go on a diet, the weight first comes off and then comes back. Only fitness helps you move on. At the same time, what kind of physical activity will be is not important. The main thing is that it is constant. You can, for example, walk every day, run, go to the gym or dance. I personally do fitness on an exercise bike. I turn on some sports program on TV and pedal at the same time as the athletes.

- Do you have a favorite diet?

- My favorite diet is work. When we record the program “Them and Us” with Alexander Gordon, it usually takes several intense days. At this time, I just arrange fasting days for myself - I eat very little, drink a lot of water. Hunger, by the way, has a very good effect on performance and brain function, there is no drowsiness, I am very focused and energetic. In addition, the filming schedule for the program is so intense that there is still no time to eat properly. After 4-5 days, when our emergency is over, I return to my usual diet.

- Do you always stick to diets or sometimes allow yourself sweets?

- Of course, I am an ordinary woman and I cannot control myself every minute and be in perfect shape all the time. For example, during the last New Year holidays, I practically did not limit myself to anything, and then we went on vacation with my family to Italy. Well, there is delicious pasta, pizza, risotto, ice cream, aromatic cappuccino with the most delicate tiramisu. It is simply impossible to refuse all this. As a result, I gained excess weight, so upon returning to Moscow I had to take care of myself in order to return to my usual shape.

Photo: Channel One / Ruslan Roshchupkin

- Do you cook at home?

- I cook, but quite rarely, because I usually don’t have enough time. Recently, for example, I went into the refrigerator and saw that a lot of cottage cheese was disappearing, because it’s difficult to force a family to eat it just like that. I prepared “Royal Cheesecake” according to my mother-in-law’s recipe (People’s Artist of Russia L.V. Strizhenova). By the way, she cooks great - quickly and very tasty. It was from her that I learned to cook, for example, healthy and light soups without meat. Now I cook the broth separately when someone in the family is sick. I really like to cook chicken at home, most often I bake it in the oven or in the air fryer.

- Do you have any rules when it comes to food?

- Over time, I have formed several food rules for myself, which I always try to adhere to. I eat fruits only separately from other foods, never after meals or after 16.00. I try never to eat anything tasty or sweet after a meal; in general, food is separate, and desserts are separate. Well, if you want to lose weight, don’t eat after 17.00.

Apples baked in dough: Recipe from Ekaterina Strizhenova


4 servings
Green apples - 4 pcs.
Ready puff pastry - 1 sheet
Almonds or any other nuts - 2 tbsp. l.
Raisins - 2 tbsp. l.
Honey - 4 tsp.
Powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. l.

1. Carefully remove the core from the apples, fill it with chopped nuts and washed raisins, top with 1 tsp. honey
2. Divide the sheet of finished puff pastry into 4 parts. Roll out each part, cover the apple on top, connect the edges of the dough at the bottom and pinch.
3. Place the apples, seam side down, on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper, bake in an oven preheated to 180° C for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.
4. Cool the finished apples slightly, sprinkle powdered sugar on top and serve the resulting “snow globes” to the table.

Strizhenova Ekaterina was born on March 20, 1968 in Moscow. Has two higher educations: director and psychologist. His first acting job was in the film “Leader” in 1984. Acts in plays. My husband is a director and actor. They have two daughters. Ekaterina is a participant in the Ice Age 2 project in 2008-2009. Since 2010 she has been editor-in-chief of the magazine “ITALIA - Made in Italy”. Most people know her as the host of the Good Morning program on Channel One.

Daily diet of Ekaterina Strizhenova

Ekaterina Strizhenova eats food only until 5 pm every day. She recently discovered the lunar diet. The day of the new moon comes every month, so, 12 hours before it and 12 hours after it you cannot eat, you need to sit on water alone for the whole day, but in one day you lose up to 600 grams of fat.

Ekaterina Strizhenova prefers to strictly separate meals. For example, in the first half of the day she eats fruits, and fish and greens in the second. Ekaterina refuses to eat sweet and flour products (in particular bread and sugar), she can easily do without pasta and potatoes, but she loves meat, so she is not going to give up that either. If she has an evening or night workout planned, then after that she drinks only kefir.

Ekaterina also has another secret for fighting excess weight. It turns out that it is much easier for her to lose weight in a group. Also, in order to stay in shape, Strizhenova goes in for dancing and swimming, and does body wraps and lymphatic drainage.

“Fast” diet of Ekaterina Strizhenova

In order to quickly correct her figure before a program or before a performance, Ekaterina uses a special “moon” diet. Throughout the day, Ekaterina refuses to eat (she starts her Strizhenova diet 12 hours before the new moon, and ends 12 hours after it). All this time, our heroine drinks still table water.

Winter diet of Ekaterina Strizhenova

Unfortunately, in winter, sports alone are often not enough to maintain weight. The nutritionist suggested Strizhenova a seven-day diet, which is based on apples and kefir. For the first half of the diet, Ekaterina combines these products, and over the last 4 days she consumes them separately (one day - kefir, one day - apples). In the middle of her weight loss cycle, Ekaterina visits the sauna.

If the result is not completely satisfactory, Strizhenova again resorts to a seven-day diet, but this time instead of kefir and apples she eats fish and unsalted buckwheat porridge.

Ekaterina Strizhenova’s diet is presented in several versions. Each of these options has its pros and cons - evaluate them before using the given weight loss recipes in practice.

Before using any diet, consult your physician or healthcare professional.

The husband of the famous TV presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova, Alexander, recently lost weight. The changes in appearance turned out to be so striking that Alexander’s friends did not recognize him at first!

It seemed that along with the extra pounds, the actor’s age also went away: he changed his haircut, chose a youth style of clothing, and also worked on his face - now it looks fresh and rested.

Alexander’s colleagues and fans were shocked: Strizhenov lost as much as 50 kg! The reason for such changes was his dismissal from the central television channel, where he worked as a TV presenter. When his weight reached 140 kilograms, directors and producers warned the actor: if he did not lose weight, he would lose his job. Alas, the TV presenter was unable to lose weight, so he soon became unemployed. And only after Alexander was offered a role in a Hollywood film, he pulled himself together and firmly decided to lose weight.

How did Alexander Strizhenov lose weight?

It is worth noting that the actor did not achieve slimness on the first try. Once he tried a starvation diet - in twenty days he managed to get rid of 15 kg, but this method of losing weight was unnatural, and in just a month the actor regained not only the lost kilograms, but also gained a few extra ones. After such an unsuccessful experiment, Alexander chose a diet, which subsequently helped him successfully lose weight.

Dramatic changes: Alexander Strizhenov before and after losing weight

The first stage was fasting days, which are inevitable with such an amount of excess weight and a distended stomach. Unloading helped reduce appetite and the amount of portions eaten. Twice a week, the actor spent fasting days on apples and kefir, losing several kilograms per day. However, if you do not change the rest of your diet, the lost kilograms will quickly return. Therefore, the TV presenter adjusted his menu: he completely excluded processed sausages, sweets and carbonated drinks with sugar.

He also limited the amount of animal fat and salt he consumed. Gradually, flour and smoked dishes disappeared from Alexander’s menu. Thus, the diet has become healthier and healthier. Then the actor divided all permitted foods into small portions. This helped him improve his metabolism and not feel hungry throughout the day. Alexander Strizhenov’s healthy eating system also includes a number of tricks.

  • Half an hour before eating, you need to drink a glass of warm water with lemon. This will help partially fill your stomach and prevent you from overeating during the meal.
  • Half an hour after a heavy meal, you should eat a large grapefruit. This fruit is a “negative calorie” product—the body spends more calories digesting it than the food itself contains. Thus, the digestive tract effectively burns excess calories.
  • After 16:00 - only protein foods. In the afternoon, the pancreas slows down and its ability to secrete enzymes for digestion decreases markedly. That is why evening meals accelerate the process of fat deposition. If at this time you do not overload the stomach with heavy and high-calorie foods, everything eaten will be converted into energy, not fat.
  • You cannot mix products with each other. For example, you can eat a separate portion of steamed meat or mashed potatoes. As a snack, you are allowed to eat cucumber or bell pepper, but not a mix of vegetables.
  • You should drink a lot of water. If it is difficult to drink plain water, it is recommended to prepare healthy cocktails - for example, adding mint leaves, orange and lemon slices, and vanilla extract to the water. A large amount of liquid partially replaces food and promotes weight loss.
  • You can salt dishes directly on the plate, as food absorbs too much salt during cooking. If you lightly add salt to the top of the dish, the taste buds will perceive the taste unchanged, but the amount of salt will be disproportionately less.
  • You need to add a lot of chopped greens to each dish. Parsley and dill have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, helping the body more actively rid itself of undigested food, waste and toxins.

What foods did Strizhenov consume?

The TV presenter strictly followed the list of permitted products. Oddly enough, most of them are protein products: chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, seafood, fish and lean meat (except pork). It is recommended to stew all products without oil, steam, boil or bake. All citrus fruits, apples, pears, avocados and kiwis are allowed. Only bananas and grapes are not recommended for consumption. The total calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 1600 Kcal.

In this case, three quarters of calories should be consumed strictly before 16:00. According to Alexander, swimming also helped him speed up the process of losing weight. This type of cardio exercise is especially useful for overweight people, as it does not injure the joints. By swimming several kilometers every day, the actor helped his metabolism remain consistently accelerated and his skin retained its elasticity. After the TV presenter lost twenty kilograms and felt a significant surge of strength, he added jogging in the park to swimming.
So, Alexander Strizhenov’s weight loss system turned out to be effective and helped the actor advance in his career and significantly improve his health. The TV presenter advises anyone who wants to say goodbye to extra pounds to take advantage of his recommendations and make their dream come true.