Lesson notes for stuttering. Summary of a speech therapy lesson with children who stutter at the stage of reflected speech; outline of a speech therapy lesson (senior group) on the topic Summary of a speech therapy lesson for children with a stutter

Polikarpova Z.V., teacher-defectologist of the State Educational Institution “Nursery-Garden No. 10 in Pruzhany”.

TOPIC: Travel to the land of Short Answers.

Correctional and educational:

Consolidating the technique of correct speech in the mind of a preschooler. Education of independent, smooth and rhythmic speech.

Muscle relaxation in contrast to tension; the impact of words on the will and consciousness of the child, inducing calm, balance, and confidence in one’s speech.

Training long speech exhalation on individual sounds, words, short phrases.

Development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis, syllabic structure of words: isolating the stressed vowel sound from words, dividing words into syllables.

Development of processes of word formation and inflection: the use of nouns in the instrumental case of the singular; formation of names of baby animals, relative adjectives from nouns

Correctional and developmental:

Development of auditory, visual attention, memory, thinking.

Correctional and educational: developing interest in the activity.

Equipment: Set of animal figurines, houses; subject pictures: baby animals, food; plan and streets of the city of Beautiful speech; set of words: names of animals; letters to form a word.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Our eyes look well and see everything.

Our ears listen well and hear everything.

What does our tongue want to do? (That's right, talk). But first we must relax, and for this we will do exercises.

2. Relaxation exercises to contrast with tension.

We sat down on a chair. Hands on knees. Calm down. Listen and do as I do.

Exercises: “Fists” (relaxation of arm muscles).


“Sunbathing” (relaxation of leg muscles).

“Barbell” (-/- muscles of the arms, legs and body),


“Ball” (relaxation of the abdominal muscles).

“Curious Barbara” (-/- neck).

“Proboscis” (-/- muscles of the speech apparatus and lips),


“Angry tongue” (relaxation of the tongue muscles),


3. Suggestion “Magic dream”.

Now, Anton, you know how easy it is to speak when there is no tension. If you feel that some word is not coming out, you need to stop, relax, take a calm breath and continue speaking smoothly, clearly, without tension.

Let's repeat the commands of correct speech.

We are always calm!

We always speak beautifully

Boldly and leisurely!

We speak clearly,

Because we're in no hurry!...

4.-And here is the city of Beautiful Speech. What kind of streets are there in this city?

(Reading street names: Gromkaya, Chetkaya, Pauz, Leisurely streets;

highlighting the stressed vowel sound; dividing words into syllables; finding the same words on the city plan).

The most important square of the city is the Square of Vowel Sounds, because in speech the vowel sounds are the most important.

And there is also Lake Tranquility on the plan.

We are always calm.

5. -We are going on a trip to the country of Short Answers. Here, all residents speak briefly, answering questions with only one or two words.

This is how we play today - we always answer briefly,

We are in no hurry to speak, we think more and remain silent.

What type of transport will we use? (By train, by bus, by plane, by boat, etc.)

Development of speech breathing.

The child imitates the movement of a train (chu-chu-chu).

On a long exhalation he says: “oo-oo-oo” (the locomotive hums), etc.

6.-It seems that we are approaching the zoo. Animals were brought to the zoo from different places. Let's help animals find their homes?

(Reading the names of the houses. We resettle the animals).

Deer Fox

Game: “To whom what?” (feeding animals - cards with the name of the animals’ favorite food, subject pictures).

Soon the animals had cubs. Game “Who has who?”

7. And now we’ll go to the “Sweet Tooth” cafe.

In a cafe, the seller treats those who can answer the questions correctly and leisurely.

What is sold at the “Sladkoezhka” cafe? What sweets? (Child's answers)

Various fruit and berry juices are also sold here:

Grape juice - grape,

-//- from pears –

-//- from tangerines –

-//- from peaches –

-//- from apples – etc.

Counting cards. (Chips are given for correct answers and smooth, clear pronunciation of words).

8. Our journey has ended. We will return to kindergarten.

All the letters on the sign are scattered. And in order to return, you need to make a word from the letters. (Determining the sequence and number of sounds in a word, reading a word).

9. Summing up the lesson. Assessment by a teacher-defectologist of the quality of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

An invitation to the city of beautiful speech and the country of complete answers.

10. Drama with the participation of children from the senior group “What color is the snow?” (according to M. Plyatskovsky).

Games used: “Telegraph”, “What is it made of?”, “Zoo”, “Baby animals”, “Who wants what?”, Intuitive reading. “Matching a word to a picture”, “Matching an object to a word”.

Relaxation exercises to contrast tension. Suggestion. "Magical dream".

This material will help all specialists working with people who stutter.

Having studied in detail various methods for correcting stuttering, I came to the conclusion that one of the main aspects in working with the preparatory stage is the correct speech breathing. I developed author's breathing exercise system, which allows the child to master the correct inhalation and long exhalation.

As a result of the use of these exercises in correctional work with children who stutter, an increase in the duration of exhalation is observed, and the vital capacity of the lungs has increased. This means that with the correct inhalation, the child will be able to draw in enough air, and when exhaling, he will have enough of it to pronounce the phrase. But the most important thing is that this system allows you to properly get air during a conversation, without causing stuttering in speech.

Author's system of breathing exercises

Consists of nine exercises.

Breathing exercise system:

1 week - exercises 1 and 2 are performed - 2 times a day for 5 minutes.
Week 2 - 1-3 exercises - 2 times a day for 5 minutes.
Week 3 - 2-4 exercises - 2 times a day for 5-10 minutes.
Week 4 - 1- 4 - 5 exercise - 2 times a day for 10 minutes.
Week 5 - exercise 1-5 (hold your breath as long as possible.)
Week 6 - 1-6 exercise - 2 times for 15 minutes.
Week 7 - 1-7- 2 times for 10-15 minutes.
8-9-10 weeks - 1-8 exercises 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes.
Week 11-12 – 1-7-8-9 exercises 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes. Let's connect speech. For children, we first select short words, then long ones (instead of counting).

Summary of an individual lesson with a child who stutters at the preparatory stage using breathing exercises

Cause relaxation of the muscles of the legs and arms in contrast to tension and relaxation,
- master the technique of diaphragmatic-costal breathing using breathing exercises;
- development of articulatory motor skills;
- develop the ability to use correct speech techniques;
- improving non-verbal communication methods.

1. Relaxation exercises:

For the hands: relaxation and tension of the hands, forearms, shoulders: “Fists”, “Pendulum”, “Crane”, “Deer”, “Swimmer”.
- for legs: “Bends forward, to the sides”, “Mill”, “Sagging”, “Weightlifter”.

2. Breathing exercises. Perform exercises 1 to 4.

3. Massage of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

For lips: “Smile”, “Tube”, “Bite the lower lip”, “Bite the upper lip”.
- for the tongue: “Watch”, “Bumps”, “Fish”, “Tasty jam”, “Chatterbox”.
- for the lower jaw: lowering, raising, moving left and right.

Making the sound "r".

5. Pronouncing vowel sounds (a, o, u, e, y, i): after inhaling, while exhaling smoothly, stretch out the vowels one by one.

6. Consistent pronunciation of two vowels: aaaaoooo, aaaauuuu, aaaaiii, etc. Three-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand in different combinations.

7. Work on the rhythm: clapping the rhythmic pattern at a medium tempo, first up to 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. up to 10. Stepping to the count: walk to the count at an average pace.

8. Exercises to perform expressive movements and gestures: facial gymnastics (show joy, evil, sadness, shyness).

9. Development of lexical and grammatical categories on the topic “Autumn”.

Summary of individual work at the main stage using breathing exercises

Cause relaxation of the muscles of the neck and speech apparatus in contrast to tension and in presentation;
- use of breathing exercises;
- use correct speech techniques when pronouncing phrases;
- Development of phonemic awareness;
- Development of articulatory motor skills;
- formation of expressive speech;
- consolidate new speech skills in communication (dialogical speech)

1. Relaxation gymnastics:

Perform neck exercises:

A) sitting, lean on the table with your elbows bent, put your head on your hands and completely relax.

B) while sitting, slowly turn your head without raising it, from right to left and from left to right (with maximum amplitude);

C) standing, raise your arms, clasp your fingers at the back of your head, spread your elbows and shoulders to the sides. Smoothly, without jerking, move your head back, overcoming the resistance of your hands. Feel the tension, throw your hands down and relax. Return to starting position.

D) standing, move your head as far back as possible, fix your palms on your forehead, spread your elbows to the sides, slowly tilt your head forward, overcoming the resistance of your hands, and tense up. Return to starting position, relax.

D) while sitting, slowly tilt your head forward so that your chin rests on your chest and back until it stops.

2. Breathing exercises 1-7-8 exercises for 10-15 minutes. Let's connect speech. For children, we first select long words (instead of counting and short words).

3. Articulatory gymnastics for making sounds. Automation of delivered sounds.

4. Pronouncing phrases with their gradual lengthening.

5. Development of phonemic perception: sound analysis of a word consisting of three sounds.

6. Game “Tricky Questions” - development of thinking, memory, imagination.

Summary of individual work at the final stage using breathing exercises

Cause relaxation of the muscles of the body and legs in contrast to tension, relax these same muscles according to the idea.
- complicate and expand verbal communication at home and in public places: increase the volume and duration of statements in various situations;
- build confidence, speech courage;
- develop coherent speech;
- practice sounds in speech, be able to differentiate them.

1. Relaxation gymnastics: for the torso, legs.

a) sitting straight, elbows on hips. Lean forward freely, head down, relax, arms freely fall down. In a relaxed position, perform light rocking of the body from side to side.

B) turns of the body with circular rotations of the arms (“mill”).

C) sitting on the edge of a chair, tilt your torso slightly forward, freely swing your arms, body, and shoulders down.

D) standing, freezing in a stretched position, complete relaxation of the whole body, “sagging.”

D) standing, imitation of lifting a barbell with tension and relaxation of the whole body after lowering it.

E) sitting, body straight, while inhaling, tighten your abdominal muscles and hold in this position for several seconds, exhaling and relax as much as possible.

G) Exercise “Pull the rope”.

2. Breathing exercises -1-7-8 exercises for 10-15 minutes. Retelling the text in your own words.

4. Differentiation of difficult to pronounce sounds (if necessary).

5. Sound synthesis of words, work with patterns of syllables, words, sentences.

6. Development of coherent speech - compiling stories based on a series of paintings, and then based on the painting.

7. Development of mental processes game “Remember and name”, “What is superfluous”.

Zhgutova Irina Vladimirovna,
teacher speech therapist.
Municipal budget
preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 1 compensatory type

Summary of individual speech therapy sessions

on the correction of stuttering on the topic: “Flower - seven-colored”

Lesson objectives:

    introduce V.P.’s fairy tale Kataeva “Seven-flowered flower”

    train speech breathing;

    develop skills in recognizing the color of objects; develops attention to recognizing the color of objects;

    develop attention, thinking, imagination, expand vocabulary;

    promote a sense of kindness and responsiveness;

    consolidate the skill of hesitation-free speech at the stage of question-and-answer speech;

    work on fluency of speech, tempo, rhythm;

    develop phonemic hearing;

    develop coordination of gross and fine motor skills;

    strengthen the skill of relaxation in contrast to tension;

    develop independent speech skills.


Mirror, seven-flowered flower layout, images of clouds, a candle, an image of the outline of a candle on a sheet of paper, colored rectangles, multi-colored circles with numbers, a toy piano, paper butterflies on strings.

Organizing time

Speech therapist: Look how interesting the clouds are above us. An unusual cloud came down to us.

The speech therapist reads a poem:

Facial exercises are performed with the child in front of mirrors according to the text and pictures (clouds).

IN from a cheerful cloud

Laughs at me:

Why are you squinting your eyes like that?

How funny you are!

A here's another cloud

Seriously upset:

It's a breeze from mom

Suddenly he took it far away.

And suddenly there is a menacing sky

Scarecrow flies

And with a huge fist

He threatens me angrily.

A little cloud

N hell floats like a lake,

And a cloud of surprise

Opens his mouth slightly.

ON THE. Ekimova

Speech therapist: Before we go to the main part of the lesson, we need to relax and therefore we will now play the game “Magic Dream” with you. With your eyes closed, listen carefully and repeat my words to yourself and follow my instructions.

Eyelashes droop...

Eyes are closing...

We rest peacefully... (Twice)

We fall asleep in a magical sleep...

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...

Our hands are resting...

The legs also rest...

Relax...fall asleep...(Twice)

The neck is not tense

And relaxed-a-ble-na...

The lips part slightly...

Everything is wonderfully relaxing. (Twice)

Breathe easily... evenly... deeply

Long pause. The child is brought out of the “Magic Sleep”:

We rested peacefully.

We fell asleep in a magical sleep...

Louder. Faster. More energetic:

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

We clench our fists tighter,

We raise them higher.

Stretch! Smile!

Open your eyes and stand up!

Speech therapist: The game is all over. You rested a little, calmed down, your arms, legs, and whole body relaxed. The lips and lower jaw also relaxed.

Progress of the lesson

Speech therapist: Today, I will tell you a wonderful fairy tale by Valentin Petrovich Kataev “Tsvetik Semitsvetik”.

So, the fairy tale begins. Once upon a time there was a girl, Zhenya. One day her mother sent her to the store to buy bagels. The girl bought some bagels and went home. But on the way, an unfamiliar dog unnoticedly accosted her. And while Zhenya was yawning around and reading the signs, the dog ate all the bagels.

Oh, bad dog! – Zhenya shouted and rushed to catch up with her.

I didn’t catch up with the dog, but I got lost myself. The girl got scared and cried. All of a sudden. Out of nowhere, an old woman appeared. She took pity on Zhenya, brought her to her garden and picked a very beautiful flower from the garden - a seven-flowered flower, about the same as this one. (Showing a flower) The old woman gave the girl a flower - a seven-flowered one and said that it could fulfill any of her wishes, all she had to do was pick one of the petals, throw it and say:

Fly, fly petal

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back to the circle again.

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be, in my opinion, led.

Commanded that this or that should happen. And this one will be done immediately.

Zhenya politely thanked the old woman, who suddenly disappeared somewhere, then she tore off a yellow petal, threw it and said: (Words)

Tell me to be at home with the steering wheels!

Speech therapist: And starting from this place, I will allow myself to make changes to the fairy tale.

But our seven-flowered flower will not immediately fulfill the girl’s wishes, but only after we complete the task written on the back of the petal.

Speech therapist: And so we begin our journey through the fairy tale.

The child picks a petal from a flower and says the words:

Fly, fly petal

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back to the circle again.

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be, in my opinion, led.

Speech therapist: Now turn over the petal and read what is written on it. Mysterious.

This means that you must guess the item based on the description of the color combination.


    Round, not a month, yellow, not butter, with a tail, not a mouse. ( Turnip)

    The scarlet itself is sugar, the caftan is green, velvet. ( Watermelon)

    White carrots grow in winter. ( Icicle)

Speech therapist: Well done. I guessed all the riddles.

And at that very moment Zhenya found herself at home, and in her hands was a bunch of bagels!

The girl wanted to put such a wonderful flower in her mother’s favorite vase. But she accidentally broke it into small pieces.

Zhenya quickly tore off the red petal, threw it and whispered...

Fly, fly petal

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back to the circle again.

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be, in my opinion, led.

Speech therapist: And so tear off the red petal. And read its title. Rainbow.

This means that you need to name all the colors of the rainbow in order. (I remember the hint sentence “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits”)

(Lays out rectangles by color).

Before she had time to say the cherished words, the shards crawled towards each other and began to grow together.

Zhenya went into the yard. And there the boys play: they pretend that they are at the North Pole, on ice floes. The girl asked the boys to take her to the game, but they did not agree and drove Zhenya away.

And it's not necessary. I’ll be at the North Pole even without you now. Just not on one like yours. But really. – she tore off a blue petal and said...

Speech therapist: Take off the blue petal. Read what it's called Computational.

Exercise:“Decipher and solve the example.” Using the code, you need to replace the multi-colored circles with the corresponding numbers and solve the resulting examples.

And the girl ended up at the North Pole. How she was, in a summer dress, with bare legs, and there it was a hundred degrees below zero! And then seven polar bears came out from behind the ice floes! Zhenya was scared. She cried, but the tears turned into icicles and hung on her nose. Like on a drainpipe.

Not remembering from fear. The girl grabbed a flower with icy fingers - a flower of seven, and tore out a green petal and screamed at the top of her lungs... (Pronunciation of words)

Veli. So that I can be in my yard again!

Speech therapist: Take off the green petal and read what is written on it. Air.

Exercise:- Trace the outline with a pencil, point by point, and you will find out what object is depicted.

The child runs a pencil along the dots.

The speech therapist asks questions along the way:

    What color is your pencil?

    In which direction are you connecting the dots?

    Which way did you turn the pencil? Etc.

    What item did you get? (Candle)

Speech therapist: This candle is drawn on a sheet of paper, and with the help of magic words we can turn it into a real one. Close your eyes and say the magic words:

Rex, pex, fax.

At this time, the speech therapist places a lighted candle on the table.

Speech therapist: Open your eyes and see what happened. Let's blow on the light to make it dance. If we blow harder, the light will waltz; if we blow less, the light will dance quietly.

(Child does the exercise)

Speech therapist: And with our help, Zhenya found herself back in the yard. The boys didn't believe it. That she was at the real North Pole. The girl was offended by them and went to play in the neighboring yard.

She came and saw that the girls had different toys. Who has a stroller? Some have a ball, some have a jumping rope, some have a bicycle. Here Zhenya became so annoyed. That she tore off an orange petal and said...(words) led to all the toys. any that exist in the world were mine!

Speech therapist: And you take off the orange petal. And read what it's called. Musical.

Now we will compose short melodies. I play and you repeat. Let's start with the key indicated by the letter... (the child names the letter on the key. The task is performed 5 times.)

These are the unusual melodies we came up with.

Speech therapist: Toys came to Zhenya from all over the world. There were so many of them. Traffic in the city stopped. The police officers climbed onto the lampposts and did not know what to do.

Enough, enough! And she screamed in horror. Zhenya, clutching her head.

I was joking! I don't need so many toys at all. I'm afraid..

And then the girl tore off the purple petal. She threw it and quickly said...

Order all the toys to go back to the stores!

Speech therapist: Pick a purple petal. What is it called, read it. Respiratory.

Exercise: Blow on the butterflies and exhale and say another name for the colors that we didn’t name today in class (For example: cornflower blue, turquoise, crimson, etc.)

And immediately all the toys disappeared.

Zhenya looked at her flower and saw that there was only one petal left.

That's the thing! It turns out I spent six petals, and no pleasure. That is OK! I'll be smarter in the future.

Speech therapist: What would you spend your last petal on?

(Child's response)

Probably, Zhenya would have spent the last petal uselessly. If I hadn't met one boy. The boy was very cute. He had big blue eyes, and it was immediately clear that he was not a fighter. His name was Vitya. And he was lame, so he couldn't play with the other children. “This is for life,” said Vitya.

Oh, what nonsense you talk! – Zhenya exclaimed and tore off the last blue petal, pressed it to her eyes for a minute, then unclenched her fingers and sang in a thin voice, trembling with happiness... (words)

Tell Vitya to be healthy!

Speech therapist: Take off the last petal and read what it says Fairy.

Assignment: “Name fairy tales whose titles contain any color, and show the corresponding rectangle.” (“Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Grey Neck”, “Blue Beard, the Scarlet Flower”, “Cockerel the Golden Comb”, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”.)

And at that very moment the boy jumped up from the bench, began playing tag with Zhenya and ran so well that the girl could not catch up with him, no matter how hard she tried.

Speech therapist: Tell me what does this fairy tale teach? (Doing good to good people is much more pleasant than thinking only about yourself. You need to learn to be sensitive and responsive.)


Speech therapist: Our journey has ended. You completed all the tasks very well. Please share your impressions.

Anna Vakhrusheva
Summary of a lesson on stuttering correction in children of senior preschool age “Zoo”

Subject: « Zoo»


Educational: teach relaxation exercises, proper breathing, and develop independent speech skills.

Educational: to develop the ability to transform, to cultivate a kind attitude towards animals.

Corrective: improve gross and fine motor skills, development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.

Wellness: creating a joyful, comfortable environment, developing breathing, correct posture, coordination of movements.

Equipment: pictures of animals, lullaby song.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Speech therapist: Hello guys, sit down.

2. Subject message

Speech therapist: Name the animals you see in the picture (squirrel, monkey, giraffe, polar bear, wolf, elephant)

Please tell me where we can see all these animals at once? (V zoo)

That's right, today we are going to zoo.

3. Dynamic exercise "Gait"

Speech therapist: I will show you a picture with an image, and you show how the one depicted in the picture moves (a boy - we walk, a bunny - we jump, a bird - we wave our arms imitating the flapping of wings, a fox - we sneak, a bear - we waddle on the outside of the foot , heron - we stand on one leg).

4. Articulation gymnastics

A) onomatopoeia. All sounds are pronounced at a slow output.

Speech therapist: I name the animal, and you depict how it makes its voice (tiger - r-r-r, snake - sh-sh-sh, beetle - z-z-z, mosquito - z-z-z, horse - clatter).

B) Exercise "Proboscis"

Speech therapist: we come to the cage with the elephant, stretch your lips "proboscis". Lips tensed. And now they have become soft and relaxed (mouth slightly open, lips relaxed).

Speech therapist: Listen and do as I do.

I imitate an elephant:

Lips "proboscis" I'm pulling.

And now I'm letting them go

And I return it to its place.

Lips are not tense

And relaxed...

B) exercise "Frogs"

Speech therapist: Watch carefully as I do the next exercise. (The speech therapist shows the movement of the lips corresponding to the articulation of the sound I. Fixes attention children on the tension and relaxation of the lips)

Speech therapist: Now listen and do as I do.

The frogs liked it:

Pull your lips straight to your ears!

I'll pull and stop

And no matter how tired I get!

Lips are not tense

And relaxed...

5. Facial massage "Komarik"

Speech therapist: a small mosquito flies and lands on our face, let's drive it away. Repeat all the movements after me. The mosquito sat on the nose, (we run our fists along the wings of the nose, the mosquito sat on the forehead (run all fingers across the forehead from the middle of the face, the mosquito sat on the cheek (stroke the cheeks from top to bottom with your fingers 4 times, the mosquito sat on the ears (grind palm your ears) . The mosquito flew away.

6. Game "Say a word"

Speech therapist: I’m asking a riddle, and you have to finish the word.

*Who is in the forest in cold winter

Walking around angry and hungry?

Who knows a lot about bunnies?

Did you guess it? This … (wolf)

*This beast is kind of strange,

Neck like the arrow of a crane.

To reach the herbs with your mouth,

It will be double... (giraffe)

*A horn grew on his nose,

And everyone calls him... (rhinoceros)

*A log floats down the river,

Oh, and it’s furious!

To those who fell into the river,

The nose will be bitten off... (crocodile)

7. Relaxation.

Speech therapist:

We walked for a very long time

And we're a little tired

We're leaving the yard

For both animals and children

It's time to sleep, it's time to sleep. (A lullaby sounds)

8. Summary classes:

Speech therapist: Thank you very much, guys. The animals were pleased to meet you, and you? (answers children) .

Summary of a speech therapy lesson with stuttering children of senior preschool age at the stage of question-and-answer speech.

“Journey to a magical forest” Lexical topic: “Wild animals”

Gichko Olga Mikhailovna.

Speech therapist teacher, compensatory kindergarten No. 2, Kirov district, St. Petersburg.

Correctional and educational goals:

1. Consolidate the idea of ​​wild animals.

2. Activation of the dictionary on the topic: wild animals,

3. Constructing a sentence with prepositions: in, from, on, with, for, because of, the formation of possessive adjectives and agreement with nouns, the use of the prepositional case of a noun, the selection of a verb to a noun, the agreement of numerals with a noun.

4. Consolidation of the skill of sound analysis of words.

5. Consolidating knowledge about the image of a letter.

6. Consolidation of the ability to correctly ask and answer questions with complete answers.

Corrective and developmental goals :

1. Development of prolonged speech breathing, Development of prosodic components of speech.

2. Development of auditory and visual attention, perception, memory.

3. Development of optical-spatial concepts

4.Development of personal qualities: activity, curiosity, independence, the ability to apply acquired knowledge in independent activities, develop the ability for self-esteem.

5.Development of universal prerequisites for educational activities: The ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions.

6.Development of the emotional sphere of children, imagination.

7.Development of muscle tone, facial muscles.

Correctional and educational goals:

1. Cultivation of sustainable interest in the activity, initiative, desire for active work,

2. Fostering a sense of camaraderie and collectivism.

3. Fostering a humane attitude towards wild animals.


Magnetic board, computer, flannelgraph with a set of details on the topic: “Winter” (snowflake, tree, snow falling, snowdrift, woodpecker, titmouse)

Audio recording "Winter" "Relaxation melody"

Costume of the Old Man - Lesovich.

Modules - stumps, snowballs, path with footprints,

Subject pictures depicting wild animals

Pictures depicting animal dwellings (hole, den, hollow, bush.)

Pictures depicting emotions: sadness, dissatisfaction, surprise, joy.

Pictures depicting a hare: on a stump, jumped off a stump, into a snowdrift, crawled out of a snowdrift, behind a tree, from behind a tree. (for individual work according to the number of children)

A colored envelope contains 5 pictures of a wild animal (wolf, fox, hare, squirrel,)

Preliminary work:

Getting to know emotions. Work on the duration of speech exhalation. Strengthening the skill of using a computer correctly. Reading fiction on the topic: “Wild animals.”

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's say hello to the guests. Hello.

Now let’s remember how to speak correctly and beautifully:

1. Be attentive, do not disturb others, listen first, then answer.

We talk together. They disperse to the place. We sat down on the chairs.

2 .Relaxation with music.

Speech therapist: Children, look and imagine that we are in a winter forest. (Turn on the music)

Let's close our eyes and listen to music.

Turn off the music. We open our eyes.

Speech therapist: - What was the music like?

Children: The music sounded gentle. The music sounded beautiful. The music sounded


Speech therapist: What did you imagine to the sounds of this music?

Image of pictures on the board.

Children: Snow is falling, snowflakes are spinning, frost is crackling, trees are rustling,

a bird flew somewhere, etc.

3. Speech with movements: “We came to the winter forest.”

Speech therapist: In order not to freeze in the winter forest, you and I will warm up .

We have arrived in the winter forest! There are so many miracles around here!

To the right is a birch tree in a fur coat, to the left is a Christmas tree looking at us.

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky. And they lie quietly on the ground.

So the bunny galloped along. He ran away from the fox.

This is a gray wolf prowling, He is looking for prey.

We'll all hide now! Then he won't find us!

Only the bear sleeps in its den, and will sleep through the whole winter.

4.Riddles about wild animals

A forest boy comes out from behind the tree.

I'm an old forest guy walking through the forest to keep things in order.

Hello guys, I'm glad you came to my property?

Lesovichok: - Do you know who lives in my forest? Children: - Yes!

Lesovichok: I’ll tell you riddles.

We will answer one by one, to whom I point.

Sit on the stumps and listen.

1.Look at this - It’s all burning like gold,

He walks around in an expensive fur coat, his tail is fluffy and large. (Fox)

2. He scours the forest day and night, looking for prey day and night.

He walks and wanders silently, his gray ears stick up. (Wolf)

3. There is a fungus hanging on a twig. Who could have hung it?

I’ll push apart the small spruce forest, I’ll hide and see... (a squirrel).

4. The scythe does not have a den, he does not need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies, And bark protects you from hunger. (Hare)

5. He is big and club-footed, They say he sucks his paw.

He can roar loudly, What kind of animal is this? (Bear). - together.

Children solve riddles.

Well done. You are good at solving riddles.

Lesovichok: What to call these animals? Children: Wild animals.

Lesovichok: Why are they called that? Children - They live in the forest.

Lesovichok: Oh, I’ve been sitting too long, I’ll run with you, check out my possessions and come back, and you can take a walk.

5.Breathing exercise Speech therapist: Let’s take a breath of fresh, frosty air.

Oh! What air! Children spread their arms and take a deep breath.

Oh! What frosty air.

What transparent and clean air! How to breathe well.

It is very beautiful in the winter forest. Everything is covered with white, fluffy snow.

6. Psycho-gymnastics The goal is to teach how to regulate muscle tone and facial muscles.(cards with faces on the board)

Speech therapist: What happened? What's around? Noise and din from all sides - the bunny galloped up.

He ran away from his mother. The bunny is small, he doesn’t always obey, and sometimes his mother

he is scolded or punished. And when he is obedient, his mother praises him and caresses him.

And this causes the bunny to have different moods. I'll call you bunny

mood, and you choose the right card.

Speech therapist: The bunny is sitting on a tree stump and is sad:

Move the corners of your lips down. Convey a sad look.

Children show facial expressions of sad mood

Speech therapist: lost in the forest and cannot find his mother, angry with himself.

The child takes the desired picture with the face.

Children show facial expressions of an angry mood

Speech therapist: the bunny saw a familiar squirrel.

The child takes the desired picture with the face.

Children show facial expressions of surprise.

Speech therapist: don’t be sad, we’ll play with you and look for mom.

The child takes the desired picture with the face.

Children show a smile. Well done!

7. Snowball game “We’ll rest a little and go play in the snow.”

The speech therapist offers a box of snowballs.

Speech therapist: Children, let’s pick up a snowball. Let's form a lump and throw it away. Let's shake the snow off our hands.

Children perform movements.

8. " Where did the bunny hide? (Construction of a sentence with prepositions: in, from, on, with, for, because of, (with pictures)

The bunny ran to look for his mother, and we sat down at the table. Choose pictures for yourself and look at them. I remind you. I will ask, and you will answer in a complete sentence.

The speech therapist asks the children questions:

Where did your bunny jump? - My bunny jumped into a snowdrift.

Where did your bunny come from? My bunny crawled out of the snowdrift.

Where is your bunny? - My bunny is standing on a stump.

Where did your bunny jump from? - My bunny jumped off the stump

Where did the bunny hide? - The bunny hid behind a tree.

Where did the bunny come from? - The bunny looked out from behind the tree. Good girl!

9. Game "Whose Traces" (formation of possessive adjectives and agreement with nouns)

Lesovichok: I'm back, I need your help. The animals followed throughout the forest and confused me. I don’t know where, whose traces? I can't find anyone.

Lesovik: Choose your tracks. Children choose and stand near the tracks.

Lesovichok: Whose tracks did you choose?

Child - I chose hare tracks.

Lesovichok: Whose tracks did you choose?

Child - I chose squirrel tracks.

Lesovik: Stas, whose tracks did you choose?

Child - I chose wolf tracks.

Lesovichok: Sasha, whose tracks did you choose?

Child - I chose fox tracks.

Guys, follow the tracks that you have chosen, and we will see where these tracks lead you.

The children followed the tracks and each stopped at their own place.

Lesovichok: Where did the fox tracks lead you?

Child: Fox tracks led me to a fox hole.

Lesovichok: Where did the squirrel tracks lead you?

Child: Squirrel tracks led me to a tree with a squirrel hollow.

Lesovichok: Where did the hare's tracks lead you?

Child: The hare's tracks led me to a bush.

Lesovichok: Where did the wolf tracks lead you?

Child: The wolf's tracks led me to the wolf's lair.

10. Game “Where does anyone live?” (use of the prepositional case of a noun)(Cross-section survey.)

Speech therapist: Guys, now you will ask each other questions about your animal and answer them.

Children ask questions to each other.

Sasha: where does the wolf live?

Child: The wolf lives in a den.

Stasik: Where does the fox live?

Child: The fox lives in a hole.

Estuaries: Where do squirrels live?

Child: The squirrel lives in a hollow

Kirill: Where is the bunny hiding?

Child: The bunny is hiding under a bush.

Bogdan: Where does the bear spend the winter?

Child: The bear spends the winter in a den.

11. “Who performs these actions?”(selection of verb to noun)

Lesovik: How great it was for you to ask and answer questions. And now I’ll ask you around.

Speech therapist: Then go to the board.

The child answers and puts a picture on the board with the image of an animal.

Forester: Tracks, runs, howls... child... wolf

Forester: Sneaking, running, cunning...... child.....fox

Lesovik: Jumping, scared, trembling... ... child ... hare

Woodman: jumps, jumps, hides in a hollow…. child...squirrel.

12.« Count the animals » 1,2,3,4.5.(agreement of numerals with noun

Child - One Wolf, two wolves, three wolves, four wolves, five wolves.

Child: one hare, two hares, three hares, four hares, five hares.

Child: one fox, two foxes, three foxes, four foxes, five foxes

Child: one squirrel, two squirrels, three squirrels, four squirrels, five squirrels.

13 “.Isolate the sound in the word”

Speech therapist: Lesovichok, do you have a school in the forest?

Lesovichok: Yes! I will soon go to study there.

Speech therapist: We are also preparing for school. We already know how to distinguish sounds in a word.

Let's remember what vowel sounds you know. Children answer: A, o, y, i, e, s.

Look at the board. Speech therapist: Who is this? The child is a wolf.

Speech therapist: What is the vowel sound in the word: wolf.

Child: The word wolf has one vowel sound o

Speech therapist: Who is this? The child is a fox.

Speech therapist: What are the vowel sounds in the word: fox.

Child: The word fox has two vowel sounds and, a.

Speech therapist: Who is this? The child is a bear.

Speech therapist: How many vowel sounds are in the word: bear.

Child: The word bear has two vowel sounds: i, a

Speech therapist: Who is this? The child is a bunny.

Speech therapist: How many vowel sounds are in the word: bunny.

Child: The word bunny has two vowel sounds, a, a.

14. Computer game “Make a word from letters” »

Lesovik: Guys, let's find out what they do at forest school. There is a crocodile teacher at school, his name is Croco. He is smart and kind.

Let's split into two teams.

Speech therapist: Collect from letters the word fox. And Lesovichok will see whose team can do it faster?

The child clicks on the correct letter. Well done! We played with the word fox.

15. “Make a sentence with the word” : l titmouse, hare, wolf, squirrel, bear.

Speech therapist: Lesovichok, we know how to come up with our own sentences with the word fox.

Children: The fox is catching up with the hare. The bunny is hiding from the fox. Squirrel on a branch

gnaws nuts. A wolf stalks its prey.

Speech therapist: Which proposal did you like best?

16.Relaxation with music. " Magical dream"

Speech therapist: We will go to a magical clearing. Lie down, close your eyes and

Listen to music. Children lie down on the carpet, close their eyes and relax to the music.

Speech therapist: Imagine you are lying on warm sand. You feel good and pleased.

Your breathing is even and calm. You feel the warm rays of the sun. Rays

warm your hands, feet, face. One of the rays touched your lips and

drew you a smile. You feel good about these touches. Do you feel

yourself as part of nature. You will carry this smile with you and give it to your friends.

Stretch your arms up, inhale and open your eyes to the count of three. Your walk

was wonderful. We sat down. We stretched ourselves. Got up.16.Result. Where have you been? What did you like? Well done! You did well. The forest boy left gifts for you under the Christmas tree.

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