Decorating the house and things: horse cross stitch. Cross stitch horses: patterns and kits, free, ponies running on water, Riolis for girls Cross stitch ponies

Girls started embroidering a long time ago. During the Middle Ages there was not much choice of entertainment. That's why beautiful ladies spent all their free time devoting it to this activity. The materials were primitive. And the color palette of threads is not as diverse as it is now. The embroidered items looked beautiful despite this. Finished products (skirts, sundresses, shirts) were decorated in Rus' with patterns, ornaments, images of animals and plant elements. Horses began to be embroidered back in those days. Now you have everything you need to start doing this type of needlework.

Initially, it is necessary to prepare all working tools and materials. All this can be bought in a specialized store or ordered online. There are special kits that already contain embroidery patterns and all materials. This makes the task easier for any needlewoman. But you haven't found a suitable set. In this case, you need to purchase everything yourself.

To embroider horses you need to have the following:

  • Scheme;
  • Canvas for the base;
  • Hoop of the required size;
  • Set of needles;
  • Floss threads;

All types of embroidery are performed according to certain patterns. You can draw it yourself. Or take the original image from a book or the Internet and transfer it to checkered paper.

There are plenty of illustrations and paintings that can serve as source material for a diagram. You will find an image of a horse on many websites. You will not have any problems finding the original image.

Making embroidery beautiful and original is the task of the person who embroiders. Three horses will decorate your home. It is possible to make it in the form of a panel, frame it and hang it in your home. Or make such a gift to a loved one on New Year or any other holiday. Artists depicted three horses in their paintings in different variations - in summer, winter, in harness, with heroes in the saddle.

When you have all the materials and a diagram, get to work. Cross stitch is very easy. Care must be taken to transfer the image correctly from the diagram to the canvas. The image of a horse will decorate any pillow, bag or clothing.

Cross-stitch a pony: patterns for beginners

Organize your workplace for this type of creative activity. You already have all the materials, time and work space. Nobody distracts you. But you haven’t decided on the embroidery pattern. There is a cartoon “My Little Pony”: the character for the diagram can be taken from it. It’s a very good idea to make such a picture on a children’s T-shirt. There are many characters in the cartoon. Therefore, ask your child which hero he likes and start embroidering him.

The characters from "My Little Pony" are bright and colorful, a child will definitely like them and will look beautiful on a T-shirt or backpack.

What characters are there in this cartoon:

  • Apple Jack;
  • Pinkie Pie;
  • Rarity;
  • Fluttershy;
  • Sparkle;
  • Rainbow Dash;
  • Princess Celestia;
  • Cadence;
  • Twilight Sparkle;
  • And many other minor ones.

Finding these heroes will not be difficult. There are already ready-made embroidery patterns on the Internet on this topic. Such original T-shirts are suitable for girls. If you have a girl, then she will love cross stitching. You can devote your free time to this activity and make a product together.

Cross stitch requires attention and patience. It is a painstaking task. If you are new to this, you should not immediately take a complex and large scheme. For the first time, it will be enough to embroider a small image. Then, gradually increase the volumes.

Cross stitch: horses running on water

Horses will look great against a picturesque background. Horses running on water will decorate your home. You can make a large painting “Horses at a watering hole” and hang it in the hall. This will require a lot of time and effort. The work will be extensive, but you will be pleased with the result and the process itself. You will take your mind off your problems and worries by making a work of art. How to make a complex diagram?

Use the following steps:

  • Choose a suitable picture;
  • Print a color image of the desired size on a printer;
  • Transfer through glass onto checkered paper;
  • Color the cells with different colors;

It's not difficult to do this. All you have to do is use your imagination and use your drawing skills. Then find the floss threads you need in color and get to work.

The main thing is not to get confused about the colors when you embroider horses. Look carefully at the diagram and select the color of the thread.

Original cross stitch riolis horse

Riolis is a name given to DIY handicrafts made for home decoration. The meaning of this word can be interpreted differently, as goods for creating handicrafts. These kits include patterns and floss threads of different colors. You can purchase a set for yourself or a child.

Embroidery allows children to develop fine motor skills and thinking. You and your child can make such a product together.

Embroidering a horse can be done in several stages:

  • First, make shadows (the darkest colors of thread in the set);
  • Then chiaroscuro (threads are several tones lighter);
  • Embroider the lightest areas.

You will understand when and where to use a certain color. To do this, just look at the diagram.

Monochrome: girl with a horse cross stitch

You can decorate your home with a painting made in monochrome. This will require threads of the same color, but in different tones. Animals will look good in this color scheme. A girl with a horse and the moon in the background is a good composition for a diagram. The girl's head can be tilted towards the shadow, then you won't have to rack your brains and spend a lot of time embroidering the face. Such a pair can be in an open field.

The second idea for embroidery “shire horses”. This breed of horses is very beautiful. They are usually black or brown in color and have white spots or feet that are very shaggy.

A white mane is suitable for such a horse to make it look fabulous and beautiful when embroidered in monochrome.

The third motif for embroidery is bright poppies with horses. You can find pictures for the diagram or make your own.

Do it yourself: horse cross stitch (video)

For a child, the embroidery pattern for a horse from “Equestria Girls” will be simple and interesting. This process will calm the child and help him concentrate on work. And you and your daughter or son have time to spend together doing an interesting activity. A variety of materials will help you make a beautiful picture and decorate your home with it. Or make a product as a gift.

Embroidering a horse is quite difficult, so first you need to gain experience. Girls began embroidering a long time ago. During the Middle Ages there was not much choice of entertainment. Therefore, beautiful ladies spent all their free time devoting it to this activity. The materials were primitive. And the color palette of threads is not as diverse as it is now. The embroidered items looked beautiful despite this. Finished products (skirts, sundresses, shirts) were decorated in Rus' with patterns, ornaments, images of animals and plant elements. Horses began to be embroidered back in those days. Now you have everything you need to start doing this type of needlework.

Horse cross stitch kits for needlework

Initially, it is necessary to prepare all working tools and materials. All this can be bought in a specialized store or ordered online. There are special kits that already contain embroidery patterns and all materials. This makes the task easier for any needlewoman. But you haven't found a suitable set. In this case, you need to purchase everything yourself.

To embroider horses you need to have the following:

  • Scheme;
  • Canvas for the base;
  • Hoop of the required size;
  • Set of needles;
  • Floss threads;

All the necessary accessories for embroidering a horse, including a pattern, can be purchased at any specialized store

All types of embroidery are performed according to certain patterns. You can draw it yourself. Or take the original image from a book or the Internet and transfer it to checkered paper.

There are plenty of illustrations and paintings that can serve as source material for a diagram. You will find an image of a horse on many websites. You will not have any problems finding the original image.

Making embroidery beautiful and original is the task of the person who embroiders. Three horses will decorate your home. It is possible to make it in the form of a panel, frame it and hang it in your home. Or make such a gift to a loved one for the New Year or any other holiday. Artists depicted three horses in their paintings in different variations - in summer, winter, in harness, with heroes in the saddle.

When you have all the materials and a diagram, get to work. Cross stitch is very easy. Care must be taken to transfer the image correctly from the diagram to the canvas. The image of a horse will decorate any pillow, bag or clothing.

Cross-stitch a pony: patterns for beginners

Organize your workplace for this type of creative activity. You already have all the materials, time and work space. Nobody distracts you. But you haven’t decided on the embroidery pattern. There is a cartoon “My Little Pony”: the character for the diagram can be taken from it. It’s a very good idea to make such a picture on a children’s T-shirt. There are many characters in the cartoon. Therefore, ask your child which hero he likes and start embroidering him.

The characters from "My Little Pony" are bright and colorful, a child will definitely like them and will look beautiful on a T-shirt or backpack.

Pony embroidery pattern is great for children and teenagers

What characters are there in this cartoon:

  • Apple Jack;
  • Pinkie Pie;
  • Rarity;
  • Fluttershy;
  • Sparkle;
  • Rainbow Dash;
  • Princess Celestia;
  • Cadence;
  • Twilight Sparkle;
  • And many other minor ones.

Finding these heroes will not be difficult. There are already ready-made embroidery patterns on the Internet on this topic. Such original T-shirts are suitable for girls. If you have a girl, then she will love cross stitching. You can devote your free time to this activity and make a product together.

Cross stitch requires attention and patience. It is a painstaking task. If you are new to this, you should not immediately take a complex and large scheme. For the first time, it will be enough to embroider a small image. Then, gradually increase the volumes.

Cross stitch: horses running on water

Horses will look great against a picturesque background. Horses running on water will decorate your home. You can make a large painting “Horses at a watering hole” and hang it in the hall. This will require a lot of time and effort. The work will be extensive, but you will be pleased with the result and the process itself. You will take your mind off your problems and worries by making a work of art. How to make a complex diagram?

Embroidery with images of horses running on water can decorate any interior

Use the following steps:

  • Choose a suitable picture;
  • Print a color image of the desired size on a printer;
  • Transfer through glass onto checkered paper;
  • Color the cells with different colors;

It's not difficult to do this. All you have to do is use your imagination and use your drawing skills. Then find the floss threads you need in color and get to work.

The main thing is not to get confused about the colors when you embroider horses. Look carefully at the diagram and select the color of the thread.

Original cross stitch riolis horse

Riolis is a name given to DIY handicrafts made for home decoration. The meaning of this word can be interpreted differently, as goods for creating handicrafts. These kits include patterns and floss threads of different colors. You can purchase a set for yourself or a child.

Embroidery allows children to develop fine motor skills and thinking. You and your child can make such a product together.

Horse embroidery is an excellent gift for any occasion.

Embroidering a horse can be done in several stages:

  • First, make shadows (the darkest colors of thread in the set);
  • Then chiaroscuro (threads are several tones lighter);
  • Embroider the lightest areas.

You will understand when and where to use a certain color. To do this, just look at the diagram.

Monochrome: girl with a horse cross stitch

You can decorate your home with a painting made in monochrome. This will require threads of the same color, but in different tones. Animals will look good in this color scheme. A girl with a horse and the moon in the background is a good composition for a diagram. The girl's head can be tilted towards the shadow, then you won't have to rack your brains and spend a lot of time embroidering the face. Such a pair can be in an open field.

The second idea for embroidery “shire horses”. This breed of horses is very beautiful. They are usually black or brown in color and have white spots or feet that are very shaggy.

If your girlfriend loves horses, then embroidery with her image near a horse will be a good gift for March 8

A white mane is suitable for such a horse to make it look fabulous and beautiful when embroidered in monochrome.

The third motif for embroidery is bright poppies with horses. You can find pictures for the diagram or make your own.

Do it yourself: horse cross stitch (video)

Embroidering a horse is quite difficult, so first you need to gain experience Girls started embroidering a long time ago. During the Middle Ages there was not much choice of entertainment. Therefore, beautiful ladies spent all their free time devoting it to this activity. The materials were primitive. And the color palette of threads is not as diverse as it is now. The embroidered items looked beautiful despite this. Finished products (skirts, sundresses, shirts) were decorated in Rus' with patterns, ornaments, images of animals and plant elements. Horses began to be embroidered back in those days. Now you have everything you need to start doing this type of needlework.

Horse cross stitch kits for needlework

Initially, it is necessary to prepare all working tools and materials. All this can be bought in a specialized store or ordered online. There are special kits that already contain embroidery patterns and all materials. This makes the task easier for any needlewoman. But you haven't found a suitable set. In this case, you need to purchase everything yourself.

To embroider horses you need to have the following:

  • Scheme;
  • Canvas for the base;
  • Hoop of the required size;
  • Set of needles;
  • Floss threads;

All the necessary accessories for embroidering a horse, including a pattern, can be purchased at any specialized store

All types of embroidery are performed according to certain patterns. You can draw it yourself. Or take the original image from a book or the Internet and transfer it to checkered paper.

There are plenty of illustrations and paintings that can serve as source material for a diagram. You will find an image of a horse on many websites. You will not have any problems finding the original image.

Making embroidery beautiful and original is the task of the person who embroiders. Three horses will decorate your home. It is possible to make it in the form of a panel, frame it and hang it in your home. Or make such a gift to a loved one for the New Year or any other holiday. Artists depicted three horses in their paintings in different variations - in summer, winter, in harness, with heroes in the saddle.

When you have all the materials and a diagram, get to work. Cross stitch is very easy. Care must be taken to transfer the image correctly from the diagram to the canvas. The image of a horse will decorate any pillow, bag or clothing.

Cross-stitch a pony: patterns for beginners

Organize your workplace for this type of creative activity. You already have all the materials, time and work space. Nobody distracts you. But you haven’t decided on the embroidery pattern. There is a cartoon “My Little Pony”: the character for the diagram can be taken from it. It’s a very good idea to make such a picture on a children’s T-shirt. There are many characters in the cartoon. Therefore, ask your child which hero he likes and start embroidering him.

The characters from "My Little Pony" are bright and colorful, a child will definitely like them and will look beautiful on a T-shirt or backpack.

Pony embroidery pattern is great for children and teenagers

What characters are there in this cartoon:

  • Apple Jack;
  • Pinkie Pie;
  • Rarity;
  • Fluttershy;
  • Sparkle;
  • Rainbow Dash;
  • Princess Celestia;
  • Cadence;
  • Twilight Sparkle;
  • And many other minor ones.

Finding these heroes will not be difficult. There are already ready-made embroidery patterns on the Internet on this topic. Such original T-shirts are suitable for girls. If you have a girl, then she will love cross stitching. You can devote your free time to this activity and make a product together.

Cross stitch requires attention and patience. It is a painstaking task. If you are new to this, you should not immediately take a complex and large scheme. For the first time, it will be enough to embroider a small image. Then, gradually increase the volumes.

Cross stitch: horses running on water

Horses will look great against a picturesque background. Horses running on water will decorate your home. You can make a large painting “Horses at a watering hole” and hang it in the hall. This will require a lot of time and effort. The work will be extensive, but you will be pleased with the result and the process itself. You will take your mind off your problems and worries by making a work of art. How to make a complex diagram?

Embroidery with images of horses running on water can decorate any interior

Use the following steps:

  • Choose a suitable picture;
  • Print a color image of the desired size on a printer;
  • Transfer through glass onto checkered paper;
  • Color the cells with different colors;

It's not difficult to do this. All you have to do is use your imagination and use your drawing skills. Then find the floss threads you need in color and get to work.

The main thing is not to get confused about the colors when you embroider horses. Look carefully at the diagram and select the color of the thread.

Original cross stitch riolis horse

Riolis is a name given to DIY handicrafts made for home decoration. The meaning of this word can be interpreted differently, as goods for creating handicrafts. These kits include patterns and floss threads of different colors. You can purchase a set for yourself or a child.

Embroidery allows children to develop fine motor skills and thinking. You and your child can make such a product together.

Horse embroidery is an excellent gift for any occasion.

Embroidering a horse can be done in several stages:

  • First, make shadows (the darkest colors of thread in the set);
  • Then chiaroscuro (threads are several tones lighter);
  • Embroider the lightest areas.

You will understand when and where to use a certain color. To do this, just look at the diagram.

Monochrome: girl with a horse cross stitch

You can decorate your home with a painting made in monochrome. This will require threads of the same color, but in different tones. Animals will look good in this color scheme. A girl with a horse and the moon in the background is a good composition for a diagram. The girl's head can be tilted towards the shadow, then you won't have to rack your brains and spend a lot of time embroidering the face. Such a pair can be in an open field.

The second idea for embroidery “shire horses”. This breed of horses is very beautiful. They are usually black or brown in color and have white spots or feet that are very shaggy.

If your girlfriend loves horses, then embroidery with her image near a horse will be a good gift for March 8

A white mane is suitable for such a horse to make it look fabulous and beautiful when embroidered in monochrome.

The third motif for embroidery is bright poppies with horses. You can find pictures for the diagram or make your own.

Do it yourself: horse cross stitch (video)

For a child, the embroidery pattern for a horse from “Equestria Girls” will be simple and interesting. This process will calm the child and help him concentrate on work. And you and your daughter or son have time to spend together doing an interesting activity. A variety of materials will help you make a beautiful picture and decorate your home with it. Or make a product as a gift.

Examples of horse cross stitch (photo patterns)