How our football players walked in Monte Carlo. Football player Alexander Kokorin apologized for the party in Monaco

Football players of the Russian national team Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev have been friends for ten years. This was the reason for the party in the strip club on the night from Sunday to Monday, after which they first beat the Belarusian driver Vitaly Solovchuk, and then the official of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Pak. the site recalls the loudest stories involving an inseparable couple.

Photo: Instagram Alexander Kokorin

Holidays in Miami

It is known that the players have been friends since school days, but for the first time they started talking about their relationship in 2012. Then Mamaev and Kokorin wide leg vacation in Miami. At the same time, the players repeatedly posted photos of their warm hugs and joint bathing in the bath, and Pavel signed one of the frames “I love him”. Football players were suspected of non-traditional sexual relations, but they were quick to refute these speculations.

During the same vacation, Kokorin spoke about their adventures at the LIL club.

“If Russia needs news, then write that Kokorin and Mamaev doused Lil Wayne with champagne, there was a fight,” he tweeted.

Fight at Euro 2016

The Russian national team failed the 2016 European Championship, gaining only one point in three games. According to Life, the emotions from the defeats led to brawls in the team. Pavel Mamaev, using obscene language, accused head coach Leonid Slutsky of releasing him only as a replacement. Slutsky demanded an apology, but Mamaev only continued to insult the coach.

History repeated itself the next day. At some point, CSKA midfielder Roman Shirokov could not stand it, who drove into Pavel Mamaev's eye. The rest of the CSKA players approached Mamaev and said that if he continued, he would get hit in the face again.

However, the football player himself refutes everything, assuring that he just hit himself in the gym.

Shooting at a wedding and an Escobar T-shirt

Last December, Alexander Kokorin walked at the wedding of football player Alan Chochiev, with whom he once played for the youth team of the Moscow Lokomotiv. In the midst of the evening, Kokorin appeared with a pistol in his hands and to the cry of “Chochi, with the wedding!” made several shots, which he boasted on his instagram.

Kokorin did not suffer any punishment. As in the case of the T-shirt of one of the main criminals of the 20th century, Pablo Escobar: everything was limited to jokes on social networks.

Driving in the opposite direction

In March 2017, Alexander Kokorin was deprived of his driver's license for four months for driving in the oncoming lane. Life claimed that the football player arranged races on his Bentley, but Kokorin himself convinced the public that he only touched the lane when turning left.

He filed an appeal against the court's decision, but it was rejected.

Revelry in Monaco

After the disastrous Euro 2016, Kokorin and Mamaev fueled a degree of hatred for Russian football players partying in Monaco. They drank champagne costing up to 500 euros a bottle. Moreover, 500 pieces of such bottles were bought at once. Drinking drinks took place under the anthem of Russia. The players convinced that the purchase was paid by the guest at the next table, but still had to apologize.

“I'm sorry about what happened. I would like to apologize to everyone who was offended by my act. I don't make excuses. But I want to repeat that I have nothing to do with those quantities of champagne, those incredible amounts, and, most importantly, the fact that the Russian anthem was played. This is complete nonsense ... It is not right that after a video thrown in, behind which there are no facts and evidence, all sins are hung on you. But now I realize that the very fact of appearing in such an institution looked stupid, ”Kokorin said.

The players were transferred to the double and fined a monthly salary. For Kokorin, this amount amounted to 290 thousand euros, for Mamaev - 130 thousand.

Players of the Russian national football team Mamaev and Kokorin even in sportswear look like two real drunks or drug addicts.

Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS

After being eliminated from the World Cup, this drunk-looking couple went to Monte Carlo in the company of companions, who are tactfully called "models".

Kokorin and Mamaev were drinking at the local night club. The club is expensive. I heard about him. The cost of the table starts from 1000 euros.

During the night, two Russian walkers behind the ball left 250 thousand euros in the club. We drank champagne for 500 euros a bottle. In total, about 500 bottles were ordered: Mamaev and Kokorin generously treated club visitors to alcohol.

They treated us not just generously, but with disgusting redneck pathos.

To the music that sounded at the Victory Parade in August 1945, two football losers raised their own importance in the eyes of a drunken crowd.

Watching the anthem of my Motherland neigh and hoot cocaine-drenched playboys and their blunt nipples hurts and hurts me.

Hymn Russian Federation was supposed to sound at the Euro Football Championship, which Kokorin, Mamaev and others like them screwed up, and not in a nightclub in Monaco.

The question arises: who sent Kokorin, Mamaev and other walkers around the field for the ball to the championship?

The answer “there was no one else to send” does not suit me.

Why were the personnel not trained?

In this video, the wife of the football player Mamaev, who drunkenly danced on the sofa in the Monegasque club, covering her fidgety ass with a dress for 3500 thousand euros, appears in all its glory:

This video is online. It's been there for a long time.

Do those who prepared our team for the championship really believe that a man married to such a person is clean himself? The insane wife aggressively demands cocaine, and he trains conscientiously, drinks a glass of kefir in the evenings, watches “Good night, kids” and goes to bed. Do you believe in this arrangement?

Here are the whole four - football players Mamaev and Kokorin with "models".


They are drinking something again.

Do you believe that only Mamaev's wife needs cocaine, and Mamaev doesn't care about it, just like football player Kokorin, with whom Mamaev constantly hangs out, doesn't care?

I looked through the Instagrams of football players and their wives: solid drinking parties. This is not a football team. This is a team of drug addicts and alcoholics.

Am I the only one who saw this? Haven't our sports functionaries noticed that from time to time they let out party-goers on the field in a state of withdrawal syndrome? What kind of football do they have when they have a hangover and a waste?

I want the players to answer. I want their leaders to answer. I want the Minister of Sports Mutko to answer, who is now pretending to be a virgin.

“The national team at the European Championship had a specific task, but the team did not leave the subgroup. It's about whether the team realized its potential. We will determine the head coach and see who he invites to the national team. Some players expressed their unwillingness to play for the national team by their behavior,” Mutko said.

What potential can be expected from a group of alcoholics? This is a question for Mutko.

Who, in your opinion, should respond to the failure of our team in the Championship? What measures should be taken so that at the next championship our team will not again be copulated in the anus without the use of lubricant?

Kokorin and Mamaev - Monte Carlo

Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin celebrated on a grand scale the departure of the Russian national team from the Euro, which for them meant an early start to the vacation. Football players who did not score a single goal in the tournament had a party at the prestigious Twiga nightclub located in Monte Carlo.

The players decided to treat all those present with elite Armand de Brignac champagne, one bottle of which costs €500. In total, according to eyewitnesses, the waiters carried out about 500 bottles, that is, Mamaev and Kokorin together spent € 250 thousand just for champagne.

Alcohol was solemnly brought into the hall to the accompaniment of the Russian anthem and flashes of sparklers. The players at this time were smoking a hookah.

“We were sitting with friends, and opposite us were Mamaev and Kokorin, surrounded by girls. At first, they behaved very calmly and modestly. Then they began to take out champagne to the anthem of Russia, began to throw out confetti, lit sparklers. Football players treated everyone. Some simply took the bottles from their table, as there were a myriad of them, ”a club visitor told Life.

The rest of the time, judging by the instagram of Alana Mamaev's wife, the two players had a typical beach holiday on the Cote d'Azur.

This episode has already reacted in the club Mamaev "Krasnodar". The press service of Krasnodar announced that the player, due to his “outrageous” behavior, will be transferred to the youth squad and will be subject to financial punishment.

The head of the RFU, Vitaly Mutko, in a commentary to Sport Express, noted that the behavior of the players will be taken into account when forming the national team.

True, Alexander Kokorin soon denied involvement in this party.

“It would be foolish to deny that we were present in this institution. This happened 4-5 days ago. Everyone who knows this place can confirm that there are always many Russian visitors there. So it was this time. Someone was celebrating a birthday, and we were just there.

Naturally, everyone saw these ordered bottles, heard the Russian anthem, but why attribute the organization of all this to us? We have nothing to do with the bills for this party or its surroundings, and with the money in question in the media, one could buy not only champagne, but the whole institution, ”TASS quotes Kokorin.

Shishkin – Monaco

Roman Shishkin did not play a minute in France. Immediately after the national team left the tournament, he went on vacation to Monaco, becoming one of ten players who did not go to Moscow with the team.

The Lokomotiv player spent a well-deserved rest in the company of his family on the Mediterranean coast, as you can see from the pictures posted by his wife Marina. Roman himself is rarely seen in photographs. One of them shows how he is about to get into a helicopter taxi to get to the airport.

Ignashevich - Normandy

Sergei Ignashevich was one of four national team players who fully played all three matches on the field group stage. After the tournament, the defender of CSKA moved not to the south of France, but to the north.

Shchennikov - Russia

The wife of Georgy Shchennikov, who played two matches, Diana, has published three pictures over the past week, which show how the couple is resting with their son Daniel.

True, it is difficult to determine exactly where the CSKA player and his relatives decided to spend their post-tournament rest. Only one picture shows inscriptions in Russian, which means that the defender decided to prepare for the new football season somewhere in his native country.

Golovin - Russia

At home with friends, Alexander Golovin, the youngest player of the national team for the Euro, decided to relax. The midfielder's fan page on VKontakte contains several shots of how he was gaining strength until July 1, when it was time to return to CSKA. Now the player’s schedule does not include parties and parties, but training.

Glushakov - unknown

Denis Glushakov did not advertise the details of his rest after the tournament, in which he was one of the best in the national team. His last Instagram post was made in Austria already during the training camp with Spartak. Together with the player of the red and white, his wife Daria and daughter Valeria went to the Alpine country.

Shatov - unknown

Oleg Shatov had no time for rest after the Euro. Just two days after the final group stage match against Wales, the Zenit midfielder welcomed his second son. And on July 5, the player joined the team at the second training camp in Switzerland.

Footballer Alexander Kokorin gathered journalists today to apologize. After waiting a few days after the scandal with the party in Monaco, where he was captured together with another player of the national team, Pavel Mamaev, the storm that erupted after this in the football community and the sharp reaction of the clubs for which the athletes play, Kokorin, carefully choosing his words, said this.

About his non-football adventures, which, however, turned out to be as inglorious as the game of our team at the European Championship, Alexander Kokorin spoke at a specially convened press conference. For this explanation, the striker of the Russian national football team and part-time lover of noisy parties on the Cote d'Azur was waiting for several days.

Kokorin came out to the press tanned, rested and defiantly sad. The attacker had difficulty choosing words, spoke with long, almost theatrical, pauses, and in the end, after thinking, he decided to apologize to numerous television cameras.

“I regret that I allowed a situation that flared up big scandal. I would like to apologize to everyone who was offended by my act. It is probably wrong that after a video thrown in that does not have any facts and evidence, all sins are hung on you. Now I realize that the very fact of appearing in such an institution ... This situation looked stupid, "said the player.

A scandalous video with our football players on vacation in Monte Carlo appeared on Tuesday. First, information passed - Kokorin and Mamaev treated everyone to champagne at 500 euros per bottle in an expensive nightclub. Ordered, as stated, about 500 bottles. The girls carried them to the anthem of Russia. True, almost immediately the players denied buying bottles, saying that they were treated.

"Without making excuses, I want to repeat that we have nothing to do with those quantities of champagne, those incredible amounts, and, most importantly, that we put on the Russian anthem. This is complete nonsense!" - said the player.

Despite all the excuses from the series "it was not our party", in football clubs Zenit and Krasnodar assessed this behavior of their players as a serious image blow and decided to fine Kokorin and Mamaev in an amount equal to their monthly salaries. According to unofficial data cited by various electronic media, in the case of Kokorin, this is 290 thousand euros (which is a little more than 20 million rubles). Mamaev earns about 130 thousand euros a month, about 9 million rubles.

"Millions of fans would like you to post photos of goals scored on social networks, and you showed such a weak game. Did you have something to celebrate?", Asks the journalist.

“In our social networks, if you look, you won’t see anything like that. You are absolutely right about the goals scored, there was absolutely nothing for us to celebrate. soccer player.

The Minister of Sports also commented on the situation today. According to Vitaly Mutko, the future of striker Kokorin and midfielder Mamaev in the Russian national football team depends on the new head coach of the national team. True, who will become them is still unknown.

0 July 6, 2016, 12:25

The players of the Russian national team Kokorin and Mamaev were not the organizers of the party in Monaco, and they did not drink champagne either. The owner of the club came to the defense of the athletes, where a grandiose fun took place.

The owner of the Twiga club in Monte Carlo, Italian businessman Flavio Briatore, denied the information. Russian media that the players of the Russian national football team Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev spent 250 thousand euros in one evening in a fashionable institution.

Everyone in Russia is very curious! Russian media continue to seek out information

These two guys, Kokorin and Mamaev, came to Twiga for dinner with their wives. After they stayed to smoke a hookah. There was a private party at the club hosted by some Russians. They recognized Kokorin and Mamaev and as a sign of respect, as they are their fans, they ordered several bottles of champagne and asked our DJ to play the Russian anthem. Then other guests from Russia, also as a sign of respect for the two players, ordered them more bottles, so that the table of Kokorin and Mamaev was filled with bottles. The funny thing is, these guys didn't even drink.

A day earlier, Alexander Kokorin made a statement:

We have nothing to do with the bills for this party, nor with its surroundings, and with the money that is being discussed in the media, one could buy not only champagne, but the whole institution.

Recall that the party in Monaco was almost yesterday. The media reported that during the fun, Kokorin and Mamaev ordered 500 bottles of Armand De Brignac champagne for 500 euros each, which they brought out to the Russian anthem, with fireworks and sparklers.

After the news about the party at Twiga appeared in the press, Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said that the behavior of the players would be taken into account when selecting the national team.

By the way, after the scandal, Pavel Mamaev deleted his Instagram account, and Alexander Kokorin restricted access to his page.
