Filimonov horse coloring book. Amazing ancient Russian craft - Filimonov toy

June 13, 2014, 00:04

Filimonovskaya toy- Old Russian applied art craft, formed in the village of Filimonovo, Odoevsky district, Tula region. According to archaeologists, the Filimonovo fishery is more than 700 years old. According to other sources, about 1 thousand years.

Experts say that the art of modeling and painting intricate clay nursery rhymes came to the Odoev region from the distant Upper Paleolithic, and during excavations of the Zhemchuzhnikovsky and Snedkovsky mounds, settlements in Odoev, pottery shards dating back to the 9th - 11th centuries were found, with drawings and signs that are painted Filimonov's toy today.

According to legend, the village of Filimonovo was named after the grandfather of Filimon, a fugitive convict, potter, bogomaz and toy maker. For many years, men in the village of Filimonovo have been making dishes, chimneys, and various household utensils on potter's wheels. It was a serious man's business, local clay was used for this purpose, giving a light terracotta color after firing.

Sculpting toys was considered an easy task, women were engaged in it, and girls began to teach from the age of seven. Such girls grew up already with a certain dowry, they were called "whistles". In the middle of the 19th century, fishing was already known far beyond the borders of the Odoevsky district.

For the toy, they used low-fat, but plastic "sinika" clay, which, after firing, acquired a white color. Clay, unique in its properties, allowed the craftswoman to sculpt the entire sculpture from one piece, achieving beautiful, expressive forms in terms of plasticity.

The dried products were previously fired in a forge, which each craftsman dug out on the slope of a hillock not far from the house. After firing, products made from such clay acquire an even white color, which does not require subsequent priming.

The plots of toys are diverse, there are more than fifty items, but the stylistic features developed by many generations of folk craftsmen remain unchanged. In modeling - elongated proportions of figures, long necks in people and animals, in painting - a three-color geometric ornament. The elongated graceful silhouettes of the figures are in harmony with the cheerful, bright, laconic painting.

The painting is built according to the traditional scheme: colored stripes run along the form, alternating with more complex patterns: a branched "herringbone", a bright "berry", a radiant "asterisk", or "sun". The faces of the figurines always remain white, and only small strokes and dots outline the eyes, mouth, and nose. These toys are difficult to confuse with any others.

The beauty and strength of the Filimonovo toy is in pagan antiquity. Over the centuries, it has not lost any of its elements that characterize the life of the ancient Slavs. Unpretentious patterns express the ancient symbolism of the peasant religion. The circle is the sun, the triangle is the earth, the Christmas trees are a symbol of vegetation and fertility. All patterns are reminiscent of the connections between man and nature. According to an old belief, the symbols in the patterns carried spiritual power that could protect from evil and injustice. The main thing in the toy is the whistle. In the tail of animals and birds. The young ladies have whistles hidden in jugs, the soldiers in geese. With its help, the pagan ancestors scared away the devil, evil spirits. It was whistled at the funeral, it was buried in the grave along with the deceased.

Each toy has its own meaning. The female figurine personifies the great goddess "Nature". The feminine principle carried a sign of good forces: Mother - the nurse, Spring, Kupava, Bereginya, Lada, etc.
This image is a continuation of the genus of all living things.

The bear is one of the leading characters folk tales- foreshadowed the awakening of nature, was a symbol of power. Deer - depicted a successful marriage, warmth and fertility. Horse - was considered a servant of the Sun. Harnessed, he carried the sun-god across the firmament and brought his grace to people.

The horse in the art of pagan Rus' had a protective meaning and occupied an important place in the magic of fertility. It symbolized both the cult of the sun and water. In folk art, a horse is time, light, heroic strength.

Birds are a sign of the resurrection of nature, the awakening of the earth, dawn, a good harvest, a happy family. They are the messengers of the goddess Mother - the earth and the obligatory companions of female images. The cow symbolized cheerful strength, fertility and power.

Conventionally, all toys can be divided into several groups:

1) people - a soldier, a mistress, an accordion player, a boy on a rooster, a horseman, a soldier with a goose.

2) animals - deer, cow, horse, ram, goat, dog, cat, fox.

3) birds - rooster, mother hen, peacock, duck.

"Hen with a rooster"

4) multi-figure compositions - tea drinking, troika, carousel, tree, on a bench, George with a snake.

Almost all Filimonovo toys are whistles; roosters and turkeys do not whistle.

Over time, traditional folk stories were replenished with individual compositions - “A soldier feeding a chicken”, “A bear in front of a mirror” (a strange creature with a flexible thin body, sitting on its hind legs, with a mirror in its front legs; nothing in its appearance resembles a familiar bear), “ Tea drinking.

"Bear with a mirror"


"Soldier with Chicken"

The Filimonov soldiers are very peculiar. These are stand-alone figurines, tall, long-legged, in characteristic costumes - a jacket at the waist, with shoulder straps, striped or colored pants, a hat with a visor or brim, and unusual high-heeled boots. Soldiers hold birds under their arms.

Modern masters of Filimonovo toys draw inspiration not only from the real animal world, but also from the mythical one - for example, there are Dragon toys. They were made for the Year of the Dragon.

They began to paint the Filimonov whistle only in the middle of the 19th century, when aniline paints appeared. At first, paints were diluted “on a full egg”, and the painting was rich in natural tones. Unfortunately, it quickly faded and withered. Later, craftswomen began to use acetone. The colors have become more persistent, bright, even somewhat piercingly poisonous.

At the first stage of painting, the toy is “yellowed”. On the white background of the burnt toy, the first color is applied - yellow. This is the basis for further painting.

At the second stage, red color is used (sometimes they say "fuxed" or "raspberry") Traditionally called raspberries. They paint with a thin brush, because the lines should be thin. The painting is carried out along the contour of the yellow. Lines in various combinations give rise to suns, Christmas trees, rosettes, geometric patterns.

At the third stage, a green color (turquoise) is superimposed. Traditionally - called green. The painting is carried out between the red lines.

After the revolution, a very famous craft began to die: the trade in toys was equated with speculation, they were imprisoned for this, so the production of the Filimonov toy was reduced so much that only a few craftswomen remained who did not give up their craft. For example, the hereditary craftswoman Marchenkova Maria Nikolaevna, the daughter of the famous Filimonovo toy maker A.I. Karpova. Maria Nikolaevna learned the secrets of modeling and painting since childhood, helping her mother in all the processes of creating toys.

Some works of Maria Nikolaevna Marchenkova:

"Fox with Chicken"

"Bear with a Mirror"

Lukyanova Evdokia Ilyinichna with her works.

Painting by Zhurov E.P. "Filionov's craftswomen" (1996). In the picture - Evdokimova Elena Kuziminichna and Lukyanova Evdokia Ilyinichna.

The work of Lukyanova E.I. "The mother hen"

Production picked up noticeably in the 1950s. Attention and public interest in folk art led to the revival of toy craft in Filimonovo. The craftswomen quickly remembered their craft.

But the true revival of the tradition of the old craft falls on the mid-80s. XX century. During this period, thanks to the perseverance and devotion of Nikolai Vasilyevich Denisov, a creative group was created in the Odoevsky district, bringing together graduates of the Abramtsevo School of Industrial Art and descendants of Filimonov craftswomen: Elena Bashkirova and Konstantin Kekhaidi, Alexander Stukov and Irina Levitina, Alla Goncharova, Vladimir Pershin and Elena Orlova.

Nikolai Vasyevich Denisov since 1984, for more than seven years, at his own expense, has been engaged in the revival of the ancient Filimonovo folk toy on Odoevskaya land. Nikolai Vasilyevich gathered and rallied young people, just like him, in love with a toy. Nikolai Vasilyevich Denisov even dedicated poems to the oldest craft:

Where did you come from to us?
All simple, no fancy tricks.
Long necked and painted
For the play and fun of children.

I loved you at an early age
Grandma was a craftswoman.
You have passed on to me
From beautiful people from the village.

You are not afraid of distance.
You are from the ancestors of distant times.
These clay statues
Bell ringing of Rus'.

Author of articles on folk art For many years, he organized personal art exhibitions in the village and holds meetings with students of schools in the village and the district as an artist - painter, toy maker and poet. In 2012, a workshop-museum was opened in the artist's house. In the photo above - footage from the museum-workshop.

In 1986, the oldest masters Elena Ilyinichna Lukyanova and Elena Kuzminichna Evdokimova worked in the team, from whom the young artists adopted the secrets of craftsmanship.

To date, several families are sculpting the Filimonov toy in Odoev, continuing the artistic traditions of the ancient craft Elena Ivanovna, Konstantin Nikolaevich and Platon Konstantinovich Kekhaidi, Elena Alekseevna Orlova, Vladimir Borisovich Pershin, Roman Vyacheslavovich Orlov, Valentina Nikolaevna Maslennikova, Irina Konstantinovna Levitina, Elizaveta Artemovna Drozdovskaya. Many masters actually continue the family business - for example, Goncharova Anna Vyacheslavovna.

Hereditary craftswoman in the fifth generation in the female line, great-great-granddaughter of the famous Filimonov craftswoman Avdotya Grigorievna Derbeneva (Goryunova) (1881-1959), great-granddaughter of craftswoman Antonina Ilyinichna Karpova (Derbeneva) (1910-1983), granddaughter of Maria Nikolaevna Marchenkova (Karpova) (1933 b.), daughter of Alla Ivanovna Goncharova (Marchenkov) (b. 1961). WITH early childhood lived next to the toy: mother and grandmother generously shared the secrets of craftsmanship.

Hereditary craftswoman, granddaughter of the famous Filimonov craftswomen A.F. Maslennikova and A.I. Derbeneva, daughter of the craftswoman V.N. Maslennikova, Elena Alekseevna Orlova, moved to Odoev in 1984 in order to revive the fishery.

The work of Orlova E.A. "Peacock"

Master Kekhaidi Konstantin Nikolaevich moved to Odoev in 1987. From 1987 to the present, he has been teaching fine arts at the Odoevskaya Children's Art School. Teaches children modeling and pottery.

Since 1997 - the organizer of the annual festival of folk art "Polyana". (in the photo above, the master at work). It is interesting that both the wife and the son of Kekhaidi are engaged in Filimonov toys. Below are a couple of works by Konstantin Kekhaidi.

Elena Kekhaidi sculpts a blank toy out of clay.

Modern Filimonovo masters, while maintaining the traditional methods of modeling and painting, are trying to diversify the plots, to make the toy more elegant. At almost all stages of the production of the Filimonovo toy, the craftsmen follow the old traditions. This is the method of modeling, and firing, and the classic Filimonov painting. The modern stucco whistle has become even brighter, more elegant, larger (up to 20 cm in height), has turned into a sculpture of small forms and has changed its appearance.

"Tea Party"

In 2009, the Filimonov Toy Museum was opened in Odoev, in the exposition you can see the works and photographs of talented craftswomen of the past and present century, learn a lot of interesting things about the history of the craft, as well as products from other centers of folk art.

In general, the whole craft moved from the village of Filimonovo to Odoev. And in Filimonovo, summer residents are very surprised when they find out that the oldest toy was made in their village.

Exposition in the museum.

"The dog feeds the rooster"

"The tree of Life"

"Couple on an armchair with a dog"

"Goat Rider"

Wall plate

"Big carousel"


"Lady with a samovar"

I hope I didn't bore you!)

Hello dear friends.

I don't know about you, but I love folk crafts. It doesn't matter what it is: sewing rag dolls, carving or painting on wood, weaving from birch bark, and so on. There is something so sincere, warm, dear in them, if you want.

In general, I thought and thought, and decided to decorate today with a positive - Filimonov's toy. And what? The craft is ancient, interesting, bright and sonorous. In addition, I haven’t written anything about the Tula region for a long time except for announcements. So in this article we will look into the past, remember where these funny figures came from, and talk about their, let's say, canonicity and symbolism. This is me to the fact that in the Filimonov toy everything has its own meaning, and colors, and each line with its own meaning.

Filimonov toy: history

This ancient applied artistic craft is about 700 years old according to some sources, and about 1000 according to others. Like it or not, and this way and that - a lot. It originated in the Odoevsky district (formerly the Belevsky district of the Tula province), in the village of Filimonovo (hence the name, in general).

By the way, about the name - there is a legend that says that the village was named after a certain grandfather Filimon. He was a convict (runaway), as well as a toy maker and a potter. So, for many years, pottery and other kitchen utensils, toys, chimneys and so on were made in this village.

Experts believe that the art of modeling and painting the Filimonovo toys began to emerge as early as the Upper Paleolithic. There is archaeological confirmation of this: during excavations in the Zhemchuzhnikovsky and Snedkovsky mounds and settlements near Odoev, clay shards were found. According to archaeologists, these finds date back to the 9th-11th centuries. So, the signs and symbols that we see today on the Filimonov toy have already been applied to them.

Sculpting such whistles is not a difficult task, therefore, in the past, it was mainly women who were engaged in it. Girls began to be taught this art from the age of seven, and they were called "whistles".

In the twentieth century, we almost lost this ancient craft forever. In the 1920s, he began to die, and all because it was forbidden to sell the Filimonov toy, and without trade, you yourself understand what kind of business is here - the craftsmen also need to live on something. There are very few craftswomen left who did not give up their craft at that time.

The rise in production began only in the 1950s, thanks to the attention of society to folk art. But the real revival of ancient Russian traditions took place in the mid-80s of the twentieth century.

Now there are many men among the masters who create these nursery rhymes, and the craft itself is widely known outside the Tula Territory. And all thanks to the efforts of caring people.

Manufacturing technique

Why is this toy so unique? This is partly due to its shape, which directly depends on the clay: for the manufacture of Filimonov whistles, a special clay was used - blueberries.

Sinica is very plastic (it looks like dough) and a little greasy, so products from it have to be smoothed out so that there are no small cracks (these smoothings make them so disproportionate, smooth and expressive);

After firing, the clay acquires a white color, without any additional effort on the part of the master.

Blueberry Harvesting Technology

  1. But in order to fashion a toy, clay of the required quality must also be prepared: earlier it was done in the cold. Why dug round wells up to two meters deep and from there, in fact, this clay was taken out. I emphasize, only in the cold, he did not allow the walls of the well to collapse.
  2. After the clay was taken out, it was hidden in a cool and damp place for several days. Then a small batch of blueberries was put into a trough and filled with water for a couple of days. Periodically turned over and patted with a shovel.
  3. Later they took it out, put it either on a wooden floor, or a place paved with bricks, in a pile, and began to trample. It is said that this was accompanied by songs and dances. The man played, and the women danced barefoot on this clay.
  4. They trampled on until the clay turned into a pancake. Then they sprinkled it with ash through a sieve, rolled it up and hid it in a haystack. After some time, they trampled again, and again sprinkled with ashes, and so on several times.
  5. Before sculpting, such a pancake was cut into plates, which were already used for making toys. It is very important that the blueberry does not dry out during storage, so the clay plates were covered with a wet rag.

But such technology was in the past, in our days, of course, everything is different.

At first, the Filimonov whistle was not painted. This began to be done only in the 19th century, thanks to the advent of aniline dyes. At first they were bred "on a full egg" and such a painting, of course, was bright, but faded very quickly. Therefore, later the masters adopted acetone. This helped - the colors became even juicier, one might say even more poisonous, but the most valuable thing is that the paint lasted longer.

The Filimonovo toy is painted in three stages. The number of colors is limited - traditionally there are three.

    At first, the toy is “yellow”. That is, after firing, yellow is applied to its true white color. They make the basis for further painting.

    On next step take shades of red (raspberry), the masters call this "raspberry".

    The last stage is green. The color is green or turquoise, and the painting is carried out between the red lines.

To paint the toys use a thin brush.

The plots of toys are very different: there are more than five dozen of them in total (traditionally, these whistles depict animals and people: ladies, their cavaliers, bears, rams, roosters). But, developed by many generations of folk craftsmen, the features are unchanged.

This is reflected in the modeling and proportions of the figures: animals with long necks, the same plastic people. There is little detail, for example, only a skirt and a headdress distinguishes a lady from a gentleman. Animals, too, can only be distinguished by the head. So, a ram has curlicue horns, a bear has ears, and the like.

In the painting, a geometric ornament of three colors is required. The stripes alternate with more complex patterns, the faces of the figurines are always white, and the eyes, mouth and nose are marked with small dots.

The most remarkable thing about the Filimonovo toy is, one might say, its strength - pagan antiquity. For all the centuries it has not lost any of its elements that characterize the life of the ancient Slavs.

Each drawing on this nursery rhyme is a symbol that reflects peasant beliefs, a deep connection between man and nature. There are almost always two main motifs in the elements of the painting: the symbol of the sun and the so-called "tree of life" - a pattern resembling fir branches. Ring lines, which decorate the whole toy, contain goodness and light.

Not only painting, but the figures themselves are also meaningful:

    Lady- it's a coastline. A symbol of the hearth, warmth and love. The personification of Mother Nature. It is a symbol of procreation and all living things.

    Bear- one of the most revered symbols in Slavdom is the image of a totem ancestor, master, power, goodness, the personification of awakening nature. Bear with cub- protector of the family, analogue of the coastline. There is a belief that it was the bear who gave birth to the first woman, hence the veneration of bears as patrons not only of women in childbirth, but of women in general.

    Deer- warmth and fertility, protection. Branched deer antlers symbolized the World Tree.

    Horse- a symbol of the sun, water, fertility, light, time and heroic strength.

    horse rider On the one hand, this is a warrior, a defender. On the other hand, it is an image of the sun and light.

    Cow- well-being and salvation. Animals with horns, in general, were revered in antiquity: it was believed that they wear a solar disk on their horns.

    Wolf Oddly enough, love and kindness.

    Rooster- this is the strongest amulet, light and sun, a dream of happiness. A symbol of the coming day. The Slavs believed that the rooster is a prophetic bird, that it drives away evil forces with its cry, destroys the spell. But the roosters sitting opposite each other denoted fertility.

    Duck- a female symbol associated with the cult of the Great Goddess. This is the patron of all women's crafts, the protector of the family.

    Dog- a true friend and assistant.

    Bird- it is light and happiness, a mediator between the worlds.

All Filimonovo toys can be divided into four groups:


  • compositions of several figures;

But do not think that this is a "canned" craft. Over time, Filimonov's stories began to be replenished with both modern motifs and individual compositions. But all this is done harmoniously, without violating centuries-old traditions. This applies to everything: the method of modeling, firing, and, of course, painting.

The only thing is that the modern Filimonovo toy has become brighter, more elegant and larger (up to 20 cm in height). From a small whistle turned into a small sculpture.

Almost all Filimonovo toys, in essence, are a whistle (roosters and turkeys do not whistle). And this is also symbolic! With the help of such a whistle, our ancestors scared away evil spirits, they whistled into it at funerals, and even put it in a coffin along with the deceased.

You can listen to how the Filimonov whistle “sings” in skillful hands.

Photo - pictures

For your inspiration, I have selected some photos of toys. There you can peep the drawing, the specifics, and simply - it's interesting.

Toys and figurines made of clay have long taken their place of honor in Rus'. They were made for entertainment, for the amusement of children, for holiday amusements.

This is what Filimonov toys look like.

One of these types is the Filimonovo toy. You can see how these figures look on our website thanks to the photo.

History of occurrence

The Filimonovo toy is named after the village of Filimonova in the Tula region. This industry originated in the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, it faded away more than once, but in the 1960s it was revived again thanks to the old craftsmen.

The main type of toys were whistles, which took various forms: ladies, horses, bears, riders, etc. They are made from a special clay "siniki", due to the special composition of which the Filimonovo toy has an elongated shape, as seen in the photo. After firing, the clay turned white, and it was painted in bright, cheerful colors (see photo).

There is a legend that the village where toys are made was named after the potter Filimon: he discovered deposits of clay in this place, from which they later began to make dishes and toys. Girls who were engaged in the manufacture of toy figures were called "whistles". Items were exhibited at the fair, they got money for them and set aside funds for a dowry.

A few more words from the history of Filimonovo toys.

For today's time

The Filimonovo toy has changed little lately. However, unlike, all figurines from the village of Filimonov were made in the form of whistles, even young ladies and peasants. A hole for the whistle was made in the tail of the bird or animal held by the character.

Filimonov toys are painted with a chicken pen, dipping it in aniline paints, ground on the contents of the egg. White, red (closer to raspberry) and green colors were traditional. Sometimes purple and blue could be used. Sometimes it seems that the painting is somewhat careless: this is due to the structure of the pen with which it is produced.

Dots, oval and round images, stripes, stars, triangles could be used as drawings. Each symbol had its own meaning:

  1. triangle - earth;
  2. circle - sun
  3. Christmas trees and sprouts are symbols of life.

They bring us back to pagan antiquity, talking about the connection between nature and man. The symbols applied to the toy gave spiritual perfection and protected from evil forces. Filimonov's toy was not just entertainment: people believed that the whistle was able to drive away evil spirits.

That is why they whistled in them at the funeral, and then put the toys in the coffin of the deceased.

With the advent of Christianity, the sacred meaning of the figurines was lost, and they turned into an element of decoration and fun.

Each figurine, like the drawings on it, had its own meaning. The female silhouette denoted the Mother Goddess and all the images that were associated with her: Lada, Bereginya, Spring, etc. These images brought good, protected from diseases and symbolized the continuation of the family. The bear symbolized power and signaled the coming of spring. The horse in pagan times was revered as a servant of the Sun and denoted the light and strength of the hero. Birds symbolized the harvest, family well-being, the earth. If the figurine depicted a cow, then it was also a symbol of fertility and wealth.

Apparently, the toys from the Filimonov village were not made in the form of images that carry evil. They are imbued with goodness and peace.

Today in the city of Odoev, near which the village is located, there is a workshop for the production of Filimonov toys. After the toy is molded, it is fired at a temperature of 950 degrees, and then they start painting. None of the figurines is completely similar to the other: they are painted individually.


Children have always been interested in learning about this incredible craft. The presentation and photos presented on our website will help to tell them about it. The presentation in colorful slides and photos tells what was the history of the appearance of the Filimonovo toy and its images.

Pictures and photos

What patterns are used on Filimonov toys?
This step-by-step picture will help you to mold a Filimonov toy from plasticine.

coloring pages

It will help you feel like a real master coloring, which can also be found on the site. The coloring will let the children understand how the clay figurines are painted. An example for coloring can be a photo of real toys.

Lilia Holdarova

GBOU secondary school No. 41 chipboard No. 3

Plan - summary of GCD on non-traditional drawing

For second junior group

« Filimonov horse painting»

Prepared by the teacher:

Holdarova L. M.

Moscow - 2014

Goals and objectives:

Continue to acquaint children with Russian folk art. To cultivate love and respect for their homeland and the work of folk craftsmen. Develop fine motor skills fingers. Learn to paint a silhouette template Filimonov painting horses, using elements murals. Consolidate skills drawing elements of the Filimonov painting(stripes, dots, circles, lines) using cotton swabs. Cultivate accuracy in working with paints.


Silhouette Templates horses, cotton buds, gouache paints in two colors (green, red, palette, water jar, napkins. Illustrations and figurines Filimonov toys, poster with elements murals.

Lesson progress:

(children sit in a semicircle on the carpet)

Guys, take a seat. I'll tell you a story about horse. Once upon a time there was a master, and he molded a beautiful horse and he decided to paint it. But he had only three colors - yellow, green and red. The master took these paints and painted his horse and it turned out to be very bright and beautiful, all in stripes, in front of a round sun with rays. And he called this Filimonovskaya painting. (show figurine horses)

On the run, playing with a mane,

He jumps quickly, beautifully.

You won't catch up, you won't catch up

See how it jumps: Wow!

(Suddenly runs to the music horse, makes two circles, as if he is looking for something. He stops and sees the children in front of him and asks:)

HORSE: Guys, have you seen my friends? I just jumped very fast and lost my friends.

VOSP: No, we didn't see them, but the guys and I can help find them! Can we help you guys? Darling horse tell us what they are?

HORSE: They look like me. All in colorful stripes. There is a mane on the back, patterns on the hooves.

VOSP: Wait, horse, look, we have illustrations and figurines horses, isn't it them?

HORSE: Yes, they look like me. And there are multi-colored stripes and rays and suns and dots. It's them!

VOSP: Well, then, we will help you with the guys to find your friends! Get up guys, we're going in search! (music plays)


We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow.

Motley wings flicker,

Butterflies fly in the field.

One two three four five

We walked again.

Here we go to the meadow,

I am your friend and you are my friend!

Reaching for the sun together

Hugs and smiles!

VOSP: And now, sit down at the tables. Come on guys, we're ours horse draw his friends horses. Let's write them down Filimonov painting.

PRACTICAL PART: (showing the educator on his template)

Everybody's got silhouettes on the tables horses they need to be painted like ours horse.

At the very beginning, use red. painting is carried out along the contour of yellow.

Then, take the green. painting lead between the red lines. Now let's try together.

(The guys start work, the teacher helps and controls the progress of work, calm music sounds)

VOSP: Our work is finished, we will make an exhibition of our horses. (the guys take out their horse and attach it to the board with a magnet.

HORSE: How beautiful and similar to me my friends turned out.

VOSP: We give them to you. Don't get lost from your friends anymore.

HORSE: Thank you very much, guys! Well, now I have to go. Goodbye! (to the music horse leaves with him takes painted horses).

Children say goodbye horse.

Workplace cleaning.

APPENDIX (Steps Filimonovo toy painting, demonstration material)

Target: Continue acquaintance with folk crafts; to introduce children to a new folk craft for them - the Filimonov whistle.


  • To acquaint with the features of this craft (material, shape, color, pattern).
  • To master the simplest elements of Filimonov painting - stripes, "Christmas trees"; to acquaint with the traditional element of the Filimonov painting - the “flower”.
  • Learn to paint the silhouettes of Filimon horses and cockerels.
  • Develop perception, imagination and emotional-volitional sphere.
  • To form moral and aesthetic responsiveness to the beautiful in folk art.

Material for the teacher:

  • brushes No. 2 and No. 4;
  • a jar of water;
  • soft cloth to remove excess paint from the brush;
  • album sheets;
  • Filimonov toys templates;
  • trays with the names of crafts and illustrations of products for the game “Fair”;
  • Dunno.

Material for students:

  • album;
  • gouache paints of yellow, green, red;
  • brushes No. 2 and No. 4;
  • a jar of water;
  • soft cloth to remove excess paint from the brush.

Visual range:

  • Filimonov whistles,
  • illustrations,
  • postcards.

Literary series:

  • N. Gribachev “Artist”,
  • puzzles.

Music line:

  • Recording of folk musical instruments.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Fair game.
  3. Conversation "Filimonov's toy".
  4. Pedagogical drawing.
  5. Practical work of students.
  6. Exhibition. Summarizing.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.


- Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. I hope you are ready now to turn into artists.

N. Gribachev's poem "Artist".

- Listen to the poem "Artist", think and say what a real artist should be like.

Our Earring as an artist
Tyap yes blunder - always in a hurry.
I drew rain in the window,
It turned out - a beard.
The sun is thick as soap
A chicken has three legs
Tank looks like a crocodile
And at home for irons,
On a jug without a handle - a cat,
Elephant - on a box and a bed,
And Seryozhka himself cannot,
Who and what is here, to disassemble.

Wondering where
Tail on the neck of a camel
And horned by a lion
Somewhere on the side of the head?
Well, we are not surprised
Here is a simple answer to everything:
No patience -
No skill
No skill -
There is no sense!

– Can Earring be called an Artist? (…)

- Why? What should an artist be like? (…)

– I hope that you will be attentive, diligent, patient, accurate artists. And in order for us to work easily, we need to prepare all the materials, tools and remember that each thing has its own place.

Children guess riddles - check and place the necessary tools and materials on the desk.

He confessed to the knife:
“I am without a job.
Stroke me, my friend
So that I can work."
If you give her a job,
The pencil worked in vain.

colorful sisters
Bored without water
Uncle is long and thin
Carries water with a beard
And sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke...

2. Game "Fair".

- Today we will go with you to the fair, where products of various folk crafts are sold. (Folk instruments sound.) That's the trouble - the people have gathered, make noise, clamor, but the fair does not open. What's happened? Trays are ready. Signboards are up. The products have not yet been released. How so? ... Everything is clear, Dunno was asked to arrange, lay out toys and dishes, but he could not. You guys need to help him.

Children go out one by one and arrange the products on the trays, explaining their choice.

- Look, one tray was empty, and next to it was a box, you need to put things in order, get toys and arrange them.

Filimonov's whistle toys are taken out of the box. Children name what figures they see.

3. Conversation "Filimonov's toy".

- A cockerel, a horse, a dog, a bride and groom, a soldier, a cow. The tray is full, and here is the sign for it - “Filimonov toys”.

What material do you think these figurines are made of? (…)

- Where were they first made: in the city or in the countryside? Why did you decide so? (…)

Filimonov village!
Blue forest, hills, slope.
They make toys out of clay
And they are still painting.

Yes, from red ordinary clay
They suddenly appear
Hares, horses and peacocks
And the soldiers are the troops of color.

- In a picturesque corner of the Non-Chernozem region, in the Tula region, above the Upa River, there is the Russian village of Filimonovo, in which potters have long lived (there is already a lot of red clay around): and the houses here are not wooden, but brick and the roofs are covered with tiles. Yes, and according to local belief, the skillful potter Filimon founded the village under Ivan the Terrible. And the village became famous all over the world for a cheerful, funny toy. The toy is molded beautiful, but somewhat strange - elongated.

The elongated proportions of the figurines are explained by the properties of local clay. Here it is viscous and homogeneous, like dough, so that the master does not need to sculpt the figure in parts, lubricating the pieces to each other. But while the clay dries, the toy is stroked many times, “pulled up”, leveling its surface until it “freezes”. So with each such “pull-up”, the toy lengthens in proportion.

And they paint mainly with three colors:

- What kind? (Red, green and yellow.)

“And the patterns aren’t flowers and herbs, are they?” (Stripes, Christmas trees, snowflakes - flowers.)

- By the long, long neck and small head, by the striped pattern, everyone immediately recognizes the Filimonov toy.

After the revival of the craft in the 60s, the toy became more diverse, but the painting as a whole has not changed - they write quickly and easily, as if in jest.

4. Pedagogical drawing.

The drawing is done on the blackboard by the teacher and at the same time by the children in the albums.

  1. Yellow background.
  2. Thin and thick straight lines are stripes.
  3. Stripe pattern.
  4. "Christmas trees".

Patterns are displayed on the board, children sketch them in albums.

5. Practical work of students.

Children circle the silhouette of the figurine according to the template. One student tells the work plan. Children paint, draw patterns, imitating the masters from Filimonov.

6. Summing up.


- What did you learn at the lesson?

- Who liked to draw Filimonov toys?

Who likes their job?

– Which work from the exhibition do you like best?

- You did a great job. You have some very beautiful work.