Sergei Naryshkin's daughter. Carefree life of Veronica Naryshkina

Every second representative of the political elite can boast of such a set. Another thing is his daughter. A bright, cheerful person, in front of everyone, the exact opposite of his father.

Lubyansky Goblin

After graduating from the KGB school, Naryshkin became assistant vice-rector for international relations at. This position was considered traditional for KGB officers. Unlike his colleagues in the service, acquaintance with Putin became for him a pass ticket to the highest echelons of power. In 2004, he became deputy head of the economic department in the presidential administration (AP), then head of the apparatus of the government of the Russian Federation. So, until 2011, he headed the Presidential Administration, after that he was elected to the State Duma of the VI convocation and became its chairman. In 2016, at a time when Russia's relations with Europe and the United States were finally damaged due to Crimea and the war in the South-East of Ukraine, Putin appointed Naryshkin as director of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service. A month after the appointment, it turned out that the "chief intelligence officer" was one of the co-founders of a secret elite village in the Leningrad region. It bears the poetic name "Forest Lubyanka".

In 2006, Sergei Naryshkin was elected president of the All-Russian Swimming Federation (VFTU). Why did a former KGB officer and an official from the highest apparatus of power need to oversee this area? Perhaps because Naryshkin himself is fond of swimming and every morning he starts with a swim of 300-500 meters. In 2008, at the opening of the Russian swimming championship in St. Petersburg, the Chekist praised himself, saying that there were positive developments in Russian swimming. A year later, in 2009, Naryshkin resigned as president of the swimming federation, but until 2016 he was chairman of the WFTU Supreme Supervisory Board, later becoming honorary president of this federation.

Passing living space

Naryshkin's daughter was fond of swimming since childhood - Veronica. The father came to all the competitions of his daughter. After graduation, Naryshkina entered the RANEPA. At 21, she was awarded a special presidential scholarship and managed to participate in privatization.

According to the archive of the agency "Ruspres", used standard scheme : Naryshkin served as head of the presidential administration. He was provided with a four-room service apartment (224.1 sq. m) under a social lease agreement. Then his daughter Veronika privatized the apartment, and in 2012, when Naryshkin left his post, the housing again passed to the former security officer.

Veronica, unlike her father, did not try to build a career in the public sector, but devoted herself entirely to sports and received the title of master of sports in swimming. In 2010, at the age of 22, Veronika became the head of the Russian youth swimming team, which performed well at the summer youth Olympic Games in Singapore.

After the competition, the winners and prize-winners were received by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Surfing is the main hobby of Naryshkin's daughter

“The achievements of each of you and the entire team can be called historical without exaggeration. I am glad to congratulate you on a good start - team silver and a large number of gold medals brought. You are very happy people, because at the very beginning of life and the beginning sports career experienced the joy of victory,” the president said, meeting the juniors at the Gorki-9 country residence.

In 2013, Naryshkina became the head of the adult swimming team. She holds this position until at least the end of 2014, when she is awarded the WFTU award in the nomination "Co-author of success". After that, there are no reports of Naryshkina as the head of the national team. The phone of the All-Russian Swimming Federation is not available, so it was not possible to find out how long Naryshkina held her position. Since the end of 2016, Sergey Zhilkin has been the head of the Russian swimming team. Now Veronika Naryshkina holds the post of Vice-President of the Moscow Swimming Federation.

On the American wave

Since 2014, the official's daughters have been appearing on Instagram photos And video recordings on which she cuts through the waves on the board. The new hobby of the athlete is surfing, skiing and travel.

Athlete skiing prefers ride in the suburbs ski resort Sorochany, but he goes to the islands of Indonesia to catch a wave. From the end of March to the end of April 2015 Veronica was skating in Bali.

On the May holidays of the same year, she was in Amsterdam. And after only nine days - on the other side of the planet - in Las Vegas. The next few weeks, Naryshkina traveled around California (USA). In September, she returned to Bali again to catch a wave.

Tracking the dates of publication of her photos on Instagram, you can see that Naryshkina travels to Bali every year in spring and autumn.

Probably, the passion for surfing and the desire to promote it in Russia prompted Naryshkina at the end of December 2016 to become a co-founder of the Surfing Federation Regional Public Organization for the Development of Surfing (ROO Surfing Federation). Among other founders, there was another swimmer - the former captain of the Russian Olympic team in synchronized swimming Angelica Timanina. She also became the president of this organization.

Veronika Naryshkina visits Las Vegas while dad fights against US sanctions

The synchronized swimmer quit swimming due to a wrist injury and suddenly fell in love with surfing, which she began to practice, just like Naryshkina in Bali. In an interview with InStyle in April 2017, Timanina says that she is currently focusing on promoting surfing in Russia and plans to build an artificial wave in the country.

Since the registration of any news about the activities of this organization did not appear. She also does not have an official website. The president Russian Federation surfing Sergey Rasshivaev assures that his organization is “the only leading activity” and that he does not know anything about the NGO “Surf Federation”. He added that he was familiar with Naryshkina, but did not know that she had become a co-founder of the federation.

According to an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Surfing Federation NGO has two telephone numbers. The first call was answered by an unknown girl. She said that this was not the organization's phone, "you have the wrong number" and immediately hung up. She did not answer repeated calls.

With the second number, the situation is even more confusing. The same number is listed at the Blesk cleaning agency, which is owned by an acquaintance of Timanina (in May 2016, she

What does the daughter of the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service do and how did she build her career

Sergei Naryshkin is a non-public official. At various times, he held one of the most important positions in Russia. He was born and raised in St. Petersburg, in a family of "intelligent" parents. Classmates believed that Sergei came from the same Russian noble family of the Naryshkins, to which the mother of Peter I belonged. Naryshkin himself spoke about this only as a joke.

After graduating from the Leningrad Mechanical Institute, Naryshkin studied for the next four years at the 101st school of the First Main Directorate of the KGB, where he met the future president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. After graduating from the KGB school, Naryshkin became an assistant vice-rector for international relations at the Polytechnic Institute. This position was considered traditional for KGB officers.

Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin, photo:

For Naryshkin, as for many current high-ranking officials, acquaintance with Putin and work in the KGB became a ticket to the highest echelons of power. In 2004, he became deputy head of the economic department in the presidential administration (AP), then head of the apparatus of the government of the Russian Federation. So, until 2011, he led the Presidential Administration, after that he was elected to the State Duma of the VI convocation and became its chairman. In 2016, at a time when Russia's relations with Europe and the United States were finally damaged due to Crimea and the war in the South-East of Ukraine, Putin appointed Naryshkin as director of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service. A month after the appointment, it turned out that the "chief intelligence officer" was one of the co-founders of a secret elite village in the Leningrad region. It bears the poetic name "Forest Lubyanka".

Swimming and Veronica

In 2006, Sergei Naryshkin was elected president of the All-Russian Swimming Federation (VFTU). Why did a former KGB officer and an official from the highest apparatus of power need to oversee this area? Perhaps because Naryshkin himself is fond of swimming and every morning he starts with a swim of 300-500 meters. In 2008, at the opening of the Russian swimming championship in St. Petersburg, the Chekist praised himself, saying that there were positive developments in Russian swimming. A year later, in 2009, Naryshkin resigned as president of the swimming federation, but until 2016 he was chairman of the WFTU Supreme Supervisory Board, later becoming honorary president of this federation.

Naryshkin's daughter, Veronika, has been fond of swimming since childhood. The father came to all the competitions of his daughter. After graduation, Naryshkina entered the RANEPA. At 21, she was awarded a special presidential scholarship and managed to participate in privatization.

A standard scheme was used, according to Novaya Gazeta. Naryshkin served as head of the presidential administration. He was provided with a four-room service apartment (224.1 sq. m) under a social lease agreement. Then his daughter Veronika privatized the apartment, and in 2012, when Naryshkin left his post, the housing again passed to the former security officer.

Veronica, unlike her father, did not try to build a career in the public sector, but devoted herself entirely to sports and received the title of master of sports in swimming. In 2010, at the age of 22, Veronika became the head of the Russian youth swimming team, which performed well at the Summer Youth Olympic Games in Singapore.

After the competition, the winners and prize-winners were received by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Naryshkin's daughter enjoys surfing

“The achievements of each of you and the entire team can be called historical without exaggeration. I am glad to congratulate you on a good start - team silver and a large number of gold medals brought. You are very happy people, because at the very beginning of your life and the beginning of your sports career you experienced the joy of victory,” the President said, meeting the juniors at the Gorki-9 country residence.

In 2013, Naryshkina became the head of the adult swimming team. She holds this position until at least the end of 2014, when she is awarded the WFTU award in the nomination "Co-author of success". After that, there are no reports of Naryshkina as the head of the national team. The phone of the All-Russian Swimming Federation is not available, so it was not possible to find out how long Naryshkina held her position. Since the end of 2016, Sergey Zhilkin has been the head of the Russian swimming team. Now Veronika Naryshkina holds the post of Vice-President of the Moscow Swimming Federation.


Since 2014, the official's daughters have been appearing on Instagram photos And video recordings on which she cuts through the waves on the board. The new hobby of the athlete is surfing, skiing and traveling.

Athlete skiing prefers to ride in the ski resort of Sorochany near Moscow, but to catch a wave he goes to the islands of Indonesia. From the end of March to the end of April 2015 Veronica was skating in Bali.

On the May holidays of the same year, she was in Amsterdam. And after only nine days - on the other side of the planet - in Las Vegas. The next few weeks, Naryshkina traveled around California (USA). In September, she returned to Bali again to catch a wave.

Tracking the dates of publication of her photos on Instagram, you can see that Naryshkina travels to Bali every year in spring and autumn.

Probably, the passion for surfing and the desire to promote it in Russia prompted Naryshkina at the end of December 2016 to become a co-founder of the Surfing Federation Regional Public Organization for the Development of Surfing (ROO Surfing Federation). Among other founders, there was another swimmer - the former captain of the Russian Olympic team in synchronized swimming Anzhelika Timanina. She also became the president of this organization.

Veronika Naryshkina hangs out in Las Vegas while dad fights against US sanctions

The synchronized swimmer quit swimming due to a wrist injury and suddenly fell in love with surfing, which she began to practice, just like Naryshkina in Bali. In an interview with InStyle in April 2017, Timanina says that she is currently focusing on promoting surfing in Russia and plans to build an artificial wave in the country.

Since the registration of any news about the activities of this organization did not appear. She also does not have an official website. Sergey Rasshivaev, President of the Russian Surfing Federation, said in a comment to Russiangate that his organization is “the only leading activity” and that he does not know anything about the Surfing Federation. He added that he was familiar with Naryshkina, but did not know that she had become a co-founder of the federation.

According to an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Surfing Federation NGO has two telephone numbers. The first call was answered by an unknown girl. She said that this was not the organization's phone, "you have the wrong number" and immediately hung up. She did not answer repeated calls.

With the second number, the situation is even more confusing. The same number is listed at the Blesk cleaning agency, which is owned by an acquaintance of Timanina (in May 2016, she

Sergei Naryshkin is a non-public official. At various times, he held one of the most important positions in Russia.

Veronika Naryshkina, unlike her father, did not try to build a career in the public sector, but devoted herself entirely to sports and received the title of master of sports in swimming. Now she holds the post of vice-president of the Moscow Swimming Federation.

Since 2014, photographs and videos have appeared on the official’s daughter’s Instagram, in which she cuts through the waves on the board. The new hobby of the athlete is surfing, skiing and traveling.

On skis, the athlete prefers to ski in the Sorochany ski resort near Moscow, but she goes to the islands of Indonesia to catch a wave. From the end of March to the end of April 2015 Veronica was skating in Bali.

Veronika Naryshkina hangs out in Las Vegas while dad fights against US sanctions

During the May holidays of the same year, she was in Amsterdam. And after only nine days - on the other side of the planet - in Las Vegas. The next few weeks, Naryshkina traveled around California (USA). In September, she returned to Bali again to catch a wave.

Tracking the dates of publications on Instagram, you can see that a Muscovite travels to Bali every year in spring and autumn.

Sergei Naryshkin - a dark horse in modern politics. For the time being, he kept a low profile. handsome appearance, a restrained character, an unobtrusively supported legend of a noble origin: they say that he is one of the very Naryshkins who gave Russia Peter the Great - all this helped the new speaker of the Duma avoid ugly spots on his biography and triumphantly enter from shadow politics into public - into parliament. Yes, even in such a historically difficult period of time. "Interlocutor" studied the environment and connections of the new Duma head.

Ties in politics

Myself Sergei Naryshkin enters the circle Vladimir Putin. They say that he met the current prime minister in his youth, when he studied at the Andropov Institute of the KGB. However, at Sergei Naryshkin close ties with other influential "St. Petersburg": in the mayor's office of the northern capital, he worked under the supervision of the future Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin, and in the mid-90s he worked in a bank close to Vladimir Putin businessman Vladimir Kogan.

They say that when Sergei Naryshkin moved to work in Moscow, ex-political strategist of the Kremlin Vladislav Surkov specifically asked loyal publications not to touch the personality Sergei Naryshkin, which, apparently, was kept for "special" cases. For example, with the participation Sergei Naryshkin the assets of Channel One OJSC quickly and easily came under the control of St. Petersburg businessmen - close to the Prime Minister brothers Kovalchuk and their "National Media Group" (its stake Kovalchuk sold Roman Abramovich).

Along with the same Vladislav Surkov Sergei Naryshkin was the main protagonist in the intrigue to remove Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov from office. Exactly Sergei Naryshkin put Yuri Luzhkov before the choice - voluntary resignation or dismissal by the president Dmitry Medvedev. In the future, the threat was executed literally verbatim - obstinate Mayor Yuri Luzhkov fired due to "loss of confidence".

But the successor Yuri Luzhkov Sergei Sobyanin And Sergei Naryshkin they're getting along great now. Together they lead the most significant metropolitan projects such as the expansion of Moscow, and in their free time they periodically relax together outside the city - on the hunt or on the ski slopes.

At Sergei Naryshkin extensive connections among the highest ranks of the police, because it was the “nobleman in uniform” who was instructed to head the presidential commission for re-certification in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was rumored that the main personnel decisions were always made by Sergei Naryshkin. True, one of his "favorites" almost seriously failed the Kremlin boss: the former first deputy. Head of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Andrey Khorev pierced with the acquisition of real estate is not a police salary. Eventually Andrey Khorev dismissed by the President Dmitry Medvedev, But Sergei Naryshkin came out unscathed: the experience of re-certification in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was recognized as successful and, as already promised, will be extended to other special services.

Cultural comrades

Sergei Naryshkin reputed to be a bohemian lover. He is an avid theatergoer and even once admitted in an interview that he feels acting inclinations in himself and, if it were not for politics, he would have chosen the stage. From people of art Sergei Naryshkin friendly with Larisa Dolina And Zurab Tsereteli. The official respects jazz and plays the guitar himself.

Wife, son, daughter

At Sergei Naryshkin- a typical family of a high official. A wife who left her job, a son who is a businessman and a daughter who is an athlete and social activist.

Wife Tatyana Naryshkina. The future spouses met at the institute. After the wedding and up to the transfer of her husband to Moscow Tatyana Naryshkina taught IT-technologies in Voenmekh. After moving to the capital does not work. Firms registered in her name were also not noticed.

Son Andrey Naryshkin, businessman, lives in St. Petersburg. As usual in the circle of supreme power, the main heir of the family is found in the areas of large, but little-lit business. Place of work Andrey Naryshkin- a certain CJSC "EnergoProekt". From other Energoprojects, of which there are many in the country, this one is distinguished by an outstanding composition of founders, one of which is the son of the governor of the Leningrad Region Vadim Serdyukov. Orders from EnergoProekt are worthy of the sons of senior officials - projects for the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant, the largest gas pipeline Nord Stream, as well as substations and power lines for the pre-Olympic Sochi.

Daughter Veronica Naryshkina, diligent student of the Academy of National Economy. In 2009-2010 she was awarded a special presidential scholarship. Veronika Naryshkina seriously involved in sports. At the age of 20, she became the coach of the Russian swimming team and in this capacity represented the sports community at a meeting with the president Dmitry Medvedev, as well as during trips to foreign competitions. Myself Sergei Naryshkin Until November 2009, he headed the Swimming Federation.