Good figure in 30 days. Jillian Michaels training programs: complete list and review of effective ones

Ecology of health and beauty. Fitness and sports: The main thing is to do the exercises regularly and you will quickly overcome several steps to perfection...

Figure upgrade in 1 month

Beauty is not only a natural gift, but also the result of painstaking work on oneself. Do you want a flexible, slender and firm body, a thin waist and slender legs? No problem! You only need to spend one month and see the results. True, attention will have to be paid to each problem area.

Arms and chest

To start make it a habit to rub with cool water every morning. They will help keep your skin toned.

Set the water pressure to low and direct the shower to each breast one at a time. Direct the water clockwise.

Wet the towel and give it a little massage. The pressure should be very light, each movement is made clockwise.

Once every three days make it a rule to use special aromatic oils for massage to maintain breast tone. If you don’t have a special complex, you can alternately use ylang-ylang, rose and almond oil, as well as seaweed extract oil. Read the label carefully before use. Some essences have significant contraindications. For example, ylang-ylang should not be used by people with high blood pressure.

  • The first approach is 10 times in the classic position.
  • The second approach – arms are spread out to the sides as much as possible, palms facing outwards – also 10 times.

Every two days, try to add 5 repetitions to each approach, bringing the number of push-ups to 50.

Do a special complex every two days. For this, you will need dumbbells - 1.5–2 kg each.

Exercise #1: Lie on your back, bend your knees. Raise your arms with dumbbells. Now, as you inhale, spread your arms, trying to lower them as low as possible.

Exercise #2: From the same starting position, lower your hands down to your hips.

Exercise #3: Now imagine that you are holding not dumbbells, but a barbell. Bend your elbows and pull the dumbbells to your chest (fitness instructors call this exercise “bench press”)

Exercise #4: Squat down, bring the dumbbells in front of you. Move them to the sides and as far back as possible. Then return to the starting position.

Exercise #5: Stand up straight. One hand with a dumbbell is raised up, the other is lowered. Alternately change the position of your hands.

Perform each exercise in three sets of 10 repetitions each.

In addition to them, use the so-called office charging– a complex that can be performed anywhere and at any time of the day.

  • While sitting in an office chair, for example, bend your elbows and bring your palms together at chest level.
  • Now, as much as we can, press our palms against each other for 30 seconds.
  • We relaxed and did the exercise one more time.

Waist and abs

The notorious six-pack is best formed by doing press exercises on a bench set at a negative angle and using dumbbells. But for the fair sex there are their own restrictions.

  • Firstly, it is strictly contraindicated for us to use weights - they can disrupt the functioning of the female organs.
  • Secondly, it is recommended to pump the abs every other day at most - our muscles must have time to recover.

Another important axiom says: if you have excess fat deposits in this area, the cubes will simply be invisible. Therefore, before abdominal training, as well as during a break, do aerobic exercises. 20 minutes of aerobics, dance moves, and jumping rope will do. According to fitness instructors, aerobic exercises will help you burn excess weight, and abdominal exercises will help you form beautiful and correct contours.

The set of exercises itself should contain exercises for the upper and lower abs, as well as for the oblique muscles of the abdomen and back.

Exercise #1: Lie on your back, clasp your hands behind your head, bend your knees. Now lift your body, lifting only your shoulders and shoulder blades from the surface (20 times). At the end of a series of repetitions, hold your body while lifting and try to hold this position for as long as possible.

Exercise #2: While lying down, bend your knees and place your bent right leg on your left knee. Rise up, trying to reach your right elbow to your left knee. Perform 20 times, then change legs.

Exercise #3: Starting position – lying on your back, legs straight. Bend your legs one at a time, sliding them along the floor. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise #4: From the same position we raise our legs to a right angle. Having completed 20 repetitions at a normal pace, we try to perform the exercise as slowly as possible - we raise our legs for 10-15 counts.

Exercise #5: In a sitting position, legs straight, arms resting behind us. We raise our legs to an angle of 45 degrees, bend them, pulling our knees in the chest, and lower them. We do it 20 times.

Exercise #6: From the same position, we simply raise our legs at the same angle and lower them to the floor.

Exercise #7: Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs along your body. Now we raise our arms together with the upper half of our body 10 times, our legs together with our lower back 10 times, our arms and legs together 10 times.

Do every forty repetitions stretching exercises. Lying on your stomach, lean on your hands and bend back as much as possible. This will help avoid unnecessary muscle soreness and make the muscles flexible.

Within office gymnastics There is another simple exercise:

  • As you exhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible, and then return the muscles to their original position.

It is important to understand that all these exercises apply to the abs, but not to the waist. That is, they will not remove the fatty ears hanging over the jeans. Various bends will be useless and even harmful - they will only turn fat into muscle, but will not reduce centimeters. The mentioned aerobic complexes, as well as the hula hoop, known to us since the Soviet era, will help you cope with this zone. The hoop models the waistline and breaks down fat cells.

Legs, thighs, buttocks

This zone, like no other, changes beautifully with a change in lifestyle in general. Walk more, don’t be shy to run up behind the departing minibus. Those who want to get slender legs also prefer not to ride escalators, but to walk on them. Fortunately, the metropolitan lifestyle at least allows this for now.

Sign up for dancing - and within a month you will receive not only a burst of energy, but also legs worthy of all admiration.

Don’t ignore active sports – even a harmless game of badminton will make you feel a slight soreness in your legs in the morning.

And of course, don’t forget about the special complex:

Exercise #1: While standing, squat down a little and place one foot in front of the other. Start squatting all the way, the lower the better. Do 30 times for each leg.

Exercise #2: We do a variety of swings: alternately 20 swings with each leg forward, in front of you. 20 swings to the side. 20 swings back. Now we swing each leg forward and immediately back. It is important to feel the muscles working here, so tense your muscles as much as possible during exercises.

Exercise #3: Lie on your right side, rest your left hand in front of you. Raise your left leg 20 times. Then lift your leg and make circular movements - first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Change your leg.

Exercise #4: Kneel down, place your arms straight in front of you. Lift your right knee off the floor, move it forward, then swing back with maximum amplitude. 30 repetitions, change legs.

Exercise #5: Lie on your back, raise your legs at a right angle. Move them apart to the maximum distance.

Exercise #6: Sit on the floor. Now try, shifting on your buttocks, to walk around the perimeter of your room.

And during your office life, alternately squeeze and unclench your gluteal muscles. The effect is still the same!

All the described complexes and techniques are basic, and their implementation will not take much time. But within a month you are guaranteed to feel that your body has become stronger and more elastic, and problem areas have turned into a beautiful relief. The main thing is to do the exercises regularly and you will quickly overcome several steps to perfection. published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project .

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Jillian Michaels is a certified personal trainer who holds a black belt in martial arts and is considered by many to be an expert in all aspects of diet and fitness. The mother of two children became famous due to her author's weight loss system, in which she strives to take a constructive approach to health and self-sacrifice. Jillian Michaels' Slim Fit in 30 Days Program(Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred") is a weight loss workout that focuses on three factors - a fitness regimen, a personalized daily fitness plan based on specific goals, and a diet plan.

The fitness system consists of 3 levels of difficulty and consists of special exercises that distinguish Jill’s technique. The Jillian Michaels Diet is based on consuming foods that are appropriate for your body type and eating style to achieve the best results. The system includes hundreds of recipes. Thousands of people around the world have been inspired by Jillian Michaels' system to lose weight and keep it off. Many of them have achieved great success using her methodology, and her system is actively sold in America for considerable money. Regarding food, Jill does not stick to just one method, i.e. low in carbohydrates, fats, etc., but believes that each person needs a different nutrition plan to suit their specific metabolism.

Jillian Michaels' "The 30 Day Shred" weight loss system promises results within a month, completing three levels in 30 days in a row. Exercise and a healthy diet are the best ways to lose weight healthy. The levels consist of an intensive program, before starting which you should consult with your doctor.

Before starting classes, you need to measure your weight in order to correctly assess the result:

  • measure your arms, waist, legs, buttocks and hips;
  • measure the thickest parts of the body - the volume of the biceps, the circumference of the legs, etc.;
  • measure your body mass index;
  • measure your waist around your navel and around your hip bones to measure it;
  • to measure your buttocks, place the tape measure on the back of your buttocks and bring it together at the front;
  • Write down the measurement date for each body part in a notebook or weight loss diary.

After preparation, start passing the levels. Important: “Sleep is the cornerstone of weight management because of the effect it has on the hormones that control weight loss, as well as how you store fat and how you maintain muscle. The better your hormonal balance, the better your weight loss,” explains Jillian Michaels, who typically aims for 8 hours of sleep a night.

System Description

Jillian Michaels' Get Fit in 30 Days video is great for obese people as well as those who are already in good shape. Even advanced athletes who train 5-6 days a week say these three levels are difficult. With that in mind, if you think you can just skip level 1 and go to level 2, you'll be surprised. Level 2 is very difficult. So when Jill says start at Level 1, listen to her because she's seen how difficult these classes are, even for those "in shape."

Jill's The 30 Day Shred is a challenging workout that will leave you literally restless at any level. So if you want to lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels, be patient and follow the system.

Please note: In Jillian's original "Slim Fit in 30 Days" workout videos, which can be found publicly available on Youtube, there are her "girls", two women, working out behind her. One shows a lower intensity version or a modified move, the other shows a more advanced move while Jill does the basics.

Jillian Michaels' signature style is 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. The 1 minute ab portion is your rest time. These are intense classes with a frantic rhythm.

Level 1 (Video)

Completing levels is ideal for those who are busy and limited in time. Each exercise is only 24 minutes per day. You will simultaneously work several muscle groups and do cardio. Working large and small muscle groups at the same time, such as the lower leg and shoulder, is a great way to burn more calories and thereby reduce your exercise time.

You can watch Jillian Michaels’ video “Slim figure in 30 days” level 1 in Russian, and if you wish, you can do a lighter version of the classes, but then you will have to increase the time to even out the result.

Jill's 30-day challenge "Get Slim in 30 Days" includes 3 progressively more difficult levels. You do 1 lesson a day, starting from level 1. It is proposed to spend 10 days on each level, although everything can be individual and the trainer does not set strict limits.

Level 2 (Video)

Level 2 is for a second 10-day period. After you complete your first 10 days, you will appreciate the difference in effort and can ease up on the rhythm, as well as eliminate some exercises and combine others, as each level is quite challenging in its own way.

Level 3 (Video)

Having completed level 2, you move on to the last 10 days with level 3. If you speak English and watch Jill in the original, you need to know that level 3 of her exercises is not publicly available. And in order to purchase this course you need to pay for it.

Another great thing about Jillian Michaels' Get Fit in 30 Days 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge is that you work out every day for a month. This rhythm creates the habit of doing physical exercise. Remember that once you complete all the levels, you won't have to lose this habit, it will stay with you.

How realistic is it to “lose up to 10 kg in 30 days”?

It really depends on your diet and where you're starting from. If you're starting from scratch and can't remember the last time you worked out, 10 kg in 30 days is quite realistic provided you follow the right diet. If you've been working out for a while but without a proper diet, losing 5 kg is realistic. If you are following a diet and already working out, depending on the degree of progress, it is quite possible to lose 1-2 kg, but this will be a sustainable result, in which all your fat will turn into sculpted muscles. Since muscle weighs much more than fat, the scale won't tell you much of what you see in the mirror.

Important information: You've probably heard that working your abs takes place in the kitchen, not in the gym. This means that exercise without a diet will be ineffective. The goal of the exercises is to increase strength and improve cardiovascular health over a 30-day period. Many have commented that they noticed progress from fitness in just 5 days.

Ultimately, no matter where you start on your weight loss journey, remember that your end goal is to lose volume, not pounds. Therefore, before starting, carefully measure all places to be sure of progress - waist, hips and legs.

Diet in 3 stages

Jillian Michaels' weight loss goal is to eliminate "anti-nutrients" (artificial fats, sugars and chemical additives) and eat only organic and natural foods.

During the first stage, you will eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • hydrogenated fats;
  • peeled grains;
  • high fructose corn syrup;
  • artificial sweeteners;
  • preservatives and dyes.

Jillian Michaels suggests cutting back on starchy vegetables such as potatoes, tropical dried and canned fruits, soy, alcohol, full-fat dairy, fatty meats, canned goods and caffeine at this stage.

In step two, you'll learn about Jillian Michaels' 10 Nutrients:

  • legumes – peas and beans;
  • allions such as onions and leeks;
  • berries;
  • meat and eggs;
  • colored fruits and vegetables;
  • cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage;
  • dark green leafy vegetables;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • organic low-fat dairy and whole grains.

The final phase improves the timing, amounts and combinations of foods to shift the metabolism to burn most fats. This balance includes eating every 4 hours, never skipping breakfast, eating your fill and not eating after 9pm. If you are used to eating ready-made or semi-finished products, then you need to give up your habits. The Jillian Michaels diet focuses on consuming only natural, unprocessed foods.

Jillian Michaels is a famous developer of proprietary weight loss systems. The success story of this attractive woman begins with the fact that at a young age she was unhappy with her figure and dreamed of making it perfect. In addition, the girl really wanted to open her own gym, where everyone could do fitness.

Gillian's dreams came true - from a chubby girl weighing 70 kg and height 150 cm, she turned into a fit person with attractive shapes. As for the gym, the girl conducted her first classes as a coach in 2012. The fitness room was opened using the savings of Gillian herself and her companions.

Today, thanks to another development by Jillian Michaels, both women and men can become owners of a slim figure in just 30 days. The main principles of the program are not to miss classes, take proper physical activity and eat rationally.

Slim figure in 30 days

If you're new to losing weight, Jillian Michaels's program will help you get up to speed quickly. The duration of each lesson is 30 minutes, so the body does not have time to get tired and perceives all actions in the best possible way. But Jill is not limited to only light loads; her programs always include both simplified and more complex exercise options. If you like the system, you can always go to a difficult level and achieve perfect results. Thus, the load will continue for another 30 days.

Program description

Strength training is a three-level system, each stage of which is designed for 10 days. At each level, the body receives a load for all muscle groups. But adaptation to the load is not observed, since the exercises change. This approach enhances the fat-burning effect and has a beneficial effect on the figure. Between levels you are allowed to take a day off, after which you must immediately move on to the next level.

First level

So, level 1 of fitness loads will make the body feel absolutely all the muscles. If you are not used to it, exercise may cause muscle pain, but these sensations will be light and pleasant. Pain symbolizes the first steps on the path to beauty and harmony.

How the first level of the “30 days in pursuit of slimness with Jillian Michaels” program is performed is clearly shown in the video. It is very easy to understand the coach, since the broadcast takes place in Russian.

Second level

By the end of the 10th day, level 1 loads will become commonplace for you, but you can’t relax. The thing is that at level 2 of her unique program, Jill demonstrates the features of new classes. All exercises become noticeably more complicated, and the main load now falls on the chest and arms. At level 1, these parts of the body were practically resting.

Third level

The beginning of level 3 brings from Jillian Michaels the simplicity of the actions performed. Compared to the previous stages, the third step does not seem too difficult. Its completion is designed to consolidate the achieved results.

Diet Jillian

The Michaels nutrition system is based on strict calorie counting. The fitness trainer suggests systematically reducing the amount of calories consumed so that their deficiency provokes the body to lose excess body weight. But the Jillian Michaels diet has its own characteristics - if the lack of calories is significant, the body will begin to experience hunger and block the processes leading to weight loss.

We also want to draw your attention to the fact that Jill’s weight loss system is not designed to get rid of excessively excess weight. By reducing the number of calories day by day, you can achieve maximum results minus 10 kg in 1 month.

Authorized Products

The menu offered by Lady Michaels contains a list of food products familiar to everyone. Their “zest” is the ability to burn body fat reserves. In addition to eating the right foods, you should also drink 2 liters of sodium-free water every day. Pure liquid perfectly drives toxins out of the body.

What can you eat for 30 days following Jillian Michaels' weight loss program:

  • Seeds.
  • Fruits.
  • Spices.
  • Vinegar.
  • Grains and beans.
  • Seafood.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Fish and meat of lean varieties.
  • Low fat dairy products.
  • Vegetable oils produced using cold-pressed technology.

Prohibited Products

Naturally, any diet menu contains prohibited foods. Coach Michaels' system is no exception. When deciding on a monthly weight loss course, you should know in advance what you will have to give up.

What not to eat while following the Jillian Michaels diet:

  • Fast foods.
  • Store-bought juices and drinks.
  • Baked goods and confectionery delicacies.
  • Transformed fats.
  • Seasonings with flavor enhancers.
  • Caffeine-containing and alcoholic products.

It is allowed to eat sausages, pickles, mayonnaise, canned food, and ketchup in small portions. Keep in mind that if you have a slow metabolism, your diet should be rich in complex carbohydrates. If your metabolism is fast, it will be preferable to eat protein foods.

When compiling a menu by day, focus on the option proposed by Jill herself:

  • Breakfast – scrambled eggs with green tea.
  • Lunch – fruit slices.
  • Lunch – grilled meat, boiled or fresh vegetables, tea.
  • Dinner – a couple of spoons of beans, a spoonful of porridge and a small portion of vegetable salad.

Yoga by Jillian Michaels

Yoga, as represented by Jillian Michaels, is far from the principles of classical practice. What the fitness trainer offers is yoga for weight loss, a unique strength training exercise. The course, called Yoga Meltdown, is a 2-level system with each level lasting 30 minutes.

The benefit of the exercises is a significant improvement in stretching and coordination of movements. This complex will enhance the effectiveness of heavy exercises taken from other systems. But we remind you that you will not burn more than 10 kg of fat.

It’s interesting that Jill doesn’t set the time for Level 1 classes. When to move to the next level, you decide for yourself, taking into account the impressions from the loads of the initial stage. If level 1 of power yoga is easy for you, feel free to master the level 2 technique. You don't need anything other than a yoga mat and a comfortable suit.

We wish you to successfully overcome the path to an ideal figure!

Among the numerous methods for losing weight, the system stands out...

Among the numerous methods for losing weight, the system named after its creator, or rather, the creator, who tested her brainchild, first of all, on herself, stands apart and therefore can safely speak of a one hundred percent guarantee of results.

Jillian Michaels - slim figure in 30 days

Meet Jillian Michaels

Today, Jillian Michaels is one of the most famous fashion models in the world. She is also a trainer who works remotely with her millions of followers. But once upon a time she could not call herself a slender beauty, but, on the contrary, was even considered fat. At the age of 12, Gillian weighed almost 80 kg and was one and a half meters tall. Excess weight was the reason why the 14-year-old girl ended up in the gym.

She immediately fell in love with the sport and began to engage in it with a special zeal that was not typical for her peers. In addition, she constantly thought about how to improve her training and make it more effective.

These searches yielded results and in 2002, Gillian and several of her close friends opened their own fitness room. This was the beginning of a new milestone in Michaels' life. Already in 2005, she became one of the most famous and popular trainers in America. She was invited to talk shows, her books were published in huge numbers, and video manuals with a set of exercises were sold out as soon as they hit the shelves.

Weight loss system - slim figure in 30 days

Jillian Michaels' weight loss system is based on a combination of two main components: fitness training and diet. To perform the exercises you do not need any special equipment; a regular set of dumbbells is enough. The duration of classes does not exceed half an hour, so this system is quite suitable even for the laziest or overly busy people.

The results are truly impressive. Work on yourself according to Gillian’s method is divided into two stages, the first of which lasts 3 weeks. During this time, if you follow the recommendations, it is possible to completely get rid of fat deposits, after which the second stage begins, in which work is carried out on problem areas of the figure.

Diet Jillian Michaels - slim figure in 30 days

As already mentioned, physical activity is only one of the components of the system. Another important part of it is a diet based on 3 principles.

  • Principle one - in each case an individual approach. The point is that each person’s body is a unique, very complex mechanism in which many different processes take place. One of them is the process of metabolism, that is, the processing of eaten food into energy. For each person, it occurs with its own characteristics, which determine whether the individual is inclined to be overweight or, conversely, has a lean physique. Metabolism can be fast or slow. In the first case, the Jillian Michaels system advises introducing more complex carbohydrates into the diet and at the same time conducting more intense training. People with slow metabolism are advised to give preference to protein foods.
  • Principle two - monitor your calorie intake and expenditure. To do this, it is necessary to approximately determine the daily amount of energy entering the body with food. This can be done using special tables that provide data on the calorie content of various foods. Next, calorie consumption per day is calculated. There are also special calculators for this. The bottom line is that it is necessary to structure your diet in such a way that the amount of calories expended is 400-600 units greater than the amount incoming from food.
  • Principle three- meals should be four times a day, and only natural and healthy foods are allowed. The basis of the diet is fruits and vegetables. You can also eat meat, but it must be non-fat and lean. Consumption of seafood and dairy products is allowed. You should absolutely not allow yourself to go to cafes and fast food outlets.
  • A special diary helps prevent overeating, in which you should carefully record all the foods eaten during the day, indicating their calorie content.

As you can see, Jillian Michaels' weight loss system is simple and accessible to everyone. The combination of properly organized nutrition and regular exercise allows you to effectively fight excess weight and constantly maintain ideal shape. Thanks to this technique, you can lose up to 30 kg of excess weight within a month.

Jillian Michaels - slim figure in 30 days (video)

Let's start TODAY! Everything needs to start today, because tomorrow never comes.

Slim figure in 30 days - level 1

Slim figure in 30 days - level 2

Slim figure in 30 days - level 3

Slim figure in 30 days - all levels in one video

I looked at a few reviews and decided to start practicing. At that time I was not even registered here. And now I’m with you and I hasten to tell you everything!!!

A few details about myself...

I’ll say right away that I needed this program after giving birth.

Before pregnancy, I myself worked as a trainer. (this is not my main job, but more of a hobby).

I regained my shape with using nutrition(diet to speed up metabolism), keeping a food diary and of course exercise! But still it’s not so easy to motivate daily and I decided to look for video fitness lessons that would inspire me and help me tighten my body!

And then I found this program that lasts only 30 days!

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About the video lessons themselves...

The program immediately interested me because of its unusual approach to business. I myself like to build for myself STEPS development. And there were just like this Difficulty levels. Like in the game

One video lesson lasts about 25 minutes. That is, you only need to study 25 minutes a day, which is not much at all! This was very important for me. I could have time to study at lunchtime while the child was sleeping.

The essence of the program is to complete 3 levels of video lessons from Jillian Michaels for 30 days without interruption.

Why no breaks? So that the body does not have time to wean itself from stress (exceptions may occur on unfavorable women's days).

The first 10 days are the first lesson. Second 10 days - second. And the final stage of the last 10 days is the third lesson.

What they say about this program:

Make your body the one you've always dreamed of! Here is an effective 30-day course of exercises from fitness expert Jillian Michaels. This complex is specially prepared for people who do not constantly engage in sports, but want to lose excess weight. The exercises in it are simple and performed according to the “3-2-1” scheme: three minutes are devoted to strength exercises, two minutes to cardio exercises and one minute to abdominal exercises. By performing these exercises consistently, you will be able to burn extra calories as efficiently as possible, strengthen your muscles, and get results in just 30 days.

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DIFFICULTY LEVEL 1 (first 10 days of training)

The video lesson begins with introducing the participants. Together with the coach Jill , two of her assistants are present. Natalie - She performs a more complex version of the exercises. AND Anita - for beginners, an easier option.

I constantly looked at Natalie because, after all, I preserved my muscles during pregnancy with the help of video lessons for pregnant women. But for those who are not prepared, I advise you to look at Anita.

To start training you need a mat (if you don’t have them, I recommend buying them. I’m delighted with them, in extreme cases, take bottles of water)

★ The lesson began as expected with warm-up. It is short in this program, this is its disadvantage - the muscles do not have time to warm up, and it is very simple. At first you think that the course is very easy. But this is only the first impression.

★ Then they go cardio - jumping (for me the only difficulty was not to wake up the child with my jumping. It was because of this that I jumped carefully and quietly on my toes)

★ Next - power training. Push ups! This is my favorite. I do push-ups without problems using socks, as Natalie shows, many times - about 20. But I understand that push-ups can be problematic for many. Therefore, I recommend doing push-ups from your knees, starting with 3 times and gradually increasing.

And exercises with dumbbells. Which are great for tightening your arms and strengthening your leg muscles.

★ Then - exercises for abdominal Press. At the first level, these exercises did not seem difficult to me. Although, again, I always rocked it. Even during pregnancy (it’s hard to describe - but everything was safe, there was a fitball on the ball)

★ At the end of the lesson, as in all fitness programs, there is a . It's short and simple, but you can't live without it. After the lesson, I continued stretching for another 5 minutes.

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After the first days of training, my whole body hurt! Yes, even a more or less trained person’s muscles hurt! But it goes away quickly. The main thing is not to stop.

After 3-5 days you get involved and do everything in one breath.

After 10 days, the result is noticeable both on the scale and visually. A noticeable press appears and the buttocks are tightened.

I was looking forward to level 2! Every day I crossed out days on the calendar. And now this day has come!

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DIFFICULTY LEVEL 2 (second 10 days of training)

★ Warm-up is similar to the first level

★ Cardio has also been made a little more difficult (complex jumps with knees raised to the waist and jumps with emphasis on the hands appeared)

★Strength training - very unusual! I liked the new hand push-ups and the more challenging dumbbells.

★ Abdominal exercises pleased me with their novelty. Although during the first LEVEL the abs had already pumped up so much that the exercises were not very complicated.

★ At the end there is stretching as usual. It’s nice to do it and be happy for yourself and for a job well done.

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The results were encouraging every day. The body tightened, the centimeters went away... The weight gradually decreased.

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DIFFICULTY LEVEL 3 (last 10 days of training):

★ A lot of exercises have appeared, combined from several at once, which were previously

★ I liked the new exercises on the elbows and my favorite “boat” for strengthening the back

boat exercise

★ I also liked the interesting jumps and the new exercise with dumbbells for all types of muscles.

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5. Now let's move on to the FINAL results

It may seem to many that I didn’t have much weight anyway, but I can assure you that losing weight is much more difficult when there’s not much of it anyway! And here I am already guided not only by the readings of the scale and centimeter, but also by my internal sensations and the presence of muscles.

I apologize in advance for the photo. When I started training, I didn’t think that I would register here and write a review. I took the photo for myself to visually evaluate the result. If I had known, I would have taken much better photographs and more detailed ones.

I can say that all my muscles have tightened, especially my legs, hips, and back. The press was pumped up well. My arms were already pumped up, but the exercises only benefited them. Weight decreased significantly by approximately 4 kg.

Of course, nutrition plays a big role. I tried not to eat after 18:00. I also sometimes practice banana-kefir diet.

In addition to the course, I twisted my favorite massage hoop!

Now I'm studying fitball and a bench for the abs and back.

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Are there any disadvantages to this program?

I can say that I would consider a short warm-up to be a minor disadvantage. Due to the fact that the warm-up was fast, my muscles did not warm up and at stage 2 I slightly injured my heel tendon. But I will not remove 1 star for this. After all, you can warm up before training on your own.

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6. Conclusions.

My only regret is that I didn’t find this program earlier!

Thank you Jillian Michaels for such wonderful exercises that help you be beautiful, slim and healthy!

I will periodically repeat this course to maintain good shape.

I recommend it to everyone!

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My VIDEO REVIEW of the program from Jillian Michaels (my opinion about these workouts):

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