Gymnastics for an 8 month old baby. Eighth month of life - exercise

Caring for a child at 8 months does not make any special changes to the usual routine for mother and baby. Nevertheless, it still remains paramount, because it is necessary to teach cleanliness from infancy. In this article we will talk about the features of caring for eight-month-old babies: hygiene procedures, gymnastics, massage and bathing.

Your baby has reached the age of 8 months, which means it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep him in place. Every day of mother and child should still begin with hygiene procedures. Some girls continue to use the changing table, others spend their morning toilet in the bathroom or right on the sofa. If the baby does not want to sit still, try to turn the procedures into a game. Another option is to perform all the manipulations first on the child’s favorite toy, and then on him.

You can wash your eight-month-old baby with tap water, after which you need to blot his face with a soft towel. Check whether the spout is breathing and, if necessary, clean it with cotton wool soaked in oil. It is necessary to wash your baby in the morning and after each diaper change. It’s good if at this age children go home without diapers. This way you can gradually train your baby to potty if he already knows how to sit well.
Keep the house clean, because at 8 months a toddler is able to crawl into the most hidden corners of the apartment. Besides, he tests everything to the teeth. Therefore, periodically clean all toys, and remove small and dangerous objects from its reach. For the same reason, the child’s hands should be washed as often as possible to avoid poisoning.

Massage for a baby at 8 months

Massage for an eight-month-old baby remains an important procedure. It allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back, arms and legs, which is necessary for active crawling and the first independent steps. If there are no medical indications, massage can be done independently for 10 - 15 minutes a day, unless, of course, the active baby sets his own time limits. Perform manipulations at a time when the child is calm and not hungry. Massage should be enjoyable.
It should begin by stroking each area (arms, legs, stomach and back). Using slow and smooth movements of your palm, stroke your arms in the direction from the hand to the shoulders, and your legs in the direction from the foot to the genitals. Massage your tummy clockwise, your back along the spine, without affecting the spine itself. After stroking, you can alternately use the methods of rubbing with your palms, kneading the muscles with your fingers (using the thumb, index and middle fingers) and vibration (shaking and patting with your palms).

If you are just starting to massage, make sure that it does not give your baby any unpleasant sensations. At first, you can limit yourself to stroking and lightly rubbing the muscles.

It should be noted that not all children allow themselves to have a massage. Sometimes you need to use a trick: give your baby a toy or play pleasant music.

Bathing a baby at 8 months

Bathing an 8-month-old baby remains an important daily procedure. At this age, in most cases, children like it, because now they can play in the water independently. If the child sits well, purchase a special bathing chair with a limiter. It will allow you to sit steadily and will protect you from falls. At this time, you can buy various bath toys: floating animals, sprinklers, rubber and silicone adhesive figures, wind-up animals. The baby will watch them with interest and even try to play

How much and how to bathe a child at 8 months: water procedures should be daily, it is best to do them before bedtime. If your baby enjoys bathing, you can stay in the water for up to 25 minutes. The water temperature is selected individually: some swim in 30-degree water, while others remain at 37 degrees. If your baby is still unsure of sitting, wash in a slide or in the arms of his parents - whichever is more convenient for you.

Gymnastics for an 8 month old baby

Gymnastics for an 8-month-old child is an integral addition to massage. It is better to do it every morning before meals so that it becomes a habit. If you are already doing gymnastics, improve the existing exercises, but now be sure to pronounce all the actions, focusing on parts of the body. If exercises are being done for the first time for an 8-month-old child, we will give you some recommendations. All exercises are designed to stimulate the baby’s motor skills, they will help him improve crawling and quickly begin to walk on his own.

Here are some good gymnastics exercises that you can do daily:

  • Crossing your arms over your chest, bending them at the elbow.
  • Roll over from back to stomach (baby can already do this on his own with a little help from you).
  • Kneading the feet and palms, including each finger (use nursery rhymes).
  • Exercises for legs: in a lying position, bend the child’s legs at the knees and straighten them at a right angle relative to the body.
  • Sitting the child up from a supine position, including standing up. To do this, you need your baby to grab your index fingers with his fists. In the first days, you can support his hands with your own hands.
  • Crawling after a toy (relevant for those who crawl poorly or have not yet learned this skill).
  • Stepping and walking. Place your baby on his feet and show him how to walk by bending his knees.
  • Fitball exercises.

At 8 months, a child can already sit without support, sit down independently from a position on all fours, crawl on all fours and on his stomach, rise independently near support, some toddlers are already beginning to stomp their feet leaning on the hands of an adult or along the support or playpen. The main task of massage during this period is to strengthen the muscles of the back and limbs in order to prepare them for locomotion.

The baby is already sitting well, he probably doesn’t lean on anything with his paws and back, but sits quietly and plays with various objects, reaching for them from a sitting position. At 8 months, the baby, as a rule, already reaches a high crawling speed, he quickly gets to any objects, and if the object of interest to him is at a height, for example, lying on a chair, then the baby can crawl to the chair and, leaning on it, stand up, to reach the toy.

The toddler’s speech also unwinds, he clearly pronounces the syllables: ma-ma, pa-pa, uncle-da, ba-ba, etc. Stimulate his speech, talk to the child more often, leaf through books with him and tell him what is drawn in them, name the names of all the objects that come to his hand , body parts. For example, a baby reaches out to a toy cat, say: “This is a cat, he’s white, look: here are his ears, here’s his nose, here are his eyes, here are his paws, his tummy, his tail.” During massage and gymnastics, comment on all your movements. Maybe the baby still doesn’t quite understand you, but such activities will not be in vain; in a couple of months, the baby himself will point his finger at all the objects and demand that you name them.

Since the toddler is now becoming terribly mobile and cannot sit still for a long time, you will have to actively amuse him during gymnastics. Perhaps the massage will already fade into the background; it is unlikely that the baby will lie down even for 10-15 minutes in place while you massage each arm and leg in turn. Therefore, gymnastic exercises that will stimulate the child’s motor skills are now taking first place. As for massage, do not forget to regularly massage your palms and feet, as it develops the child’s fine motor skills, which will help the baby speak faster and develop better mentally.


We perform each exercise 5-6 times.

1. paws on chest .

2. Sports with rings. You are already familiar with this exercise. Now make it more difficult by placing tiny rings in your hands instead of your fingers.

3. Rollovers from back to stomach alternately to the right and wrong side. Turn every exercise into a video game, the boy’s favorite trifles will support you in this.

4. Now the child performs the coups himself at your request. If the baby knows how, then you can roll from back to stomach and back.

5. Crawling for a spilliard. Place the toy at a distance of 50-60 cm from the child and ask him to take it, the baby will crawl towards it. Nowadays, moving toys that the baby can crawl after and catch up with them will be great.

6. Plowing straightened limbs from location. With your hands, wrap your arms around the child's legs so that they are straightened at the knees, and then lift them.

7. Seating from location. We first complicated this exercise, already familiar to you, by placing tiny rings in your hands; now you can perform sit-ups with support from one hand. The pinnacle of this exercise is to sit the baby down on his own. But don’t rush things, perhaps at 8 months it will still be difficult for the child to do this.

8. Sitting with lifting. Starting position - lying on your back, legs resting against your body. Now sit the baby down with the support of the armpit; when the baby sits down, help him stand on his legs, and then, sitting down again, move him to his original position, lying down. Make sure that the child rests his entire foot on the floor or table.

9. From the location, do the Airplane exercise. To do this, place your index fingers in the baby’s hands and spread them apart, now lift the baby by the arms, the baby should raise his head and arch his back as if to soar.

10. Stepping over. The baby stands and you support his armpits. Encourage him to take steps; if the baby easily does this exercise, complicate it by using your hands as a support for the stand; even more difficult - only the index fingers.

11. Soaring. Unlike the hovering you did before, now the baby must lift the breast on its own without support. To do this, place the baby on the edge of the table or on a ball so that his chest and head are behind the support, and be sure to hold the baby’s legs and pelvis well. The baby should arch his back, throw his head back, while the baby’s arms move forward. This can be stimulated with a toy or a verbal sentence. If you are hovering on a fitball, you can rock back and forth a few times in this position.

Children are a miracle”, which will comprehend this world with great interest. Various toys come in handy to help with learning. For example, constructors, ramids, etc. Yes, remember. It is fundamentally important not only to purchase toys, but also to play with your child!

An 8-month-old child: what the baby can do, educational games and exercises.

Baby 8 months: Features of child development at 8 months, educational games and exercises.

A child is 8 months old: what is important to know about the baby’s development and what to do

Age 8 months– one of the determining factors in the development of a child. By the end of the month, the baby’s entire developmental period (from 6 to 8 months) ends.

From this article you will learn:

  • features of the child’s social development,
  • features of cognitive and speech development of an 8-month-old child,
  • features of physical development,
  • educational games and exercises for an 8 month old baby,
  • what the baby can do by the end of the month and by the end of the important three-month period of his development.

Features of social times birth of a child aged 8 months

One of the leading baby development lines at 8 months– social development, which enters a new stage this month.

First feature. Business conversation. The baby really wants to know what kind of objects surround him, what can be done with them, how his mother uses them. For him, just affection is not enough; he requires business communication with a close adult and with interesting subjects. The baby begins to imitate adults - he is ready to pick up a cup and spoon and perform movements in nursery rhymes.

Second feature– new in communication with adults. An 8-month-old child has a good sense of how people treat him. The child already understands your emotional attitude towards the life situation in which he is now. If he is scolded, he reacts to it emotionally. Never scold him, assessing his entire personality (“What a mischief you are!”); rather, say: “I don’t allow you to do that” or “You are so wonderful. I love you so much. But now you have upset me.” This applies not only to the age of 8 months, but also to all other ages of children.

It should be taken into account that at the age of 8 months a baby cannot control his behavior, guided by the demands of adults or their prohibitions. Therefore, it is much more effective and easier to switch it to another activity or another subject than to ban it.

He begins to observe other children, older sisters and brothers.

By the end of this month of development, the child will begin to focus on the evaluation of his actions, i.e. he repeats the approved action and stops the disapproved action. He rejoices at rewards and gets angry or offended in response to reproach. Therefore, we need to be especially attentive to when and how we praise the baby and when we blame him. At the age of 8 months, joint actions with an adult are very important for a child, encouraging the baby to imitate an adult - requests “give”, “show” and others.

Third feature– emotional attachment to mother or another close adult. At this tender age, the baby really needs an emotionally positive relationship with his mother and a positive attitude in the family as a whole. When he wakes up, he needs someone to talk to him, call him by name, read a nursery rhyme or sing a song, pat him on the head, and maybe dance. Together with your baby in the morning, you can greet the toys: “Hello, bunny! Hello, Lala!” It is very important that the family does not quarrel or sort things out in front of the child; the baby feels it.

Fourth feature. A child at this age is more independent and can already do a lot on his own. When playing with toys together with an 8-month-old child, a reasonable adult does not rush to do everything for the child, but gives him the opportunity to try it himself. If everything works out, you need to give him complete independence.

But it is very important that there is a good result in the game and that the child, already at this age, receives positive impressions from cooperation with people. Therefore, if the child does not succeed, then the adult helps him.

At 8 months, you can already tell your child prohibitions, that is, tell him “no” - in cases that are dangerous to the child’s life. But there shouldn’t be many prohibitions. We, adults, need to make sure that the baby feels safe and that we forbid him something as little as possible.

Games for sensory development and the development of actions with objects with a baby of 8 months

Main activities for baby at 8 months- This activities with objects. He can connect and separate parts, put them in and out, and do many other things. Moreover, the child’s movements at 8 months become more precise and clear.

For the development of speech, it is very important to accompany all games with objects with your speech - to comment on what is happening, developing the understanding of speech: “take”, “show where”, “on”, “give”, “collect toys”.

Starting from the eighth month of life, at 8 months and beyond, the section in the child’s cerebral cortex that registers and stores memories begins to fully function. Therefore, he is already acting purposefully, reproducing his experience and achieving results: crumpling, sticking and sticking out, taking out, opening and closing, stringing and removing from the rod, throwing and lifting, hitting a drum or tambourine. The baby loves to repeat the same action many times, which is natural, because the main thing for him is the repetition of sensory impressions and the desired result.

This you need to know:

— In order to develop tactile sensitivity, it is very useful to offer your baby educational toys of different textures (smooth, rough, fluffy, soft, hard, cool, warm).

— At the age of 8 months, it’s time to teach your baby tweezer grip(the thumb and index finger grasp the object like tweezers, the fingers close almost along the entire length) and pinch grip(the pads of the thumb and index fingers are closed). To do this, let your child grab a variety of ribbons and laces, bright threads. And then slowly, while playing, pull them out of the baby’s hands - he will try to grab them and hold them with his fingers.

- You can also offer your baby objects of different sizes to put in a box or bucket - the baby will take large objects with a handful, and small ones with the tips of his fingers, since you can’t take them by the handful.

- It is very convenient to use stable bottles and jars with a narrow neck - the baby, together with you, will put small objects into them with his fingers, and then pour them into the box. It is impossible to push a small object into a narrow neck with your entire palm. Therefore, this is a good exercise for tweezing and pinching small objects.

Game 1. “Box of toys.” Developed by L.N. Pavlova

You will need a cardboard box (approximate side size is 40 cm), ribbon and several small toys ranging in size from 3 to 7 cm.

How to make a box for playing with a child:

- Make holes on opposite sides of the cardboard box (for example, on the left side of the box and on the right side of the box). The size of the holes is 15 X 15 cm.

— Tie all small toys with a chain onto a satin ribbon (little animals, bells, balls, cubes, etc.). Pass the ribbon through the holes in the box and tie its ends.

— You will get a garland with toys that fits into a box and can come out of it (such a detail in modern educational books for children is often called “tug-of-war”).

How to play with the box:

- Show your child how to operate the box: pull the ribbon so that a toy appears from the box, then a second, third, fourth, fifth. Let your baby play with them, touch them, examine them.

- Let the baby handle the box himself, pull up the ribbon to get the toys out of the box. If it doesn’t work, help him (you can use the “hand in hand” method - take the child’s hand in your hand and work together, then remove your hand)

- Untie the ribbon and place it in the box so that only one end shows. Pull the end (or let your baby do it himself). Let your child take all the toys out of the box. When all the toys have been pulled out of the box, show the empty box to the child and say, “There is nothing! Empty!

Game options: change toys on the tape. You can take objects of the same shape, but from different materials (knitted, sewn, plastic, wooden, fur balls). Or take one shape, but a different color (bells of different colors, knitted animals of different colors, cubes of different sizes and colors). For the parts of the tape, you can use parts of the rattles that you previously gave to your baby.

Game 2. “Rings”

You will need 5 pyramid rings (you can use a single-color one, but if you don’t have one, then take multi-colored rings). Do not give the pyramid rod to your child during the game - hold it in your hands!

How to play: tilt the rod with the pyrimid rings towards the baby (it is very important that the rod is tilted towards the child!) Ask him to remove the rings: “Mashenka! Take off the ring! When the child takes off all the rings, tell him: “No rings. Mashenka took off all the rings!” Then put the rings back on the rod. Kids can happily repeat the same action - remove the rings. Let him do it. Fill the rod with rings and let him remove them again. Repeat several times until the baby is interested. You need to finish playing with rings when the child is still interested in it.

You can also play with multi-colored barrels or buckets - inserts, bowls or plates (put them in a stack on top of each other and then arrange them - take them apart)

Game 3. Buttons

Sew buttons of different sizes, shapes, colors, textures onto the pillowcase (buttons must be sewn very firmly to ensure the safety of the child). Examine them with your baby, be sure to give your baby the opportunity to stroke the buttons (feel the different textures), trace them along the contour with his finger (a round button or a button with corners has different tactile sensations). Name the color, button size (large, small), texture (smooth, rough). Yes, the baby does not speak yet, but he hears you and remembers words, selects familiar words from the stream of your speech.

Similarly, you can make garlands for viewing and examining with your child by stringing multi-colored cubes from different materials and different textures onto a ribbon (you need to make holes in them for stringing) or small toys of different shapes and sizes.

Game 4. “The bunny went out for a walk” - Screen

Make a simple screen (cover the back of a chair or crib with a scarf). Prepare a toy - for example, a bunny. The baby is sitting in the crib, and you hide behind the screen with the toy. Start reading the poem behind the screen:

"One two three four five. The bunny went out for a walk." If you have a different toy, replace the words of the rhyme: “The bear went out for a walk” or “Lala went out for a walk.”

After reading the lines, show the child a toy - a bunny over the screen from its edge.

The baby will begin to wait for the toy to appear, first at one end of the screen, then at the other end.

Game 5. Pour out of the bag (take out from a bucket, box or other object)

In this game we will teach your child to turn over containers and empty the contents from them.

Take a clean milk carton and put small toys in it. Prepare a second similar bag for the baby. All toys or objects used must be safe for the child. Take the bag and quickly pour the toys out of it: “Bang! They fell! Let the baby also turn the bag over and pour out all the toys: “Boom! Boom! They fell!

Game 6. Box of sensations

For an 8-month-old child, a very interesting activity is to sort through scraps of fabric of different textures, colors, and thicknesses. Place 10x10 cm scraps of different fabrics (corduroy, velvet, cotton, felt, knitwear, silk, wool, faux fur, faux leather) into the box. Add there also squares of other materials - wood, plastic, rubber.

Game 7. Getting to know the cup. Author – Yu.A. Razenkova

Place your baby on your lap. Place a small cup on the table. Show it to your baby: “Here’s a cup!” Bring the cup to your mouth, pretending that you are drinking from it and say: “Drink, drink” (the child will then understand this word when he hears it in your speech - therefore it is important to say the word in this form). Smack with pleasure: “Oh, how delicious!” Offer the cup to your child, saying, “Drink.”

Helpful advice: The cup from which the baby drinks should be light and small. Pour in just a little bit – literally 2 teaspoons of liquid. A small portion will not frighten the baby, he will not choke or spill himself. It is advisable that the baby's first cup has two handles (if you find one).

When you feed your baby with a spoon, then give him a spoon or a crust of bread in the other hand.

Play cuddling with the doll. Place real pieces of bread, banana, or boiled vegetable on a toy plate. Place a spoon nearby. Place a doll at the table and “feed” it - show your baby how to do this. Then give the spoon to the baby and let him “feed Lala.”

Game 8. “Take off your hat”

Pull the hat over the child so that it fits slightly over the eyes. Ask him to take off his hat - “Take off your hat. What a clever girl!”

Game 9. “Car Tunnel”

You will need a package of chips (cylinder) or any other “tunnel” - a cylinder made from scrap materials. Tie the toy car to the braid, pass the braid through the hole in the bottom of the cylinder and tie the ends together (you will get a ring).

Pull the ribbon and the machine will “come out” of the tunnel. Pull again and she will hide. Show your baby how to play with this toy. Make sure that he pulls the braid with two or three fingers (show how this is done, and if necessary, hold the baby’s hand in your hand). Rejoice when the car appears: “The car has arrived. Beep!" And when it disappears, say: “No machine, no beep. She left."

Speech development of an 8 month old child. Development of babbling

What parents need to know about baby babbling

Baby at 8 months babbles actively New sounds and syllables appear in his repertoire. He understands his name and can find the object (“Where...?”). In the babble of an 8-month-old baby, entire chains of sounds (ba-ba-ba) are repeated. Gradually, different sounds begin to be combined in babbling. Most often in babbling there are labial sounds (p, p, b, b, m, m), lingual - midpalatal (кь, ь), lingual - posterior palatal (g, k), vowels a, e.

Watch the baby babble. The most important thing to remember and understand is that the baby’s babbling should become more complex and enriched. And don’t compare your baby with others, the main thing for you is the dynamics of your baby’s babbling, and not the number of sounds today in comparison with the neighbor’s baby.

While babbling, the baby plays with sounds, he repeats syllables with different intonations, he can babble both alone and in the presence of his mother. It is very important that the mother “support” the baby in his babbling, repeating his syllables after him. Perhaps the baby will repeat the syllables after you. There will be a roll call.

This is a very important game of sounds for the timely and complete development of speech. Most often, in such roll calls, the baby repeats those syllables that the mother emphasizes in her voice, for example, draws out a vowel or says intonationally expressively. During roll calls, you need to be face to face with the child and so that nothing distracts him from you. If you have never spoken to your baby before, try starting with simple vowels and repeating after the child. For example, say: “Ahh” with some intonation (interrogative, exclamatory). Ask your child: “Say aaah too.”

Usually at this age you can already play roll call with syllables with your child. Don’t try to get results from your baby – just play, repeat the syllables after him first. Then introduce new sound combinations yourself and say them to the baby, “answering” him. And then the moment will come when the baby will repeat after you.

Scientific research tells us that babbling occurs at the same time in healthy children of all nations, regardless of nationality or social living conditions of the family. Those. babbling is a certain level of maturation of the organism. Babbling also occurs in children with hearing impairments, but it does not develop further in such children.

You need to understand that even if in babbling a child at 8 months repeats syllables like bababa or mamama, these are not words yet, this is only babbling, since at this age there is still no connection between the chain of syllables and the meaning of the words. This connection - the sounds of words and their meanings - will begin to form later. At 8 months, even if you encourage your child to repeat sound combinations, he will be happy to demonstrate his achievements to his dad, grandparents, calling them... mammamama! 🙂

By the end of the month, the baby will develop a new type of babbling - it is called "verbal" or "modulated" babble. This is babbling with complex combinations of sounds, for example: “vowel - consonant - vowel” (aba, ata and other options). And by the end of the first year of life, the child’s first long-awaited words will appear from such verbal babble.

Warning signs associated with babbling in an 8 month old baby that you need to pay attention to:

First. In deaf children, babbling appears at the same time as in normal children. But then the baby babbles less and less, and no complication of babbling is observed. What does this mean? If this is observed in your baby, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps your worries will be in vain, but it is better to be safe than sorry. This also suggests that for the development of babbling it is very important that the child hears the speech of an adult addressed to him. Otherwise the babbling fades away.

Second. If a child does not babble at 8 months, and babble appears only after 10 months, this indicates a possible risk of future problems in terms of speech development. This phenomenon is often observed in children with alalia, dyslexia, and also in autism. It is necessary to monitor the baby and consult with specialists.

Third, when to see a doctor:

  • If the child does not have consonant-vowel combinations in his babble, and the child is already 8 months old,
  • If you simply have nothing to repeat after an 8-month-old child in roll calls, since he only speaks individual vowel-like sounds,
  • If there is no dynamics in the development of the child’s babbling (normally, the baby moves sequentially from stage to stage. First: syllables like ba. Then - chains of syllables, for example, bababa, gagaga, dadada, dididi, tititi, tatata. Then - to various chains of babbling - bapumenidya, and eventually to babbling words - uncle, grandfather, aunt)
  • If a child starts babbling and stops,
  • If your child never repeats any sounds or sound combinations after you.

How to develop a baby’s speech: looking at pictures

At 8 months you can already look at pictures with your baby, and this is very useful. You can show your child not only individual pictures, but also pictures in books - realistic, bright, without distracting details, in an understandable perspective. Of course, the baby will even taste the pictures, crumple them, squeeze them, because... he does not yet understand the value of the book. For him, a book or a picture is an ordinary object that must be examined from all sides. Over time this will pass.

Looking at books and pictures, name what you see: “This is a ball. This is a cup. This is a meow-meow cat.” There is no need to “train” the baby by teaching him like in school: “Where is the ball? No, it's not a ball. Show me where the ball is,” and there is no need to demand anything from him. The moment will come when he himself will “give you” everything that he can do. In the meantime, let him look at the pictures with pleasure and joy. Encourage all attempts to look at the books and interest in them. If the child makes a mistake when looking at the pictures - for example, you asked to show Lala (that is, a doll), and he showed a bear, then say: “You showed the bear. But Lala,” without repeating the mistake. Let me explain with an example.

Incorrect option:“This is not a lalya. You showed it wrong. Here's Lala. And it was a bear. Show me where Lala is” - the baby will get confused in your remarks, in which one word or another is used.

Correct option:“This is a bear. And this is Lala” (pointing gestures to the pictures) - everything is clear, understandable, without unnecessary words, and - this is important - with an intonation of approval of the child’s actions!

While looking at pictures and books, say what the animals say: “This is a frog. She says: kva-kva. This is a mouse, it squeaks: pee-pee-pee.”

Remember that the main thing is your joy from communicating with your baby, and not your achievement of planned results. Without joy there will be no results! We cannot force events and force the child to say a certain syllable today. The time will come - and it will definitely say. If we scold him for what he does wrong, then we will only discourage any desire to study with pictures and books.

How to develop speech in the course of everyday life: commenting

It is very important to talk to your baby, commenting on your actions and his actions, but at the same time speak slowly, slowly, clearly: “Give me a pen, let’s get dressed. Where is your pen?". How to comment:

- Be sure to pause so that a dialogue can develop - and so that the baby can respond to you with a gesture, a smile, or sounds and syllables.

— An 8-month-old child still needs time to respond to your cue. Give him time to respond.

— Just as complete silence is harmful, speech as constant noise is the background to a child’s life. We need to find a middle ground.

- Attracting the baby’s attention, name objects, people, actions, properties and qualities. This is the basis for the further development of the child’s speech.

— Know that you will never be replaced by any so-called “educational video” or “educational audio” 0+. The baby learns words only in real life communication with a close adult, in which he acts with objects. From a video, that is, from the speech of someone else's uncle or aunt, accompanied by flashing pictures on the screen, words are not learned. This has already been proven in both domestic and foreign studies.

Games with an 8 month old baby for speech development

Game 1 “Where?”

Get your baby's attention by calling him by name and starting to talk to him. You can play it as if you lost your baby and suddenly found it: “Here is our Anechka! Here she is – our baby!”

Bring your baby to the mirror and ask: “Where is mommy?” Here's mom! Where is Anechka? Here's Anya! (we touch ourselves first with our hands, then the child). Speak slowly, expressive intonation, pause, and do not chatter with children.

Then find familiar objects in the room: “Where is Lala (doll)? Where is the B.B. machine?

Then show a new toy and call it a simplified word: “This is a tick-tock clock” (first we say the usual word, then onomatopoeia). Select onomatopoeias so that the child can pronounce them in his babbling speech.

Game 2 “Where is my nose?”

Take the baby in your arms and go to the mirror. Start saying a poem and touch your nose, cheeks, ears, mouth, neck, and so on according to the text: “Nose, nose, where are you, nose? Mouth, mouth! Where are you, little mouth? Ears, ears, where are you, ears?” And then we improvise a continuation, listing different parts of the body.

Game 3. “We jump and talk.”

You will need a large exercise ball. If there is no ball, then you can jump on the sofa.

Sit on the gymnastic ball, place the child on your lap, hug him. Start jumping rhythmically, pronouncing different syllables in rhythm: “Yes, yes, yes. Ta-ta-ta! Doo-doo-doo, ma-ma-ma. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Moo-moo-moo. So so so. That's it. Hop-hop-hop." Songs or nursery rhymes with repeated syllables are also suitable. After each phrase, pause so that your child can answer you. Have fun playing - this is not a school exercise, but fun communication!

Game 4. “Singing syllables.”

Take any sounding toy - for example, a rattle. Take one for yourself, give one to your baby. Hum any favorite melody of a folk or children's song and rhythmically rattle the rattle. First, sing a song with regular words. Hide the rattle behind your back: “Oh, where is the rattle? No rattle! Where is she? Here she is!".

Then repeat the game with the rattle, but sing the song on the same syllable. Choose a syllable that your baby can already pronounce (for example, sing a melody for “mama” or “dada”). With this song we encourage the baby to make babbling sounds and sing along with them. The game was developed by Yu.A. Razenkova

Features of the physical development of an 8 month old child

What parents need to know about the physical development of a baby at 8 months

Typically, an 8-month-old child lives approximately according to this regimen (although all children are very individual): he is awake for 2 hours, sleeps for 2 hours, sleeps 10-11 hours at night, feeding 5 times a day. Of course, this is a very approximate diagram.

The most important movement for a child in physical development at the age of 8 months is crawling. It is very harmful if a child, without crawling, immediately begins to walk (this happens if the baby is not allowed to crawl).

During crawling, favorable conditions are created for the development of muscle mass, symmetrical movements of large muscle groups of the body develop, and the muscles of the back and abdominals are formed.

If the child did not crawl, but immediately began to walk, then he is not ready to hold his body in an upright position. The result is asymmetrical loads on the joint and ligamentous apparatus and preconditions for poor posture. Create all the conditions for your baby to actively crawl at 8 months!

And don’t rush to stand, don’t rush - follow your baby, paying close attention to his developmental characteristics.

The most important thing to understand in terms of a child’s physical development at 8 months is: For a child, it is most important and valuable to master motor functions (that is, movements with changing the position of the body in space), and only then - static functions (that is, keeping the body in one position in space). Therefore, it is more important for a baby to learn to sit down and stand up, and not to learn to stand still for a long time.

When a child begins to crawl, what is “correct” and “incorrect” crawling of a child, what exercises prepare a child for crawling, read in the series of articles:

  • a set of developmental gymnastics exercises for the little ones.
  • for children with developmental disabilities and delayed physical development.

Read more about how a baby learns to sit and what physical exercises develop the ability to sit down and a sense of balance in the article.

Games for the physical development of a child at 8 months

Exercise 1 “Crawl to the rattle”: we stimulate crawling.

Stand at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the child, show the rattle, sound it: “This is how the rattle rings: ding - ding - ding - ding. Anya, listen. Crawl towards her." The baby crawls up to the rattle and takes it in his hands, plays with it, examines it. Then the adult takes the rattle and goes to the other end of the room and again invites the child to crawl to it. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

In the game, you can use not a rattle, but any other toy that will be interesting to the baby.

Exercise 2 “Get a toy.” In this game we encourage the baby to get up and stand while holding onto a barrier.

Place a bright toy on the barrier (barrier of a playpen or crib) and attract the baby's attention to it. The child, holding the crossbars of the crib or playpen, stands up and takes the toy.

Exercise 3: learning to step over while holding a barrier

The baby stands holding onto the barrier. Move a short distance and show the toy, call the baby: “Vanya, go take it.” The baby, holding onto the barrier, takes a few steps - he steps with his feet, moving towards the toy. Start with the minimum distance. When the baby is already stepping confidently, increase the distance. Show something new every time that will attract the child.

Exercise 4 “Catch the ball.” We develop crawling.

Play with the ball with your baby, asking him to catch up. When the baby catches up with the ball (it is crawling next to it), invite the baby to push the ball away and catch up with it.

Exercise 5. “Hide and Seek.” We stimulate crawling.

Show your baby a toy, name it, draw attention to the toy, and then hide the toy under a scarf. “Where is the bear?” Take off the handkerchief: “Here is a bear.”

Then remove the toy at a distance of about 2 meters from the baby and cover it with a handkerchief again: “Where is the bear? Anya, find the bear.” The baby crawls to the toy, picks up the handkerchief and finds it. Praise your child: “What a clever girl! I found a bear!”

Exercise 6. “Catching up” - developing the ability to crawl.

Imitate a chase: “I’ll catch up, I’ll catch up, I’ll catch up with Mashenka.” I’ll catch up!”, encouraging the baby to crawl faster. Having caught up with the child, take him in your arms, hug him, kiss him and throw him up (do what your baby loves so much). And then repeat the fun game of catch.

What can an 8 month old child do by the end of the month (that is, by nine months):

  1. after showing the actions to adults, push the object through the hole into the box,
  2. spend a long time working with toys by yourself - taking out, laying out and putting in parts using a finger grip,
  3. remove the object from the rod or support (remove the rings from the rod, which is inclined towards the child and is in the horizontal plane, remove large balls - beads from the ribbon, which is in the horizontal plane),
  4. separate the object into pieces (pull out the mushrooms from the wooden panel, pull out the wooden sleeves from the holes in the toy),
  5. remove the lids from the boxes,
  6. hold a toy in both hands (And if a third toy appears, the child lets go of one of the toys and takes a new one in that hand)
  7. act with objects depending on their properties and qualities: roll balls, take small objects out of a box, look into a hole in a ring, and so on,
  8. react emotionally in accordance with the situation of reproach or approval, be offended if adults use a harsh tone in speech addressed to him,
  9. miss your beloved adult and seek his attention to yourself (throwing away toys, whining to attract attention, etc.),
  10. in case of unsuccessful attempts to do something, worry or even cry,
  11. easily come into contact with close adults, show negative reactions when imposing communication on unfamiliar adults,
  12. pull the cap off your head,
  13. show a variety of emotions: joy, sadness, resentment, interest, pleasure and others,
  14. to the question “where” to find already familiar objects in the room (even if they are in an unusual place),
  15. understand the words “give”, “get up”, “on”, “lie down”, “go”, “yes”, “no”, “bang - fell” and others that you use in communication with your child,
  16. understand the purpose of objects - spoons, cups, plates and others that you often use with your baby,
  17. imitate an adult with syllables that are already in his babble,
  18. fulfill the requests of an adult - memorized movements: “Okay”, “Goodbye”, “Give me a pen”, “Peek-a-boo”
  19. babble loudly and actively during periods of wakefulness, repeat sounds with different intonations, repeat sound combinations after mother,
  20. drink from a cup held by an adult,
  21. eat a piece (for example, bread, cookies, banana, boiled vegetable) that you hold in your hand,
  22. sit up and lie down independently; stand up holding the barrier; actively crawl; step over (namely, step over, not walk), holding onto a support or with support from both hands; kneel at the support and hold in this position;
  23. throw objects with a swing,
  24. distinguish between your name and the names of close people (for example, the name of a sister or brother),
  25. lower his head towards a sound whose source is below his eye level (for example, a bell),
  26. look for a toy hidden in front of his eyes,
  27. listen to quiet sounds (for example, listen to the ticking of a clock), catch a familiar melody.

I wish you the joy of communicating with your kids! Surely, you will come up with your own games and ideas for the development of the child. I will be very glad if the article helped you.

I would be grateful for comments and reviews :). See you again on the “Native Path!”

He already knows how to sit without support, sit independently from a position on all fours, crawl on all fours and on his stomach, stand independently near a support, some children are already beginning to stomp their feet (walk), leaning on the hands of an adult or along a support, for example, a playpen. The main task of massage during this period is to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs to prepare them for walking.

The baby is already sitting well, he can not lean on anything with his arms and back, but sit calmly and play with different objects, reach them from a sitting position. At 8 months, the baby, as a rule, already reaches a high crawling speed, he quickly gets to any objects, and if the object of interest to him is at a height, for example, lying on a chair, then the baby can crawl to the chair and, leaning on it, stand up, to reach the toy.

The baby’s speech is also actively developing, he clearly pronounces paired syllables: ma-ma, pa-pa, uncle-da, ba-ba, etc. Stimulate his speech, talk to the child more often, leaf through books with him and tell him what is drawn in them, name the names of all the objects that come to his hand , body parts. For example, a baby reaches out to a toy cat, say: “This is a cat, he’s white, look: here are his ears, here’s his nose, here are his eyes, here are his paws, his tummy, his tail.” During massage and gymnastics, comment on all your movements. Maybe the baby still doesn’t quite understand you, but such activities will not be in vain; in a couple of months, the baby himself will point his finger at all the objects and demand that you name them.

Since the baby is now becoming very active and cannot sit still for a long time, you will have to actively entertain him during gymnastics. Perhaps the massage will already fade into the background; it is unlikely that the baby will lie down even for 10-15 minutes in place while you massage each arm and leg in turn. Therefore, those that will stimulate the child’s motor skills are now in first place. As for massage, do not forget to regularly massage your palms and feet, as it develops the child’s fine motor skills, which will help the baby speak faster and develop better mentally.

Massage, gymnastics for a baby 8 months old - Set of exercises

We perform each exercise 5-6 times.

1. Crossing arms over chest.

2. Boxing with rings. You are already familiar with this exercise. Now make it more difficult by placing tiny rings in your hands instead of your fingers.

3. Rollovers from back to stomach alternately to the right and left. Turn every exercise into a game; your baby’s favorite toys will help you with this.

4. Now the child performs coups himself at your request. If the baby knows how, then you can roll from back to stomach and back.

5. Crawling for a toy. Place the toy at a distance of 50-60 cm from the child and ask him to take it, the baby will crawl towards it. Nowadays, moving toys that the baby can crawl after and catch up with them will be great.

6. Raising straight legs from a supine position. With your hands, wrap your arms around the child's legs so that they are straightened at the knees, and then lift them.

7. Sitting down from a supine position. We first complicated this exercise, already familiar to you, by placing tiny rings in your hands; now you can perform sit-ups with support from one hand. The pinnacle of this exercise is to sit the baby down on his own. But don’t rush things, perhaps at 8 months it will still be difficult for the child to do this.

8. Sitting down and standing up. Starting position - lying on your back, legs resting against your body. Now sit the baby down with the support of the armpit; when the baby sits down, help him stand on his legs, and then, sitting down again, move him to his original position, lying down. Make sure that the child rests his entire foot on the floor or table.

9. From a position lying on your stomach, perform the “Airplane” exercise.. To do this, place your index fingers in the baby’s hands and spread them apart, now lift the baby by the arms, the baby should raise his head and arch his back as if to soar.

10. Stepping, walking, standing. The baby stands and you support his armpits. Encourage him to take steps; if the baby easily does this exercise, complicate it by using your hands as a support for the stand; even more difficult - only the index fingers.

11. Soaring. Unlike the hovering you did before, now the baby must lift the breast on its own without support. To do this, place the baby on the edge of the table or on a ball so that his chest and head are behind the support, and be sure to hold the baby’s legs and pelvis well. The baby should arch his back, throw his head back, while the baby’s arms move forward. This can be stimulated with a toy or a verbal sentence. If you are doing this, you can rock back and forth a few times in this pose.

Massage for a child 7, 8, 9 months old - video:

Gymnastics for children from 6 months and older:

Children are a “miracle of nature” who explore this world with great interest. A variety of toys help with learning. For example, construction sets, cubes, puzzles, cars, dolls, etc. But remember: It is important not only to buy toys, but also to play with your child!

This is our so-called exercise, which we do every morning. The complex itself is taken from a book that was given to us by our masseuse, a wonderful professional with almost 50 years of experience working with children.

It’s impossible to find this book anywhere, so I photographed the pages, but for convenience I’ll write it down here, and besides, maybe it will be useful to someone else.

This kit is suitable for babies 7-8 months old (but of course the book has exercises for all ages up to one year and beyond)

1.Circular movements of the feet

Raise the child’s legs, grab the lower leg with one hand and the forefoot with the other; carefully make circular movements of the foot in the ankle joint. Do this 2-3 times in each direction with both legs.

2. Alternating leg raises

Grabbing the child’s legs by the shins so that the thumbs wrap around the calf muscle, alternately raise and lower the straightened legs. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg, lifting them until a right angle is formed with the body.

3. Back arching (“bridge”)

Grasping the child’s legs with your right hand by the ankle joints, slightly raise the pelvis and legs, holding the back with your right hand and encouraging the child to arch his back, leaning on his feet and head. Do this 2-3 times.

4. Abdominal massage

5. Turn onto your back

Take the baby lying on his stomach with both hands by the shins and encourage him to roll over onto his back and back. Repeat 3-4 times.

6. Back massage

7. Sitting down with straight arms

Supporting the child by the straightened arms, we encourage him to sit down and carefully lower him back. Repeat 4-5 times.

8. Abduction of arms to the sides.

The child is sitting. Take your hands by the hands, spread them to the sides and bring them together in front. Repeat 6-8 times.

9. Raising your arms up.

Grab the sitting child's hands by the hands, lift them up and down. Repeat 6-8 times.

10. Playing with a ball (coordination exercises)

The child is sitting. Holding a ball in front of the baby, encourage the child to reach for it and transfer the ball from one hand to the other. Repeat 4-6 times.

11. Retrieving the ball.

Encourage the child to reach up for the ball. Repeat 6-8 times.

12. Torso turns.

By giving the child the ball from different sides, encourage him to reach for it, turning his body in one direction and the other. Repeat 4-5 times.