Why did you dream about the ball? Sports dreams, or why you dream about a ball.

Did you happen to play ball in a dream? This is a sign of an extremely unstable situation, when any victory can be replaced by complete defeat. The dream book will explain in detail why such a plot is dreamed of.

Take your time!

Any manipulations with a ball in dreams symbolize the relationship between the outside world and the dreamer’s inner Ego. This is a reflection of the potential and real possibilities of realizing a certain goal.

If you happen to play ball in a dream, then the dream book does not recommend taking decisive action for some time. It’s better to devote this period to thinking and doing your usual things.

However, most often such a game symbolizes the desire or ability to enjoy life.

Become a leader!

Why do you dream that you had a chance to play ball? Initially, it is necessary to take into account its features. Thus, a children's ball symbolizes the removal of obstacles and a favorable combination of circumstances.

Did you dream about equipment for a sports game? You have to compete with someone. Seeing a volleyball ball in the night is a sign of something that will attract all your attention. Football, according to the dream book, marks leadership in some team.

Make up your mind!

Why else do you dream of toys with a ball? The dream book predicts an imminent meeting with a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Playing ball in a dream literally means increasing one's wealth. If you just rolled it back and forth, you will be fussing in vain.

Did you dream of a competition with a ball? If you decide to get involved in some kind of dispute or gambling, you will certainly win.

Decryption features

The Dream Interpretation recommends taking into account the exact type of game competition (football, volleyball, etc.), its features (team, doubles, singles), as well as the result (win, loss, draw). A more accurate interpretation of a dream can be obtained by taking into account your own actions in a dream.

  • Throwing it in the air means you will lose your inheritance or income.
  • Fell into the water - a bad deal.
  • In the bushes - financial problems.
  • Losing the ball is a loss.
  • Looking for it is a challenge.

Seeing the ball rolling towards you means that in reality you will receive a worthy reward. If you dreamed that the ball was rolling away from you, then for further advancement in your career you will have to work hard and hard.

Miller's Prophecy

Miller's dream interpreter is sure that playing ball means that you will overcome obstacles, no matter how difficult and incredible they may seem.

Don't get hung up!

Did you happen to play with a ball in a dream, but it rolled away from you? If a woman had a vision, then she will have to face jealousy. The dream book advises a man not to get hung up on what has been achieved.

The objects that appear to us in dreams are varied. Some are too outlandish, others are not unique. The dream ball belongs to the latter.

In reality, this attribute helps us not only play sports, but also have fun at a picnic. Why do you dream about the ball? Let's ask the dream books.

Characteristics of sports equipment

Did you have a dream about a soccer ball? The illness will soon subside and the sleeper will recover. If the dreamer’s cold does not bother him, then this dream confirms his good health.

A basketball in a dream symbolizes success, which will envelop the financial sphere of the dreamer’s life.. Things will get better at work.

Don’t forget about your family while completely devoting yourself to your career. The interpretation of the dream according to the dream book will tell you about this, after dreaming of a volleyball made of elastic material.

Seeing a tennis ball in a dream means a pleasant meeting with a person from the past whom the sleeper has not seen for a long time.

It is worth preparing for the reunion of school graduates. A dream in which a dozing person collided with a child’s ball will help you not to miss this memorable event. He will spend interesting time with his classmates and gain a lot of new information.

Number of balls

The more round devices for games you see, the more noisy and cheerful company you will have to relax. Thus, dreams of a lot of balls for a big party.

But a meeting with your best friend will follow a night vision in which the ball appeared alone.

Interacting with an Item

See, play

If in your dreams you collided with a ball at a distance? Then in reality a date is coming. Both a meeting with friends and a romantic rendezvous are likely.

Did you happen to play basketball with a ball in a dream? Now is the most favorable time to devote yourself to your career.

To dream of playing with a ball means that the dreamer will experience carefree fun.

Throw, kick

Throwing a ball in a dream is a symbol of excessive self-confidence. You should not use others for your own gain.

If in reality you are worried about a certain problem, then after a dream in which you happened to kick a ball, you will be lucky enough to find a solution characterized by its unusualness.

Hit a person or object

A dream in which you broke a window with this attribute warns that you risk offending a close and good friend.

Soon you will commit some rash and irresponsible act directed against a loved one, extremely offending him. This is how the books of omens interpret night vision, in which you hit someone with this spherical object.

Buy, lose, find

If you were lucky enough to buy a ball while dozing, then a joyful event will dispel your dull everyday life. Read more about what you dream about here.

Losing this attribute represents the losses you will suffer.

Fate is preparing to throw you a challenge that you can easily cope with. Such a harbinger is carried by a dream where you found a ball.

Interpretations for women and men

A dream seen by women who are in a legal or civil relationship represents a threat to the family union.

You should stop being jealous of your chosen one, otherwise collapse will inevitably happen. And there is no reason to distrust your beloved.

A lonely young lady is destined to meet a young guy. The time spent will be remembered for a long time, but dream books do not promise the duration of the relationship.

A family man should take a break from routine and devote time to relaxation.

But for a bachelor, it is important to prove himself more diligently at work and perform his duties better.

Let's ask the dream books

Miller pointed out in his collection: playing with a ball is a harbinger of a long-awaited and joyful meeting with a friend from childhood. You will have a wonderful rest and relax from everyday worries.

Was the “hero” of the dream lying motionless? Peace and tranquility will soon visit your life.

Vanga claimed that the dreamed round-shaped device for the game symbolizes an impending trip that will “give” you pleasant acquaintances.

Longo's opinion: did you have to roll the ball back and forth? You have to indulge in chores that have no importance. The financial side of your life will improve after dreams where you played with this attribute.

Denise Lynn's book of predictions says: playing with a ball is a symbol of the pleasure and joy that you get from life. And Simon Kananit foreshadowed a meeting with a close friend from childhood to someone who collided with a ball in their dreams.

Freud compared this attribute to the male genital organ. If the ball was of good quality, then problems with potency are not expected. It wouldn’t hurt to see a urologist for those who have encountered a deflated ball in their dreams.

Dream Book of the Wanderer: this “guest” of the dream personifies the dreamer’s ambitions, his touchiness and the troubles that he will have to face.

The visions that visited us at night can be interpreted in different ways. But it is important to remember that there are no hopeless situations. Everyone has the power to decide their own destiny.

Anchor points:

What kind of ball did you dream about?

A dream about a ball is most often interpreted as well-being, which comes with great difficulty. If you specifically saw soccer ball, you can achieve success if only you give up your principles. Basketball or volleyball - indicate that your strengths are perseverance and endurance, use them while striving for your goal. The colored ball that children usually play with predicts an obstacle that will eventually turn into good luck. A tennis ball is a pleasant meeting. Beach ball - your hopes will not be justified.

Ball game

You played with a ball, throwing it to each other - the children will not live up to your hopes, you will not be able to find a common language with them for a long time. Game where you are threw the ball forward or up - symbolizes difficulties with real estate that other people will claim. Good news about a person who has long disappeared from your life is indicated by a ball that bounces and bounces off the ground. Playing basketball - you can successfully choose a direction that will bring profit; football - beware of a strong opponent; volleyball - your problems are far-fetched.

Trouble with the ball

If the air comes out of the ball through the hole, then the troubles that arose recently will be resolved by themselves. A ball that deflates naturally is a sign of failure. into which the ball fell - the plans will not be implemented. If he fell into a hole, then in the future you will fight every day for your happiness.

Purchased or received as a gift

A dream that you were buying a ball warns of a new acquaintance. Receive it as a gift - your business partner will be a person whom you will greatly value.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the dreamer dream about a ball in a dream?

Ball - Playing ball in a dream means receiving an opportunity that cannot be missed. If the ball rolls at your feet, it means you will receive a belated inheritance or a dear friend will return.

Playing with a small ball in a dream means a happy meeting with a childhood friend. If you dreamed of a ball, do not make drastic decisions at work, do minor things, reschedule your trips and pay attention to your health.

Maly Velesov dream book

Ball in a dream

Ball - A happy meeting with friends, a love date // obstacles, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about a ball in a dream?

The ball is a happy meeting with friends or a love date, sometimes obstacles, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Ball from your dream

Ball – Pride, ambition; troubles; resentment, a kind of scapegoat, a whipping boy. Everyone kicks him and “sends” him in different directions (idiom: “inflated like a ball”).

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about the Ball, what does it mean?

Ball - Represents the game of life. The golden ball symbolizes wisdom and unusual knowledge. Playing ball is a precarious situation. Gain will be replaced by loss. Seeing a ball means hope for success, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book

What does the ball mean for the dreamer?

Ball - Meeting with a childhood friend.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Ball

A dream in which you played ball predicts a quick meeting with a long-awaited person, for example, one of your old acquaintances with whom you once had a warm relationship, but then, due to his or your departure, you stopped seeing each other. Quite a lot of years have passed, you have almost forgotten that this person once meant a lot to you.

However, the dream you saw says that forgotten feelings will come to life again to manifest themselves with greater force. This time you will be able to enjoy each other’s company, nothing will interfere with you, and your friend will move to your city forever. What if you don't have anyone in your memory who fits that explanation? Everything is very simple: this means that the dream symbolizes a quick acquaintance with someone who will be connected with your life for a long time.

A motionless ball speaks of your calmness, peace, which will finally come to you after the meeting with a kind person predicted by your dream. Everyday worries, vanity, troubles of all kinds - all this will go away from your life, and you will enjoy peace and serenity for a long time.

Esoteric dream book

Ball in night dreams

Ball - If you take part in any games or disputes, you will win them, even if at first it will be difficult for you to do so.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about a ball in a dream?

Ball - Meeting with a childhood friend.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Ball was dreamed

Football, billiard ball - Indicates life or “in se.” To lose or gain, to lose or to win with their help means the relationship of our ego with our potentialities, expectations, desires and reality, in other words - the ego and its relationship with inner and outer life.

To see playing with a ball in a dream means an increase in wealth; rolling the ball back and forth signifies empty chores.

For some it is a symbol of sports, and for others it is a favorite children's toy. How does the dream book look at the ball? Why do we dream about this sports equipment, the “hero” of our men’s favorite game - football?

As a rule, esotericists unanimously assure: a ball in a dream is an excellent sign. It portends a fun time, a lot of joy, as well as one hundred percent health.

What was this ball like?

  • For children. Often this toy means a future meeting with people with whom you have been friends almost from the sandbox.
  • Seeing children playing with a colored ball is a sign of an excellent, joyful holiday.
  • What was the children's ball like? Bright: your plans will come true. Deflated: your soul is uneasy (or maybe you’re just lonely). Bursted: what you have in mind will remain just plans. Big: something very good will happen in your life soon.
  • There were a lot of children's balls; you couldn't even take a step because of them. Before you achieve your goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles.
  • Football. Most often this is a sign of your recovery from the disease.
  • What was he like? Strange color: you will be lucky in love. With a star autograph: you will become famous. Deflated: you may get sick. Strange size: they may offer you something interesting; do not rush to immediately say “yes” or “no”, carefully weigh the pros and cons.
  • Did they play with them? He hit the net: you will win a personal victory. It was an out (he flew over the field line): serious intrigue will rage around you. Seeing the ball just flying past you: you are seriously thinking about your future.
  • Basketball. You will become rich through your career. A dream in which a basketball hits the basket is considered especially favorable in business terms.
  • You saw how the athlete “led” him: you will make the right decision. This was your friend: you will have to turn to this person for help.
  • The athlete threw the ball into the hoop and missed all the time: you are unhappy with your partner. This person may have seriously disappointed you.
  • What was he like? With a picture: they are presenting you with something.
  • Why do you dream of a ball lying forlornly in the corner of the hall? You will find yourself in a very awkward, ambiguous situation.
  • Seeing a basketball spinning in one place: you will work almost for days, like a workaholic. If it gets stuck in the basket, the dream says: your business(s) will begin to stagnate.
  • You didn’t see the basketball, you only heard it being hit on the floor: important news will come to you soon.

And what did you do in your dream?

The dream books, quotes from which are listed below, are not written on the basis of popular interpretations, but are the result of many years of work by their authors. They have not lost their relevance for many decades... Maybe not in vain?

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo (white magician)

  1. According to this dream book, the ball you played with is a symbol of an upcoming meeting with someone you miss very much. Maybe a person with whom you were close friends in your youth will move to your city forever?
  2. If you don’t have childhood friends, the dream can be interpreted in another way: you will meet a person who will become a very close friend to you.
  3. If this sports equipment lay motionless in your dream, this is a sign: having replaced a hundred problems and daily hassles, spiritual harmony will come into your life.

Dream Interpretation of Meneghetti (Italian)

  1. If in a dream you win or lose with a ball (billiard, football, etc.), this means: this is how your ego interacts with your life.
  2. If you played with a ball in a dream just for fun, you will become rich.
  3. If you aimlessly rolled it back and forth, then this means: you will simply waste time on some nonsense.
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