"You are dead!" How the Russian oligarch Ivan Savvidi stopped the Greek championship. Ivan Savvidi fell under the American "cap" Ivan Savvidi's fortune on

Who has been sponsoring for a long time complained that he could not satisfy the demands of the club, which had increased greatly after the arrival of the famous coach Kurban Berdyev to Rostov.

Recall: on August 6, it became known that Berdyev was leaving FC Rostov. According to some reports, he will coach Spartak.

The departure of the coach was preceded by a series of financial scandals. Berdyev has repeatedly stated that the government of the Rostov region, which owns Rostov, is obliged to ensure uninterrupted financial supply to the club. However, according to him, he "failed to reach an understanding with the governor," and Berdyev announced his resignation. Sunday match with "Ural" in the second round of the Championship of Russia "Rostov" played a draw at home already without a mentor.

However, a number of sports media claim that the real reason for Berdyev's departure was the conflict with Ivan Savvidi, who, allegedly, being a sponsor, tried to influence the work of the club and thereby annoyed the successful coach. In an interview with the Sport-Express newspaper, Berdyev said that after their last meeting, Savvidi "no longer exists" for him.

Berdyev headed Rostov in December 2014. Under his leadership, the team took second place in the Russian championship of the 2015/16 season, which became the best result clubs in national championships. In the 3rd qualifying round In the Champions League, Rostov defeated the Belgian Anderlecht (2:2, 2:0), and in the next round of the tournament it will fight with the Dutch Ajax (August 16 and 24). After Berdyev left, Dmitry Kirichenko was appointed acting head coach.

Ivan Savvidi believes that the real reason for leaving was a better offer from Spartak, which Kurban Bekievich received and could not reject.

“He (Berdyev) decided to somehow substantiate the sweet offers of Spartak, the criticism of Rostov became the reason,” Savvidi said in an interview with a TASS correspondent. “It is absolutely obvious to everyone that Rostov is a budget club, that the regional administration is the owner and a shareholder. Accordingly, "Spartak" - of course, huge opportunities. Well, if you want to leave, leave, why are you looking for reasons?"

The businessman rejects the existence of a conflict between him and the coach.

"It is impossible to talk about any conflicts, this is out of the question, this is the first thing. Secondly, I have some kind of position that I express not to him, but to the administration of the region, and I say that I do not understand, you are constantly asking for money" Savvidi said.

According to him, the Agrocom Group of Companies controlled by the businessman sent 545 million rubles of sponsorship to the club, and we are not talking about loans.

“Last August, the governor told me that we have a fairly high monthly payment fund of 92 million rubles. For our club, of course, this is a lot. But during this time this figure has become 260 million,” the businessman said. “I say:” I'm not able. The deputy governor arrived and said: "Kurban asks to buy a player for 10 million dollars." I say: "Well, buy it! I'm not able to."

In an interview with TASS, Ivan Savvidi blames Berdyev for behavior that is not worthy of a coach.

"He was a coach for two years, and he raised strikes 20 times. The conditions were such that tomorrow we will not go to training if you do not do this and that," the club's sponsor is outraged.

At the same time, he notes the high professional qualities of Berdyev and even admits that he considered him as a coach for his Greek football club"Paok".

"I have no antipathy towards him, but I have a clear position - if we are not able to support a club with a monthly budget of 260 million rubles, then let's support it for 100 or 50 million," the businessman said.

In an interview with the news agency, Savvidi expressed doubts about the effectiveness of spending money at the club.

“The CEO of a management company that manages tens of billions of rubles has a salary ten times less than a football player who doesn’t take the field for a second. Maybe he thinks that the conflict is when he came and said that (to defender Cesar ) Navas should be paid two million? Probably, he started some other games of his own. I already called the governor and said that you need to have a conscience, "the businessman is obviously annoyed.

According to Delovoy Kvartal, Agrokom Group of Companies has accumulated a lot of questions to the club's management. Including, to the company that sells tickets for Rostov matches and is registered in Kazan.

US Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey Pyatt expressed his suspicions about the privatization of the port of Thessaloniki with the participation of a Russian businessman

In the last days of last year, Greece almost postponed the signing of a deal to sell a majority stake (67%) of its second largest port of Thessaloniki to an international consortium involving a Cypriot offshore owned by Russian tobacco king Ivan Savvidi. According to the Greek State Property Fund HRADF, a consortium of three companies offered €231.926 million for a 67% stake in the port of Thessaloniki and won an international tender for the port concession until 2051. Despite the fact that the share of the Rostov businessman Ivan Savvidi in the deal to acquire the port of Thessaloniki is quite small, “all Greek publications came out with the headline “Ivan Savvidis bought the port of Thessaloniki,” writes the Russian Athens portal.

The signing of the deal on the port of Thessaloniki was postponed immediately after the Russian regulator announced the reorganization of Promsvyazbank. In this regard, the Greek media noted that on December 4, the US Ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey Pyatt, on the official website of the embassy expressed his suspicions about the privatization of the port of Thessaloniki: “We have seen the difficulties privatization faces in Greece, as in the Thessaloniki port, where it's it is not clear who the private investors actually are and where their money comes from.”

“This remark seemed strange, since one of the investors is the Russian-Greek businessman Ivan Savvidi, who in last years acquired the PAOK football club, several media outlets and other businesses in Greece,” commented the US ambassador’s intervention in the situation with the privatization of the strategic port in Thessaloniki, the Greek edition of Keep Talking Greece. On December 22, the publication reported that the deal was nevertheless signed after “the Russian Promsvyazbank” again issued a letter of guarantee. Because of his nationalization, he had to repeat the procedure.” The signing ceremony was attended, in addition to representatives of investors, by French Ambassador to Greece Christophe Chantepie, Dr. Martin Schurig, representing the German Embassy, ​​Minister of Transport and Island Policy of Greece Panagiotis Kurublis. But there were no representatives of the Russian Embassy in Greece.

American interest in Russian tobacco

The caution of official Russian officials, it seems, was not accidental. Less than a day after the completion of the deal on the privatization of the port of Thessaloniki, as the well-known American publicist Nina Job published on her website about the privatization of the port of Thessaloniki, in which the main focus is on the Russian tobacco king Ivan Savvidi. Nina Job traces Savvidi's biography from his work as a loader at the Don tobacco factory to the accession to the throne of the Russian tobacco king as the owner of the Donskoy Tabak company with a revenue of 24.6 billion rubles. in 2016.

The publication of Nina Job came out almost simultaneously with a similar investigation into the biography of Ivan Savvidi, published in early December 2017 by Forbes magazine. But if the respectable "Forbes" states that "as a social burden, Savvidi helped Rostov football for many years," then he points out that "football also gave Savvidis a foothold in Greece. As I have noted elsewhere, football clubs are good places to conduct money laundering operations” (“football also gave Savvidis a foothold in Greece, and I have noted more than once that football clubs are good places for money laundering operations). At the end of her article, Nina Job writes that the investigation she launched "returns us to the issue of Promsvyazbank's participation in financing the project to acquire the port of Thessaloniki. And the answer remains unclear.

To show the seriousness of the journalistic investigation published in the United States, we will name only the main directions in which the American journalist intends to understand the ups and downs of the situation with the privatization of the strategic port. Nina Job's article is called Thessaloniki Port & Promsvyazbank ("Thessaloniki Port and Promsvyazbank"), that is, the targets are more than specific. The US Ambassador openly stated that this deal was doubtful, which, by definition, cannot hang in the air. Pyatt's statement, published on his official website, is a clear and unambiguous command "Fas!", To which Nina Job immediately reacted, who had already identified the defendants in her investigation - Promsvyazbank and Ivan Savvidi.

The investigation in the framework of the criminal case that was launched in Cyprus against Promsvyazbank may become a prerequisite for the annulment of the deal on the port of Thessaloniki and the initiation of criminal prosecution against Savvidi himself. It seems that the search for an “answer” will not take much time from the American media, since the connection between the owners of Promsvyazbank and the football club from Rostov, which Ivan Savvidi has supported for many years, is no secret to anyone.

Dmitry Ananyev's London airfield will not be useful to Ivan Savvidi

Ivan Savvidi was the owner of Rostov in 2002-2005. Under him, the club acquired its current name, abandoning the historical name "Rostselmash". In this regard, the Rostov media in December 2016 spoke about a case involving the withdrawal and strange embezzlement of more than 34 million rubles, in which the vice-president of the Rostov club Alexander Shikunov was suspected. The club's money "mysteriously gets there," journalists wrote about these financial journeys.

In line with the unambiguous message from the US ambassador to Greece to investigate “who are the real private investors” in the deal to privatize the port of Thessaloniki “and where their money comes from”, Nina Job seems to be able to find an answer to her troubling question “about the participation of Promsvyazbank "in financing" this transaction, going through the chain: Ivan Savvidi - FC Rostov - Promsvyazbank.

Literally on the eve of the signing of the deal on the privatization of the port of Thessaloniki, in September last year, the chairman of the board of Promsvyazbank, Dmitry Ananyev, who had recently left Russia from a possible institution of a criminal case in London, said that Promsvyazbank would become a sponsor of the Rostov football club. "We confirm this decision," he said in an interview with the RNS news agency. As you know, Ivan Savvidi has long established friendly business relations with the top management of Promsvyazbank, including even joint participation in scientific economic conferences. Evidence of this, among other things, is their financing of the Rostov football club, about which an American investigative journalist quite transparently hinted at probable money laundering. Her remark was directed to Ivan Savvidi, but it's no secret that the Bank of Russia also suspected the management of Promsvyazbank in a number of dubious transactions. So, suspicions that Promsvyazbank became the financial guarantor of the deal, in which the Russian tobacco king Ivan Savvidi participates, are not accidental.

It can be assumed that the harsh statement of the American ambassador to Greece regarding the deal to privatize the strategic port of Thessaloniki is connected with his suspicion that the participation of the tobacco king from Russia in this deal is ensured by supposedly laundered through Russian football structures money from Promsvyazbank, against which, by the way, a criminal case has been initiated in Cyprus on charges of embezzlement of the Russian business of the Dutch company United Investors Company. According to the media, if the District Court of Nicosia finds Promsvyazbank guilty, “the credit institution faces serious sanctions, and its management may become a defendant in a criminal case, this time about money. According to Greek law, this provides for up to 14 years in prison.” In this case, the deal to privatize the port of Thessaloniki will most likely be declared illegal, and Ivan Savvidi's strategic project will fail as soon as it starts.


However, this Russian businessman, who, by the way, has dual citizenship (of Russia and Greece), is known for his sophisticated ability to find a way out of the most difficult and even crisis situations, covering his business interests with a pink veil of decent and even humane motivations. So, for example, it is believed that it was Savvidi who lobbied for a new excise tax system, including the so-called “ad valorem” component in it, thanks to which cheap cigarettes became cheaper and expensive ones became more expensive. This legislative amendment somehow miraculously coincided with the interests of Savvidi himself, since more than half of the cigarettes produced by Donskoy Tabak are in the lowest price category. And since Donskoy Tabak signed a contract for the annual supply of about a billion cheap cigarettes for the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments, cigarettes from Donskoy Tabak were even included in the standard ration of conscript soldiers. And this despite the fact that, according to experts, 95% of the demobilized have a formed nicotine addiction.

However, Donskoy Tabak cares not only about young men. Especially for girls, the Kiss cigarette brand was created. The Advertising Expert Council of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia recognized the Kiss brand advertisement as aimed at children, as it contained “an image of a girl with pigtails eating ice cream, doll-style drawings, kissing teenagers on roller skates, and many other images clearly intended for minors” and was banned . After that, the PR campaign moved to the virtual portal

It seems that the United States is interested in the origin of the capital of the Russian businessman, owner of the Agrocom Group and tobacco tycoon Ivan Savvidi. This was recently reported by the Greek media with reference to the investigation of their American colleagues from The American Interest magazine. At the same time, Savvidi is called in the publication "a person from the post-Soviet shadow period." Such assessments for an entrepreneur who has long had one foot in the West are a wake-up call.

In the preliminary version of the February sanctions list of the United States, which walks through the channels of the Telegram social network, neither Ivan Ignatievich Savvidi nor his companies are yet listed. However, taking into account the Americans' interest in this person, it cannot be ruled out that the situation may change in an undesirable direction for Savvidi. If the authors of the overseas investigation get to the bottom of the facts of the criminal origin of the tobacco millionaire's capital, neither a Greek passport, nor assurances of love for America, nor even the fact that Ivan Savvidi was present at a reception with President Trump last March will help Ivan Ignatievich.

As follows from official biography Ivan Savvidi, this businessman made a fortune on cigarettes: in 1993 he headed the Don Tobacco Factory in Rostov-on-Don, Ivan Ignatievich Savvidi, as usual, in the process of further privatization became its owner. The profitable tobacco business has grown into a diversified holding, which now includes not only tobacco factories on the Don and in the Yaroslavl region, but also enterprises in the food industry, the agricultural industry, retail trade, etc. Along with Russian, Ivan Savvidi also acquired numerous foreign assets. For example, it is known that in Greece, Ivan Savvidi once acquired the SEKAP tobacco production, the PAOK football club, and the Makedonia Palace hotel, investing more than 300 million euros in the economy of this country in total.

A few years ago, President Vladimir Putin, during a visit to the Rostov region, was even forced to reproach Savvidi for his excessive financial investment in Greek business. And this at a time when the Don land, which had raised the tobacco tycoon, was in desperate need of entrepreneurial investment. The tobacco tycoon explained his business presence in Greece by his origin: Ivan Savvidi, who was born in 1959 in the Greek settlement of Santa Gruzinsky SSR, is an ethnic Greek. However, like many entrepreneurs who got rich over the years, the owner of Donskoy Tabak preferred to make quick money in Russia, and to form assets in the Schengen zone.

Moreover, as it turns out, in the case of Savvidi, both of these processes often turned into scandals. Thus, in 2011, the Federal Antimonopoly Service fined Donskoy Tabak CJSC for using images of minors in cigarette advertisements. Ivan Savvidi's tobacco company launched several brands of cigarettes "obviously aimed at children and teenagers". However, Ivan Ignatievich Savvidi then avoided negative consequences for himself: at that time, the businessman was a deputy of the State Duma and had immunity from prosecution by law enforcement agencies.

Affairs of the Savvidi family

At the same time, a story surfaced in the media with a scheme for the withdrawal of assets abroad, which Savvidi allegedly built through the Bank of Moscow and the Swiss company Proper Investments GmbH, headed by his son and wife. Various publications and news agencies reported on the conflict between Savvidi's business structures and the Austrian investment company FINREP, which accused the Russian businessman with Greek roots of uncleanliness.

But if Ivan Savvidi himself managed to get out of the water dry after all these stories, then his closest relatives were much less fortunate. So, in 2012, the businessman's brother Irakli Savvidi was arrested by the Greek authorities on suspicion of criminal activity. And in 2016, the court of the Rostov region sentenced the nephew of tobacco magnate Mikis Savvidi to seven years in prison for fraud on an especially large scale.

With such a biography, Ivan Ignatievich, of course, had to seriously spin between two fires, so as not to inadvertently fall under the suspicion of law enforcement agencies in Russia and not run into the claims of the relevant services in the West. Since Ivan Savvidi seems to link his future precisely with the Western world, it is in that direction that he sends the loudest signals of loyalty.

Ivan Savvidi and USA

So, last spring, Savvidi participated in the parade in Manhattan in New York in honor of the Greek Independence Day, after which he was seen at a reception with Donald Trump. The world learned about the visit of the tobacco magnate from Rostov to the President of the United States thanks to a number of Greek publications that were previously bought up by Ivan Savvidi (today he owns the Epsilon TV channel, the MEGA TV channel, the newspapers "Εθνος", "Εθνος της Κυριακής" and "Ημερησία").

Meanwhile, some of Ivan Savvidi's interviews, which he has distributed in recent years, are clearly intended for the Western public. For example, in a conversation with one of the Moscow journalists, a tobacco magnate spoke in favor of the speedy burial of the Russian economy: “Only one thing is thought about some of the sectors of our economy: is it worth keeping an intensive care patient or is it worth euthanasia?” In the same interview, Ivan Savvidi spoke sharply negatively about the United Russia party, from which he previously served in the State Duma for two whole terms. “The party has no ideology other than “we are the ruling party”. This is hopeless. Discontent is growing, people are not considered. From my circle, only one person said that he voted for United Russia. Where did they get 50% from then? .. "

Savvidi's son's wedding

Judging by the Greek media reports, almost all of Savvidi's closest relatives and members of his family are already permanently residing in Greece, wide leg. Last summer in Thessaloniki, Ivan Savvidi arranged a wedding for his youngest son Georgis, inviting 600 guests, and Russian TV star Andrei Malakhov as the toastmaster. At the same time, the bride was dressed in a dress embroidered with jewels, weighing 27 kilograms.

Savvidi - son's wedding

Perhaps Savvidi's intention was to once again show the authorities of Greece and the European Union that all the valuables he earned in Russia had already migrated to the Schengen zone and would now work exclusively for the European economy. However, no matter how hard Ivan Savvidi tries to convince Western officials that he is his own for Europeans and Americans, mutual love is clearly not working yet. Furthermore: Savvidi is increasingly looked askance both from across the ocean and in Greece itself, where he has already put down long roots.

But even in Russia, more and more unpleasant questions are accumulating to the tobacco tycoon from Rostov. So Ivan Ignatievich Savvidi is not to be envied: it may turn out that an authoritative businessman will eventually have to hide somewhere in Africa or Latin America, but under a false name. After all, US sanctions and counter-sanctions of the Russian Federation spare no one, even such a wealthy Greek as Ivan Savvidi.

The well-known Greek-Russian businessman Ivan Ignatievich Savvidi, the main shareholder of the Greek Sports Club PAOK has been attacked both by the team and personally.

The first blow was the publication of Andreas Andrianopoulos, a former member of the Greek Parliament and, for many years, the mayor of the city of Piraeus. The Greek politician allowed himself to name one of the main investors in Greece, which is in crisis, an artificially created word "rosopontios", which does not express either Russian or Pontic origin. This term arose among the local Greek population in relation to a new wave of immigrants from former USSR in the 90s. Pontic Greeks from Russia and the entire former USSR made every effort to ensure that the population of Greece perceived them as part of the Greek world. Pontic Greeks are also proud of the cultures of the peoples of the former USSR. A special attitude among the Greeks, both in Greece and abroad, has been formed over the centuries towards Russian culture itself.

The second blow to Ivan Savvidi was inflicted by the Piraeus Olympic Fans Association (the name of the team "Olympiakos" is translated from Greek as "Olympic"). They, carried away by disputes around the situation in Greek football, even called a successful public figure and entrepreneur of Pontic Greek origin a guest in Greece.

Ivan Savvidi, who is especially proud of his Greek roots and historical connection with Russia, answered his offenders.

“I am offended, they called me a guest who was warmed up. This gives me certain impulses to rethink […] In four years, I, with PAOK and other small business interests, have done more in Greece than many others in my entire life,” Ivan Ignatievich said in a press conference given to Greek TV channels and publishing houses .

An entrepreneur born in the village of Santa in Georgia in a Pontus Greek family, who became the leader of the Greeks of the post-Soviet space, develops his business activities in Russia and Greece, concentrating his main presence in Rostov-on-Don and Thessaloniki. The result of the actions taken was the replenishment of the state treasury of Greece in the amount of 308 million euros. This figure was voiced by the entrepreneur himself and demanded respect for his legal rights.

“I'm ready for anything. Without a doubt, my honor and the honor of PAOK will be at the heart of everything.

I support the government that canceled the cup. I'm in favor of interrupting the championship. It does not matter what the result will be in the end for PAOK. With an investment of 75 million euros, I think I will be able to support the team. […] Unfortunately, the Superleague does not have as many powers as we expected from it. One gets the impression that we talked a lot, realizing that there would be no result. […] I will demand purity and I will achieve it. I said “upstairs”, they declared “war” on me, I will enter the “war”. And I have no doubt that PAOK will emerge victorious. All club owners want the same thing - the purity of football, to return fans to the stadiums," Ivan Savvidi said and noted:

“I didn’t do anything to be embarrassed about. The state received an absolutely correct investor, but, unfortunately, it seems that this should also be reconsidered.

I am a Pontian, a proud Pontian. From today I will say that I am "rosopontios". And very proud.

No one will tell me who is a guest here, and who has the right to call someone a guest.

Manifestations of localism are not a Greek phenomenon. Dividing into categories never gave a positive result. But, some Greeks, even in the most difficult crisis, do not realize the importance of unity in their ranks. This time, the hard-hitting attacks have been transferred to the level of politicians and entrepreneurs. Under attack was a Greek abroad, who did a lot for the Greeks and for Greece in a short period of time. And here it is appropriate to note that one of his achievements, apart from entrepreneurial ones, was making a decisive contribution to the restoration of the liturgy in the Panagia Sumela Monastery on the land of Pontus, which no one could have imagined before 2010.

Every August 15, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew conducts a patriarchal service in the historical monastery of the 4th century.

Ivan Savvidi supports the Pontic movement in the post-Soviet space and in the world.

Such a turn in relations between the Greeks abroad and Greece did not leave indifferent representatives of the Greek intelligentsia. Even before Ivan Savvidi's statements, well-known politicians, publishers, writers of Greece and representatives of the Pontic social movement gave an answer to the offenders. The spirit of unity is alive in Greek society.

“We are Pontians and we love it. Thank you for raising me to be a proud Greek and Pontic.”

Vasily Chenkelidis, historian

In 2004, Savvidi created the Agrocom Group. This holding with revenue in 2016 of 57.6 billion rubles, in addition to Donskoy Tabak, includes a meat complex, the country's largest enterprise for the production of sausage casings, a beverage manufacturer, an aircraft repair plant, a share in the Rostov-on-Don airport, the Radisson Blu hotel and other assets. Forbes estimates Savvidi's fortune at $600 million.

As a social burden, Savvidi helped Rostov football for many years. In 2002-2005 he was the president and sponsor of FC Rostov, in 2006-2008 he held the same position in the Rostov SKA and financed the club. “Football was imposed on me,” Savvidi admitted in an interview.

Meanwhile, Savvidi's campaign in Greece began with football. In 2012, his Greek firm Dimera acquired 51% of the bankrupt Thessaloniki football club PAOK. Savvidi immediately paid €9 million of the club's multi-year debts and contributed €9.95 million to its capital. By the end of 2016, the amount of his investment in the team reached €81.9 million, and the package increased to 82.8%. PAOK fans idolize the club's new owner.

The Greek state also noted the merits of Savvidi, who since 2004 was the president of the Russian Association of Greek Communities (FNKA) and maintained close relations with the country, in January 2013 he received Greek citizenship. Literally a month later, Donskoy Tabak won the tender for the purchase of 50.36% of the SEKAP cigarette manufacturer, offering € 3.3 million to the Agricultural Bank of Greece, which held the tender, and promising to invest another € 25 million in the company. Almost simultaneously, Savvidi agreed with the tobacco cooperative manufacturers SEKE to purchase its stake in SEKAP and brought its share to 84.5%.

Even before Savvidi bought SEKAP, the company was fined €38 million by Greek authorities for smuggling cigarettes. However, the government of Tsipras, which came to power in 2015, exempted the company from paying a fine, which caused an uproar from the parliamentary opposition. In support of Tsipras, Savvidi said in an interview with a Greek newspaper: "Listening to his speech, I felt the same as during Vladimir Putin's speech in 2000."

In the same 2013, Savvidi took over the management of the Macedonia Palace Hotel in Thessaloniki, and a year later he leased it for 30 years with an obligation to pay €1.7 million per year and 8–12% of turnover, depending on its size. In November 2016, in this hotel, Savvidi's company Dimera began buying shares in the mineral water producer Souroti from private owners for cash. By April 2017, acquiring small stakes in the company from municipalities, the Cypriot offshore Savvidi Belterra brought its stake in Souroti to 59.16%.

At the same time, a consortium consisting of the German Deutsche Invest Equity Partners, the French Terminal Link SAS and Belterra Savvidi won the tender for the purchase of the second largest Greek port in Thessaloniki. The partners paid €231.9 million for 67% of the company and pledged to invest another €180 million in the development of the port over the next seven years. The shares of the consortium participants are not disclosed. Greek newspapers immediately came out with the headlines "PAOK FC owner Ivan Savvidi bought the port in Thessaloniki", although it is known that Savvidi's company is a junior partner.

Meanwhile, the Russian businessman has entered a new and politically sensitive industry - the media. In May 2017, he bought 19.63% of the struggling national television channel Mega from the Athens publishing company Pegasus Publishing for €5 million. In less than two months, Dimera Media bought the financial newspaper Imerisia from Pegasus for €580,000 and the daily and Sunday newspaper Ethnos (“The People”) for €3 million. those on the payroll filled the courtroom that was supposed to approve the deal. After all, it was the only way to save jobs. A month later, Dimera Media acquired the national channel Epsilon. The amount of the purchase was not disclosed, but, as Greek journalists told Forbes, the deal is estimated at €12 million.