Moon sisters. Priestess of Elune, Shalindria Moonblaze — Darkmoon Sisters of the Moon Tactics

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This guide contains tips and tactics for defeating the Sisters of the Moon in normal mode. Features of Raid Finder, Heroic, and Mythic modes, including new advanced combat mechanics, are covered in their respective sections.

The Sisters of the Moon can be accessed immediately after defeating Goroth. After them, players get the opportunity to fight the Host of Suffering.

1. Loot from the Sisters of the Moon

Items dropped in Tomb of Sargeras are: 885 Raid Finder, 900 Normal, 915 Heroic, or 930 Mythic.


  • Textile: Shoulderpads of Whispering Twilight , Slippers of Relentless Vigilance
  • Leather: Headpiece of Lunar Wrath , Moonfire Stranglers
  • Mail: Mantle of Dying Radiance , Waistguard of Eternal Unity
  • Armor: Breastplate of Dazzling Dawn , Duskbreaker Handguards
  • Rings: Yata thumb ring
  • Accessories: Chalice of Moonlight , Tarnished Sentinel Medallion , Eclipse Moonglaives


  • Arcane: Mote of Astral Saturation
  • Fire: Fury of the Pious
  • Iron: Ball of Starlight
  • Life: Moonclaw Feather

The Sisters of the Moon are disembodied, insane guardians doomed to serve in the tomb forever. They share a pool of health, and the three of them only have enough strength to maintain a single physical form.

The battle starts with Casparia the Huntress, at 70% of her health she is replaced by Captain Yata Moonstrike, who at 40% of her health is replaced by Priestess of Moonfire.

On Mythic difficulty, Astral Purification deals raid-wide damage every time a player moves to the other side of the moon.

  • Fighters- Become a target for Rapid Barrage Dark Satiation . Becoming a target for Moonburn Astral Cleansing. Defeat Moonclaw before Death Screech damage becomes fatal.
    If you have too many Dark Saturation or .Lunar Satiation
  • healers- When targeted by Rapid Fire, move to the light side to reset Dark Saturation. Targeted by Lunar Scorch , move to the other side to trigger Dark Jam or Lunar Jam Astral Purification , move to the other side to reset them.
  • tanks- Choose a location so that the Moonglaive hits at least 3 players. When targeted by the Disappearance , move to the other side to trigger an Astral Purification . Don't get too many Moonfire charges. If you have too many Dark Jamming or .Lunar Jamming charges, go to the other side to reset them.

3. General information

The fight with the Sisters of the Moon consists of three phases. It tests the raid's ability to deal with multiple mechanics at the same time. Three bosses participate in the battle with a common supply of health, however, at a certain point in time, only one boss is opposed to the raid. The other two are present on the battlefield in ghost form at this time, and players cannot interact with them. Bosses change in each phase. In addition, players have to constantly change locations due to changes to the Font of Elune.

Font of Elune

The floor in the room constantly changes throughout the fight, reflecting the different phases of the moon.

  • Standing on the light side grants Lunar Saturation, increasing Arcane damage taken by 3%. The effect is cumulative.
  • standing on dark side, players gain Dark Saturation , increasing Shadow damage taken by 3%. The effect is cumulative.

When switching from the dark side to the light side and back, all the effects of satiety are removed from the players (due to Astral Purification).

  • When Astral Cleansing is triggered, the player takes moderate Shadow and Arcane damage. He is also afflicted with Astral Vulnerability, increasing the damage of Astral Purification by 50% for 2 seconds.
    • The Astral Vulnerability prevents players from constantly moving from the dark side of the Font of Elune to the light side and back again.
  • The phases of the moon change automatically, and players are forced to reckon with them. Astral cleansing is also used
  • In all other cases, you should not pay too much attention to the number of Lunar Saturation / Dark Saturation charges - the automatic change in the phases of the moon, as a rule, provokes Astral Clearing at the right frequency.
  • When the floor turns completely dark or completely light, the Font of Elune empowers the bosses, giving them the ability to use a powerful ability (depending on the phase of the fight).

Phase 1: The Huntress

During the first phase, players fight Casparia the Huntress, while the other bosses use their abilities but don't directly engage. In other words, you cannot damage Moonfire Priestess and Captain Yata Moonstrike during this time.

Casparian Huntress's abilities don't synergize too well with each other, so they can be dealt with as they appear.

Huntress Casparia


  • The boss launches a glaive at the active tank, which bounces on two additional targets and deals moderate physical damage to them.
  • Before each Moonglaive, tanks need to cast spells to actively absorb damage.
  • The first target of the Moonglaive also gains Disappear, reducing incoming healing and absorption by 75%. The effect lasts for 30 seconds.
  • The effect of Disappearance can be removed with Astral Cleansing .
  • Tank without Disappearance Astral purification .
  • If Astral Purification is not available, i.e. the whole floor in the room is light or dark, the second tank should keep the boss on him until the Disappearance on the first tank dissipates by itself, or until the desired light or dark area appears in the room.

Huntress Kasparia also casts Dusk Glaive on random players. She turns to the target and points to it with an arrow.

  • A few seconds after the arrow appears, a glaive flies at the target. When colliding with a player, the glaive flies back towards the Huntress Kasparian (in a straight line).
  • All players hit by the glaive take moderate Shadow damage.
  • Players targeted by Dusk Glaive must run away from allies and catch the Glaive alone.
  • All other players should dodge the glaive, thereby reducing the total damage.
  • If the glaive's target has accumulated too many Dark Overcharge charges, they may need a personal defensive cooldown that reduces Shadow damage.

Priestess Moonfire

  • She chooses a random player and fires a beam of light at them. After 8 sec. the target takes devastating shadow damage. The damage is shared among all players who are standing in the beam.
  • The Aether Shot's target should go to the center of the room, and all other players should stand in the beam to share the damage.
  • If the raid has too many Dark Saturation stacks, healers will need powerful healing cooldowns.

Phase 2: Arrows of the Night

When Casparia the Huntress drops to 70% health, she turns into a ghost and players can no longer interact with her. At the same moment, Captain Yata Lunarstrike enters the fray.

Captain Yata Moonstrike

In the second phase, the captain continues to use Twilight Barrage. Ranged players should still stay away from melee players and move out of ranged areas.

  • When fired upon, the boss will target a random player and deal moderate Shadow damage to them every 0.5 sec. within 5 sec.
  • This player needs active healing, especially when having a lot of Dark Overload stacks.
  • If possible, this player should remove Dark Overload as quickly as possible.

The captain's most notable ability is Summon Moonclaw. Moonclaw is a huge owl that fights for the Sisters of the Moon.

  • Moonclaw needs a tank. Moonclaw does not use special abilities until he reaches 25% health.
  • After that, he begins to cast Death Shriek, which deals heavy Shadow damage to all nearby players.
  • Each cast of Death Shriek increases the damage of your next Shriek by 25%, stacking.
  • All DPS should switch to Moonclaw and kill him with offensive cooldowns on his last 25% health.
  • In addition, the raid can use defensive cooldowns to mitigate the damage from Death Shriek.

Huntress Casparia

In the second phase, Casparia the Huntress continues to use Dusk Glaive. The mechanics of the ability remains the same, i.e. it must hit no more than one player.

  • In the second phase, dealing with the Dusk Glaive will be a little more difficult, because. in ghost form, the hunter will teleport throughout the site.
  • Players should carefully monitor the movement of the hunter and the direction of the flight of the Dusk Glaive.
  • Spectral Glaive flies at the player, bounces on 3 additional targets, and deals minor Shadow and Arcane damage.
  • Spectral Glaive cannot be avoided, so healers will need to target players affected by Spectral Glaive.
  • Keep in mind that if you have a lot of Lunar Overload or Dark Overload stacks, the damage of Wraithglaive increases and the raid needs more active healing.
  • Ranged players can try to reduce the damage of Spectral Glaive by spreading themselves around the court and thus reducing the number of targets.

Priestess Moonfire

In the second phase, the priestess still uses Moonburn and Moonstrike. Their mechanics remain the same - damage from Lunar Strike is negated by healers, and Lunar Scorch is removed by Astral Purification .

In the second phase, the priestess gains a new ability, Eclipse's Embrace. She can only use it when the Font of Elune is enhanced.

  • Embrace of the Eclipse grants the captain a shield that absorbs incoming damage, and all players in the raid a shield that absorbs incoming healing.
  • After 12 sec. all shields explode and deal damage based on remaining durability. The captain's shield deals damage in a radius of 70m, the shields of players - in a radius of 8m.

Players must quickly knock the shield off the captain. To do this, you need to deal more damage to her. Healers need to use healing cooldowns to quickly remove shields from themselves and allies.

  • If healers are unable to remove their shields, players must stand at least 8m apart. In this case, shield explosions will not harm anyone.
  • If DPS can't remove the shield from the boss, they should use offensive cooldowns while the boss is casting Eclipse's Embrace.

Phase 3: Wrath of Elune

When Captain Yata Lunarstrike drops to 40% health, she turns into a ghost and players can no longer interact with her. At that very moment, Priestess Moonfire enters the fray.

Priestess Moonfire

Priestess continues to cast Lunarburn. Compared to the first and second phases, the mechanics of Lunar Scorch remains unchanged, i.e. it must be removed as quickly as possible with the help of Astral Purification.

  • This ability is applied to tanks and applies an effect that deals moderate Arcane damage every 2 sec. within 30 sec. The effect is cumulative.
  • So the tanks have to change after every moonfire

In addition, the priestess gains the new ability Lunar Mark.

  • Marks a random player for moderate Arcane damage over 6 sec.
  • Dispelling the mark unleashes a Lunar Barrage on the player that occurs every 1 sec. within 2 sec.
  • Lunar Barrage deals heavy Arcane damage and silences all targets hit.
  • Players with Lunar Mark
  • Healers should actively heal Lunar Marked targets, especially if they have high Lunar Saturation stacks.
  • Ranged players should position themselves away from melee players to protect them from Twilight Barrage, and healers should heal targets with Shadow Barrage.

Huntress Casparia

In phase 3, Casparia the Huntress still uses Dusk Glaive and Ghost Glaive from phase 2.

  • She also gains a new ability, but can only use it when the Font of Elune is enhanced, i.e. when the floor in the room is completely light or completely dark.
  • The ability is called Hailglaive. The Huntress throws a glaive at the center of the room, which shatters into several small pieces that form a straight line.
  • After that, the fragments begin to move towards the edges of the platform. Reaching the edge, the fragments disappear.
  • The player hit by the shard takes heavy Arcane damage.
  • In front of Glaive Hail, all players should stay away from the center of the room. After splitting the glaive, they should look for free gaps in the line of fragments and pass into them without taking damage.

4. Heroism / Bloodlust / Time Warp

Many raids use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp at the start of the fight, along with offensive cooldowns when the fighters barely need to move.

  • However, if you can't handle the Eclipse's Embrace or Summon Moontalon mechanics, you can cast these spells in the appropriate phases.

5. Tactics on the Sisters of the Moon

All phases:

  • Lunar supersaturation and Dark supersaturation.
  • Astral clearing to counter some other mechanics.
  • The Font of Elune will periodically buff, allowing bosses to use special abilities.

Phase 1: Casparian Huntress, 100%-70%

  • Tanks should stand together and share the damage from Moonglaive.
  • The tank without the Disappearance needs to take the boss on itself so that the tank with the Disappearance can go and instigate an Astral Purge.
  • Stay out of the way of the Dusk Glaive
  • Moonburn should be removed with Astral Purification.
  • Twilight salvo. After Twilight Volley
  • When buffing the Font of Elune, the target Aether Shot should run to the center of the room so that all allies can share the damage with her.
  • Lunar Strike and Dark Volley.

Phase 2: Captain Yata Moonstrike, 70%-40%

  • Healers should restore health to players caught in Rapid Fire.
  • Targets of Rapid Barrage should rapidly reset Dark Overload to reduce incoming Shadow damage.
  • If Death Screech is a threat to your raid, use offensive cooldowns to quickly finish off the owl.
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss in front of Twilight Barrage. After the Twilight Salvo, they need to quickly move out of the affected areas.
  • Stay clear of the Dusk Glaive's path. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the path of the glaive.
  • Moonburn should be removed with Astral Purification.
  • When empowering the Font of Elune, quickly remove the Eclipse's Embrace shield from the captain. Healers need to remove shields from allies by healing them.
  • Healers should heal players with Lunar Strike and Lunar Glaive with precision.

Phase 3: Moonfire Priestess, 40%-0%

  • Tanks need to switch after each Moonfire, waiting for the effect to dissipate.
  • Players with Lunar Mark must move away from the raid so that the shelling does not harm their allies.
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss in front of Twilight Barrage. After the Twilight Salvo, they need to quickly move out of the affected areas.
  • Stay clear of the Dusk Glaive's path. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the path of the glaive.
  • Before the Gradglaive, players should not stand in the center of the room. After breaking the glaive into fragments, players should look for free gaps and pass into them without taking damage.
  • Healers should heal players with Shadowstrike and Moonglaive with precision.
  • Moonburn should be removed with Astral Purification.

Special instructions for different roles


All phases:

  • All players must move between the light and dark sides of the moon to get rid of Lunar Saturation and Dark Saturation.
  • In addition, they can induce Astral Purification to counter certain other mechanics.
  • Keep the boss in the center of the room so other players can move freely around.

Phase 1

  • Stand together and split the Moonglaive's damage.
  • The tank without the Disappearance needs to take the boss on itself so that the tank with the Disappearance can go and instigate an Astral Purge.
  • Stay clear of the Dusk Glaive's path. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the path of the glaive.
  • When empowering the Font of Elune, share the damage of Aether Shot with allies.

Phase 2

  • Moonclaw needs to be tanked and killed as quickly as possible.
  • Stay clear of the Dusk Glaive's path. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the path of the glaive.
  • When the Font of Elune is buffed, help DPS take down the Eclipse's Embrace shield from the captain.

Phase 3

  • Swap after each Moonfire, waiting for the effect to dissipate.
  • Stay clear of the Dusk Glaive's path. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the path of the glaive.
  • Before the Gradglaive, take the boss to the edge of the room. After breaking the glaive into fragments, look for free gaps and go through them without taking damage.


All phases:

  • All players must move between the light and dark sides of the moon to get rid of Lunar Saturation and Dark Saturation.
  • In addition, they can induce Astral Purification to counter certain other mechanics.
  • Have healing cooldowns ready in time for the Font of Elune to buff, allowing bosses to cast their special abilities.

Phase 1

  • The healing and absorption efficiency of a tank with Disappearance will be reduced by 75%.
  • Stay clear of the Dusk Glaive's path. The player targeted by this spell must stand still so that their allies can predict the path of the glaive.
  • Moonburn should be removed with Astral Purification. Heal targets with Moonburn as quickly as possible.
  • Ranged players should not stand close to the boss in front of

Earlier, I analyzed the story of the most devoted follower of Elune. She's an owl thrower, half killer/half healer. Today, I'm going to break down Tyrande's lines, abilities, talents, and skins and try to find possible references in them. I warn you, there is a lot of text ahead of you.


Tyrande in Heroes of the Storm is based on Priestess of the Moon , a Night Elf faction hero from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.

D: Hunter's Mark is a hunter ability in World of Warcraft. Previously, she marked the target, revealing its location and increasing damage against it from a distance of up to 5 minutes. This version of the spell was the basis for the Tyrande trait in Heroes of the Storm. In World of Warcraft, it was removed in Warlords of Draenor, but returned in Legion as an exclusive passive for Marksmanship hunters. It has little in common with its original version or counterpart in Heroes of the Storm, so I won't focus on it.

Q: Light of Elune - Elune is a powerful goddess of the moon worshiped by the night elves. The Sisters of Elune and their leader, the High Priestess of Elune, are her most loyal followers. The night elves' ancestors, the dark trolls, revered her as a nocturnal deity who sleeps during the day in the waters of the first Well of Eternity. Elune is associated with the largest of Azeroth's two moons, the White Lady. Night elf artists depict her as a beautiful elf with silver hair and white skin. According to one legend, the demigod Cenarius, who taught the night elves the art of druidry, is the son of Elune and the White Hart of Malorne. The power of the goddess can be used for many purposes: to heal wounds, heal infected creatures such as satyrs, and summon projectiles of destructive energy from the heavens. In addition to the night elves, Elune also plays a significant role in the culture of the tauren, who call her Mu'sha, the left eye of Mother Earth (An'she's right eye is the sun).

W: Sentry - This ability is based on two different skills in Warcraft III: Watch Owl and Scout. The watch owl can be used by the night elf warrior, the Huntress. It allows you to summon a ghostly owl that flies over a specific tree, giving you an overview of the surrounding area. The Owl can exist permanently (until the tree is destroyed), and each Huntress can only use one of them at a time. In World of Warcraft: Legion, the ability was renamed Sentinel. It has become the Shooting hunter's talent, which also summons a ghostly owl. She begins to fly over a certain area for 18 seconds. At the same time, the effect of Mark of the Hunter is applied to all enemies in the radius of action. Scout is the ability of Priestess of the Moon that summons a controlled owl that can be used to scout around the map. She cannot attack and exists for a limited amount of time, but she can fly over obstacles and see invisible enemies. Moreover, it cannot be seen or attacked, which makes it extremely useful for spying on the enemy. The idea of ​​an owl flying in a straight line across the battlefield and dealing damage is unique to Heroes of the Storm.

R1: Starfall - the ultimate ability of the Priestess of the Moon in Warcraft III. The spell unleashes stars on enemies, dealing massive damage. It can be very dangerous, but while casting it, the Priestess must remain in one place in order to get the most out of it. In World of Warcraft, Starfall is a non-channeling ability of the Druids of Balance that summons waves of falling stars in a certain area for 8 seconds, dealing a fixed amount of damage to enemies.

R2: Shelter in the shadows - this ability is based on invisibility at night. She allowed the night elves to become invisible and hide from enemies with the power of Elune. In Warcraft III Night Elf Invisibility was automatically applied to Night Elf Warriors when they stopped and weren't in combat at night. It can also be activated in battle to immediately activate the disguise. In World of Warcraft, this ability can be used by night elves of either gender.


Level 1: Pathfinder - as in many fantasy universes, rangers are an iconic part of the elven civilization. Mostly, they are only present in the high elf/blood elf armies. We only know of a few night elf rangers, as they call them by a different name. During the development of Warcraft III, Blizzard planned to add a human hero in the form of an elf Pathfinder. But she was soon removed and her model passed to other characters (notably Shandris Feathermoon, Jennalla Dimspring, and the live version of Sylvanas Windrunner). Several of her abilities were transferred to the Priestess of the Moon, a Tyrande class, and some of her skills were transferred to Heroes of the Storm. I'm not sure if this talent was named after a removed hero, since it was a ditch in development, but it's still quite an interesting fact.

Level 4: Kaldorei Defense is the name of the combined army called upon to oppose the Burning Legion and the Highborne during the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago. Initially, it included only night elves, but subsequently they were joined by earthlings, furbolgs, tauren, dragons and Wild Gods. Tyrande, Illidan and Malfurion starred in it.

Level 7: Darnassus Bow - Darnassus is the capital of the night elves, located west of the World Tree Teldrassil. Tyrande leads the Sisters of Elune at the Temple of the Moon in the southern part of the city.

Level 7: Trueshot Aura - the presence of the priestess of the moon increases the morale of warriors, increasing the accuracy of their shooting. Warcraft III introduced the Aura of Accuracy passive, which gave nearby allied units a ranged attack bonus. In World of Warcraft, Trueshot Aura was a hunter passive ability that granted 10% increased melee and ranged damage to all nearby allies. She was removed in the Legion expansion.

Level 13: Harsh Moonlight is an ability for non-playable characters in World of Warcraft. It allows you to call upon the power of Elune and deals Arcane damage over time to an enemy. Only two characters have used the spell: Ban'talos, a rare ghostly owl found flying over Mount Hyjal, and Dori'thur, Tyrande's personal owl, who resides in the Temple of the Moon in Darnassus.

Level 20: Frost Arrows were a type of high-level weapon that could be crafted by Engineer players in World of Warcraft. Then, each attack of a ranged hero required a certain weapon, which the player could get from the inventory. Frostbolts were removed along with other ammo in the Cataclysm expansion.

Remote talent

Tier 4: Fiery Arrows (removed in 2.25.4) - Priestesses of Elune can call upon the power of their goddess to imbue arrows with magical fire energy. In Warcraft III, Fire Arrows was an ability of Priestess of the Moon that provided a bonus to basic attack damage, but cost mana each time it was fired. In World of Warcraft, if Tyrande is attacked by a Horde hero in Darnassus, she will use Searing Arrow, which deals damage over time to the enemy.

Phrases on click

The Sisterhood of Elune is the highest echelon of priesthood that serves the goddess of the moon, Elune.

Faction members

At one time, all the priestesses who served Elune were night elves. However, after the devastation of the Third War, the traditional gender roles were redefined to allow the night elves to choose the most desirable professions. As a result, while the elite priestesses of Elune are still female, the order now welcomes men into its ranks. Ever since the night elves emerged from their social isolation, the priestesses of Elune have begun to welcome priests of other races into their ranks.

Also, the Sisters of Elune sometimes recognized priests of another race. Although to this day it is widely believed that only a woman can know the deepest mysteries of the changing goddess of the moon. Therefore, until recently, the Sisterhood consisted exclusively of women.

History and organization

For millennia, the priestesses of Elune have been both spiritual leaders and powerful fighters for their society. When the night elves went into battle, the Sisters of Elune fought side by side with the soldiers, singing songs to Elune and calling on her strength. Often the moon goddess responded by sending her wrath upon the night elves' enemies. It is said that the priestesses could even manifest an image of the moon in the midday sky by lending some of Elune's power to the nocturnal night elves. After the victory, the priestesses prayed over the wounded and healed them.

Victory eventually brought peace to the night elves, and the Sisters of Elune decided to retire into the shadows of society. As time went on, their martial skills became a distant memory. When necessary, priestesses could heal wounds, but since there was peace and elves were immortal, intervention by the Sisterhood was seldom necessary.

Then the War of the Ancients began, and the priestesses again rushed into battle. The extraordinary combat skills and healing abilities of Tyrande Whisperwind especially reminded the night elves of what the Order once was, and, in fact, never ceased to be. After the Great Sundering, Tyrande carried out a general purge that changed night elf society. Part of these changes was the disbanding of the army, most of which did not want further battle, and the organization of the Sentinels.

The Sisterhood of Elune was one of the few major organizations that survived and were slightly battered by the war, moreover, membership in its ranks was never dependent on lineage. Moreover, the members of the Order trained hard in the art of combat, tactics and healing. But for all their knowledge and experience, the priestesses have become somewhat aloof from the rest of night elf society.

Tyrande believed that the disastrous war was partly to blame for this alienation, and she decided that their Order would take over the duty of leading the Sentinels. The high priestess of Elune became both the leader of the Sentinels and head of the night elf government. Never again will the Sisterhood fail the people of the night elves.

Beliefs and customs

Elune has many different sides, so the Sisterhood must provide a broad and varied education. The goddess's teachings are most sympathetic to love and tolerance for all beings on Azeroth. Many newcomers to the Order test their faith with trials and meditate regularly, realizing and overcoming their prejudices.

Even so, Elune is not a champion of pacifism at any cost. In fact, newcomers to the Sisterhood are intensively trained in tactics and combat, as these abilities are essential to military leadership.

The Sisters of Elune never approved of how the elves of the higher castes used arcane magic due to the chaotic nature of this magic. Therefore, beginners must follow a rigorous course of study that includes both history and spellcasting. The former, in particular, was considered a potential source of danger. Indeed, long before the misuse of the Well's magic by the Highborne nearly led to disaster, the Well was the subject of intense discussion in the Sisterhood classes.

Hey friends, today we're going to talk about tactics with the sisters of the moon, which will show the basics of placement, the features of other modes and the objectives of the raid.

Three Sisters of the Moon will join the fight with you: Moonfire Priestess, Kasparia the Huntress, and Captain Yatoi Moonstrike. Below is a list of the abilities the sisters have.

General abilities:

Abilities in the first phase:

Huntress Casparia

Projection of Captain Yata Lunar Strike

Projection of Priestess Moonfire

Abilities in the second phase:

Captain Yata Lunar Strike

Lunar Claw

Projection of Priestess Moonfire

  • Eclipse's Embrace - Priestess Moonfire envelops an ally in a shield that lasts for 12 sec. and absorbing 3100000 units. damage, and also surrounds enemies with an aura that absorbs 3,100,000 damage. healing received over 12 sec. When the shield expires, all enemies within 70 yards of it take Arcane damage equal to its remaining health. When each aura expires, enemies within 8 yards of it take Shadow damage equal to its remaining resource.
  • Lunar Strike - Summons lunar energy, inflicting 418000 to 439000 Shadow damage. arcane damage.

Projection of the Huntress Kasparia

Abilities in the third phase

Priestess Moonfire

  • Lunar Mark - Marks an enemy with lunar energy, inflicting 500000 Shadow damage. damage every 1 sec. within 6 sec. When Lunar Mark expires, every 1 sec. within 4 sec. the location of the target hits Lunar bombardment. Each Lunar Barrage inflicts 500000 Shadow damage. Arcane damage every 500000 sec. and applies the silence effect to targets in the bombardment area.
  • Lunar Scorch - Burns enemies with lunar energy, inflicting 429000 Arcane damage. Arcane damage every 2 sec. within 30 sec. When Astral Purification is triggered, the Moonburn effect is dispelled.
  • Moonfire - Burns the target every 2 sec. within 30 sec. inflicting 357000 Shadow damage to her. arcane damage.

Huntress Casparia

  • Hail Glaive - Throws a glaive that shatters into shards, inflicting 611000 to 675000 Shadow damage. Arcane damage to all targets hit.
  • Dusk Glaive - Throws a glaive at the target, inflicting 1020000 to 1130000 Shadow damage. Shadow damage to all enemies in its path and returned to the caster.
  • Spectral Glaive - Throws a Spectral Glaive that ricochets between targets, inflicting a total of 348000 to 366000 Shadow damage. dark spell damage. The glaive can hit up to 3 targets.

Captain Yata Moonstrike

Player Accommodation

With the Sisters of the Moon, you need to place yourself like this:

B - the Sisters will stand here;

In the red mark we have tanks;

Blue mile markers dd, rdd and healers.


Sisters will share health. The fight will be divided into three phases. Each phase is a new sister. The Huntress of Casparia will start the battle first, when the sisters have 70% HP left, then Captain Yata Moonstrike will replace Casparia, and when they have 40% left, the priestess Moonfire will enter the battle.

In the room, the floor will be a projection of the moon. During combat, the entire surface will change color from dark to light and vice versa. Each side will give players a negative effect. The dark side will increase Shadow damage taken by 5%, and the Light side will increase Arcane damage by 5%. When switching sides, the effect of Overload disappears and after that players will take damage from Astral Cleansing.

First phase

We start the fight with the Huntress Kasparia. Tanks should keep it in the center as shown in the placement picture above. Heals and RDD (ranged) should stand on the dark side of the room.

From the very beginning of the battle, you should all be on the dark side, and accumulate the effect of Dark Overload. After the players have received 10-12 debuffs from overload, they will need to move to the other side of the room.

The Huntress will ask for Moonglaive on the active tank, which will ricochet to another tank and split the damage between them. The Huntress also applies the Disappearance effect to the active tank, which will reduce incoming healing and the effectiveness of his defensive spells. Tanks should switch, or dispel this effect by moving to the other side of the room.

Sometimes the Huntress will throw a Dusk Glaive at a random player (a red arrow will point to who the Huntress's glaive has been outlined). The glaive will fly in a straight line towards the player and return to the Huntress after attacking the target. All other players must move out of the way, as they may take damage.

The projection of the Captain will use these abilities:

Aether Shot - The Captain aims at a certain player and directs a white beam at him, all other players must stand in the direction of the beam and the target, thereby dividing the damage among themselves (the shot deals 17500000 damage).

Twilight Volley - Players must run away from the arrows, they will deal 600000 Shadow damage (will be used against healers and RDDs).

Dark Volley – Will deal damage to a random target (585000 – 615000 Shadow damage).

Projection of the Priestess will attack random players with Lunar Strike and Lunar Scorch with a debuff that can be dispelled with Astral Purification, just go to the other side of the room.

After the Huntress's health drops to 70%, you will start the fight with Captain Yata Moonstrike.

Second phase

When you start the fight with Yata, she will call on Moonclaw to help her. Talon auto-attacks and will cast Death Shriek when he is low on health. With each subsequent Death Screech, its damage will increase by 25%, so don't hesitate and quickly destroy the target.

Just like the projection, the captain will use the Twilight Barrage, as well as attacking a random player with Rapid Fire (if you are selected, then you should move to the bright side of the room as quickly as possible and use defensive abilities, if you have any).

Projection of the Priestess will use Lunar Scorch and Lunar Strike, just like in the first phase, plus the Eclipse Embrace ability will be added to it, which throws a shield on it that will absorb 3 million damage. At this point, you better use heroism, and take down the shield as quickly as possible. Healers should forcefully heal the raid, as everyone will be affected by an aura that absorbs incoming healing for 1 million. If the healers fail to remove the aura in 12 seconds, then the remaining absorption that could not be healed will cause damage to players within an 8-meter radius from other players.

Projection of Casparia will also throw a Dusk Glaive and add a Spectral Glaive to it. The Spectral Glaive will ricochet at players but deal less damage than the Twilight Glaive. Kasparia no longer applies the Disappearance effect to the tank.

When Yata's health drops to 40%, Moonfire Priestess will enter the battle.

Third phase

Priestess will cast Moonfire on the active tank. Tanks should rotate when they have 3-4 stacks of Moonfire. Priestess will apply Lunar Mark to a random player, in turn, the marked player must go to the edge of the room (there he must use defensive abilities), and after 6 seconds he must flee from the place of Lunar bombardment.

Projection of the Huntress Casparia will use all the abilities of the second phase, plus a Hail Glaive will be added to everything (three glaives will fly out from the very center of the room, all players must leave their trajectory in order not to receive damage).

The projection of Captain Yata will use Twilight Barrage and Dark Barrage.

Role tasks

MDD and RDD:

  • If you are tagged with Rapid Fire, run to the bright side of the room to avoid stacking Dark Saturation.
  • If you are under the effect of Moonburn, then run across to another part of the room to use Astral Purification.
  • Kill Moonclaw as quickly as possible before it starts spamming Death Screech, as each successive attack increases its damage by 25%.


Do everything the same as MDD and RDD.

  • Tanks:
  • You should position yourself so that the Moonglaive can hit 3 players, as this will reduce the overall damage.
  • If you get the Disappearance buff, then swap with another tank, and run across to the other side of the room to call Astral Cleansing to remove this effect.
  • Swap with other tanks when you stack 4-5 Moonfire stacks.
  • Move to the other side of the room if you stack 10-12 Dark Saturation or Lunar Saturation.

Features of other game modes

Raid Finder:

The stock of HP and damage of bosses is underestimated.

Heroic Mode:

Increased HP and boss damage.

In the first phase, the Priestess adds the ability Eclipse Embrace, mdd and rdd should take down the shield as quickly as possible, and healers should pour in their heal to the full, because if they do not remove the absorption of 1 million, heal, then the remnants will cause damage in a radius of 8 meters from each player.

The second phase will add a Hailglaive to Huntress Kasparia. You must move out of the intended flight path of the three glaives to avoid taking damage.

The third phase will add Aether Shot to Captain Yata. Aims at the player and shoots for 10,000,000 damage after 6 seconds. All players must move into the path of the arrow in order to split the damage among themselves.

Mythic Mode:

The stock of HP and damage of bosses has been increased even more.

In this mode, Astral Cleansing will deal an additional 195049-204951 damage to all players and will apply the Astral Vulnerable effect.

Astral Vulnerability will increase the damage of Astral Purification by 50% for 2 seconds.

All players should be divided into several groups (2-4 groups will be enough) you will move from one side to another so that when the first group moves from one side to the other, the second group is waiting for the Astral Vulnerability effect to subside.

Players affected by Moonburn and Disappearance must move to the other side of the room only with their group at the same time, so as not to prolong the effect of Astral Vulnerability.

Production level

  • Looking for raids - item level 885+;
  • Normal mode - item level 900+;
  • In heroics - item level 915+;
  • In Mythic mode - item level 930+;
  • Also, accolades fall from the sisters, which will increase the power of the artifact, the increase will depend on the difficulty level of the raid.

Video of the fight with the Sisters of the Moon

The fourth encounter of the Tomb of Sargeras raid is the Sisters of the Moon. The three sisters are the huntress Casparia, captain Yata Lunar Strike and priestess Lunar Flame. The object was guarded at the time when the building was the temple of Elune. Then the Avatar of Sargeras was buried here, but even after death, the guards continue to keep their watch, not distinguishing between enemies and friends.

Tactics is a translation from the MMO Champion website. Original .

Overview of the fight with the Sisters of the Moon

Boss abilities
              • Lunar Mark – Marks an enemy with lunar energy, inflicting 500000 Shadow damage. damage every 1 sec. within 6 sec. After the duration of the effect "Moon Mark", every 1 sec. within 4 sec. the location of the target hit Lunar bombardment. Each Lunar Barrage deals 500,000 damage. Arcane damage every 500000 sec. and applies the silence effect to targets in the bombardment area.

                Lunar Scorch – Burns enemies with lunar energy, inflicting 429000 Arcane damage. Arcane damage every 2 sec. within 30 sec. When Astral Purification is triggered, Moonburn is removed.

            • Huntress Casparia

              • Hail Glaive – Throws a glaive that shatters into shards, inflicting 611000 to 675000 Shadow damage. Arcane damage to all targets hit.

                Dusk Glaive – Throw a glaive at the target, inflicting 1020000 to 1130000 Shadow damage. Shadow damage to all enemies in its path and returned to the caster.

                Spectral Glaive – Throws a Spectral Glaive that ricochets between targets, inflicting a total of 348000 to 366000 Shadow damage. dark spell damage. The glaive can hit up to 3 targets.

            Tactics against the Sisters of the Moon

            Sisters of the Moon is a "consular" type encounter where players are confronted by multiple bosses. The three Sisters of the Moon - Huntress Casparia, Captain Yata Moonstrike, and Priestess Moonfire - all share the same health. The fight has three phases. Casparia starts, Yata becomes 70% active, and Moon Flame becomes 40%.

            In addition, the floor of the room during the battle changes its color from light to dark and vice versa. On each of the "sides" a debuff is applied to the players. On the "dark" side it is Dark supersaturation, on the "light" side it is Lunar supersaturation. To remove the debuff, you need to run to the other "side". The debuff is removed at 10-12 stacks.

            Tactics in Normal and Heroic Difficulty

            Raid positioning:

            • The boss is tanked at the spawn site;
            • Raid costs distributed around the room
            • Changing room parts is critical for the following mechanics:
              • Standing on the bright side of the room increases the stacks from Lunar satiety;
              • Standing on the dark side of the room increases the stacks from Dark satiety;

            All roles:

            • If you've been laid on Twilight Glaives, then run to the edge of the room so that other players do not get it;
            • Avoid Twilight Volley, as it deals shadow damage;
            • In phase 2, stand between the players being hit by Aether Shot and the boss to split the damage (in heroic mode);
            • If you are affected by Moonburn, then you must pass astral cleansing- run to the opposite side of the room;
            • Under Rapid fire use personal protective cd;
            • Don't stand with moon mark otherwise you will be stunned and take serious arcane damage;
            • Avoid hail glaive in the 3rd phase ( in heroic mode);
